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src/AIModel/AIMultiplayer.cxx: FGAIMultiplayer::update(): re-indented.

Old indentation was messed up, making it very difficult to work on the code.
This commit is contained in:
Julian Smith 2021-04-13 22:53:07 +01:00
parent 34955d820b
commit 10be9a1b60

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@ -127,486 +127,534 @@ SGRawValueMethods<FGAIMultiplayer, type>(*this, \
void FGAIMultiplayer::update(double dt)
using namespace simgear;
using namespace simgear;
if (dt <= 0)
if (dt <= 0)
// Check if we already got data
if (mMotionInfo.empty())
// The current simulation time we need to update for,
// note that the simulation time is updated before calling all the
// update methods. Thus it contains the time intervals *end* time
// 2018: notice this time is specifically used for mp protocol
double curtime = globals->get_subsystem<TimeManager>()->getMPProtocolClockSec();
// Check if we already got data
if (mMotionInfo.empty())
// Get the last available time
MotionInfo::reverse_iterator it = mMotionInfo.rbegin();
double curentPkgTime = it->second.time;
// The current simulation time we need to update for,
// note that the simulation time is updated before calling all the
// update methods. Thus it contains the time intervals *end* time
// 2018: notice this time is specifically used for mp protocol
double curtime = globals->get_subsystem<TimeManager>()->getMPProtocolClockSec();
// Dynamically optimize the time offset between the feeder and the client
// Well, 'dynamically' means that the dynamic of that update must be very
// slow. You would otherwise notice huge jumps in the multiplayer models.
// The reason is that we want to avoid huge extrapolation times since
// extrapolation is highly error prone. For that we need something
// approaching the average latency of the packets. This first order lag
// component will provide this. We just take the error of the currently
// requested time to the most recent available packet. This is the
// target we want to reach in average.
double lag = it->second.lag;
// Get the last available time
MotionInfo::reverse_iterator it = mMotionInfo.rbegin();
double curentPkgTime = it->second.time;
rawLag = curentPkgTime - curtime;
realTime = false; //default behaviour
// Dynamically optimize the time offset between the feeder and the client
// Well, 'dynamically' means that the dynamic of that update must be very
// slow. You would otherwise notice huge jumps in the multiplayer models.
// The reason is that we want to avoid huge extrapolation times since
// extrapolation is highly error prone. For that we need something
// approaching the average latency of the packets. This first order lag
// component will provide this. We just take the error of the currently
// requested time to the most recent available packet. This is the
// target we want to reach in average.
double lag = it->second.lag;
rawLag = curentPkgTime - curtime;
realTime = false; //default behaviour
if (!mTimeOffsetSet) {
mTimeOffsetSet = true;
mTimeOffset = curentPkgTime - curtime - lag;
lastTime = curentPkgTime;
lagModAveraged = remainder((curentPkgTime - curtime), 3600.0);
props->setDoubleValue("lag/pps-averaged", lagPpsAveraged);
props->setDoubleValue("lag/lag-mod-averaged", lagModAveraged);
} else {
if ((curentPkgTime - lastTime) != 0) {
lagPpsAveraged = 0.99 * lagPpsAveraged + 0.01 * fabs( 1 / (lastTime - curentPkgTime));
if (!mTimeOffsetSet)
mTimeOffsetSet = true;
mTimeOffset = curentPkgTime - curtime - lag;
lastTime = curentPkgTime;
rawLagMod = remainder(rawLag, 3600.0);
lagModAveraged = lagModAveraged *0.99 + 0.01 * rawLagMod;
lagModAveraged = remainder((curentPkgTime - curtime), 3600.0);
props->setDoubleValue("lag/pps-averaged", lagPpsAveraged);
props->setDoubleValue("lag/lag-mod-averaged", lagModAveraged);
double offset = 0.0;
//spectator mode, more late to be in the interpolation zone
if (compensateLag == 3) { offset = curentPkgTime -curtime -lag + playerLag;
// old behaviour
} else if (compensateLag == 1) { offset = curentPkgTime - curtime - lag;
// using the prediction mode to display the mpaircraft in the futur/past with given playerlag value
//currently compensatelag = 2
} else if (fabs(lagModAveraged) < 0.3) {
mTimeOffset = (round(rawLag/3600))*3600; //real time mode if close enough
realTime = true;
} else { offset = curentPkgTime - curtime + 0.48*lag + playerLag;
if (!realTime) {
if ((!mAllowExtrapolation && offset + lag < mTimeOffset)
|| (offset - 10 > mTimeOffset)) {
mTimeOffset = offset;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Resetting time offset adjust system to "
"avoid extrapolation: time offset = " << mTimeOffset);
} else {
// the error of the offset, respectively the negative error to avoid
// a minus later ...
double err = offset - mTimeOffset;
// limit errors leading to shorter lag values somehow, that is late
// arriving packets will pessimize the overall lag much more than
// early packets will shorten the overall lag
double sysSpeed;
//trying to slow the rudderlag phenomenon thus using more the prediction system
//if we are off by less than 1.5s, do a little correction, and bigger step above 1.5s
if (fabs(err) < 1.5) {
if (err < 0) {
sysSpeed = mLagAdjustSystemSpeed*err*0.01;
} else {
sysSpeed = SGMiscd::min(0.5*err*err, 0.05);
} else {
if (err < 0) {
// Ok, we have some very late packets and nothing newer increase the
// lag by the given speedadjust
sysSpeed = mLagAdjustSystemSpeed*err;
} else {
// We have a too pessimistic display delay shorten that a small bit
sysSpeed = SGMiscd::min(0.1*err*err, 0.5);
if ((curentPkgTime - lastTime) != 0)
lagPpsAveraged = 0.99 * lagPpsAveraged + 0.01 * fabs( 1 / (lastTime - curentPkgTime));
lastTime = curentPkgTime;
rawLagMod = remainder(rawLag, 3600.0);
lagModAveraged = lagModAveraged *0.99 + 0.01 * rawLagMod;
props->setDoubleValue("lag/pps-averaged", lagPpsAveraged);
props->setDoubleValue("lag/lag-mod-averaged", lagModAveraged);
double offset = 0.0;
// simple euler integration for that first order system including some
// overshooting guard to prevent to aggressive system speeds
// (stiff systems) to explode the systems state
double systemIncrement = dt*sysSpeed;
if (fabs(err) < fabs(systemIncrement))
systemIncrement = err;
mTimeOffset += systemIncrement;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Offset adjust system: time offset = "
<< mTimeOffset << ", expected longitudinal position error due to "
" current adjustment of the offset: "
<< fabs(norm(it->second.linearVel)*systemIncrement));
// Compute the time in the feeders time scale which fits the current time
// we need to
double tInterp = curtime + mTimeOffset;
SGVec3d ecPos;
SGQuatf ecOrient;
SGVec3f ecLinearVel;
if (tInterp < curentPkgTime) {
// Ok, we need a time prevous to the last available packet,
// that is good ...
// the case tInterp = curentPkgTime need to be in the interpolation, to avoid a bug zeroing the position
// Find the first packet before the target time
MotionInfo::iterator nextIt = mMotionInfo.upper_bound(tInterp);
if (nextIt == mMotionInfo.begin()) {
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Taking oldest packet!");
// We have no packet before the target time, just use the first one
MotionInfo::iterator firstIt = mMotionInfo.begin();
ecPos = firstIt->second.position;
ecOrient = firstIt->second.orientation;
ecLinearVel = firstIt->second.linearVel;
speed = norm(ecLinearVel) * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropItEnd;
firstPropIt = firstIt->second.properties.begin();
firstPropItEnd = firstIt->second.properties.end();
while (firstPropIt != firstPropItEnd) {
//cout << " Setting property..." << (*firstPropIt)->id;
PropertyMap::iterator pIt = mPropertyMap.find((*firstPropIt)->id);
if (pIt != mPropertyMap.end())
//spectator mode, more late to be in the interpolation zone
if (compensateLag == 3)
//cout << "Found " << pIt->second->getPath() << ":";
switch ((*firstPropIt)->type) {
case props::INT:
case props::BOOL:
case props::LONG:
//cout << "Int: " << (*firstPropIt)->int_value << "\n";
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
//cout << "Flo: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
//cout << "Str: " << (*firstPropIt)->string_value << "\n";
// FIXME - currently defaults to float values
//cout << "Unknown: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
offset = curentPkgTime -curtime -lag + playerLag;
// old behaviour
else if (compensateLag == 1)
offset = curentPkgTime - curtime - lag;
// using the prediction mode to display the mpaircraft in the futur/past with given playerlag value
//currently compensatelag = 2
else if (fabs(lagModAveraged) < 0.3)
mTimeOffset = (round(rawLag/3600))*3600; //real time mode if close enough
realTime = true;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Unable to find property: " << (*firstPropIt)->id << "\n");
offset = curentPkgTime - curtime + 0.48*lag + playerLag;
} else {
// Ok, we have really found something where our target time is in between
// do interpolation here
MotionInfo::iterator prevIt = nextIt;
if (!realTime)
if ((!mAllowExtrapolation && offset + lag < mTimeOffset) || (offset - 10 > mTimeOffset))
mTimeOffset = offset;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Resetting time offset adjust system to "
"avoid extrapolation: time offset = " << mTimeOffset);
// the error of the offset, respectively the negative error to avoid
// a minus later ...
double err = offset - mTimeOffset;
// limit errors leading to shorter lag values somehow, that is late
// arriving packets will pessimize the overall lag much more than
// early packets will shorten the overall lag
double sysSpeed;
//trying to slow the rudderlag phenomenon thus using more the prediction system
//if we are off by less than 1.5s, do a little correction, and bigger step above 1.5s
if (fabs(err) < 1.5)
if (err < 0)
sysSpeed = mLagAdjustSystemSpeed*err*0.01;
sysSpeed = SGMiscd::min(0.5*err*err, 0.05);
if (err < 0)
// Ok, we have some very late packets and nothing newer increase the
// lag by the given speedadjust
sysSpeed = mLagAdjustSystemSpeed*err;
// We have a too pessimistic display delay shorten that a small bit
sysSpeed = SGMiscd::min(0.1*err*err, 0.5);
* RJH: 2017-02-16 another exception thrown here when running under debug (and hence huge frame delays)
* the value of nextIt was already end(); which I think means that we cannot run the entire next section of code.
if (nextIt != prevIt && nextIt != mMotionInfo.end()) {
// Interpolation coefficient is between 0 and 1
double intervalStart = prevIt->second.time;
double intervalEnd = nextIt->second.time;
// simple euler integration for that first order system including some
// overshooting guard to prevent to aggressive system speeds
// (stiff systems) to explode the systems state
double systemIncrement = dt*sysSpeed;
if (fabs(err) < fabs(systemIncrement))
systemIncrement = err;
mTimeOffset += systemIncrement;
double intervalLen = intervalEnd - intervalStart;
double tau = 0.0;
if (intervalLen != 0.0) tau = (tInterp - intervalStart) / intervalLen;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Multiplayer vehicle interpolation: ["
<< intervalStart << ", " << intervalEnd << "], intervalLen = "
<< intervalLen << ", interpolation parameter = " << tau);
// Here we do just linear interpolation on the position
ecPos = interpolate(tau, prevIt->second.position, nextIt->second.position);
ecOrient = interpolate((float)tau, prevIt->second.orientation,
ecLinearVel = interpolate((float)tau, prevIt->second.linearVel, nextIt->second.linearVel);
speed = norm(ecLinearVel) * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
if (prevIt->second.properties.size()
== nextIt->second.properties.size()) {
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator prevPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator prevPropItEnd;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator nextPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator nextPropItEnd;
prevPropIt = prevIt->second.properties.begin();
prevPropItEnd = prevIt->second.properties.end();
nextPropIt = nextIt->second.properties.begin();
nextPropItEnd = nextIt->second.properties.end();
while (prevPropIt != prevPropItEnd) {
PropertyMap::iterator pIt = mPropertyMap.find((*prevPropIt)->id);
//cout << " Setting property..." << (*prevPropIt)->id;
if (pIt != mPropertyMap.end())
//cout << "Found " << pIt->second->getPath() << ":";
float val;
* RJH - 2017-01-25
* During multiplayer operations a series of crashes were encountered that affected all players
* within range of each other and resulting in an exception being thrown at exactly the same moment in time
* (within case props::STRING: ref http://i.imgur.com/y6MBoXq.png)
* Investigation showed that the nextPropIt and prevPropIt were pointing to different properties
* which may be caused due to certain models that have overloaded mp property transmission and
* these craft have their properties truncated due to packet size. However the result of this
* will be different contents in the previous and current packets, so here we protect against
* this by only considering properties where the previous and next id are the same.
* It might be a better solution to search the previous and next lists to locate the matching id's
if (*nextPropIt && (*nextPropIt)->id == (*prevPropIt)->id) {
switch ((*prevPropIt)->type) {
case props::INT:
case props::BOOL:
case props::LONG:
// Jean Pellotier, 2018-01-02 : we don't want interpolation for integer values, they are mostly used
// for non linearly changing values (e.g. transponder etc ...)
// fixes: https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/codetickets/1885/
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
val = (1 - tau)*(*prevPropIt)->float_value +
//cout << "Flo: " << val << "\n";
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
//cout << "Str: " << (*nextPropIt)->string_value << "\n";
// FIXME - currently defaults to float values
val = (1 - tau)*(*prevPropIt)->float_value +
//cout << "Unk: " << val << "\n";
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_WARN, "MP packet mismatch during lag interpolation: " << (*prevPropIt)->id << " != " << (*nextPropIt)->id << "\n");
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Unable to find property: " << (*prevPropIt)->id << "\n");
// Now throw away too old data
if (prevIt != mMotionInfo.begin())
mMotionInfo.erase(mMotionInfo.begin(), prevIt);
} else {
// Ok, we need to predict the future, so, take the best data we can have
// and do some eom computation to guess that for now.
FGExternalMotionData& motionInfo = it->second;
// The time to predict, limit to 3 seconds
double t = tInterp - motionInfo.time;
t = SGMisc<double>::min(t, 3);
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Multiplayer vehicle extrapolation: "
"extrapolation time = " << t);
// using velocity and acceleration to guess a parabolic position...
ecPos = motionInfo.position;
ecOrient = motionInfo.orientation;
ecLinearVel = motionInfo.linearVel;
SGVec3d ecVel = toVec3d(ecOrient.backTransform(ecLinearVel));
SGVec3f angularVel = motionInfo.angularVel;
SGVec3d ecAcc = toVec3d(ecOrient.backTransform(motionInfo.linearAccel));
double normVel = norm(ecVel);
// not doing rotationnal prediction for small speed or rotation rate,
// to avoid agitated parked plane
if (( norm(angularVel) > 0.05 ) || ( normVel > 1.0 )) {
ecOrient += t*ecOrient.derivative(angularVel);
// not using acceleration for small speed, to have better parked planes
// note that anyway acceleration is not transmit yet by mp
if ( normVel > 1.0 ) {
ecPos += t*(ecVel + 0.5*t*ecAcc);
} else {
ecPos += t*(ecVel);
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropItEnd;
speed = norm(ecLinearVel) * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
firstPropIt = it->second.properties.begin();
firstPropItEnd = it->second.properties.end();
while (firstPropIt != firstPropItEnd) {
PropertyMap::iterator pIt = mPropertyMap.find((*firstPropIt)->id);
//cout << " Setting property..." << (*firstPropIt)->id;
if (pIt != mPropertyMap.end())
switch ((*firstPropIt)->type) {
case props::INT:
case props::BOOL:
case props::LONG:
//cout << "Int: " << (*firstPropIt)->int_value << "\n";
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
//cout << "Flo: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
//cout << "Str: " << (*firstPropIt)->string_value << "\n";
// FIXME - currently defaults to float values
//cout << "Unk: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Offset adjust system: time offset = "
<< mTimeOffset << ", expected longitudinal position error due to "
" current adjustment of the offset: "
<< fabs(norm(it->second.linearVel)*systemIncrement));
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Unable to find property: " << (*firstPropIt)->id << "\n");
// extract the position
pos = SGGeod::fromCart(ecPos);
double recent_alt_ft = altitude_ft;
altitude_ft = pos.getElevationFt();
// Compute the time in the feeders time scale which fits the current time
// we need to
double tInterp = curtime + mTimeOffset;
// expose a valid vertical speed
if (lastUpdateTime != 0)
double dT = curtime - lastUpdateTime;
double Weighting=1;
if (dt < 1.0)
Weighting = dt;
// simple smoothing over 1 second
vs_fps = (1.0-Weighting)*vs_fps + Weighting * (altitude_ft - recent_alt_ft) / dT * 60;
lastUpdateTime = curtime;
SGVec3d ecPos;
SGQuatf ecOrient;
SGVec3f ecLinearVel;
// The quaternion rotating from the earth centered frame to the
// horizontal local frame
SGQuatf qEc2Hl = SGQuatf::fromLonLatRad((float)pos.getLongitudeRad(),
// The orientation wrt the horizontal local frame
SGQuatf hlOr = conj(qEc2Hl)*ecOrient;
float hDeg, pDeg, rDeg;
hlOr.getEulerDeg(hDeg, pDeg, rDeg);
hdg = hDeg;
roll = rDeg;
pitch = pDeg;
if (tInterp < curentPkgTime)
// Ok, we need a time prevous to the last available packet,
// that is good ...
// the case tInterp = curentPkgTime need to be in the interpolation, to avoid a bug zeroing the position
// expose velocities/u,v,wbody-fps in the mp tree
_uBodyNode->setValue(ecLinearVel[0] * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
_vBodyNode->setValue(ecLinearVel[1] * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
_wBodyNode->setValue(ecLinearVel[2] * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
// Find the first packet before the target time
MotionInfo::iterator nextIt = mMotionInfo.upper_bound(tInterp);
if (nextIt == mMotionInfo.begin())
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Taking oldest packet!");
// We have no packet before the target time, just use the first one
MotionInfo::iterator firstIt = mMotionInfo.begin();
ecPos = firstIt->second.position;
ecOrient = firstIt->second.orientation;
ecLinearVel = firstIt->second.linearVel;
speed = norm(ecLinearVel) * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Multiplayer position and orientation: "
<< ecPos << ", " << hlOr);
static SGPropertyNode_ptr mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer;
if (!mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer) {
mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer = fgGetNode("/sim/replay/log-raw-speed-multiplayer", true);
const char* callsign = mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer->getStringValue();
if (callsign && callsign[0] && this->_callsign == callsign) {
static SGVec3d s_pos_prev;
static double s_simtime_prev = -1;
SGVec3d pos = ecPos;
double sim_time = fgGetDouble("/sim/replay/time");
if (s_simtime_prev != -1 && dt > 0) {
double dt = sim_time - s_simtime_prev;
double distance = length(pos - s_pos_prev);
double speed = distance / dt;
SGPropertyNode* n = fgGetNode("/sim/replay/log-raw-speed-multiplayer-post-values", true /*create*/);
n = n->addChild("value");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Multiplayer-post aircraft callsign=" << _callsign << ":"
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
<< " dt=" << dt
<< " distance=" << distance
<< " speed=" << speed
<< " s_pos_prev=" << s_pos_prev
<< " pos=" << pos
<< " n->getPath()=" << n->getPath(true /*simplify*/)
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropItEnd;
firstPropIt = firstIt->second.properties.begin();
firstPropItEnd = firstIt->second.properties.end();
while (firstPropIt != firstPropItEnd)
//cout << " Setting property..." << (*firstPropIt)->id;
PropertyMap::iterator pIt = mPropertyMap.find((*firstPropIt)->id);
if (pIt != mPropertyMap.end())
//cout << "Found " << pIt->second->getPath() << ":";
switch ((*firstPropIt)->type)
case props::INT:
case props::BOOL:
case props::LONG:
//cout << "Int: " << (*firstPropIt)->int_value << "\n";
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
//cout << "Flo: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
//cout << "Str: " << (*firstPropIt)->string_value << "\n";
// FIXME - currently defaults to float values
//cout << "Unknown: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Unable to find property: " << (*firstPropIt)->id << "\n");
s_simtime_prev = sim_time;
s_pos_prev = pos;
// Ok, we have really found something where our target time is in between
// do interpolation here
MotionInfo::iterator prevIt = nextIt;
// do calculations for radar //
* RJH: 2017-02-16 another exception thrown here when running under debug (and hence huge frame delays)
* the value of nextIt was already end(); which I think means that we cannot run the entire next section of code.
if (nextIt != prevIt && nextIt != mMotionInfo.end())
// Interpolation coefficient is between 0 and 1
double intervalStart = prevIt->second.time;
double intervalEnd = nextIt->second.time;
double intervalLen = intervalEnd - intervalStart;
double tau = 0.0;
if (intervalLen != 0.0)
tau = (tInterp - intervalStart) / intervalLen;
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Multiplayer vehicle interpolation: ["
<< intervalStart << ", " << intervalEnd << "], intervalLen = "
<< intervalLen << ", interpolation parameter = " << tau);
// Here we do just linear interpolation on the position
ecPos = interpolate(tau, prevIt->second.position, nextIt->second.position);
ecOrient = interpolate((float)tau, prevIt->second.orientation, nextIt->second.orientation);
ecLinearVel = interpolate((float)tau, prevIt->second.linearVel, nextIt->second.linearVel);
speed = norm(ecLinearVel) * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
if (prevIt->second.properties.size() == nextIt->second.properties.size())
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator prevPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator prevPropItEnd;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator nextPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator nextPropItEnd;
prevPropIt = prevIt->second.properties.begin();
prevPropItEnd = prevIt->second.properties.end();
nextPropIt = nextIt->second.properties.begin();
nextPropItEnd = nextIt->second.properties.end();
while (prevPropIt != prevPropItEnd)
PropertyMap::iterator pIt = mPropertyMap.find((*prevPropIt)->id);
//cout << " Setting property..." << (*prevPropIt)->id;
if (pIt != mPropertyMap.end())
//cout << "Found " << pIt->second->getPath() << ":";
float val;
* RJH - 2017-01-25
* During multiplayer operations a series of crashes were encountered that affected all players
* within range of each other and resulting in an exception being thrown at exactly the same moment in time
* (within case props::STRING: ref http://i.imgur.com/y6MBoXq.png)
* Investigation showed that the nextPropIt and prevPropIt were pointing to different properties
* which may be caused due to certain models that have overloaded mp property transmission and
* these craft have their properties truncated due to packet size. However the result of this
* will be different contents in the previous and current packets, so here we protect against
* this by only considering properties where the previous and next id are the same.
* It might be a better solution to search the previous and next lists to locate the matching id's
if (*nextPropIt && (*nextPropIt)->id == (*prevPropIt)->id)
switch ((*prevPropIt)->type)
case props::INT:
case props::BOOL:
case props::LONG:
// Jean Pellotier, 2018-01-02 : we don't want interpolation for integer values, they are mostly used
// for non linearly changing values (e.g. transponder etc ...)
// fixes: https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/codetickets/1885/
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
val = (1 - tau)*(*prevPropIt)->float_value + tau*(*nextPropIt)->float_value;
//cout << "Flo: " << val << "\n";
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
//cout << "Str: " << (*nextPropIt)->string_value << "\n";
// FIXME - currently defaults to float values
val = (1 - tau)*(*prevPropIt)->float_value + tau*(*nextPropIt)->float_value;
//cout << "Unk: " << val << "\n";
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_WARN, "MP packet mismatch during lag interpolation: " << (*prevPropIt)->id << " != " << (*nextPropIt)->id << "\n");
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Unable to find property: " << (*prevPropIt)->id << "\n");
// Now throw away too old data
if (prevIt != mMotionInfo.begin())
mMotionInfo.erase(mMotionInfo.begin(), prevIt);
// Ok, we need to predict the future, so, take the best data we can have
// and do some eom computation to guess that for now.
FGExternalMotionData& motionInfo = it->second;
// The time to predict, limit to 3 seconds
double t = tInterp - motionInfo.time;
t = SGMisc<double>::min(t, 3);
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Multiplayer vehicle extrapolation: "
"extrapolation time = " << t);
// using velocity and acceleration to guess a parabolic position...
ecPos = motionInfo.position;
ecOrient = motionInfo.orientation;
ecLinearVel = motionInfo.linearVel;
SGVec3d ecVel = toVec3d(ecOrient.backTransform(ecLinearVel));
SGVec3f angularVel = motionInfo.angularVel;
SGVec3d ecAcc = toVec3d(ecOrient.backTransform(motionInfo.linearAccel));
double normVel = norm(ecVel);
// not doing rotationnal prediction for small speed or rotation rate,
// to avoid agitated parked plane
if (( norm(angularVel) > 0.05 ) || ( normVel > 1.0 ))
ecOrient += t*ecOrient.derivative(angularVel);
// not using acceleration for small speed, to have better parked planes
// note that anyway acceleration is not transmit yet by mp
if ( normVel > 1.0 )
ecPos += t*(ecVel + 0.5*t*ecAcc);
ecPos += t*(ecVel);
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropIt;
std::vector<FGPropertyData*>::const_iterator firstPropItEnd;
speed = norm(ecLinearVel) * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600.0;
firstPropIt = it->second.properties.begin();
firstPropItEnd = it->second.properties.end();
while (firstPropIt != firstPropItEnd)
PropertyMap::iterator pIt = mPropertyMap.find((*firstPropIt)->id);
//cout << " Setting property..." << (*firstPropIt)->id;
if (pIt != mPropertyMap.end())
switch ((*firstPropIt)->type)
case props::INT:
case props::BOOL:
case props::LONG:
//cout << "Int: " << (*firstPropIt)->int_value << "\n";
case props::FLOAT:
case props::DOUBLE:
//cout << "Flo: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
case props::STRING:
case props::UNSPECIFIED:
//cout << "Str: " << (*firstPropIt)->string_value << "\n";
// FIXME - currently defaults to float values
//cout << "Unk: " << (*firstPropIt)->float_value << "\n";
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Unable to find property: " << (*firstPropIt)->id << "\n");
// extract the position
pos = SGGeod::fromCart(ecPos);
double recent_alt_ft = altitude_ft;
altitude_ft = pos.getElevationFt();
// expose a valid vertical speed
if (lastUpdateTime != 0)
double dT = curtime - lastUpdateTime;
double Weighting=1;
if (dt < 1.0)
Weighting = dt;
// simple smoothing over 1 second
vs_fps = (1.0-Weighting)*vs_fps + Weighting * (altitude_ft - recent_alt_ft) / dT * 60;
lastUpdateTime = curtime;
// The quaternion rotating from the earth centered frame to the
// horizontal local frame
SGQuatf qEc2Hl = SGQuatf::fromLonLatRad((float)pos.getLongitudeRad(), (float)pos.getLatitudeRad());
// The orientation wrt the horizontal local frame
SGQuatf hlOr = conj(qEc2Hl)*ecOrient;
float hDeg, pDeg, rDeg;
hlOr.getEulerDeg(hDeg, pDeg, rDeg);
hdg = hDeg;
roll = rDeg;
pitch = pDeg;
// expose velocities/u,v,wbody-fps in the mp tree
_uBodyNode->setValue(ecLinearVel[0] * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
_vBodyNode->setValue(ecLinearVel[1] * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
_wBodyNode->setValue(ecLinearVel[2] * SG_METER_TO_FEET);
SG_LOG(SG_AI, SG_DEBUG, "Multiplayer position and orientation: " << ecPos << ", " << hlOr);
static SGPropertyNode_ptr mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer;
if (!mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer)
mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer = fgGetNode("/sim/replay/log-raw-speed-multiplayer", true);
const char* callsign = mLogRawSpeedMultiplayer->getStringValue();
if (callsign && callsign[0] && this->_callsign == callsign)
static SGVec3d s_pos_prev;
static double s_simtime_prev = -1;
SGVec3d pos = ecPos;
double sim_time = fgGetDouble("/sim/replay/time");
if (s_simtime_prev != -1 && dt > 0)
double dt = sim_time - s_simtime_prev;
double distance = length(pos - s_pos_prev);
double speed = distance / dt;
SGPropertyNode* n = fgGetNode("/sim/replay/log-raw-speed-multiplayer-post-values", true /*create*/);
n = n->addChild("value");
SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Multiplayer-post aircraft callsign=" << _callsign << ":"
<< " sim_time=" << sim_time
<< " dt=" << dt
<< " distance=" << distance
<< " speed=" << speed
<< " s_pos_prev=" << s_pos_prev
<< " pos=" << pos
<< " n->getPath()=" << n->getPath(true /*simplify*/)
s_simtime_prev = sim_time;
s_pos_prev = pos;
// do calculations for radar //
double range_ft2 = UpdateRadar(manager);
// Tanker code //
if ( isTanker) {
if ( isTanker)
//cout << "IS tanker ";
if ( (range_ft2 < 250.0 * 250.0) &&
(y_shift > 0.0) &&
(elevation > 0.0) ){
// refuel_node->setBoolValue(true);
//cout << "in contact" << endl;
if (range_ft2 < 250.0 * 250.0 && y_shift > 0.0 && elevation > 0.0)
// refuel_node->setBoolValue(true);
//cout << "in contact" << endl;
contact = true;
} else {
// refuel_node->setBoolValue(false);
//cout << "not in contact" << endl;
contact = false;
} else {
//cout << "NOT tanker " << endl;
contact = false;