Added support for toe brakes
Added support for instrument panel pots Just default circuit breakers to on.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 189 additions and 159 deletions
@ -468,6 +468,12 @@ bool FGATC610x::open() {
xpdr_sby_ann = fgGetNode( "/radios/kt-70/annunciators/sby", true );
xpdr_reply_ann = fgGetNode( "/radios/kt-70/annunciators/reply", true );
= fgGetNode( "/instrumentation/attitude-indicator/horizon-offset-deg",
true );
alt_press = fgGetNode( "/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg", true );
adf_hdg = fgGetNode( "/radios/kr-87/inputs/rotation-deg", true );
elevator_center = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/elevator/center", true );
elevator_min = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/elevator/min", true );
elevator_max = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/elevator/max", true );
@ -480,6 +486,12 @@ bool FGATC610x::open() {
rudder_min = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/rudder/min", true );
rudder_max = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/rudder/max", true );
brake_left_min = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/brake-left/min", true );
brake_left_max = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/brake-left/max", true );
brake_right_min = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/brake-right/min", true );
brake_right_max = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/brake-right/max", true );
throttle_min = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/throttle/min", true );
throttle_max = fgGetNode( "/input/atc610x/throttle/max", true );
@ -564,6 +576,115 @@ static double scale( int min, int max, int value ) {
static int tony_magic( int raw, int obs[3] ) {
int result = 0;
obs[0] = raw;
if ( obs[1] < 30 ) {
if ( obs[2] >= 68 && obs[2] < 480 ) {
result = -6;
} else if ( obs[2] >= 480 ) {
result = 6;
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[1] < 68 ) {
// do nothing
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[2] < 30 ) {
if ( obs[1] >= 68 && obs[1] < 480 ) {
result = 6;
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[1] >= 480 ) {
result = -6;
if ( obs[0] < obs[1] ) {
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else {
obs[2] = obs[0];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[1] > 980 ) {
if ( obs[2] <= 956 && obs[2] > 480 ) {
result = 6;
} else if ( obs[2] <= 480 ) {
result = -6;
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[1] > 956 ) {
// do nothing
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[2] > 980 ) {
if ( obs[1] <= 956 && obs[1] > 480 ) {
result = -6;
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[1] <= 480 ) {
result = 6;
if ( obs[0] > obs[1] ) {
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else {
obs[2] = obs[0];
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else {
if ( obs[1] < 480 && obs[2] > 480 ) {
// crossed gap going up
if ( obs[0] < obs[1] ) {
// caught a bogus intermediate value coming out of the gap
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[1] > 480 && obs[2] < 480 ) {
// crossed gap going down
if ( obs[0] > obs[1] ) {
// caught a bogus intermediate value coming out of the gap
obs[1] = obs[0];
} else if ( obs[0] > 480 && obs[1] < 480 && obs[2] < 480 ) {
// crossed the gap going down
if ( obs[1] > obs[2] ) {
// caught a bogus intermediate value coming out of the gap
obs[1] = obs[2];
} else if ( obs[0] < 480 && obs[1] > 480 && obs[2] > 480 ) {
// crossed the gap going up
if ( obs[1] < obs[2] ) {
// caught a bogus intermediate value coming out of the gap
obs[1] = obs[2];
result = obs[1] - obs[2];
if ( abs(result) > 200 ) {
// ignore
result = 0;
obs[2] = obs[1];
obs[1] = obs[0];
// cout << " result = " << result << endl;
if ( result < -500 ) { result += 1024; }
if ( result > 500 ) { result -= 1024; }
return result;
static double instr_pot_filter( double ave, double val ) {
if ( fabs(ave - val) < 200 || fabs(val) < fabs(ave) ) {
return 0.66 * ave + 0.34 * val;
} else {
return ave;
bool FGATC610x::do_analog_in() {
// Read raw data in byte form
ATC610xReadAnalogInputs( analog_in_fd, analog_in_bytes );
@ -585,7 +706,6 @@ bool FGATC610x::do_analog_in() {
ailerons_max->getIntValue(), analog_in_data[0] );
fgSetFloat( "/controls/aileron", tmp );
// cout << "aileron = " << analog_in_data[0] << " = " << tmp;
// elevator
tmp = -scale( elevator_center->getIntValue(), elevator_min->getIntValue(),
elevator_max->getIntValue(), analog_in_data[5] );
@ -612,11 +732,17 @@ bool FGATC610x::do_analog_in() {
// cout << "throttle = " << tmp << endl;
// rudder
tmp = scale( rudder_center->getIntValue(), rudder_min->getIntValue(),
rudder_max->getIntValue(), analog_in_data[10] );
fgSetFloat( "/controls/rudder", -tmp );
// toe brakes
tmp = scale( brake_left_min->getIntValue(), brake_left_max->getIntValue(),
analog_in_data[20] );
fgSetFloat( "/controls/brakes[0]", tmp );
tmp = scale( brake_right_min->getIntValue(), brake_right_max->getIntValue(),
analog_in_data[21] );
fgSetFloat( "/controls/brakes[1]", tmp );
// nav1 volume
tmp = (float)analog_in_data[25] / 1024.0f;
@ -630,174 +756,64 @@ bool FGATC610x::do_analog_in() {
tmp = (float)analog_in_data[26] / 1024.0f;
fgSetFloat( "/radios/kr-87/inputs/volume", tmp );
// nav1 obs tuner
static int last_obs1 = analog_in_data[29];
// instrument panel pots
static bool first = true;
static int obs1[3], obs2[3], obs3[3], obs4[3], obs5[3];
static double diff1_ave = 0.0;
int diff1 = 0;
static double diff2_ave = 0.0;
static double diff3_ave = 0.0;
static double diff4_ave = 0.0;
static double diff5_ave = 0.0;
#if defined( FG_FIRST_TRY )
if ( analog_in_data[29] < 150 || analog_in_data[29] > 990 ) {
if ( last_obs1 > 512 && last_obs1 <= 990 ) {
diff1 = 1;
} else if ( last_obs1 >= 150 && last_obs1 <= 990 ) {
diff1 = -1;
} else if ( last_obs1 < 150 || last_obs1 > 990 ) {
if ( analog_in_data[29] > 512 && analog_in_data[29] <= 990 ) {
diff1 = -1;
} else if ( analog_in_data[29] >= 150 && analog_in_data[29] <= 990 ) {
diff1 = 1;
} else {
diff1 = analog_in_data[29] - last_obs1;
#elif defined( FG_SECOND_TRY )
if ( analog_in_data[29] < 20 ) {
if ( last_obs1 >= 110 && last_obs1 < 512 ) {
diff1 = -6;
} else if ( last_obs1 >= 512 ) {
diff1 = 6;
last_obs1 = analog_in_data[29];
} else if ( analog_in_data[29] < 110 ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( last_obs1 < 20 ) {
if ( analog_in_data[29] >= 110 && analog_in_data[29] < 512 ) {
diff1 = 6;
} else if ( analog_in_data[29] >= 512 ) {
diff1 = -6;
last_obs1 = analog_in_data[29];
} else {
diff1 = analog_in_data[29] - last_obs1;
if ( abs(diff1) > 200 ) {
// ignore
diff1 = 0;
last_obs1 = analog_in_data[29];
#elif defined( FG_FOURTH_TRY )
static bool ignore_next = false;
diff1 = analog_in_data[29] - last_obs1;
if ( abs(diff1) > 200 ) {
// ignore
diff1 = 0;
ignore_next = true;
} else if ( ignore_next ) {
diff1 = 0;
ignore_next = false;
last_obs1 = analog_in_data[29];
// cout << " diff1 = " << diff1 << endl;
if ( diff1 < -500 ) { diff1 += 1024; }
if ( diff1 > 500 ) { diff1 -= 1024; }
if ( fabs(diff1_ave - diff1) < 200 || fabs(diff1) < fabs(diff1_ave) ) {
diff1_ave = (2.0/3.0) * diff1_ave + (1.0/3.0) * diff1;
if ( first ) {
first = false;
obs1[0] = obs1[1] = obs1[2] = analog_in_data[11];
obs2[0] = obs2[1] = obs2[2] = analog_in_data[28];
obs3[0] = obs3[1] = obs3[2] = analog_in_data[29];
obs4[0] = obs4[1] = obs4[2] = analog_in_data[30];
obs5[0] = obs5[1] = obs5[2] = analog_in_data[31];
tmp = nav1_obs->getDoubleValue() + (diff1_ave * (72.0/914.0) );
int diff1 = tony_magic( analog_in_data[11], obs1 );
int diff2 = tony_magic( analog_in_data[28], obs2 );
int diff3 = tony_magic( analog_in_data[39], obs3 );
int diff4 = tony_magic( analog_in_data[30], obs4 );
int diff5 = tony_magic( analog_in_data[31], obs5 );
diff1_ave = instr_pot_filter( diff1_ave, diff1 );
diff2_ave = instr_pot_filter( diff2_ave, diff2 );
diff3_ave = instr_pot_filter( diff3_ave, diff3 );
diff4_ave = instr_pot_filter( diff4_ave, diff4 );
diff5_ave = instr_pot_filter( diff5_ave, diff5 );
tmp = ati_bird->getDoubleValue() + (diff1_ave * (20.0/880.0) );
if ( tmp < -10.0 ) { tmp = -10.0; }
if ( tmp > 10.0 ) { tmp = 10.0; }
fgSetFloat( "/instrumentation/attitude-indicator/horizon-offset-deg", tmp );
tmp = alt_press->getDoubleValue() + (diff2_ave * (1.125/880.0) );
if ( tmp < 27.9 ) { tmp = 27.9; }
if ( tmp > 31.4 ) { tmp = 31.4; }
fgSetFloat( "/instrumentation/altimeter/setting-inhg", tmp );
tmp = nav1_obs->getDoubleValue() + (diff3_ave * (72.0/880.0) );
while ( tmp >= 360.0 ) { tmp -= 360.0; }
while ( tmp < 0.0 ) { tmp += 360.0; }
// cout << " obs = " << tmp << endl;
fgSetFloat( "/radios/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", tmp );
// nav2 obs tuner
static int last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
static double diff2_ave = 0.0;
int diff2 = 0;
// cout << "obs2 = " << analog_in_data[30] << " last obs2 = " << last_obs2;
#if defined( FG_FIRST_TRY )
if ( analog_in_data[30] < 150 || analog_in_data[30] > 990 ) {
if ( last_obs2 > 512 && last_obs2 <= 990 ) {
diff2 = 1;
} else if ( last_obs2 >= 150 && last_obs2 <= 990 ) {
diff2 = -1;
} else if ( last_obs2 < 150 || last_obs2 > 990 ) {
if ( analog_in_data[30] > 512 && analog_in_data[30] <= 990 ) {
diff2 = -1;
} else if ( analog_in_data[30] >= 150 && analog_in_data[30] <= 990 ) {
diff2 = 1;
} else {
diff2 = analog_in_data[30] - last_obs2;
#elif defined( FG_SECOND_TRY )
if ( analog_in_data[30] < 30 ) {
if ( last_obs2 >= 43 && last_obs2 < 480 ) {
diff2 = -6;
} else if ( last_obs2 >= 480 ) {
diff2 = 6;
last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
} else if ( analog_in_data[30] < 43 ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( last_obs2 < 30 ) {
if ( analog_in_data[30] >= 23 && analog_in_data[30] < 480 ) {
diff2 = 6;
} else if ( analog_in_data[30] >= 480 ) {
diff2 = -6;
last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
} else if ( analog_in_data[30] > 930 ) {
if ( last_obs2 <= 924 && last_obs2 > 480 ) {
diff2 = 6;
} else if ( last_obs2 <= 480 ) {
diff2 = -6;
last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
} else if ( analog_in_data[30] > 924 ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( last_obs2 > 930 ) {
if ( analog_in_data[30] <= 924 && analog_in_data[30] > 480 ) {
diff2 = -6;
} else if ( analog_in_data[30] <= 480 ) {
diff2 = 6;
last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
} else {
diff2 = analog_in_data[30] - last_obs2;
if ( abs(diff2) > 200 ) {
// ignore
diff2 = 0;
last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
#elif defined( FG_FOURTH_TRY )
static bool ignore_next = false;
diff2 = analog_in_data[30] - last_obs2;
if ( abs(diff2) > 200 ) {
// ignore
diff2 = 0;
ignore_next = true;
} else if ( ignore_next ) {
diff2 = 0;
ignore_next = false;
last_obs2 = analog_in_data[30];
// cout << " diff2 = " << diff2 << endl;
if ( diff2 < -500 ) { diff2 += 1024; }
if ( diff2 > 500 ) { diff2 -= 1024; }
if ( fabs(diff2_ave - diff2) < 200 || fabs(diff2) < fabs(diff2_ave) ) {
diff2_ave = (2.0/3.0) * diff2_ave + (1.0/3.0) * diff2;
tmp = nav2_obs->getDoubleValue() + (diff2_ave * (72.0/880.0) );
tmp = nav2_obs->getDoubleValue() + (diff4_ave * (72.0/880.0) );
while ( tmp >= 360.0 ) { tmp -= 360.0; }
while ( tmp < 0.0 ) { tmp += 360.0; }
// cout << " obs = " << tmp << endl;
fgSetFloat( "/radios/nav[1]/radials/selected-deg", tmp );
tmp = adf_hdg->getDoubleValue() + (diff5_ave * (72.0/880.0) );
while ( tmp >= 360.0 ) { tmp -= 360.0; }
while ( tmp < 0.0 ) { tmp += 360.0; }
// cout << " obs = " << tmp << endl;
fgSetFloat( "/radios/kr-87/inputs/rotation-deg", tmp );
return true;
@ -1803,6 +1819,7 @@ bool FGATC610x::do_switches() {
// circuit breakers
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/cabin-lights-pwr",
switch_matrix[board][0][0] );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/instr-ignition-switch",
@ -1819,6 +1836,16 @@ bool FGATC610x::do_switches() {
switch_matrix[board][6][0] );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/annunciators",
switch_matrix[board][7][0] );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/cabin-lights-pwr", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/instr-ignition-switch", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/flaps", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/avn-bus-1", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/avn-bus-2", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/turn-coordinator", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/instrument-lights", true );
fgSetBool( "/controls/circuit-breakers/annunciators", true );
fgSetDouble( "/controls/parking-brake",
switch_matrix[board][7][3] );
@ -89,13 +89,14 @@ class FGATC610x : public FGProtocol {
SGPropertyNode *adf_stby_mode, *adf_timer_mode;
SGPropertyNode *adf_count_mode, *adf_flight_timer, *adf_elapsed_timer;
SGPropertyNode *adf_ant_ann, *adf_adf_ann, *adf_bfo_ann, *adf_frq_ann;
SGPropertyNode *adf_flt_ann, *adf_et_ann;
SGPropertyNode *adf_flt_ann, *adf_et_ann, *adf_hdg;
SGPropertyNode *inner, *middle, *outer;
SGPropertyNode *xpdr_ident_btn;
SGPropertyNode *xpdr_digit1, *xpdr_digit2, *xpdr_digit3, *xpdr_digit4;
SGPropertyNode *xpdr_func_knob, *xpdr_id_code, *xpdr_flight_level;
SGPropertyNode *xpdr_fl_ann, *xpdr_alt_ann, *xpdr_gnd_ann, *xpdr_on_ann;
SGPropertyNode *xpdr_sby_ann, *xpdr_reply_ann;
SGPropertyNode *ati_bird, *alt_press;
// Faults
SGPropertyNode *comm1_servicable, *comm2_servicable;
@ -106,6 +107,8 @@ class FGATC610x : public FGProtocol {
SGPropertyNode *elevator_center, *elevator_min, *elevator_max;
SGPropertyNode *ailerons_center, *ailerons_min, *ailerons_max;
SGPropertyNode *rudder_center, *rudder_min, *rudder_max;
SGPropertyNode *brake_left_min, *brake_left_max;
SGPropertyNode *brake_right_min, *brake_right_max;
SGPropertyNode *throttle_min, *throttle_max;
SGPropertyNode *mixture_min, *mixture_max;
SGPropertyNode *trim_center, *trim_min, *trim_max;
Add table
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