Sync with JSBSim cvs + Anders' patch to get it working with FlightGear.
This commit is contained in:
31 changed files with 407 additions and 589 deletions
@ -71,16 +71,9 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.80 2010/08/21 22:56:10 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGFDMExec.cpp,v 1.82 2010/10/07 03:17:29 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_FDMEXEC;
unsigned int FGFDMExec::FDMctr = 0;
FGPropertyManager* FGFDMExec::master=0;
@ -102,11 +95,21 @@ void checkTied ( FGPropertyManager *node )
// Constructor
// Constructors
FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root) : Root(root)
FDMctr = new unsigned int;
*FDMctr = 0;
FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root, unsigned int* fdmctr) : Root(root), FDMctr(fdmctr)
void FGFDMExec::Initialize()
Frame = 0;
Error = 0;
GroundCallback = 0;
@ -138,22 +141,26 @@ FGFDMExec::FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root) : Root(root)
dT = 1.0/120.0; // a default timestep size. This is needed for when JSBSim is
// run in standalone mode with no initialization file.
IdFDM = FDMctr; // The main (parent) JSBSim instance is always the "zeroth"
FDMctr++; // instance. "child" instances are loaded last.
try {
char* num = getenv("JSBSIM_DEBUG");
if (num) debug_lvl = atoi(num); // set debug level
} catch (...) { // if error set to 1
} catch (...) { // if error set to 1
debug_lvl = 1;
if (Root == 0) {
if (master == 0)
master = new FGPropertyManager;
Root = master;
if (Root == 0) { // Then this is the root FDM
Root = new FGPropertyManager; // Create the property manager
FDMctr = new unsigned int; // Create and initialize the child FDM counter
(*FDMctr) = 0;
// Store this FDM's ID
IdFDM = (*FDMctr); // The main (parent) JSBSim instance is always the "zeroth"
// Prepare FDMctr for the next child FDM id
(*FDMctr)++; // instance. "child" instances are loaded last.
instance = Root->GetNode("/fdm/jsbsim",IdFDM,true);
// this is to catch errors in binding member functions to the property tree.
@ -186,7 +193,17 @@ FGFDMExec::~FGFDMExec()
try {
checkTied( instance );
if (Root == 0) delete master;
if (IdFDM == 0) { // Meaning this is no child FDM
if(Root != 0) {
delete Root;
Root = 0;
if(FDMctr != 0) {
delete FDMctr;
FDMctr = 0;
} catch ( string msg ) {
cout << "Caught error: " << msg << endl;
@ -439,7 +456,7 @@ vector <string> FGFDMExec::EnumerateFDMs(void)
bool FGFDMExec::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT)
bool FGFDMExec::LoadScript(const string& script, double deltaT)
bool result;
@ -451,8 +468,8 @@ bool FGFDMExec::LoadScript(string script, double deltaT)
bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(string AircraftPath, string EnginePath, string SystemsPath,
string model, bool addModelToPath)
bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& AircraftPath, const string& EnginePath, const string& SystemsPath,
const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
FGFDMExec::AircraftPath = RootDir + AircraftPath;
FGFDMExec::EnginePath = RootDir + EnginePath;
@ -463,7 +480,7 @@ bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(string AircraftPath, string EnginePath, string Systems
bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(string model, bool addModelToPath)
bool FGFDMExec::LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath)
string token;
string aircraftCfgFileName;
@ -730,7 +747,7 @@ void FGFDMExec::BuildPropertyCatalog(struct PropertyCatalogStructure* pcs)
string FGFDMExec::QueryPropertyCatalog(string in)
string FGFDMExec::QueryPropertyCatalog(const string& in)
string results="";
for (unsigned i=0; i<PropertyCatalog.size(); i++) {
@ -852,7 +869,7 @@ bool FGFDMExec::ReadChild(Element* el)
struct childData* child = new childData;
child->exec = new FGFDMExec();
child->exec = new FGFDMExec(Root, FDMctr);
string childAircraft = el->GetAttributeValue("name");
@ -922,7 +939,7 @@ void FGFDMExec::EnableOutput(void)
bool FGFDMExec::SetOutputDirectives(string fname)
bool FGFDMExec::SetOutputDirectives(const string& fname)
bool result;
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FDMEXEC "$Id: FGFDMExec.h,v 1.52 2010/07/04 13:50:21 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_FDMEXEC "$Id: FGFDMExec.h,v 1.54 2010/10/07 03:17:29 jberndt Exp $"
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
property actually maps toa function call of DoTrim().
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Revision: 1.52 $
@version $Revision: 1.54 $
@ -206,8 +206,9 @@ class FGFDMExec : public FGJSBBase, public FGXMLFileRead
/// Default constructor
/// Default constructors
FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root = 0);
FGFDMExec(FGPropertyManager* root, unsigned int* fdmctr);
/// Default destructor
@ -252,8 +253,8 @@ public:
@param addModelToPath set to true to add the model name to the
AircraftPath, defaults to true
@return true if successful */
bool LoadModel(string AircraftPath, string EnginePath, string SystemsPath,
string model, bool addModelToPath = true);
bool LoadModel(const string& AircraftPath, const string& EnginePath, const string& SystemsPath,
const string& model, bool addModelToPath = true);
/** Loads an aircraft model. The paths to the aircraft and engine
config file directories must be set prior to calling this. See
@ -265,28 +266,28 @@ public:
@param addModelToPath set to true to add the model name to the
AircraftPath, defaults to true
@return true if successful*/
bool LoadModel(string model, bool addModelToPath = true);
bool LoadModel(const string& model, bool addModelToPath = true);
/** Loads a script
@param Script the full path name and file name for the script to be loaded.
@return true if successfully loadsd; false otherwise. */
bool LoadScript(string Script, double deltaT);
bool LoadScript(const string& Script, double deltaT);
/** Sets the path to the engine config file directories.
@param path path to the directory under which engine config
files are kept, for instance "engine" */
bool SetEnginePath(string path) { EnginePath = RootDir + path; return true; }
bool SetEnginePath(const string& path) { EnginePath = RootDir + path; return true; }
/** Sets the path to the aircraft config file directories.
@param path path to the aircraft directory. For instance:
"aircraft". Under aircraft, then, would be directories for various
modeled aircraft such as C172/, x15/, etc. */
bool SetAircraftPath(string path) { AircraftPath = RootDir + path; return true; }
bool SetAircraftPath(const string& path) { AircraftPath = RootDir + path; return true; }
/** Sets the path to the systems config file directories.
@param path path to the directory under which systems config
files are kept, for instance "systems" */
bool SetSystemsPath(string path) { SystemsPath = RootDir + path; return true; }
bool SetSystemsPath(const string& path) { SystemsPath = RootDir + path; return true; }
/// @name Top-level executive State and Model retrieval mechanism
@ -327,28 +328,28 @@ public:
/// Retrieves the engine path.
inline string GetEnginePath(void) {return EnginePath;}
inline const string& GetEnginePath(void) {return EnginePath;}
/// Retrieves the aircraft path.
inline string GetAircraftPath(void) {return AircraftPath;}
inline const string& GetAircraftPath(void) {return AircraftPath;}
/// Retrieves the systems path.
inline string GetSystemsPath(void) {return SystemsPath;}
inline const string& GetSystemsPath(void) {return SystemsPath;}
/// Retrieves the full aircraft path name.
inline string GetFullAircraftPath(void) {return FullAircraftPath;}
inline const string& GetFullAircraftPath(void) {return FullAircraftPath;}
/** Retrieves the value of a property.
@param property the name of the property
@result the value of the specified property */
inline double GetPropertyValue(string property) {return instance->GetDouble(property);}
inline double GetPropertyValue(const string& property) {return instance->GetDouble(property);}
/** Sets a property value.
@param property the property to be set
@param value the value to set the property to */
inline void SetPropertyValue(string property, double value) {
inline void SetPropertyValue(const string& property, double value) {
instance->SetDouble(property, value);
/// Returns the model name.
string GetModelName(void) { return modelName; }
const string& GetModelName(void) { return modelName; }
/// Returns the current time.
double GetSimTime(void);
@ -382,12 +383,12 @@ public:
be logged.
@param fname the filename of an output directives file.
bool SetOutputDirectives(string fname);
bool SetOutputDirectives(const string& fname);
/** Sets (or overrides) the output filename
@param fname the name of the file to output data to
@return true if successful, false if there is no output specified for the flight model */
bool SetOutputFileName(string fname) {
bool SetOutputFileName(const string& fname) {
if (Outputs.size() > 0) Outputs[0]->SetOutputFileName(fname);
else return false;
return true;
@ -447,7 +448,7 @@ public:
* @param check The string to search for in the property catalog.
* @return the carriage-return-delimited string containing all matching strings
* in the catalog. */
string QueryPropertyCatalog(string check);
string QueryPropertyCatalog(const string& check);
// Print the contents of the property catalog for the loaded aircraft.
void PrintPropertyCatalog(void);
@ -495,11 +496,11 @@ public:
/** Sets the root directory where JSBSim starts looking for its system directories.
@param rootDir the string containing the root directory. */
void SetRootDir(string rootDir) {RootDir = rootDir;}
void SetRootDir(const string& rootDir) {RootDir = rootDir;}
/** Retrieves teh Root Directory.
@return the string representing the root (base) JSBSim directory. */
string GetRootDir(void) const {return RootDir;}
const string& GetRootDir(void) const {return RootDir;}
/** Increments the simulation time.
@return the new simulation time. */
@ -512,7 +513,6 @@ public:
int GetDebugLevel(void) const {return debug_lvl;};
static unsigned int FDMctr;
int Error;
unsigned int Frame;
unsigned int IdFDM;
@ -536,8 +536,6 @@ private:
bool trim_status;
int ta_mode;
static FGPropertyManager *master;
FGGroundCallback* GroundCallback;
FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere;
@ -559,11 +557,15 @@ private:
FGPropertyManager* Root;
FGPropertyManager* instance;
// The FDM counter is used to give each child FDM an unique ID. The root FDM has the ID 0
unsigned int* FDMctr;
vector <string> PropertyCatalog;
vector <FGOutput*> Outputs;
vector <childData*> ChildFDMList;
vector <FGModel*> Models;
void Initialize();
bool ReadFileHeader(Element*);
bool ReadChild(Element*);
bool ReadPrologue(Element*);
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
Module: FGState.cpp
Author: Jon Berndt
Date started: 11/17/98
Called by: FGFDMExec and accessed by all models.
------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt ( -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at
See header file.
11/17/98 JSB Created
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "FGState.h"
using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGState.cpp,v 1.15 2009/10/24 22:59:30 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_STATE;
FGState::FGState(FGFDMExec* fdex)
FDMExec = fdex;
sim_time = 0.0;
dt = 1.0/120.0; // a default timestep size. This is needed for when JSBSim is
// run in standalone mode with no initialization file.
Aircraft = FDMExec->GetAircraft();
Propagate = FDMExec->GetPropagate();
Auxiliary = FDMExec->GetAuxiliary();
FCS = FDMExec->GetFCS();
Atmosphere = FDMExec->GetAtmosphere();
Aerodynamics = FDMExec->GetAerodynamics();
GroundReactions = FDMExec->GetGroundReactions();
Propulsion = FDMExec->GetPropulsion();
PropertyManager = FDMExec->GetPropertyManager();
void FGState::Initialize(FGInitialCondition *FGIC)
sim_time = 0.0;
Propagate->SetInitialState( FGIC );
Atmosphere->SetWindNED( FGIC->GetWindNFpsIC(),
FGIC->GetWindDFpsIC() );
FGColumnVector3 vAeroUVW;
vAeroUVW = Propagate->GetUVW() + Propagate->GetTl2b()*Atmosphere->GetTotalWindNED();
double alpha, beta;
if (vAeroUVW(eW) != 0.0)
alpha = vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU) > 0.0 ? atan2(vAeroUVW(eW), vAeroUVW(eU)) : 0.0;
alpha = 0.0;
if (vAeroUVW(eV) != 0.0)
beta = vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU)+vAeroUVW(eW)*vAeroUVW(eW) > 0.0 ? atan2(vAeroUVW(eV), (fabs(vAeroUVW(eU))/vAeroUVW(eU))*sqrt(vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU) + vAeroUVW(eW)*vAeroUVW(eW))) : 0.0;
beta = 0.0;
Auxiliary->SetAB(alpha, beta);
double Vt = vAeroUVW.Magnitude();
double qbar = 0.5*Vt*Vt*Atmosphere->GetDensity();
void FGState::bind(void)
PropertyManager->Tie("sim-time-sec", this, &FGState::Getsim_time);
// The bitmasked value choices are as follows:
// unset: In this case (the default) JSBSim would only print
// out the normally expected messages, essentially echoing
// the config files as they are read. If the environment
// variable is not set, debug_lvl is set to 1 internally
// 0: This requests JSBSim not to output any messages
// whatsoever.
// 1: This value explicity requests the normal JSBSim
// startup messages
// 2: This value asks for a message to be printed out when
// a class is instantiated
// 4: When this value is set, a message is displayed when a
// FGModel object executes its Run() method
// 8: When this value is set, various runtime state variables
// are printed out periodically
// 16: When set various parameters are sanity checked and
// a message is printed out when they go out of bounds
void FGState::Debug(int from)
if (debug_lvl <= 0) return;
if (debug_lvl & 1) { // Standard console startup message output
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
if (debug_lvl & 2 ) { // Instantiation/Destruction notification
if (from == 0) cout << "Instantiated: FGState" << endl;
if (from == 1) cout << "Destroyed: FGState" << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 4 ) { // Run() method entry print for FGModel-derived objects
if (debug_lvl & 8 ) { // Runtime state variables
if (debug_lvl & 16) { // Sanity checking
if (debug_lvl & 64) {
if (from == 0) { // Constructor
cout << IdSrc << endl;
cout << IdHdr << endl;
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
Header: FGState.h
Author: Jon S. Berndt
Date started: 11/17/98
------------- Copyright (C) 1999 Jon S. Berndt ( -------------
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be found on
the world wide web at
11/17/98 JSB Created
#ifndef FGSTATE_H
#define FGSTATE_H
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "FGJSBBase.h"
#include "initialization/FGInitialCondition.h"
#include "math/FGColumnVector3.h"
#include "math/FGQuaternion.h"
#include "FGFDMExec.h"
#include "models/FGAtmosphere.h"
#include "models/FGFCS.h"
#include "models/FGPropagate.h"
#include "models/FGAuxiliary.h"
#include "models/FGAerodynamics.h"
#include "models/FGAircraft.h"
#include "models/FGGroundReactions.h"
#include "models/FGPropulsion.h"
#define ID_STATE "$Id: FGState.h,v 1.15 2009/10/02 10:30:07 jberndt Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
/** Encapsulates the calculation of aircraft state.
@property sim-time-sec (read only) cumulative simulation in seconds.
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Revision: 1.15 $
class FGState : public FGJSBBase
/** Constructor
@param Executive a pointer to the parent executive object */
/// Destructor
/** Initializes the simulation state based on parameters from an Initial Conditions object.
@param FGIC pointer to an initial conditions object.
@see FGInitialConditions. */
void Initialize(FGInitialCondition *FGIC);
/// Returns the cumulative simulation time in seconds.
inline double Getsim_time(void) const { return sim_time; }
/// Returns the simulation delta T.
inline double Getdt(void) {return dt;}
/// Suspends the simulation and sets the delta T to zero.
inline void SuspendIntegration(void) {saved_dt = dt; dt = 0.0;}
/// Resumes the simulation by resetting delta T to the correct value.
inline void ResumeIntegration(void) {dt = saved_dt;}
/** Returns the simulation suspension state.
@return true if suspended, false if executing */
bool IntegrationSuspended(void) {return dt == 0.0;}
/** Sets the current sim time.
@param cur_time the current time
@return the current simulation time. */
inline double Setsim_time(double cur_time) {
sim_time = cur_time;
return sim_time;
/** Sets the integration time step for the simulation executive.
@param delta_t the time step in seconds. */
inline void Setdt(double delta_t) { dt = delta_t; }
/** Increments the simulation time.
@return the new simulation time. */
inline double IncrTime(void) {
return sim_time;
/** Prints a summary of simulator state (speed, altitude,
configuration, etc.) */
// void ReportState(void);
double sim_time, dt;
double saved_dt;
FGAircraft* Aircraft;
FGPropagate* Propagate;
FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere;
FGAerodynamics* Aerodynamics;
FGGroundReactions* GroundReactions;
FGPropulsion* Propulsion;
FGAuxiliary* Auxiliary;
FGPropertyManager* PropertyManager;
void bind();
void Debug(int from);
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id: JSBSim.cxx,v 1.62 2010/07/14 05:50:40 ehofman Exp $
// $Id: JSBSim.cxx,v 1.63 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $
@ -97,14 +97,15 @@ public:
/** Compute the altitude above ground. */
virtual double GetAGLevel(double t, const FGLocation& l,
FGLocation& cont,
FGColumnVector3& n, FGColumnVector3& v) const {
FGLocation& cont, FGColumnVector3& n,
FGColumnVector3& v, FGColumnVector3& w) const {
double loc_cart[3] = { l(eX), l(eY), l(eZ) };
double contact[3], normal[3], vel[3], agl = 0;
double contact[3], normal[3], vel[3], angularVel[3], agl = 0;
mInterface->get_agl_ft(t, loc_cart, SG_METER_TO_FEET*2, contact, normal,
vel, &agl);
vel, angularVel, &agl);
n = FGColumnVector3( normal[0], normal[1], normal[2] );
v = FGColumnVector3( vel[0], vel[1], vel[2] );
w = FGColumnVector3( angularVel[0], angularVel[1], angularVel[2] );
cont = FGColumnVector3( contact[0], contact[1], contact[2] );
return agl;
@ -489,7 +490,7 @@ void FGJSBsim::update( double dt )
if ( startup_trim->getBoolValue() ) {
double contact[3], d[3], agl;
get_agl_ft(fdmex->GetSimTime(), cart_pos, SG_METER_TO_FEET*2, contact,
d, d, &agl);
d, d, d, &agl);
double terrain_alt = sqrt(contact[0]*contact[0] + contact[1]*contact[1]
+ contact[2]*contact[2]) - fgic->GetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC();
@ -743,7 +744,7 @@ bool FGJSBsim::copy_from_JSBsim()
double loc_cart[3] = { l(FGJSBBase::eX), l(FGJSBBase::eY), l(FGJSBBase::eZ) };
double contact[3], d[3], sd, t;
is_valid_m(&t, d, &sd);
get_agl_ft(t, loc_cart, SG_METER_TO_FEET*2, contact, d, d, &sd);
get_agl_ft(t, loc_cart, SG_METER_TO_FEET*2, contact, d, d, d, &sd);
double rwrad
= FGColumnVector3( contact[0], contact[1], contact[2] ).Magnitude();
_set_Runway_altitude( rwrad - get_Sea_level_radius() );
@ -1204,9 +1205,8 @@ void FGJSBsim::update_ic(void)
FGJSBsim::get_agl_ft(double t, const double pt[3], double alt_off,
double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3],
double *agl)
double angularVel[3], double *agl)
double angularVel[3];
const SGMaterial* material;
simgear::BVHNode::Id id;
if (!FGInterface::get_agl_ft(t, pt, alt_off, contact, normal, vel,
@ -1289,10 +1289,12 @@ void FGJSBsim::update_external_forces(double t_off)
double contact[3];
double ground_normal[3];
double ground_vel[3];
double ground_angular_vel[3];
double root_agl_ft;
if (!got_wire) {
bool got = get_agl_ft(t_off, hook_area[1], 0, contact, ground_normal, ground_vel, &root_agl_ft);
bool got = get_agl_ft(t_off, hook_area[1], 0, contact, ground_normal,
ground_vel, ground_angular_vel, &root_agl_ft);
if (got && root_agl_ft > 0 && root_agl_ft < hook_length) {
FGColumnVector3 ground_normal_body = Tl2b * (Tec2l * FGColumnVector3(ground_normal[0], ground_normal[1], ground_normal[2]));
FGColumnVector3 contact_body = Tl2b * Location.LocationToLocal(FGColumnVector3(contact[0], contact[1], contact[2]));
#include <FDM/JSBSim/FGFDMExec.h>
namespace JSBSim {
class FGState;
class FGAtmosphere;
class FGFCS;
class FGPropulsion;
@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
documentation for main for direction on running JSBSim apart from FlightGear.
@author Curtis L. Olson (original)
@author Tony Peden (Maintained and refined)
@version $Id: JSBSim.hxx,v 1.13 2010/07/07 20:46:36 andgi Exp $
@version $Id: JSBSim.hxx,v 1.15 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $
@see main in file JSBSim.cpp (use main() wrapper for standalone usage)
@ -208,13 +207,12 @@ public:
bool get_agl_ft(double t, const double pt[3], double alt_off,
double contact[3], double normal[3], double vel[3],
double *agl);
double angularVel[3], double *agl);
JSBSim::FGFDMExec *fdmex;
JSBSim::FGInitialCondition *fgic;
bool needTrim;
JSBSim::FGState* State;
JSBSim::FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere;
JSBSim::FGPropulsion* Propulsion;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ SUBDIRS = initialization models input_output math
noinst_LIBRARIES = libJSBSim.a
libJSBSim_a_SOURCES = FGFDMExec.cpp FGJSBBase.cpp FGState.cpp JSBSim.cxx
libJSBSim_a_SOURCES = FGFDMExec.cpp FGJSBBase.cpp JSBSim.cxx
noinst_HEADERS = FGFDMExec.h FGJSBBase.h FGState.h JSBSim.hxx
noinst_HEADERS = FGFDMExec.h FGJSBBase.h JSBSim.hxx
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_srcdir)/src/FDM/JSBSim
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGInitialCondition.cpp,v 1.44 2010/09/18 22:48:12 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGInitialCondition.cpp,v 1.46 2010/09/29 02:19:05 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_INITIALCONDITION;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ void FGInitialCondition::ResetIC(double u0, double v0, double w0,
FGQuaternion Quat( phi, theta, psi );
const FGMatrix33& _Tl2b = Quat.GetT(); // local to body frame
// const FGMatrix33& _Tl2b = Quat.GetT(); // local to body frame
const FGMatrix33& _Tb2l = Quat.GetTInv(); // body to local
FGColumnVector3 _vUVW_BODY(u,v,w);
@ -863,17 +863,22 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load(string rstfile, bool useStoredPath)
double version = document->GetAttributeValueAsNumber("version");
bool result = false;
if (version == HUGE_VAL) {
return Load_v1(); // Default to the old version
result = Load_v1(); // Default to the old version
} else if (version >= 3.0) {
cerr << "Only initialization file formats 1 and 2 are currently supported" << endl;
exit (-1);
} else if (version >= 2.0) {
return Load_v2();
result = Load_v2();
} else if (version >= 1.0) {
return Load_v1();
result = Load_v1();
return result;
@ -962,6 +967,7 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v1(void)
bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
int n;
double epa = 0.0;
FGColumnVector3 vLoc, vOrient;
bool result = true;
FGInertial* Inertial = fdmex->GetInertial();
@ -969,10 +975,10 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
FGColumnVector3 vOmegaEarth = FGColumnVector3(0.0, 0.0, Inertial->omega());
if (document->FindElement("earth_position_angle")) {
double epa = document->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("earth_position_angle", "RAD");
epa = document->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("earth_position_angle", "RAD");
@ -989,15 +995,15 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
Element* position = document->FindElement("position");
if (position) {
vLoc = position->FindElementTripletConvertTo("FT");
string frame = position->GetAttributeValue("frame");
frame = to_lower(frame);
if (frame == "eci") { // Need to transform vLoc to ECEF for storage and use in FGLocation.
vLoc = position->FindElementTripletConvertTo("FT");
vLoc = Propagate->GetTi2ec()*vLoc;
} else if (frame == "ecef") {
double AltitudeASL = 0.0;
if (vLoc.Magnitude() == 0.0) {
if (!position->FindElement("x") && !position->FindElement("y") && !position->FindElement("z")) {
if (position->FindElement("radius")) {
AltitudeASL = position->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("radius", "FT") - sea_level_radius;
} else if (position->FindElement("altitudeAGL")) {
@ -1008,11 +1014,15 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
cerr << endl << " No altitude or radius initial condition is given." << endl;
result = false;
position->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("longitude", "RAD"),
position->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("latitude", "RAD"),
AltitudeASL + GetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC());
double lat_rad=0.0;
double long_rad = 0.0;
if (position->FindElement("longitude"))
long_rad = position->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("longitude", "RAD");
if (position->FindElement("latitude"))
lat_rad = position->FindElementValueAsNumberConvertTo("latitude", "RAD");
Propagate->SetPosition(long_rad, lat_rad, AltitudeASL + GetSeaLevelRadiusFtIC());
} else {
vLoc = position->FindElementTripletConvertTo("FT");
} else {
@ -1072,7 +1082,9 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
// Q_b/i = Q_e/i * Q_b/e
FGQuaternion QuatEC2Body(vOrient); // Store relationship of Body frame wrt ECEF frame, Q_b/e
FGQuaternion QuatI2EC = Propagate->GetTi2ec(); // Get Q_e/i from matrix
QuatI2Body = QuatI2EC * QuatEC2Body; // Q_b/i = Q_e/i * Q_b/e
} else if (frame == "local") {
@ -1089,8 +1101,11 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
// Q_b/i = Q_e/i * Q_n/e * Q_b/n
FGQuaternion QuatLocal2Body = FGQuaternion(vOrient); // Store relationship of Body frame wrt local (NED) frame, Q_b/n
FGQuaternion QuatEC2Local = Propagate->GetTec2l(); // Get Q_n/e from matrix
FGQuaternion QuatI2EC = Propagate->GetTi2ec(); // Get Q_e/i from matrix
QuatI2Body = QuatI2EC * QuatEC2Local * QuatLocal2Body; // Q_b/i = Q_e/i * Q_n/e * Q_b/n
} else {
@ -1102,6 +1117,7 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
// Initialize vehicle velocity
@ -1201,7 +1217,9 @@ bool FGInitialCondition::Load_v2(void)
running_elements = document->FindNextElement("running");
// fdmex->RunIC();
fdmex->SuspendIntegration(); // saves the integration rate, dt, then sets it to 0.0.
fdmex->ResumeIntegration(); // Restores the integration rate to what it was.
return result;
@ -68,9 +68,10 @@ double FGGroundCallback::GetAltitude(const FGLocation& loc) const
double FGGroundCallback::GetAGLevel(double t, const FGLocation& loc,
FGLocation& contact, FGColumnVector3& normal,
FGColumnVector3& vel) const
FGColumnVector3& vel, FGColumnVector3& angularVel) const
vel = FGColumnVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
angularVel = FGColumnVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
normal = FGColumnVector3(loc).Normalize();
double loc_radius = loc.GetRadius(); // Get the radius of the given location
// (e.g. the CG)
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_GROUNDCALLBACK "$Id: FGGroundCallback.h,v 1.8 2009/10/02 10:30:09 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_GROUNDCALLBACK "$Id: FGGroundCallback.h,v 1.9 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
ball formed earth.
@author Mathias Froehlich
@version $Id: FGGroundCallback.h,v 1.8 2009/10/02 10:30:09 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGGroundCallback.h,v 1.9 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $
@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ public:
virtual double GetAltitude(const FGLocation& l) const;
/** Compute the altitude above ground. Defaults to sealevel altitude. */
virtual double GetAGLevel(double t, const FGLocation& l, FGLocation& cont,
FGColumnVector3& n, FGColumnVector3& v) const;
FGColumnVector3& n, FGColumnVector3& v,
FGColumnVector3& w) const;
virtual void SetTerrainGeoCentRadius(double radius) {mReferenceRadius = radius;}
virtual double GetTerrainGeoCentRadius(void) const {return mReferenceRadius;}
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGXMLElement.cpp,v 1.30 2010/09/04 14:15:15 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGXMLElement.cpp,v 1.31 2010/09/29 02:22:03 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_XMLELEMENT;
bool Element::converterIsInitialized = false;
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ Element::Element(const string& nm)
convert["SLUG*FT2"]["KG*M2"] = 1.35594;
convert["KG*M2"]["SLUG*FT2"] = 1.0/convert["SLUG*FT2"]["KG*M2"];
// Angles
convert["RAD"]["DEG"] = 360.0/(2.0*3.1415926);
convert["RAD"]["DEG"] = 180.0/M_PI;
convert["DEG"]["RAD"] = 1.0/convert["RAD"]["DEG"];
// Angular rates
convert["RAD/SEC"]["DEG/SEC"] = 360.0/(2.0*3.1415926);
convert["RAD/SEC"]["DEG/SEC"] = convert["RAD"]["DEG"];
convert["DEG/SEC"]["RAD/SEC"] = 1.0/convert["RAD/SEC"]["DEG/SEC"];
// Spring force
convert["LBS/FT"]["N/M"] = 14.5939;
@ -478,7 +478,6 @@ FGColumnVector3 Element::FindElementTripletConvertTo( const string& target_units
if (!supplied_units.empty()) value *= convert[supplied_units][target_units];
} else {
value = 0.0;
cerr << "Could not find an X triplet item for this column vector." << endl;
triplet(1) = value;
@ -489,7 +488,6 @@ FGColumnVector3 Element::FindElementTripletConvertTo( const string& target_units
if (!supplied_units.empty()) value *= convert[supplied_units][target_units];
} else {
value = 0.0;
cerr << "Could not find a Y triplet item for this column vector." << endl;
triplet(2) = value;
@ -500,7 +498,6 @@ FGColumnVector3 Element::FindElementTripletConvertTo( const string& target_units
if (!supplied_units.empty()) value *= convert[supplied_units][target_units];
} else {
value = 0.0;
cerr << "Could not find a Z triplet item for this column vector." << endl;
triplet(3) = value;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGXMLParse.cpp,v 1.10 2009/10/24 22:59:30 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGXMLParse.cpp,v 1.11 2010/09/28 02:54:03 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_XMLPARSE;
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ void FGXMLParse::endElement (const char * name)
if (!working_string.empty()) {
vector <string> work_strings = split(working_string, '\n');
for (int i=0; i<work_strings.size(); i++) current_element->AddData(work_strings[i]);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<work_strings.size(); i++) current_element->AddData(work_strings[i]);
current_element = current_element->GetParent();
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FDMSOCKET "$Id: FGfdmSocket.h,v 1.19 2010/05/13 03:07:59 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_FDMSOCKET "$Id: FGfdmSocket.h,v 1.20 2010/10/15 11:30:28 jberndt Exp $"
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public:
void Close(void);
bool GetConnectStatus(void) {return connected;}
enum {ptUDP, ptTCP};
enum ProtocolType {ptUDP, ptTCP} ;
int sckt;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ INCLUDES
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGLocation.cpp,v 1.22 2010/09/18 22:47:17 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGLocation.cpp,v 1.23 2010/09/22 11:34:09 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_LOCATION;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ void FGLocation::ComputeDerivedUnconditional(void) const
if (a != 0.0 && b != 0.0) {
double c, p, q, s, t, u, v, w, z, p2, u2, r0;
double Ne, P, Q0, Q, signz0, sqrt_q;
double Ne, P, Q0, Q, signz0, sqrt_q, z_term;
p = fabs(mECLoc(eZ))/eps2;
s = r02/(e2*eps2);
p2 = p*p;
@ -328,8 +328,7 @@ void FGLocation::ComputeDerivedUnconditional(void) const
if (q>0)
u = p/sqrt_q;
// u2 = p2/q;
u2 = u*u;
u2 = p2/q;
v = b2*u2/q;
P = 27.0*v*s/q;
Q0 = sqrt(P+1) + sqrt(P);
@ -338,10 +337,11 @@ void FGLocation::ComputeDerivedUnconditional(void) const
c = sqrt(u2 - 1 + 2.0*t);
w = (c - u)/2.0;
signz0 = mECLoc(eZ)>=0?1.0:-1.0;
if ((sqrt(t*t+v)-u*w-0.5*t-0.25) < 0.0) {
z_term = sqrt(t*t+v)-u*w-0.5*t-0.25;
if (z_term < 0.0) {
z = 0.0;
} else {
z = signz0*sqrt_q*(w+sqrt(sqrt(t*t+v)-u*w-0.5*t-0.25));
z = signz0*sqrt_q*(w+sqrt(z_term));
Ne = a*sqrt(1+eps2*z*z/b2);
mGeodLat = asin((eps2+1.0)*(z/Ne));
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ SENTRY
#define ID_QUATERNION "$Id: FGQuaternion.h,v 1.17 2010/06/30 03:13:40 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_QUATERNION "$Id: FGQuaternion.h,v 1.18 2010/09/29 02:19:05 jberndt Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ public:
const FGMatrix33& GetTInv(void) const { ComputeDerived(); return mTInv; }
/** Retrieves the Euler angles.
@return a reference to the triad of euler angles corresponding
@return a reference to the triad of Euler angles corresponding
to this quaternion rotation.
units radians */
const FGColumnVector3& GetEuler(void) const {
@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public:
/** Retrieves the Euler angles.
@param i the euler angle index.
@param i the Euler angle index.
units radians.
@return a reference to the i-th euler angles corresponding
to this quaternion rotation.
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ public:
/** Retrieves the Euler angles.
@param i the euler angle index.
@param i the Euler angle index.
@return a reference to the i-th euler angles corresponding
to this quaternion rotation.
units degrees */
@ -206,6 +206,15 @@ public:
return radtodeg*mEulerAngles(i);
/** Retrieves the Euler angle vector.
@return an Euler angle column vector corresponding
to this quaternion rotation.
units degrees */
FGColumnVector3 const GetEulerDeg(void) const {
return radtodeg*mEulerAngles;
/** Retrieves sine of the given euler angle.
@return the sine of the Euler angle theta (pitch attitude) corresponding
to this quaternion rotation. */
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGTable.cpp,v 1.23 2010/09/16 11:01:24 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGTable.cpp,v 1.27 2010/10/21 11:09:56 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_TABLE;
@ -143,13 +143,12 @@ FGTable::FGTable(FGPropertyManager* propMan, Element* el) : PropertyManager(prop
internal = true;
} else {
// internal table is a child element of a restricted type
cerr << endl << fgred << " An internal table cannot be nested within another type," << endl;
cerr << " such as a function. The 'internal' keyword is ignored." << fgdef << endl << endl;
throw(" An internal table cannot be nested within another type,"
" such as a function. The 'internal' keyword is ignored.");
} else if (!call_type.empty()) {
cerr << endl << fgred << " An unknown table type attribute is listed: " << call_type
<< ". Execution cannot continue." << fgdef << endl << endl;
throw(" An unknown table type attribute is listed: "
". Execution cannot continue.");
// Determine and store the lookup properties for this table unless this table
@ -218,8 +217,7 @@ FGTable::FGTable(FGPropertyManager* propMan, Element* el) : PropertyManager(prop
brkpt_string = el->GetAttributeValue("breakPoint");
if (brkpt_string.empty()) {
// no independentVars found, and table is not marked as internal, nor is it a 3D table
cerr << endl << fgred << "No independent variable found for table." << fgdef << endl << endl;
throw("No independent variable found for table.");
// end lookup property code
@ -249,10 +247,11 @@ FGTable::FGTable(FGPropertyManager* propMan, Element* el) : PropertyManager(prop
case 2:
nRows = tableData->GetNumDataLines()-1;
if (nRows >= 2) nCols = FindNumColumns(tableData->GetDataLine(0));
else {
cerr << endl << fgred << "Not enough rows in this table." << fgdef << endl;
if (nRows >= 2) {
nCols = FindNumColumns(tableData->GetDataLine(0));
if (nCols < 2) throw(string("Not enough columns in table data."));
} else {
throw(string("Not enough rows in the table data."));
Type = tt2D;
@ -290,6 +289,63 @@ FGTable::FGTable(FGPropertyManager* propMan, Element* el) : PropertyManager(prop
// Sanity checks: lookup indices must be increasing monotonically
unsigned int r,c,b;
// find next xml element containing a name attribute
// to indicate where the error occured
Element* nameel = el;
while (nameel != 0 && nameel->GetAttributeValue("name") == "")
// check breakpoints, if applicable
if (dimension > 2) {
for (b=2; b<=nTables; ++b) {
if (Data[b][1] <= Data[b-1][1]) {
stringstream errormsg;
errormsg << fgred << highint << endl
<< " FGTable: breakpoint lookup is not monotonically increasing" << endl
<< " in breakpoint " << b;
if (nameel != 0) errormsg << " of table in " << nameel->GetAttributeValue("name");
errormsg << ":" << reset << endl
<< " " << Data[b][1] << "<=" << Data[b-1][1] << endl;
// check columns, if applicable
if (dimension > 1) {
for (c=2; c<=nCols; ++c) {
if (Data[0][c] <= Data[0][c-1]) {
stringstream errormsg;
errormsg << fgred << highint << endl
<< " FGTable: column lookup is not monotonically increasing" << endl
<< " in column " << c;
if (nameel != 0) errormsg << " of table in " << nameel->GetAttributeValue("name");
errormsg << ":" << reset << endl
<< " " << Data[0][c] << "<=" << Data[0][c-1] << endl;
// check rows
if (dimension < 3) { // in 3D tables, check only rows of subtables
for (r=2; r<=nRows; ++r) {
if (Data[r][0]<=Data[r-1][0]) {
stringstream errormsg;
errormsg << fgred << highint << endl
<< " FGTable: row lookup is not monotonically increasing" << endl
<< " in row " << r;
if (nameel != 0) errormsg << " of table in " << nameel->GetAttributeValue("name");
errormsg << ":" << reset << endl
<< " " << Data[r][0] << "<=" << Data[r-1][0] << endl;
if (debug_lvl & 1) Print();
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGAerodynamics.cpp,v 1.32 2010/09/07 00:40:03 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGAerodynamics.cpp,v 1.34 2010/10/15 11:32:41 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_AERODYNAMICS;
@ -349,7 +349,14 @@ bool FGAerodynamics::Load(Element *element)
axis = axis_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
function_element = axis_element->FindElement("function");
while (function_element) {
ca.push_back( new FGFunction(PropertyManager, function_element) );
string current_func_name = function_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
try {
ca.push_back( new FGFunction(PropertyManager, function_element) );
} catch (string const str) {
cerr << endl << fgred << "Error loading aerodynamic function in "
<< current_func_name << ":" << str << " Aborting." << reset << endl;
return false;
function_element = axis_element->FindNextElement("function");
Coeff[AxisIdx[axis]] = ca;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGAuxiliary.cpp,v 1.42 2010/07/27 23:18:19 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGAuxiliary.cpp,v 1.44 2010/10/10 15:10:15 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_AUXILIARY;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ bool FGAuxiliary::Run()
vAeroUVW = vUVW - wind;
Vt = vAeroUVW.Magnitude();
if ( Vt > 0.05) {
if ( Vt > 1.0 ) {
if (vAeroUVW(eW) != 0.0)
alpha = vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU) > 0.0 ? atan2(vAeroUVW(eW), vAeroUVW(eU)) : 0.0;
if (vAeroUVW(eV) != 0.0)
@ -182,10 +182,9 @@ bool FGAuxiliary::Run()
double mUW = (vAeroUVW(eU)*vAeroUVW(eU) + vAeroUVW(eW)*vAeroUVW(eW));
double signU=1;
if (vAeroUVW(eU) != 0.0)
signU = vAeroUVW(eU)/fabs(vAeroUVW(eU));
if (vAeroUVW(eU) < 0.0) signU=-1;
if ( (mUW == 0.0) || (Vt == 0.0) ) {
if ( mUW < 1.0 ) {
adot = 0.0;
bdot = 0.0;
} else {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGFCS.cpp,v 1.70 2010/08/21 22:56:11 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGFCS.cpp,v 1.71 2010/09/28 02:54:03 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_FCS;
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ bool FGFCS::InitModel(void)
void FGFCS::LateBind(void)
int i;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i<Systems.size(); i++) Systems[i]->LateBind();
for (i=0; i<APComponents.size(); i++) APComponents[i]->LateBind();
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_FCS "$Id: FGFCS.h,v 1.30 2010/09/05 17:31:40 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_FCS "$Id: FGFCS.h,v 1.31 2010/09/22 11:33:40 jberndt Exp $"
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@property gear/tailhook-pos-norm
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Revision: 1.30 $
@version $Revision: 1.31 $
@see FGActuator
@see FGDeadBand
@see FGFCSFunction
@ -345,11 +345,6 @@ public:
bool GetPropFeather(int engine) const { return PropFeather[engine]; }
/** Retrieves the State object pointer.
This is used by the FGFCS-owned components.
@return pointer to the State object */
FGState* GetState(void) { return State; }
/** Retrieves all component names for inclusion in output stream
@param delimiter either a tab or comma string depending on output type
@return a string containing the descriptive names for all components */
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGInertial.cpp,v 1.18 2010/03/28 05:57:00 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGInertial.cpp,v 1.19 2010/10/10 15:06:38 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_INERTIAL;
@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ FGColumnVector3 FGInertial::GetGravityJ2(FGColumnVector3 position) const
double lat = Propagate->GetLatitude();
double sinLat = sin(lat);
double preCommon = 1.5*J2*(a/r)*(a/r);
double adivr = a/r;
double preCommon = 1.5*J2*adivr*adivr;
double xy = 1.0 - 5.0*(sinLat*sinLat);
double z = 3.0 - 5.0*(sinLat*sinLat);
double GMOverr2 = GM/(r*r);
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ INCLUDES
#include "FGMassBalance.h"
#include "math/FGTable.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ DEFINITIONS
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGLGear.cpp,v 1.76 2010/07/30 11:50:01 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGLGear.cpp,v 1.78 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_LGEAR;
// Body To Structural (body frame is rotated 180 deg about Y and lengths are given in
@ -76,7 +77,8 @@ FGLGear::FGLGear(Element* el, FGFDMExec* fdmex, int number) :
Element *force_table=0;
Element *dampCoeff=0;
@ -254,9 +256,7 @@ FGLGear::FGLGear(Element* el, FGFDMExec* fdmex, int number) :
Curvature = 1.03;
// Initialize Lagrange multipliers
LMultiplier[ftRoll].value = 0.;
LMultiplier[ftSide].value = 0.;
LMultiplier[ftRoll].value = 0.;
memset(LMultiplier, 0, sizeof(LMultiplier));
@ -281,13 +281,15 @@ FGColumnVector3& FGLGear::GetBodyForces(void)
if (isRetractable) ComputeRetractionState();
if (GearDown) {
FGColumnVector3 angularVel;
vWhlBodyVec = MassBalance->StructuralToBody(vXYZn); // Get wheel in body frame
vLocalGear = Propagate->GetTb2l() * vWhlBodyVec; // Get local frame wheel location
gearLoc = Propagate->GetLocation().LocalToLocation(vLocalGear);
// Compute the height of the theoretical location of the wheel (if strut is
// not compressed) with respect to the ground level
double height = fdmex->GetGroundCallback()->GetAGLevel(t, gearLoc, contact, normal, cvel);
double height = fdmex->GetGroundCallback()->GetAGLevel(t, gearLoc, contact, normal, cvel, angularVel);
vGroundNormal = Propagate->GetTec2b() * normal;
// The height returned above is the AGL and is expressed in the Z direction
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_LGEAR "$Id: FGLGear.h,v 1.40 2010/07/30 11:50:01 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_LGEAR "$Id: FGLGear.h,v 1.41 2010/09/22 11:33:40 jberndt Exp $"
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ namespace JSBSim {
class FGAircraft;
class FGPropagate;
class FGFCS;
class FGState;
class FGMassBalance;
class FGAuxiliary;
class FGTable;
@ -181,7 +180,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author Jon S. Berndt
@version $Id: FGLGear.h,v 1.40 2010/07/30 11:50:01 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGLGear.h,v 1.41 2010/09/22 11:33:40 jberndt Exp $
@see Richard E. McFarland, "A Standard Kinematic Model for Flight Simulation at
NASA-Ames", NASA CR-2497, January 1975
@see Barnes W. McCormick, "Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics",
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_MODEL "$Id: FGModel.h,v 1.15 2010/09/07 00:19:46 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_MODEL "$Id: FGModel.h,v 1.16 2010/09/22 11:33:40 jberndt Exp $"
namespace JSBSim {
class FGFDMExec;
class FGState;
class FGAtmosphere;
class FGFCS;
class FGPropulsion;
@ -119,7 +118,6 @@ protected:
virtual void Debug(int from);
FGState* State;
FGAtmosphere* Atmosphere;
FGPropulsion* Propulsion;
@ -61,9 +61,6 @@ INCLUDES
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "input_output/net_fdm.hxx"
#include "input_output/FGfdmSocket.h"
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
# include <windows.h>
@ -77,7 +74,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGOutput.cpp,v 1.48 2010/04/12 12:25:19 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGOutput.cpp,v 1.49 2010/10/15 11:30:29 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_OUTPUT;
// (stolen from FGFS native_fdm.cxx)
@ -132,7 +129,6 @@ FGOutput::FGOutput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
Name = "FGOutput";
sFirstPass = dFirstPass = true;
socket = 0;
flightGearSocket = 0;
runID_postfix = 0;
Type = otNone;
SubSystems = 0;
@ -153,7 +149,6 @@ FGOutput::FGOutput(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
delete socket;
delete flightGearSocket;
@ -231,6 +226,15 @@ void FGOutput::SetType(const string& type)
void FGOutput::SetProtocol(const string& protocol)
if (protocol == "UDP") Protocol = FGfdmSocket::ptUDP;
else if (protocol == "TCP") Protocol = FGfdmSocket::ptTCP;
else Protocol = FGfdmSocket::ptTCP; // Default to TCP
void FGOutput::DelimitedOutput(const string& fname)
streambuf* buffer;
@ -566,7 +570,6 @@ void FGOutput::SocketDataFill(FGNetFDM* net)
// Consumables
net->num_tanks = Propulsion->GetNumTanks(); // Max number of fuel tanks
@ -574,7 +577,6 @@ void FGOutput::SocketDataFill(FGNetFDM* net)
net->fuel_quantity[i] = (float)(((FGTank *)Propulsion->GetTank(i))->GetContents());
// Gear status
net->num_wheels = GroundReactions->GetNumGearUnits();
@ -588,13 +590,11 @@ void FGOutput::SocketDataFill(FGNetFDM* net)
net->gear_compression[i] = (float)(GroundReactions->GetGearUnit(i)->GetCompLen());
// Environment
net->cur_time = (long int)1234567890; // Friday, Feb 13, 2009, 23:31:30 UTC (not processed by FGFS anyway)
net->cur_time = (long int)1234567890; // Friday, Feb 13, 2009, 23:31:30 UTC (not processed by FGFS anyway)
net->warp = 0; // offset in seconds to unix time
net->visibility = 25000.0; // visibility in meters (for env. effects)
// Control surface positions (normalized values)
net->elevator = (float)(FCS->GetDePos(ofNorm)); // Norm Elevator Pos, --
net->elevator_trim_tab = (float)(FCS->GetPitchTrimCmd()); // Norm Elev Trim Tab Pos, --
@ -607,7 +607,6 @@ void FGOutput::SocketDataFill(FGNetFDM* net)
net->speedbrake = (float)(FCS->GetDsbPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Speedbrake Pos, --
net->spoilers = (float)(FCS->GetDspPos(ofNorm)); // Norm Spoiler Pos, --
// Convert the net buffer to network format
if ( isLittleEndian ) {
net->version = htonl(net->version);
@ -691,12 +690,11 @@ void FGOutput::FlightGearSocketOutput(void)
int length = sizeof(fgSockBuf);
if (flightGearSocket == NULL) return;
if (!flightGearSocket->GetConnectStatus()) return;
if (socket == NULL) return;
if (!socket->GetConnectStatus()) return;
flightGearSocket->Send((char *)&fgSockBuf, length);
socket->Send((char *)&fgSockBuf, length);
@ -944,11 +942,9 @@ void FGOutput::SocketStatusOutput(const string& out_str)
bool FGOutput::Load(Element* element)
string type="", parameter="";
string parameter="";
string name="";
string protocol="tcp";
int OutRate = 0;
string property;
unsigned int port;
Element *property_element;
@ -967,19 +963,12 @@ bool FGOutput::Load(Element* element)
if (!document) return false;
name = FDMExec->GetRootDir() + document->GetAttributeValue("name");
type = document->GetAttributeValue("type");
if (!document->GetAttributeValue("port").empty() && type == string("SOCKET")) {
port = atoi(document->GetAttributeValue("port").c_str());
socket = new FGfdmSocket(name, port);
} else if (!document->GetAttributeValue("port").empty() && type == string("FLIGHTGEAR")) {
port = atoi(document->GetAttributeValue("port").c_str());
if (!document->GetAttributeValue("protocol").empty())
protocol = document->GetAttributeValue("protocol");
if (protocol == "udp")
flightGearSocket = new FGfdmSocket(name, port, FGfdmSocket::ptUDP); // create udp socket
flightGearSocket = new FGfdmSocket(name, port, FGfdmSocket::ptTCP); // create tcp socket (default)
Port = document->GetAttributeValue("port");
if (!Port.empty() && (Type == otSocket || Type == otFlightGear)) {
port = atoi(Port.c_str());
socket = new FGfdmSocket(name, port, Protocol);
} else {
BaseFilename = Filename = name;
@ -45,12 +45,13 @@ INCLUDES
#include "input_output/FGXMLFileRead.h"
#include "input_output/net_fdm.hxx"
#include "input_output/FGfdmSocket.h"
#define ID_OUTPUT "$Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.17 2009/10/24 22:59:30 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_OUTPUT "$Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.18 2010/10/15 11:30:29 jberndt Exp $"
@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
propulsion ON|OFF
NOTE that Time is always output with the data.
@version $Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.17 2009/10/24 22:59:30 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGOutput.h,v 1.18 2010/10/15 11:30:29 jberndt Exp $
@ -145,17 +146,19 @@ public:
void SocketStatusOutput(const std::string&);
void SocketDataFill(FGNetFDM* net);
void SetType(const std::string& type);
void SetProtocol(const std::string& protocol);
void SetPort(const std::string& port);
void SetStartNewFile(bool tt) {StartNewFile = tt;}
void SetSubsystems(int tt) {SubSystems = tt;}
void Enable(void) { enabled = true; }
void Disable(void) { enabled = false; }
bool Toggle(void) {enabled = !enabled; return enabled;}
bool Load(Element* el);
void SetOutputFileName(const std::string& fname) {Filename = fname;}
void SetDirectivesFile(const std::string& fname) {DirectivesFile = fname;}
void SetRate(int rt);
void Enable(void) { enabled = true; }
void Disable(void) { enabled = false; }
bool Toggle(void) {enabled = !enabled; return enabled;}
bool Load(Element* el);
string GetOutputFileName(void) const {return Filename;}
/// Subsystem types for specifying which will be output in the FDM data logging
@ -180,14 +183,15 @@ public:
enum {otNone, otCSV, otTab, otSocket, otTerminal, otFlightGear, otUnknown} Type;
FGfdmSocket::ProtocolType Protocol;
bool sFirstPass, dFirstPass, enabled;
int SubSystems;
int runID_postfix;
bool StartNewFile;
std::string output_file_name, delimeter, BaseFilename, Filename, DirectivesFile;
std::string Port;
std::ofstream datafile;
FGfdmSocket* socket;
FGfdmSocket* flightGearSocket;
std::vector <FGPropertyManager*> OutputProperties;
void Debug(int from);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGPropagate.cpp,v 1.65 2010/09/18 22:48:12 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGPropagate.cpp,v 1.71 2010/10/15 11:34:09 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_PROPAGATE;
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ FGPropagate::FGPropagate(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
Name = "FGPropagate";
gravType = gtStandard;
gravType = gtWGS84;
vQtrndot = FGQuaternion(0,0,0);
@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ FGPropagate::FGPropagate(FGFDMExec* fdmex) : FGModel(fdmex)
integrator_translational_position = eTrapezoidal;
VState.dqPQRdot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqPQRidot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqUVWidot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqInertialVelocity.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqQtrndot.resize(4, FGQuaternion(0.0,0.0,0.0));
@ -129,6 +130,7 @@ bool FGPropagate::InitModel(void)
VState.dqPQRdot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqPQRidot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqUVWidot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqInertialVelocity.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
VState.dqQtrndot.resize(4, FGColumnVector3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
@ -204,6 +206,7 @@ void FGPropagate::SetInitialState(const FGInitialCondition *FGIC)
FGIC->GetRRadpsIC() ) + Tl2b*vOmegaLocal;
VState.vPQRi = VState.vPQR + Ti2b * vOmegaEarth;
VState.vPQRi_i = Tb2i * VState.vPQRi;
// Make an initial run and set past values
@ -246,10 +249,11 @@ bool FGPropagate::Run(void)
CalculateUVW(); // Translational position derivative (velocities are integrated in the inertial frame)
// Propagate rotational / translational velocity, angular /translational position, respectively.
Integrate(VState.vPQRi, vPQRdot, VState.dqPQRdot, dt, integrator_rotational_rate);
Integrate(VState.vInertialVelocity, vUVWidot, VState.dqUVWidot, dt, integrator_translational_rate);
Integrate(VState.vPQRi_i, vPQRidot, VState.dqPQRidot, dt, integrator_rotational_rate); // ECI integration
Integrate(VState.qAttitudeECI, vQtrndot, VState.dqQtrndot, dt, integrator_rotational_position);
Integrate(VState.vInertialPosition, VState.vInertialVelocity, VState.dqInertialVelocity, dt, integrator_translational_position);
Integrate(VState.vInertialVelocity, vUVWidot, VState.dqUVWidot, dt, integrator_translational_rate);
// CAUTION : the order of the operations below is very important to get transformation
// matrices that are consistent with the new state of the vehicle
@ -280,6 +284,7 @@ bool FGPropagate::Run(void)
VehicleRadius = GetRadius(); // Calculate current aircraft radius from center of planet
VState.vPQRi = Ti2b * VState.vPQRi_i;
VState.vPQR = VState.vPQRi - Ti2b * vOmegaEarth;
VState.qAttitudeLocal = Tl2b.GetQuaternion();
@ -318,6 +323,7 @@ void FGPropagate::CalculatePQRdot(void)
// frame.
vPQRdot = Jinv*(vMoments - VState.vPQRi*(J*VState.vPQRi));
vPQRidot = Tb2i * vPQRdot;
@ -502,7 +508,7 @@ void FGPropagate::ResolveFrictionForces(double dt)
// Instruct the algorithm to zero out the relative movement between the
// aircraft and the ground.
vdot += (VState.vUVW - Tec2b * LocalTerrainVelocity) / dt;
wdot += VState.vPQR / dt;
wdot += (VState.vPQR - Tec2b * LocalTerrainAngularVelocity) / dt;
// Assemble the linear system of equations
@ -557,6 +563,7 @@ void FGPropagate::ResolveFrictionForces(double dt)
vUVWdot += invMass * Fc;
vUVWidot += invMass * Tb2i * Fc;
vPQRdot += Jinv * Mc;
vPQRidot += Tb2i* Jinv * Mc;
// Save the value of the Lagrange multipliers to accelerate the convergence
// of the Gauss-Seidel algorithm at next iteration.
@ -609,7 +616,8 @@ void FGPropagate::SetInertialVelocity(FGColumnVector3 Vi) {
void FGPropagate::SetInertialRates(FGColumnVector3 vRates) {
VState.vPQRi = Ti2b * vRates;
VState.vPQRi_i = vRates;
VState.vPQRi = Ti2b * VState.vPQRi_i;
VState.vPQR = VState.vPQRi - Ti2b * vOmegaEarth;
@ -626,11 +634,13 @@ void FGPropagate::InitializeDerivatives(void)
// Initialize past values deques
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
@ -647,7 +657,7 @@ void FGPropagate::RecomputeLocalTerrainRadius(void)
// Get the LocalTerrain radius.
FDMExec->GetGroundCallback()->GetAGLevel(t, VState.vLocation, contactloc, dv,
LocalTerrainVelocity, LocalTerrainAngularVelocity);
LocalTerrainRadius = contactloc.GetRadius();
@ -712,6 +722,41 @@ void FGPropagate::SetDistanceAGL(double tt)
void FGPropagate::DumpState(void)
cout << endl;
cout << fgblue
<< "------------------------------------------------------------------" << reset << endl;
cout << highint
<< "State Report at sim time: " << FDMExec->GetSimTime() << " seconds" << reset << endl;
cout << " " << underon
<< "Position" << underoff << endl;
cout << " ECI: " << VState.vInertialPosition.Dump(", ") << " (x,y,z, in ft)" << endl;
cout << " ECEF: " << VState.vLocation << " (x,y,z, in ft)" << endl;
cout << " Local: " << VState.vLocation.GetLatitudeDeg()
<< ", " << VState.vLocation.GetLongitudeDeg()
<< ", " << GetAltitudeASL() << " (lat, lon, alt in deg and ft)" << endl;
cout << endl << " " << underon
<< "Orientation" << underoff << endl;
cout << " ECI: " << VState.qAttitudeECI.GetEulerDeg().Dump(", ") << " (phi, theta, psi in deg)" << endl;
cout << " Local: " << VState.qAttitudeLocal.GetEulerDeg().Dump(", ") << " (phi, theta, psi in deg)" << endl;
cout << endl << " " << underon
<< "Velocity" << underoff << endl;
cout << " ECI: " << VState.vInertialVelocity.Dump(", ") << " (x,y,z in ft/s)" << endl;
cout << " ECEF: " << (GetTb2ec() * VState.vUVW).Dump(", ") << " (x,y,z in ft/s)" << endl;
cout << " Local: " << GetVel() << " (n,e,d in ft/sec)" << endl;
cout << " Body: " << GetUVW() << " (u,v,w in ft/sec)" << endl;
cout << endl << " " << underon
<< "Body Rates (relative to given frame, expressed in body frame)" << underoff << endl;
cout << " ECI: " << (VState.vPQRi*radtodeg).Dump(", ") << " (p,q,r in deg/s)" << endl;
cout << " ECEF: " << (VState.vPQR*radtodeg).Dump(", ") << " (p,q,r in deg/s)" << endl;
void FGPropagate::bind(void)
typedef double (FGPropagate::*PMF)(int) const;
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ INCLUDES
#define ID_PROPAGATE "$Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.48 2010/09/18 22:48:12 jberndt Exp $"
#define ID_PROPAGATE "$Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.51 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $"
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ CLASS DOCUMENTATION
@author Jon S. Berndt, Mathias Froehlich
@version $Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.48 2010/09/18 22:48:12 jberndt Exp $
@version $Id: FGPropagate.h,v 1.51 2010/10/07 03:45:40 jberndt Exp $
@ -135,6 +135,11 @@ public:
units rad/sec */
FGColumnVector3 vPQRi;
/** The angular velocity vector for the vehicle body frame relative to the
ECI frame, expressed in the ECI frame.
units rad/sec */
FGColumnVector3 vPQRi_i;
/** The current orientation of the vehicle, that is, the orientation of the
body frame relative to the local, NED frame. */
FGQuaternion qAttitudeLocal;
@ -148,6 +153,7 @@ public:
FGColumnVector3 vInertialPosition;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqPQRdot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqPQRidot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqUVWidot;
deque <FGColumnVector3> dqInertialVelocity;
deque <FGQuaternion> dqQtrndot;
@ -566,16 +572,6 @@ public:
VState.vInertialPosition = GetTec2i() * VState.vLocation;
void SetLocation(const FGLocation& l) {
VState.vLocation = l;
VState.vInertialPosition = GetTec2i() * VState.vLocation;
void SetLocation(const FGColumnVector3& l) {
VState.vLocation = l;
VState.vInertialPosition = GetTec2i() * VState.vLocation;
void SetAltitudeASL(double altASL);
void SetAltitudeASLmeters(double altASL) {SetAltitudeASL(altASL/fttom);}
void SetSeaLevelRadius(double tt) { SeaLevelRadius = tt; }
@ -588,6 +584,16 @@ public:
VehicleRadius = GetRadius();
void SetLocation(const FGLocation& l) {
VState.vLocation = l;
VState.vInertialPosition = GetTec2i() * VState.vLocation;
void SetLocation(const FGColumnVector3& l) {
VState.vLocation = l;
VState.vInertialPosition = GetTec2i() * VState.vLocation;
void RecomputeLocalTerrainRadius(void);
@ -604,6 +610,8 @@ public:
double value;
void DumpState(void);
// state vector
@ -612,6 +620,7 @@ private:
FGColumnVector3 vVel;
FGColumnVector3 vPQRdot;
FGColumnVector3 vPQRidot;
FGColumnVector3 vUVWdot, vUVWidot;
FGColumnVector3 vInertialVelocity;
FGColumnVector3 vLocation;
@ -633,7 +642,7 @@ private:
FGMatrix33 Tl2i;
double LocalTerrainRadius, SeaLevelRadius, VehicleRadius;
FGColumnVector3 LocalTerrainVelocity;
FGColumnVector3 LocalTerrainVelocity, LocalTerrainAngularVelocity;
eIntegrateType integrator_rotational_rate;
eIntegrateType integrator_translational_rate;
eIntegrateType integrator_rotational_position;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGPropulsion.cpp,v 1.40 2010/09/07 00:40:03 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGPropulsion.cpp,v 1.41 2010/10/15 11:32:41 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_PROPULSION;
extern short debug_lvl;
@ -295,29 +295,34 @@ bool FGPropulsion::Load(Element* el)
type = document->GetName();
if (type == "piston_engine") {
HavePistonEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGPiston(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "turbine_engine") {
HaveTurbineEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGTurbine(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "turboprop_engine") {
HaveTurboPropEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGTurboProp(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "rocket_engine") {
HaveRocketEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGRocket(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "electric_engine") {
HaveElectricEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGElectric(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else {
cerr << "Unknown engine type: " << type << endl;
try {
if (type == "piston_engine") {
HavePistonEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGPiston(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "turbine_engine") {
HaveTurbineEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGTurbine(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "turboprop_engine") {
HaveTurboPropEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGTurboProp(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "rocket_engine") {
HaveRocketEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGRocket(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else if (type == "electric_engine") {
HaveElectricEngine = true;
if (!IsBound) bind();
Engines.push_back(new FGElectric(FDMExec, document, numEngines));
} else {
cerr << "Unknown engine type: " << type << endl;
} catch (std::string str) {
cerr << endl << fgred << str << reset << endl;
return false;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGEngine.cpp,v 1.39 2010/08/21 17:13:48 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGEngine.cpp,v 1.40 2010/10/15 11:32:41 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_ENGINE;
@ -109,7 +109,11 @@ FGEngine::FGEngine(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* engine_element, int engine_number)
// Load thruster
local_element = engine_element->GetParent()->FindElement("thruster");
if (local_element) {
if (!LoadThruster(local_element)) exit(-1);
try {
if (!LoadThruster(local_element)) exit(-1);
} catch (std::string str) {
throw("Error loading engine " + Name + ". " + str);
} else {
cerr << "No thruster definition supplied with engine definition." << endl;
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ using namespace std;
namespace JSBSim {
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGPropeller.cpp,v 1.30 2010/05/02 15:10:07 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdSrc = "$Id: FGPropeller.cpp,v 1.32 2010/10/21 03:27:40 jberndt Exp $";
static const char *IdHdr = ID_PROPELLER;
@ -105,16 +105,20 @@ FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, Element* prop_element, int num)
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
table_element = prop_element->FindNextElement("table");
name = table_element->GetAttributeValue("name");
if (name == "C_THRUST") {
cThrust = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "C_POWER") {
cPower = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "CT_MACH") {
CtMach = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "CP_MACH") {
CpMach = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else {
cerr << "Unknown table type: " << name << " in propeller definition." << endl;
try {
if (name == "C_THRUST") {
cThrust = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "C_POWER") {
cPower = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "CT_MACH") {
CtMach = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else if (name == "CP_MACH") {
CpMach = new FGTable(PropertyManager, table_element);
} else {
cerr << "Unknown table type: " << name << " in propeller definition." << endl;
} catch (std::string str) {
throw("Error loading propeller table:" + name + ". " + str);
@ -334,7 +338,7 @@ double FGPropeller::GetPowerRequired(void)
if (CL > 1.5) CL = 1.5;
double BladeArea = Diameter * Diameter / 32.0 * numBlades;
vTorque(eX) = -Sense*BladeArea*Diameter*Vel*Vel*rho*0.19*CL;
PowerRequired = vTorque(eX)*0.2*M_PI;
PowerRequired = fabs(vTorque(eX))*0.2*M_PI;
return PowerRequired;
Add table
Reference in a new issue