kln89 GPS unit simulation
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 1991 additions and 0 deletions
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noinst_LIBRARIES = libKLN89.a
libKLN89_a_SOURCES = \
kln89.cxx kln89.hxx \
kln89_page.cxx kln89_page.hxx \
kln89_page_act.cxx kln89_page_act.hxx \
kln89_page_apt.cxx kln89_page_apt.hxx \
kln89_page_cal.cxx kln89_page_cal.hxx \
kln89_page_dir.cxx kln89_page_dir.hxx \
kln89_page_fpl.cxx kln89_page_fpl.hxx \
kln89_page_int.cxx kln89_page_int.hxx \
kln89_page_nav.cxx kln89_page_nav.hxx \
kln89_page_ndb.cxx kln89_page_ndb.hxx \
kln89_page_nrst.cxx kln89_page_nrst.hxx \
kln89_page_oth.cxx kln89_page_oth.hxx \
kln89_page_set.cxx kln89_page_set.hxx \
kln89_page_usr.cxx kln89_page_usr.hxx \
kln89_page_vor.cxx kln89_page_vor.hxx \
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src
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// kln89_page.hxx - a class to manage the simulation of a KLN89
// GPS unit. Note that this is primarily the
// simulation of the user interface and display
// - the core GPS calculations such as position
// and waypoint sequencing are done (or should
// be done) by FG code.
// Written by David Luff, started 2005.
// Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _KLN89_HXX
#define _KLN89_HXX
#include <Instrumentation/dclgps.hxx>
#include "kln89_page.hxx"
const int KLN89MapScales[2][21] = {{1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 240, 320, 500},
{2, 4, 6, 9, 13, 18, 22, 28, 32, 37, 46, 55, 75, 110, 150, 185, 220, 300, 440, 600, 925}};
enum KLN89Mode {
const char* KLN89TimeCodes[20] = { "UTC", "GST", "GDT", "ATS", "ATD", "EST", "EDT", "CST", "CDT", "MST",
"MDT", "PST", "PDT", "AKS", "AKD", "HAS", "HAD", "SST", "SDT", "LCL" };
// Used for storing airport town and county mapped by ID, since currently FG does not store this
typedef map<string, string> airport_id_str_map_type;
typedef airport_id_str_map_type::iterator airport_id_str_map_iterator;
class KLN89 : public DCLGPS {
friend class KLN89Page;
friend class KLN89AptPage;
friend class KLN89VorPage;
friend class KLN89NDBPage;
friend class KLN89IntPage;
friend class KLN89UsrPage;
friend class KLN89ActPage;
friend class KLN89NavPage;
friend class KLN89FplPage;
friend class KLN89CalPage;
friend class KLN89SetPage;
friend class KLN89OthPage;
friend class KLN89DirPage;
friend class KLN89NrstPage;
KLN89(RenderArea2D* instrument);
void bind();
void unbind();
void update(double dt);
inline void SetTurnAnticipation(bool b) { _turnAnticipationEnabled = b; }
inline bool GetTurnAnticipation() { return(_turnAnticipationEnabled); }
inline void SetSuaAlertEnabled(bool b) { _suaAlertEnabled = b; }
inline bool GetSuaAlertEnabled() { return(_suaAlertEnabled); }
inline void SetAltAlertEnabled(bool b) { _altAlertEnabled = b; }
inline bool GetAltAlertEnabled() { return(_altAlertEnabled); }
inline bool GetMsgAlert() const { return(!_messageStack.empty()); }
void Knob1Right1();
void Knob1Left1();
void Knob2Right1();
void Knob2Left1();
void CrsrPressed();
void EntPressed();
void ClrPressed();
void DtoPressed();
void NrstPressed();
void AltPressed();
void OBSPressed();
void MsgPressed();
void CreateDefaultFlightPlans();
//----------------------- Drawing functions which take CHARACTER units -------------------------
// Render string s in display field field at position x, y
// zero y at bottom?
// invert: -1 => no inversion, 0 -> n => 1 char - s[invert] gets inverted, 99 => entire string gets inverted
void DrawText(const string& s, int field, int px, int py, bool bold = false, int invert = -1);
void DrawLatitude(double d, int field, int px, int py);
void DrawLongitude(double d, int field, int px, int py);
// Draw a frequency as xxx.xx
void DrawFreq(double d, int field, int px, int py);
// Draw a time in seconds as hh:mm
void DrawTime(double time, int field, int px, int py);
// Draw an integer heading, where px specifies the position of the degrees sign at the RIGHT of the value.
void DrawHeading(int h, int field, int px, int py);
// Draw a distance spec'd as nm as an integer (TODO - may need 1 decimal place if < 100) where px specifies RHS of units.
// Some uses definately don't want decimal place though (as at present), so would have to be arg.
void DrawDist(double d, int field, int px, int py);
// Draw a speed specifed in knots. px is RHS of the units. Can draw up to 2 decimal places.
void DrawSpeed(double v, int field, int px, int py, int decimals = 0);
void Underline(int field, int px, int py, int len);
// Render a char at a given position as above (position in CHARACTER units)
void DrawChar(char c, int field, int px, int py, bool bold = false, bool invert = false);
void DrawSpecialChar(char c, int field, int cx, int cy, bool bold = false);
// Draws the dir/dist field at the bottom of the main field
void DrawDirDistField(double lat, double lon, int field, int px, int py, bool to_flag = true, bool cursel = false);
//--------------------------------- end char units -----------------------------------------------
//----------------------- Drawing functions which take PIXEL units ------------------------------
// Takes instrument *pixel* co-ordinates NOT character units
// Position is specified by the bottom of the *visible* portion, by default the left position unless align_right is true.
// The return value is the pixel width of the visible portion
int DrawSmallChar(char c, int x, int y, bool align_right = false);
void DrawFreeChar(char c, int x, int y, bool draw_background = false);
//----------------------------------- end pixel unit functions -----------------------------------
void DrawDivider();
void DrawEnt(int field = 1, int px = 0, int py = 1);
void DrawMessageAlert();
void DrawKPH(int field, int cx, int cy);
void DrawDTO(int field, int cx, int cy);
// Draw the bar that indicates which page we're on (zero-based)
void DrawBar(int page);
void DrawCDI();
void DrawLegTail(int py);
void DrawLongLegTail(int py);
void DrawHalfLegTail(int py);
void UpdateMapHeading();
// Draw the moving map
// Apt, VOR and SUA drawing can be suspended by setting draw_avs to false, without affecting the stored drawing preference state.
void DrawMap(bool draw_avs = true);
// Set whether the display should be draw pixelated (more primatives, but might be closer to real-life)
// or not (in which case it is assumed that pixels are square and can be merged into quads).
bool _pixelated;
// Flashing output should be hidden when blink is true
bool _blink;
double _cum_dt;
// In Crsr mode, CRSR pressed events are passed to the active page, in disp mode they change which page is active
KLN89Mode _mode;
// And the facility to save a mode
KLN89Mode _lastMode;
// Increment/Decrement a character in the KLN89 A-Z,0-9 scheme.
// Set gap to true to get a space between A and 9 when wrapping, set wrap to false to disable wrap.
char IncChar(char c, bool gap = false, bool wrap = true);
char DecChar(char c, bool gap = false, bool wrap = true);
// Hackish
int _entJump; // The page to jump back to if ent is pressed. -1 indicates no jump
bool _entRestoreCrsr; // Indicates that pressing ENT at this point should restore cursor mode
// Misc pages
// Direct To
GPSPage* _dir_page;
// Nearest
GPSPage* _nrst_page;
// Moving-map display stuff
int _mapOrientation; // 0 => North (true) up, 1 => DTK up, 2 => TK up, 3 => heading up (only when connected to external heading source).
double _mapHeading; // Degrees. The actual map heading gets updated at a lower frequency than DrawMap() is called at, hence we need to store it.
double _mapHeadingUpdateTimer; // Timer to determine when to update the above.
bool _mapScaleAuto; // Indicates that map should autoscale when true.
int _mapScaleIndex; // Index into array of available map scales.
int _mapScaleUnits; // 0 => nm, 1 => km.
double _mapScale; // nm or km from aircraft position to top of map.
// Note that aircraft position differs depending on orientation, but 'scale' retains the same meaning,
// so the scale per pixel alters to suit the defined scale when the rendered aircraft position changes.
bool _drawSUA; // special user airspace
bool _drawVOR;
bool _drawApt;
// Convert map to instrument coordinates
void MapToInstrument(int &x, int &y);
// The following map drawing functions all take MAP co-ordinates, NOT instrument co-ordinates!
// Draw the diamond style of user pos
void DrawUser1(int x, int y);
// Draw the airplane style of user pos
void DrawUser2(int x, int y);
// Draw an airport symbol on the moving map
void DrawApt(int x, int y);
// Draw a waypoint on the moving map
void DrawWaypoint(int x, int y);
// Draw a VOR on the moving map
void DrawVOR(int x, int y);
// Draw an airport or waypoint label on the moving map
// Specify position by the map pixel co-ordinate of the left or right, bottom, of the *visible* portion of the label.
// The black background quad will automatically overlap this by 1 pixel.
void DrawLabel(string s, int x1, int y1, bool right_align = false);
int GetLabelQuadrant(double h);
int GetLabelQuadrant(double h1, double h2);
// Draw a line on the moving map
void DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
// Draw normal sized text on the moving map
void DrawMapText(const string& s, int x, int y, bool draw_background = false);
void DrawMapUpArrow(int x, int y);
// Draw a Quad on the moving map
void DrawMapQuad(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, bool invert = false);
// Airport town and state mapped by ID, since currently FG does not store this
airport_id_str_map_type _airportTowns;
airport_id_str_map_type _airportStates;
// NOTE - It is a deliberate decision not to have a proper message page class,
// since button events get directed to the page that was active before the
// message was displayed, not the message page itself.
bool _dispMsg; // Set true while the message page is being displayed
#endif // _KLN89_HXX
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// kln89_page.cxx - base class for the "pages" that
// are used in the KLN89 GPS unit simulation.
// Written by David Luff, started 2005.
// Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#include "kln89_page.hxx"
KLN89Page::KLN89Page(KLN89* parent)
: GPSPage(parent) {
_kln89 = (KLN89*)parent;
_entInvert = false;
_to_flag = true;
KLN89Page::~KLN89Page() {
void KLN89Page::Update(double dt) {
bool crsr = (_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR ? true : false);
bool nav1 = (_name == "NAV" && _subPage == 0);
bool nav4 = (_name == "NAV" && _subPage == 3);
// The extra level of check for the ACT page is necessary since
// ACT is implemented by using the other waypoint pages as
// appropriate.
bool act = (_kln89->_activePage->GetName() == "ACT");
if(crsr) {
if(!nav4) _kln89->DrawText("*CRSR*", 1, 0, 0);
if(_uLinePos == 0) _kln89->Underline(1, 3, 1, 3);
} else {
if(!nav4) {
if(act) {
_kln89->DrawText("ACT", 1, 0, 0);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText(_name, 1, 0, 0);
if(_name == "DIR") {
// Don't draw a subpage number
} else if(_name == "USR" || _name == "FPL") {
// Zero-based
_kln89->DrawText(GPSitoa(_subPage), 1, 4, 0);
} else {
// One-based
_kln89->DrawText(GPSitoa(_subPage+1), 1, 4, 0);
if(crsr && _uLinePos == 0 && _kln89->_blink) {
// Don't draw
} else {
if(_kln89->_obsMode) {
_kln89->DrawText(GPSitoa(_kln89->_obsHeading), 1, 3, 1);
} else {
_kln89->DrawText("Leg", 1, 3, 1);
_kln89->DrawText((_kln89->GetDistVelUnitsSI() ? "km" : "nm"), 1, 4, 3);
GPSWaypoint* awp = _parent->GetActiveWaypoint();
if(_kln89->_navFlagged) {
_kln89->DrawText("--.-", 1, 0 ,3);
// Only nav1 still gets speed drawn if nav is flagged - not ACT
if(!nav1) _kln89->DrawText("------", 1, 0, 2);
} else {
char buf[8];
float f = _parent->GetDistToActiveWaypoint() * (_kln89->GetDistVelUnitsSI() ? 0.001 : SG_METER_TO_NM);
snprintf(buf, 5, (f >= 100.0 ? "%4.0f" : "%4.1f"), f);
string s = buf;
_kln89->DrawText(s, 1, 4 - s.size(), 3, true);
// Draw active waypoint ID, except for
// nav1, act, and any waypoint pages matching
// active waypoint that need speed drawn instead.
if(act || nav1 || (awp && awp->id == _id)) {
_kln89->DrawSpeed(_kln89->_groundSpeed_kts, 1, 5, 2);
} else {
if(!(_kln89->_waypointAlert && _kln89->_blink)) _kln89->DrawText(awp->id, 1, 0, 2);
if(_noNrst) {
_kln89->DrawText(" No ", 1, 0, 1, false, 99);
_kln89->DrawText(" Nrst ", 1, 0, 0, false, 99);
if(_scratchpadMsg) {
_kln89->DrawText(_scratchpadLine1, 1, 0, 1, false, 99);
_kln89->DrawText(_scratchpadLine2, 1, 0, 0, false, 99);
_scratchpadTimer += dt;
if(_scratchpadTimer > 4.0) {
_scratchpadMsg = false;
_scratchpadTimer = 0.0;
void KLN89Page::ShowScratchpadMessage(string line1, string line2) {
_scratchpadLine1 = line1;
_scratchpadLine2 = line2;
_scratchpadTimer = 0.0;
_scratchpadMsg = true;
void KLN89Page::Knob1Left1() {
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(_uLinePos > 0) _uLinePos--;
void KLN89Page::Knob1Right1() {
if(_kln89->_mode == KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
if(_uLinePos < _maxULinePos) _uLinePos++;
void KLN89Page::Knob2Left1() {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
} else {
if(_uLinePos == 0 && _kln89->_obsMode) {
if(_kln89->_obsHeading < 0) {
_kln89->_obsHeading += 360;
void KLN89Page::Knob2Right1() {
if(_kln89->_mode != KLN89_MODE_CRSR) {
} else {
if(_uLinePos == 0 && _kln89->_obsMode) {
if(_kln89->_obsHeading > 359) {
_kln89->_obsHeading -= 360;
void KLN89Page::CrsrPressed() {
// Stick some sensible defaults in
if(_kln89->_obsMode) {
_uLinePos = 0;
} else {
_uLinePos = 1;
_maxULinePos = 1;
void KLN89Page::EntPressed() {}
void KLN89Page::ClrPressed() {}
void KLN89Page::DtoPressed() {}
void KLN89Page::NrstPressed() {}
void KLN89Page::AltPressed() {}
void KLN89Page::OBSPressed() {
if(_kln89->_obsMode) {
// If ORS2 and not slaved to gps
_uLinePos = 0;
} else {
// Don't leave the cursor on in the leg position.
if(_uLinePos == 0) {
_kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP;
void KLN89Page::MsgPressed() {}
void KLN89Page::CleanUp() {
_kln89->_cleanUpPage = -1;
void KLN89Page::LooseFocus() {
_entInvert = false;
void KLN89Page::SetId(string s) {
_id = s;
string KLN89Page::GetId() {
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// kln89_page.hxx - base class for the "pages" that
// are used in the KLN89 GPS unit simulation.
// Written by David Luff, started 2005.
// Copyright (C) 2005 - David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$
#ifndef _KLN89_PAGE_HXX
#define _KLN89_PAGE_HXX
#include <Instrumentation/dclgps.hxx>
#include "kln89.hxx"
class KLN89;
class KLN89Page : public GPSPage {
KLN89Page(KLN89* parent);
virtual ~KLN89Page();
virtual void Update(double dt);
virtual void Knob1Left1();
virtual void Knob1Right1();
virtual void Knob2Left1();
virtual void Knob2Right1();
virtual void CrsrPressed();
virtual void EntPressed();
virtual void ClrPressed();
// Even though some/all of the buttons below aren't processed directly by the current page,
// the current page often needs to save or change some state when they are pressed, and
// hence should provide a function to handle them.
virtual void DtoPressed();
virtual void NrstPressed();
virtual void AltPressed();
virtual void OBSPressed();
virtual void MsgPressed();
// See base class comments for this.
virtual void CleanUp();
// ditto
virtual void LooseFocus();
inline void SetEntInvert(bool b) { _entInvert = b; }
// Get / Set a waypoint id, NOT the page name!
virtual void SetId(string s);
virtual string GetId();
KLN89* _kln89;
// Underline position in cursor mode is not persistant when subpage is changed - hence we only need one variable per page for it.
// Note that pos 0 is special - this is the leg pos in field 1, so pos will normally be set to 1 when crsr is pressed.
// Also note that in general it doesn't seem to wrap.
unsigned int _uLinePos;
unsigned int _maxULinePos;
// This is NOT the main gps to/from flag - derived page classes can use this flag
// for any purpose, typically whether a radial bearing should be displayed to or from.
bool _to_flag; // true for TO, false for FROM
// Invert ID and display ENT in field 1
bool _entInvert;
string _id; // The ID of the waypoint that the page is displaying.
// Doesn't make sense for all pages, but does for all the data pages.
void ShowScratchpadMessage(string line1, string line2);
bool _scratchpadMsg; // Set true when there is a scratchpad message to display
double _scratchpadTimer; // Used for displaying the scratchpad messages for the right amount of time.
string _scratchpadLine1;
string _scratchpadLine2;
#endif // _KLN89_PAGE_HXX
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