Fork 0

Fixes compiler warning related to this gcc message: This file includes at least one deprecated or antiquated header.

This commit is contained in:
mselig 2003-07-25 17:53:53 +00:00
parent 2606555bf6
commit 6ae39d57fa
26 changed files with 460 additions and 270 deletions

View file

@ -18,10 +18,16 @@
HISTORY: 02/15/2000 initial release
09/01/2002 (RD) added second data file reader for
integer case
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
AUTHOR(S): Jeff Scott <jscott@mail.com>
Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu>
@ -92,8 +98,8 @@ uiuc_1DdataFileReader( string file_name,
linetoken1 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 1); // gettoken(string,tokenNo);
linetoken2 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 2); // 2 represents token No 2
istrstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
istrstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
istringstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
istringstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
token1 >> token_value1;
token2 >> token_value2;
@ -136,8 +142,8 @@ uiuc_1DdataFileReader( string file_name,
linetoken1 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 1); // gettoken(string,tokenNo);
linetoken2 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 2); // 2 represents token No 2
istrstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
istrstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
istringstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
istringstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
token1 >> token_value1;
token2 >> token_value2;

View file

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
//#include STL_STRSTREAM
#include <sstream>
#include "uiuc_parsefile.h"
#include "uiuc_aircraft.h"
#include "uiuc_warnings_errors.h"
int uiuc_1DdataFileReader( string file_name,
double x[],

View file

@ -23,10 +23,13 @@
HISTORY: 02/03/2000 initial release
09/01/2002 (RD) added second interpolation routine
for integer case
AUTHOR(S): Jeff Scott <jscott@mail.com>
Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu>

View file

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
HISTORY: 02/29/2000 initial release
10/25/2001 (RD) Modified so that it recognizes a
blank line
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -101,8 +104,8 @@ void uiuc_2DdataFileReader( string file_name,
linetoken1 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 1); // gettoken(string,tokenNo);
linetoken2 = matrix -> getToken(*command_line, 2); // 2 represents token No 2
istrstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
istrstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
istringstream token1(linetoken1.c_str());
istringstream token2(linetoken2.c_str());
//reset token_value1 and token_value2 for first if statement
token_value1 = -999;

View file

@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
//#include STL_STRSTREAM
#include <sstream>
#include "uiuc_parsefile.h"
#include "uiuc_aircraft.h"
void uiuc_2DdataFileReader( string file_name,
double x[100][100],

View file

@ -143,6 +143,12 @@ void uiuc_coef_roll()
/* Cl_p must be mulitplied by b/2U
(see Roskam Control book, Part 1, pg. 147) */
Cl_p_save = Cl_p * P_body * b_2U;
// if (Cl_p_save > 0.1) {
// Cl_p_save = 0.1;
// }
// if (Cl_p_save < -0.1) {
// Cl_p_save = -0.1;
// }
if (eta_q_Cl_p_fac)
Cl += Cl_p_save * eta_q_Cl_p_fac;

View file

@ -122,6 +122,11 @@ void uiuc_engine()
case simpleSingle_flag:
F_X_engine = Throttle[3] * simpleSingleMaxThrust;
F_Y_engine = 0.0;
F_Z_engine = 0.0;
M_l_engine = 0.0;
M_m_engine = 0.0;
M_n_engine = 0.0;
case simpleSingleModel_flag:
@ -129,6 +134,11 @@ void uiuc_engine()
/* simple model based on Hepperle's equation
* exponent dtdvvt was computed in uiuc_menu.cpp */
F_X_engine = Throttle[3] * t_v0 * (1 - pow((V_rel_wind/v_t0),dtdvvt));
F_Y_engine = 0.0;
F_Z_engine = 0.0;
M_l_engine = 0.0;
M_m_engine = 0.0;
M_n_engine = 0.0;
if (b_slipstreamEffects) {
tc = F_X_engine/(Dynamic_pressure * LS_PI * propDia * propDia / 4);
w_induced = 0.5 * V_rel_wind * (-1 + pow((1+tc),.5));

View file

@ -63,9 +63,14 @@
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "uiuc_gear.h"
@ -218,143 +223,168 @@ void uiuc_gear()
for (i=0;i<MAX_GEAR;i++) /* Loop for each wheel */
// Execute only if the gear has been defined
// Execute only if the gear has been defined
if (!gear_model[i])
/* printf("%s:\n",gear_strings[i]); */
/* Calculate wheel position w.r.t. runway */
/* printf("\thgcg: %g, theta: %g,phi: %g\n",D_cg_above_rwy,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Phi*RAD_TO_DEG); */
/* First calculate wheel location w.r.t. cg in body (X-Y-Z) axes... */
sub3( D_gear_v[i], D_cg_rp_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v );
/* then converting to local (North-East-Down) axes... */
multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, d_wheel_cg_body_v, d_wheel_cg_local_v );
/* Runway axes correction - third element is Altitude, not (-)Z... */
d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* since altitude = -Z */
/* Add wheel offset to cg location in local axes */
add3( d_wheel_cg_local_v, D_cg_rwy_local_v, d_wheel_rwy_local_v );
/* remove Runway axes correction so right hand rule applies */
d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* now Z positive down */
/* Calculate wheel velocities */
/* contribution due to angular rates */
cross3( Omega_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v, temp3a );
/* transform into local axes */
multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, temp3a,v_wheel_cg_local_v );
/* plus contribution due to cg velocities */
add3( v_wheel_cg_local_v, V_local_rel_ground_v, v_wheel_local_v );
/*the wheel is underground -- which implies ground contact
so calculate reaction forces */
/* Calculate forces & moments for this wheel */
// do nothing
/* Add any anticipation, or frame lead/prediction, here... */
/* Calculate wheel position w.r.t. runway */
/* printf("\thgcg: %g, theta: %g,phi: %g\n",D_cg_above_rwy,Theta*RAD_TO_DEG,Phi*RAD_TO_DEG); */
/* First calculate wheel location w.r.t. cg in body (X-Y-Z) axes... */
sub3( D_gear_v[i], D_cg_rp_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v );
/* then converting to local (North-East-Down) axes... */
multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, d_wheel_cg_body_v, d_wheel_cg_local_v );
/* Runway axes correction - third element is Altitude, not (-)Z... */
d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* since altitude = -Z */
/* Add wheel offset to cg location in local axes */
add3( d_wheel_cg_local_v, D_cg_rwy_local_v, d_wheel_rwy_local_v );
/* remove Runway axes correction so right hand rule applies */
d_wheel_cg_local_v[2] = -d_wheel_cg_local_v[2]; /* now Z positive down */
/* Calculate wheel velocities */
/* contribution due to angular rates */
cross3( Omega_body_v, d_wheel_cg_body_v, temp3a );
/* transform into local axes */
multtrans3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, temp3a,v_wheel_cg_local_v );
/* plus contribution due to cg velocities */
add3( v_wheel_cg_local_v, V_local_rel_ground_v, v_wheel_local_v );
static const SGPropertyNode * gear_wow
= fgGetNode("/gear/gear[0]/wow", false);
static const SGPropertyNode * gear_wow1
= fgGetNode("/gear/gear[1]/wow", false);
static const SGPropertyNode * gear_wow2
= fgGetNode("/gear/gear[2]/wow", false);
fgSetBool("/gear/gear[0]/wow", false);
fgSetBool("/gear/gear[1]/wow", false);
fgSetBool("/gear/gear[2]/wow", false);
/*the wheel is underground -- which implies ground contact
so calculate reaction forces */
//set the property - weight on wheels
// if (i==0)
// {
// fgSetBool("/gear/gear[0]/wow", true);
// }
// if (i==1)
// {
// fgSetBool("/gear/gear[1]/wow", true);
// }
// if (i==2)
// {
// fgSetBool("/gear/gear[2]/wow", true);
// }
/* Calculate forces & moments for this wheel */
/* Add any anticipation, or frame lead/prediction, here... */
/* no lead used at present */
/* Calculate sideward and forward velocities of the wheel
in the runway plane */
/* Calculate sideward and forward velocities of the wheel
in the runway plane */
cos_wheel_hdg_angle = cos(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
sin_wheel_hdg_angle = sin(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
cos_wheel_hdg_angle = cos(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
sin_wheel_hdg_angle = sin(caster_angle_rad[i] + Psi);
v_wheel_forward = v_wheel_local_v[0]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
+ v_wheel_local_v[1]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
v_wheel_sideward = v_wheel_local_v[1]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- v_wheel_local_v[0]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
v_wheel_forward = v_wheel_local_v[0]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
+ v_wheel_local_v[1]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
v_wheel_sideward = v_wheel_local_v[1]*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- v_wheel_local_v[0]*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
/* Calculate normal load force (simple spring constant) */
/* Calculate normal load force (simple spring constant) */
reaction_normal_force = 0.;
reaction_normal_force = 0.;
reaction_normal_force = kgear[i]*d_wheel_rwy_local_v[2]
- v_wheel_local_v[2]*cgear[i];
/* printf("\treaction_normal_force: %g\n",reaction_normal_force); */
reaction_normal_force = kgear[i]*d_wheel_rwy_local_v[2]
- v_wheel_local_v[2]*cgear[i];
/* printf("\treaction_normal_force: %g\n",reaction_normal_force); */
if (reaction_normal_force > 0.) reaction_normal_force = 0.;
/* to prevent damping component from swamping spring component */
if (reaction_normal_force > 0.) reaction_normal_force = 0.;
/* to prevent damping component from swamping spring component */
/* Calculate friction coefficients */
/* Calculate friction coefficients */
forward_mu = (max_brake_mu[i] - muGear[i])*percent_brake[i] + muGear[i];
abs_v_wheel_sideward = sqrt(v_wheel_sideward*v_wheel_sideward);
sideward_mu = sliding_mu[i];
if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < skid_v)
sideward_mu = (abs_v_wheel_sideward - bkout_v)*beta_mu;
if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < bkout_v) sideward_mu = 0.;
/* Calculate foreward and sideward reaction forces */
forward_wheel_force = forward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
sideward_wheel_force = sideward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
if(v_wheel_forward < 0.) forward_wheel_force = -forward_wheel_force;
if(v_wheel_sideward < 0.) sideward_wheel_force = -sideward_wheel_force;
/* printf("\tFfwdgear: %g Fsidegear: %g\n",forward_wheel_force,sideward_wheel_force);
/* Rotate into local (N-E-D) axes */
f_wheel_local_v[0] = forward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- sideward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
f_wheel_local_v[1] = forward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle
+ sideward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle;
f_wheel_local_v[2] = reaction_normal_force;
/* Convert reaction force from local (N-E-D) axes to body (X-Y-Z) */
mult3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, f_wheel_local_v, tempF );
/* Calculate moments from force and offsets in body axes */
cross3( d_wheel_cg_body_v, tempF, tempM );
/* Sum forces and moments across all wheels */
if (tempF) {
fgSetBool("/gear/gear[1]/wow", true);
add3( tempF, F_gear_v, F_gear_v );
add3( tempM, M_gear_v, M_gear_v );
forward_mu = (max_brake_mu[i] - muGear[i])*percent_brake[i] + muGear[i];
abs_v_wheel_sideward = sqrt(v_wheel_sideward*v_wheel_sideward);
sideward_mu = sliding_mu[i];
if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < skid_v)
sideward_mu = (abs_v_wheel_sideward - bkout_v)*beta_mu;
if (abs_v_wheel_sideward < bkout_v) sideward_mu = 0.;
/* Calculate foreward and sideward reaction forces */
forward_wheel_force = forward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
sideward_wheel_force = sideward_mu*reaction_normal_force;
if(v_wheel_forward < 0.) forward_wheel_force = -forward_wheel_force;
if(v_wheel_sideward < 0.) sideward_wheel_force = -sideward_wheel_force;
/* printf("\tFfwdgear: %g Fsidegear: %g\n",forward_wheel_force,sideward_wheel_force);
/* Rotate into local (N-E-D) axes */
f_wheel_local_v[0] = forward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle
- sideward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle;
f_wheel_local_v[1] = forward_wheel_force*sin_wheel_hdg_angle
+ sideward_wheel_force*cos_wheel_hdg_angle;
f_wheel_local_v[2] = reaction_normal_force;
/* Convert reaction force from local (N-E-D) axes to body (X-Y-Z) */
mult3x3by3( T_local_to_body_m, f_wheel_local_v, tempF );
/* Calculate moments from force and offsets in body axes */
cross3( d_wheel_cg_body_v, tempF, tempM );
/* Sum forces and moments across all wheels */
add3( tempF, F_gear_v, F_gear_v );
add3( tempM, M_gear_v, M_gear_v );

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ void parse_CD( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool CXfabetaf_first = true;
static bool CXfadef_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ void parse_CL( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool CZfabetaf_first = true;
static bool CZfadef_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ void parse_CY( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool CYfabetaf_first = true;
static bool CYfadaf_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ void parse_Cm( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool Cmfabetaf_first = true;
static bool Cmfadef_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ void parse_Cn( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool Cnfabetaf_first = true;
static bool Cnfadaf_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -103,14 +106,14 @@ void parse_Cl( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
double convert_f;
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool Clfabetaf_first = true;
static bool Clfadaf_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -99,14 +102,14 @@ void parse_controlSurface( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
int token_value_convert1, token_value_convert2;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -98,14 +101,14 @@ void parse_engine( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
int token_value_convert1, token_value_convert2;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -98,14 +101,14 @@ void parse_fog( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
int token_value_convert1;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -1,10 +1,78 @@
FILENAME: uiuc_menu_functions.cpp
DESCRIPTION: provides common functions used by different menu
STATUS: alpha version
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
AUTHOR(S): Robert Deters <rdeters@uiuc.edu>
Michael Selig <m-selig@uiuc.edu>
CALLED BY: uiuc_menu_XX()
COPYRIGHT: (C) 2003 by Michael Selig
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
USA or view http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
#include "uiuc_menu_functions.h"
bool check_float( const string &token)
float value;
istrstream stream(token.c_str());
istringstream stream(token.c_str());
return (stream >> value);

View file

@ -7,9 +7,10 @@
#include <string>
//#include STL_STRSTREAM
#include <sstream>
void d_2_to_3( double array2D[100][100], double array3D[][100][100], int index3D);
void d_1_to_2( double array1D[100], double array2D[][100], int index2D);

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ void parse_gear( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ void parse_geometry( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
const string& linetoken10,
const string& aircraft_directory, LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -101,14 +104,14 @@ void parse_ice( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
double datafile_xArray[100][100], datafile_yArray[100];
double datafile_zArray[100][100];
int datafile_nxArray[100], datafile_ny;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
static bool tactilefadef_first = true;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ void parse_init( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
int token_value_recordRate;

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ void parse_mass( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
HISTORY: 04/04/2003 initial release
06/30/2003 (RD) replaced istrstream with istringstream
to get rid of the annoying warning about
using the strstream header
@ -97,14 +100,14 @@ void parse_misc( const string& linetoken2, const string& linetoken3,
const string& linetoken10, const string& aircraft_directory,
LIST command_line ) {
double token_value;
istrstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istrstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istrstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istrstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istrstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istrstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istrstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istrstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());
istringstream token3(linetoken3.c_str());
istringstream token4(linetoken4.c_str());
istringstream token5(linetoken5.c_str());
istringstream token6(linetoken6.c_str());
istringstream token7(linetoken7.c_str());
istringstream token8(linetoken8.c_str());
istringstream token9(linetoken9.c_str());
istringstream token10(linetoken10.c_str());

View file

@ -134,9 +134,11 @@ AIRCRAFTDIR *aircraftdir_ = new AIRCRAFTDIR;
void uiuc_initial_init ()
// This function called from both ls_step and ls_model(uiuc model side).
// Apply brute force initializations, which override ls_step and ls_aux values
// for the first time step.
// This function is called from uiuc_init_2_wrapper (uiuc_aero.c in LaRCsim)
// which is called from ls_step and ls_model.
// Apply brute force initializations, which override unwanted changes
// performed by LaRCsim.
// Used during initialization (while Simtime=0).
if (P_body_init_true)
P_body = P_body_init;
if (Q_body_init_true)
@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ void uiuc_initial_init ()
void uiuc_defaults_inits ()
// set defaults and initialize (called from ls_step.c at Simtime=0)
// set defaults and initialize (called once from uiuc_init_2_wrapper)
//fog inits
fog_field = 0;
@ -276,7 +278,15 @@ void uiuc_defaults_inits ()
flapper_model = false;
ignore_unknown_keywords = false;
pilot_throttle_no = false;
Dx_cg = 0.0;
Dy_cg = 0.0;
Dz_cg = 0.0;
// Calculates the local velocity (V_north, V_east, V_down) from the body
// velocities.
// Called from uiuc_local_vel_init which is called from ls_step.
// Used during initialization (while Simtime=0)
void uiuc_vel_init ()
@ -302,6 +312,8 @@ void uiuc_vel_init ()
V_east = V_east_rel_ground + OMEGA_EARTH*Sea_level_radius*cos(Lat_geocentric);
// Initializes the UIUC aircraft model.
// Called once from uiuc_init_2_wrapper
void uiuc_init_aeromodel ()
@ -367,6 +379,10 @@ void uiuc_force_moment(double dt)
if (I_zz_appMass_ratio)
M_n_aero += -(I_zz_appMass_ratio * I_zz) * R_dot_body;
// adding in apparent mass in body axis X direction
// F_X_aero += -(0.05 * Mass) * U_dot_body;
if (Mass_appMass)
F_Z_aero += -Mass_appMass * W_dot_body;
if (I_xx_appMass)