GPS/RNAV: configurable max-flyBy-angle
Make the max-flyBy angle configuable, since for exmaple AIrbus uses 90 degrees. Expose this via a new gps/config property, and extend the tests to verify that angles greater than the fly-by angle behav as fly-over waypoints. Extend the RoutePath code to share this configuration, so that route visualisations match the configured angle. SF-ID:
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 324 additions and 206 deletions
@ -91,6 +91,14 @@ void GPS::Config::bind(GPS* aOwner, SGPropertyNode* aCfg)
aOwner->tie(aCfg, "over-flight-arm-distance-nm", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&_overflightArmDistance));
aOwner->tie(aCfg, "over-flight-arm-angle-deg", SGRawValuePointer<double>(&_overflightArmAngle));
aOwner->tie(aCfg, "delegate-sequencing", SGRawValuePointer<bool>(&_delegateSequencing));
aOwner->tie(aCfg, "max-fly-by-turn-angle-deg", SGRawValueMethods<GPS, double>(*aOwner, &GPS::maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg, &GPS::setFlyByMaxTurnAngle));
void GPS::setFlyByMaxTurnAngle(double maxAngle)
// keep the FlightPlan in sync, so RoutePath matches
@ -481,6 +489,11 @@ double GPS::selectedMagCourse()
return _selectedCourse;
double GPS::maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg() const
return _config.maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg();
simgear::optional<double> GPS::nextLegTrack()
auto next = _route->nextLeg();
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ public:
double overflightArmDistanceM() override;
double overflightArmAngleDeg() override;
bool canFlyBy() const override;
double maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg() const override;
simgear::optional<LegData> previousLegData() override;
@ -95,6 +96,8 @@ public:
friend class SearchFilter;
void setFlyByMaxTurnAngle(double maxAngle);
* Configuration manager, track data relating to aircraft installation
@ -158,6 +161,14 @@ private:
bool delegateDoesSequencing() const { return _delegateSequencing; }
double maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg() const { return _maxFlyByTurnAngle; }
void setMaxFlyByTurnAngle(double deg)
_maxFlyByTurnAngle = deg;
bool _enableTurnAnticipation;
@ -194,6 +205,8 @@ private:
// do we handle waypoint sequencing ourselves, or let the delegate do it?
// default is we do it, for backwards compatability
bool _delegateSequencing = false;
double _maxFlyByTurnAngle = 90.0;
class SearchFilter : public FGPositioned::Filter
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ public:
_flyByTurnAngle = nextLegTrack.value() - _finalLegCourse;
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(_flyByTurnAngle, -180.0, 180.0);
if (fabs(_flyByTurnAngle) > 120.0) {
if (fabs(_flyByTurnAngle) > _rnav->maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg()) {
// too sharp, don't anticipate
@ -65,6 +65,16 @@ public:
return false;
* maximum angle in degrees where flyBy is permitted. Turns larger
* than this value will always be executed as fly-over to avoid
* a very large cut.
virtual double maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg() const
return 120.0;
* minimum distance to switch next waypoint.
@ -1908,6 +1908,16 @@ bool FlightPlan::followLegTrackToFixes() const
return _followLegTrackToFix;
void FlightPlan::setMaxFlyByTurnAngle(double deg)
_maxFlyByTurnAngle = deg;
double FlightPlan::maxFlyByTurnAngle() const
return _maxFlyByTurnAngle;
std::string FlightPlan::icaoAircraftCategory() const
std::string r;
@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ public:
void setFollowLegTrackToFixes(bool tf);
bool followLegTrackToFixes() const;
void setMaxFlyByTurnAngle(double deg);
double maxFlyByTurnAngle() const;
// aircraft approach category as per CFR 97.3, etc
std::string icaoAircraftCategory() const;
@ -482,10 +485,11 @@ private:
int _cruiseFlightLevel = 0;
int _cruiseAltitudeFt = 0;
int _estimatedDuration = 0;
double _maxFlyByTurnAngle = 90.0;
FGAirportRef _departure, _destination;
FGAirportRef _alternate;
FGRunway* _departureRunway, *_destinationRunway;
FGRunway *_departureRunway, *_destinationRunway;
SGSharedPtr<SID> _sid;
SGSharedPtr<STAR> _star;
SGSharedPtr<Approach> _approach;
@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ public:
return turnRadius * fabs(angleDeg) * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
void computeTurn(double radiusM, bool constrainLegCourse, WayptData& next)
void computeTurn(double radiusM, bool constrainLegCourse, double maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg, WayptData& next)
@ -431,10 +431,11 @@ public:
SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(turnExitAngle, -180.0, 180.0);
turnRadius = radiusM;
if (!flyOver && fabs(turnExitAngle) > 120.0) {
if (!flyOver && fabs(turnExitAngle) > maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg) {
// flyBy logic blows up for sharp turns - due to the tan() term
// heading towards infinity. By converting to flyOver we do something
// closer to what was requested.
// closer to what was requested. This matches logic in the RNAV
// Leg controller
flyOver = true;
@ -445,7 +446,6 @@ public:
} else {
turnEntryPos = pos;
turnExitCenter = turnCenterOverflight(pos, legCourseTrue, turnExitAngle, turnRadius);
turnExitPos = pointOnExitTurnFromHeading(next.legCourseTrue);
@ -628,12 +628,12 @@ public:
AircraftPerformance perf;
bool constrainLegCourses;
double maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg = 90.0;
void computeDynamicPosition(int index)
auto previous(previousValidWaypoint(index));
if ((previous == waypoints.end()) || !previous->posValid)
if ((previous == waypoints.end()) || !previous->posValid) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "couldn't compute position for dynamic waypoint: no preceeding valid waypoint");
@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ public:
const std::string& ty(wpt->type());
if (ty == "hdgToAlt") {
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*) wpt.get();
HeadingToAltitude* h = (HeadingToAltitude*)wpt.get();
double altFt = computeVNAVAltitudeFt(index - 1);
double distanceM = perf.distanceNmBetween(altFt, h->altitudeFt()) * SG_NM_TO_METER;
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ public:
waypoints[index].posValid = true;
} else if (ty == "radialIntercept") {
// start from previous.turnExit
RadialIntercept* i = (RadialIntercept*) wpt.get();
RadialIntercept* i = (RadialIntercept*)wpt.get();
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(previous->turnExitPos);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(wpt->position());
@ -669,9 +669,7 @@ public:
// try again
ok = geocRadialIntersection(prevGc, track, navidAdjusted, radial, rGc);
if (!ok) {
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "couldn't compute interception for radial:"
<< previous->turnExitPos << " / " << track << "/" << wpt->position()
<< "/" << radial);
SG_LOG(SG_NAVAID, SG_WARN, "couldn't compute interception for radial:" << previous->turnExitPos << " / " << track << "/" << wpt->position() << "/" << radial);
waypoints[index].pos = wpt->position(); // horrible fallback
} else {
@ -683,7 +681,7 @@ public:
waypoints[index].posValid = true;
} else if (ty == "dmeIntercept") {
DMEIntercept* di = (DMEIntercept*) wpt.get();
DMEIntercept* di = (DMEIntercept*)wpt.get();
SGGeoc prevGc = SGGeoc::fromGeod(previous->turnExitPos);
SGGeoc navid = SGGeoc::fromGeod(wpt->position());
@ -915,7 +913,7 @@ void RoutePath::commonInit()
nextIt->computeLegCourse(&(d->waypoints[i]), radiusM);
if (nextIt->legCourseValid) {
d->waypoints[i].computeTurn(radiusM, d->constrainLegCourses, *nextIt);
d->waypoints[i].computeTurn(radiusM, d->constrainLegCourses, d->maxFlyByTurnAngleDeg, *nextIt);
} else {
// next waypoint has indeterminate course. Let's create a sharp turn
// this can happen when the following point is ATC vectors, for example.
@ -27,10 +27,11 @@
#include "test_suite/FGTestApi/TestPilot.hxx"
#include "test_suite/FGTestApi/TestDataLogger.hxx"
#include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
#include <Navaids/FlightPlan.hxx>
#include <Navaids/NavDataCache.hxx>
#include <Navaids/fixlist.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navlist.hxx>
#include <Navaids/navrecord.hxx>
#include <Instrumentation/gps.hxx>
#include <Instrumentation/navradio.hxx>
@ -1379,6 +1380,66 @@ void GPSTests::testTurnAnticipation()
void GPSTests::testExceedFlyByMaxAngleTurn()
// FGTestApi::setUp::logPositionToKML("gps_fly_by_exceed_max_angle");
auto rm = globals->get_subsystem<FGRouteMgr>();
auto fp = FlightPlan::create();
FGTestApi::setUp::populateFPWithoutNasal(fp, "LFBD", "23", "EHAM", "18L", "SOMOS ROYAN TIRAV BOBRI ADABI");
// takes the place of the Nasal delegates
auto testDelegate = new TestFPDelegate;
testDelegate->thePlan = fp;
auto gps = setupStandardGPS();
fp->setCurrentIndex(4); // BOBRI
// somehwat before BOBRI
SGGeod initPos = fp->pointAlongRouteNorm(4, -0.1);
FGTestApi::writePointToKML("init point", initPos);
auto gpsNode = globals->get_props()->getNode("instrumentation/gps");
gpsNode->setBoolValue("config/delegate-sequencing", true);
gpsNode->setDoubleValue("config/max-fly-by-turn-angle-deg", 75.0);
gpsNode->setStringValue("command", "leg");
FGPositioned::TypeFilter fixFilter(FGPositioned::FIX);
auto tiravFix = FGPositioned::findFirstWithIdent("TIRAV", &fixFilter);
auto bobriFix = FGPositioned::findFirstWithIdent("BOBRI", &fixFilter);
auto adabiFix = FGPositioned::findFirstWithIdent("ADABI", &fixFilter);
auto pilot = SGSharedPtr<FGTestApi::TestPilot>(new FGTestApi::TestPilot);
bool ok = FGTestApi::runForTimeWithCheck(1200.0, [&fp]() {
return fp->currentIndex() == 5;
// ensure we did a fly-over
FGTestApi::writePointToKML("seq point", globals->get_aircraft_position());
// ensure leg course is the one we want
const auto crs = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(bobriFix->geod(), adabiFix->geod());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crs, gpsNode->getDoubleValue("wp/leg-true-course-deg"), 1.0);
// ensure we fly the comepnsation turns, so that end up back on the next leg's course
// exactly
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crs, gpsNode->getDoubleValue("wp/leg-true-course-deg"), 1.0);
void GPSTests::testRadialIntercept()
// FGTestApi::setUp::logPositionToKML("gps_radial_intercept");
@ -1624,19 +1685,26 @@ void GPSTests::testCourseLegIntermediateWaypoint()
auto wpNode = gpsNode->getChild("wp", 0, true);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.5, legToDecel->courseDeg(), 1.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.5, legToBlaca->courseDeg(), 1.0);
FGPositioned::TypeFilter fixFilter(FGPositioned::FIX);
auto lisbo = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent("LISBO", fp->departureAirport()->geod(), &fixFilter);
auto blaca = FGPositioned::findClosestWithIdent("BLACA", fp->departureAirport()->geod(), &fixFilter);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.5, gpsNode->getDoubleValue("desired-course-deg"), 2.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.0, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-true-course-deg"), 0.5);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.0, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-mag-course-deg"), 0.5);
const double crsToDecel = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(lisbo->geod(), decelPos);
const double crsToBlaca = SGGeodesy::courseDeg(decelPos, blaca->geod());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToDecel, legToDecel->courseDeg(), 1.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToBlaca, legToBlaca->courseDeg(), 1.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToDecel, gpsNode->getDoubleValue("desired-course-deg"), 2.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToDecel, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-true-course-deg"), 0.5);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToDecel, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-mag-course-deg"), 0.5);
fp->setCurrentIndex(3); // BLACA
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.5, gpsNode->getDoubleValue("desired-course-deg"), 2.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.5, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-true-course-deg"), 0.5);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(56.5, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-mag-course-deg"), 0.5);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToBlaca, gpsNode->getDoubleValue("desired-course-deg"), 2.0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToBlaca, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-true-course-deg"), 0.5);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(crsToBlaca, wpNode->getDoubleValue("leg-mag-course-deg"), 0.5);
auto pilot = SGSharedPtr<FGTestApi::TestPilot>(new FGTestApi::TestPilot);
@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class GPSTests : public CppUnit::TestFixture
@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ public:
void testDMEIntercept();
void testFinalLegCourse();
void testCourseLegIntermediateWaypoint();
void testExceedFlyByMaxAngleTurn();
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