Fork 0

Improvements to spoken ATIS

- Add section tag to support inclusion of ATIS fragments.

- Add visibility, QNH and cloud tokens to support new ATIS formats.

- Add support for starts-with, ends-with and contains comparisons in
  conditionals, including negated versions.

- Strip and convert case in comparisons.

- Speak VRB wind direction as "variable".

- Speak zeroes in fractional part of QNH inHg.

- Force US voice in US, Canada and Pacific; UK voice in UK.
This commit is contained in:
Richard Senior 2016-04-08 23:33:50 +01:00 committed by Torsten Dreyer
parent 2da1d38c56
commit 13f31782a1
3 changed files with 137 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ ATISEncoder::ATISEncoder()
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "text", &ATISEncoder::processTextToken ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "token", &ATISEncoder::processTokenToken ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "if", &ATISEncoder::processIfToken ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "section", &ATISEncoder::processTokens ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "id", &ATISEncoder::getAtisId ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "airport-name", &ATISEncoder::getAirportName ));
@ -130,13 +131,17 @@ ATISEncoder::ATISEncoder()
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "wind-speed-kn", &ATISEncoder::getWindspeedKnots ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "gusts", &ATISEncoder::getGustsKnots ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "visibility-metric", &ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMetric ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "visibility-miles", &ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMiles ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "phenomena", &ATISEncoder::getPhenomena ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "clouds", &ATISEncoder::getClouds ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "clouds-brief", &ATISEncoder::getCloudsBrief ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "cavok", &ATISEncoder::getCavok ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "temperature-deg", &ATISEncoder::getTemperatureDeg ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "dewpoint-deg", &ATISEncoder::getDewpointDeg ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "qnh", &ATISEncoder::getQnh ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "inhg", &ATISEncoder::getInhg ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "inhg-integer", &ATISEncoder::getInhgInteger ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "inhg-fraction", &ATISEncoder::getInhgFraction ));
handlerMap.insert( std::make_pair( "trend", &ATISEncoder::getTrend ));
@ -250,6 +255,8 @@ string ATISEncoder::processTokenToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
string ATISEncoder::processIfToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
using namespace simgear::strutils;
SGPropertyNode_ptr n;
if( (n = token->getChild("empty", false )).valid() ) {
@ -264,14 +271,50 @@ string ATISEncoder::processIfToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr token )
if( (n = token->getChild("contains", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &contains, "contains") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-contains", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &contains, "not-contains") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("ends-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &ends_with, "ends-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-ends-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &ends_with, "not-ends-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("equals", false )).valid() ) {
return checkEqualsCondition( n, true) ?
return checkCondition( n, true, &equals, "equals") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-equals", false )).valid() ) {
return checkEqualsCondition( n, false) ?
return checkCondition( n, false, &equals, "not-equals") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("starts-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, true, &starts_with, "starts-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
if( (n = token->getChild("not-starts-with", false )).valid() ) {
return checkCondition( n, false, &starts_with, "not-starts-with") ?
processTokens(token->getChild("then",false)) :
@ -291,27 +334,31 @@ bool ATISEncoder::checkEmptyCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool isEmpty )
return processToken( n1 ).empty() == isEmpty;
bool ATISEncoder::checkEqualsCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool isEqual )
bool ATISEncoder::checkCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool notInverted,
bool (*fp)(const string &, const string &), const string &name )
using namespace simgear::strutils;
SGPropertyNode_ptr n1 = node->getNode( "token", 0, false );
SGPropertyNode_ptr n2 = node->getNode( "token", 1, false );
if( n1.valid() && n2.valid() ) {
bool comp = processToken( n1 ).compare( processToken( n2 ) ) == 0;
return comp == isEqual;
bool comp = fp( processToken( n1 ), processToken( n2 ) );
return comp == notInverted;
if( n1.valid() && !n2.valid() ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr t = node->getNode( "text", 0, false );
if( t.valid() ) {
bool comp = processToken( n1 ).compare( processTextToken( t ) ) == 0;
return comp == isEqual;
SGPropertyNode_ptr t1 = node->getNode( "text", 0, false );
if( t1.valid() ) {
string n1s = lowercase( strip( processToken( n1 ) ) );
string t1s = lowercase( strip( processTextToken( t1 ) ) );
return fp( n1s, t1s ) == notInverted;
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> or <text> node for (not)-equals");
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> or <text> node for " << name);
return false;
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> node for (not)-equals");
SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "missing <token> node for " << name);
return false;
@ -408,7 +455,10 @@ string ATISEncoder::getTransitionLevel( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string ATISEncoder::getWindDirection( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getWindDeg(), true, 3 );
string variable = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("variable", "atc", "variable" );
bool vrb = _atis->getWindMinDeg() == 0 && _atis->getWindMaxDeg() == 359;
return vrb ? variable : getSpokenNumber( _atis->getWindDeg(), true, 3 );
string ATISEncoder::getWindMinDirection( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
@ -452,6 +502,20 @@ string ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMetric( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return reply.append( getSpokenNumber( v/1000 ).SPACE.append( km ) );
string ATISEncoder::getVisibilityMiles( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string feet = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("feet", "atc", "feet" );
int v = _atis->getVisibilityMeters();
int vft = round( v * SG_METER_TO_FEET / 100 ) * 100; // Rounded to 100 feet
int vsm = round( v * SG_METER_TO_SM );
string reply;
if( vsm < 1 ) return reply.append( getSpokenAltitude( vft ) ).SPACE.append( feet );
if( v >= 9999 ) return reply.append( getSpokenNumber(10) );
return reply.append( getSpokenNumber( vsm ) );
string ATISEncoder::getPhenomena( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return _atis->getPhenomena();
@ -471,6 +535,19 @@ string ATISEncoder::getClouds( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return reply;
string ATISEncoder::getCloudsBrief( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string reply;
ATISInformationProvider::CloudEntries cloudEntries = _atis->getClouds();
for( ATISInformationProvider::CloudEntries::iterator it = cloudEntries.begin(); it != cloudEntries.end(); it++ ) {
if( false == reply.empty() ) reply.append(",").SPACE;
reply.append( it->second ).SPACE.append( getSpokenAltitude(it->first) );
return reply;
string ATISEncoder::getTemperatureDeg( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getTemperatureDeg() );
@ -486,19 +563,25 @@ string ATISEncoder::getQnh( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
return getSpokenNumber( _atis->getQnh() );
string ATISEncoder::getInhg( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
string ATISEncoder::getInhgInteger( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
double qnh = _atis->getQnh() * 100 / SG_INHG_TO_PA;
return getSpokenNumber( (int)qnh, true, 2 );
string ATISEncoder::getInhgFraction( SGPropertyNode_ptr )
double qnh = _atis->getQnh() * 100 / SG_INHG_TO_PA;
int f = round(100 * (qnh - (int)qnh));
return getSpokenNumber( f, true, 2 );
string ATISEncoder::getInhg( SGPropertyNode_ptr node)
string DECIMAL = globals->get_locale()->getLocalizedString("dp", "atc", "decimal" );
double intpart = .0;
int fractpart = 1000 * ::modf( _atis->getQnh() * 100.0 / SG_INHG_TO_PA, &intpart );
fractpart += 5;
fractpart /= 10;
string reply;
reply.append( getSpokenNumber( (int)intpart ) )
.append( getSpokenNumber( fractpart ) );
return reply;
return getInhgInteger(node)
string ATISEncoder::getTrend( SGPropertyNode_ptr )

View file

@ -85,11 +85,15 @@ protected:
virtual std::string getGustsKnots( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getCavok( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getVisibilityMetric( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getVisibilityMiles( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getPhenomena( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getClouds( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getCloudsBrief( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getTemperatureDeg( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getDewpointDeg( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getQnh( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getInhgInteger( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getInhgFraction( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getInhg( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
virtual std::string getTrend( SGPropertyNode_ptr );
@ -105,11 +109,24 @@ protected:
std::string processTextToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode );
std::string processTokenToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode );
std::string processIfToken( SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode );
bool checkEmptyCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool isEmpty );
bool checkEqualsCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool isEmpty );
// Wrappers that can be passed as function pointers to checkCondition
// @see simgear::strutils::starts_with
// @see simgear::strutils::ends_with
static bool contains(const string &s, const string &substring)
{ return s.find(substring) != std::string::npos; };
static bool equals(const string &s1, const string &s2)
{ return s1 == s2; };
bool checkCondition( SGPropertyNode_ptr node, bool notInverted,
bool (*fp)(const std::string &, const std::string &),
const std::string &name );
FGAirportRef airport;
ATISInformationProvider * _atis;

View file

@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ AtisSpeaker::~AtisSpeaker()
void AtisSpeaker::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node)
using namespace simgear::strutils;
if (!fgGetBool("/sim/sound/working", false))
@ -120,13 +122,19 @@ void AtisSpeaker::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node)
_synthesizeRequest.speed = (hash % 16) / 16.0;
_synthesizeRequest.pitch = (hash % 16) / 16.0;
// pick a voice
voice = FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::getVoicePath(
static_cast<FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::voice_t>(hash % FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::VOICE_UNKNOWN) );
if( starts_with( _stationId, "K" ) || starts_with( _stationId, "C" ) ||
starts_with( _stationId, "P" ) ) {
voice = FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::getVoicePath("cmu_us_arctic_slt");
} else if ( starts_with( _stationId, "EG" ) ) {
voice = FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::getVoicePath("cstr_uk_female");
} else {
// Pick a random voice from the available voices
voice = FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::getVoicePath(
static_cast<FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::voice_t>(hash % FLITEVoiceSynthesizer::VOICE_UNKNOWN) );
FGSoundManager * smgr = globals->get_subsystem<FGSoundManager>();
FGSoundManager * smgr = globals->get_subsystem<FGSoundManager>();
assert(smgr != NULL);
SG_LOG(SG_INSTR,SG_INFO,"AtisSpeaker voice is " << voice );