Fork 0

Added a routine to dump out the portion of the dem data covered by a

specified bucket.  Other changes related to needs of scenery tools overhaul.
This commit is contained in:
curt 1999-03-12 22:53:07 +00:00
parent 04b12c5c54
commit 453178e3d5
2 changed files with 145 additions and 63 deletions

View file

@ -54,10 +54,11 @@
#include <Misc/fgstream.hxx>
#include <Misc/strutils.hxx>
#include <Include/compiler.h>
#include "dem.hxx"
#include "leastsqs.hxx"
// #include "leastsqs.hxx"
#include <Include/fg_constants.h>
@ -76,24 +77,25 @@ FG_USING_NAMESPACE(std);
#endif //0
fgDEM::fgDEM( void ) {
// cout << "class fgDEM CONstructor called." << endl;
FGDem::FGDem( void ) {
// cout << "class FGDem CONstructor called." << endl;
dem_data = new float[DEM_SIZE_1][DEM_SIZE_1];
output_data = new float[DEM_SIZE_1][DEM_SIZE_1];
fgDEM::fgDEM( const string &file ) {
// cout << "class fgDEM CONstructor called." << endl;
FGDem::FGDem( const string &file ) {
// cout << "class FGDem CONstructor called." << endl;
dem_data = new float[DEM_SIZE_1][DEM_SIZE_1];
output_data = new float[DEM_SIZE_1][DEM_SIZE_1];
// open a DEM file
int fgDEM::open ( const string& file ) {
FGDem::open ( const string& file ) {
// open input file (or read from stdin)
if ( file == "-" ) {
printf("Loading DEM data file: stdin\n");
@ -115,7 +117,8 @@ int fgDEM::open ( const string& file ) {
// close a DEM file
int fgDEM::close () {
FGDem::close () {
// the fg_gzifstream doesn't seem to have a close()
delete in;
@ -125,7 +128,8 @@ int fgDEM::close () {
// return next token from input stream
string fgDEM::next_token() {
FGDem::next_token() {
string token;
*in >> token;
@ -137,7 +141,8 @@ string fgDEM::next_token() {
// return next integer from input stream
int fgDEM::next_int() {
FGDem::next_int() {
int result;
*in >> result;
@ -147,7 +152,8 @@ int fgDEM::next_int() {
// return next double from input stream
double fgDEM::next_double() {
FGDem::next_double() {
double result;
*in >> result;
@ -157,7 +163,8 @@ double fgDEM::next_double() {
// return next exponential num from input stream
double fgDEM::next_exp() {
FGDem::next_exp() {
string token;
double mantissa;
int exp, acc;
@ -201,7 +208,8 @@ double fgDEM::next_exp() {
// read and parse DEM "A" record
int fgDEM::read_a_record() {
FGDem::read_a_record() {
int i, inum;
double dnum;
string name, token;
@ -306,32 +314,10 @@ int fgDEM::read_a_record() {
i = token.length();
cout << " length = " << i << "\n";
#if 1
inum = atoi( token.substr( 0, i - 36 ) );
row_step = atof( token.substr( i - 36, 12 ) );
col_step = atof( token.substr( i - 24, 12 ) );
//token.substr( 25, 12 )
ptr = token.c_str() + i - 12;
cout << " last field = " << ptr << " = " << atof(ptr) << "\n";
ptr[0] = '\0';
ptr = ptr - 12;
col_step = atof(ptr);
cout << " last field = " << ptr << " = " << col_step << "\n";
ptr[0] = '\0';
ptr = ptr - 12;
row_step = atof(ptr);
cout << " last field = " << ptr << " = " << row_step << "\n";
ptr[0] = '\0';
// accuracy code = atod(token)
ptr = ptr - 12;
inum = atoi(ptr);
row_step = atof( token.substr( i - 24, 12 ) );
col_step = atof( token.substr( i - 36, 12 ) );
cout << " Accuracy code = " << inum << "\n";
cout << " column step = " << col_step <<
" row step = " << row_step << "\n";
@ -347,7 +333,8 @@ int fgDEM::read_a_record() {
// read and parse DEM "B" record
void fgDEM::read_b_record( ) {
FGDem::read_b_record( ) {
string token;
int i;
@ -384,7 +371,8 @@ void fgDEM::read_b_record( ) {
// parse dem file
int fgDEM::parse( ) {
FGDem::parse( ) {
int i;
cur_col = 0;
@ -409,9 +397,87 @@ int fgDEM::parse( ) {
// return the current altitude based on mesh data. We should rewrite
// write out the area of data covered by the specified bucket. Data
// is written out column by column starting at the lower left hand
// corner.
FGDem::write_area( const string& root, FGBucket& b, bool compress ) {
char tile_name[256];
// calculate some boundaries
double min_x = ( b.get_center_lon() - 0.5 * b.get_width() ) * 3600.0;
double max_x = ( b.get_center_lon() + 0.5 * b.get_width() ) * 3600.0;
double min_y = ( b.get_center_lat() - 0.5 * b.get_height() ) * 3600.0;
double max_y = ( b.get_center_lat() + 0.5 * b.get_height() ) * 3600.0;
cout << b << endl;
cout << "width = " << b.get_width() << " height = " << b.get_height()
<< endl;
int start_x = (int)((min_x - originx) / col_step);
int span_x = (int)(b.get_width() * 3600.0 / col_step);
int start_y = (int)((min_y - originy) / row_step);
int span_y = (int)(b.get_height() * 3600.0 / row_step);
cout << "start_x = " << start_x << " span_x = " << span_x << endl;
cout << "start_y = " << start_y << " span_y = " << span_y << endl;
// Do a simple sanity checking. But, please, please be nice to
// this write_area() routine and feed it buckets that coincide
// well with the underlying grid structure and spacing.
if ( ( min_x < originx )
|| ( max_x > originx + cols * col_step )
|| ( min_y < originy )
|| ( max_y > originy + rows * row_step ) ) {
cout << " ERROR: bucket at least partially outside DEM data range!" <<
return -1;
// generate output file name
string base = b.gen_base_path();
string path = root + "/Scenery/" + base;
string command = "mkdir -p " + path;
system( command.c_str() );
long int b_index = b.gen_index();
sprintf(tile_name, "%ld", b_index);
string demfile = path + "/" + tile_name + ".dem";
cout << "demfile = " << demfile << endl;
// write the file
FILE *fp;
if ( (fp = fopen(demfile.c_str(), "w")) == NULL ) {
cout << "cannot open " << demfile << " for writing!" << endl;
fprintf( fp, "%d %d\n", (int)min_x, (int)min_y );
fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", span_x + 1, (int)col_step,
span_y + 1, (int)row_step );
for ( int i = start_x; i <= start_x + span_x; ++i ) {
for ( int j = start_y; j <= start_y + span_y; ++j ) {
fprintf( fp, "%d ", (int)dem_data[i][j] );
fprintf( fp, "\n" );
if ( compress ) {
string command = "gzip --best -f " + demfile;
system( command.c_str() );
#if 0
// return the current altitude based on grid data. We should rewrite
// this to interpolate exact values, but for now this is good enough
double fgDEM::interpolate_altitude( double lon, double lat ) {
double FGDem::interpolate_altitude( double lon, double lat ) {
// we expect incoming (lon,lat) to be in arcsec for now
double xlocal, ylocal, dx, dy, zA, zB, elev;
@ -524,7 +590,7 @@ double fgDEM::interpolate_altitude( double lon, double lat ) {
// Use least squares to fit a simpler data set to dem data
void fgDEM::fit( double error, const FGBucket& p ) {
void FGDem::fit( double error, FGBucket& p ) {
double x[DEM_SIZE_1], y[DEM_SIZE_1];
double m, b, ave_error, max_error;
double cury, lasty;
@ -537,9 +603,9 @@ void fgDEM::fit( double error, const FGBucket& p ) {
// determine dimensions
colmin = p->x * ( (cols - 1) / 8);
colmin = p.get_x() * ( (cols - 1) / 8);
colmax = colmin + ( (cols - 1) / 8);
rowmin = p->y * ( (rows - 1) / 8);
rowmin = p.get_y() * ( (rows - 1) / 8);
rowmax = rowmin + ( (rows - 1) / 8);
printf("Fitting region = %d,%d to %d,%d\n", colmin, rowmin, colmax, rowmax);
@ -660,7 +726,7 @@ void fgDEM::fit( double error, const FGBucket& p ) {
// Initialize output mesh structure
void fgDEM::outputmesh_init( void ) {
void FGDem::outputmesh_init( void ) {
int i, j;
for ( j = 0; j < DEM_SIZE_1; j++ ) {
@ -672,13 +738,13 @@ void fgDEM::outputmesh_init( void ) {
// Get the value of a mesh node
double fgDEM::outputmesh_get_pt( int i, int j ) {
double FGDem::outputmesh_get_pt( int i, int j ) {
return ( output_data[i][j] );
// Set the value of a mesh node
void fgDEM::outputmesh_set_pt( int i, int j, double value ) {
void FGDem::outputmesh_set_pt( int i, int j, double value ) {
// printf("Setting data[%d][%d] = %.2f\n", i, j, value);
output_data[i][j] = value;
@ -688,12 +754,12 @@ void fgDEM::outputmesh_set_pt( int i, int j, double value ) {
// Check for an optional "index.node.ex" file in case there is a .poly
// file to go along with this node file. Include these nodes first
// since they are referenced by position from the .poly file.
void fgDEM::outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, const FGBucket& p )
void FGDem::outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, FGBucket& p )
double exnodes[MAX_EX_NODES][3];
struct stat stat_buf;
string dir;
char base_path[256], file[256], exfile[256];
char file[256], exfile[256];
#ifdef WIN32
char tmp_path[256];
@ -704,15 +770,15 @@ void fgDEM::outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, const FGBucket& p )
int i, j, count, excount, result;
// determine dimensions
colmin = p->x * ( (cols - 1) / 8);
colmin = p.get_x() * ( (cols - 1) / 8);
colmax = colmin + ( (cols - 1) / 8);
rowmin = p->y * ( (rows - 1) / 8);
rowmin = p.get_y() * ( (rows - 1) / 8);
rowmax = rowmin + ( (rows - 1) / 8);
cout << " dumping region = " << colmin << "," << rowmin << " to " <<
colmax << "," << rowmax << "\n";
// generate the base directory
fgBucketGenBasePath(p, base_path);
string base_path = p.gen_base_path();
cout << "fg_root = " << fg_root << " Base Path = " << base_path << endl;
dir = fg_root + "/Scenery/" + base_path;
cout << "Dir = " << dir << endl;
@ -753,7 +819,7 @@ void fgDEM::outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, const FGBucket& p )
// get index and generate output file name
index = fgBucketGenIndex(p);
index = p.gen_index();
sprintf(file, "%s/%ld.node", dir.c_str(), index);
// get (optional) extra node file name (in case there is matching
@ -821,16 +887,21 @@ void fgDEM::outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, const FGBucket& p )
fgDEM::~fgDEM( void ) {
// printf("class fgDEM DEstructor called.\n");
FGDem::~FGDem( void ) {
// printf("class FGDem DEstructor called.\n");
delete [] dem_data;
delete [] output_data;
// $Log$
// Revision 1.25 1999/03/12 22:53:07 curt
// Added a routine to dump out the portion of the dem data covered by a
// specified bucket. Other changes related to needs of scenery tools overhaul.
// Revision 1.24 1999/03/11 23:31:56 curt
// Tweaks to use newbucket.hxx

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#define DEM_SIZE_1 1201
class fgDEM {
class FGDem {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ private:
// Distance between column and row data points (in arc seconds)
double col_step, row_step;
// pointers to the actual mesh data allocated here
// pointers to the actual grid data allocated here
float (*dem_data)[DEM_SIZE_1];
float (*output_data)[DEM_SIZE_1];
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ private:
// Constructor
fgDEM( void );
fgDEM( const string& file );
FGDem( void );
FGDem( const string& file );
// Destructor
~fgDEM( void );
~FGDem( void );
// open a DEM file (use "-" if input is coming from stdin)
int open ( const string& file );
@ -117,13 +117,19 @@ public:
// read and parse DEM "B" record
void read_b_record();
// return the current altitude based on mesh data. We should
// write out the area of data covered by the specified bucket.
// Data is written out column by column starting at the lower left
// hand corner.
int write_area( const string& root, FGBucket& b, bool compress );
#if 0
// return the current altitude based on grid data. We should
// rewrite this to interpolate exact values, but for now this is
// good enough
double interpolate_altitude( double lon, double lat );
// Use least squares to fit a simpler data set to dem data
void fit( double error, const FGBucket& p );
void fit( double error, FGBucket& p );
// Initialize output mesh structure
void outputmesh_init( void );
@ -135,7 +141,8 @@ public:
void outputmesh_set_pt( int i, int j, double value );
// Write out a node file that can be used by the "triangle" program
void outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, const FGBucket& p );
void outputmesh_output_nodes( const string& fg_root, FGBucket& p );
// Informational methods
inline double get_originx() const { return originx; }
@ -151,6 +158,10 @@ public:
// $Log$
// Revision 1.12 1999/03/12 22:53:09 curt
// Added a routine to dump out the portion of the dem data covered by a
// specified bucket. Other changes related to needs of scenery tools overhaul.
// Revision 1.11 1999/03/11 23:31:57 curt
// Tweaks to use newbucket.hxx