diff --git a/src/FDM/Makefile.am b/src/FDM/Makefile.am
index c711e0b85..696f8d72e 100644
--- a/src/FDM/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/FDM/Makefile.am
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-SUBDIRS	= Balloon JSBSim LaRCsim UIUCModel
+SUBDIRS	= Balloon JSBSim LaRCsim UIUCModel YASim
 noinst_LIBRARIES = libFlight.a
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Airplane.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Airplane.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93a822a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Airplane.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+#include "ControlMap.hpp"
+#include "Gear.hpp"
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Glue.hpp"
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "Thruster.hpp"
+#include "Airplane.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// FIXME: hook gear extension into the force calculation somehow...
+    _emptyWeight = 0;
+    _pilotPos[0] = _pilotPos[1] = _pilotPos[2] = 0;
+    _wing = 0;
+    _tail = 0;
+    _ballast = 0;
+    _cruiseRho = 0;
+    _cruiseSpeed = 0;
+    _cruiseWeight = 0;
+    _approachRho = 0;
+    _approachSpeed = 0;
+    _approachAoA = 0;
+    _approachWeight = 0;
+    _dragFactor = 1;
+    _liftRatio = 1;
+    _cruiseAoA = 0;
+    _tailIncidence = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_fuselages.size(); i++)
+	delete (Fuselage*)_fuselages.get(i);
+    for(int i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++)
+	delete (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
+	delete (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++)
+	delete (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++)
+	delete (Surface*)_surfs.get(i);    
+void Airplane::iterate(float dt)
+    _model.iterate();
+    // Consume fuel
+    // FIXME
+ControlMap* Airplane::getControlMap()
+    return &_controls;
+Model* Airplane::getModel()
+    return &_model;
+void Airplane::getPilotAccel(float* out)
+    State* s = _model.getState();
+    // Gravity
+    Glue::geodUp(s->pos, out);
+    Math::mul3(-9.8, out, out);
+    // The regular acceleration
+    float tmp[3];
+    Math::mul3(-1, s->acc, tmp);
+    Math::add3(tmp, out, out);
+    // Convert to aircraft coordinates
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, out, out);
+    // FIXME: rotational & centripetal acceleration needed
+void Airplane::setPilotPos(float* pos)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _pilotPos[i] = pos[i];
+void Airplane::getPilotPos(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pilotPos[i];
+int Airplane::numGear()
+    return _gears.size();
+Gear* Airplane::getGear(int g)
+    return ((GearRec*)_gears.get(g))->gear;
+void Airplane::setGearState(bool down, float dt)
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
+        GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
+        if(gr->time == 0) {
+            // Non-extensible
+            gr->gear->setExtension(1);
+            gr->surf->setXDrag(1);
+            gr->surf->setYDrag(1);
+            gr->surf->setZDrag(1);
+            continue;
+        }
+        float diff = dt / gr->time;
+        if(!down) diff = -diff;
+        float ext = gr->gear->getExtension() + diff;
+        if(ext < 0) ext = 0;
+        if(ext > 1) ext = 1;
+        gr->gear->setExtension(ext);
+        gr->surf->setXDrag(ext);
+        gr->surf->setYDrag(ext);
+        gr->surf->setZDrag(ext);
+    }
+void Airplane::setApproach(float speed, float altitude)
+    // The zero AoA will become a calculated stall AoA in compile()
+    setApproach(speed, altitude, 0);
+void Airplane::setApproach(float speed, float altitude, float aoa)
+    _approachSpeed = speed;
+    _approachRho = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(altitude);
+    _approachAoA = aoa;
+void Airplane::setCruise(float speed, float altitude)
+    _cruiseSpeed = speed;
+    _cruiseRho = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(altitude);
+    _cruiseAoA = 0;
+    _tailIncidence = 0;
+void Airplane::addApproachControl(int control, float val)
+    Control* c = new Control();
+    c->control = control;
+    c->val = val;
+    _approachControls.add(c);
+void Airplane::addCruiseControl(int control, float val)
+    Control* c = new Control();
+    c->control = control;
+    c->val = val;
+    _cruiseControls.add(c);
+int Airplane::numTanks()
+    return _tanks.size();
+float Airplane::getFuel(int tank)
+    return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->fill;
+float Airplane::getFuelDensity(int tank)
+    return ((Tank*)_tanks.get(tank))->density;
+void Airplane::setWeight(float weight)
+    _emptyWeight = weight;
+void Airplane::setWing(Wing* wing)
+    _wing = wing;
+void Airplane::setTail(Wing* tail)
+    _tail = tail;
+void Airplane::addVStab(Wing* vstab)
+    _vstabs.add(vstab);
+void Airplane::addFuselage(float* front, float* back, float width)
+    Fuselage* f = new Fuselage();
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+	f->front[i] = front[i];
+	f->back[i]  = back[i];
+    }
+    f->width = width;
+    _fuselages.add(f);
+int Airplane::addTank(float* pos, float cap, float density)
+    Tank* t = new Tank();
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) t->pos[i] = pos[i];
+    t->cap = cap;
+    t->fill = cap;
+    t->density = density;
+    t->handle = 0xffffffff;
+    return _tanks.add(t);
+void Airplane::addGear(Gear* gear, float transitionTime)
+    GearRec* g = new GearRec();
+    g->gear = gear;
+    g->surf = 0;
+    g->time = transitionTime;
+    _gears.add(g);
+void Airplane::addThruster(Thruster* thruster, float mass, float* cg)
+    ThrustRec* t = new ThrustRec();
+    t->thruster = thruster;
+    t->mass = mass;
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) t->cg[i] = cg[i];
+    _thrusters.add(t);
+void Airplane::addBallast(float* pos, float mass)
+    _model.getBody()->addMass(mass, pos);
+    _ballast += mass;
+int Airplane::addWeight(float* pos, float size)
+    WeightRec* wr = new WeightRec();
+    wr->handle = _model.getBody()->addMass(0, pos);
+    wr->surf = new Surface();
+    wr->surf->setTotalDrag(size*size);
+    _model.addSurface(wr->surf);
+    _surfs.add(wr->surf);
+    return _weights.add(wr);
+void Airplane::setWeight(int handle, float mass)
+    WeightRec* wr = (WeightRec*)_weights.get(handle);
+    _model.getBody()->setMass(wr->handle, mass);
+    // Kill the aerodynamic drag if the mass is exactly zero.  This is
+    // how we simulate droppable stores.
+    if(mass == 0) {
+	wr->surf->setXDrag(0);
+	wr->surf->setYDrag(0);
+	wr->surf->setZDrag(0);
+    } else {
+	wr->surf->setXDrag(1);
+	wr->surf->setYDrag(1);
+	wr->surf->setZDrag(1);
+    }
+void Airplane::setFuelFraction(float frac)
+    for(int i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++) {
+        Tank* t = (Tank*)_tanks.get(i);
+        _model.getBody()->setMass(t->handle, t->cap * frac);
+    }
+float Airplane::getDragCoefficient()
+    return _dragFactor;
+float Airplane::getLiftRatio()
+    return _liftRatio;
+float Airplane::getCruiseAoA()
+    return _cruiseAoA;
+float Airplane::getTailIncidence()
+    return _tailIncidence;
+char* Airplane::getFailureMsg()
+    return _failureMsg;
+int Airplane::getSolutionIterations()
+    return _solutionIterations;
+void Airplane::setupState(float aoa, float speed, State* s)
+    float cosAoA = Math::cos(aoa);
+    float sinAoA = Math::sin(aoa);
+    s->orient[0] =  cosAoA; s->orient[1] = 0; s->orient[2] = sinAoA;
+    s->orient[3] =       0; s->orient[4] = 1; s->orient[5] =      0;
+    s->orient[6] = -sinAoA; s->orient[7] = 0; s->orient[8] = cosAoA;
+    s->v[0] = speed; s->v[1] = 0; s->v[2] = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+	s->pos[i] = s->rot[i] = s->acc[i] = s->racc[i] = 0;
+    // Put us 1m above the origin, or else the gravity computation in
+    // Model goes nuts
+    s->pos[2] = 1;
+float Airplane::compileWing(Wing* w)
+    // Make sure it's initialized.  The surfaces will pop out with
+    // total drag coefficients equal to their areas, which is what we
+    // want.
+    w->compile();
+    float wgt = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<w->numSurfaces(); i++) {
+        Surface* s = (Surface*)w->getSurface(i);
+        _model.addSurface(s);
+        float pos[3];
+        s->getPosition(pos);
+        _model.getBody()->addMass(w->getSurfaceWeight(i), pos);
+        wgt += w->getSurfaceWeight(i);
+    }
+    return wgt;
+float Airplane::compileFuselage(Fuselage* f)
+    float wgt = 0;
+    float fwd[3];
+    Math::sub3(f->front, f->back, fwd);
+    float len = Math::mag3(fwd);
+    float wid = f->width;
+    int segs = (int)Math::ceil(len/wid);
+    float segWgt = wid*wid/segs;
+    for(int j=0; j<segs; j++) {
+        float frac = (j+0.5) / segs;
+        float pos[3];
+        Math::mul3(frac, fwd, pos);
+        Math::add3(f->back, pos, pos);
+        _model.getBody()->addMass(segWgt, pos);
+        wgt += segWgt;
+        // Make a Surface too
+        Surface* s = new Surface();
+        s->setPosition(pos);
+	float sideDrag = len/wid;
+        s->setYDrag(sideDrag);
+        s->setZDrag(sideDrag);
+        s->setTotalDrag(segWgt);
+        // FIXME: fails for fuselages aligned along the Y axis
+        float o[9];
+        float *x=o, *y=o+3, *z=o+6; // nicknames for the axes
+        Math::unit3(fwd, x);
+        y[0] = 0; y[1] = 1; y[2] = 0;
+        Math::cross3(x, y, z);
+        s->setOrientation(o);
+        _model.addSurface(s);
+        _surfs.add(s);
+    }
+    return wgt;
+// FIXME: should probably add a mass for the gear, too
+void Airplane::compileGear(GearRec* gr)
+    Gear* g = gr->gear;
+    // Make a Surface object for the aerodynamic behavior
+    Surface* s = new Surface();
+    gr->surf = s;
+    // Put the surface at the half-way point on the gear strut, give
+    // it a drag coefficient equal to a square of the same dimension
+    // (gear are really draggy) and make it symmetric.
+    float pos[3], cmp[3];
+    g->getCompression(cmp);
+    float length = Math::mag3(cmp);
+    g->getPosition(pos);
+    Math::mul3(0.5, cmp, cmp);
+    Math::add3(pos, cmp, pos);
+    s->setPosition(pos);
+    s->setTotalDrag(length*length);
+    _model.addGear(g);
+    _model.addSurface(s);
+    _surfs.add(s);
+void Airplane::compile()
+    double ground[3];
+    ground[0] = 0; ground[1] = 0; ground[2] = 1;
+    _model.setGroundPlane(ground, -100000);
+    RigidBody* body = _model.getBody();
+    int firstMass = body->numMasses();
+    // Generate the point masses for the plane.  Just use unitless
+    // numbers for a first pass, then go back through and rescale to
+    // make the weight right.
+    float aeroWgt = 0;
+    // The Wing objects
+    aeroWgt += compileWing(_wing);
+    aeroWgt += compileWing(_tail);
+    for(int i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++) {
+        aeroWgt += compileWing((Wing*)_vstabs.get(i)); 
+    }
+    // The fuselage(s)
+    for(int i=0; i<_fuselages.size(); i++) {
+        aeroWgt += compileFuselage((Fuselage*)_fuselages.get(i));
+    }
+    // Count up the absolute weight we have
+    float nonAeroWgt = _ballast;
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++)
+        nonAeroWgt += ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->mass;
+    // Rescale to the specified empty weight
+    float wscale = (_emptyWeight-nonAeroWgt)/aeroWgt;
+    for(int i=firstMass; i<body->numMasses(); i++)
+        body->setMass(i, body->getMass(i)*wscale);
+    // Add the thruster masses
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+        ThrustRec* t = (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
+        body->addMass(t->mass, t->cg);
+    }
+    // Add the tanks, empty for now.
+    float totalFuel = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_tanks.size(); i++) { 
+        Tank* t = (Tank*)_tanks.get(i); 
+        t->handle = body->addMass(0, t->pos);
+        totalFuel += t->cap;
+    }
+    _cruiseWeight = _emptyWeight + totalFuel*0.5;
+    _approachWeight = _emptyWeight + totalFuel*0.2;
+    body->recalc();
+    // Add surfaces for the landing gear.
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++)
+        compileGear((GearRec*)_gears.get(i));
+    // The Thruster objects
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+        ThrustRec* tr = (ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i);
+        tr->handle = _model.addThruster(tr->thruster);
+    }
+    solveGear();
+    solve();
+    // Drop the gear (use a really big dt)
+    setGearState(true, 1000000);
+void Airplane::solveGear()
+    float cg[3], pos[3];
+    _model.getBody()->getCG(cg);
+    // Calculate spring constant weightings for the gear.  Weight by
+    // the inverse of the distance to the c.g. in the XY plane, which
+    // should be correct for most gear arrangements.  Add 50cm of
+    // "buffer" to keep things from blowing up with aircraft with a
+    // single gear very near the c.g. (AV-8, for example).
+    float total = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
+        GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
+        Gear* g = gr->gear;
+        g->getPosition(pos);
+	Math::sub3(cg, pos, pos);
+        gr->wgt = 1/(0.5+Math::sqrt(pos[0]*pos[0] + pos[1]*pos[1]));
+        total += gr->wgt;
+    }
+    // Renormalize so they sum to 1
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++)
+        ((GearRec*)_gears.get(i))->wgt /= total;
+    // The force at max compression should be sufficient to stop a
+    // plane moving downwards at 3x the approach descent rate.  Assume
+    // a 3 degree approach.
+    float descentRate = 3*_approachSpeed/19.1;
+    // Spread the kinetic energy according to the gear weights.  This
+    // will results in an equal compression fraction (not distance) of
+    // each gear.
+    float energy = 0.5*_approachWeight*descentRate*descentRate;
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
+        GearRec* gr = (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
+        float e = energy * gr->wgt;
+        float comp[3];
+        gr->gear->getCompression(comp);
+        float len = Math::mag3(comp);
+        // Energy in a spring: e = 0.5 * k * len^2
+        float k = 2 * e / (len*len);
+        gr->gear->setSpring(k);
+        // Critically damped (too damped, too!)
+        gr->gear->setDamping(2*Math::sqrt(k*_approachWeight*gr->wgt));
+        // These are pretty generic
+        gr->gear->setStaticFriction(0.8);
+        gr->gear->setDynamicFriction(0.7);
+    }
+void Airplane::stabilizeThrust()
+    float thrust[3], tmp[3];
+    float last = 0;
+    while(1) {
+        thrust[0] = thrust[1] = thrust[2] = 0;
+        for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+            Thruster* t = _model.getThruster(i);
+            t->integrate(0.033);
+            t->getThrust(tmp);
+            Math::add3(thrust, tmp, thrust);
+        }
+        float t = Math::mag3(thrust);
+        float ratio = (t+0.1)/(last+0.1);
+ 	if(ratio < 1.00001 && ratio > 0.99999)
+ 	    break;
+        last = t;
+    }
+void Airplane::runCruise()
+    setupState(_cruiseAoA, _cruiseSpeed, &_cruiseState);
+    _model.setState(&_cruiseState);
+    _model.setAirDensity(_cruiseRho);
+    // The control configuration
+    _controls.reset();
+    for(int i=0; i<_cruiseControls.size(); i++) {
+	Control* c = (Control*)_cruiseControls.get(i);
+	_controls.setInput(c->control, c->val);
+    }
+    _controls.applyControls();
+    // The local wind
+    float wind[3];
+    Math::mul3(-1, _cruiseState.v, wind);
+    Math::vmul33(_cruiseState.orient, wind, wind);
+    // Gear are up (if they're non-retractable, this is a noop)
+    setGearState(false, 100000);
+    // Cruise is by convention at 50% tank capacity
+    setFuelFraction(0.5);
+    // Set up the thruster parameters and iterate until the thrust
+    // stabilizes.
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+	Thruster* t = ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->thruster;
+	t->setWind(wind);
+	t->setDensity(_cruiseRho);
+    }
+    stabilizeThrust();
+    // Precompute thrust in the model, and calculate aerodynamic forces
+    _model.getBody()->reset();
+    _model.initIteration();
+    _model.calcForces(&_cruiseState);
+void Airplane::runApproach()
+    setupState(_approachAoA, _approachSpeed, &_approachState);
+    _model.setState(&_approachState);
+    _model.setAirDensity(_approachRho);
+    // The control configuration
+    _controls.reset();
+    for(int i=0; i<_approachControls.size(); i++) {
+	Control* c = (Control*)_approachControls.get(i);
+	_controls.setInput(c->control, c->val);
+    }
+    _controls.applyControls();
+    // The local wind
+    float wind[3];
+    Math::mul3(-1, _approachState.v, wind);
+    Math::vmul33(_approachState.orient, wind, wind);
+    // Approach is by convention at 20% tank capacity
+    setFuelFraction(0.2);
+    // Gear are down
+    setGearState(true, 100000);
+    // Run the thrusters until they get to a stable setting.  FIXME:
+    // this is lots of wasted work.
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+	Thruster* t = ((ThrustRec*)_thrusters.get(i))->thruster;
+	t->setWind(wind);
+	t->setDensity(_approachRho);
+    }
+    stabilizeThrust();
+    // Precompute thrust in the model, and calculate aerodynamic forces
+    _model.getBody()->reset();
+    _model.initIteration();
+    _model.calcForces(&_approachState);
+void Airplane::applyDragFactor(float factor)
+    float applied = Math::sqrt(factor);
+    _dragFactor *= applied;
+    _wing->setDragScale(_wing->getDragScale() * applied);
+    _tail->setDragScale(_tail->getDragScale() * applied);
+    for(int i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++) {
+	Wing* w = (Wing*)_vstabs.get(i);
+	w->setDragScale(w->getDragScale() * applied);
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++) {
+	Surface* s = (Surface*)_surfs.get(i);
+	s->setTotalDrag(s->getTotalDrag() * applied);
+    }
+void Airplane::applyLiftRatio(float factor)
+    float applied = Math::sqrt(factor);
+    _liftRatio *= applied;
+    _wing->setLiftRatio(_wing->getLiftRatio() * applied);
+    _tail->setLiftRatio(_tail->getLiftRatio() * applied);
+    for(int i=0; i<_vstabs.size(); i++) {
+        Wing* w = (Wing*)_vstabs.get(i);
+        w->setLiftRatio(w->getLiftRatio() * applied);
+    }
+float Airplane::clamp(float val, float min, float max)
+    if(val < min) return min;
+    if(val > max) return max;
+    return val;
+float Airplane::normFactor(float f)
+    if(f < 0) f = -f;
+    if(f < 1) f = 1/f;
+    return f;
+void Airplane::solve()
+    static const float ARCMIN = 0.0002909;
+    float tmp[3];
+    _solutionIterations = 0;
+    _failureMsg = 0;
+    while(1) {
+	if(_solutionIterations++ > 10000) {
+            _failureMsg = "Solution failed to converge after 10000 iterations";
+	    return;
+        }
+	// Run an iteration at cruise, and extract the needed numbers:
+	runCruise();
+	_model.getThrust(tmp);
+	float thrust = tmp[0];
+	_model.getBody()->getAccel(tmp);
+	float xforce = _cruiseWeight * tmp[0];
+	float clift0 = _cruiseWeight * tmp[2];
+	_model.getBody()->getAngularAccel(tmp);
+	float pitch0 = tmp[1];
+	// Run an approach iteration, and do likewise
+	runApproach();
+	_model.getBody()->getAccel(tmp);
+	float alift = _approachWeight * tmp[2];
+	// Modify the cruise AoA a bit to get a derivative
+	_cruiseAoA += ARCMIN;
+	runCruise();
+	_cruiseAoA -= ARCMIN;
+	_model.getBody()->getAccel(tmp);
+	float clift1 = _cruiseWeight * tmp[2];
+	// Do the same with the tail incidence
+	_tail->setIncidence(_tailIncidence + ARCMIN);
+	runCruise();
+	_tail->setIncidence(_tailIncidence);
+	_model.getBody()->getAngularAccel(tmp);
+	float pitch1 = tmp[1];
+	// Now calculate:
+	float awgt = 9.8 * _approachWeight;
+	float dragFactor = thrust / (thrust-xforce);
+	float liftFactor = awgt / (awgt+alift);
+	float aoaDelta = -clift0 * (ARCMIN/(clift1-clift0));
+	float tailDelta = -pitch0 * (ARCMIN/(pitch1-pitch0));
+        // Sanity:
+        if(dragFactor <= 0) {
+            _failureMsg = "Zero or negative drag adjustment.";
+            return;
+        } else if(liftFactor <= 0) {
+            _failureMsg = "Zero or negative lift adjustment.";
+            return;
+        }
+	// And apply:
+	applyDragFactor(dragFactor);
+	applyLiftRatio(liftFactor);
+	// DON'T do the following until the above are sane
+	if(normFactor(dragFactor) > 1.1
+	   || normFactor(liftFactor) > 1.1)
+	{
+	    continue;
+	}
+	// OK, now we can adjust the minor variables
+	_cruiseAoA += 0.5*aoaDelta;
+	_tailIncidence += 0.5*tailDelta;
+	_cruiseAoA = clamp(_cruiseAoA, -.174, .174);
+	_tailIncidence = clamp(_tailIncidence, -.174, .174);
+        if(dragFactor < 1.00001 && liftFactor < 1.00001 &&
+           aoaDelta < .000017   && tailDelta < .000017)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if(_dragFactor < 1e-06 || _dragFactor > 1e6) {
+	_failureMsg = "Drag factor beyond reasonable bounds.";
+	return;
+    } else if(_liftRatio < 1e-04 || _liftRatio > 1e4) {
+	_failureMsg = "Lift ratio beyond reasonable bounds.";
+	return;
+    } else if(Math::abs(_cruiseAoA) >= .174) {
+	_failureMsg = "Cruise AoA > 10 degrees";
+	return;
+    } else if(Math::abs(_tailIncidence) >= .174) {
+	_failureMsg = "Tail incidence > 10 degrees";
+	return;
+    }
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Airplane.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Airplane.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..250d1e15e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Airplane.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#ifndef _AIRPLANE_HPP
+#define _AIRPLANE_HPP
+#include "ControlMap.hpp"
+#include "Model.hpp"
+#include "Wing.hpp"
+#include "util/Vector.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+class Gear;
+class Thruster;
+class Airplane {
+    Airplane();
+    ~Airplane();
+    void iterate(float dt);
+    ControlMap* getControlMap();
+    Model* getModel();
+    void setPilotPos(float* pos);
+    void getPilotPos(float* out);
+    void getPilotAccel(float* out);
+    void setWeight(float weight);
+    void setWing(Wing* wing);
+    void setTail(Wing* tail);
+    void addVStab(Wing* vstab);
+    void addFuselage(float* front, float* back, float width);
+    int addTank(float* pos, float cap, float fuelDensity);
+    void addGear(Gear* g, float transitionTime);
+    void addThruster(Thruster* t, float mass, float* cg);
+    void addBallast(float* pos, float mass);
+    int addWeight(float* pos, float size);
+    void setWeight(int handle, float mass);
+    void setApproach(float speed, float altitude);
+    void setApproach(float speed, float altitude, float aoa); 
+    void setCruise(float speed, float altitude);
+    void addApproachControl(int control, float val);
+    void addCruiseControl(int control, float val);
+    int numGear();
+    Gear* getGear(int g);
+    void setGearState(bool down, float dt);
+    int numTanks();
+    void setFuelFraction(float frac); // 0-1, total amount of fuel
+    float getFuel(int tank); // in kg!
+    float getFuelDensity(int tank); // kg/m^3
+    void compile(); // generate point masses & such, then solve
+    // Solution output values
+    int getSolutionIterations();
+    float getDragCoefficient();
+    float getLiftRatio();
+    float getCruiseAoA();
+    float getTailIncidence();
+    char* getFailureMsg();
+    struct Tank { float pos[3]; float cap; float fill;
+	          float density; int handle; };
+    struct Fuselage { float front[3], back[3], width; };
+    struct GearRec { Gear* gear; Surface* surf; float wgt; float time; };
+    struct ThrustRec { Thruster* thruster;
+	               int handle; float cg[3]; float mass; };
+    struct Control { int control; float val; };
+    struct WeightRec { int handle; Surface* surf; };
+    void runCruise();
+    void runApproach();
+    void setupState(float aoa, float speed, State* s);
+    void solveGear();
+    void solve();
+    float compileWing(Wing* w);
+    float compileFuselage(Fuselage* f);
+    void compileGear(GearRec* gr);
+    void stabilizeThrust();
+    void applyDragFactor(float factor);
+    void applyLiftRatio(float factor);
+    float clamp(float val, float min, float max);
+    float normFactor(float f);
+    Model _model;
+    ControlMap _controls;
+    float _emptyWeight;
+    float _pilotPos[3];
+    Wing* _wing;
+    Wing* _tail;
+    Vector _fuselages;
+    Vector _vstabs;
+    Vector _tanks;
+    Vector _thrusters;
+    float _ballast;
+    Vector _gears;
+    Vector _weights;
+    Vector _surfs; // NON-wing Surfaces
+    Vector _cruiseControls;
+    State _cruiseState;
+    float _cruiseRho;
+    float _cruiseSpeed;
+    float _cruiseWeight;
+    Vector _approachControls;
+    State _approachState;
+    float _approachRho;
+    float _approachSpeed;
+    float _approachAoA;
+    float _approachWeight;
+    int _solutionIterations;
+    float _dragFactor;
+    float _liftRatio;
+    float _cruiseAoA;
+    float _tailIncidence;
+    char* _failureMsg;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _AIRPLANE_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Atmosphere.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Atmosphere.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c331b2faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Atmosphere.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// Copied from McCormick, who got it from "The ARDC Model Atmosphere"
+// Note that there's an error in the text in the first entry,
+// McCormick lists 299.16/101325/1.22500, but those don't agree with
+// R=287.  I chose to correct the temperature to 288.20, since 79F is
+// pretty hot for a "standard" atmosphere.
+//                             meters   kelvin     kPa   kg/m^3
+float Atmosphere::data[][4] = {{ 0,     288.20, 101325, 1.22500 },
+			       { 900,   282.31,  90971, 1.12260 },
+			       { 1800,  276.46,  81494, 1.02690 },
+			       { 2700,  270.62,  72835, 0.93765 },
+			       { 3600,  264.77,  64939, 0.85445 },
+			       { 4500,  258.93,  57752, 0.77704 },
+			       { 5400,  253.09,  51226, 0.70513 },
+			       { 6300,  247.25,  45311, 0.63845 },
+			       { 7200,  241.41,  39963, 0.57671 },
+			       { 8100,  235.58,  35140, 0.51967 },
+			       { 9000,  229.74,  30800, 0.46706 },
+			       { 9900,  223.91,  26906, 0.41864 },
+			       { 10800, 218.08,  23422, 0.37417 },
+			       { 11700, 216.66,  20335, 0.32699 },
+			       { 12600, 216.66,  17654, 0.28388 },
+			       { 13500, 216.66,  15327, 0.24646 },
+			       { 14400, 216.66,  13308, 0.21399 },
+			       { 15300, 216.66,  11555, 0.18580 },
+			       { 16200, 216.66,  10033, 0.16133 },
+			       { 17100, 216.66,   8712, 0.14009 },
+			       { 18000, 216.66,   7565, 0.12165 },
+			       { 18900, 216.66,   6570, 0.10564 }};
+float Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(float alt)
+    return getRecord(alt, 1);
+float Atmosphere::getStdPressure(float alt)
+    return getRecord(alt, 2);
+float Atmosphere::getStdDensity(float alt)
+    return getRecord(alt, 3);
+float Atmosphere::calcVEAS(float spd, float pressure, float temp)
+    return 0; //FIXME
+float Atmosphere::calcVCAS(float spd, float pressure, float temp)
+    // Stolen shamelessly from JSBSim.  Constants that appear:
+    //   2/5  == gamma-1
+    //   5/12 == 1/(gamma+1)
+    //   4/5  == 2*(gamma-1)
+    //  14/5  == 2*gamma
+    //  28/5  == 4*gamma
+    // 144/25 == (gamma+1)^2
+    float m2 = calcMach(spd, temp);
+    m2 = m2*m2; // mach^2
+    float cp; // pressure coefficient
+    if(m2 < 1) {
+        // (1+(mach^2)/5)^(gamma/(gamma-1))
+        cp = Math::pow(1+0.2*m2, 3.5);
+    } else {
+        float tmp0 = ((144/25.) * m2) / (28/5.*m2 - 4/5.);
+        float tmp1 = ((14/5.) * m2 - (2/5.)) * (5/12.);
+        cp = Math::pow(tmp0, 3.5) * tmp1;
+    }
+    // Conditions at sea level
+    float p0 = getStdPressure(0);
+    float rho0 = getStdDensity(0);
+    float tmp = Math::pow((pressure/p0)*(cp-1) + 1, (2/7.));
+    return Math::sqrt((7*p0/rho0)*(tmp-1));
+float Atmosphere::calcDensity(float pressure, float temp)
+    // P = rho*R*T, R == 287 kPa*m^3 per kg*kelvin for air
+    return pressure / (287 * temp);
+float Atmosphere::calcMach(float spd, float temp)
+    return spd / Math::sqrt(1.4 * 287 * temp);
+float Atmosphere::getRecord(float alt, int recNum)
+    int hi = (sizeof(data) / (4*sizeof(float))) - 1;
+    int lo = 0;
+    // safety valve, clamp to the edges of the table
+    if(alt < data[0][0])       hi=1;
+    else if(alt > data[hi][0]) lo = hi-1;
+    // binary search
+    while(1) {
+	if(hi-lo == 1) break;
+	int mid = (hi+lo)>>1;
+	if(alt < data[mid][0]) hi = mid;
+	else lo = mid;
+    }
+    // interpolate
+    float frac = (alt - data[lo][0])/(data[hi][0] - data[lo][0]);
+    float a = data[lo][recNum];
+    float b = data[hi][recNum];
+    return a + frac * (b-a);
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Atmosphere.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Atmosphere.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e9c0512f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Atmosphere.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+namespace yasim {
+class Atmosphere {
+    static float getStdTemperature(float alt);
+    static float getStdPressure(float alt);
+    static float getStdDensity(float alt);
+    static float calcVCAS(float spd, float pressure, float temp);
+    static float calcVEAS(float spd, float pressure, float temp);
+    static float calcMach(float spd, float temp);
+    static float calcDensity(float pressure, float temp);
+    static float getRecord(float alt, int idx);
+    static float data[][4];
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _ATMOSPHERE_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/BodyEnvironment.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/BodyEnvironment.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d6d38efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/BodyEnvironment.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// The values for position and orientation within the global reference
+// frame, along with their first and second time derivatives.  The
+// orientation is stored as a matrix for simplicity.  Note that
+// because it is orthonormal, its inverse is simply its transpose.
+// You can get local->global transformations by calling Math::tmul33()
+// and using the same matrix.
+struct State {
+    double pos[3];    // position
+    float  orient[9]; // global->local xform matrix
+    float  v[3];      // velocity
+    float  rot[3];    // rotational velocity
+    float  acc[3];    // acceleration
+    float  racc[3];   // rotational acceleration
+    // Simple initialization
+    State() {
+        for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+            pos[i] = v[i] = rot[i] = acc[i] = racc[i] = 0;
+            for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
+                orient[3*i+j] = i==j ? 1 : 0;
+        }
+    }
+// Objects implementing this interface are responsible for calculating
+// external forces on a RigidBody object.  These will then be used by
+// an Integrator to decide on a new solution to the state equations,
+// which will be reported to the BodyEnvironment for further action.
+class BodyEnvironment
+    // This method inspects the "environment" in which a RigidBody
+    // exists, calculates forces and torques on the body, and sets
+    // them via addForce()/addTorque().  Because this method is called
+    // multiple times ("trials") as part of a Runge-Kutta integration,
+    // this is NOT the place to make decisions about anything but the
+    // forces on the object.  Note that the acc and racc fields of the
+    // passed-in State object are undefined! (They are calculed BY
+    // this method).
+    virtual void calcForces(State* state) = 0;
+    // Called when the RK4 integrator has determined a "real" new
+    // point on the curve of life.  Any side-effect producing checks
+    // of body state vs. the environment can happen here (crashes,
+    // etc...).
+    virtual void newState(State* state) = 0;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/ControlMap.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/ControlMap.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e738b5b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/ControlMap.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include "Jet.hpp"
+#include "Thruster.hpp"
+#include "Gear.hpp"
+#include "Wing.hpp"
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "ControlMap.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    for(int i=0; i<_inputs.size(); i++) {
+	Vector* v = (Vector*)_inputs.get(i);
+	for(int j=0; j<v->size(); j++)
+	    delete (MapRec*)v->get(j);
+	delete v;
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++) {
+	OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
+	delete[] o->values;
+	delete o;
+    }
+int ControlMap::newInput()
+    Vector* v = new Vector();
+    return _inputs.add(v);
+void ControlMap::addMapping(int input, int type, void* object, int options)
+    // See if the output object already exists
+    OutRec* out = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++) {
+	OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
+	if(o->object == object && o->type == type) {
+	    out = o;
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    // Create one if it doesn't
+    if(out == 0) {
+	out = new OutRec();
+	out->type = type;
+	out->object = object;
+	out->n = 0;
+	out->values = 0;
+	_outputs.add(out);
+    }
+    // Make space for the new input value
+    int idx = out->n++;
+    delete[] out->values;
+    out->values = new float[out->n];
+    // Add the new option tag
+    out->options.add((void*)options);
+    // Make a new input record
+    MapRec* map = new MapRec();
+    map->out = out;
+    map->idx = idx;
+    // And add it to the approproate vector.
+    Vector* maps = (Vector*)_inputs.get(input);
+    maps->add(map);
+void ControlMap::reset()
+    // Set all the values to zero
+    for(int i=0; i<_outputs.size(); i++) {
+	OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(i);
+	for(int j=0; j<o->n; j++)
+	    o->values[j] = 0;
+    }
+void ControlMap::setInput(int input, float value)
+    Vector* maps = (Vector*)_inputs.get(input);
+    for(int i=0; i<maps->size(); i++) {
+	MapRec* map = (MapRec*)maps->get(i);
+	map->out->values[map->idx] = value;
+    }
+void ControlMap::applyControls()
+    for(int outrec=0; outrec<_outputs.size(); outrec++) {
+	OutRec* o = (OutRec*)_outputs.get(outrec);
+	// Generate a summed value.  Note the check for "split"
+	// control axes like ailerons.
+	float lval = 0, rval = 0;
+	for(int i=0; i<o->n; i++) {
+	    float val = o->values[i];
+	    int opt = (int)o->options.get(i);
+	    if(opt & OPT_SQUARE)
+		val = val * Math::abs(val);
+ 	    if(opt & OPT_INVERT)
+		val = -val;
+	    lval += val;
+	    if(opt & OPT_SPLIT)
+		rval -= val;
+	    else
+		rval += val;
+	}
+	void* obj = o->object;
+	switch(o->type) {
+	case THROTTLE: ((Thruster*)obj)->setThrottle(lval);    break;
+	case MIXTURE:  ((Thruster*)obj)->setMixture(lval);     break;
+	case PROP:     ((Thruster*)obj)->setPropAdvance(lval); break;
+	case REHEAT:   ((Jet*)obj)->setReheat(lval);           break;
+	case BRAKE:    ((Gear*)obj)->setBrake(lval);           break;
+	case STEER:    ((Gear*)obj)->setRotation(lval);        break;
+	case EXTEND:   ((Gear*)obj)->setExtension(lval);       break;
+	case SLAT:     ((Wing*)obj)->setSlat(lval);            break;
+	case FLAP0:    ((Wing*)obj)->setFlap0(lval, rval);     break;
+	case FLAP1:    ((Wing*)obj)->setFlap1(lval, rval);     break;
+	case SPOILER:  ((Wing*)obj)->setSpoiler(lval, rval);   break;
+	}
+    }
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/ControlMap.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/ControlMap.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0534298cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/ControlMap.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "util/Vector.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+class ControlMap {
+    ~ControlMap();
+    enum OutputType { THROTTLE, MIXTURE, REHEAT, PROP,
+    static const int OPT_SPLIT  = 0x01;
+    static const int OPT_INVERT = 0x02;
+    static const int OPT_SQUARE = 0x04;
+    // Returns a new, not-yet-used "input handle" for addMapping and
+    // setInput.  This typically corresponds to one user axis.
+    int newInput();
+    // Adds a mapping to between input handle and a particular setting
+    // on an output object.  The value of output MUST match the type
+    // of object!
+    void addMapping(int input, int output, void* object, int options=0);
+    // Resets our accumulated input values.  Call before any
+    // setInput() invokations.
+    void reset();
+    // Sets the specified input (as returned by newInput) to the
+    // specified value.
+    void setInput(int input, float value);
+    // Calculates and applies the settings received since the last reset().
+    void applyControls();
+    struct OutRec { int type; void* object; int n;
+	            float* values; Vector options; };
+    struct MapRec  { OutRec* out; int idx; };
+    // A list of (sub)Vectors containing a bunch of MapRec objects for
+    // each input handle.
+    Vector _inputs;
+    // An unordered list of output settings.
+    Vector _outputs;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _CONTROL_MAP_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f606b15fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include "Jet.hpp"
+#include "Gear.hpp"
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+#include "PropEngine.hpp"
+#include "Propeller.hpp"
+#include "PistonEngine.hpp"
+#include "FGFDM.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// Some conversion factors
+static const float KTS2MPS = 0.514444444444;
+static const float FT2M = 0.3048;
+static const float DEG2RAD = 0.0174532925199;
+static const float RPM2RAD = 0.10471975512;
+static const float LBS2N = 4.44822;
+static const float LBS2KG = 0.45359237;
+static const float CM2GALS = 264.172037284;
+static const float HP2W = 745.700;
+// Stubs, so that this can be compiled without the FlightGear
+// binary.  What's the best way to handle this?
+//     float fgGetFloat(char* name, float def) { return 0; }
+//     void fgSetFloat(char* name, float val) {}
+    _nextEngine = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_axes.size(); i++) {
+	AxisRec* a = (AxisRec*)_axes.get(i);
+	delete[] a->name;
+	delete a;
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_pistons.size(); i++) {
+	EngRec* er = (EngRec*)_pistons.get(i);
+	delete[] er->prefix;
+	delete (PropEngine*)er->eng;
+	delete er;
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_jets.size(); i++) {
+	EngRec* er = (EngRec*)_pistons.get(i);
+	delete[] er->prefix;
+	delete (Jet*)er->eng;
+	delete er;
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_weights.size(); i++) {
+	WeightRec* wr = (WeightRec*)_weights.get(i);
+	delete[] wr->prop;
+	delete wr;
+    }
+void FGFDM::iterate(float dt)
+    getExternalInput(dt);
+    _airplane.iterate(dt);
+    setOutputProperties();
+Airplane* FGFDM::getAirplane()
+    return &_airplane;
+void FGFDM::init()
+    // We don't want to use these ties (we set the values ourselves,
+    // and this works only for the first piston engine anyway).
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/rpm");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/egt-degf");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/cht-degf");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/oil-temperature-degf");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/mp-osi");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow-gph");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/running");
+    fgUntie("/engines/engine[0]/cranking");
+    fgUntie("/consumables/fuel/tank[0]/level-gal_us");
+    fgUntie("/consumables/fuel/tank[1]/level-gal_us");
+    // Set these to sane values.  We don't support engine start yet.
+    fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/running", true);
+    fgSetBool("/engines/engine[0]/cranking", false);
+    // Allows the user to start with something other than full fuel
+    _airplane.setFuelFraction(fgGetFloat("/yasim/fuel-fraction", 1));
+    // This has a nasty habit of being false at startup.  That's not
+    // good.
+    fgSetBool("/controls/gear-down", true);
+// Not the worlds safest parser.  But it's short & sweet.
+void FGFDM::startElement(const char* name, const XMLAttributes &atts)
+    XMLAttributes* a = (XMLAttributes*)&atts;
+    float v[3];
+    char buf[64];
+    if(eq(name, "airplane")) {
+	_airplane.setWeight(attrf(a, "mass") * LBS2KG);
+    } else if(eq(name, "approach")) {
+	float spd = attrf(a, "speed") * KTS2MPS;
+	float alt = attrf(a, "alt", 0) * FT2M;
+	float aoa = attrf(a, "aoa", 0) * DEG2RAD;
+	_airplane.setApproach(spd, alt, aoa);
+	_cruiseCurr = false;
+    } else if(eq(name, "cruise")) {
+	float spd = attrf(a, "speed") * KTS2MPS;
+	float alt = attrf(a, "alt") * FT2M;
+	_airplane.setCruise(spd, alt);
+	_cruiseCurr = true;
+    } else if(eq(name, "cockpit")) {
+	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	_airplane.setPilotPos(v);
+    } else if(eq(name, "wing")) {
+	_airplane.setWing(parseWing(a, name));
+    } else if(eq(name, "hstab")) {
+	_airplane.setTail(parseWing(a, name));
+    } else if(eq(name, "vstab")) {
+	_airplane.addVStab(parseWing(a, name));
+    } else if(eq(name, "propeller")) {
+	parsePropeller(a);
+    } else if(eq(name, "jet")) {
+	Jet* j = new Jet();
+	_currObj = j;
+	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	float mass = attrf(a, "mass") * LBS2KG;
+	j->setDryThrust(attrf(a, "thrust") * LBS2N);
+	j->setPosition(v);
+	_airplane.addThruster(j, mass, v);
+	sprintf(buf, "/engines/engine[%d]", _nextEngine++);
+	EngRec* er = new EngRec();
+	er->eng = j;
+	er->prefix = dup(buf);
+	_jets.add(er);
+    } else if(eq(name, "gear")) {
+	Gear* g = new Gear();
+	_currObj = g;
+	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	g->setPosition(v);
+	v[0] = 0;
+	v[1] = 0;
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "compression", 1);
+	g->setCompression(v);
+	g->setStaticFriction(attrf(a, "sfric", 0.8));
+	g->setDynamicFriction(attrf(a, "dfric", 0.7));
+        float transitionTime = attrf(a, "retract-time", 0);
+	_airplane.addGear(g, transitionTime);
+    } else if(eq(name, "fuselage")) {
+	float b[3];
+	v[0] = attrf(a, "ax");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "ay");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "az");
+	b[0] = attrf(a, "bx");
+	b[1] = attrf(a, "by");
+	b[2] = attrf(a, "bz");
+	_airplane.addFuselage(v, b, attrf(a, "width"));
+    } else if(eq(name, "tank")) {
+	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	float density = 6.0; // gasoline, in lbs/gal
+	if(a->hasAttribute("jet")) density = 6.72; 
+	density *= LBS2KG/CM2GALS;
+	_airplane.addTank(v, attrf(a, "capacity") * LBS2KG, density);
+    } else if(eq(name, "ballast")) {
+	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	_airplane.addBallast(v, attrf(a, "mass") * LBS2KG);
+    } else if(eq(name, "weight")) {
+	parseWeight(a);
+    } else if(eq(name, "stall")) {
+	Wing* w = (Wing*)_currObj;
+	w->setStall(attrf(a, "aoa") * DEG2RAD);
+	w->setStallWidth(attrf(a, "width", 2) * DEG2RAD);
+	w->setStallPeak(attrf(a, "peak", 1.5));
+    } else if(eq(name, "flap0")) {
+	((Wing*)_currObj)->setFlap0(attrf(a, "start"), attrf(a, "end"),
+				    attrf(a, "lift"), attrf(a, "drag"));
+    } else if(eq(name, "flap1")) {
+	((Wing*)_currObj)->setFlap1(attrf(a, "start"), attrf(a, "end"),
+				    attrf(a, "lift"), attrf(a, "drag"));
+    } else if(eq(name, "slat")) {
+	((Wing*)_currObj)->setSlat(attrf(a, "start"), attrf(a, "end"),
+				   attrf(a, "aoa"), attrf(a, "drag"));
+    } else if(eq(name, "spoiler")) {
+	((Wing*)_currObj)->setSpoiler(attrf(a, "start"), attrf(a, "end"),
+				      attrf(a, "lift"), attrf(a, "drag"));
+    } else if(eq(name, "actionpt")) {
+ 	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	((Thruster*)_currObj)->setPosition(v);
+    } else if(eq(name, "dir")) {
+ 	v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+	v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+	v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+	((Thruster*)_currObj)->setDirection(v);
+    } else if(eq(name, "control")) {
+	const char* axis = a->getValue("axis");
+	if(a->hasAttribute("output")) {
+	    // assert: output type must match _currObj type!
+	    const char* output = a->getValue("output");
+	    int opt = 0;
+	    opt |= a->hasAttribute("split") ? ControlMap::OPT_SPLIT : 0;
+	    opt |= a->hasAttribute("invert") ? ControlMap::OPT_INVERT : 0;
+	    opt |= a->hasAttribute("square") ? ControlMap::OPT_SQUARE : 0;
+	    _airplane.getControlMap()->addMapping(parseAxis(axis),
+						  parseOutput(output),
+						  _currObj,
+						  opt);
+	} else {
+	    // assert: must be under a "cruise" or "approach" tag
+	    float value = attrf(a, "value", 0);
+	    if(_cruiseCurr)
+		_airplane.addCruiseControl(parseAxis(axis), value);
+	    else
+		_airplane.addApproachControl(parseAxis(axis), value);
+	}
+    } else {
+	*(int*)0=0; // unexpected tag, boom
+    }
+void FGFDM::getExternalInput(float dt)
+    // The control axes
+    ControlMap* cm = _airplane.getControlMap();
+    cm->reset();
+    for(int i=0; i<_axes.size(); i++) {
+	AxisRec* a = (AxisRec*)_axes.get(i);
+	float val = fgGetFloat(a->name, 0);
+	cm->setInput(a->handle, val);
+    }
+    cm->applyControls();
+    // Weights
+    for(int i=0; i<_weights.size(); i++) {
+	WeightRec* wr = (WeightRec*)_weights.get(i);
+	_airplane.setWeight(wr->handle, fgGetFloat(wr->prop));
+    }
+    // Gear state
+    _airplane.setGearState(fgGetBool("/controls/gear-down"), dt);
+void FGFDM::setOutputProperties()
+    char buf[256];
+    for(int i=0; i<_airplane.numTanks(); i++) {
+	sprintf(buf, "/consumables/fuel/tank[%d]/level-gal_us", i);
+	fgSetFloat(buf,
+		   CM2GALS*_airplane.getFuel(i)/_airplane.getFuelDensity(i));
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_pistons.size(); i++) {
+	EngRec* er = (EngRec*)_pistons.get(i);
+	PropEngine* p = (PropEngine*)er->eng;
+	sprintf(buf, "%s/rpm", er->prefix);
+	fgSetFloat(buf, p->getOmega() * (30/3.15149265358979));
+	sprintf(buf, "%s/fuel-flow-gph", er->prefix);
+	fgSetFloat(buf, p->getFuelFlow() * (3600*2.2/5)); // FIXME, wrong
+    }
+    for(int i=0; i<_jets.size(); i++) {
+	EngRec* er = (EngRec*)_jets.get(i);
+	Jet* j = (Jet*)er->eng;
+	sprintf(buf, "%s/fuel-flow-gph", er->prefix);
+	fgSetFloat(buf, j->getFuelFlow() * (3600*2.2/6)); // FIXME, wrong
+    }
+Wing* FGFDM::parseWing(XMLAttributes* a, const char* type)
+    Wing* w = new Wing();
+    float defDihed = 0;
+    if(eq(type, "vstab"))
+	defDihed = 90;
+    else
+	w->setMirror(true);
+    float pos[3];
+    pos[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+    pos[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+    pos[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+    w->setBase(pos);
+    w->setLength(attrf(a, "length"));
+    w->setChord(attrf(a, "chord"));
+    w->setSweep(attrf(a, "sweep", 0) * DEG2RAD);
+    w->setTaper(attrf(a, "taper", 1));
+    w->setDihedral(attrf(a, "dihedral", defDihed) * DEG2RAD);
+    w->setCamber(attrf(a, "camber", 0));
+    w->setIncidence(attrf(a, "incidence", 0) * DEG2RAD);
+    float effect = attrf(a, "effectiveness", 1);
+    w->setDragScale(w->getDragScale()*effect);
+    _currObj = w;
+    return w;
+void FGFDM::parsePropeller(XMLAttributes* a)
+    float cg[3];
+    cg[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+    cg[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+    cg[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+    float mass = attrf(a, "mass") * LBS2KG;
+    float moment = attrf(a, "moment");
+    float radius = attrf(a, "radius");
+    float speed = attrf(a, "cruise-speed") * KTS2MPS;
+    float omega = attrf(a, "cruise-rpm") * RPM2RAD;
+    float rho = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(attrf(a, "alt") * FT2M);
+    float power = attrf(a, "takeoff-power") * HP2W;
+    float omega0 = attrf(a, "takeoff-rpm") * RPM2RAD;
+    // FIXME: this is a hack.  Find a better way to ask the engine how
+    // much power it can produce under cruise conditions.
+    float cruisePower = (power * (rho/Atmosphere::getStdDensity(0))
+			 * (omega/omega0));
+    Propeller* prop = new Propeller(radius, speed, omega, rho, cruisePower,
+                                    omega0, power);
+    PistonEngine* eng = new PistonEngine(power, omega0);
+    PropEngine* thruster = new PropEngine(prop, eng, moment);
+    _airplane.addThruster(thruster, mass, cg);
+    char buf[64];
+    sprintf(buf, "/engines/engine[%d]", _nextEngine++);
+    EngRec* er = new EngRec();
+    er->eng = thruster;
+    er->prefix = dup(buf);
+    _pistons.add(er);
+    _currObj = thruster;
+// Turns a string axis name into an integer for use by the
+// ControlMap.  Creates a new axis if this one hasn't been defined
+// yet.
+int FGFDM::parseAxis(const char* name)
+    for(int i=0; i<_axes.size(); i++) {
+	AxisRec* a = (AxisRec*)_axes.get(i);
+	if(eq(a->name, name))
+	    return a->handle;
+    }
+    // Not there, make a new one.
+    AxisRec* a = new AxisRec();
+    a->name = dup(name);
+    a->handle = _airplane.getControlMap()->newInput();
+    _axes.add(a);
+    return a->handle;
+int FGFDM::parseOutput(const char* name)
+    if(eq(name, "THROTTLE"))  return ControlMap::THROTTLE;
+    if(eq(name, "MIXTURE"))   return ControlMap::MIXTURE;
+    if(eq(name, "REHEAT"))    return ControlMap::REHEAT;
+    if(eq(name, "PROP"))      return ControlMap::PROP;
+    if(eq(name, "BRAKE"))     return ControlMap::BRAKE;
+    if(eq(name, "STEER"))     return ControlMap::STEER;
+    if(eq(name, "EXTEND"))    return ControlMap::EXTEND;
+    if(eq(name, "INCIDENCE")) return ControlMap::INCIDENCE;
+    if(eq(name, "FLAP0"))     return ControlMap::FLAP0;
+    if(eq(name, "FLAP1"))     return ControlMap::FLAP1;
+    if(eq(name, "SLAT"))      return ControlMap::SLAT;
+    if(eq(name, "SPOILER"))   return ControlMap::SPOILER;
+    // error here...
+    return -1;
+void FGFDM::parseWeight(XMLAttributes* a)
+    WeightRec* wr = new WeightRec();
+    float v[3];
+    v[0] = attrf(a, "x");
+    v[1] = attrf(a, "y");
+    v[2] = attrf(a, "z");
+    wr->prop = dup(a->getValue("mass-prop"));
+    wr->size = attrf(a, "size", 0);
+    wr->handle = _airplane.addWeight(v, wr->size);
+    _weights.add(wr);
+bool FGFDM::eq(const char* a, const char* b)
+    // Figure it out for yourself. :)
+    while(*a && *b && *a++ == *b++);
+    return !(*a || *b);
+char* FGFDM::dup(const char* s)
+    int len=0;
+    while(s[len++]);
+    char* s2 = new char[len+1];
+    char* p = s2;
+    while((*p++ = *s++));
+    s2[len] = 0;
+    return s2;
+int FGFDM::attri(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr)
+    if(!atts->hasAttribute(attr)) *(int*)0=0; // boom
+    return attri(atts, attr, 0);
+int FGFDM::attri(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr, int def)
+    const char* val = atts->getValue(attr);
+    if(val == 0) return def;
+    else         return atol(val);
+float FGFDM::attrf(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr)
+    if(!atts->hasAttribute(attr)) *(int*)0=0; // boom
+    return attrf(atts, attr, 0);
+float FGFDM::attrf(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr, float def)
+    const char* val = atts->getValue(attr);
+    if(val == 0) return def;
+    else         return (float)atof(val);    
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1df02b653
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/FGFDM.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#ifndef _FGFDM_HPP
+#define _FGFDM_HPP
+#include <simgear/easyxml.hxx>
+#include "Airplane.hpp"
+#include "util/Vector.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+class Wing;
+// This class forms the "glue" to the FlightGear codebase.  It handles
+// parsing of XML airplane files, interfacing to the properties
+// system, and providing data for the use of the FGInterface object.
+class FGFDM : public XMLVisitor {
+    FGFDM();
+    ~FGFDM();
+    void init();
+    void iterate(float dt);
+    Airplane* getAirplane();
+    // XML parsing callback from XMLVisitor
+    virtual void startElement(const char* name, const XMLAttributes &atts);
+    struct AxisRec { char* name; int handle; };
+    struct EngRec { char* prefix; void* eng; };
+    struct WeightRec { char* prop; float size; int handle; };
+    void getExternalInput(float dt);
+    void setOutputProperties();
+    Wing* parseWing(XMLAttributes* a, const char* name);
+    int parseAxis(const char* name);
+    int parseOutput(const char* name);
+    void parseWeight(XMLAttributes* a);
+    void parsePropeller(XMLAttributes* a);
+    bool eq(const char* a, const char* b);
+    char* dup(const char* s);
+    int attri(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr);
+    int attri(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr, int def); 
+    float attrf(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr);
+    float attrf(XMLAttributes* atts, char* attr, float def); 
+    // The core Airplane object we manage.
+    Airplane _airplane;
+    // The list of "axes" that we expect to find as input.  These are
+    // typically property names.
+    Vector _axes;
+    // Settable weights
+    Vector _weights;
+    // Engine types.  Contains an EngRec structure.
+    Vector _jets;
+    Vector _pistons;
+    // Parsing temporaries
+    void* _currObj;
+    bool _cruiseCurr;
+    int _nextEngine;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _FGFDM_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Gear.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Gear.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..056bc61a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Gear.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+#include "Gear.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+	_pos[i] = _cmpr[i] = 0;
+    _spring = 1;
+    _damp = 0;
+    _sfric = 0.8;
+    _dfric = 0.7;
+    _brake = 0;
+    _rot = 0;
+    _extension = 1;
+void Gear::setPosition(float* position)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _pos[i] = position[i];
+void Gear::setCompression(float* compression)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _cmpr[i] = compression[i];
+void Gear::setSpring(float spring)
+    _spring = spring;
+void Gear::setDamping(float damping)
+    _damp = damping;
+void Gear::setStaticFriction(float sfric)
+    _sfric = sfric;
+void Gear::setDynamicFriction(float dfric)
+    _dfric = dfric;
+void Gear::setBrake(float brake)
+    _brake = brake;
+void Gear::setRotation(float rotation)
+    _rot = rotation;
+void Gear::setExtension(float extension)
+    _extension = extension;
+void Gear::getPosition(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pos[i];
+void Gear::getCompression(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _cmpr[i];    
+float Gear::getSpring()
+    return _spring;
+float Gear::getDamping()
+    return _damp;
+float Gear::getStaticFriction()
+    return _sfric;
+float Gear::getDynamicFriction()
+    return _dfric;
+float Gear::getBrake()
+    return _brake;
+float Gear::getRotation()
+    return _rot;
+float Gear::getExtension()
+    return _extension;
+void Gear::getForce(float* force, float* contact)
+    Math::set3(_force, force);
+    Math::set3(_contact, contact);
+float Gear::getWoW()
+    return _wow;
+float Gear::getCompressFraction()
+    return _frac;
+void Gear::calcForce(RigidBody* body, float* v, float* rot, float* ground)
+    // Init the return values
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _force[i] = _contact[i] = 0;
+    // Don't bother if it's not down
+    if(_extension < 1)
+	return;
+    float tmp[3];
+    // First off, make sure that the gear "tip" is below the ground.
+    // If it's not, there's no force.
+    float a = ground[3] - Math::dot3(_pos, ground);
+    if(a > 0)
+	return;
+    // Now a is the distance from the tip to ground, so make b the
+    // distance from the base to ground.  We can get the fraction
+    // (0-1) of compression from a/(a-b). Note the minus sign -- stuff
+    // above ground is negative.
+    Math::add3(_cmpr, _pos, tmp);
+    float b = ground[3] - Math::dot3(tmp, ground);
+    // Calculate the point of ground _contact.
+    _frac = a/(a-b);
+    if(b < 0) _frac = 1;
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+	_contact[i] = _pos[i] + _frac*_cmpr[i];
+    // Turn _cmpr into a unit vector and a magnitude
+    float cmpr[3];
+    float clen = Math::mag3(_cmpr);
+    Math::mul3(1/clen, _cmpr, cmpr);
+    // Now get the velocity of the point of contact
+    float cv[3];
+    body->pointVelocity(_contact, rot, cv);
+    Math::add3(cv, v, cv);
+    // Finally, we can start adding up the forces.  First the
+    // spring compression (note the clamping of _frac to 1):
+    _frac = (_frac > 1) ? 1 : _frac;
+    float fmag = _frac*clen*_spring;
+    Math::mul3(fmag, cmpr, _force);
+    // Then the damping.  Use the only the velocity into the ground
+    // (projection along "ground") projected along the compression
+    // axis.  So Vdamp = ground*(ground dot cv) dot cmpr
+    Math::mul3(Math::dot3(ground, cv), ground, tmp);
+    float dv = Math::dot3(cmpr, tmp);
+    float damp = _damp * dv;
+    if(damp > fmag) damp = fmag; // can't pull the plane down!
+    if(damp < -fmag) damp = -fmag; // sanity
+    Math::mul3(-damp, cmpr, tmp);
+    Math::add3(_force, tmp, _force);
+    _wow = fmag - damp;    
+    // Wheels are funky.  Split the velocity along the ground plane
+    // into rolling and skidding components.  Assuming small angles,
+    // we generate "forward" and "left" unit vectors (the compression
+    // goes "up") for the gear, make a "steer" direction from these,
+    // and then project it onto the ground plane.  Project the
+    // velocity onto the ground plane too, and extract the "steer"
+    // component.  The remainder is the skid velocity.
+    float gup[3]; // "up" unit vector from the ground
+    Math::set3(ground, gup);
+    Math::mul3(-1, gup, gup);
+    float xhat[] = {1,0,0};
+    float steer[3], skid[3];
+    Math::cross3(gup, xhat, skid);  // up cross xhat =~ skid
+    Math::unit3(skid, skid);        //               == skid
+    Math::cross3(skid, gup, steer); // skid cross up == steer
+    if(_rot != 0) {
+	// Correct for a (small) rotation
+	Math::mul3(_rot, steer, tmp);
+	Math::add3(tmp, skid, skid);
+	Math::unit3(skid, skid);
+	Math::cross3(skid, gup, steer);
+    }
+    float vsteer = Math::dot3(cv, steer);
+    float vskid  = Math::dot3(cv, skid);
+    float wgt = Math::dot3(_force, gup); // force into the ground
+    float fsteer = _brake * calcFriction(wgt, vsteer);
+    float fskid  = calcFriction(wgt, vskid);
+    if(vsteer > 0) fsteer = -fsteer;
+    if(vskid > 0) fskid = -fskid;
+    // Phoo!  All done.  Add it up and get out of here.
+    Math::mul3(fsteer, steer, tmp);
+    Math::add3(tmp, _force, _force);
+    Math::mul3(fskid, skid, tmp);
+    Math::add3(tmp, _force, _force);
+float Gear::calcFriction(float wgt, float v)
+    // How slow is stopped?  50 cm/second?
+    const float STOP = 0.5;
+    const float iSTOP = 1/STOP;
+    v = Math::abs(v);
+    if(v < STOP) return v*iSTOP * wgt * _sfric;
+    else         return wgt * _dfric;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Gear.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Gear.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e432b6dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Gear.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#ifndef _GEAR_HPP
+#define _GEAR_HPP
+namespace yasim {
+class RigidBody;
+// A landing gear has the following parameters:
+// position: a point in the aircraft's local coordinate system where the
+//     fully-extended wheel will be found.
+// compression: a vector from position where a fully-compressed wheel
+//     will be, also in aircraft-local coordinates.
+// spring coefficient: force coefficient along the compression axis, in
+//     Newtons per meter.
+// damping coefficient: force per compression speed, in Ns/m
+// static coefficient of friction: force along the ground plane exerted
+//     by a motionless wheel.  A unitless scalar.
+// dynamic coefficient of friction: force along the ground plane exerted
+//     by a sliding/skidding wheel.
+// braking fraction: fraction of the dynamic friction that will be
+//     actually exerted by a rolling wheel
+// rotation: the angle from "forward" by which the wheel is rotated
+//     around its compression axis.  In radians.
+class Gear {
+    Gear();
+    // Externally set values
+    void setPosition(float* position);
+    void setCompression(float* compression);
+    void setSpring(float spring);
+    void setDamping(float damping);
+    void setStaticFriction(float sfric);
+    void setDynamicFriction(float dfric);
+    void setBrake(float brake);
+    void setRotation(float rotation);
+    void setExtension(float extension);
+    void getPosition(float* out);
+    void getCompression(float* out);
+    float getSpring();
+    float getDamping();
+    float getStaticFriction();
+    float getDynamicFriction();
+    float getBrake();
+    float getRotation();
+    float getExtension();
+    // Takes a velocity of the aircraft relative to ground, a rotation
+    // vector, and a ground plane (all specified in local coordinates)
+    // and make a force and point of application (i.e. ground contact)
+    // available via getForce().
+    void calcForce(RigidBody* body, float* v, float* rot, float* ground);
+    // Computed values: total force, weight-on-wheels (force normal to
+    // ground) and compression fraction.
+    void getForce(float* force, float* contact);
+    float getWoW();
+    float getCompressFraction();
+    float calcFriction(float wgt, float v);
+    float _pos[3];
+    float _cmpr[3];
+    float _spring;
+    float _damp;
+    float _sfric;
+    float _dfric;
+    float _brake;
+    float _rot;
+    float _extension;
+    float _force[3];
+    float _contact[3];
+    float _wow;
+    float _frac;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _GEAR_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Glue.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Glue.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..119a1b161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Glue.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Glue.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+void Glue::calcAlphaBeta(State* s, float* alpha, float* beta)
+    // Convert the velocity to the aircraft frame.
+    float v[3];
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->v, v);
+    // By convention, positive alpha is an up pitch, and a positive
+    // beta is yawed to the right.
+    *alpha = -Math::atan2(v[2], v[0]);
+    *beta = Math::atan2(v[1], v[0]);
+void Glue::calcEulerRates(State* s, float* roll, float* pitch, float* hdg)
+    // This one is easy, the projection of the rotation vector around
+    // the "up" axis.
+    float up[3];
+    geodUp(s->pos, up);
+    *hdg = -Math::dot3(up, s->rot); // negate for "NED" conventions
+    // A bit harder: the X component of the rotation vector expressed
+    // in airframe coordinates.
+    float lr[3];
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->rot, lr);
+    *roll = lr[0];
+    // Hardest: the component of rotation along the direction formed
+    // by the cross product of (and thus perpendicular to) the
+    // aircraft's forward vector (i.e. the first three elements of the
+    // orientation matrix) and the "up" axis.
+    float pitchAxis[3];
+    Math::cross3(s->orient, up, pitchAxis);
+    Math::unit3(pitchAxis, pitchAxis);
+    *pitch = Math::dot3(pitchAxis, s->rot);
+void Glue::xyz2geoc(double* xyz, double* lat, double* lon, double* alt)
+    double x=xyz[0], y=xyz[1], z=xyz[2];
+    // Cylindrical radius from the polar axis
+    double rcyl = Math::sqrt(x*x + y*y);
+    // In geocentric coordinates, these are just the angles in
+    // cartesian space.
+    *lon = Math::atan2(y, x);
+    *lat = Math::atan2(z, rcyl);
+    // To get XYZ coordinate of "ground", we "squash" the cylindric
+    // radius into a coordinate system where the earth is a sphere,
+    // find the fraction of the xyz vector that is above ground.
+    double rsquash = SQUASH * rcyl;
+    double frac = POLRAD/Math::sqrt(rsquash*rsquash + z*z);
+    double len = Math::sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
+    *alt = len * (1-frac);
+void Glue::geoc2xyz(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* out)
+    // Generate a unit vector
+    double rcyl = Math::cos(lat);
+    double x = rcyl*Math::cos(lon);
+    double y = rcyl*Math::sin(lon);
+    double z = Math::sin(lat);
+    // Convert to "squashed" space, renormalize the unit vector,
+    // multiply by the polar radius, and back convert to get us the
+    // point of intersection of the unit vector with the surface.
+    // Then just add the altitude.
+    double rtmp = rcyl*SQUASH;
+    double renorm = POLRAD/Math::sqrt(rtmp*rtmp + z*z);
+    double ztmp = z*renorm;
+    rtmp *= renorm*STRETCH;
+    double len = Math::sqrt(rtmp*rtmp + ztmp*ztmp);
+    len += alt;
+    out[0] = x*len;
+    out[1] = y*len;
+    out[2] = z*len;
+double Glue::geod2geocLat(double lat)
+    double r = Math::cos(lat)*STRETCH*STRETCH;
+    double z = Math::sin(lat);
+    return Math::atan2(z, r);    
+double Glue::geoc2geodLat(double lat)
+    double r = Math::cos(lat)*SQUASH*SQUASH;
+    double z = Math::sin(lat);
+    return Math::atan2(z, r);
+void Glue::xyz2geod(double* xyz, double* lat, double* lon, double* alt)
+    xyz2geoc(xyz, lat, lon, alt);
+    *lat = geoc2geodLat(*lat);
+void Glue::geod2xyz(double lat, double lon, double alt, double* out)
+    lat = geod2geocLat(lat);
+    geoc2xyz(lat, lon, alt, out);
+void Glue::xyz2nedMat(double lat, double lon, float* out)
+    // Shorthand for our output vectors:
+    float *north = out, *east = out+3, *down = out+6;
+    float slat = Math::sin(lat);
+    float clat = Math::cos(lat);
+    float slon = Math::sin(lon);
+    float clon = Math::cos(lon);
+    north[0] = -clon * slat;
+    north[1] = -slon * slat;
+    north[2] = clat;
+    east[0] = -slon;
+    east[1] = clon;
+    east[2] = 0;
+    down[0] = -clon * clat;
+    down[1] = -slon * clat;
+    down[2] = -slat;
+void Glue::euler2orient(float roll, float pitch, float hdg, float* out)
+    // To translate a point in aircraft space to the output "NED"
+    // frame, first negate the Y and Z axes (ugh), then roll around
+    // the X axis, then pitch around Y, then point to the correct
+    // heading about Z.  Expressed as a matrix multiplication, then,
+    // the transformation from aircraft to local is HPRN.  And our
+    // desired output is the inverse (i.e. transpose) of that.  Since
+    // all rotations are 2D, they have a simpler form than a generic
+    // rotation and are done out longhand below for efficiency.
+    // Init to the identity matrix
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
+            out[3*i+j] = (i==j) ? 1 : 0;
+    // Negate Y and Z
+    out[4] = out[8] = -1;
+    float s = Math::sin(roll);
+    float c = Math::cos(roll);
+    for(int col=0; col<3; col++) {
+	float y=out[col+3], z=out[col+6];
+	out[col+3] = c*y - s*z;
+	out[col+6] = s*y + c*z;
+    }
+    s = Math::sin(pitch);
+    c = Math::cos(pitch);
+    for(int col=0; col<3; col++) {
+	float x=out[col], z=out[col+6];
+	out[col]   = c*x + s*z;
+	out[col+6] = c*z - s*x;
+    }
+    s = Math::sin(hdg);
+    c = Math::cos(hdg);
+    for(int col=0; col<3; col++) {
+	float x=out[col], y=out[col+3];
+	out[col]   = c*x - s*y;
+	out[col+3] = s*x + c*y;
+    }
+    // Invert:
+    Math::trans33(out, out);
+void Glue::orient2euler(float* o, float* roll, float* pitch, float* hdg)
+    // The airplane's "pointing" direction in NED coordinates is vx,
+    // and it's y (left-right) axis is vy.
+    float vx[3], vy[3];
+    vx[0]=o[0], vx[1]=o[1], vx[2]=o[2];
+    vy[0]=o[3], vy[1]=o[4], vy[2]=o[5];
+    // The heading is simply the rotation of the projection onto the
+    // XY plane
+    *hdg = Math::atan2(vx[1], vx[0]);
+    // The pitch is the angle between the XY plane and vx, remember
+    // that rotations toward positive Z are _negative_
+    float projmag = Math::sqrt(vx[0]*vx[0]+vx[1]*vx[1]);
+    *pitch = -Math::atan2(vx[2], projmag);
+    // Roll is a bit harder.  Construct an "unrolled" orientation,
+    // where the X axis is the same as the "rolled" one, and the Y
+    // axis is parallel to the XY plane.  These two can give you an
+    // "unrolled" Z axis as their cross product.  Now, take the "vy"
+    // axis, which points out the left wing.  The projections of this
+    // along the "unrolled" YZ plane will give you the roll angle via
+    // atan().
+    float* ux = vx;
+    float  uy[3], uz[3];
+    uz[0] = 0; uz[1] = 0; uz[2] = 1;
+    Math::cross3(uz, ux, uy);
+    Math::unit3(uy, uy);
+    Math::cross3(ux, uy, uz);
+    float py = -Math::dot3(vy, uy);
+    float pz = -Math::dot3(vy, uz);
+    *roll = Math::atan2(pz, py);
+void Glue::geodUp(double* pos, float* out)
+    double lat, lon, alt;
+    xyz2geod(pos, &lat, &lon, &alt);
+    float slat = Math::sin(lat);
+    float clat = Math::cos(lat);
+    float slon = Math::sin(lon);
+    float clon = Math::cos(lon);
+    out[0] = clon * clat;
+    out[1] = slon * clat;
+    out[2] = slat;    
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Glue.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Glue.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe6dbf702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Glue.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#ifndef _GLUE_HPP
+#define _GLUE_HPP
+#include "BodyEnvironment.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// The XYZ coordinate system has Z as the earth's axis, the Y axis
+// pointing out the equator at zero longitude, and the X axis pointing
+// out the middle of the western hemisphere.
+class Glue {
+    static void calcAlphaBeta(State* s, float* alpha, float* beta);
+    // Calculates the instantaneous rotation velocities about each
+    // axis.
+    static void calcEulerRates(State* s,
+			       float* roll, float* pitch, float* hdg);
+    static void xyz2geoc(double* xyz,
+                         double* lat, double* lon, double* alt);
+    static void geoc2xyz(double lat, double lon, double alt,
+                         double* out);
+    static void xyz2geod(double* xyz,
+                         double* lat, double* lon, double* alt);
+    static void geod2xyz(double lat, double lon, double alt,
+                         double* out);
+    static double geod2geocLat(double lat);
+    static double geoc2geodLat(double lat);
+    // Returns a global to "local" (north, east, down) matrix.  Note
+    // that the latitude passed in is geoDETic.
+    static void xyz2nedMat(double lat, double lon, float* out);
+    // Conversion between a euler triplet and a matrix that transforms
+    // "local" (north/east/down) coordinates to the aircraft frame.
+    static void euler2orient(float roll, float pitch, float hdg,
+                             float* out);
+    static void orient2euler(float* o,
+                             float* roll, float* pitch, float* hdg);
+    // Returns a geodetic (i.e. gravitational, "level", etc...) "up"
+    // vector for the specified xyz position.
+    static void geodUp(double* pos, float* out);
+    // WGS84 numbers
+    static const double EQURAD = 6378137;         // equatorial radius
+    static const double STRETCH = 1.003352810665; // equ./polar radius
+    // Derived from the above
+    static const double SQUASH = 0.99665839311;      // 1/STRETCH
+    static const double POLRAD = 6356823.77346;      // EQURAD*SQUASH
+    static const double iPOLRAD = 1.57311266701e-07; // 1/POLRAD
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _GLUE_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Integrator.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Integrator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..872f902c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Integrator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Integrator.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+void Integrator::setBody(RigidBody* body)
+    _body = body;
+void Integrator::setEnvironment(BodyEnvironment* env)
+    _env = env;
+void Integrator::setInterval(float dt)
+    _dt = dt;
+float Integrator::getInterval()
+    return _dt;
+void Integrator::setState(State* s)
+    _s = *s;
+State* Integrator::getState()
+    return &_s;
+// Transforms a "local" vector to a "global" vector (not coordinate!)
+// using the specified orientation.
+void Integrator::l2gVector(float* orient, float* v, float* out)
+    Math::tmul33(_s.orient, v, out);
+// Updates a position vector for a body c.g. motion with velocity v
+// over time dt, from orientation o0 to o1.  Because the position
+// references the local coordinate origin, but the velocity is that of
+// the c.g., this gets a bit complicated.
+void Integrator::extrapolatePosition(double* pos, float* v, float dt,
+                                     float* o1, float* o2)
+    // Remember that it's the c.g. that's moving, so account for
+    // changes in orientation.  The motion of the coordinate
+    // frame will be l2gOLD(cg) + deltaCG - l2gNEW(cg)
+    float cg[3], tmp[3];
+    _body->getCG(cg);
+    l2gVector(o1, cg, cg);    // cg = l2gOLD(cg) ("cg0")
+    Math::set3(v, tmp);       // tmp = vel
+    Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp); //     = vel*dt ("deltaCG")
+    Math::add3(cg, tmp, tmp); //     = cg0 + deltaCG
+    _body->getCG(cg);
+    l2gVector(o2, cg, cg);    // cg = l2gNEW(cg) ("cg1")
+    Math::sub3(tmp, cg, tmp); // tmp = cg0 + deltaCG - cg1
+    pos[0] += tmp[0];         // p1 = p0 + (cg0+deltaCG-cg1) 
+    pos[1] += tmp[1];         //  (positions are doubles, so we
+    pos[2] += tmp[2];         //   can't use Math::add3)    
+#if 0
+// A straight euler integration, for reference.  Don't use.
+void Integrator::calcNewInterval()
+    float tmp[3];
+    State s = _s;
+    float dt = _dt / 4;
+    orthonormalize(_s.orient);
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+	_body->reset();
+	_env->calcForces(&s);
+	_body->getAccel(s.acc);
+ 	l2gVector(_s.orient, s.acc, s.acc);
+	_body->getAngularAccel(s.racc);
+ 	l2gVector(_s.orient, s.racc, s.racc);
+	float rotmat[9];
+	rotMatrix(s.rot, dt, rotmat);
+	Math::mmul33(_s.orient, rotmat, s.orient);
+	extrapolatePosition(s.pos, s.v, dt, _s.orient, s.orient);
+	Math::mul3(dt, s.acc, tmp);
+	Math::add3(tmp, s.v, s.v);
+	Math::mul3(dt, s.racc, tmp);
+	Math::add3(tmp, s.rot, s.rot);
+	_s = s;
+    }
+    _env->newState(&_s);
+void Integrator::calcNewInterval()
+    // In principle, these could be changed for something other than
+    // a 4th order integration.  I doubt if anyone cares.
+    const static int NITER=4;
+    static float TIMESTEP[] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 };
+    static float WEIGHTS[]  = { 6.0, 3.0, 3.0, 6.0 };
+    // Scratch pads:
+    double pos[NITER][3]; float vel[NITER][3]; float acc[NITER][3];
+    float  ori[NITER][9]; float rot[NITER][3]; float rac[NITER][3];
+    float *currVel = _s.v;
+    float *currAcc = _s.acc;
+    float *currRot = _s.rot;
+    float *currRac = _s.racc;
+    // First off, sanify the initial orientation
+    orthonormalize(_s.orient);
+    for(int i=0; i<NITER; i++) {
+	//
+	// extrapolate forward based on current values of the
+	// derivatives and the ORIGINAL values of the
+	// position/orientation.
+	//
+	float dt = _dt * TIMESTEP[i];
+	float tmp[3];
+	// "add" rotation to orientation (generate a rotation matrix)
+	float rotmat[9];
+	rotMatrix(currRot, dt, rotmat);
+	Math::mmul33(_s.orient, rotmat, ori[i]);
+	// add velocity to (original!) position
+	for(int j=0; j<3; j++) pos[i][j] = _s.pos[j];
+        extrapolatePosition(pos[i], currVel, dt, _s.orient, ori[i]);
+	// add acceleration to (original!) velocity
+	Math::set3(currAcc, tmp); 
+	Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp);
+	Math::add3(_s.v, tmp, vel[i]);
+	// add rotational acceleration to rotation
+	Math::set3(currRac, tmp); 
+	Math::mul3(dt, tmp, tmp);
+	Math::add3(_s.rot, tmp, rot[i]);
+	//
+	// Tell the environment to generate new forces on the body,
+	// extract the accelerations, and convert to vectors in the
+	// global frame.
+	//
+        _body->reset();
+        // FIXME.  Copying into a state object is clumsy!  The
+        // per-coordinate arrays should be changed into a single array
+        // of State objects.  Ick.
+        State stmp;
+        for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
+            stmp.pos[j] = pos[i][j];
+            stmp.v[j] = vel[i][j];
+            stmp.rot[j] = rot[i][j];
+        }
+        for(int j=0; j<9; j++)
+            stmp.orient[j] = ori[i][j];
+	_env->calcForces(&stmp);
+	_body->getAccel(acc[i]);
+	_body->getAngularAccel(rac[i]);
+ 	l2gVector(_s.orient, acc[i], acc[i]);
+ 	l2gVector(_s.orient, rac[i], rac[i]);
+	//
+	// Save the resulting derivatives for the next iteration
+	// 
+	currVel = vel[i]; currAcc = acc[i];
+	currRot = rot[i]; currRac = rac[i];
+    }
+    // Average the resulting derivatives together according to their
+    // weights.  Yes, we're "averaging" rotations, which isn't
+    // stricly correct -- rotations live in a non-cartesian space.
+    // But the space is "locally" cartesian.
+    State derivs;
+    float tot = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<NITER; i++) {
+	float wgt = WEIGHTS[i];
+        tot += wgt;
+        for(int j=0; j<3; j++) {
+            derivs.v[j]   += wgt*vel[i][j];  derivs.rot[j]    += wgt*rot[i][j];
+            derivs.acc[j] += wgt*acc[i][j];  derivs.racc[j] += wgt*rac[i][j];
+        }
+    }
+    float itot = 1/tot;
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+        derivs.v[i]   *= itot;  derivs.rot[i]    *= itot;
+        derivs.acc[i] *= itot;  derivs.racc[i] *= itot;
+    }
+    // And finally extrapolate once more, using the averaged
+    // derivatives, to the final position and orientation.  This code
+    // is essentially identical to the position extrapolation step
+    // inside the loop.
+    // save the starting orientation
+    float orient0[9];
+    for(int i=0; i<9; i++) orient0[i] = _s.orient[i];
+    float rotmat[9];
+    rotMatrix(derivs.rot, _dt, rotmat);
+    Math::mmul33(orient0, rotmat, _s.orient);
+    extrapolatePosition(_s.pos, derivs.v, _dt, orient0, _s.orient);
+    float tmp[3];
+    Math::mul3(_dt, derivs.acc, tmp);
+    Math::add3(_s.v, tmp, _s.v);
+    Math::mul3(_dt, derivs.racc, tmp);
+    Math::add3(_s.rot, tmp, _s.rot);
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+	_s.acc[i] = derivs.acc[i];
+	_s.racc[i] = derivs.racc[i];
+    }
+    // Tell the environment about our decision
+    _env->newState(&_s);
+// Generates a matrix that rotates about axis r through an angle equal
+// to (|r| * dt).  That is, a rotation effected by rotating with rate
+// r for dt "seconds" (or whatever time unit is in use).
+// Implementation shamelessly cribbed from the OpenGL specification.
+// NOTE: we're actually returning the _transpose_ of the rotation
+// matrix!  This is becuase we store orientations as global-to-local
+// transformations.  Thus, we want to rotate the ROWS of the old
+// matrix to get the new one.
+void Integrator::rotMatrix(float* r, float dt, float* out)
+    // Normalize the vector, and extract the angle through which we'll
+    // rotate.
+    float mag = Math::mag3(r);
+    float angle = dt*mag;
+    // Tiny rotations result in degenerate (zero-length) rotation
+    // vectors, so clamp to an identity matrix.  1e-06 radians
+    // per 1/30th of a second (typical dt unit) corresponds to one
+    // revolution per 2.4 days, or significantly less than the
+    // coriolis rotation.  And it's still preserves half the floating
+    // point precision of a radian-per-iteration rotation.
+    if(angle < 1e-06) {
+        out[0] = 1; out[1] = 0; out[2] = 0; 
+        out[3] = 0; out[4] = 1; out[5] = 0; 
+        out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0; out[8] = 1; 
+        return;
+    }
+    float runit[3];
+    Math::mul3(1/mag, r, runit);
+    float s    = Math::sin(angle);
+    float c    = Math::cos(angle);
+    float c1   = 1-c;
+    float c1rx = c1*runit[0];
+    float c1ry = c1*runit[1];
+    float xx   = c1rx*runit[0];
+    float xy   = c1rx*runit[1];
+    float xz   = c1rx*runit[2];
+    float yy   = c1ry*runit[1];
+    float yz   = c1ry*runit[2];
+    float zz   = c1*runit[2]*runit[2];
+    float xs   = runit[0]*s;
+    float ys   = runit[1]*s;
+    float zs   = runit[2]*s;
+    out[0] = xx+c ; out[3] = xy-zs; out[6] = xz+ys;
+    out[1] = xy+zs; out[4] = yy+c ; out[7] = yz-xs;
+    out[2] = xz-ys; out[5] = yz+xs; out[8] = zz+c ;
+// Does a Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization on the rows of a
+// global-to-local orientation matrix.  The order of normalization
+// here is x, z, y.  This is because of the convention of "x" being
+// the forward vector and "z" being up in the body frame.  These two
+// vectors are the most important to keep correct.
+void Integrator::orthonormalize(float* m)
+    // The 1st, 2nd and 3rd rows of the matrix store the global frame
+    // equivalents of the x, y, and z unit vectors in the local frame.
+    float *x = m, *y = m+3, *z = m+6;
+    Math::unit3(x, x);                  // x = x/|x|
+    float v[3];
+    Math::mul3(Math::dot3(x, z), z, v); // v = z(x dot z)
+    Math::sub3(z, v, z);                // z = z - z*(x dot z)
+    Math::unit3(z, z);                  // z = z/|z|
+    Math::cross3(z, x, y);              // y = z cross x
+}; // namespace yasim
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index 000000000..323177ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Integrator.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "BodyEnvironment.hpp"
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// These objects are responsible for extracting force data from a
+// BodyEnvironment object, using a RigidBody object to calculate
+// accelerations, and then tying that all together into a new
+// "solution" of position/orientation/etc... for the body.  The method
+// used is a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration.
+class Integrator
+    // Sets the RigidBody that will be integrated.
+    void setBody(RigidBody* body);
+    // Sets the BodyEnvironment object used to calculate the second
+    // derivatives.
+    void setEnvironment(BodyEnvironment* env);
+    // Sets the time interval between steps.  Units can be anything,
+    // but they must match the other values (if you specify speed in
+    // m/s, then angular acceleration had better be in 1/s^2 and the
+    // time interval should be in seconds, etc...)
+    void setInterval(float dt);
+    float getInterval();
+    // The current state, i.e. initial conditions for the next
+    // integration iteration.  Note that the acceleration parameters
+    // in the State object are ignored.
+    State* getState();
+    void setState(State* s);
+    // Do a 4th order Runge-Kutta integration over one time interval.
+    // This is the top level of the simulation.
+    void calcNewInterval();
+    void orthonormalize(float* m);
+    void rotMatrix(float* r, float dt, float* out);
+    void l2gVector(float* orient, float* v, float* out);
+    void extrapolatePosition(double* pos, float* v, float dt,
+                             float* o1, float* o2);
+    BodyEnvironment* _env;
+    RigidBody* _body;
+    float _dt;
+    State _s;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _INTEGRATOR_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Jet.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Jet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4169b69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Jet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Jet.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    _rho0 = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(0);
+    _thrust = 0;
+    _reheat = 0;
+Thruster* Jet::clone()
+    Jet* j = new Jet();
+    j->_thrust = _thrust;
+    j->_rho0 = _rho0;
+    return j;
+void Jet::setDryThrust(float thrust)
+    _thrust = thrust;
+void Jet::setReheat(float reheat)
+    _reheat = reheat;
+void Jet::getThrust(float* out)
+    float t = _thrust * _throttle * (_rho / _rho0);
+    Math::mul3(t, _dir, out);
+void Jet::getTorque(float* out)
+    out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
+    return;
+void Jet::getGyro(float* out)
+    out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
+    return;
+float Jet::getFuelFlow()
+    return 0;
+void Jet::integrate(float dt)
+    return;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Jet.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Jet.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c51e30276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Jet.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef _JET_HPP
+#define _JET_HPP
+#include "Thruster.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// Incredibly dumb placeholder for a Jet implementation.  But it does
+// what's important, which is provide thrust.
+class Jet : public Thruster {
+    Jet();
+    virtual Thruster* clone();
+    void setDryThrust(float thrust);
+    void setReheat(float reheat);
+    virtual void getThrust(float* out);
+    virtual void getTorque(float* out);
+    virtual void getGyro(float* out);
+    virtual float getFuelFlow();
+    virtual void integrate(float dt);
+    float _thrust;
+    float _rho0;
+    float _reheat;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _JET_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Makefile.am b/src/FDM/YASim/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4f7fdcd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+noinst_LIBRARIES = libYASim.a
+libYASim_a_SOURCES = YASim.cxx Airplane.cpp Atmosphere.cpp ControlMap.cpp \
+                     FGFDM.cpp Gear.cpp Glue.cpp Integrator.cpp Jet.cpp   \
+                     Math.cpp Model.cpp PistonEngine.cpp Propeller.cpp    \
+                     PropEngine.cpp RigidBody.cpp Surface.cpp             \
+                     Thruster.cpp Wing.cpp
+INCLUDES += -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Math.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Math.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0af57a03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Math.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "Math.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+float Math::abs(float f)
+    return ::fabs(f);
+float Math::sqrt(float f)
+    return ::sqrt(f);
+float Math::pow(float base, float exp)
+    return ::pow(base, exp);
+float Math::ceil(float f)
+    return ::ceil(f);
+float Math::cos(float f)
+    return ::cos(f);
+float Math::sin(float f)
+    return ::sin(f);
+float Math::tan(float f)
+    return ::tan(f);
+float Math::atan2(float y, float x)
+    return ::atan2(y, x);
+double Math::abs(double f)
+    return ::fabs(f);
+double Math::sqrt(double f)
+    return ::sqrt(f);
+double Math::pow(double base, double exp)
+    return ::pow(base, exp);
+double Math::ceil(double f)
+    return ::ceil(f);
+double Math::cos(double f)
+    return ::cos(f);
+double Math::sin(double f)
+    return ::sin(f);
+double Math::tan(double f)
+    return ::tan(f);
+double Math::atan2(double y, double x)
+    return ::atan2(y, x);
+void Math::set3(float* v, float* out)
+    out[0] = v[0];
+    out[1] = v[1];
+    out[2] = v[2];
+float Math::dot3(float* a, float* b)
+    return a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2];
+void Math::mul3(float scalar, float* v, float* out)
+    out[0] = scalar * v[0];
+    out[1] = scalar * v[1];
+    out[2] = scalar * v[2];
+void Math::add3(float* a, float* b, float* out)
+    out[0] = a[0] + b[0];
+    out[1] = a[1] + b[1];
+    out[2] = a[2] + b[2];
+void Math::sub3(float* a, float* b, float* out)
+    out[0] = a[0] - b[0];
+    out[1] = a[1] - b[1];
+    out[2] = a[2] - b[2];
+float Math::mag3(float* v)
+    return sqrt(dot3(v, v));
+void Math::unit3(float* v, float* out)
+    float imag = 1/mag3(v);
+    mul3(imag, v, out);
+void Math::cross3(float* a, float* b, float* out)
+    float ax=a[0], ay=a[1], az=a[2];
+    float bx=b[0], by=b[1], bz=b[2];
+    out[0] = ay*bz - by*az;
+    out[1] = az*bx - bz*ax;
+    out[2] = ax*by - bx*ay;
+void Math::mmul33(float* a, float* b, float* out)
+    float tmp[9];
+    tmp[0] = a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[3] + a[2]*b[6];
+    tmp[3] = a[3]*b[0] + a[4]*b[3] + a[5]*b[6];
+    tmp[6] = a[6]*b[0] + a[7]*b[3] + a[8]*b[6];
+    tmp[1] = a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[4] + a[2]*b[7];
+    tmp[4] = a[3]*b[1] + a[4]*b[4] + a[5]*b[7];
+    tmp[7] = a[6]*b[1] + a[7]*b[4] + a[8]*b[7];
+    tmp[2] = a[0]*b[2] + a[1]*b[5] + a[2]*b[8];
+    tmp[5] = a[3]*b[2] + a[4]*b[5] + a[5]*b[8];
+    tmp[8] = a[6]*b[2] + a[7]*b[5] + a[8]*b[8];
+    for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
+	out[i] = tmp[i];
+void Math::vmul33(float* m, float* v, float* out)
+    float x = v[0], y = v[1], z = v[2];
+    out[0] = x*m[0] + y*m[1] + z*m[2];
+    out[1] = x*m[3] + y*m[4] + z*m[5];
+    out[2] = x*m[6] + y*m[7] + z*m[8];
+void Math::tmul33(float* m, float* v, float* out)
+    float x = v[0], y = v[1], z = v[2];
+    out[0] = x*m[0] + y*m[3] + z*m[6];
+    out[1] = x*m[1] + y*m[4] + z*m[7];
+    out[2] = x*m[2] + y*m[5] + z*m[8];
+void Math::invert33(float* m, float* out)
+    // Compute the inverse as the adjoint matrix times 1/(det M).
+    // A, B ... I are the cofactors of a b c
+    //                                 d e f
+    //                                 g h i
+    float a=m[0], b=m[1], c=m[2];
+    float d=m[3], e=m[4], f=m[5];
+    float g=m[6], h=m[7], i=m[8];
+    float A =  (e*i - h*f);
+    float B = -(d*i - g*f);
+    float C =  (d*h - g*e);
+    float D = -(b*i - h*c);
+    float E =  (a*i - g*c);
+    float F = -(a*h - g*b);
+    float G =  (b*f - e*c);
+    float H = -(a*f - d*c);
+    float I =  (a*e - d*b);
+    float id = 1/(a*A + b*B + c*C);
+    out[0] = id*A; out[1] = id*D; out[2] = id*G;
+    out[3] = id*B; out[4] = id*E; out[5] = id*H;
+    out[6] = id*C; out[7] = id*F; out[8] = id*I;     
+void Math::trans33(float* m, float* out)
+    // 0 1 2   Elements 0, 4, and 8 are the same
+    // 3 4 5   Swap elements 1/3, 2/6, and 5/7
+    // 6 7 8
+    out[0] = m[0];
+    out[4] = m[4];
+    out[8] = m[8];
+    float tmp = m[1];
+    out[1] = m[3];
+    out[3] = tmp;
+    tmp = m[2];
+    out[2] = m[6];
+    out[6] = tmp;
+    tmp = m[5];
+    out[5] = m[7];
+    out[7] = tmp;
+void Math::ortho33(float* x, float* y,
+                   float* xOut, float* yOut, float* zOut)
+    float x0[3], y0[3];
+    set3(x, x0);
+    set3(y, y0);
+    unit3(x0, xOut);
+    cross3(xOut, y0, zOut);
+    unit3(zOut, zOut);
+    cross3(zOut, xOut, yOut);
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Math.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Math.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9407c2a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Math.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+#ifndef _MATH_HPP
+#define _MATH_HPP
+namespace yasim {
+class Math
+    // Simple wrappers around library routines
+    static float abs(float f);
+    static float sqrt(float f);
+    static float pow(float base, float exp);
+    static float ceil(float f);
+    static float sin(float f);
+    static float cos(float f);
+    static float tan(float f);
+    static float atan2(float y, float x);
+    // double variants of the above
+    static double abs(double f);
+    static double sqrt(double f);
+    static double pow(double base, double exp);
+    static double ceil(double f);
+    static double sin(double f);
+    static double cos(double f);
+    static double tan(double f);
+    static double atan2(double y, double x);
+    // Some 3D vector stuff.  In all cases, it is permissible for the
+    // "out" vector to be the same as one of the inputs.
+    static void  set3(float* v, float* out);
+    static float dot3(float* a, float* b);
+    static void  cross3(float* a, float* b, float* out);
+    static void  mul3(float scalar, float* v, float* out);
+    static void  add3(float* a, float* b, float* out);
+    static void  sub3(float* a, float* b, float* out);
+    static float mag3(float* v);
+    static void  unit3(float* v, float* out);
+    // Matrix array convention: 0 1 2
+    //                          3 4 5
+    //                          6 7 8
+    // Multiply two matrices
+    static void mmul33(float* a, float* b, float* out);
+    // Multiply by vector
+    static void vmul33(float* m, float* v, float* out);
+    // Multiply the vector by the matrix transpose.  Or pre-multiply the
+    // matrix by v as a row vector.  Same thing.
+    static void tmul33(float* m, float* v, float* out);
+    // Invert matrix
+    static void invert33(float* m, float* out);
+    // Transpose matrix (for an orthonormal orientation matrix, this
+    // is the same as the inverse).
+    static void trans33(float* m, float* out);
+    // Generates an orthonormal basis:
+    //   xOut becomes the unit vector in the direction of x
+    //   yOut is perpendicular to xOut in the x/y plane
+    //   zOut becomes the unit vector: (xOut cross yOut)
+    static void ortho33(float* x, float* y,
+                        float* xOut, float* yOut, float* zOut);
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _MATH_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Model.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Model.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5cd77e9cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Model.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+#include "Thruster.hpp"
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+#include "Integrator.hpp"
+#include "Propeller.hpp"
+#include "PistonEngine.hpp"
+#include "Gear.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "Glue.hpp"
+#include "Model.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+void printState(State* s)
+    State tmp = *s;
+    Math::vmul33(tmp.orient, tmp.v, tmp.v);
+    Math::vmul33(tmp.orient, tmp.acc, tmp.acc);
+    Math::vmul33(tmp.orient, tmp.rot, tmp.rot);
+    Math::vmul33(tmp.orient, tmp.racc, tmp.racc);
+    printf("\nNEW STATE (LOCAL COORDS)\n");
+    printf("pos: %10.2f %10.2f %10.2f\n", tmp.pos[0], tmp.pos[1], tmp.pos[2]);
+    printf("o:   ");
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+	if(i != 0) printf("     ");
+	printf("%6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n",
+	       tmp.orient[3*i+0], tmp.orient[3*i+1], tmp.orient[3*i+2]);
+    }
+    printf("v:   %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", tmp.v[0], tmp.v[1], tmp.v[2]);
+    printf("acc: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", tmp.acc[0], tmp.acc[1], tmp.acc[2]);
+    printf("rot: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", tmp.rot[0], tmp.rot[1], tmp.rot[2]);
+    printf("rac: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f\n", tmp.racc[0], tmp.racc[1], tmp.racc[2]);
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _wind[i] = 0;
+    _integrator.setBody(&_body);
+    _integrator.setEnvironment(this);
+    // Default value of 30 Hz
+    _integrator.setInterval(1.0/30.0);
+    // FIXME: who owns these things?  Need a policy
+void Model::getThrust(float* out)
+    float tmp[3];
+    out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+	Thruster* t = (Thruster*)_thrusters.get(i);
+	t->getThrust(tmp);
+	Math::add3(tmp, out, out);
+    }
+void Model::initIteration()
+    // Precompute torque and angular momentum for the thrusters
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
+	_gyro[i] = _torque[i] = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+	Thruster* t = (Thruster*)_thrusters.get(i);
+        // Get the wind velocity at the thruster location
+        float pos[3], v[3];
+	t->getPosition(pos);
+        localWind(pos, _s, v);
+	t->setWind(v);
+	t->setDensity(_rho);
+	t->integrate(_integrator.getInterval());
+	t->getTorque(v);
+	Math::add3(v, _torque, _torque);
+	t->getGyro(v);
+	Math::add3(v, _gyro, _gyro);
+    }
+void Model::iterate()
+    initIteration();
+    _body.recalc(); // FIXME: amortize this, somehow
+    _integrator.calcNewInterval();
+State* Model::getState()
+    return _s;
+void Model::setState(State* s)
+    _integrator.setState(s);
+    _s = _integrator.getState();
+RigidBody* Model::getBody()
+    return &_body;
+Integrator* Model::getIntegrator()
+    return &_integrator;
+Surface* Model::getSurface(int handle)
+    return (Surface*)_surfaces.get(handle);
+int Model::addThruster(Thruster* t)
+    return _thrusters.add(t);
+Thruster* Model::getThruster(int handle)
+    return (Thruster*)_thrusters.get(handle);
+void Model::setThruster(int handle, Thruster* t)
+    _thrusters.set(handle, t);
+int Model::addSurface(Surface* surf)
+    return _surfaces.add(surf);
+int Model::addGear(Gear* gear)
+    return _gears.add(gear);
+// The first three elements are a unit vector pointing from the global
+// origin to the plane, the final element is the distance from the
+// origin (the radius of the earth, in most implementations).  So
+// (v dot _ground)-_ground[3] gives the distance AGL.
+void Model::setGroundPlane(double* planeNormal, double fromOrigin)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _ground[i] = planeNormal[i];
+    _ground[3] = fromOrigin;
+void Model::setAirDensity(float rho)
+    _rho = rho;
+void Model::setAir(float pressure, float temp)
+    _rho = Atmosphere::calcDensity(pressure, temp);
+void Model::setWind(float* wind)
+    Math::set3(wind, _wind);
+void Model::calcForces(State* s)
+    // Add in the pre-computed stuff.  These values aren't part of the
+    // Runge-Kutta integration (they don't depend on position or
+    // velocity), and are therefore constant across the four calls to
+    // calcForces.  They get computed before we begin the integration
+    // step.
+    _body.setGyro(_gyro);
+    _body.addTorque(_torque);
+    for(int i=0; i<_thrusters.size(); i++) {
+	Thruster* t = (Thruster*)_thrusters.get(i);
+	float thrust[3], pos[3];
+	t->getThrust(thrust);
+	t->getPosition(pos);
+	_body.addForce(pos, thrust);
+    }
+    // Gravity, convert to a force, then to local coordinates
+    float grav[3];
+    Glue::geodUp(s->pos, grav);
+    Math::mul3(-9.8 * _body.getTotalMass(), grav, grav);
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, grav, grav);
+    _body.addForce(grav);
+    // Do each surface, remembering that the local velocity at each
+    // point is different due to rotation.
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfaces.size(); i++) {
+	Surface* sf = (Surface*)_surfaces.get(i);
+	// Vsurf = wind - velocity + (rot cross (cg - pos))
+	float vs[3], pos[3];
+	sf->getPosition(pos);
+        localWind(pos, s, vs);
+	float force[3], torque[3];
+	sf->calcForce(vs, _rho, force, torque);
+	_body.addForce(pos, force);
+	_body.addTorque(torque);
+    }
+    // Get a ground plane in local coordinates.  The first three
+    // elements are the normal vector, the final one is the distance
+    // from the local origin along that vector to the ground plane
+    // (negative for objects "above" the ground)
+    float ground[4];
+    ground[3] = localGround(s, ground);
+    // Convert the velocity and rotation vectors to local coordinates
+    float lrot[3], lv[3];
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->rot, lrot);
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->v, lv);
+    // The landing gear
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
+	float force[3], contact[3];
+	Gear* g = (Gear*)_gears.get(i);
+	g->calcForce(&_body, lv, lrot, ground);
+	g->getForce(force, contact);
+	_body.addForce(contact, force);
+    }
+void Model::newState(State* s)
+    _s = s;
+    //printState(s);
+    // Some simple collision detection
+    float ground[4], pos[3], cmpr[3];
+    ground[3] = localGround(s, ground);
+    for(int i=0; i<_gears.size(); i++) {
+	Gear* g = (Gear*)_gears.get(i);
+	g->getPosition(pos);
+	g->getCompression(cmpr);
+	Math::add3(cmpr, pos, pos);
+	float dist = ground[3] - Math::dot3(pos, ground);
+	if(dist < 0) {
+	    printf("CRASH: gear %d\n", i);
+	    *(int*)0=0;
+	}
+    }
+// Returns a unit "down" vector for the ground in out, and the
+// distance from the local origin to the ground as the return value.
+// So for a given position V, "dist - (V dot out)" will be the height
+// AGL.
+float Model::localGround(State* s, float* out)
+    // Get the ground's "down" vector, this can be in floats, because
+    // we don't need positioning accuracy.  The direction has plenty
+    // of accuracy after truncation.
+    out[0] = -(float)_ground[0];
+    out[1] = -(float)_ground[1];
+    out[2] = -(float)_ground[2];
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, out, out);
+    // The distance from the ground to the Aircraft's origin:
+    double dist = (s->pos[0]*_ground[0]
+                   + s->pos[1]*_ground[1]
+                   + s->pos[2]*_ground[2] - _ground[3]);
+    return (float)dist;
+// Calculates the airflow direction at the given point and for the
+// specified aircraft velocity.
+void Model::localWind(float* pos, State* s, float* out)
+    // Most of the input is in global coordinates.  Fix that.
+    float lwind[3], lrot[3], lv[3];
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, _wind, lwind);
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->rot, lrot);
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->v, lv);
+    _body.pointVelocity(pos, lrot, out); // rotational velocity
+    Math::mul3(-1, out, out);      //  (negated)
+    Math::add3(lwind, out, out);    //  + wind
+    Math::sub3(out, lv, out);       //  - velocity
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Model.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Model.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a54799d01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Model.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#ifndef _MODEL_HPP
+#define _MODEL_HPP
+#include "Integrator.hpp"
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+#include "BodyEnvironment.hpp"
+#include "util/Vector.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+// Declare the types whose pointers get passed around here
+class Integrator;
+class Thruster;
+class Surface;
+class Gear;
+class Model : public BodyEnvironment {
+    Model();
+    virtual ~Model();
+    RigidBody* getBody();
+    Integrator* getIntegrator();
+    State* getState();
+    void setState(State* s);
+    void iterate();
+    // Externally-managed subcomponents
+    int addThruster(Thruster* t);
+    int addSurface(Surface* surf);
+    int addGear(Gear* gear);
+    Surface* getSurface(int handle);
+    Gear* getGear(int handle);
+    // Semi-private methods for use by the Airplane solver.
+    Thruster* getThruster(int handle);
+    void setThruster(int handle, Thruster* t);
+    void initIteration();
+    void getThrust(float* out);
+    //
+    // Per-iteration settables
+    //
+    void setGroundPlane(double* planeNormal, double fromOrigin);
+    void setWind(float* wind);
+    void setAirDensity(float rho);
+    void setAir(float pressure, float temp);
+    // BodyEnvironment callbacks
+    virtual void calcForces(State* s);
+    virtual void newState(State* s);
+    void calcGearForce(Gear* g, float* v, float* rot, float* ground);
+    float gearFriction(float wgt, float v, Gear* g);
+    float localGround(State* s, float* out);
+    void localWind(float* pos, State* s, float* out);
+    Integrator _integrator;
+    RigidBody _body;
+    Vector _thrusters;
+    Vector _surfaces;
+    Vector _gears;
+    double _ground[4];
+    float _rho;
+    float _wind[3];
+    // Accumulators for the total internal gyro and engine torque
+    float _gyro[3];
+    float _torque[3];
+    State* _s;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _MODEL_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/PistonEngine.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/PistonEngine.cpp
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index 000000000..bea871f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/PistonEngine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#include "PistonEngine.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+PistonEngine::PistonEngine(float power, float speed)
+    // Presume a BSFC (in lb/hour per HP) of 0.45.  In SI that becomes
+    // (2.2 lb/kg, 745.7 W/hp, 3600 sec/hour) 3.69e-07 kg/Ws.
+    _f0 = power * 3.69e-07;
+    _P0 = power;
+    _omega0 = speed;
+    // We must be at sea level under standard conditions
+    _rho0 = 1.225; // kg/m^3
+    // Further presume that takeoff is (duh) full throttle and
+    // peak-power, that means that by our efficiency function, we are
+    // at 11/8 of "ideal" fuel flow.
+    float realFlow = _f0 * (11.0/8.0);
+    _mixCoeff = realFlow * 1.1 / _omega0;
+void PistonEngine::setThrottle(float t)
+    _throttle = t;
+void PistonEngine::setMixture(float m)
+    _mixture = m;
+void PistonEngine::calc(float density, float speed,
+			float* torqueOut, float* fuelFlowOut)
+    // The actual fuel flow
+    float fuel = _mixture * _mixCoeff * speed;
+    // manifold air density
+    float rho = density * _throttle;
+    // How much fuel could be burned with ideal (i.e. uncorrected!)
+    // combustion.
+    float burnable = _f0 * (rho/_rho0) * (speed/_omega0);
+    // Calculate the fuel that actually burns to produce work.  The
+    // idea is that less than 5/8 of ideal, we get complete
+    // combustion.  We use up all the oxygen at 1 3/8 of ideal (that
+    // is, you need to waste fuel to use all your O2).  In between,
+    // interpolate.  This vaguely matches a curve I copied out of a
+    // book for a single engine.  Shrug.
+    float burned;
+    float r = fuel/burnable;
+    if     (burnable == 0) burned = 0;
+    else if(r < .625)      burned = fuel;
+    else if(r > 1.375)     burned = burnable;
+    else                   burned = fuel + (burnable-fuel)*(r-.625)*(4.0/3.0);
+    // And finally the power is just the reference power scaled by the
+    // amount of fuel burned.
+    float power = _P0 * burned/_f0;
+    *torqueOut = power/speed;
+    *fuelFlowOut = fuel;
+}; // namespace yasim
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index 000000000..95f43c438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/PistonEngine.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+namespace yasim {
+class PistonEngine {
+    // Initializes an engine from known "takeoff" parameters.
+    PistonEngine(float power, float spd);
+    void setThrottle(float throttle);
+    void setMixture(float mixture);
+    // Calculates power output and fuel flow, based on a given
+    // throttle setting (0-1 corresponding to the fraction of
+    // "available" manifold pressure), mixture (fuel flux per rpm,
+    // 0-1, where 1 is "max rich", or a little bit more than needed
+    // for rated power at sea level)
+    void calc(float density, float speed,
+	      float* powerOut, float* fuelFlowOut);
+    float _P0;       // reference power setting
+    float _omega0;   //   "       engine speed
+    float _rho0;     //   "       manifold air density
+    float _f0;       // "ideal" fuel flow at P0/omega0
+    float _mixCoeff; // fuel flow per omega at full mixture
+    // Runtime settables:
+    float _throttle;
+    float _mixture;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/PropEngine.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/PropEngine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56ebae51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/PropEngine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Propeller.hpp"
+#include "PistonEngine.hpp"
+#include "PropEngine.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+PropEngine::PropEngine(Propeller* prop, PistonEngine* eng, float moment)
+    // Start off at 500rpm, because the start code doesn't exist yet
+    _omega = 52.3;
+    _dir[0] = 1; _dir[1] = 0; _dir[2] = 0;
+    _prop = prop;
+    _eng = eng;
+    _moment = moment;
+    delete _prop;
+    delete _eng;
+float PropEngine::getOmega()
+    return _omega;
+Thruster* PropEngine::clone()
+    // FIXME: bloody mess
+    PropEngine* p = new PropEngine(_prop, _eng, _moment);
+    cloneInto(p);
+    p->_prop = new Propeller(*_prop);
+    p->_eng = new PistonEngine(*_eng);
+    return p;
+void PropEngine::getThrust(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _thrust[i];    
+void PropEngine::getTorque(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _torque[i];
+void PropEngine::getGyro(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _gyro[i];
+float PropEngine::getFuelFlow()
+    return _fuelFlow;
+void PropEngine::integrate(float dt)
+    float speed = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir);
+    float propTorque, engTorque, thrust;
+    _eng->setThrottle(_throttle);
+    _eng->setMixture(_mixture);
+    _prop->calc(_rho, speed, _omega,
+		&thrust, &propTorque);
+    _eng->calc(_rho, _omega, &engTorque, &_fuelFlow);
+    // Turn the thrust into a vector and save it
+    Math::mul3(thrust, _dir, _thrust);
+    // Euler-integrate the RPM.  This doesn't need the full-on
+    // Runge-Kutta stuff.
+    _omega += dt*(engTorque-propTorque)/Math::abs(_moment);
+    // FIXME: Integrate the propeller governor here, when that gets
+    // implemented...
+    // Store the total angular momentum into _gyro
+    Math::mul3(_omega*_moment, _dir, _gyro);
+    // Accumulate the engine torque, it acta on the body as a whole.
+    // (Note: engine torque, not propeller torque.  They can be
+    // different, but the difference goes to accelerating the
+    // rotation.  It is the engine torque that is felt at the shaft
+    // and works on the body.)
+    float tau = _moment < 0 ? engTorque : -engTorque;
+    Math::mul3(tau, _dir, _torque);
+}; // namespace yasim
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index 000000000..481552a29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/PropEngine.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "Thruster.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+class Propeller;
+class PistonEngine;
+class PropEngine : public Thruster {
+    PropEngine(Propeller* prop, PistonEngine* eng, float moment);
+    virtual ~PropEngine();
+    virtual Thruster* clone();
+    // Dynamic output
+    virtual void getThrust(float* out);
+    virtual void getTorque(float* out);
+    virtual void getGyro(float* out);
+    virtual float getFuelFlow();
+    // Runtime instructions
+    virtual void integrate(float dt);
+    float getOmega();
+    float _moment;
+    Propeller* _prop;
+    PistonEngine* _eng;
+    float _omega; // RPM, in radians/sec
+    float _thrust[3];
+    float _torque[3];
+    float _gyro[3];
+    float _fuelFlow;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _PROPENGINE_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Propeller.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Propeller.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bce03ab8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Propeller.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Propeller.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+Propeller::Propeller(float radius, float v, float omega,
+		     float rho, float power, float omega0,
+                     float power0)
+    // Initialize numeric constants:
+    _lambdaPeak = Math::pow(9.0, -1.0/8.0);
+    _beta = 1.0/(Math::pow(9.0, -1.0/8.0) - Math::pow(9.0, -9.0/8.0));
+    _r = radius;
+    _etaC = 0.85; // make this settable?
+    _J0 = v/(omega*_lambdaPeak);
+    float V2 = v*v + (_r*omega)*(_r*omega);
+    _F0 = 2*_etaC*power/(rho*v*V2);
+    float stallAngle = 0.25;
+    _lambdaS = _r*(_J0/_r - stallAngle) / _J0;
+    // Now compute a correction for zero forward speed to make the
+    // takeoff performance correct.
+    float torque0 = power0/omega0; 
+    float thrust, torque;
+    _takeoffCoef = 1;
+    calc(Atmosphere::getStdDensity(0), 0, omega0, &thrust, &torque);
+    _takeoffCoef = torque/torque0;
+void Propeller::calc(float density, float v, float omega,
+		     float* thrustOut, float* torqueOut)
+    float tipspd = _r*omega;
+    float V2 = v*v + tipspd*tipspd;
+    // Clamp v (forward velocity) to zero, now that we've used it to
+    // calculate V (propeller "speed")
+    if(v < 0) v = 0;
+    float J = v/omega;
+    float lambda = J/_J0;
+    float torque = 0;
+    if(lambda > 1) {
+	lambda = 1.0/lambda;
+	torque = (density*V2*_F0*_J0)/(8*_etaC*_beta*(1-_lambdaPeak));
+    }
+    // There's an undefined point at 1.  Just offset by a tiny bit to
+    // fix (note: the discontinuity is at EXACTLY one, this is about
+    // the only time in history you'll see me use == on a floating
+    // point number!)
+    if(lambda == 1) lambda = 0.9999;
+    // Compute thrust, remembering to clamp lambda to the stall point
+    float lambda2 = lambda < _lambdaS ? _lambdaS : lambda;
+    float thrust = (0.5*density*V2*_F0/(1-_lambdaPeak))*(1-lambda2);
+    // Calculate lambda^8
+    float l8 = lambda*lambda; l8 = l8*l8; l8 = l8*l8;
+    // thrust/torque ratio
+    float gamma = (_etaC*_beta/_J0)*(1-l8);
+    // Correct slow speeds to get the takeoff parameters correct
+    if(lambda < _lambdaPeak) {
+        // This will interpolate takeoffCoef along a descending from 1
+        // at lambda==0 to 0 at the peak, fairing smoothly into the
+        // flat peak.
+        float frac = (lambda - _lambdaPeak)/_lambdaPeak;
+        gamma *= 1 + (_takeoffCoef - 1)*frac*frac;
+    }
+    if(torque > 0) {
+	torque -= thrust/gamma;
+	thrust = -thrust;
+    } else {
+	torque = thrust/gamma;
+    }
+    *thrustOut = thrust;
+    *torqueOut = torque;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Propeller.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Propeller.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eed76450c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Propeller.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+namespace yasim {
+// A generic propeller model.  See the TeX documentation for
+// implementation details, this is too hairy to explain in code
+// comments.
+class Propeller
+    // Initializes a propeller with the specified "cruise" numbers
+    // for airspeed, RPM, power and air density, and two "takeoff"
+    // numbers for RPM and power (with air speed and density being
+    // zero and sea level).  RPM values are in radians per second, of
+    // course.
+    Propeller(float radius, float v, float omega, float rho, float power,
+              float omega0, float power0);
+    void calc(float density, float v, float omega,
+	      float* thrustOut, float* torqueOut);
+    float _r;           // characteristic radius
+    float _J0;          // zero-thrust advance ratio
+    float _lambdaS;     // "propeller stall" normalized advance ratio
+    float _F0;          // thrust coefficient
+    float _etaC;        // Peak efficiency
+    float _lambdaPeak;  // constant, ~0.759835;
+    float _beta;        // constant, ~1.48058;
+    float _takeoffCoef; // correction to get the zero-speed torque right
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _PROPELLER_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/RigidBody.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/RigidBody.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ddded7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/RigidBody.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "RigidBody.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    // Allocate space for 16 masses initially.  More space will be
+    // allocated dynamically.
+    _nMasses = 0;
+    _massesAlloced = 16;
+    _masses = new Mass[_massesAlloced];
+    _gyro[0] = _gyro[1] = _gyro[2] = 0;
+    _spin[0] = _spin[1] = _spin[2] = 0;
+    delete[] _masses;
+int RigidBody::addMass(float mass, float* pos)
+    // If out of space, reallocate twice as much
+    if(_nMasses == _massesAlloced) {
+        _massesAlloced *= 2;
+        Mass *m2 = new Mass[_massesAlloced];
+        for(int i=0; i<_nMasses; i++)
+            m2[i] = _masses[i];
+        delete[] _masses;
+        _masses = m2;
+    }
+    _masses[_nMasses].m = mass;
+    Math::set3(pos, _masses[_nMasses].p);
+    return _nMasses++;
+void RigidBody::setMass(int handle, float mass)
+    _masses[handle].m = mass;
+void RigidBody::setMass(int handle, float mass, float* pos)
+    _masses[handle].m = mass;
+    Math::set3(pos, _masses[handle].p);
+int RigidBody::numMasses()
+    return _nMasses;
+float RigidBody::getMass(int handle)
+    return _masses[handle].m;
+void RigidBody::getMassPosition(int handle, float* out)
+    out[0] = _masses[handle].p[0];
+    out[1] = _masses[handle].p[1];
+    out[2] = _masses[handle].p[2];
+float RigidBody::getTotalMass()
+    return _totalMass;
+// Calcualtes the rotational velocity of a particular point.  All
+// coordinates are local!
+void RigidBody::pointVelocity(float* pos, float* rot, float* out)
+    Math::sub3(pos, _cg, out);   //  out = pos-cg
+    Math::cross3(rot, out, out); //      = rot cross (pos-cg)
+void RigidBody::setGyro(float* angularMomentum)
+    Math::set3(angularMomentum, _gyro);
+void RigidBody::recalc()
+    // Calculate the c.g and total mass:
+    _totalMass = 0;
+    _cg[0] = _cg[1] = _cg[2] = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) {
+        float m = _masses[i].m;
+        _totalMass += m;
+        _cg[0] += m * _masses[i].p[0];
+        _cg[1] += m * _masses[i].p[1];
+        _cg[2] += m * _masses[i].p[2];
+    }
+    Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _cg, _cg);
+    // Now the inertia tensor:
+    for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
+	_I[i] = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_nMasses; i++) {
+	float m = _masses[i].m;
+	float x = _masses[i].p[0] - _cg[0];
+	float y = _masses[i].p[1] - _cg[1];
+	float z = _masses[i].p[2] - _cg[2];
+	float xy = m*x*y; float yz = m*y*z; float zx = m*z*x;
+	float x2 = m*x*x; float y2 = m*y*y; float z2 = m*z*z;
+	_I[0] += y2+z2;  _I[1] -=    xy;  _I[2] -=    zx;
+	_I[3] -=    xy;  _I[4] += x2+z2;  _I[5] -=    yz;
+	_I[6] -=    zx;	 _I[7] -=    yz;  _I[8] += x2+y2;
+    }
+    // And its inverse
+    Math::invert33(_I, _invI);
+void RigidBody::reset()
+    _torque[0] = _torque[1] = _torque[2] = 0;
+    _force[0] = _force[1] = _force[2] = 0;
+void RigidBody::addForce(float* force)
+    Math::add3(_force, force, _force);
+void RigidBody::addTorque(float* torque)
+    Math::add3(_torque, torque, _torque);
+void RigidBody::addForce(float* pos, float* force)
+    addForce(force);
+    // For a force F at position X, the torque about the c.g C is:
+    // torque = F cross (C - X)
+    float v[3], t[3];
+    Math::sub3(_cg, pos, v);
+    Math::cross3(force, v, t);
+    addTorque(t);
+void RigidBody::setBodySpin(float* rotation)
+    Math::set3(rotation, _spin);
+void RigidBody::getCG(float* cgOut)
+    Math::set3(_cg, cgOut);
+void RigidBody::getAccel(float* accelOut)
+    Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _force, accelOut);
+void RigidBody::getAccel(float* pos, float* accelOut)
+    getAccel(accelOut);
+    // Turn the "spin" vector into a normalized spin axis "a" and a
+    // radians/sec scalar "rate".
+    float a[3];
+    float rate = Math::mag3(_spin);
+    Math::set3(_spin, a);
+    Math::mul3(1/rate, a, a);
+    float v[3];
+    Math::sub3(_cg, pos, v);             // v = cg - pos
+    Math::mul3(Math::dot3(v, a), a, a);  // a = a * (v dot a)
+    Math::add3(v, a, v);                 // v = v + a
+    // Now v contains the vector from pos to the rotation axis.
+    // Multiply by the square of the rotation rate to get the linear
+    // acceleration.
+    Math::mul3(rate*rate, v, v);
+    Math::add3(v, accelOut, accelOut);
+void RigidBody::getAngularAccel(float* accelOut)
+    // Compute "tau" as the externally applied torque, plus the
+    // counter-torque due to the internal gyro.
+    float tau[3]; // torque
+    Math::cross3(_gyro, _spin, tau);
+    Math::add3(_torque, tau, tau);
+    // Now work the equation of motion.  Use "v" as a notational
+    // shorthand, as the value isn't an acceleration until the end.
+    float *v = accelOut;
+    Math::vmul33(_I, _spin, v);  // v = I*omega
+    Math::cross3(_spin, v, v);   // v = omega X I*omega
+    Math::add3(tau, v, v);       // v = tau + (omega X I*omega)
+    Math::vmul33(_invI, v, v);   // v = invI*(tau + (omega X I*omega))
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/RigidBody.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/RigidBody.hpp
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index 000000000..08e07ef88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/RigidBody.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+namespace yasim {
+// A RigidBody object maintains all "internal" state about an object,
+// accumulates force and torque information from external sources, and
+// calculates the resulting accelerations.
+// Units note: obviously, the choice of mass, time and distance units
+// is up to the user.  If you provide mass in kilograms, forces in
+// newtons, and torques in newton-meters, you'll get your
+// accelerations back in m/s^2.  The angular units, however, are
+// UNIFORMLY radians.  Angular velocities are radians per <time unit>,
+// the angular acceleration you get back is radians per <time unit>^2,
+// and the angular momenta supplied to setGyro must be in radians,
+// too.  Radians, not degrees.  Don't forget.
+class RigidBody
+    RigidBody();
+    ~RigidBody();
+    // Adds a point mass to the system.  Returns a handle so the gyro
+    // can be later modified via setMass().
+    int addMass(float mass, float* pos);
+    // Modifies a previously-added point mass (fuel tank running dry,
+    // gear going up, swing wing swinging, pilot bailing out, etc...)
+    void setMass(int handle, float mass);
+    void setMass(int handle, float mass, float* pos);
+    int numMasses();
+    float getMass(int handle);
+    void getMassPosition(int handle, float* out);
+    float getTotalMass();
+    // The velocity, in local coordinates, of the specified point on a
+    // body rotating about its c.g. with velocity rot.
+    void pointVelocity(float* pos, float* rot, float* out);
+    // Sets the "gyroscope" for the body.  This is the total
+    // "intrinsic" angular momentum of the body; that is, rotations of
+    // sub-objects, NOT rotation of the whole body within the global
+    // frame.  Because angular momentum is additive in this way, we
+    // don't need to specify specific gyro objects; just add all their
+    // momenta together and set it here.
+    void setGyro(float* angularMomentum);
+    // When masses are moved or changed, this object needs to
+    // regenerate its internal tables.  This step is expensive, so
+    // it's exposed to the client who can amortize the call across
+    // multiple changes.
+    void recalc();
+    // Resets the current force/torque parameters to zero.
+    void reset();
+    // Applies a force at the specified position.
+    void addForce(float* pos, float* force);
+    // Applies a force at the center of gravity.
+    void addForce(float* force);
+    // Adds a torque with the specified axis and magnitude
+    void addTorque(float* torque);
+    // Sets the rotation rate of the body (about its c.g.) within the
+    // surrounding environment.  This is needed to compute torque on
+    // the body due to the centripetal forces involved in the
+    // rotation.  NOTE: the rotation vector, like all other
+    // coordinates used here, is specified IN THE LOCAL COORDINATE
+    // SYSTEM.
+    void setBodySpin(float* rotation);
+    // Returns the center of gravity of the masses, in the body
+    // coordinate system.
+    void getCG(float* cgOut);
+    // Returns the acceleration of the body's c.g. relative to the
+    // rest of the world, specified in local coordinates.
+    void getAccel(float* accelOut);
+    // Returns the acceleration of a specific location in local
+    // coordinates.  If the body is rotating, this will be different
+    // from the c.g. acceleration due to the centripetal accelerations
+    // of points not on the rotation axis.
+    void getAccel(float* pos, float* accelOut);
+    // Returns the instantaneous rate of change of the angular
+    // velocity, as a vector in local coordinates.
+    void getAngularAccel(float* accelOut);
+    struct Mass { float m; float p[3]; };
+    // Internal "rotational structure"
+    Mass* _masses;
+    int   _nMasses;
+    int   _massesAlloced;
+    float _totalMass;
+    float _cg[3];
+    float _gyro[3];
+    // Inertia tensor, and its inverse.  Computed from the above.
+    float _I[9];
+    float _invI[9];
+    // Externally determined quantities
+    float _force[3];
+    float _torque[3];
+    float _spin[3];
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _RIGIDBODY_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Surface.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Surface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0a7093a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Surface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    // Start in a "sane" mode, so unset stuff doesn't freak us out
+    _c0 = 1;
+    _cx = _cy = _cz = 1;
+    _cz0 = 0;
+    _peaks[0] = _peaks[1] = 1;
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
+	_stalls[i] = _widths[i] = 0;
+    _orient[0] = 1; _orient[1] = 0; _orient[2] = 0;
+    _orient[3] = 0; _orient[4] = 1; _orient[5] = 0;
+    _orient[6] = 0; _orient[7] = 0; _orient[8] = 1;
+    _incidence = 0;
+    _slatPos = _spoilerPos = _flapPos = 0;
+    _slatDrag = _spoilerDrag = _flapDrag = 1;
+    _flapLift = 0;
+    _slatAlpha = 0;
+    _spoilerLift = 1;
+void Surface::setPosition(float* p)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _pos[i] = p[i];
+void Surface::getPosition(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pos[i];
+void Surface::setChord(float chord)
+    _chord = chord;
+void Surface::setTotalDrag(float c0)
+    _c0 = c0;
+float Surface::getTotalDrag()
+    return _c0;
+void Surface::setXDrag(float cx)
+    _cx = cx;
+void Surface::setYDrag(float cy)
+    _cy = cy;
+void Surface::setZDrag(float cz)
+    _cz = cz;
+void Surface::setBaseZDrag(float cz0)
+    _cz0 = cz0;
+void Surface::setStallPeak(int i, float peak)
+    _peaks[i] = peak;
+void Surface::setStall(int i, float alpha)
+    _stalls[i] = alpha;
+void Surface::setStallWidth(int i, float width)
+    _widths[i] = width;
+void Surface::setOrientation(float* o)
+    for(int i=0; i<9; i++)
+        _orient[i] = o[i];
+void Surface::setIncidence(float angle)
+    _incidence = angle;
+void Surface::setSlatParams(float stallDelta, float dragPenalty)
+    _slatAlpha = stallDelta;
+    _slatDrag = dragPenalty;
+void Surface::setFlapParams(float liftAdd, float dragPenalty)
+    _flapLift = liftAdd;
+    _flapDrag = dragPenalty;
+void Surface::setSpoilerParams(float liftPenalty, float dragPenalty)
+    _spoilerLift = liftPenalty;
+    _spoilerDrag = dragPenalty;
+void Surface::setFlap(float pos)
+    _flapPos = pos;
+void Surface::setSlat(float pos)
+    _slatPos = pos;
+void Surface::setSpoiler(float pos)
+    _spoilerPos = pos;
+// Calculate the aerodynamic force given a wind vector v (in the
+// aircraft's "local" coordinates) and an air density rho.  Returns a
+// torque about the Y axis, too.
+void Surface::calcForce(float* v, float rho, float* out, float* torque)
+    // Split v into magnitude and direction:
+    float vel = Math::mag3(v);
+    // Handle the blowup condition.  Zero velocity means zero force by
+    // definition.
+    if(vel == 0) {
+	for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = torque[i] = 0;
+	return;
+    }
+    Math::mul3(1/vel, v, out);
+    // Convert to the surface's coordinates
+    Math::vmul33(_orient, out, out);
+    // "Rotate" by the incidence angle.  Assume small angles, so we
+    // need to diddle only the Z component, X is relatively unchanged
+    // by small rotations.
+    out[2] += _incidence * out[0]; // z' = z + incidence * x
+    // Diddle the Z force according to our configuration
+    float stallMul = stallFunc(out);
+    stallMul *= 1 + _spoilerPos * (_spoilerLift - 1);
+    float stallLift = (stallMul - 1) * _cz * out[2];
+    float flapLift = _cz * _flapPos * (_flapLift-1);
+    out[2] *= _cz;       // scaling factor
+    out[2] += _cz*_cz0;  // zero-alpha lift
+    out[2] += stallLift;
+    out[2] += flapLift;
+    // Airfoil lift (pre-stall and zero-alpha) torques "up" (negative
+    // torque) around the Y axis, while flap lift pushes down.  Both
+    // forces are considered to act at one third chord from the
+    // center.  Convert to local (i.e. airplane) coordiantes and store
+    // into "torque".
+    torque[0] = 0;
+    torque[1] = 0.33 * _chord * (flapLift - (_cz*_cz0 + stallLift));
+    torque[2] = 0;
+    Math::tmul33(_orient, torque, torque);
+    // Diddle X (drag) and Y (side force) in the same manner
+    out[0] *= _cx * controlDrag();
+    out[1] *= _cy;
+    // Reverse the incidence rotation to get back to surface
+    // coordinates.
+    out[2] -= _incidence * out[0];
+    // Convert back to external coordinates
+    Math::tmul33(_orient, out, out);
+    // Add in the units to make a real force:
+    float scale = 0.5*rho*vel*vel*_c0;
+    Math::mul3(scale, out, out);
+    Math::mul3(scale, torque, torque);
+// Returns a multiplier for the "plain" force equations that
+// approximates an airfoil's lift/stall curve.
+float Surface::stallFunc(float* v)
+    // Sanity check to treat FPU psychopathology
+    if(v[0] == 0) return 1;
+    float alpha = Math::abs(v[2]/v[0]);
+    // Wacky use of indexing, see setStall*() methods.
+    int fwdBak = v[0] > 0; // set if this is "backward motion"
+    int posNeg = v[2] < 0; // set if the lift is toward -z
+    int i = (fwdBak<<1) | posNeg;
+    float stallAlpha = _stalls[i];
+    if(stallAlpha == 0)
+        return 1;
+    if(i == 0)
+	stallAlpha += _slatAlpha;
+    // Beyond the stall
+    if(alpha > stallAlpha+_widths[i])
+	return 1;
+    // (note mask: we want to use the "positive" stall angle here)
+    float scale = 0.5*_peaks[fwdBak]/_stalls[i&2];
+    // Before the stall
+    if(alpha <= stallAlpha)
+	return scale;
+    // Inside the stall.  Compute a cubic interpolation between the
+    // pre-stall "scale" value and the post-stall unity.
+    float frac = (alpha - stallAlpha) / _widths[i];
+    frac = frac*frac*(3-2*frac);
+    return scale*(1-frac) + frac;
+float Surface::controlDrag()
+    float d = 1;
+    d *= 1 + _spoilerPos * (_spoilerDrag - 1);
+    d *= 1 + _slatPos * (_slatDrag - 1);
+    // FIXME: flaps should REDUCE drag when the reduce lift!
+    d *= 1 + Math::abs(_flapPos) * (_flapDrag - 1);
+    return d;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Surface.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Surface.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1d81c677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Surface.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#ifndef _SURFACE_HPP
+#define _SURFACE_HPP
+namespace yasim {
+// FIXME: need a "chord" member for calculating moments.  Generic
+// forces act at the center, but "pre-stall" lift acts towards the
+// front, and flaps act (in both lift and drag) toward the back.
+class Surface
+    Surface();
+    // Position of this surface in local coords
+    void setPosition(float* p);
+    void getPosition(float* out);
+    // Distance scale along the X axis
+    void setChord(float chord);
+    // Slats act to move the stall peak by the specified angle, and
+    // increase drag by the multiplier specified.
+    void setSlatParams(float stallDelta, float dragPenalty);
+    // Flaps add to lift coefficient, and multiply drag.
+    void setFlapParams(float liftAdd, float dragPenalty);
+    // Spoilers reduce the pre-stall lift, and multiply drag.
+    void setSpoilerParams(float liftPenalty, float dragPenalty);
+    // Positions for the controls, in the range [0:1].  [-1:1] for
+    // flaps, with positive meaning "force goes towards positive Z"
+    void setFlap(float pos);
+    void setSlat(float pos);
+    void setSpoiler(float pos);
+    // local -> Surface coords
+    void setOrientation(float* o);
+    // For variable-incidence control surfaces.  The angle is a
+    // negative rotation about the surface's Y axis, in radians, so
+    // positive is "up" (i.e. "positive AoA")
+    void setIncidence(float angle);
+    void setTotalDrag(float c0);
+    float getTotalDrag();
+    void setXDrag(float cx);
+    void setYDrag(float cy);
+    void setZDrag(float cz);
+    // zero-alpha Z drag ("camber") specified as a fraction of cz
+    void setBaseZDrag(float cz0);
+    // i: 0 == forward, 1 == backwards
+    void setStallPeak(int i, float peak);
+    // i: 0 == fwd/+z, 1 == fwd/-z, 2 == rev/+z, 3 == rev/-z
+    void setStall(int i, float alpha);
+    void setStallWidth(int i, float width);
+    void calcForce(float* v, float rho, float* forceOut, float* torqueOut);
+    float stallFunc(float* v);
+    float controlDrag();
+    float _chord;     // X-axis size
+    float _c0;        // total force coefficient
+    float _cx;        // X-axis force coefficient
+    float _cy;        // Y-axis force coefficient
+    float _cz;        // Z-axis force coefficient
+    float _cz0;       // Z-axis force offset
+    float _peaks[2];  // Stall peak coefficients (fwd, back)
+    float _stalls[4]; // Stall angles (fwd/back, pos/neg)
+    float _widths[4]; // Stall widths  " "
+    float _pos[3];    // position in local coords
+    float _orient[9]; // local->surface orthonormal matrix
+    float _slatAlpha;
+    float _slatDrag;
+    float _flapLift;
+    float _flapDrag;
+    float _spoilerLift;
+    float _spoilerDrag;
+    float _slatPos;
+    float _flapPos;
+    float _spoilerPos;
+    float _incidence;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _SURFACE_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Thruster.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Thruster.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c288edf5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Thruster.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Thruster.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    _dir[0] = 1; _dir[1] = 0; _dir[2] = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _pos[i] = _wind[i] = 0;
+    _throttle = 0;
+    _mixture = 0;
+    _propAdvance = 0;
+    _rho = 0;
+void Thruster::getPosition(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _pos[i];
+void Thruster::setPosition(float* pos)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _pos[i] = pos[i];
+void Thruster::getDirection(float* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) out[i] = _dir[i];
+void Thruster::setDirection(float* dir)
+    Math::unit3(dir, _dir);
+void Thruster::setThrottle(float throttle)
+    _throttle = throttle;
+void Thruster::setMixture(float mixture)
+    _mixture = mixture;
+void Thruster::setPropAdvance(float propAdvance)
+    _propAdvance = propAdvance;
+void Thruster::setWind(float* wind)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _wind[i] = wind[i];
+void Thruster::setDensity(float rho)
+    _rho = rho;
+void Thruster::cloneInto(Thruster* out)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+	out->_pos[i] = _pos[i];
+	out->_dir[i] = _dir[i];
+    }
+    out->_throttle = _throttle;
+    out->_mixture  = _mixture;
+    out->_propAdvance = _propAdvance;
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Thruster.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Thruster.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25ceac8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Thruster.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#ifndef _THRUSTER_HPP
+#define _THRUSTER_HPP
+namespace yasim {
+class Thruster {
+    Thruster();
+    virtual ~Thruster();
+    // Static data
+    void getPosition(float* out);
+    void setPosition(float* pos);
+    void getDirection(float* out);
+    void setDirection(float* dir);
+    virtual Thruster* clone()=0;
+    // Controls
+    void setThrottle(float throttle);
+    void setMixture(float mixture);
+    void setPropAdvance(float advance);
+    // Dynamic output
+    virtual void getThrust(float* out)=0;
+    virtual void getTorque(float* out)=0;
+    virtual void getGyro(float* out)=0;
+    virtual float getFuelFlow()=0;
+    // Runtime instructions
+    void setWind(float* wind);
+    void setDensity(float rho);
+    virtual void integrate(float dt)=0;
+    void cloneInto(Thruster* out);
+    float _pos[3];
+    float _dir[3];
+    float _throttle;
+    float _mixture;
+    float _propAdvance;
+    float _wind[3];
+    float _rho;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _THRUSTER_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Wing.cpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Wing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4fa499d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Wing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Surface.hpp"
+#include "Wing.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+    _mirror = false;
+    _base[0] = _base[1] = _base[2] = 0;
+    _length = 0;
+    _chord = 0;
+    _taper = 0;
+    _sweep = 0;
+    _dihedral = 0;
+    _stall = 0;
+    _stallWidth = 0;
+    _stallPeak = 0;
+    _camber = 0;
+    _incidence = 0;
+    _dragScale = 1;
+    _liftRatio = 1;
+    _flap0Start = 0;
+    _flap0End = 0;
+    _flap0Lift = 0;
+    _flap0Drag = 0;
+    _flap1Start = 0;
+    _flap1End = 0;
+    _flap1Lift = 0;
+    _flap1Drag = 0;
+    _spoilerStart = 0;
+    _spoilerEnd = 0;
+    _spoilerLift = 0;
+    _spoilerDrag = 0;
+    _slatStart = 0;
+    _slatEnd = 0;
+    _slatAoA = 0;
+    _slatDrag = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++) {
+        SurfRec* s = (SurfRec*)_surfs.get(i);
+        delete s->surface;
+        delete s;
+    }
+int Wing::numSurfaces()
+    return _surfs.size();
+Surface* Wing::getSurface(int n)
+    return ((SurfRec*)_surfs.get(n))->surface;
+float Wing::getSurfaceWeight(int n)
+    return ((SurfRec*)_surfs.get(n))->weight;
+void Wing::setMirror(bool mirror)
+    _mirror = mirror;
+void Wing::setBase(float* base)
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) _base[i] = base[i];
+void Wing::setLength(float length)
+    _length = length;
+void Wing::setChord(float chord)
+    _chord = chord;
+void Wing::setTaper(float taper)
+    _taper = taper;
+void Wing::setSweep(float sweep)
+    _sweep = sweep;
+void Wing::setDihedral(float dihedral)
+    _dihedral = dihedral;
+void Wing::setStall(float aoa)
+    _stall = aoa;
+void Wing::setStallWidth(float angle)
+    _stallWidth = angle;
+void Wing::setStallPeak(float fraction)
+    _stallPeak = fraction;
+void Wing::setCamber(float camber)
+    _camber = camber;
+void Wing::setIncidence(float incidence)
+    _incidence = incidence;
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++)
+        ((SurfRec*)_surfs.get(i))->surface->setIncidence(incidence);
+void Wing::setFlap0(float start, float end, float lift, float drag)
+    _flap0Start = start;
+    _flap0End = end;
+    _flap0Lift = lift;
+    _flap0Drag = drag;
+void Wing::setFlap1(float start, float end, float lift, float drag)
+    _flap1Start = start;
+    _flap1End = end;
+    _flap1Lift = lift;
+    _flap1Drag = drag;
+void Wing::setSlat(float start, float end, float aoa, float drag)
+    _slatStart = start;
+    _slatEnd = end;
+    _slatAoA = aoa;
+    _slatDrag = drag;
+void Wing::setSpoiler(float start, float end, float lift, float drag)
+    _spoilerStart = start;
+    _spoilerEnd = end;
+    _spoilerLift = lift;
+    _spoilerDrag = drag;
+void Wing::setFlap0(float lval, float rval)
+    for(int i=0; i<_flap0Surfs.size(); i++) {
+	((Surface*)_flap0Surfs.get(i))->setFlap(lval);
+	if(_mirror) ((Surface*)_flap0Surfs.get(++i))->setFlap(rval);
+    }
+void Wing::setFlap1(float lval, float rval)
+    for(int i=0; i<_flap1Surfs.size(); i++) {
+	((Surface*)_flap1Surfs.get(i))->setFlap(lval);
+	if(_mirror) ((Surface*)_flap1Surfs.get(++i))->setFlap(rval);
+    }
+void Wing::setSpoiler(float lval, float rval)
+    for(int i=0; i<_spoilerSurfs.size(); i++) {
+	((Surface*)_spoilerSurfs.get(i))->setSpoiler(lval);
+	if(_mirror) ((Surface*)_spoilerSurfs.get(++i))->setSpoiler(rval);
+    }
+void Wing::setSlat(float val)
+    for(int i=0; i<_slatSurfs.size(); i++)
+	((Surface*)_slatSurfs.get(i))->setSlat(val);
+void Wing::compile()
+    // Have we already been compiled?
+    if(_surfs.size() != 0) return;
+    // Assemble the start/end coordinates into an array, sort them,
+    // and remove duplicates.  This gives us the boundaries of our
+    // segments.
+    float bounds[8];
+    bounds[0] = _flap0Start;   bounds[1] = _flap0End;
+    bounds[2] = _flap1Start;   bounds[3] = _flap1End;
+    bounds[4] = _spoilerStart; bounds[5] = _spoilerEnd;
+    bounds[6] = _slatStart;    bounds[7] = _slatEnd;
+    // Sort in increasing order
+    for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
+        int minIdx = i;
+	float minVal = bounds[i];
+        for(int j=i+1; j<8; j++) {
+            if(bounds[j] < minVal) {
+                minIdx = j;
+		minVal = bounds[j];
+	    }
+	}
+        float tmp = bounds[i];
+        bounds[i] = minVal; bounds[minIdx] = tmp;
+    }
+    // Uniqify
+    float last = bounds[0];
+    int nbounds = 1;
+    for(int i=1; i<8; i++) {
+        if(bounds[i] != last)
+            bounds[nbounds++] = bounds[i];
+        last = bounds[i];
+    }
+    // Calculate a "nominal" segment length equal to an average chord,
+    // normalized to lie within 0-1 over the length of the wing.
+    float segLen = _chord * (0.5*(_taper+1)) / _length;
+    // Generating a unit vector pointing out the left wing.
+    float left[3];
+    left[0] = -Math::tan(_sweep);
+    left[1] = Math::cos(_dihedral);
+    left[2] = Math::sin(_dihedral);
+    Math::unit3(left, left);
+    // Calculate coordinates for the root and tip of the wing
+    float root[3], tip[3];
+    Math::set3(_base, root);
+    Math::set3(left, tip);
+    Math::mul3(_length, tip, tip);
+    Math::add3(root, tip, tip);
+    // The wing's Y axis will be the "left" vector.  The Z axis will
+    // be perpendicular to this and the local (!) X axis, because we
+    // want motion along the local X axis to be zero AoA (i.e. in the
+    // wing's XY plane) by definition.  Then the local X coordinate is
+    // just Y cross Z.
+    float orient[9], rightOrient[9];
+    float *x = orient, *y = orient+3, *z = orient+6;
+    x[0] = 1; x[1] = 0; x[2] = 0;
+    Math::set3(left, y);
+    Math::cross3(x, y, z);
+    Math::unit3(z, z);
+    Math::cross3(y, z, x);
+    if(_mirror) {
+	// Derive the right side orientation matrix from this one.
+        for(int i=0; i<9; i++)  rightOrient[i] = orient[i];
+	// Negate all Y coordinates, this gets us a valid basis, but
+	// it's left handed!  So...
+        for(int i=1; i<9; i+=3) rightOrient[i] = -rightOrient[i];
+	// Change the direction of the Y axis to get back to a
+	// right-handed system.
+	for(int i=3; i<6; i++)  rightOrient[i] = -rightOrient[i];
+    }
+    // Now go through each boundary and make segments
+    for(int i=0; i<(nbounds-1); i++) {
+        float start = bounds[i];
+        float end = bounds[i+1];
+        float mid = (start+end)/2;
+        bool flap0=0, flap1=0, slat=0, spoiler=0;
+        if(_flap0Start   < mid && mid < _flap0End)   flap0 = 1;
+        if(_flap1Start   < mid && mid < _flap1End)   flap1 = 1;
+        if(_slatStart    < mid && mid < _slatEnd)    slat = 1;
+        if(_spoilerStart < mid && mid < _spoilerEnd) spoiler = 1;
+        // FIXME: Should probably detect an error here if both flap0
+        // and flap1 are set.  Right now flap1 overrides.
+        int nSegs = (int)Math::ceil((end-start)/segLen);
+        float segWid = _length * (end - start)/nSegs;
+        for(int j=0; j<nSegs; j++) {
+            float frac = start + (j+0.5) * (end-start)/nSegs;
+            float pos[3];
+            interp(root, tip, frac, pos);
+            float chord = _chord * (1 - (1-_taper)*frac);
+            Surface *s = newSurface(pos, orient, chord,
+                                    flap0, flap1, slat, spoiler);
+            SurfRec *sr = new SurfRec();
+            sr->surface = s;
+            sr->weight = chord * segWid;
+            s->setTotalDrag(sr->weight);
+            _surfs.add(sr);
+            if(_mirror) {
+		pos[1] = -pos[1];
+                s = newSurface(pos, rightOrient, chord,
+                               flap0, flap1, slat, spoiler);
+                sr = new SurfRec();
+                sr->surface = s;
+                sr->weight = chord * segWid;
+                s->setTotalDrag(sr->weight);
+                _surfs.add(sr);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+float Wing::getDragScale()
+    return _dragScale;
+void Wing::setDragScale(float scale)
+    _dragScale = scale;
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++) {
+        SurfRec* s = (SurfRec*)_surfs.get(i);
+        s->surface->setTotalDrag(scale * s->weight);
+    }
+void Wing::setLiftRatio(float ratio)
+    _liftRatio = ratio;
+    for(int i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++)
+        ((SurfRec*)_surfs.get(i))->surface->setZDrag(ratio);
+float Wing::getLiftRatio()
+    return _liftRatio;
+Surface* Wing::newSurface(float* pos, float* orient, float chord,
+                          bool flap0, bool flap1, bool slat, bool spoiler)
+    Surface* s = new Surface();
+    s->setPosition(pos);
+    s->setOrientation(orient);
+    s->setChord(chord);
+    // Camber is expressed as a fraction of stall peak, so convert.
+    s->setBaseZDrag(_camber*_stallPeak);
+    // The "main" (i.e. normal) stall angle
+    float stallAoA = _stall - _stallWidth/4;
+    s->setStall(0, stallAoA);
+    s->setStallWidth(0, _stallWidth);
+    s->setStallPeak(0, _stallPeak);
+    // The negative AoA stall is the same if we're using an uncambered
+    // airfoil, otherwise a "little badder".
+    if(_camber > 0) {
+        s->setStall(1, stallAoA * 0.8);
+        s->setStallWidth(1, _stallWidth * 0.5);
+    } else {
+        s->setStall(1, stallAoA);
+        s->setStall(1, _stallWidth);
+    }
+    // The "reverse" stalls are unmeasurable junk.  Just use 13deg and
+    // "sharp".
+    s->setStallPeak(1, 1);
+    for(int i=2; i<4; i++) {
+        s->setStall(i, 0.2267);
+        s->setStallWidth(i, 1);
+    }
+    if(flap0)   s->setFlapParams(_flap0Lift, _flap0Drag);
+    if(flap1)   s->setFlapParams(_flap1Lift, _flap1Drag);
+    if(slat)    s->setSlatParams(_slatAoA, _slatDrag);
+    if(spoiler) s->setSpoilerParams(_spoilerLift, _spoilerDrag);    
+    if(flap0)   _flap0Surfs.add(s);
+    if(flap1)   _flap1Surfs.add(s);
+    if(slat)    _slatSurfs.add(s);
+    if(spoiler) _spoilerSurfs.add(s);
+    return s;
+void Wing::interp(float* v1, float* v2, float frac, float* out)
+    out[0] = v1[0] + frac*(v2[0]-v1[0]);
+    out[1] = v1[1] + frac*(v2[1]-v1[1]);
+    out[2] = v1[2] + frac*(v2[2]-v1[2]);
+}; // namespace yasim
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/Wing.hpp b/src/FDM/YASim/Wing.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af47840f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/Wing.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#ifndef _WING_HPP
+#define _WING_HPP
+#include "util/Vector.hpp"
+namespace yasim {
+class Surface;
+// FIXME: need to handle "inverted" controls for mirrored wings.
+class Wing {
+    Wing();
+    ~Wing();
+    // Do we mirror ourselves about the XZ plane?
+    void setMirror(bool mirror);
+    // Wing geometry:
+    void setBase(float* base);        // in local coordinates
+    void setLength(float length);     // dist. ALONG wing (not span!)     
+    void setChord(float chord);       // at base, measured along X axis
+    void setTaper(float taper);       // fraction, 0-1
+    void setSweep(float sweep);       // radians
+    void setDihedral(float dihedral); // radians, positive is "up"
+    void setStall(float aoa);
+    void setStallWidth(float angle);
+    void setStallPeak(float fraction);
+    void setCamber(float camber);
+    void setIncidence(float incidence);
+    void setFlap0(float start, float end, float lift, float drag);
+    void setFlap1(float start, float end, float lift, float drag);
+    void setSpoiler(float start, float end, float lift, float drag);
+    void setSlat(float start, float end, float aoa, float drag);
+    // Set the control axes for the sub-surfaces
+    void setFlap0(float lval, float rval);
+    void setFlap1(float lval, float rval);
+    void setSpoiler(float lval, float rval);
+    void setSlat(float val);
+    // Compile the thing into a bunch of Surface objects
+    void compile();
+    // Query the list of Surface objects
+    int numSurfaces();
+    Surface* getSurface(int n);
+    float getSurfaceWeight(int n);
+    // The overall drag coefficient for the wing as a whole.  Units are
+    // arbitrary.
+    void setDragScale(float scale);
+    float getDragScale();
+    // The ratio of force along the Z (lift) direction of each wing
+    // segment to that along the X (drag) direction.
+    void setLiftRatio(float ratio);
+    float getLiftRatio();
+    void interp(float* v1, float* v2, float frac, float* out);
+    Surface* newSurface(float* pos, float* orient, float chord,
+                        bool flap0, bool flap1, bool slat, bool spoiler);
+    struct SurfRec { Surface * surface; float weight; };
+    Vector _surfs;
+    Vector _flap0Surfs;
+    Vector _flap1Surfs;
+    Vector _slatSurfs;
+    Vector _spoilerSurfs;
+    bool _mirror;
+    float _base[3];
+    float _length;
+    float _chord;
+    float _taper;
+    float _sweep;
+    float _dihedral;
+    float _stall;
+    float _stallWidth;
+    float _stallPeak;
+    float _camber;
+    float _incidence;
+    float _dragScale;
+    float _liftRatio;
+    float _flap0Start;
+    float _flap0End;
+    float _flap0Lift;
+    float _flap0Drag;
+    float _flap1Start;
+    float _flap1End;
+    float _flap1Lift;
+    float _flap1Drag;
+    float _spoilerStart;
+    float _spoilerEnd;
+    float _spoilerLift;
+    float _spoilerDrag;
+    float _slatStart;
+    float _slatEnd;
+    float _slatAoA;
+    float _slatDrag;
+}; // namespace yasim
+#endif // _WING_HPP
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/YASim.cxx b/src/FDM/YASim/YASim.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..175f3d1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/YASim.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/easyxml.hxx>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
+#include "FGFDM.hpp"
+#include "Atmosphere.hpp"
+#include "Math.hpp"
+#include "Airplane.hpp"
+#include "Model.hpp"
+#include "Integrator.hpp"
+#include "Glue.hpp"
+#include "Gear.hpp"
+#include "PropEngine.hpp"
+#include "YASim.hxx"
+using namespace yasim;
+static const float RAD2DEG = 180/3.14159265358979323846;
+static const float M2FT = 3.2808399;
+static const float FT2M = 0.3048;
+static const float MPS2KTS = 3600.0/1852.0;
+static const float CM2GALS = 264.172037284; // gallons/cubic meter
+void YASim::printDEBUG()
+    static int debugCount = 0;
+    debugCount++;
+    if(debugCount >= 3) {
+	debugCount = 0;
+// 	printf("RPM %.1f FF %.1f\n",
+// 	       fgGetFloat("/engines/engine[0]/rpm"),
+// 	       fgGetFloat("/engines/engine[0]/fuel-flow-gph"));
+// 	printf("gear: %f\n", fgGetFloat("/controls/gear-down"));
+//    	printf("alpha %5.1f beta %5.1f\n", get_Alpha()*57.3, get_Beta()*57.3);
+// 	printf("pilot: %f %f %f\n",
+// 	       fgGetDouble("/sim/view/pilot/x-offset-m"),
+// 	       fgGetDouble("/sim/view/pilot/y-offset-m"),
+// 	       fgGetDouble("/sim/view/pilot/z-offset-m"));
+    }
+YASim::YASim(double dt)
+    set_delta_t(dt);
+    _fdm = new FGFDM();
+    // Because the integration method is via fourth-order Runge-Kutta,
+    // we only get an "output" state for every 4 times the internal
+    // forces are calculated.  So divide dt by four to account for
+    // this, and only run an iteration every fourth time through
+    // update.
+    _dt = dt * 4;
+    _fdm->getAirplane()->getModel()->getIntegrator()->setInterval(_dt);
+    _updateCount = 0;
+void YASim::report()
+    Airplane* a = _fdm->getAirplane();
+    float aoa = a->getCruiseAoA() * RAD2DEG;
+    float tail = -1 * a->getTailIncidence() * RAD2DEG;
+    float drag = 1000 * a->getDragCoefficient();
+    SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"YASim solution results:");
+    SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"      Iterations: "<<a->getSolutionIterations());
+    SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"Drag Coefficient: "<< drag);
+    SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"      Lift Ratio: "<<a->getLiftRatio());
+    SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"      Cruise AoA: "<< aoa);
+    SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT,SG_INFO,"  Tail Incidence: "<< tail);
+    float cg[3];
+    char buf[256];
+    a->getModel()->getBody()->getCG(cg);
+    sprintf(buf, "            CG: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f", cg[0], cg[1], cg[2]);
+    if(a->getFailureMsg()) {
+        SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, a->getFailureMsg());
+        exit(1);
+    }
+void YASim::init()
+    Airplane* a = _fdm->getAirplane();
+    Model* m = a->getModel();
+    // Superclass hook
+    common_init();
+    // Build a filename and parse it
+    SGPath f(globals->get_fg_root());
+    f.append("Aircraft");
+    f.append(fgGetString("/sim/aircraft"));
+    f.concat(".xml");
+    readXML(f.str(), *_fdm);
+    // Compile it into a real airplane, and tell the user what they got
+    a->compile();
+    report();
+    _fdm->init();
+    // Lift the plane up so the gear clear the ground
+    float minGearZ = 1e18;
+    for(int i=0; i<a->numGear(); i++) {
+	Gear* g = a->getGear(i);
+	float pos[3];
+	g->getPosition(pos);
+	if(pos[2] < minGearZ)
+	    minGearZ = pos[2];
+    }
+    _set_Altitude(get_Altitude() - minGearZ*M2FT);
+    // The pilot's eyepoint
+    float pilot[3];
+    a->getPilotPos(pilot);
+    fgSetFloat("/sim/view/pilot/x-offset-m", -pilot[0]);
+    fgSetFloat("/sim/view/pilot/y-offset-m", -pilot[1]);
+    fgSetFloat("/sim/view/pilot/z-offset-m", pilot[2]);
+    // Blank the state, and copy in ours
+    State s;
+    m->setState(&s);
+    copyToYASim(true);
+    set_inited(true);
+bool YASim::update(int iterations)
+    for(int i=0; i<iterations; i++) {
+        // Remember, update only every 4th call
+        _updateCount++;
+        if(_updateCount >= 4) {
+	    copyToYASim(false);
+	    _fdm->iterate(_dt);
+	    copyFromYASim();
+	    printDEBUG();
+            _updateCount = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return true; // what does this mean?
+void YASim::copyToYASim(bool copyState)
+    // Physical state
+    float lat = get_Latitude();
+    float lon = get_Longitude();
+    float alt = get_Altitude() * FT2M;
+    float roll = get_Phi();
+    float pitch = get_Theta();
+    float hdg = get_Psi();
+    // Environment
+    float wind[3];
+    wind[0] = get_V_north_airmass() * FT2M;
+    wind[1] = get_V_east_airmass() * FT2M;
+    wind[2] = get_V_down_airmass() * FT2M;
+    double ground = get_Runway_altitude() * FT2M;
+    // You'd this this would work, but it doesn't.  These values are
+    // always zero.  Use a "standard" pressure intstead.
+    //
+    // float pressure = get_Static_pressure();
+    // float temp = get_Static_temperature();
+    float pressure = Atmosphere::getStdPressure(alt);
+    float temp = Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(alt);
+    // Convert and set:
+    Model* model = _fdm->getAirplane()->getModel();
+    State s;
+    float xyz2ned[9];
+    Glue::xyz2nedMat(lat, lon, xyz2ned);
+    // position
+    Glue::geod2xyz(lat, lon, alt, s.pos);
+    // orientation
+    Glue::euler2orient(roll, pitch, hdg, s.orient);
+    Math::mmul33(s.orient, xyz2ned, s.orient);
+    // Copy in the existing velocity for now...
+    Math::set3(model->getState()->v, s.v);
+    if(copyState)
+	model->setState(&s);
+    // wind
+    Math::tmul33(xyz2ned, wind, wind);
+    model->setWind(wind);
+    // ground.  Calculate a cartesian coordinate for the ground under
+    // us, find the (geodetic) up vector normal to the ground, then
+    // use that to find the final (radius) term of the plane equation.
+    double xyz[3], gplane[3]; float up[3];
+    Glue::geod2xyz(lat, lon, ground, xyz);
+    Glue::geodUp(xyz, up); // FIXME, needless reverse computation...
+    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) gplane[i] = up[i];
+    double rad = gplane[0]*xyz[0] + gplane[1]*xyz[1] + gplane[2]*xyz[2];
+    model->setGroundPlane(gplane, rad);
+    // air
+    model->setAir(pressure, temp);
+// All the settables:
+// These are set below:
+// _set_Accels_Local
+// _set_Accels_Body
+// _set_Accels_CG_Body 
+// _set_Accels_Pilot_Body
+// _set_Accels_CG_Body_N 
+// _set_Velocities_Local
+// _set_Velocities_Ground
+// _set_Velocities_Wind_Body
+// _set_Omega_Body
+// _set_Euler_Rates
+// _set_Euler_Angles
+// _set_V_rel_wind
+// _set_V_ground_speed
+// _set_V_equiv_kts
+// _set_V_calibrated_kts
+// _set_Alpha
+// _set_Beta
+// _set_Mach_number
+// _set_Climb_Rate
+// _set_Tank1Fuel
+// _set_Tank2Fuel
+// _set_Altitude_AGL
+// _set_Geodetic_Position
+// _set_Runway_altitude
+// Ignoring these, because they're unused:
+// _set_Geocentric_Position
+// _set_Geocentric_Rates
+// _set_Cos_phi
+// _set_Cos_theta
+// _set_Earth_position_angle (WTF?)
+// _set_Gamma_vert_rad
+// _set_Inertias
+// _set_T_Local_to_Body
+// _set_CG_Position
+// _set_Sea_Level_Radius
+// Externally set via the weather code:
+// _set_Velocities_Local_Airmass
+// _set_Density
+// _set_Static_pressure
+// _set_Static_temperature
+void YASim::copyFromYASim()
+    Model* model = _fdm->getAirplane()->getModel();
+    State* s = model->getState();
+    // position
+    double lat, lon, alt;
+    Glue::xyz2geod(s->pos, &lat, &lon, &alt);
+    _set_Geodetic_Position(lat, lon, alt*M2FT);
+    // UNUSED
+    //_set_Geocentric_Position(Glue::geod2geocLat(lat), lon, alt*M2FT);
+    // FIXME: there's a normal vector available too, use it.
+    float groundMSL = scenery.get_cur_elev();
+    _set_Runway_altitude(groundMSL*M2FT);
+    _set_Altitude_AGL((alt - groundMSL)*M2FT);
+    // useful conversion matrix
+    float xyz2ned[9];
+    Glue::xyz2nedMat(lat, lon, xyz2ned);
+    // velocity
+    float v[3];
+    Math::vmul33(xyz2ned, s->v, v);
+    _set_Velocities_Local(M2FT*v[0], M2FT*v[1], M2FT*v[2]);
+    _set_V_ground_speed(Math::sqrt(M2FT*v[0]*M2FT*v[0] +
+				   M2FT*v[1]*M2FT*v[1]));
+    _set_Climb_Rate(-M2FT*v[2]);
+    // The HUD uses this, but inverts down (?!)
+    _set_Velocities_Ground(M2FT*v[0], M2FT*v[1], -M2FT*v[2]);
+    // _set_Geocentric_Rates(M2FT*v[0], M2FT*v[1], M2FT*v[2]); // UNUSED
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->v, v);
+    _set_Velocities_Wind_Body(v[0]*M2FT, -v[1]*M2FT, -v[2]*M2FT);
+    _set_V_rel_wind(Math::mag3(v)*M2FT); // units?
+    // These don't work, use a dummy based on altitude
+    // float P = get_Static_pressure();
+    // float T = get_Static_temperature();
+    float P = Atmosphere::getStdPressure(alt);
+    float T = Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(alt);
+    _set_V_equiv_kts(Atmosphere::calcVEAS(v[0], P, T)*MPS2KTS);
+    _set_V_calibrated_kts(Atmosphere::calcVCAS(v[0], P, T)*MPS2KTS);
+    _set_Mach_number(Atmosphere::calcMach(v[0], T));
+    // acceleration
+    Math::vmul33(xyz2ned, s->acc, v);
+    _set_Accels_Local(M2FT*v[0], M2FT*v[1], M2FT*v[2]);
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->acc, v);
+    _set_Accels_Body(M2FT*v[0], -M2FT*v[1], -M2FT*v[2]);
+    _set_Accels_CG_Body(M2FT*v[0], -M2FT*v[1], -M2FT*v[2]);
+    _fdm->getAirplane()->getPilotAccel(v);
+    _set_Accels_Pilot_Body(M2FT*v[0], -M2FT*v[1], -M2FT*v[2]);
+    // The one appears (!) to want inverted pilot acceleration
+    // numbers, in G's...
+    Math::mul3(1.0/9.8, v, v);
+    _set_Accels_CG_Body_N(v[0], -v[1], -v[2]);
+    // orientation
+    float alpha, beta;
+    Glue::calcAlphaBeta(s, &alpha, &beta);
+    _set_Alpha(alpha);
+    _set_Beta(beta);
+    float tmp[9];
+    Math::trans33(xyz2ned, tmp);
+    Math::mmul33(s->orient, tmp, tmp);
+    float roll, pitch, hdg;
+    Glue::orient2euler(tmp, &roll, &pitch, &hdg);
+    _set_Euler_Angles(roll, pitch, hdg);
+    // rotation
+    Math::vmul33(s->orient, s->rot, v);
+    _set_Omega_Body(v[0], -v[1], -v[2]);
+    Glue::calcEulerRates(s, &roll, &pitch, &hdg);
+    _set_Euler_Rates(roll, pitch, hdg);
diff --git a/src/FDM/YASim/YASim.hxx b/src/FDM/YASim/YASim.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30a4409c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/FDM/YASim/YASim.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#ifndef _YASIM_HXX
+#define _YASIM_HXX
+#include <FDM/flight.hxx>
+namespace yasim { class FGFDM; };
+class YASim : public FGInterface {
+    YASim(double dt);
+    // Load externally set stuff into the FDM
+    virtual void init();
+    // Run an iteration
+    virtual bool update(int iterations);
+ private:
+    void report();
+    void copyFromYASim();
+    void copyToYASim(bool copyState);
+    void printDEBUG();
+    yasim::FGFDM* _fdm;
+    int _updateCount;
+    float _dt;
+#endif // _YASIM_HXX