Fork 0

Extend Nasal property methods to support relative paths.

All methods exposed to the Nasal props module now accept an
optional first parameter refering to another node by a relative

(Thanks to Philosopher for the initial patch)
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Geymayer 2013-04-14 11:19:03 +02:00
parent e89df85817
commit 5146868bfb

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# include "config.h"
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ SGPropertyNode* ghostToPropNode(naRef ref)
if (!naIsGhost(ref) || (naGhost_type(ref) != &PropNodeGhostType))
return NULL;
SGPropertyNode_ptr* pp = (SGPropertyNode_ptr*) naGhost_ptr(ref);
return pp->ptr();
@ -63,22 +62,54 @@ SGPropertyNode* ghostToPropNode(naRef ref)
// array. This allows the Nasal handlers to do things like:
// Node.getChild = func { _getChild(me.ghost, arg) }
#define NODENOARG() \
if(argc < 2 || !naIsGhost(args[0]) || \
naGhost_type(args[0]) != &PropNodeGhostType) \
naRuntimeError(c, "bad argument to props function"); \
SGPropertyNode_ptr* node = (SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(args[0]);
#define NODENOARG() \
if(argc < 2 || !naIsGhost(args[0]) || \
naGhost_type(args[0]) != &PropNodeGhostType) \
naRuntimeError(c, "bad argument to props function"); \
SGPropertyNode_ptr node = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(args[0]);
#define NODEARG() \
#define NODEARG() \
naRef argv = args[1]
// Pops the first argument as a relative path if the first condition
// is true (e.g. argc > 1 for getAttribute) and if it is a string.
// If the second confition is true, then another is popped to specify
// if the node should be created (i.e. like the second argument to
// getNode())
// Note that this makes the function return nil if the node doesn't
// exist, so all functions with a relative_path parameter will
// return nil if the specified node does not exist.
#define MOVETARGET(cond1, create) \
if(cond1) { \
naRef name = naVec_get(argv, 0); \
if(naIsString(name)) { \
try { \
node = node->getNode(naStr_data(name), create); \
} catch(const string& err) { \
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str()); \
return naNil(); \
} \
if(!node) return naNil(); \
naVec_removefirst(argv); /* pop only if we were successful */ \
} \
// Get the type of a property (returns a string).
// Forms:
// props.Node.getType(string relative_path);
// props.Node.getType();
static naRef f_getType(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
using namespace simgear;
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 0, false);
const char* t = "unknown";
switch((*node)->getType()) {
switch(node->getType()) {
case props::NONE: t = "NONE"; break;
case props::ALIAS: t = "ALIAS"; break;
case props::BOOL: t = "BOOL"; break;
@ -95,20 +126,28 @@ static naRef f_getType(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return NASTR(t);
// Get an attribute of a property by name (returns true/false).
// Forms:
// props.Node.getType(string relative_path,
// string attribute_name);
// props.Node.getType(string attribute_name);
static naRef f_getAttribute(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(naVec_size(argv) == 0) return naNum(unsigned((*node)->getAttributes()));
if(naVec_size(argv) == 0) return naNum(unsigned(node->getAttributes()));
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 1, false);
naRef val = naVec_get(argv, 0);
const char *a = naStr_data(val);
SGPropertyNode::Attribute attr;
if(!a) a = "";
if(!strcmp(a, "last")) return naNum(SGPropertyNode::LAST_USED_ATTRIBUTE);
else if(!strcmp(a, "children")) return naNum((*node)->nChildren());
else if(!strcmp(a, "listeners")) return naNum((*node)->nListeners());
else if(!strcmp(a, "references")) return naNum(node->getNumRefs());
else if(!strcmp(a, "tied")) return naNum((*node)->isTied());
else if(!strcmp(a, "alias")) return naNum((*node)->isAlias());
else if(!strcmp(a, "children")) return naNum(node->nChildren());
else if(!strcmp(a, "listeners")) return naNum(node->nListeners());
// Number of references without instance used in this function
else if(!strcmp(a, "references")) return naNum(node.getNumRefs() - 1);
else if(!strcmp(a, "tied")) return naNum(node->isTied());
else if(!strcmp(a, "alias")) return naNum(node->isAlias());
else if(!strcmp(a, "readable")) attr = SGPropertyNode::READ;
else if(!strcmp(a, "writable")) attr = SGPropertyNode::WRITE;
else if(!strcmp(a, "archive")) attr = SGPropertyNode::ARCHIVE;
@ -120,16 +159,26 @@ static naRef f_getAttribute(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRuntimeError(c, "props.getAttribute() with invalid attribute");
return naNil();
return naNum((*node)->getAttribute(attr));
return naNum(node->getAttribute(attr));
// Set an attribute by name and boolean value or raw (bitmasked) number.
// Forms:
// props.Node.setAttribute(string relative_path,
// string attribute_name,
// bool value);
// props.Node.setAttribute(string attribute_name,
// bool value);
// props.Node.setArtribute(int attributes);
static naRef f_setAttribute(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 2, false);
naRef val = naVec_get(argv, 0);
if(naVec_size(argv) == 1 && naIsNum(val)) {
naRef ret = naNum((*node)->getAttributes());
naRef ret = naNum(node->getAttributes());
return ret;
SGPropertyNode::Attribute attr;
@ -146,21 +195,44 @@ static naRef f_setAttribute(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRuntimeError(c, "props.setAttribute() with invalid attribute");
return naNil();
naRef ret = naNum((*node)->getAttribute(attr));
(*node)->setAttribute(attr, naTrue(naVec_get(argv, 1)) ? true : false);
naRef ret = naNum(node->getAttribute(attr));
node->setAttribute(attr, naTrue(naVec_get(argv, 1)) ? true : false);
return ret;
// Get the simple name of this node.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getName();
static naRef f_getName(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return NASTR((*node)->getName());
return NASTR(node->getName());
// Get the index of this node.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getIndex();
static naRef f_getIndex(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNum((*node)->getIndex());
return naNum(node->getIndex());
// Check if other_node refers to the same as this node.
// Forms:
// props.Node.equals(other_node);
static naRef f_equals(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef rhs = naVec_get(argv, 0);
if( !naIsGhost(rhs) || naGhost_type(rhs) != &PropNodeGhostType )
return naNum(false);
SGPropertyNode_ptr node_rhs = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(rhs);
return naNum(node == node_rhs);
template<typename T>
@ -175,18 +247,24 @@ naRef makeVectorFromVec(naContext c, const T& vec)
return vector;
// Get the value of a node, with or without a relative path.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getValue(string relative_path);
// props.Node.getValue();
static naRef f_getValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
using namespace simgear;
switch((*node)->getType()) {
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 0, false);
switch(node->getType()) {
case props::BOOL: case props::INT:
case props::LONG: case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
double dv = (*node)->getDoubleValue();
double dv = node->getDoubleValue();
if (SGMisc<double>::isNaN(dv)) {
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal getValue: property " << (*node)->getPath() << " is NaN");
SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal getValue: property " << node->getPath() << " is NaN");
return naNil();
@ -195,11 +273,11 @@ static naRef f_getValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
return NASTR((*node)->getStringValue());
return NASTR(node->getStringValue());
case props::VEC3D:
return makeVectorFromVec(c, (*node)->getValue<SGVec3d>());
return makeVectorFromVec(c, node->getValue<SGVec3d>());
case props::VEC4D:
return makeVectorFromVec(c, (*node)->getValue<SGVec4d>());
return makeVectorFromVec(c, node->getValue<SGVec4d>());
return naNil();
@ -222,23 +300,31 @@ T makeVecFromVector(naRef vector)
return vec;
// Set the value of a node; returns true if it succeeded or
// false if it failed. <val> can be a string, number, or a
// vector or numbers (for SGVec3D/4D types).
// Forms:
// props.Node.setValue(string relative_path,
// val);
// props.Node.setValue(val);
static naRef f_setValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 1, true);
naRef val = naVec_get(argv, 0);
bool result = false;
if(naIsString(val)) {
result = (*node)->setStringValue(naStr_data(val));
result = node->setStringValue(naStr_data(val));
} else if(naIsVector(val)) {
if(naVec_size(val) == 3)
result = (*node)->setValue(makeVecFromVector<SGVec3d>(val));
result = node->setValue(makeVecFromVector<SGVec3d>(val));
else if(naVec_size(val) == 4)
result = (*node)->setValue(makeVecFromVector<SGVec4d>(val));
result = node->setValue(makeVecFromVector<SGVec4d>(val));
naRuntimeError(c, "props.setValue() vector value has wrong size");
} else {
naRef n = naNumValue(val);
naRuntimeError(c, "props.setValue() with non-number");
double d = naNumValue(val).num;
@ -246,7 +332,7 @@ static naRef f_setValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRuntimeError(c, "props.setValue() passed a NaN");
result = (*node)->setDoubleValue(d);
result = node->setDoubleValue(d);
return naNum(result);
@ -254,6 +340,7 @@ static naRef f_setValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
static naRef f_setIntValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 1, true);
// Original code:
// int iv = (int)naNumValue(naVec_get(argv, 0)).num;
@ -265,19 +352,21 @@ static naRef f_setIntValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
double tmp2 = tmp1.num;
int iv = (int)tmp2;
return naNum((*node)->setIntValue(iv));
return naNum(node->setIntValue(iv));
static naRef f_setBoolValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 1, true);
naRef val = naVec_get(argv, 0);
return naNum((*node)->setBoolValue(naTrue(val) ? true : false));
return naNum(node->setBoolValue(naTrue(val) ? true : false));
static naRef f_setDoubleValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
MOVETARGET(naVec_size(argv) > 1, true);
naRef r = naNumValue(naVec_get(argv, 0));
if (naIsNil(r))
naRuntimeError(c, "props.setDoubleValue() with non-number");
@ -286,17 +375,29 @@ static naRef f_setDoubleValue(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRuntimeError(c, "props.setDoubleValue() passed a NaN");
return naNum((*node)->setDoubleValue(r.num));
return naNum(node->setDoubleValue(r.num));
// Get the parent of this node as a ghost.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getParent();
static naRef f_getParent(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
SGPropertyNode* n = (*node)->getParent();
SGPropertyNode* n = node->getParent();
if(!n) return naNil();
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, n);
// Get a child by name and optional index=0, creating if specified (by default it
// does not create it). If the node does not exist and create is false, then it
// returns nil, else it returns a (possibly new) property ghost.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getChild(string relative_path,
// int index=0,
// bool create=false);
static naRef f_getChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -306,10 +407,10 @@ static naRef f_getChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
bool create = naTrue(naVec_get(argv, 2)) != 0;
SGPropertyNode* n;
try {
if(naIsNil(idx) || !naIsNum(idx)) {
n = (*node)->getChild(naStr_data(child), create);
if(naIsNil(idx)) {
n = node->getChild(naStr_data(child), create);
} else {
n = (*node)->getChild(naStr_data(child), (int)idx.num, create);
n = node->getChild(naStr_data(child), (int)idx.num, create);
} catch (const string& err) {
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str());
@ -319,21 +420,26 @@ static naRef f_getChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, n);
// Get all children with a specified name as a vector of ghosts.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getChildren(string relative_path);
// props.Node.getChildren(); #get all children
static naRef f_getChildren(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
if(naIsNil(argv) || naVec_size(argv) == 0) {
// Get all children
for(int i=0; i<(*node)->nChildren(); i++)
naVec_append(result, propNodeGhostCreate(c, (*node)->getChild(i)));
for(int i=0; i<node->nChildren(); i++)
naVec_append(result, propNodeGhostCreate(c, node->getChild(i)));
} else {
// Get all children of a specified name
naRef name = naVec_get(argv, 0);
if(!naIsString(name)) return naNil();
try {
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> children
= (*node)->getChildren(naStr_data(name));
= node->getChildren(naStr_data(name));
for(unsigned int i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
naVec_append(result, propNodeGhostCreate(c, children[i]));
} catch (const string& err) {
@ -344,6 +450,12 @@ static naRef f_getChildren(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return result;
// Append a named child at the first unused index...
// Forms:
// props.Node.addChild(string name,
// int min_index=0,
// bool append=true);
static naRef f_addChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -355,14 +467,14 @@ static naRef f_addChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
int min_index = 0;
if( !naIsNil(ref_min_index) && naIsNum(ref_min_index) )
min_index = ref_min_index.num;
bool append = true;
if( !naIsNil(ref_append) )
append = naTrue(ref_append) != 0;
n = (*node)->addChild(naStr_data(child), min_index, append);
n = node->addChild(naStr_data(child), min_index, append);
catch (const string& err)
@ -389,15 +501,15 @@ static naRef f_addChildren(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
count = ref_count.num;
int min_index = 0;
if( !naIsNil(ref_min_index) && naIsNum(ref_min_index) )
min_index = ref_min_index.num;
bool append = true;
if( !naIsNil(ref_append) )
append = naTrue(ref_append) != 0;
const simgear::PropertyList& nodes =
(*node)->addChildren(naStr_data(child), count, min_index, append);
node->addChildren(naStr_data(child), count, min_index, append);
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
for( size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i )
@ -412,6 +524,11 @@ static naRef f_addChildren(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNil();
// Remove a child by name and index. Returns it as a ghost.
// Forms:
// props.Node.removeChild(string relative_path,
// int index);
static naRef f_removeChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -420,28 +537,34 @@ static naRef f_removeChild(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(!naIsString(child) || !naIsNum(index)) return naNil();
SGPropertyNode_ptr n = 0;
try {
n = (*node)->removeChild(naStr_data(child), (int)index.num, false);
n = node->removeChild(naStr_data(child), (int)index.num, false);
} catch (const string& err) {
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str());
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, n);
// Remove all children with specified name. Returns a vector of all the nodes
// removed as ghosts.
// Forms:
// props.Node.removeChildren(string relative_path);
// props.Node.removeChildren(); #remove all children
static naRef f_removeChildren(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRef result = naNewVector(c);
if(naIsNil(argv) || naVec_size(argv) == 0) {
// Remove all children
for(int i = (*node)->nChildren() - 1; i >=0; i--)
naVec_append(result, propNodeGhostCreate(c, (*node)->removeChild(i, false)));
for(int i = node->nChildren() - 1; i >=0; i--)
naVec_append(result, propNodeGhostCreate(c, node->removeChild(i, false)));
} else {
// Remove all children of a specified name
naRef name = naVec_get(argv, 0);
if(!naIsString(name)) return naNil();
try {
vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> children
= (*node)->removeChildren(naStr_data(name), false);
= node->removeChildren(naStr_data(name), false);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
naVec_append(result, propNodeGhostCreate(c, children[i]));
} catch (const string& err) {
@ -452,6 +575,13 @@ static naRef f_removeChildren(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return result;
// Alias this property to another one; returns 1 on success or 0 on failure
// (only applicable to tied properties).
// Forms:
// props.Node.alias(string global_path);
// props.Node.alias(prop_ghost node);
// props.Node.alias(props.Node node); #added by props.nas
static naRef f_alias(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -465,21 +595,36 @@ static naRef f_alias(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str());
return naNil();
return naNum((*node)->alias(al));
return naNum(node->alias(al));
// Un-alias this property. Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure (only
// applicable to tied properties).
// Forms:
// props.Node.unalias();
static naRef f_unalias(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return naNum((*node)->unalias());
return naNum(node->unalias());
// Get the alias of this node as a ghost.
// Forms:
// props.Node.getAliasTarget();
static naRef f_getAliasTarget(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, (*node)->getAliasTarget());
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, node->getAliasTarget());
// Get a relative node. Returns nil if it does not exist and create is false,
// or a ghost object otherwise (wrapped into a props.Node object by props.nas).
// Forms:
// props.Node.getNode(string relative_path,
// bool create=false);
static naRef f_getNode(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
@ -488,7 +633,7 @@ static naRef f_getNode(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
if(!naIsString(path)) return naNil();
SGPropertyNode* n;
try {
n = (*node)->getNode(naStr_data(path), create);
n = node->getNode(naStr_data(path), create);
} catch (const string& err) {
naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str());
return naNil();
@ -496,11 +641,21 @@ static naRef f_getNode(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, n);
// Create a new property node.
// Forms:
// props.Node.new();
static naRef f_new(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, new SGPropertyNode());
// Get the global root node (cached by props.nas so that it does
// not require a function call).
// Forms:
// props._globals()
// props.globals
static naRef f_globals(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args)
return propNodeGhostCreate(c, globals->get_props());
@ -510,29 +665,30 @@ static struct {
naCFunction func;
const char* name;
} propfuncs[] = {
{ f_getType, "_getType" },
{ f_getAttribute, "_getAttribute" },
{ f_setAttribute, "_setAttribute" },
{ f_getName, "_getName" },
{ f_getIndex, "_getIndex" },
{ f_getValue, "_getValue" },
{ f_setValue, "_setValue" },
{ f_setIntValue, "_setIntValue" },
{ f_setBoolValue, "_setBoolValue" },
{ f_getType, "_getType" },
{ f_getAttribute, "_getAttribute" },
{ f_setAttribute, "_setAttribute" },
{ f_getName, "_getName" },
{ f_getIndex, "_getIndex" },
{ f_equals, "_equals" },
{ f_getValue, "_getValue" },
{ f_setValue, "_setValue" },
{ f_setIntValue, "_setIntValue" },
{ f_setBoolValue, "_setBoolValue" },
{ f_setDoubleValue, "_setDoubleValue" },
{ f_getParent, "_getParent" },
{ f_getChild, "_getChild" },
{ f_getChildren, "_getChildren" },
{ f_addChild, "_addChild" },
{ f_addChildren, "_addChildren" },
{ f_removeChild, "_removeChild" },
{ f_getParent, "_getParent" },
{ f_getChild, "_getChild" },
{ f_getChildren, "_getChildren" },
{ f_addChild, "_addChild" },
{ f_addChildren, "_addChildren" },
{ f_removeChild, "_removeChild" },
{ f_removeChildren, "_removeChildren" },
{ f_alias, "_alias" },
{ f_unalias, "_unalias" },
{ f_alias, "_alias" },
{ f_unalias, "_unalias" },
{ f_getAliasTarget, "_getAliasTarget" },
{ f_getNode, "_getNode" },
{ f_new, "_new" },
{ f_globals, "_globals" },
{ f_getNode, "_getNode" },
{ f_new, "_new" },
{ f_globals, "_globals" },
{ 0, 0 }