Remove old AI system
This commit is contained in:
21 changed files with 63 additions and 4090 deletions
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
// FGAIEntity - abstract base class an artificial intelligence entity
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* WARNING - Curt has some ideas about AI traffic so anything in here
* may get rewritten or scrapped. Contact Curt
* before spending any time or effort on this code!!!
# include <config.h>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Scenery/scenery.hxx>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <string>
#include "AIEntity.hxx"
FGAIEntity::FGAIEntity() :
FGAIEntity::~FGAIEntity() {
void FGAIEntity::SetModel(osg::Node* model) {
void FGAIEntity::Update(double dt) {
const string &FGAIEntity::GetCallsign() {
static string s = "";
void FGAIEntity::RegisterTransmission(int code) {
// Run the internal calculations
//void FGAIEntity::Update() {
void FGAIEntity::Transform() {
_aip.setOrientation(_roll, _pitch, _hdg);
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
// FGAIEntity - abstract base class an artificial intelligence entity
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AIEntity_HXX
#define _FG_AIEntity_HXX
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <simgear/scene/model/placement.hxx>
* FGAIEntity - this class implements the minimum requirement
* for any AI entity - a position, an orientation, an associated
* 3D model, and the ability to be moved. It does nothing useful
* and all AI entities are expected to be derived from it.
class FGAIEntity {
virtual ~FGAIEntity();
// Set the 3D model to use (Must be called)
void SetModel(osg::Node* model);
// Run the internal calculations
virtual void Update(double dt)=0;
// Send a transmission *TO* the AIEntity.
// FIXME int code is a hack - eventually this will receive Alexander's coded messages.
virtual void RegisterTransmission(int code)=0;
const SGGeod& getPos() const
{ return _pos; }
virtual const string& GetCallsign()=0;
SGGeod _pos; // Geodetic position
double _hdg; //True heading in degrees
double _roll; //degrees
double _pitch; //degrees
SGModelPlacement _aip;
double _ground_elevation_m;
void Transform();
#endif // _FG_AIEntity_HXX
@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
// FGAILocalTraffic - AIEntity derived class with enough logic to
// fly and interact with the traffic pattern.
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
using std::string;
#include "ATC.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
#include "AIGAVFRTraffic.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "tower.hxx"
// extern from Airports/simple.cxx
extern SGGeod fgGetAirportPos( const std::string& id );
ATC = globals->get_ATC_mgr();
_towerContactedIncoming = false;
_clearedStraightIn = false;
_clearedDownwindEntry = false;
_incoming = false;
_straightIn = false;
_downwindEntry = false;
_climbout = false;
_local = false;
_established = false;
_e45 = false;
_entering = false;
_turning = false;
_cruise_climb_ias = 90.0;
_cruise_ias = 110.0;
patternDirection = -1.0;
//_towerContactPrinted = false;
// We should never need to Init FGAIGAVFRTraffic in the pattern since that implies arrivel
// and we can just use an FGAILocalTraffic instance for that instead.
// Init en-route to destID at point pt.
// TODO - no idea what to do if pt is above planes ceiling due mountains!!
bool FGAIGAVFRTraffic::Init(const SGGeod& pt, const string& destID, const string& callsign) {
FGAILocalTraffic::Init(callsign, destID, EN_ROUTE);
// TODO FIXME - to get up and running we're going to ignore elev and get FGAIMgr to
// pass in known good values for the test location. Need to fix this!!! (or at least canonically decide who has responsibility for setting elev).
_enroute = true;
_destID = destID;
_pos = pt;
_destPos = fgGetAirportPos(destID); // TODO - check if we are within the tower catchment area already.
_cruise_alt = (_destPos.getElevationM() + 2500.0) * SG_FEET_TO_METER; // TODO look at terrain elevation as well
// initially set waypoint as airport location
_wp = _destPos;
// Set the initial track
track = GetHeadingFromTo(_pos, _wp);
// And set the plane to keep following it.
SetTrack(GetHeadingFromTo(_pos, _wp));
_roll = 0.0;
_pitch = 0.0;
slope = 0.0;
// TODO - set climbout if altitude is below normal cruising altitude?
// Assume it's OK to set the plane visible
//cout << "Setting visible true\n";
// Init at srcID to fly to destID
bool FGAIGAVFRTraffic::Init(const string& srcID, const string& destID, const string& callsign, OperatingState state) {
_enroute = false;
FGAILocalTraffic::Init(callsign, srcID, PARKED);
void FGAIGAVFRTraffic::Update(double dt) {
if(_enroute) {
//cout << "_enroute\n";
//cout << "e" << flush;
//cout << "f" << flush;
//cout << "g" << flush;
//cout << "h" << flush;
responseCounter += dt;
// we shouldn't really need this since there's a LOD of 10K on the whole plane anyway I think.
// There are two _aip.setVisible statements set when _local = true that can be removed if the below is removed.
if(dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_pos, SGGeod::fromDegM(fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"), fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"), 0.0)) > 8000) _aip.setVisible(false);
else _aip.setVisible(true);
} else if(_local) {
//cout << "L";
//cout << "_local\n";
void FGAIGAVFRTraffic::FlyPlane(double dt) {
if(_climbout) {
// Check whether to level off
if(_pos.getElevationM() >= _cruise_alt) {
slope = 0.0;
_pitch = 0.0;
IAS = _cruise_ias; // FIXME - use smooth transistion to new speed and attitude.
_climbout = false;
} else {
slope = 4.0;
_pitch = 5.0;
IAS = _cruise_climb_ias;
} else {
if(dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_destPos, _pos) / 1600.0 < 8.1) {
if(!_towerContactPrinted) {
if(airportID == "KSQL") {
cout << "****************************************************************\n";
cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
cout << "****************************************************************\n";
_towerContactPrinted = true;
// if distance to destination is less than 6 - 9 miles contact tower
// and prepare to become _incoming after response.
// Possibly check whether to start descent before this?
//cout << "." << flush;
//cout << "sep = " << dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_destPos, _pos) / 1600.0 << '\n';
if(dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_destPos, _pos) / 1600.0 < 8.0) {
//cout << "-" << flush;
if(!_towerContactedIncoming) {
//cout << "_" << flush;
//cout << "L" << flush;
if(_controlled) {
freq = (double)tower->get_freq() / 100.0;
tuned_station = tower;
} else {
freq = 122.8; // TODO - need to get the correct CTAF/Unicom frequency if no tower
tuned_station = NULL;
//cout << "freq = " << freq << endl;
//"@AP Tower @CS @MI miles @CD of the airport for full stop with ATIS"
// At the bare minimum we ought to make sure it goes the right way at dual parallel rwy airports!
if(rwy.rwyID.size() == 3) {
patternDirection = (rwy.rwyID.substr(2,1) == "R" ? 1 : -1);
if(_controlled) {
pending_transmission = tower->get_name();
pending_transmission += " Tower ";
} else {
pending_transmission = "Traffic ";
// TODO - find some way of getting uncontrolled airport name
pending_transmission += plane.callsign;
//char buf[10];
int dist_miles = (int)dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_pos, _destPos) / 1600;
//sprintf(buf, " %i ", dist_miles);
pending_transmission += " ";
pending_transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(dist_miles);
if(dist_miles > 1) pending_transmission += " miles ";
else pending_transmission += " mile ";
pending_transmission += GetCompassDirection(GetHeadingFromTo(_destPos, _pos));
pending_transmission += " of the airport for full stop with ATIS";
//cout << pending_transmission << endl;
Transmit(14); // 14 is the callback code, NOT the timeout!
responseCounter = 0;
_towerContactedIncoming = true;
} else {
//cout << "?" << flush;
if(_clearedStraightIn && responseCounter > 5.5) {
//cout << "5 " << flush;
_clearedStraightIn = false;
_straightIn = true;
_incoming = true;
_wp = GetPatternApproachPos();
//_hdg = GetHeadingFromTo(_pos, _wp); // TODO - turn properly!
SetTrack(GetHeadingFromTo(_pos, _wp));
slope = atan((_wp.getElevationM() - _pos.getElevationM()) / dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_wp, _pos)) * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
double thesh_offset = 0.0;
SGVec3d opos = ortho.ConvertToLocal(_pos);
double angToApt = atan((_pos.getElevationM() - fgGetAirportElev(airportID)) / (opos.y() - thesh_offset)) * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
//cout << "angToApt = " << angToApt << ' ';
slope = (angToApt > -5.0 ? 0.0 : angToApt);
//cout << "slope = " << slope << '\n';
pending_transmission = "Straight-in ";
pending_transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(rwy.rwyID);
pending_transmission += " ";
pending_transmission += plane.callsign;
//cout << pending_transmission << '\n';
} else if(_clearedDownwindEntry && responseCounter > 5.5) {
//cout << "6" << flush;
_clearedDownwindEntry = false;
_downwindEntry = true;
_incoming = true;
_wp = GetPatternApproachPos();
SetTrack(GetHeadingFromTo(_pos, _wp));
slope = atan((_wp.getElevationM() - _pos.getElevationM()) / dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_wp, _pos)) * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
//cout << "slope = " << slope << '\n';
pending_transmission = "Report ";
pending_transmission += (patternDirection == 1 ? "right downwind " : "left downwind ");
pending_transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(rwy.rwyID);
pending_transmission += " ";
pending_transmission += plane.callsign;
//cout << pending_transmission << '\n';
if(_pos.getElevationM() < (fgGetAirportElev(airportID) + (1000.0 * SG_FEET_TO_METER))) slope = 0.0;
if(_incoming) {
//cout << "i" << '\n';
SGVec3d orthopos = ortho.ConvertToLocal(_pos);
// TODO - Check whether to start descent
// become _local after the 3 mile report.
if(_pos.getElevationM() < (fgGetAirportElev(airportID) + (1000.0 * SG_FEET_TO_METER))) slope = 0.0;
// TODO - work out why I needed to add the above line to stop the plane going underground!!!
// (Although it's worth leaving it in as a robustness check anyway).
if(_straightIn) {
//cout << "A " << flush;
if(fabs(orthopos.x()) < 10.0 && !_established) {
_established = true;
//cout << "Established at " << orthopos << '\n';
double thesh_offset = 30.0;
//cout << "orthopos.y = " << orthopos.y() << " alt = " << _pos.getElevationM() - fgGetAirportElev(airportID) << '\n';
if(_established && (orthopos.y() > -5400.0)) {
slope = atan((_pos.getElevationM() - fgGetAirportElev(airportID)) / (orthopos.y() - thesh_offset)) * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
//cout << "slope0 = " << slope << '\n';
//cout << "slope1 = " << slope << '\n';
if(slope > -5.5) slope = 0.0; // ie we're too low.
//cout << "slope2 = " << slope << '\n';
slope += 0.001; // To avoid yo-yoing with the above.
//if(_established && (orthopos.y() > -5400.0)) slope = -5.5;
if(_established && (orthopos.y() > -4800.0)) {
pending_transmission = "3 mile final Runway ";
pending_transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(rwy.rwyID);
pending_transmission += " ";
pending_transmission += plane.callsign;
//cout << pending_transmission << '\n';
_local = true;
_aip.setVisible(true); // HACK
_enroute = false;
} else if(_downwindEntry) {
//cout << "B" << flush;
if(_entering) {
//cout << "C" << flush;
if(_turning) {
if(fabs(_hdg - (rwy.hdg + 180)) < 2.0) { // TODO - use track instead of _hdg?
//cout << "Going Local...\n";
_local = true;
_aip.setVisible(true); // HACK
_enroute = false;
_entering = false;
_turning = false;
if(fabs(orthopos.x() - (patternDirection == 1 ? 1000 : -1000)) < (_e45 ? 175 : 550)) { // Caution - hardwired turn clearances.
//cout << "_turning...\n";
_turning = true;
SetTrack(rwy.hdg + 180.0);
} // TODO - need to check for other traffic in the pattern and enter much more integilently than that!!!
} else {
//cout << "D" << flush;
//cout << '\n' << dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_wp, _pos) << '\n';
//cout << ortho.ConvertToLocal(GetPos());
//cout << ortho.ConvertToLocal(_wp);
if(dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_wp, _pos) < 100.0) {
pending_transmission = "2 miles out for ";
pending_transmission += (patternDirection == 1 ? "right " : "left ");
pending_transmission += "downwind Runway ";
pending_transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(rwy.rwyID);
pending_transmission += " ";
pending_transmission += plane.callsign;
//cout << pending_transmission << '\n';
// TODO - are we at pattern altitude??
slope = 0.0;
if(_e45) {
SetTrack(patternDirection == 1 ? rwy.hdg - 135.0 : rwy.hdg + 135.0);
} else {
SetTrack(patternDirection == 1 ? rwy.hdg + 90.0 : rwy.hdg - 90.0);
//if(_hdg < 0.0) _hdg += 360.0;
_entering = true;
} else {
SetTrack(GetHeadingFromTo(_pos, _wp));
} else {
// !_incoming
slope = 0.0;
// FIXME - lots of hackery in the next six lines!!!!
double crab = 0.0; // This is a placeholder for when we take wind into account.
_hdg = track + crab;
double vel = _cruise_ias;
double dist = vel * 0.514444 * dt;
_pos = dclUpdatePosition(_pos, track, slope, dist);
void FGAIGAVFRTraffic::RegisterTransmission(int code) {
switch(code) {
case 1: // taxi request cleared
case 2: // contact tower
case 3: // Cleared to line up
case 4: // cleared to take-off
case 5: // contact ground
case 6: // taxi to the GA parking
case 7: // Cleared to land
case 13: // Go around!
case 14: // VFR approach for straight-in
responseCounter = 0;
_clearedStraightIn = true;
case 15: // VFR approach for downwind entry
responseCounter = 0;
_clearedDownwindEntry = true;
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "FGAIGAVFRTraffic::RegisterTransmission(...) called with unknown code " << code);
// Callback handler
// TODO - Really should enumerate these coded values.
void FGAIGAVFRTraffic::ProcessCallback(int code) {
// 1 - Request Departure from ground
// 2 - Report at hold short
// 10 - report crosswind
// 11 - report downwind
// 12 - report base
// 13 - report final
// 14 - Contact Tower for VFR arrival
// 99 - Remove self
if(code < 14) {
} else if(code == 14) {
if(_controlled) {
tower->VFRArrivalContact(plane, this, FULL_STOP);
// TODO else possibly announce arrival intentions at uncontrolled airport?
} else if(code == 99) {
// Might handle this different in future - hence separated from the other codes to pass to AILocalTraffic.
// Return an appropriate altitude to fly at based on the desired altitude and direction
// whilst respecting the quadrangle rule.
int FGAIGAVFRTraffic::GetQuadrangleAltitude(int dir, int des_alt) {
// TODO - implement me!
// Calculates the position needed to set up for either pattern entry or straight in approach.
// Currently returns one of three positions dependent on initial position wrt threshold of active rwy.
// 1/ A few miles out on extended centreline for straight-in.
// 2/ At an appropriate point on circuit side of rwy for a 45deg entry to downwind.
// 3/ At and appropriate point on non-circuit side of rwy at take-off end for perpendicular entry to circuit overflying end-of-rwy.
SGGeod FGAIGAVFRTraffic::GetPatternApproachPos() {
//cout << "\n\n";
//cout << "Calculating pattern approach pos for " << plane.callsign << '\n';
SGVec3d orthopos = ortho.ConvertToLocal(_pos);
SGVec3d tmp;
//cout << "patternDirection = " << patternDirection << '\n';
if(orthopos.y() >= -1000.0) { // Note that this has to be set the same as the calculation in tower.cxx - at the moment approach type is not transmitted properly between the two.
//cout << "orthopos.x = " << orthopos.x() << '\n';
if((orthopos.x() * patternDirection) > 0.0) { // 45 deg entry
tmp.x() = 2000 * patternDirection;
tmp.y() = (rwy.end2ortho.y() / 2.0) + 2000;
tmp.z() = (fgGetAirportElev(airportID) + (1000 * SG_FEET_TO_METER));
_e45 = true;
//cout << "45 deg entry... ";
} else {
tmp.x() = (1000 * patternDirection * -1);
tmp.y() = (rwy.end2ortho.y());
tmp.z() = (fgGetAirportElev(airportID) + (1000 * SG_FEET_TO_METER));
_e45 = false;
//cout << "90 deg entry... ";
} else {
tmp.x() = 0;
tmp.y() = -5400;
tmp.z() = ((5400.0 / 6.0) + fgGetAirportElev(airportID) + 10.0);
//cout << "Straight in... ";
//cout << "Waypoint is " << tmp << '\n';
//cout << ortho.ConvertFromLocal(tmp) << '\n';
//cout << '\n';
return ortho.ConvertFromLocal(tmp);
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
// FGAILocalTraffic - AIEntity derived class with enough logic to
// fly and interact with the traffic pattern.
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AIGAVFRTraffic_HXX
#define _FG_AIGAVFRTraffic_HXX
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
#include <string>
using std::string;
class FGAIGAVFRTraffic : public FGAILocalTraffic {
// Init en-route to destID at point pt. (lat, lon, elev) (elev in meters, lat and lon in degrees).
bool Init(const SGGeod& pt, const string& destID, const string& callsign);
// Init at srcID to fly to destID
bool Init(const string& srcID, const string& destID, const string& callsign, OperatingState state = PARKED);
// Run the internal calculations
void Update(double dt);
// Return what type of landing we're doing on this circuit
//LandingType GetLandingOption();
void RegisterTransmission(int code);
// Process callbacks sent by base class
// (These codes are not related to the codes above)
void ProcessCallback(int code);
// Do what is necessary to land and parkup at home airport
void ReturnToBase(double dt);
//void GetRwyDetails(string id);
// This is purely for synactic convienience to avoid writing globals->get_ATC_mgr()-> all through the code!
// High-level stuff
OperatingState operatingState;
bool touchAndGo; //True if circuits should be flown touch and go, false for full stop
// Performance characteristics of the plane in knots and ft/min - some of this might get moved out into FGAIPlane
double best_rate_of_climb_speed;
double best_rate_of_climb;
double nominal_climb_speed;
double nominal_climb_rate;
double nominal_cruise_speed;
double nominal_circuit_speed;
double nominal_descent_rate;
double nominal_approach_speed;
double nominal_final_speed;
double stall_speed_landing_config;
// environment - some of this might get moved into FGAIPlane
SGPropertyNode_ptr wind_from_hdg; //degrees
SGPropertyNode_ptr wind_speed_knots; //knots
atc_type changeFreqType; // the service we need to change to
void CalculateSoD(double base_leg_pos, double downwind_leg_pos, bool pattern_direction);
// GA VFR specific
bool _towerContactedIncoming;
bool _straightIn;
bool _clearedStraightIn;
bool _downwindEntry;
bool _clearedDownwindEntry;
SGGeod _wp; // Next waypoint (ie. the one we're currently heading for)
bool _enroute;
string _destID;
bool _climbout;
double _cruise_alt;
double _cruise_ias;
double _cruise_climb_ias;
SGGeod _destPos;
bool _local;
bool _incoming;
bool _established;
bool _e45;
bool _entering;
bool _turning;
int GetQuadrangleAltitude(int dir, int des_alt);
SGGeod GetPatternApproachPos();
void FlyPlane(double dt);
// HACK for testing - remove or comment out before CVS commit!!!
//bool _towerContactPrinted;
#endif // _FG_AILocalTraffic_HXX
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
// FGAILocalTraffic - AIEntity derived class with enough logic to
// fly and interact with the traffic pattern.
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AILocalTraffic_HXX
#define _FG_AILocalTraffic_HXX
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include "AIPlane.hxx"
#include "ATCProjection.hxx"
#include "ground.hxx"
class FGGround;
class FGTower;
struct Gate;
#include <string>
using std::string;
enum TaxiState {
enum OperatingState {
struct StartOfDescent {
PatternLeg leg;
double x; // Runway aligned orthopos
double y; // ditto
class FGAILocalTraffic : public FGAIPlane {
// At the moment we expect the expanded short form callsign - eventually we will just want the reg + type.
// Initialise
bool Init(const string& callsign, const string& ICAO, OperatingState initialState = PARKED, PatternLeg initialLeg = DOWNWIND);
// Run the internal calculations
void Update(double dt);
// Go out and practice circuits
void FlyCircuits(int numCircuits, bool tag);
// Return what type of landing we're doing on this circuit
LandingType GetLandingOption();
// TODO - this will get more complex and moved into the main class
// body eventually since the position approved to taxi to will have
// to be passed.
inline void ApproveTaxiRequest() {taxiRequestCleared = true;}
inline void DenyTaxiRequest() {taxiRequestCleared = false;}
void RegisterTransmission(int code);
// Process callbacks sent by base class
// (These codes are not related to the codes above)
void ProcessCallback(int code);
// This is a hack and will probably go eventually
inline bool AtHoldShort() {return holdingShort;}
// Attempt to enter the traffic pattern in a reasonably intelligent manner
void EnterTrafficPattern(double dt);
// Set up the internal state to be consistent for a downwind entry.
void DownwindEntry();
// Ditto for straight-in
void StraightInEntry(bool des = false);
// Do what is necessary to land and parkup at home airport
void ReturnToBase(double dt);
// Airport/runway/pattern details
string airportID; // The ICAO code of the airport that we're operating around
double aptElev; // Airport elevation
FGGround* ground; // A pointer to the ground control.
FGTower* tower; // A pointer to the tower control.
bool _controlled; // Set true if we find tower control working for the airport, false otherwise.
RunwayDetails rwy;
double patternDirection; // 1 for right, -1 for left (This is double because we multiply/divide turn rates
// with it to get RH/LH turns - DON'T convert it to int under ANY circumstances!!
double glideAngle; // Assumed to be visual glidepath angle for FGAILocalTraffic - can be found at
// Its conceivable that patternDirection and glidePath could be moved into the RunwayDetails structure.
// Its possible that this might be moved out to the ground/airport class at some point.
FGATCAlignedProjection ortho; // Orthogonal mapping of the local area with the threshold at the origin
// and the runway aligned with the y axis.
void GetAirportDetails(const string& id);
void GetRwyDetails(const string& id);
double responseCounter; // timer in seconds to allow response to requests to be a little while after them
// Will almost certainly get moved to FGAIPlane.
// This is purely for synactic convienience to avoid writing globals->get_ATC_mgr()-> all through the code!
// High-level stuff
OperatingState operatingState;
int circuitsToFly; //Number of circuits still to do in this session NOT INCLUDING THE CURRENT ONE
bool touchAndGo; //True if circuits should be flown touch and go, false for full stop
bool transmitted; // Set true when a position report for the current leg has been transmitted.
// Performance characteristics of the plane in knots and ft/min - some of this might get moved out into FGAIPlane
double Vr;
double best_rate_of_climb_speed;
double best_rate_of_climb;
double nominal_climb_speed;
double nominal_climb_rate;
double nominal_circuit_speed;
double min_circuit_speed;
double max_circuit_speed;
double nominal_descent_rate;
double nominal_approach_speed;
double nominal_final_speed;
double stall_speed_landing_config;
double nominal_taxi_speed;
// Physical/rendering stuff
double wheelOffset; // Height above ground at which we need to render the plane whilst taxiing
bool elevInitGood; // We have had at least one good elev reading
bool inAir; // True when off the ground
// environment - some of this might get moved into FGAIPlane
SGPropertyNode_ptr wind_from_hdg; //degrees
SGPropertyNode_ptr wind_speed_knots; //knots
// Pattern details that (may) change
int numInPattern; // Number of planes in the pattern (this might get more complicated if high performance GA aircraft fly a higher pattern eventually)
int numAhead; // More importantly - how many of them are ahead of us?
double distToNext; // And even more importantly, how near are we getting to the one immediately ahead?
//PatternLeg leg; // Our current position in the pattern - now moved to FGAIPlane
StartOfDescent SoD; // Start of descent calculated wrt wind, pattern size & altitude, glideslope etc
bool descending; // We're in the coming down phase of the pattern
double targetDescentRate; // m/s
// Taxiing details
// At the moment this assumes that all taxiing in is to gates (a loose term that includes
// any permitted parking spot) and that all taxiing out is to runways.
bool parked;
bool taxiing;
bool taxiRequestPending;
bool taxiRequestCleared;
TaxiState taxiState;
double desiredTaxiHeading;
double taxiTurnRadius;
double nominalTaxiSpeed;
Gate* ourGate;
ground_network_path_type path; // a path through the ground network for the plane to taxi
unsigned int taxiPathPos; // position of iterator in taxi path when applicable
node* nextTaxiNode; // next node in taxi path
node* holdShortNode;
//Runway out_dest; //FIXME - implement this
bool holdingShort;
bool reportReadyForDeparture; // set true when ATC has requested that the plane report when ready for departure
bool clearedToLineUp;
bool clearedToTakeOff;
bool _clearedToLand; // also implies cleared for the option.
bool liningUp; // Set true when the turn onto the runway heading is commenced when taxiing out
bool goAround; // Set true if need to go-around
bool goAroundCalled; // Set true during go-around only after we have called our go-around on the radio
bool contactTower; // we have been told to contact tower
bool contactGround; // we have been told to contact ground
bool changeFreq; // true when we need to change frequency
bool _taxiToGA; // Temporary mega-hack indicating we are to taxi to the GA parking and disconnect from tower control.
bool _removeSelf; // Indicates that we wish to remove this instance. The use of a variable is a hack to allow time for messages to purge before removal, due to the fagility of the current dialog system.
atc_type changeFreqType; // the service we need to change to
bool freeTaxi; // False if the airport has a facilities file with a logical taxi network defined, true if we need to calculate our own taxiing points.
// Hack for getting close to the runway when atan can go pear-shaped
double _savedSlope;
void FlyTrafficPattern(double dt);
// TODO - need to add something to define what option we are flying - Touch and go / Stop and go / Landing properly / others?
void TransmitPatternPositionReport();
void CalculateSoD(double base_leg_pos, double downwind_leg_pos, bool pattern_direction);
void ExitRunway(const SGVec3d& orthopos);
void StartTaxi();
void Taxi(double dt);
void GetNextTaxiNode();
void DoGroundElev();
// Set when the plane should be invisible *regardless of distance from user*.
bool _invisible;
#endif // _FG_AILocalTraffic_HXX
@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
// AIMgr.cxx - implementation of FGAIMgr
// - a global management class for FlightGear generated AI traffic
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/sg_random.h>
#include <simgear/scene/model/modellib.hxx>
#include <list>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <io.h>
# include <sys/types.h> // for directory reading
# include <dirent.h> // for directory reading
#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
#include "AIMgr.hxx"
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
#include "AIGAVFRTraffic.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "commlist.hxx"
using std::list;
using std::cout;
using namespace simgear;
// extern from Airports/simple.cxx
extern SGGeod fgGetAirportPos( const std::string& id );
FGAIMgr::FGAIMgr() {
ATC = globals->get_ATC_mgr();
initDone = false;
ai_callsigns_used["GFS"] = 1; // so we don't inadvertently use this
// TODO - use the proper user callsign when it becomes user settable.
_havePiperModel = true;
FGAIMgr::~FGAIMgr() {
for (ai_list_itr = ai_list.begin(); ai_list_itr != ai_list.end(); ai_list_itr++) {
delete (*ai_list_itr);
void FGAIMgr::init() {
//cout << "AIMgr::init called..." << endl;
// Pointers to user's position
lon_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
lat_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
elev_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true);
// Load up models at the start to avoid pausing later
// Hack alert - Hardwired paths!!
string planepath = "Aircraft/c172p/Models/c172p.xml";
bool _loadedDefaultOK = true;
try {
_defaultModel = SGModelLib::loadPagedModel(planepath.c_str(), globals->get_props());
} catch(sg_exception&) {
_loadedDefaultOK = false;
if(!_loadedDefaultOK ) {
// Just load the same 3D model as the default user plane - that's *bound* to exist!
// TODO - implement robust determination of availability of GA AI aircraft models
planepath = "Aircraft/c172p/Models/";
_defaultModel = SGModelLib::loadPagedModel(planepath.c_str(), globals->get_props());
planepath = "Aircraft/pa28-161/Models/";
try {
_piperModel = SGModelLib::loadPagedModel(planepath.c_str(), globals->get_props());
} catch(sg_exception&) {
_havePiperModel = false;
// go through the $FG_ROOT/ATC directory and find all *.taxi files
SGPath path(globals->get_fg_root());
string dir = path.dir();
string ext;
string file, f_ident;
int pos;
ulDir *d;
struct ulDirEnt *de;
if ( (d = ulOpenDir( dir.c_str() )) == NULL ) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "cannot open directory " << dir);
} else {
// load all .taxi files
while ( (de = ulReadDir(d)) != NULL ) {
file = de->d_name;
pos = file.find(".");
ext = file.substr(pos + 1);
if(ext == "taxi") {
f_ident = file.substr(0, pos);
const FGAirport *a = fgFindAirportID( f_ident);
SGBucket sgb(a->getLongitude(), a->getLatitude());
int idx = sgb.gen_index();
if(facilities.find(idx) != facilities.end()) {
} else {
ID_list_type* apts = new ID_list_type;
facilities[idx] = apts;
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "Mapping " << f_ident << " to bucket " << idx);
// See if are in range at startup and activate if necessary
initDone = true;
void FGAIMgr::bind() {
void FGAIMgr::unbind() {
void FGAIMgr::update(double dt) {
if(!initDone) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Warning - AIMgr::update(...) called before AIMgr::init()");
//cout << activated.size() << '\n';
SGGeod userPos = SGGeod::fromDegM(lon_node->getDoubleValue(), lat_node->getDoubleValue(), elev_node->getDoubleValue());
// TODO - make these class variables!!
static int i = 0;
static int j = 0;
// Don't update any planes for first 50 runs through - this avoids some possible initialisation anomalies
// Might not need it now we have fade-in though?
if(i < 50) {
if(j == 215) {
j = 0;
} else if(j == 200) {
// Go through the list of activated airports and remove those out of range
//cout << "The following airports have been activated by the AI system:\n";
ai_activated_map_iterator apt_itr = activated.begin();
while(apt_itr != activated.end()) {
//cout << "FIRST IS " << (*apt_itr).first << '\n';
if(dclGetHorizontalSeparation(userPos, fgGetAirportPos((*apt_itr).first)) > (35.0 * 1600.0)) {
// Then get rid of it and make sure the iterator is left pointing to the next one!
string s = (*apt_itr).first;
if(traffic.find(s) != traffic.end()) {
//cout << "s = " << s << ", traffic[s].size() = " << traffic[s].size() << '\n';
if(!traffic[s].empty()) {
} else {
//cout << "Erasing " << (*apt_itr).first << " and traffic" << '\n';
apt_itr = activated.upper_bound(s);
} else {
//cout << "Erasing " << (*apt_itr).first << ' ' << (*apt_itr).second << '\n';
apt_itr = activated.upper_bound(s);
} else {
} else if(j == 180) {
// Go through the list of activated airports and do the random airplane generation
ai_traffic_map_iterator it = traffic.begin();
while(it != traffic.end()) {
string s = (*it).first;
//cout << "s = " << s << " size = " << (*it).second.size() << '\n';
// Only generate extra traffic if within a certain distance of the user,
// TODO - maybe take users's tuned freq into account as well.
double d = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(userPos, fgGetAirportPos(s));
if(d < (15.0 * 1600.0)) {
double cd = 0.0;
bool gen = false;
//cout << "Size of list is " << (*it).second.size() << " at " << s << '\n';
if((*it).second.size()) {
FGAIEntity* e = *((*it).second.rbegin()); // Get the last airplane currently scheduled to arrive at this airport.
cd = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(e->getPos(), fgGetAirportPos(s));
if(cd < (d < 5000 ? 10000 : d + 5000)) {
gen = true;
} else {
gen = true;
cd = 0.0;
if(gen) {
//cout << "Generating extra traffic at airport " << s << ", at least " << cd << " meters out\n";
//GenerateSimpleAirportTraffic(s, cd);
GenerateSimpleAirportTraffic(s, cd + 3000.0); // The random seems a bit wierd - traffic could get far too bunched without the +3000.
// TODO - make the anti-random constant variable depending on the ai-traffic level.
//cout << "Size of AI list is " << ai_list.size() << '\n';
// TODO - need to add a check of if any activated airports have gone out of range
string rs; // plane to be removed, if one.
if(removalList.size()) {
rs = *(removalList.begin());
} else {
rs = "";
// Traverse the list of active planes and run all their update methods
// TODO - spread the load - not all planes should need updating every frame.
// Note that this will require dt to be calculated for each plane though
// since they rely on it to calculate distance travelled.
ai_list_itr = ai_list.begin();
while(ai_list_itr != ai_list.end()) {
FGAIEntity *e = *ai_list_itr;
if(rs.size() && e->GetCallsign() == rs) {
//cout << "Removing " << rs << " from ai_list\n";
ai_list_itr = ai_list.erase(ai_list_itr);
delete e;
// This is a hack - we should deref this plane from the airport count!
} else {
//cout << "Size of AI list is " << ai_list.size() << '\n';
void FGAIMgr::ScheduleRemoval(const string& s) {
//cout << "Scheduling removal of plane " << s << " from AIMgr\n";
// Activate AI traffic at an airport
void FGAIMgr::ActivateAirport(const string& ident) {
// TODO - need to start the traffic more randomly
FGAILocalTraffic* local_traffic = new FGAILocalTraffic;
local_traffic->SetModel(_defaultModel.get()); // currently hardwired to cessna.
//local_traffic->Init(ident, IN_PATTERN, TAKEOFF_ROLL);
local_traffic->Init(GenerateShortForm(GenerateUniqueCallsign()), ident);
local_traffic->FlyCircuits(1, true); // Fly 2 circuits with touch & go in between
//cout << "******** ACTIVATING AIRPORT, ident = " << ident << '\n';
activated[ident] = 1;
// Hack - Generate AI traffic at an airport with no facilities file
void FGAIMgr::GenerateSimpleAirportTraffic(const string& ident, double min_dist) {
// Ugly hack - don't let VFR Cessnas operate at a hardwired list of major airports
// This will go eventually once airport .xml files specify the traffic profile
if(ident == "KSFO" || ident == "KDFW" || ident == "EGLL" || ident == "KORD" || ident == "KJFK"
|| ident == "KMSP" || ident == "KLAX" || ident == "KBOS" || ident == "KEDW"
|| ident == "KSEA" || ident == "EHAM") {
// TODO - check for military airports - this should be in the current data.
// UGGH - there's no point at the moment - everything is labelled civil in basic.dat!
FGAirport a = fgFindAirportID(ident, &a);
if(a) {
cout << "CODE IS " << a.code << '\n';
} else {
// UG - can't find the airport!
SGGeod aptpos = fgGetAirportPos(ident); // TODO - check for elev of -9999
//cout << "ident = " << ident << ", elev = " << aptpos.getElevationM() << '\n';
// Operate from airports at 3000ft and below only to avoid the default cloud layers and since we don't degrade AI performance with altitude.
if(aptpos.getElevationM() > 3000) {
//cout << "High alt airports not yet supported - returning\n";
// Rough hack for plane type - make 70% of the planes cessnas, the rest pipers.
bool cessna = true;
// Get the time and only operate VFR in the (approximate) daytime.
struct tm *t = globals->get_time_params()->getGmt();
int loc_time = t->tm_hour + int(aptpos.getLongitudeDeg() / (360.0 / 24.0));
while (loc_time < 0)
loc_time += 24;
while (loc_time >= 24)
loc_time -= 24;
//cout << "loc_time = " << loc_time << '\n';
if(loc_time < 7 || loc_time > 19) return;
// Check that the visibility is OK for IFR operation.
double visibility;
FGEnvironment stationweather =
((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment"))
->getEnvironment(aptpos.getLatitudeDeg(), aptpos.getLongitudeDeg(), aptpos.getElevationM()); // TODO - check whether this should take ft or m for elev.
visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m();
// Technically we can do VFR down to 1 mile (1600m) but that's pretty murky!
//cout << "vis = " << visibility << '\n';
if(visibility < 3000) return;
// Next - get the distance from user to the airport.
SGGeod userpos = SGGeod::fromDegM(lon_node->getDoubleValue(), lat_node->getDoubleValue(), elev_node->getDoubleValue());
double d = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(userpos, aptpos); // in meters
int lev = fgGetInt("/sim/ai-traffic/level");
if(lev < 1)
if (lev > 3)
lev = 3;
if(visibility < 6000) lev = 1;
//cout << "level = " << lev << '\n';
// Next - generate any local / circuit traffic
// --------------------------- THIS BLOCK IS JUST FOR TESTING - COMMENT OUT BEFORE RELEASE ---------------
// Finally - generate VFR approaching traffic
//if(d > 2000) {
if(ident == "KPOC") {
double ad = 2000.0;
double avd = 3000.0; // average spacing of arriving traffic in meters - relate to airport business and AI density setting one day!
//while(ad < (d < 10000 ? 12000 : d + 2000)) {
for(int i=0; i<8; ++i) {
double dd = sg_random() * avd;
// put a minimum spacing in for now since I don't think tower will cope otherwise!
if(dd < 1500) dd = 1500;
//ad += dd;
ad += dd;
double dir = int(sg_random() * 36);
if(dir == 36) dir--;
dir *= 10;
//dir = 180;
if(sg_random() < 0.3) cessna = false;
else cessna = true;
string s = GenerateShortForm(GenerateUniqueCallsign(), (cessna ? "Cessna-" : "Piper-"));
FGAIGAVFRTraffic* t = new FGAIGAVFRTraffic();
t->SetModel(cessna ? _defaultModel : _piperModel);
//cout << "Generating VFR traffic " << s << " inbound to " << ident << " " << ad << " meters out from " << dir << " degrees\n";
SGGeod tpos = dclUpdatePosition(aptpos, dir, 6.0, ad);
if(tpos.getElevationM() > (aptpos.getElevationM() + 3000.0)) tpos.setElevationM(aptpos.getElevationM() + 3000.0);
t->Init(tpos, ident, s);
activated[ident] = 1;
double ad; // Minimum distance out of first arriving plane in meters.
double mind; // Minimum spacing of traffic in meters
double avd; // average spacing of arriving traffic in meters - relate to airport business and AI density setting one day!
// Finally - generate VFR approaching traffic
//if(d > 2000) {
if(1) {
if(lev == 3) {
ad = 5000.0;
mind = 2000.0;
avd = 6000.0;
} else if(lev == 2) {
ad = 8000.0;
mind = 4000.0;
avd = 10000.0;
} else {
ad = 9000.0; // Start the first aircraft at least 9K out for now.
mind = 6000.0;
avd = 15000.0;
// Check if there is already arriving traffic at this airport
cout << "BING A " << ident << '\n';
if(traffic.find(ident) != traffic.end()) {
cout << "BING B " << ident << '\n';
ai_list_type lst = traffic[ident];
cout << "BING C " << ident << '\n';
if(lst.size()) {
cout << "BING D " << ident << '\n';
double cd = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(aptpos, (*lst.rbegin())->GetPos());
cout << "ident = " << ident << ", cd = " << cd << '\n';
if(cd > ad) ad = cd;
if(min_dist != 0) ad = min_dist;
//cout << "ident = " << ident << ", ad = " << ad << '\n';
while(ad < (d < 5000 ? 15000 : d + 10000)) {
double dd = mind + (sg_random() * (avd - mind));
ad += dd;
double dir = int(sg_random() * 36);
if(dir == 36) dir--;
dir *= 10;
if(sg_random() < 0.3) cessna = false;
else cessna = true;
string s = GenerateShortForm(GenerateUniqueCallsign(), (cessna ? "Cessna-" : "Piper-"));
FGAIGAVFRTraffic* t = new FGAIGAVFRTraffic();
t->SetModel(cessna ? _defaultModel.get() : (_havePiperModel ? _piperModel.get() : _defaultModel.get()));
//cout << "Generating VFR traffic " << s << " inbound to " << ident << " " << ad << " meters out from " << dir << " degrees\n";
SGGeod tpos = dclUpdatePosition(aptpos, dir, 6.0, ad);
if(tpos.getElevationM() > (aptpos.getElevationM() + 3000.0)) tpos.setElevationM(aptpos.getElevationM() + 3000.0); // FEET yuk :-(
t->Init(tpos, ident, s);
// Generate a VFR arrival at airport apt, at least distance d (meters) out.
void FGAIMgr::GenerateVFRArrival(const string& apt, double d) {
// Search for valid airports in the vicinity of the user and activate them if necessary
void FGAIMgr::SearchByPos(double range) {
//cout << "In SearchByPos(...)" << endl;
// get bucket number for plane position
_userAircraftPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_node->getDoubleValue(),
lat_node->getDoubleValue(), elev_node->getDoubleValue());
SGBucket buck(_userAircraftPos);
// get neigboring buckets
int bx = (int)( range*SG_NM_TO_METER / buck.get_width_m() / 2);
//cout << "bx = " << bx << endl;
int by = (int)( range*SG_NM_TO_METER / buck.get_height_m() / 2 );
//cout << "by = " << by << endl;
// Search for airports with facitities files --------------------------
// loop over bucket range
for ( int i=-bx; i<=bx; i++) {
//cout << "i loop\n";
for ( int j=-by; j<=by; j++) {
//cout << "j loop\n";
buck = sgBucketOffset(_userAircraftPos.getLongitudeDeg(), _userAircraftPos.getLatitudeDeg(), i, j);
long int bucket = buck.gen_index();
//cout << "bucket is " << bucket << endl;
if(facilities.find(bucket) != facilities.end()) {
ID_list_type* apts = facilities[bucket];
ID_list_iterator current = apts->begin();
ID_list_iterator last = apts->end();
//cout << "Size of apts is " << apts->size() << endl;
//double rlon = lon * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
//double rlat = lat * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
for(; current != last; ++current) {
//cout << "Found " << *current << endl;;
if(activated.find(*current) == activated.end()) {
//cout << "Activating " << *current << endl;
//FGAirport a;
//if(dclFindAirportID(*current, &a)) {
// // We can do something here based on distance from the user if we wish.
//string s = *current;
//cout << "s = " << s << '\n';
//ActivateSimpleAirport(*current); // TODO - put this back to ActivateAirport when that code is done.
//cout << "Activation done" << endl;
} else {
//cout << *current << " already activated" << endl;
// Search for any towered airports in the vicinity ------------
comm_list_type towered;
comm_list_iterator twd_itr;
int num_twd = current_commlist->FindByPos(_userAircraftPos, range, &towered, TOWER);
if (num_twd != 0) {
double closest = 1000000;
string s = "";
for(twd_itr = towered.begin(); twd_itr != towered.end(); twd_itr++) {
// Only activate the closest airport not already activated each time.
if(activated.find(twd_itr->ident) == activated.end()) {
double sep = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_userAircraftPos, fgGetAirportPos(twd_itr->ident));
if(sep < closest) {
closest = sep;
s = twd_itr->ident;
if(s.size()) {
// TODO - find out why empty strings come through here when all in-range airports done.
//cout << "**************ACTIVATING SIMPLE AIRPORT, ident = " << s << '\n';
activated[s] = 1;
string FGAIMgr::GenerateCallsign() {
// For now we'll just generate US callsigns until we can regionally identify airports.
string s = "N";
// Add 3 to 5 numbers and make up to 5 with letters.
double d = sg_random();
int n = int(d * 3);
if(n == 3) --n;
//cout << "First n, n = " << n << '\n';
int j = 3 + n;
//cout << "j = " << j << '\n';
for(int i=0; i<j; ++i) {
int n = int(sg_random() * 10);
if(n == 10) --n;
s += (char)('0' + n);
for(int i=j; i<5; ++i) {
int n = int(sg_random() * 26);
if(n == 26) --n;
//cout << "Alpha, n = " << n << '\n';
s += (char)('A' + n);
//cout << "s = " << s << '\n';
string FGAIMgr::GenerateUniqueCallsign() {
while(1) {
string s = GenerateCallsign();
if(!ai_callsigns_used[s]) {
ai_callsigns_used[s] = 1;
// This will be moved somewhere else eventually!!!!
string FGAIMgr::GenerateShortForm(const string& callsign, const string& plane_str, bool local) {
//cout << callsign << '\n';
string s;
if(local) s = "Trainer-";
else s = plane_str;
for(int i=3; i>0; --i) {
char c = callsign[callsign.size() - i];
//cout << c << '\n';
string tmp = "";
tmp += c;
if(isalpha(c)) s += GetPhoneticLetter(c);
else s += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tmp);
if(i > 1) s += '-';
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
// AIMgr.hxx - definition of FGAIMgr
// - a global management class for FlightGear generated AI traffic
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AIMGR_HXX
#define _FG_AIMGR_HXX
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <list>
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "AIEntity.hxx"
using std::list;
class FGAIMgr : public SGSubsystem
// This is purely for synactic convienience to avoid writing globals->get_ATC_mgr()-> all through the code!
// A list of pointers to all currently active AI stuff
typedef list <FGAIEntity*> ai_list_type;
typedef ai_list_type::iterator ai_list_iterator;
typedef ai_list_type::const_iterator ai_list_const_iterator;
// Everything put in this list should be created dynamically
// on the heap and ***DELETED WHEN REMOVED!!!!!***
ai_list_type ai_list;
ai_list_iterator ai_list_itr;
// Any member function of FGATCMgr is permitted to leave this iterator pointing
// at any point in or at the end of the list.
// Hence any new access must explicitly first check for atc_list.end() before dereferencing.
// A list of airport or airplane ID's
typedef list < string > ID_list_type;
typedef ID_list_type::iterator ID_list_iterator;
// Temporary storage of ID of planes scheduled for removeal
ID_list_type removalList;
// A map of airport-IDs that have taxiway network files against bucket number
typedef map < int, ID_list_type* > ai_apt_map_type;
typedef ai_apt_map_type::iterator ai_apt_map_iterator;
ai_apt_map_type facilities;
// A map of airport ID's that we've activated AI traffic at
typedef map < string, int > ai_activated_map_type;
typedef ai_activated_map_type::iterator ai_activated_map_iterator;
ai_activated_map_type activated;
// AI traffic lists mapped by airport
typedef map < string, ai_list_type > ai_traffic_map_type;
typedef ai_traffic_map_type::iterator ai_traffic_map_iterator;
ai_traffic_map_type traffic;
// A map of callsigns that we have used (eg CFGFS or N0546D - the code will generate Cessna-four-six-delta from this later)
typedef map < string, int > ai_callsigns_map_type;
typedef ai_callsigns_map_type::iterator ai_callsigns_map_iterator;
ai_callsigns_map_type ai_callsigns_used;
SGGeod _userAircraftPos;
// Pointers to current users position
SGPropertyNode_ptr lon_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr lat_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr elev_node;
void init();
void bind();
void unbind();
void update(double dt);
// Signal that it is OK to remove a plane of callsign s
// (To be called by the plane itself).
void ScheduleRemoval(const string& s);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _defaultModel; // Cessna 172!
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> _piperModel; // pa28-161
bool initDone; // Hack - guard against update getting called before init
// Remove a class from the ai_list and delete it from memory
//void RemoveFromList(const char* id, atc_type tp);
// Activate AI traffic at an airport
void ActivateAirport(const string& ident);
// Hack - Generate AI traffic at an airport with no facilities file, with the first plane being at least min_dist out.
void GenerateSimpleAirportTraffic(const string& ident, double min_dist = 0.0);
// Search for valid airports in the vicinity of the user and activate them if necessary
void SearchByPos(double range);
string GenerateCallsign();
string GenerateUniqueCallsign();
string GenerateShortForm(const string& callsign, const string& plane_str = "Cessna-", bool local = false);
// TODO - implement a proper robust system for registering and loading AI GA aircraft models
bool _havePiperModel;
#endif // _FG_AIMGR_HXX
@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
// FGAIPlane - abstract base class for an AI plane
// Written by David Luff, started 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include <simgear/sound/soundmgr_openal.hxx>
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
using std::string;
#include "AIPlane.hxx"
FGAIPlane::FGAIPlane() {
tuned_station = NULL;
pending_transmission = "";
_timeout = 0;
_pending = false;
_callback_code = 0;
_transmit = false;
_transmitting = false;
voice = false;
playing = false;
voiceOK = false;
vPtr = NULL;
track = 0.0;
_tgtTrack = 0.0;
_trackSet = false;
_tgtRoll = 0.0;
_rollSuspended = false;
if ( !_sgr ) {
SGSoundMgr *smgr = globals->get_soundmgr();
_sgr = smgr->find("atc", true);
FGAIPlane::~FGAIPlane() {
void FGAIPlane::Update(double dt) {
if(_pending) {
if(tuned_station) {
if(tuned_station->GetFreqClear()) {
_pending = false;
_transmit = true;
_transmitting = false;
} else {
if(_timeout > 0.0) { // allows count down to be avoided by initially setting it to zero
_timeout -= dt;
if(_timeout <= 0.0) {
_timeout = 0.0;
_pending = false;
// timed out - don't render.
if(_callback_code == 99) {
// MEGA-HACK - 99 is the remove self callback - currently this *does* need to be run even if the transmission isn't made.
} else {
// Not tuned to ATC - Just go ahead and transmit
//cout << "NOT TUNED TO ATC\n";
_pending = false;
_transmit = true;
_transmitting = false;
// This turns on rendering if on the same freq as the user
// TODO - turn it off if user switches to another freq - keep track of where in message we are etc.
if(_transmit) {
//cout << "transmit\n";
double user_freq0 = fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/comm[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
double user_freq1 = fgGetDouble("/instrumentation/comm[1]/frequencies/selected-mhz");
_counter = 0.0;
_max_count = 5.0; // FIXME - hardwired length of message - need to calculate it!
//cout << "Transmission = " << pending_transmission << '\n';
// The radios dialog seems to set slightly imprecise freqs, eg 118.099998
// The eplison stuff below is a work-around
double eps0 = fabs(freq - user_freq0);
double eps1 = fabs(freq - user_freq1);
if(eps0 < 0.002 || eps1 < 0.002) {
//cout << "Transmitting..." << endl;
// we are on the same frequency, so check distance to the user plane
if(1) {
// For now assume in range !!!
// TODO - implement range checking
// TODO - at the moment the volume is always set off comm1
float volume = fgGetFloat("/instrumentation/comm[0]/volume");
Render(plane.callsign, volume, false);
// Run the callback regardless of whether on same freq as user or not.
if(_callback_code) {
_transmit = false;
_transmitting = true;
} else if(_transmitting) {
if(_counter >= _max_count) {
_transmitting = false;
// For now we'll let ATC decide whether to respond
//if(tuned_station) tuned_station->SetResponseReqd(plane.callsign);
//if(tuned_station->get_ident() == "KRHV") cout << "Notifying transmission finished" << endl;
if(tuned_station) tuned_station->NotifyTransmissionFinished(plane.callsign);
_counter += dt;
// Fly the plane if necessary
if(_trackSet) {
while((_tgtTrack - track) > 180.0) track += 360.0;
while((track - _tgtTrack) > 180.0) track -= 360.0;
double turn_time = 60.0;
track += (360.0 / turn_time) * dt * (_tgtTrack > track ? 1.0 : -1.0);
// TODO - bank a bit less for small turns.
Bank(25.0 * (_tgtTrack > track ? 1.0 : -1.0));
if(fabs(track - _tgtTrack) < 2.0) { // TODO - might need to optimise the delta there - it's on the large (safe) side atm.
track = _tgtTrack;
if(!_rollSuspended) {
if(fabs(_roll - _tgtRoll) > 0.6) {
// This *should* bank us smoothly to any angle
_roll -= ((_roll - _tgtRoll)/fabs(_roll - _tgtRoll));
} else {
_roll = _tgtRoll;
void FGAIPlane::Transmit(int callback_code) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Transmit called for plane " << plane.callsign << ", msg = " << pending_transmission);
_pending = true;
_callback_code = callback_code;
_timeout = 0.0;
void FGAIPlane::ConditionalTransmit(double timeout, int callback_code) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Timed transmit called for plane " << plane.callsign << ", msg = " << pending_transmission);
_pending = true;
_callback_code = callback_code;
_timeout = timeout;
void FGAIPlane::ImmediateTransmit(int callback_code) {
// TODO - at the moment the volume is always set off comm1
float volume = fgGetFloat("/instrumentation/comm[0]/volume");
Render(plane.callsign, volume, false);
if(callback_code) {
// Derived classes should override this.
void FGAIPlane::ProcessCallback(int code) {
// Render a transmission
// Outputs the transmission either on screen or as audio depending on user preference
// The refname is a string to identify this sample to the sound manager
// The repeating flag indicates whether the message should be repeated continuously or played once.
void FGAIPlane::Render(const string& refname, const float volume, bool repeating) {
fgSetString("/sim/messages/ai-plane", pending_transmission.c_str());
voice = (voiceOK && fgGetBool("/sim/sound/voice"));
if(voice) {
size_t len;
void* buf = vPtr->WriteMessage(pending_transmission, &len);
if(voice && (volume > 0.05)) {
SGSoundSample* simple = new SGSoundSample(&buf, len, 8000 );
_sgr->add(simple, refname);
_sgr->play(refname, repeating);
if(!voice) {
// first rip the underscores and the pause hints out of the string - these are for the convienience of the voice parser
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pending_transmission.length(); ++i) {
if((pending_transmission.substr(i,1) == "_") || (pending_transmission.substr(i,1) == "/")) {
pending_transmission[i] = ' ';
playing = true;
// Cease rendering a transmission.
void FGAIPlane::NoRender(const string& refname) {
if(playing) {
if(voice) {
playing = false;
void FGAIPlane::RegisterTransmission(int code) {
// Return what type of landing we're doing on this circuit
LandingType FGAIPlane::GetLandingOption() {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, PatternLeg pl) {
switch(pl) {
case(TAKEOFF_ROLL): return(os << "TAKEOFF ROLL");
case(CLIMBOUT): return(os << "CLIMBOUT");
case(TURN1): return(os << "TURN1");
case(CROSSWIND): return(os << "CROSSWIND");
case(TURN2): return(os << "TURN2");
case(DOWNWIND): return(os << "DOWNWIND");
case(TURN3): return(os << "TURN3");
case(BASE): return(os << "BASE");
case(TURN4): return(os << "TURN4");
case(FINAL): return(os << "FINAL");
case(LANDING_ROLL): return(os << "LANDING ROLL");
case(LEG_UNKNOWN): return(os << "UNKNOWN");
return(os << "ERROR - Unknown switch in PatternLeg operator << ");
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, LandingType lt) {
switch(lt) {
case(FULL_STOP): return(os << "FULL STOP");
case(STOP_AND_GO): return(os << "STOP AND GO");
case(TOUCH_AND_GO): return(os << "TOUCH AND GO");
case(AIP_LT_UNKNOWN): return(os << "UNKNOWN");
return(os << "ERROR - Unknown switch in LandingType operator << ");
@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
// FGAIPlane - abstract base class for an AI plane
// Written by David Luff, started 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C. Luff -
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _FG_AI_PLANE_HXX
#define _FG_AI_PLANE_HXX
#include "AIEntity.hxx"
#include "ATC.hxx"
class SGSampleGroup;
enum PatternLeg {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, PatternLeg pl);
enum LandingType {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, LandingType lt);
* FGAIPlane - this class is derived from FGAIEntity and adds the
* practical requirement for an AI plane - the ability to send radio
* communication, and simple performance details for the actual AI
* implementation to use. The AI implementation is expected to be
* in derived classes - this class does nothing useful on its own.
class FGAIPlane : public FGAIEntity {
virtual ~FGAIPlane();
// Run the internal calculations
void Update(double dt);
// Send a transmission *TO* the AIPlane.
// FIXME int code is a hack - eventually this will receive Alexander's coded messages.
virtual void RegisterTransmission(int code);
// Return the current pattern leg the plane is flying.
inline PatternLeg GetLeg() {return leg;}
// Return what type of landing we're doing on this circuit
virtual LandingType GetLandingOption();
// Return the callsign
inline const string& GetCallsign() {return plane.callsign;}
PlaneRec plane;
double mag_hdg; // degrees - the heading that the physical aircraft is *pointing*
double track; // track that the physical aircraft is *following* - degrees relative to *true* north
double crab; // Difference between heading and track due to wind.
double mag_var; // degrees
double IAS; // Indicated airspeed in knots
double vel; // velocity along track in knots
double vel_si; // velocity along track in m/s
double slope; // Actual slope that the plane is flying (degrees) - +ve is uphill
double AoA; // degrees - difference between slope and pitch
// We'll assume that the plane doesn't yaw or slip - the track/heading difference is to allow for wind
double freq; // The comm frequency that we're operating on
// We need some way for this class to display its radio transmissions if on the
// same frequency and in the vicinity of the user's aircraft
// This may need to be done independently of ATC eg CTAF
// Make radio transmission - this simply sends the transmission for physical rendering if the users
// aircraft is on the same frequency and in range. It is up to the derived classes to let ATC know
// what is going on.
string pending_transmission; // derived classes set this string before calling Transmit(...)
FGATC* tuned_station; // and this if they are tuned to ATC
// Transmit a message when channel becomes free of other dialog
void Transmit(int callback_code = 0);
// Transmit a message if channel becomes free within timeout (seconds). timeout of zero implies no limit
void ConditionalTransmit(double timeout, int callback_code = 0);
// Transmit regardless of other dialog on the channel eg emergency
void ImmediateTransmit(int callback_code = 0);
inline void SetTrack(double t) { _tgtTrack = t; _trackSet = true; }
inline void ClearTrack() { _trackSet = false; }
inline void Bank(double r) { _tgtRoll = r; }
inline void LevelWings(void) { _tgtRoll = 0.0; }
virtual void ProcessCallback(int code);
PatternLeg leg;
bool _pending;
double _timeout;
int _callback_code; // A callback code to be notified and processed by the derived classes
// A value of zero indicates no callback required
bool _transmit; // we are to transmit
bool _transmitting; // we are transmitting
double _counter;
double _max_count;
// Render a transmission (in string pending_transmission)
// Outputs the transmission either on screen or as audio depending on user preference
// The refname is a string to identify this sample to the sound manager
// The repeating flag indicates whether the message should be repeated continuously or played once.
void Render(const string& refname, const float volume, bool repeating);
// Cease rendering a transmission.
// Requires the sound manager refname if audio, else "".
void NoRender(const string& refname);
// Rendering related stuff
bool voice; // Flag - true if we are using voice
bool playing; // Indicates a message in progress
bool voiceOK; // Flag - true if at least one voice has loaded OK
FGATCVoice* vPtr;
// Navigation
double _tgtTrack; // Track to be following if _trackSet is true
bool _trackSet; // Set true if tgtTrack is to be followed
double _tgtRoll;
bool _rollSuspended; // Set true when a derived class has suspended AIPlane's roll control
SGSharedPtr<SGSampleGroup> _sgr;
#endif // _FG_AI_PLANE_HXX
@ -178,45 +178,6 @@ unsigned short int FGATCMgr::GetFrequency(const string& ident, const atc_type& t
return(ok ? test.freq : 0);
return(ok ? test.freq : 0);
// Register the fact that the AI system wants to activate an airport
// Might need more sophistication in this in the future - eg registration by aircraft call-sign.
bool FGATCMgr::AIRegisterAirport(const string& ident) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "AI registered airport " << ident << " with the ATC system");
//cout << "AI registered airport " << ident << " with the ATC system" << '\n';
if(airport_atc_map.find(ident) != airport_atc_map.end()) {
airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_AI = true;
} else {
const FGAirport *ap = fgFindAirportID(ident);
if (ap) {
//cout << "ident = " << ident << '\n';
AirportATC *a = new AirportATC;
// I'm not entirely sure that this AirportATC structure business is actually needed - it just duplicates what we can find out anyway!
a->geod = ap->geod();
a->atis_freq = GetFrequency(ident, ATIS)
|| GetFrequency(ident, AWOS);
//cout << "ATIS freq = " << a->atis_freq << '\n';
a->atis_active = false;
a->tower_freq = GetFrequency(ident, TOWER);
//cout << "Tower freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n';
a->tower_active = false;
a->ground_freq = GetFrequency(ident, GROUND);
//cout << "Ground freq = " << a->ground_freq << '\n';
a->ground_active = false;
// TODO - some airports will have a tower/ground frequency but be inactive overnight.
a->set_by_AI = true;
a->numAI = 1;
airport_atc_map[ident] = a;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - can't find airport " << ident << " in AIRegisterAirport(...)");
// Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport
// Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport
// Channel is zero based
// Channel is zero based
bool FGATCMgr::CommRegisterAirport(const string& ident, int chan, const atc_type& tp) {
bool FGATCMgr::CommRegisterAirport(const string& ident, int chan, const atc_type& tp) {
@ -156,9 +156,6 @@ public:
// Returns zero if not found
// Returns zero if not found
unsigned short int GetFrequency(const string& ident, const atc_type& tp);
unsigned short int GetFrequency(const string& ident, const atc_type& tp);
// Register the fact that the AI system wants to activate an airport
bool AIRegisterAirport(const string& ident);
// Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport
// Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport
bool CommRegisterAirport(const string& ident, int chan, const atc_type& tp);
bool CommRegisterAirport(const string& ident, int chan, const atc_type& tp);
@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ libATCDCL_a_SOURCES = \
ATCmgr.hxx ATCmgr.cxx \
ATCmgr.hxx ATCmgr.cxx \
ATCutils.hxx ATCutils.cxx \
ATCutils.hxx ATCutils.cxx \
ATCProjection.hxx ATCProjection.cxx \
ATCProjection.hxx ATCProjection.cxx \
AIMgr.hxx AIMgr.cxx \
AIEntity.hxx AIEntity.cxx \
AIPlane.hxx AIPlane.cxx \
AILocalTraffic.hxx AILocalTraffic.cxx \
AIGAVFRTraffic.hxx AIGAVFRTraffic.cxx \
transmission.hxx transmission.cxx \
transmission.hxx transmission.cxx \
transmissionlist.hxx transmissionlist.cxx
transmissionlist.hxx transmissionlist.cxx
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
#include "ground.hxx"
#include "ground.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
using std::ifstream;
using std::ifstream;
@ -290,64 +289,6 @@ void FGGround::Init() {
void FGGround::Update(double dt) {
void FGGround::Update(double dt) {
// Each time step, what do we need to do?
// We need to go through the list of outstanding requests and acknowedgements
// and process at least one of them.
// We need to go through the list of planes under our control and check if
// any need to be addressed.
// We need to check for planes not under our control coming within our
// control area and address if necessary.
// Lets take the example of a plane which has just contacted ground
// following landing - presumably requesting where to go?
// First we need to establish the position of the plane within the logical network.
// Next we need to decide where its going.
if(ground_traffic.size()) {
if(ground_traffic_itr == ground_traffic.end()) {
ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
GroundRec* g = *ground_traffic_itr;
if(g->taxiRequestOutstanding) {
double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
if(g->clearanceCounter > responseTime) {
// TODO - move the mechanics of making up the transmission out of the main Update(...) routine.
string trns = "";
trns += g->plane.callsign;
trns += " taxi holding point runway "; // TODO - add the holding point name
// eg " taxi holding point G2 runway "
trns += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(activeRwy);
if(_display) {
fgSetString("/sim/messages/ground", trns.c_str());
g->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(1); // cleared to taxi
g->clearanceCounter = 0.0;
g->taxiRequestOutstanding = false;
} else {
g->clearanceCounter += (dt * ground_traffic.size());
} else if(((FGAILocalTraffic*)(g->planePtr))->AtHoldShort()) { // That's a hack - eventually we should monitor actual position
// HACK ALERT - the automatic cast to AILocalTraffic has to go once we have other sorts working!!!!! FIXME TODO
// NOTE - we don't need to do the contact tower bit unless we have separate tower and ground
string trns = g->plane.callsign;
trns += " contact Tower ";
double f = globals->get_ATC_mgr()->GetFrequency(ident, TOWER) / 100.0;
char buf[10];
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", f);
trns += buf;
if(_display) {
fgSetString("/sim/messages/ground", trns.c_str());
g->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(2); // contact tower
delete *ground_traffic_itr;
ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
// Call the base class update for the response time handling.
// Call the base class update for the response time handling.
@ -657,68 +598,3 @@ node_array_type FGGround::GetExits(const string& rwyID) {
// FIXME - get a 07L or similar in here and we're stuffed!!!
// FIXME - get a 07L or similar in here and we're stuffed!!!
void FGGround::RequestDeparture(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIEntity* requestee) {
// For now we'll just automatically clear all planes to the runway hold.
// This communication needs to be delayed 20 sec or so from receiving the request.
// Even if display=false we still need to start the timer in case display=true when communication starts.
// We also need to bear in mind we also might have other outstanding communications, although for now we'll punt that issue!
// FIXME - sort the above!
// HACK - assume that anything requesting departure is new for now - FIXME LATER
GroundRec* g = new GroundRec;
g->plane = plane;
g->planePtr = requestee;
g->taxiRequestOutstanding = true;
g->clearanceCounter = 0;
g->cleared = false;
g->incoming = false;
// TODO - need to handle the next 3 as well
//node* destination;
//node* last_clearance;
#if 0
void FGGround::NewArrival(plane_rec plane) {
// What are we going to do here?
// We need to start a new ground_rec and add the plane_rec to it
// We need to decide what gate we are going to clear it to.
// Then we need to add clearing it to that gate to the pending transmissions queue? - or simply transmit?
// Probably simply transmit for now and think about a transmission queue later if we need one.
// We might need one though in order to add a little delay for response time.
ground_rec* g = new ground_rec;
g->plane_rec = plane;
g->current_pos = ConvertWGS84ToXY(plane.pos);
g->node = GetNode(g->current_pos); // TODO - might need to sort out node/arc here
g->cleared = false;
void FGGround::NewContact(plane_rec plane) {
// This is a bit of a convienience function at the moment and is likely to change.
if(at a gate or apron)
void FGGround::NextClearance(ground_rec &g) {
// Need to work out where we can clear g to.
// Assume the pilot doesn't need progressive instructions
// We *should* already have a gate or holding point assigned by the time we get here
// but it wouldn't do any harm to check.
// For now though we will hardwire it to clear to the final destination.
void FGGround::AssignGate(ground_rec &g) {
// We'll cheat for now - since we only have the user's aircraft and a couple of airports implemented
// we'll hardwire the gate!
// In the long run the logic of which gate or area to send the plane to could be somewhat non-trivial.
#endif //0
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
#include <string>
#include <string>
class FGAIEntity;
class FGATCMgr;
class FGATCMgr;
@ -177,8 +176,6 @@ typedef shortest_path_map_type::iterator shortest_path_map_iterator;
// A more specialist plane rec to include ground information
// A more specialist plane rec to include ground information
struct GroundRec {
struct GroundRec {
FGAIEntity* planePtr; // This might move to the planeRec eventually
PlaneRec plane;
PlaneRec plane;
node* destination;
node* destination;
node* last_clearance;
node* last_clearance;
@ -212,19 +209,6 @@ public:
inline const std::string& get_trans_ident() { return trans_ident; }
inline const std::string& get_trans_ident() { return trans_ident; }
// Contact ground control on arrival, assumed to request any gate
//void NewArrival(plane_rec plane);
// Contact ground control on departure, assumed to request currently active runway.
void RequestDeparture(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIEntity* requestee);
// Contact ground control when the calling routine doesn't know if arrival
// or departure is appropriate.
//void NewContact(plane_rec plane);
// Make a request of ground control.
//void Request(ground_request request);
// Randomly fill some of the available gates and GA parking spots with planes
// Randomly fill some of the available gates and GA parking spots with planes
void PopulateGates();
void PopulateGates();
@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include "tower.hxx"
#include "tower.hxx"
#include "ground.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
#include "ATCDialog.hxx"
#include "ATCDialog.hxx"
#include "commlist.hxx"
#include "commlist.hxx"
#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
using std::cout;
using std::cout;
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ using std::cout;
// TowerPlaneRec
// TowerPlaneRec
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec() :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec() :
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec() :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p) :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p) :
@ -118,7 +116,6 @@ TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p) :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const SGGeod& pt) :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const SGGeod& pt) :
@ -151,7 +148,6 @@ TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const SGGeod& pt) :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p, const SGGeod& pt) :
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p, const SGGeod& pt) :
@ -345,7 +341,6 @@ void FGTower::Init() {
t->landingType = AIP_LT_UNKNOWN;
t->landingType = AIP_LT_UNKNOWN;
t->leg = TAKEOFF_ROLL;
t->leg = TAKEOFF_ROLL;
t->isUser = true;
t->isUser = true;
t->planePtr = NULL;
t->clearedToTakeOff = false;
t->clearedToTakeOff = false;
rwyListItr = rwyList.begin();
rwyListItr = rwyList.begin();
@ -508,8 +503,6 @@ void FGTower::Respond() {
t->opType = STRAIGHT_IN;
t->opType = STRAIGHT_IN;
if(t->isUser) {
if(t->isUser) {
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS @MI mile final runway @RW@GR", "Report Final", TOWER, (int)USER_REPORT_3_MILE_FINAL);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS @MI mile final runway @RW@GR", "Report Final", TOWER, (int)USER_REPORT_3_MILE_FINAL);
} else {
} else {
} else {
// For now we'll just request reporting downwind.
// For now we'll just request reporting downwind.
@ -523,8 +516,6 @@ void FGTower::Respond() {
// leave it in the app list until it gets into pattern though.
// leave it in the app list until it gets into pattern though.
if(t->isUser) {
if(t->isUser) {
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@AP Tower, @CS Downwind @RW", "Report Downwind", TOWER, (int)USER_REPORT_DOWNWIND);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@AP Tower, @CS Downwind @RW", "Report Downwind", TOWER, (int)USER_REPORT_DOWNWIND);
} else {
trns += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(activeRwy);
trns += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(activeRwy);
@ -635,8 +626,6 @@ void FGTower::Respond() {
// or put rwy vacated at the top since that'll be more common?
// or put rwy vacated at the top since that'll be more common?
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Going Around", "Report going around", TOWER, USER_REPORT_GOING_AROUND);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Going Around", "Report going around", TOWER, USER_REPORT_GOING_AROUND);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Clear of the runway", "Report runway vacated", TOWER, USER_REPORT_RWY_VACATED);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@CS Clear of the runway", "Report runway vacated", TOWER, USER_REPORT_RWY_VACATED);
} else {
} else if(t->eta < 20) {
} else if(t->eta < 20) {
// Do nothing - we'll be telling it to go around in less than 10 seconds if the
// Do nothing - we'll be telling it to go around in less than 10 seconds if the
@ -650,8 +639,6 @@ void FGTower::Respond() {
t->opType = CIRCUIT;
t->opType = CIRCUIT;
if(t->isUser) {
if(t->isUser) {
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@AP Tower, @CS Downwind @RW", "Report Downwind", TOWER, (int)USER_REPORT_DOWNWIND);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@AP Tower, @CS Downwind @RW", "Report Downwind", TOWER, (int)USER_REPORT_DOWNWIND);
} else {
t->clearedToLand = false;
t->clearedToLand = false;
@ -705,7 +692,6 @@ void FGTower::ProcessDownwindReport(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
if((i == 1) && rwyList.empty() && (t->nextOnRwy) && (!cf)) { // Unfortunately nextOnRwy currently doesn't handle circuit/straight-in ordering properly at present, hence the cf check below.
if((i == 1) && rwyList.empty() && (t->nextOnRwy) && (!cf)) { // Unfortunately nextOnRwy currently doesn't handle circuit/straight-in ordering properly at present, hence the cf check below.
trns += "Cleared to land"; // TODO - clear for the option if appropriate
trns += "Cleared to land"; // TODO - clear for the option if appropriate
t->clearedToLand = true;
t->clearedToLand = true;
if(!t->isUser) t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(7);
} else if((i+a) > 1) {
} else if((i+a) > 1) {
//First set tt to point to the correct preceding plane - final or circuit
//First set tt to point to the correct preceding plane - final or circuit
if(tc && tf) {
if(tc && tf) {
@ -728,8 +714,6 @@ void FGTower::ProcessDownwindReport(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
PatternLeg leg;
PatternLeg leg;
if(tt->isUser) {
if(tt->isUser) {
leg = tt->leg;
leg = tt->leg;
} else {
leg = tt->planePtr->GetLeg();
if(leg == FINAL) {
if(leg == FINAL) {
trns += " on final";
trns += " on final";
@ -777,11 +761,9 @@ void FGTower::ProcessRunwayVacatedReport(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", f);
sprintf(buf, "%.2f", f);
trns += buf;
trns += buf;
trns += " Good Day";
trns += " Good Day";
if(!t->isUser) t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(5);
} else {
} else {
// Cop-out!!
// Cop-out!!
trns += " cleared for taxi to general aviation parking";
trns += " cleared for taxi to general aviation parking";
if(!t->isUser) t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(6); // TODO - this is a mega-hack!!
//cout << "trns = " << trns << '\n';
//cout << "trns = " << trns << '\n';
if(_display) {
if(_display) {
@ -806,7 +788,6 @@ void FGTower::ClearHoldingPlane(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
//if(timeSinceLastDeparture <= 60.0 && departed == true) {
//if(timeSinceLastDeparture <= 60.0 && departed == true) {
trns += " line up runway " + ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(activeRwy);
trns += " line up runway " + ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(activeRwy);
t->clearedToLineUp = true;
t->clearedToLineUp = true;
t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(3); // cleared to line-up
//} else if(arriving plane < some threshold away) {
//} else if(arriving plane < some threshold away) {
} else if(GetTrafficETA(2) < 150.0 && (timeSinceLastDeparture > 60.0 || departed == false)) { // Hack - hardwired time
} else if(GetTrafficETA(2) < 150.0 && (timeSinceLastDeparture > 60.0 || departed == false)) { // Hack - hardwired time
trns += " cleared immediate take-off";
trns += " cleared immediate take-off";
@ -884,7 +865,6 @@ void FGTower::ClearHoldingPlane(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Warning: Departing traffic cleared for *immediate* take-off despite no arriving traffic in FGTower");
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Warning: Departing traffic cleared for *immediate* take-off despite no arriving traffic in FGTower");
t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off - TODO differentiate between immediate and normal take-off
departed = false;
departed = false;
timeSinceLastDeparture = 0.0;
timeSinceLastDeparture = 0.0;
} else {
} else {
@ -892,7 +872,6 @@ void FGTower::ClearHoldingPlane(TowerPlaneRec* t) {
trns += " cleared for take-off";
trns += " cleared for take-off";
// TODO - add traffic is... ?
// TODO - add traffic is... ?
t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off
departed = false;
departed = false;
timeSinceLastDeparture = 0.0;
timeSinceLastDeparture = 0.0;
@ -968,10 +947,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckCircuitList(double dt) {
//cout << ident << ' ' << circuitList.size() << ' ' << t->plane.callsign << " " << t->leg << " eta " << t->eta << '\n';
//cout << ident << ' ' << circuitList.size() << ' ' << t->plane.callsign << " " << t->leg << " eta " << t->eta << '\n';
} else {
t->pos = t->planePtr->getPos(); // We should probably only set the pos's on one walk through the traffic list in the update function, to save a few CPU should we end up duplicating this.
t->landingType = t->planePtr->GetLandingOption();
//cout << "AI plane landing option is " << t->landingType << '\n';
SGVec3d tortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(t->pos);
SGVec3d tortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(t->pos);
if(t->isUser) {
if(t->isUser) {
@ -1059,8 +1034,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckCircuitList(double dt) {
t->leg = LANDING_ROLL;
t->leg = LANDING_ROLL;
} else {
t->leg = t->planePtr->GetLeg();
// Set the constraints IF this is the first plane in the circuit
// Set the constraints IF this is the first plane in the circuit
@ -1151,10 +1124,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckCircuitList(double dt) {
// Assume it complies!!!
// Assume it complies!!!
t->opType = CIRCUIT;
t->opType = CIRCUIT;
t->leg = CLIMBOUT;
t->leg = CLIMBOUT;
if(t->planePtr) {
//cout << "Registering Go-around transmission with AI plane\n";
} else if(!t->clearedToLand) {
} else if(!t->clearedToLand) {
// The whip through the appList is a hack since currently t->nextOnRwy doesn't always work
// The whip through the appList is a hack since currently t->nextOnRwy doesn't always work
@ -1173,9 +1142,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckCircuitList(double dt) {
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Transmitting cleared to Land!!!\n";
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Transmitting cleared to Land!!!\n";
t->clearedToLand = true;
t->clearedToLand = true;
if(!t->isUser) {
} else {
} else {
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Not next\n";
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Not next\n";
@ -1219,8 +1185,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckRunwayList(double dt) {
} else {
t->pos = t->planePtr->getPos(); // We should probably only set the pos's on one walk through the traffic list in the update function, to save a few CPU should we end up duplicating this.
bool on_rwy = OnActiveRunway(t->pos);
bool on_rwy = OnActiveRunway(t->pos);
if(!on_rwy) {
if(!on_rwy) {
@ -1283,8 +1247,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckApproachList(double dt) {
} else {
// TODO - set/update the position if it's an AI plane
doThresholdETACalc(); // We need this here because planes in the lists are not guaranteed to *always* have the correct ETA
doThresholdETACalc(); // We need this here because planes in the lists are not guaranteed to *always* have the correct ETA
//cout << "eta is " << t->eta << ", rwy is " << (rwyList.size() ? "occupied " : "clear ") << '\n';
//cout << "eta is " << t->eta << ", rwy is " << (rwyList.size() ? "occupied " : "clear ") << '\n';
@ -1313,12 +1275,7 @@ void FGTower::CheckApproachList(double dt) {
// Assume it complies!!!
// Assume it complies!!!
t->opType = CIRCUIT;
t->opType = CIRCUIT;
t->leg = CLIMBOUT;
t->leg = CLIMBOUT;
if(!t->isUser) {
if(t->isUser) {
if(t->planePtr) {
//cout << "Registering Go-around transmission with AI plane\n";
} else {
// TODO - add Go-around ack to comm options,
// TODO - add Go-around ack to comm options,
// remove report rwy vacated. (possibly).
// remove report rwy vacated. (possibly).
@ -1358,9 +1315,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckApproachList(double dt) {
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Transmitting cleared to Land!!!\n";
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Transmitting cleared to Land!!!\n";
t->clearedToLand = true;
t->clearedToLand = true;
if(!t->isUser) {
} else {
} else {
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Not next\n";
//if(t->isUser) cout << "Not next\n";
@ -1369,15 +1323,7 @@ void FGTower::CheckApproachList(double dt) {
// Check for landing...
// Check for landing...
bool landed = false;
bool landed = false;
if(!t->isUser) {
if(t->isUser) {
if(t->planePtr) {
if(t->planePtr->GetLeg() == LANDING_ROLL) {
landed = true;
} else {
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "WARNING - not user and null planePtr in CheckApproachList!");
} else { // user
if(OnActiveRunway(t->pos)) {
if(OnActiveRunway(t->pos)) {
landed = true;
landed = true;
@ -1417,9 +1363,10 @@ void FGTower::CheckDepartureList(double dt) {
//cout << "Dep list, checking " << t->plane.callsign;
//cout << "Dep list, checking " << t->plane.callsign;
double distout; // meters
double distout; // meters
if(t->isUser) distout = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_geod,
if(t->isUser) {
SGGeod::fromDegM(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), user_elev_node->getDoubleValue()));
distout = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_geod,
else distout = dclGetHorizontalSeparation(_geod, t->planePtr->getPos());
SGGeod::fromDegM(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), user_elev_node->getDoubleValue()));
//cout << " distout = " << distout << '\n';
//cout << " distout = " << distout << '\n';
if(t->isUser && !(t->clearedToTakeOff)) { // HACK - we use clearedToTakeOff to check if ATC already contacted with plane (and cleared take-off) or not
if(t->isUser && !(t->clearedToTakeOff)) { // HACK - we use clearedToTakeOff to check if ATC already contacted with plane (and cleared take-off) or not
if(!OnAnyRunway(SGGeod::fromDegM(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), 0.0), false)) {
if(!OnAnyRunway(SGGeod::fromDegM(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), 0.0), false)) {
@ -1437,9 +1384,6 @@ void FGTower::CheckDepartureList(double dt) {
//cout << "ADD A\n";
//cout << "ADD A\n";
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@AP Tower, @CS @MI miles @CD of the airport for full stop@AT", "Contact tower for VFR arrival (full stop)", TOWER, (int)USER_REQUEST_VFR_ARRIVAL_FULL_STOP);
current_atcdialog->add_entry(ident, "@AP Tower, @CS @MI miles @CD of the airport for full stop@AT", "Contact tower for VFR arrival (full stop)", TOWER, (int)USER_REQUEST_VFR_ARRIVAL_FULL_STOP);
} else {
// Send a clear-of-airspace signal
// TODO - implement this once we actually have departing AI traffic (currently all circuits or arrivals).
} else {
} else {
@ -1947,16 +1891,12 @@ void FGTower::doThresholdETACalc() {
// Do the approach list first
// Do the approach list first
for(twrItr = appList.begin(); twrItr != appList.end(); twrItr++) {
for(twrItr = appList.begin(); twrItr != appList.end(); twrItr++) {
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
if(!(tpr->isUser)) tpr->pos = tpr->planePtr->getPos();
//cout << "APP: ";
// Then the circuit list
// Then the circuit list
//cout << "Circuit list size is " << circuitList.size() << '\n';
//cout << "Circuit list size is " << circuitList.size() << '\n';
for(twrItr = circuitList.begin(); twrItr != circuitList.end(); twrItr++) {
for(twrItr = circuitList.begin(); twrItr != circuitList.end(); twrItr++) {
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
if(!(tpr->isUser)) tpr->pos = tpr->planePtr->getPos();
//cout << "CIRC: ";
//cout << "Done doThresholdETCCalc" << endl;
//cout << "Done doThresholdETCCalc" << endl;
@ -2036,65 +1976,6 @@ double FGTower::GetTrafficETA(unsigned int list_pos, bool printout) {
void FGTower::ContactAtHoldShort(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIPlane* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation) {
// HACK - assume that anything contacting at hold short is new for now - FIXME LATER
TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
t->plane = plane;
t->planePtr = requestee;
t->holdShortReported = true;
t->clearedToLineUp = false;
t->clearedToTakeOff = false;
t->opType = operation;
t->pos = requestee->getPos();
//cout << "Hold Short reported by " << plane.callsign << '\n';
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "Hold Short reported by " << plane.callsign);
bool next = AddToTrafficList(t, true);
if(next) {
double teta = GetTrafficETA(2);
if(teta < 150.0) {
t->clearanceCounter = 7.0; // This reduces the delay before response to 3 secs if an immediate takeoff is reqd
//cout << "Reducing response time to request due imminent traffic\n";
} else {
// TODO - possibly add the reduced interval to clearance when immediate back in under the new scheme
responseReqd = true;
// Register the presence of an AI plane at a point where contact would already have been made in real life
// CAUTION - currently it is assumed that this plane's callsign is unique - it is up to AIMgr to generate unique callsigns.
void FGTower::RegisterAIPlane(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIPlane* ai, const tower_traffic_type& op, const PatternLeg& lg) {
// At the moment this is only going to be tested with inserting an AI plane on downwind
TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
t->plane = plane;
t->planePtr = ai;
t->opType = op;
t->leg = lg;
t->pos = ai->getPos();
if(op == CIRCUIT && lg != LEG_UNKNOWN) {
} else {
void FGTower::DeregisterAIPlane(const string& id) {
// Contact tower for VFR approach
// Contact tower for VFR approach
// eg "Cessna Charlie Foxtrot Golf Foxtrot Sierra eight miles South of the airport for full stop with Bravo"
// eg "Cessna Charlie Foxtrot Golf Foxtrot Sierra eight miles South of the airport for full stop with Bravo"
// This function probably only called via user interaction - AI planes will have an overloaded function taking a planerec.
// This function probably only called via user interaction - AI planes will have an overloaded function taking a planerec.
@ -2151,33 +2032,6 @@ void FGTower::VFRArrivalContact(const string& ID, const LandingType& opt) {
current_atcdialog->remove_entry(ident, USER_REQUEST_VFR_ARRIVAL_TOUCH_AND_GO, TOWER);
current_atcdialog->remove_entry(ident, USER_REQUEST_VFR_ARRIVAL_TOUCH_AND_GO, TOWER);
// landingType defaults to AIP_LT_UNKNOWN
void FGTower::VFRArrivalContact(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIPlane* requestee, const LandingType& lt) {
//cout << "VFRArrivalContact called for plane " << plane.callsign << " at " << ident << '\n';
// Possible hack - assume this plane is new for now - TODO - should check really
TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
t->plane = plane;
t->planePtr = requestee;
t->landingType = lt;
t->pos = requestee->getPos();
//cout << "Hold Short reported by " << plane.callsign << '\n';
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "VFR arrival contact made by " << plane.callsign);
//cout << "VFR arrival contact made by " << plane.callsign << '\n';
// HACK - to get up and running I'm going to assume a staight-in final for now.
t->opType = STRAIGHT_IN;
t->vfrArrivalReported = true;
responseReqd = true;
//cout << "Before adding, appList.size = " << appList.size() << " at " << ident << '\n';
appList.push_back(t); // Not necessarily permanent
appListItr = appList.begin();
//cout << "After adding, appList.size = " << appList.size() << " at " << ident << '\n';
void FGTower::RequestDepartureClearance(const string& ID) {
void FGTower::RequestDepartureClearance(const string& ID) {
//cout << "Request Departure Clearance called...\n";
//cout << "Request Departure Clearance called...\n";
@ -2388,9 +2242,6 @@ void FGTower::ReportDownwind(const string& ID) {
} else {
// ASSERT(t->planePtr != NULL);
t->pos = t->planePtr->getPos();
@ -2417,9 +2268,6 @@ void FGTower::ReportGoingAround(const string& ID) {
} else {
// ASSERT(t->planePtr != NULL);
t->pos = t->planePtr->getPos();
@ -2659,3 +2507,32 @@ ostream& operator << (ostream& os, tower_traffic_type ttt) {
return(os << "ERROR - Unknown switch in tower_traffic_type operator << ");
return(os << "ERROR - Unknown switch in tower_traffic_type operator << ");
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, PatternLeg pl) {
switch(pl) {
case(TAKEOFF_ROLL): return(os << "TAKEOFF ROLL");
case(CLIMBOUT): return(os << "CLIMBOUT");
case(TURN1): return(os << "TURN1");
case(CROSSWIND): return(os << "CROSSWIND");
case(TURN2): return(os << "TURN2");
case(DOWNWIND): return(os << "DOWNWIND");
case(TURN3): return(os << "TURN3");
case(BASE): return(os << "BASE");
case(TURN4): return(os << "TURN4");
case(FINAL): return(os << "FINAL");
case(LANDING_ROLL): return(os << "LANDING ROLL");
case(LEG_UNKNOWN): return(os << "UNKNOWN");
return(os << "ERROR - Unknown switch in PatternLeg operator << ");
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, LandingType lt) {
switch(lt) {
case(FULL_STOP): return(os << "FULL STOP");
case(STOP_AND_GO): return(os << "STOP AND GO");
case(TOUCH_AND_GO): return(os << "TOUCH AND GO");
case(AIP_LT_UNKNOWN): return(os << "UNKNOWN");
return(os << "ERROR - Unknown switch in LandingType operator << ");
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
#include "ATC.hxx"
#include "ATC.hxx"
#include "ATCProjection.hxx"
#include "ATCProjection.hxx"
#include "AIPlane.hxx"
class FGATCMgr;
class FGATCMgr;
class FGGround;
class FGGround;
@ -49,6 +48,32 @@ enum tower_traffic_type {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, tower_traffic_type ttt);
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, tower_traffic_type ttt);
enum PatternLeg {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, PatternLeg pl);
enum LandingType {
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, LandingType lt);
enum tower_callback_type {
enum tower_callback_type {
@ -74,7 +99,6 @@ public:
TowerPlaneRec(const SGGeod& pt);
TowerPlaneRec(const SGGeod& pt);
TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p, const SGGeod& pt);
TowerPlaneRec(const PlaneRec& p, const SGGeod& pt);
FGAIPlane* planePtr; // This might move to the planeRec eventually
PlaneRec plane;
PlaneRec plane;
SGGeod pos;
SGGeod pos;
@ -136,8 +160,6 @@ public:
// eg "Cessna Charlie Foxtrot Golf Foxtrot Sierra eight miles South of the airport for full stop with Bravo"
// eg "Cessna Charlie Foxtrot Golf Foxtrot Sierra eight miles South of the airport for full stop with Bravo"
// This function probably only called via user interaction - AI planes will have an overloaded function taking a planerec.
// This function probably only called via user interaction - AI planes will have an overloaded function taking a planerec.
void VFRArrivalContact(const std::string& ID, const LandingType& opt = AIP_LT_UNKNOWN);
void VFRArrivalContact(const std::string& ID, const LandingType& opt = AIP_LT_UNKNOWN);
// For the AI planes...
void VFRArrivalContact(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIPlane* requestee, const LandingType& lt = AIP_LT_UNKNOWN);
void RequestDepartureClearance(const std::string& ID);
void RequestDepartureClearance(const std::string& ID);
void RequestTakeOffClearance(const std::string& ID);
void RequestTakeOffClearance(const std::string& ID);
@ -151,16 +173,6 @@ public:
void ReportDownwind(const std::string& ID);
void ReportDownwind(const std::string& ID);
void ReportGoingAround(const std::string& ID);
void ReportGoingAround(const std::string& ID);
// Contact tower when at a hold short for departure - for now we'll assume plane - maybe vehicles might want to cross runway eventually?
void ContactAtHoldShort(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIPlane* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation);
// Register the presence of an AI plane at a point where contact would already have been made in real life
// CAUTION - currently it is assumed that this plane's callsign is unique - it is up to AIMgr to generate unique callsigns.
void RegisterAIPlane(const PlaneRec& plane, FGAIPlane* ai, const tower_traffic_type& op, const PatternLeg& lg = LEG_UNKNOWN);
// Deregister and remove an AI plane.
void DeregisterAIPlane(const std::string& id);
// Public interface to the active runway - this will get more complex
// Public interface to the active runway - this will get more complex
// in the future and consider multi-runway use, airplane weight etc.
// in the future and consider multi-runway use, airplane weight etc.
inline const std::string& GetActiveRunway() const { return activeRwy; }
inline const std::string& GetActiveRunway() const { return activeRwy; }
@ -76,7 +76,6 @@
# include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
# include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
# include <ATCDCL/AIMgr.hxx>
# include "ATCDCL/commlist.hxx"
# include "ATCDCL/commlist.hxx"
# include "ATC/atis.hxx"
# include "ATC/atis.hxx"
@ -1565,14 +1564,6 @@ bool fgInitSubsystems() {
globals->set_ATC_mgr(new FGATCMgr);
globals->set_ATC_mgr(new FGATCMgr);
// Initialise the AI Manager
globals->set_AI_mgr(new FGAIMgr);
// Initialise the ATIS Manager
// Initialise the ATIS Manager
@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
#include <Aircraft/controls.hxx>
#include <Aircraft/controls.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/AIMgr.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
#include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx>
#include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx>
#include <Cockpit/panel.hxx>
#include <Cockpit/panel.hxx>
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ FGGlobals::FGGlobals() :
route_mgr( NULL ),
route_mgr( NULL ),
current_panel( NULL ),
current_panel( NULL ),
ATC_mgr( NULL ),
ATC_mgr( NULL ),
AI_mgr( NULL ),
controls( NULL ),
controls( NULL ),
viewmgr( NULL ),
viewmgr( NULL ),
commands( SGCommandMgr::instance() ),
commands( SGCommandMgr::instance() ),
@ -138,7 +136,6 @@ FGGlobals::~FGGlobals()
delete current_panel;
delete current_panel;
delete ATC_mgr;
delete ATC_mgr;
delete AI_mgr;
delete controls;
delete controls;
delete viewmgr;
delete viewmgr;
@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ class SGSubsystemMgr;
class SGSubsystem;
class SGSubsystem;
class SGSoundMgr;
class SGSoundMgr;
class FGAIMgr;
class FGATCMgr;
class FGATCMgr;
class FGAircraftModel;
class FGAircraftModel;
class FGControls;
class FGControls;
@ -137,9 +136,6 @@ private:
// ATC manager
// ATC manager
FGATCMgr *ATC_mgr;
FGATCMgr *ATC_mgr;
// AI manager
FGAIMgr *AI_mgr;
// control input state
// control input state
FGControls *controls;
FGControls *controls;
@ -261,9 +257,6 @@ public:
inline FGATCMgr *get_ATC_mgr() const { return ATC_mgr; }
inline FGATCMgr *get_ATC_mgr() const { return ATC_mgr; }
inline void set_ATC_mgr( FGATCMgr *a ) {ATC_mgr = a; }
inline void set_ATC_mgr( FGATCMgr *a ) {ATC_mgr = a; }
inline FGAIMgr *get_AI_mgr() const { return AI_mgr; }
inline void set_AI_mgr( FGAIMgr *a ) {AI_mgr = a; }
inline FGPanel *get_current_panel() const { return current_panel; }
inline FGPanel *get_current_panel() const { return current_panel; }
inline void set_current_panel( FGPanel *cp ) { current_panel = cp; }
inline void set_current_panel( FGPanel *cp ) { current_panel = cp; }
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@
#include <Sound/morse.hxx>
#include <Sound/morse.hxx>
#include <Sound/fg_fx.hxx>
#include <Sound/fg_fx.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/ATCmgr.hxx>
#include <ATCDCL/AIMgr.hxx>
#include <Time/tmp.hxx>
#include <Time/tmp.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
#include <Environment/ephemeris.hxx>
#include <Environment/ephemeris.hxx>
@ -346,17 +345,6 @@ static void fgMainLoop( void ) {
// Run ATC subsystem
// Run ATC subsystem
if (fgGetBool("/sim/atc/enabled"))
if (fgGetBool("/sim/atc/enabled"))
// Run the AI subsystem
// NOTE: the AI_mgr has nothing to do with the AIModels subsystem.
// There was previously a comment here stating that the
// AI_mgr code should be run then multiplayer is enabled.
// Multiplayer relies on AIModels, and not on the old and
// depricated AI_mgr system. So, we can safely skip the following
// two lines at compile time when compiling with --disable-atcdcl
if (fgGetBool("/sim/ai-traffic/enabled"))
Add table
Reference in a new issue