Fork 0

* Updates as suggsted by James.

* Fall back to Ocean climate if the koppen-geiger image is not found.
* Fixes to temperature calculations based on viewer and sun lat and lon.
* Fix season and day progress factors, add an autumn progress factor.
* Set the environment parameters like ice-cover, dust-cover and wetness:
  for now always active, should be a menu option in the future.
* Add a compile-time option to dump a climate report to the console.
This commit is contained in:
Erik Hofman 2020-11-05 10:09:30 +01:00
parent 5386051413
commit 39602d98d5
2 changed files with 269 additions and 73 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGVec3.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGVec4.hxx>
#include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx>
#include <simgear/constants.h>
#include "Main/fg_props.hxx"
@ -36,44 +37,60 @@
// The map is provided with a spatial resolution of 0.5 degree (3km).
// http://koeppen-geiger.vu-wien.ac.at/present.htm
FGClimate::FGClimate(double lat, double lon)
FGClimate::FGClimate(const SGGeod& position)
SGPath image_path( fgGetString("/sim/fg-root") );
SGPath img_path = globals->get_fg_root() / "Geodata" / "koppen-geiger.png";
image = osgDB::readImageFile(image_path.str());
image = osgDB::readImageFile(img_path.utf8Str());
if (image)
_image_width = image->s();
_image_height = image->t();
_epsilon = 360.0/_image_width;
_epsilon = _image_width/360.0;
update(lat, lon);
// Set all environment parameters based on the koppen-classicfication
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%B6ppen_climate_classification
void FGClimate::update(double lat, double lon)
void FGClimate::update(const SGGeod& position)
_latitude_deg = lat*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
_longitude_deg = lon*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
FGLight *l = globals->get_subsystem<FGLight>();
if (!l) return; // e.g. during unit-testing
if (fabs(_prev_lat - _latitude_deg) > _epsilon ||
fabs(_prev_lon - _longitude_deg) > _epsilon)
_sun_longitude_deg = l->get_sun_lon()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
_sun_latitude_deg = l->get_sun_lat()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
pos = position;
double latitude_deg = pos.getLatitudeDeg();
double longitude_deg = pos.getLongitudeDeg();
_adj_latitude_deg = latitude_deg - _sun_latitude_deg;
_adj_longitude_deg = _sun_longitude_deg - longitude_deg;
if (_adj_longitude_deg < 0.0) _adj_longitude_deg += 360.0;
else if (_adj_longitude_deg >= 360.0) _adj_longitude_deg -= 360.0;
if (fabs(_prev_lat - _adj_latitude_deg) > _epsilon ||
fabs(_prev_lon - _adj_longitude_deg) > _epsilon)
_prev_lat = _latitude_deg;
_prev_lon = _longitude_deg;
_prev_lat = _adj_latitude_deg;
_prev_lon = _adj_longitude_deg;
light = static_cast<FGLight*>(globals->get_subsystem("lighting"));
// from lat/lon to screen coordinates
double s = 180.0 + _longitude_deg;
double t = 90.0 + _latitude_deg;
double x = 180.0 + longitude_deg;
double y = 90.0 + latitude_deg;
_col = static_cast<int>(s * _image_width/360.0);
_row = static_cast<int>(t * _image_height/180.0);
_col = static_cast<int>(x * _image_width/360.0);
_row = static_cast<int>(y * _image_height/180.0);
osg::Vec4f color = image->getColor(_col, _row);
osg::Vec4f color;
if (image) {
color = image->getColor(_col, _row);
// convert from color shades to koppen-classicfication
_classicfication = static_cast<int>( 255.0*color[0]/4.0 );
@ -83,23 +100,22 @@ void FGClimate::update(double lat, double lon)
else if (_classicfication < 9) set_dry();
else if (_classicfication < 18) set_temperate();
else if (_classicfication < 30) set_continetal();
else if (_classicfication < 32)set_polar();
else if (_classicfication < 32) set_polar();
else set_ocean();
// returns 0.0 for night up to 1.0 for noon
void FGClimate::update_day_factor()
double lon = light->get_sun_lon()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES - _longitude_deg;
if (lon > 360.0) lon -= 360.0;
else if (lon < 0.0) lon += 360.0;
// noon is when lon == 180.0
_day_noon = 1.0 - fabs(lon - 180.0)/180.0;
_day_noon = fabs(_adj_longitude_deg - 180.0)/180.0;
// The seasons are currently based purely on where the sun's perpendicular
@ -110,10 +126,20 @@ void FGClimate::update_day_factor()
// returns 0.0 for winter up to 1.0 for summer
void FGClimate::update_season_factor()
double sign = (_latitude_deg >= 0.0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
double sun_lat = light->get_sun_lat()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
double latitude_deg = pos.getLatitudeDeg();
double sign = latitude_deg >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
_season_summer = (23.5 + sign*_sun_latitude_deg)/(2.0*23.5);
_season_summer = 0.5 + sign*sun_lat/(2.0*23.5);
_season_autumn = 0.0;
if (latitude_deg*_sun_latitude_deg < 0.0) // autumn
_season_autumn = 2.0*(1.0 - _season_summer) - 1.0;
if (_season_autumn < 0.0) _season_autumn = 0.0;
else if (_season_autumn > 1.0) _season_autumn = 1.0;
double lat_fact = 6.0 - 12.0*fabs(latitude_deg)/90.0;
_season_autumn *= (0.5 - 0.5*sin(atan(SGD_2PI*lat_fact)));
@ -138,13 +164,16 @@ void FGClimate::set_ocean()
double winter_temp_pole = -48.0;
double temp_pole = summer*summer_temp_pole + winter*winter_temp_pole;
double fact_lat = fabs(_latitude_deg)/90.0;
double ifact_lat = 1.0 - fact_lat;
double lat_fact = pow(fabs(pos.getLatitudeDeg())/90.0, 2.5);
double ifact_lat = 1.0 - lat_fact;
_temperature = ifact_lat*temp_equator + fact_lat*temp_pole;
_temperature_sl = ifact_lat*temp_equator + lat_fact*temp_pole;
double temp_mean_equator = 0.5*(day_temp_equator + night_temp_equator);
_temperature_mean = ifact_lat*temp_mean_equator + lat_fact*temp_pole;
// relative humidity based on latitude
_relative_humidity = 0.8 - 0.7*fact_lat;
_relative_humidity = 0.8 - 0.7*lat_fact;
// steady winds
_wind = 3.0;
@ -174,15 +203,18 @@ void FGClimate::set_tropical()
double temp_equator = day*day_temp_equator + night*night_temp_equator;
// winter temperatures are three-quarter of the summer temperatures
_temperature = 0.75*temp_equator + 0.25*summer*temp_equator;
_temperature_mean = 0.5*(day_temp_equator + night_temp_equator);
_temperature_sl = 0.75*temp_equator + 0.25*summer*temp_equator;
_temperature_gl = _temperature_sl;
// relative humidity based on latitude
double fact_lat = fabs(_latitude_deg)/90.0;
_relative_humidity = 0.8 - 0.7*fact_lat;
double latitude_deg = pos.getLatitudeDeg();
double lat_fact = fabs(latitude_deg)/90.0;
_relative_humidity = 0.8 - 0.7*lat_fact;
// wind based on latitude (0.0 - 15 degrees)
fact_lat = std::max(abs(_latitude_deg), 15.0)/15.0;
_wind = 3.0*fact_lat*fact_lat;
lat_fact = std::max(abs(latitude_deg), 15.0)/15.0;
_wind = 3.0*lat_fact*lat_fact;
double monsoon;
double monsoon_precipitation = _total_annual_precipitation;
@ -197,12 +229,12 @@ void FGClimate::set_tropical()
_wind = 2.0*monsoon*_wind;
case 3: // As: equatorial, summer dry
monsoon = 0.5 + 0.5*cos(SGD_2PI*winter/12.0);
monsoon = 0.5 + 0.5*atan(cos(SGD_2PI*winter/12.0));
_precipitation = monsoon*monsoon_precipitation;
_wind = 2.0*monsoon*_wind;
case 4: // Aw: equatorial, winter dry
monsoon = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(SGD_2PI*winter/12.0);
monsoon = 0.5 - 0.5*atan(cos(SGD_2PI*winter/12.0));
_precipitation = monsoon*monsoon_precipitation;
_wind = 2.0*monsoon*_wind;
@ -227,11 +259,16 @@ void FGClimate::set_dry()
double temp_day_winter = temp_day_summer - temp_night_summer;
double temp_night_winter = 0.0;
_temperature = winter*(day*temp_day_winter + night*temp_night_winter)
_temperature_gl = winter*(day*temp_day_winter + night*temp_night_winter)
+ summer*(day*temp_day_summer + night*temp_night_summer);
if (_classicfication == 6 || _classicfication == 8) { // cold arid
_temperature -= 14.0;
_temperature_mean -= 14.0;
_temperature_gl -= 14.0;
_temperature_sl = _temperature_gl;
double temp_mean_winter = 0.5*(temp_day_winter + temp_night_winter);
_temperature_mean = summer*temp_avg_summer + winter*temp_mean_winter;
// low relative humidity
_relative_humidity = 0.25;
@ -250,6 +287,9 @@ void FGClimate::set_dry()
void FGClimate::set_temperate()
set_ocean(); // for now
_temperature_gl = _temperature_sl;
case 9: // Cfa: warm temperature, fully humid hot summer
@ -268,6 +308,9 @@ void FGClimate::set_temperate()
void FGClimate::set_continetal()
set_ocean(); // for now
_temperature_gl = _temperature_sl;
case 18: // Dfa: snow, fully humid, hot summer
@ -290,12 +333,16 @@ void FGClimate::set_continetal()
void FGClimate::set_polar()
// polar climate also occurs high in the mountains
case 30: // EF: polar frost
_temperature += 16.0;
_temperature_gl = _temperature_sl+16.0;
case 31: // ET: polar tundra
_temperature_gl = _temperature_sl;
@ -303,14 +350,157 @@ void FGClimate::set_polar()
void FGClimate::set_environment()
double fact = fabs(_latitude_deg)/90.0;
double frost = _temperature > 0.0 ? 0.0 : fact*fact*fact;
_snow_level = 7500.0 - 8000*fact;
_snow_thickness = fact*fact;
_ice_cover = 0.3*frost;
double latitude_deg = pos.getLatitudeDeg();
double lat_fact = pow(fabs(latitude_deg)/90.0, 2.5);
double snow_fact, precipitation;
double precipitation = 12.0*_precipitation/_total_annual_precipitation;
_dust_cover = 1.0 - sqrtf(precipitation);
_wetness = precipitation*precipitation*precipitation;
// snow chance based on latitude, mean temperature and monthly precipitation
if (_precipitation < 60.0) {
precipitation = 0.0;
precipitation = _precipitation - 60.0;
precipitation = (precipitation > 240.0) ? 1.0 : precipitation/240.0;
if (_temperature_mean > 5.0 || precipitation < 0.1) {
snow_fact = 0.0;
snow_fact = fabs(_temperature_mean) - 5.0;
snow_fact = (snow_fact > 10.0) ? 1.0 : snow_fact/10.0;
snow_fact *= precipitation;
_snow_level = (7500.0 - 8000.0*lat_fact)*(1.0 - snow_fact);
_snow_thickness = pow(snow_fact, 2.0);
_ice_cover = pow(lat_fact, 2.5);
if (_precipitation < 20.0 && _total_annual_precipitation < 240.0)
_dust_cover = 0.3 - 0.3*sqrtf(_precipitation/20.0);
_lichen_cover = 0.0;
_wetness = 0.0;
double wetness = _precipitation - 20.0;
wetness = 12.0*wetness/_total_annual_precipitation;
_wetness = pow(wetness, 3.0);
_lichen_cover = 0.0;
_dust_cover = 0.0;
if (_environment_adjust)
fgSetDouble("/environment/snow-level-m", _snow_level);
fgSetDouble("/environment/surface/snow-thickness-factor", _snow_thickness);
fgSetDouble("/environment/sea/surface/ice-cover", _ice_cover);
fgSetDouble("/environment/surface/dust-cover-factor", _dust_cover);
fgSetDouble("/environment/surface/wetness-set", _wetness);
fgSetDouble("/environment/surface/lichen-cover-factor", _lichen_cover);
fgSetDouble("/environment/season", 2.0*_season_autumn);
void FGClimate::report()
const std::string description[32] = {
"Equatorial, fully humid",
"Equatorial, monsoonal",
"Equatorial, summer dry",
"Equatorial, winter dry",
"Arid, steppe, hot arid",
"Arid, steppe, cold arid",
"Arid, desert, hot arid",
"Arid, desert, cold arid",
"Warm temperature, fully humid hot summer",
"Warm temperature, fully humid, warm summer",
"Warm temperature, fully humid, cool summer",
"Warm temperature, summer dry, hot summer",
"Warm temperature, summer dry, warm summer",
"Warm temperature, summer dry, cool summer",
"Warm temperature, winter dry, hot summer",
"Warm temperature, winter dry, warm summer",
"Warm temperature, winter dry, cool summer",
"Snow, fully humid, hot summer",
"Snow, fully humid, warm summer, warm summer",
"Snow, fully humid, cool summer, cool summer",
"Snow, fully humid, extremely continetal",
"Snow, summer dry, hot summer",
"Snow, summer dry, warm summer",
"Snow, summer dry, cool summer",
"Snow, summer dry, extremely continetal",
"Snow, winter dry, hot summer",
"Snow, winter dry, warm summer",
"Snow, winter dry, cool summer",
"Snow, winter dry, extremely continetal",
"Polar frost",
"Polar tundra"
const std::string koppen_str[32] = {
"Af", "Am", "As", "Aw",
"BSh", "BSk", "BWh", "BWk",
"Cfa", "Cfb", "Cfc",
"Csa", "Csb", "Csc",
"Cwa", "Cwb", "Cwc",
"Dfa", "Dfb", "Dfc", "Dfd",
"Dsa", "Dsb", "Dsc", "Dsd",
"Dwa", "Dwb", "Dwc", "Dwd",
"EF", "ET"
struct tm *t = globals->get_time_params()->getGmt();
std::cout << "===============================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Climate report for:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Date: " << sgTimeFormatTime(t) << " GMT" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Sun Latitude: " << _sun_latitude_deg << " deggrees"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Sun Longitude: " << _sun_longitude_deg << " deggrees"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Viewer Latitude: " << pos.getLatitudeDeg() << " deggrees"
<< " (adjusted: " << _adj_latitude_deg << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Viewer Longitude: " << pos.getLongitudeDeg() << " deggrees"
<< " (adjusted: " << _adj_longitude_deg << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " Köppen classification: " << koppen_str[_classicfication]
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Description: " << description[_classicfication]
<< std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << " Season (0.0 = winter .. 1.0 = summer): " << _season_summer
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Daytime....(0.0 = night .. 1.0 = day): " << _day_noon
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Seal level temperature: " << _temperature_sl << " deg. C."
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Ground temperature: " << _temperature_gl << " deg. C."
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Monthly Precipitation: " << _precipitation << " mm"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Annual precipitation: " << _total_annual_precipitation
<< " mm" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Dew point: " << _dew_point << " deg. C." << std::endl;
std::cout << " Wind: " << _wind << " km/h" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cout << " Snow level: " << _snow_level << " meters" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Snow Thickness (0.0 = thin .. 1.0 = thick): "
<< _snow_thickness << std::endl;
std::cout << " Ice cover......(0.0 = none .. 1.0 = thick): " << _ice_cover
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Dust cover.....(0.0 = none .. 1.0 = dusty): " << _dust_cover
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Wetness........(0.0 = dry .. 1.0 = wet): " << _wetness
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " Lichen cover...(0.0 = none .. 1.0 = muddy): "
<< _lichen_cover << std::endl;
std::cout << " Autumn (0.0 = summer .. 1.0 = late autumn): "
<< _season_autumn << std::endl;
std::cout << "===============================================" << std::endl;

View file

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
// #include <simgear/structure/SGReferenced.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGGeod.hxx>
#define REPORT_TO_CONSOLE false
* Update environment parameters based on the Köppen-Geiger climate
* map of the world based on lattitude and longitude.
@ -38,16 +40,10 @@ class FGLight;
class FGClimate {
FGClimate(double lat, double lon);
FGClimate(const SGGeod& pos) :
FGClimate(pos.getLatitudeRad(), pos.getLongitudeRad()) {};
FGClimate(const SGGeod& position);
virtual ~FGClimate() = default;
void update(double lat, double lon);
inline void update(const SGGeod& pos) {
update(pos.getLatitudeRad(), pos.getLongitudeRad());
void update(const SGGeod& position);
double get_snow_level_m() { return _snow_level; }
double get_snow_thickness() { return _snow_thickness; }
@ -57,11 +53,15 @@ public:
double get_lichen_cover() { return _lichen_cover; }
double get_dew_point_degc() { return _dew_point; }
double get_temperature_degc() { return _temperature; }
double get_temperature_degc() { return _temperature_gl; }
double get_humidity_pct() { return _relative_humidity; }
double get_wind_kmh() { return _wind; }
void report();
void set_ocean();
void set_dry();
void set_tropical();
@ -73,28 +73,32 @@ private:
void update_day_factor();
void update_season_factor();
FGLight *light = nullptr;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> image;
int _image_width = 0;
int _image_height = 0;
double _epsilon = 0.0;
double _epsilon = 1.0;
double _prev_lat = -99999.0;
double _prev_lon = -99999.0;
double _latitude_deg = 0.0;
double _longitude_deg = 0.0;
SGGeod pos;
double _sun_latitude_deg = 0.0;
double _sun_longitude_deg = 0.0;
double _adj_latitude_deg = 0.0; // viewer lat adjusted for sun lat
double _adj_longitude_deg = 0.0; // viewer lat adjusted for sun lon
double _day_noon = 1.0;
double _season_summer = 1.0;
double _season_autumn = 0.0;
int _col = 0; // screen coordinates
int _row = 0;
int _classicfication = 0; // Köppen-Geiger classicfication
// environment
bool _environment_adjust = false; // enable automatic adjestments
bool _environment_adjust = true; // enable automatic adjestments
double _snow_level = 7500.0; // in meters
double _snow_thickness = 0.0; // 0.0 = thin, 1.0 = thick
double _ice_cover = 0.0; // 0.0 = none, 1.0 = thick
@ -107,7 +111,9 @@ private:
double _relative_humidity = 0.6; // 0.0 = dry, 1.0 is fully humid
double _dew_point = 0.5;
double _temperature = 20.0; // sea level temperature in deg. C.
double _temperature_gl = 20.0; // ground level temperature in deg. C.
double _temperature_sl = 20.0; // seal level temperature in deg. C.
double _temperature_mean = 20.0; // mean temperature in deg. C.
double _precipitation = 0.0; // minimal average precipitation in mm/month
double _wind = 3.0; // wind in km/h