diff --git a/src/Main/viewer.cxx b/src/Main/viewer.cxx
index e8f1677d5..6a9d99661 100644
--- a/src/Main/viewer.cxx
+++ b/src/Main/viewer.cxx
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@
 #include "fg_props.hxx"
-#  include <config.h>
 #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
 #include <simgear/constants.h>
 #include <simgear/scene/model/placement.hxx>
@@ -65,12 +61,6 @@ FGViewer::FGViewer( fgViewType Type, bool from_model, int from_model_index,
                     double target_x_offset_m, double target_y_offset_m,
                     double target_z_offset_m, double near_m, bool internal ):
-    _lon_deg(0),
-    _lat_deg(0),
-    _alt_ft(0),
-    _target_lon_deg(0),
-    _target_lat_deg(0),
-    _target_alt_ft(0),
@@ -156,64 +146,18 @@ FGViewer::setInternal ( bool internal )
   _internal = internal;
-FGViewer::setLongitude_deg (double lon_deg)
-  _dirty = true;
-  _lon_deg = lon_deg;
-FGViewer::setLatitude_deg (double lat_deg)
-  _dirty = true;
-  _lat_deg = lat_deg;
-FGViewer::setAltitude_ft (double alt_ft)
-  _dirty = true;
-  _alt_ft = alt_ft;
 FGViewer::setPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft)
   _dirty = true;
-  _lon_deg = lon_deg;
-  _lat_deg = lat_deg;
-  _alt_ft = alt_ft;
-FGViewer::setTargetLongitude_deg (double lon_deg)
-  _dirty = true;
-  _target_lon_deg = lon_deg;
-FGViewer::setTargetLatitude_deg (double lat_deg)
-  _dirty = true;
-  _target_lat_deg = lat_deg;
-FGViewer::setTargetAltitude_ft (double alt_ft)
-  _dirty = true;
-  _target_alt_ft = alt_ft;
+  _position = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft);
 FGViewer::setTargetPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft)
   _dirty = true;
-  _target_lon_deg = lon_deg;
-  _target_lat_deg = lat_deg;
-  _target_alt_ft = alt_ft;
+  _target = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_ft);
@@ -413,17 +357,13 @@ FGViewer::recalcLookFrom ()
   // Update location data ...
   if ( _from_model ) {
     SGModelPlacement* placement = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel();
-    _lat_deg = placement->getLatitudeDeg();
-    _lon_deg = placement->getLongitudeDeg();
-    _alt_ft = placement->getElevationFt();
+    _position = placement->getPosition();
     _heading_deg = placement->getHeadingDeg();
     _pitch_deg = placement->getPitchDeg();
     _roll_deg = placement->getRollDeg();
-  double lat = _lat_deg;
-  double lon = _lon_deg;
-  double alt = _alt_ft;
   double head = _heading_deg;
   double pitch = _pitch_deg;
   double roll = _roll_deg;
@@ -432,18 +372,16 @@ FGViewer::recalcLookFrom ()
     dampEyeData(roll, pitch, head);
-  // The geodetic position of our base view position
-  SGGeod geodPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(lon, lat, alt);
   // The rotation rotating from the earth centerd frame to
   // the horizontal local OpenGL frame
-  SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::viewHL(geodPos);
+  SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::viewHL(_position);
   // the rotation from the horizontal local frame to the basic view orientation
   SGQuatd hlToBody = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(head, pitch, roll);
   hlToBody = SGQuatd::simToView(hlToBody);
   // The cartesian position of the basic view coordinate
-  SGVec3d position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodPos);
+  SGVec3d position = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_position);
   // the rotation offset, don't know why heading is negative here ...
   SGQuatd viewOffsetOr = SGQuatd::simToView(
     SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(-_heading_offset_deg, _pitch_offset_deg,
@@ -462,9 +400,7 @@ FGViewer::recalcLookAt ()
   // The geodetic position of our target to look at
   if ( _at_model ) {
     SGModelPlacement* placement = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel();
-    _target_lat_deg = placement->getLatitudeDeg();
-    _target_lon_deg = placement->getLongitudeDeg();
-    _target_alt_ft = placement->getElevationFt();
+    _target = placement->getPosition();
     _target_heading_deg = placement->getHeadingDeg();
     _target_pitch_deg = placement->getPitchDeg();
     _target_roll_deg = placement->getRollDeg();
@@ -473,20 +409,16 @@ FGViewer::recalcLookAt ()
     dampEyeData(_target_roll_deg, _target_pitch_deg, _target_heading_deg);
-  SGGeod geodTargetPos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_target_lon_deg,
-                                           _target_lat_deg,
-                                           _target_alt_ft);
   SGQuatd geodTargetOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(_target_heading_deg,
-  SGQuatd geodTargetHlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodTargetPos);
+  SGQuatd geodTargetHlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(_target);
   if ( _from_model ) {
     SGModelPlacement* placement = globals->get_aircraft_model()->get3DModel();
-    _lat_deg = placement->getLatitudeDeg();
-    _lon_deg = placement->getLongitudeDeg();
-    _alt_ft = placement->getElevationFt();
+    _position = placement->getPosition();
     _heading_deg = placement->getHeadingDeg();
     _pitch_deg = placement->getPitchDeg();
     _roll_deg = placement->getRollDeg();
@@ -494,11 +426,10 @@ FGViewer::recalcLookAt ()
     // update from our own data, just the rotation here...
     dampEyeData(_roll_deg, _pitch_deg, _heading_deg);
-  SGGeod geodEyePos = SGGeod::fromDegFt(_lon_deg, _lat_deg, _alt_ft);
   SGQuatd geodEyeOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRollDeg(_heading_deg,
-  SGQuatd geodEyeHlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodEyePos);
+  SGQuatd geodEyeHlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(_position);
   // the rotation offset, don't know why heading is negative here ...
   SGQuatd eyeOffsetOr =
@@ -508,10 +439,10 @@ FGViewer::recalcLookAt ()
   // Offsets to the eye position
   SGVec3d eyeOff(-_offset_m.z(), _offset_m.x(), -_offset_m.y());
   SGQuatd ec2eye = geodEyeHlOr*geodEyeOr;
-  SGVec3d eyeCart = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodEyePos);
+  SGVec3d eyeCart = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_position);
   eyeCart += (ec2eye*eyeOffsetOr).backTransform(eyeOff);
-  SGVec3d atCart = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodTargetPos);
+  SGVec3d atCart = SGVec3d::fromGeod(_target);
   // add target offsets to at_position...
   SGVec3d target_pos_off(-_target_offset_m.z(), _target_offset_m.x(),
diff --git a/src/Main/viewer.hxx b/src/Main/viewer.hxx
index 6c89cf92b..455f8f1fd 100644
--- a/src/Main/viewer.hxx
+++ b/src/Main/viewer.hxx
@@ -103,23 +103,16 @@ public:
     //   pilot view, model in model view).
     //   FIXME: the model view position (ie target positions) 
     //   should be in the model class.
-    virtual double getLongitude_deg () const { return _lon_deg; }
-    virtual double getLatitude_deg () const { return _lat_deg; }
-    virtual double getAltitudeASL_ft () const { return _alt_ft; }
-    virtual void setLongitude_deg (double lon_deg);
-    virtual void setLatitude_deg (double lat_deg);
-    virtual void setAltitude_ft (double alt_ft);
+    virtual double getLongitude_deg () const { return _position.getLongitudeDeg(); }
+    virtual double getLatitude_deg () const { return _position.getLatitudeDeg(); }
     virtual void setPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft);
+    const SGGeod& getPosition() const { return _position; }
     // Reference geodetic target position...
-    virtual double getTargetLongitude_deg () const { return _target_lon_deg; }
-    virtual double getTargetLatitude_deg () const { return _target_lat_deg; }
-    virtual double getTargetAltitudeASL_ft () const { return _target_alt_ft; }
-    virtual void setTargetLongitude_deg (double lon_deg);
-    virtual void setTargetLatitude_deg (double lat_deg);
-    virtual void setTargetAltitude_ft (double alt_ft);
     virtual void setTargetPosition (double lon_deg, double lat_deg, double alt_ft);
+    const SGGeod& getTargetPosition() const { return _target; }
@@ -265,12 +258,8 @@ private:
     SGQuatd mViewOrientation;
     SGVec3d _absolute_view_pos;
-    double _lon_deg;
-    double _lat_deg;
-    double _alt_ft;
-    double _target_lon_deg;
-    double _target_lat_deg;
-    double _target_alt_ft;
+    SGGeod _position;
+    SGGeod _target;
     double _roll_deg;
     double _pitch_deg;