Re-interpret gyro wander under g-forces
Signed-off-by: Vivian Meazza <>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 209 additions and 190 deletions
@ -20,10 +20,11 @@
#include "mrg.hxx"
#include "mrg.hxx"
const double MasterReferenceGyro::gravity = -32.1740485564;
MasterReferenceGyro::MasterReferenceGyro ( SGPropertyNode *node ) :
MasterReferenceGyro::MasterReferenceGyro ( SGPropertyNode *node ) :
_name(node->getStringValue("name", "master-reference-gyro")),
_name(node->getStringValue("name", "master-reference-gyro")),
_num(node->getIntValue("number", 0))
_num(node->getIntValue("number", 0))
@ -34,237 +35,252 @@ MasterReferenceGyro::~MasterReferenceGyro ()
MasterReferenceGyro::init ()
MasterReferenceGyro::init ()
_last_hdg = 0;
_last_hdg = 0;
_last_roll = 0;
_last_roll = 0;
_last_pitch = 0;
_last_pitch = 0;
_indicated_hdg = 0;
_indicated_hdg = 0;
_indicated_roll = 0;
_indicated_roll = 0;
_indicated_pitch = 0;
_indicated_pitch = 0;
_indicated_hdg_rate = 0;
_indicated_hdg_rate = 0;
_indicated_roll_rate = 0;
_indicated_roll_rate = 0;
_indicated_pitch_rate = 0;
_indicated_pitch_rate = 0;
_erect_time = 0;
_erect_time = 180;
_last_g = 1;
string branch;
_g_error = 10;
branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name;
_pitch_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/pitch-deg", true);
string branch;
_roll_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/roll-deg", true);
branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name;
_hdg_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true);
_hdg_mag_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true);
_pitch_rate_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/pitch-rate-degps", true);
_roll_rate_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/roll-rate-degps", true);
_yaw_rate_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/yaw-rate-degps", true);
_g_in_node = fgGetNode("/accelerations/pilot-g", true);
_electrical_node = fgGetNode("/systems/electrical/outputs/MRG", true);
_hdg_mag_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true);
SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true );
_off_node = node->getChild("off-flag", 0, true);
_pitch_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-pitch-deg", 0, true);
_roll_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-roll-deg", 0, true);
_hdg_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-hdg-deg", 0, true);
_hdg_mag_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-mag-hdg-deg", 0, true);
_pitch_rate_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-pitch-rate-degps", 0, true);
_roll_rate_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-roll-rate-degps", 0, true);
_hdg_rate_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-hdg-rate-degps", 0, true);
_responsiveness_node = node->getChild("responsiveness", 0, true);
_error_out_node = node->getChild("heading-bug-error-deg", 0, true);
_hdg_input_source_node = node->getChild("heading-source", 0, true);
_fast_erect_node = node->getChild("fast-erect", 0, true);
_pitch_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/pitch-deg", true);
_roll_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/roll-deg", true);
_hdg_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true);
_hdg_mag_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true);
_pitch_rate_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/pitch-rate-degps", true);
_roll_rate_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/roll-rate-degps", true);
_yaw_rate_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/yaw-rate-degps", true);
//_g_in_node = fgGetNode("/accelerations/pilot/z-accel-fps_sec", true);
_g_in_node = fgGetNode("/accelerations/pilot-g", true);
_electrical_node = fgGetNode("/systems/electrical/outputs/MRG", true);
_hdg_mag_in_node = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true);
SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true );
_off_node = node->getChild("off-flag", 0, true);
_pitch_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-pitch-deg", 0, true);
_roll_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-roll-deg", 0, true);
_hdg_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-hdg-deg", 0, true);
_hdg_mag_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-mag-hdg-deg", 0, true);
_pitch_rate_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-pitch-rate-degps", 0, true);
_roll_rate_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-roll-rate-degps", 0, true);
_hdg_rate_out_node = node->getChild("indicated-hdg-rate-degps", 0, true);
_responsiveness_node = node->getChild("responsiveness", 0, true);
_error_out_node = node->getChild("heading-bug-error-deg", 0, true);
_hdg_input_source_node = node->getChild("heading-source", 0, true);
_fast_erect_node = node->getChild("fast-erect", 0, true);
MasterReferenceGyro::bind ()
MasterReferenceGyro::bind ()
std::ostringstream temp;
std::ostringstream temp;
string branch;
string branch;
temp << _num;
temp << _num;
branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name + "[" + temp.str() + "]";
branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name + "[" + temp.str() + "]";
fgTie((branch + "/serviceable").c_str(),
fgTie((branch + "/serviceable").c_str(),
&_gyro, &Gyro::is_serviceable, &Gyro::set_serviceable);
&_gyro, &Gyro::is_serviceable, &Gyro::set_serviceable);
fgTie((branch + "/spin").c_str(),
fgTie((branch + "/spin").c_str(),
&_gyro, &Gyro::get_spin_norm, &Gyro::set_spin_norm);
&_gyro, &Gyro::get_spin_norm, &Gyro::set_spin_norm);
MasterReferenceGyro::unbind ()
MasterReferenceGyro::unbind ()
std::ostringstream temp;
std::ostringstream temp;
string branch;
string branch;
temp << _num;
temp << _num;
branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name + "[" + temp.str() + "]";
branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name + "[" + temp.str() + "]";
fgUntie((branch + "/serviceable").c_str());
fgUntie((branch + "/serviceable").c_str());
fgUntie((branch + "/spin").c_str());
fgUntie((branch + "/spin").c_str());
MasterReferenceGyro::update (double dt)
MasterReferenceGyro::update (double dt)
double indicated_roll = 0;
//sanity check
double indicated_pitch = 0;
if (!fgGetBool("/sim/fdm-initialized", false)) {
double indicated_hdg = 0;
double indicated_roll_rate = 0;
double indicated_pitch_rate = 0;
double indicated_hdg_rate = 0;
// Get the spin from the gyro
_gyro.set_power_norm( _electrical_node->getDoubleValue()/24 );
double spin = _gyro.get_spin_norm();
// set the "off-flag"
if ( _electrical_node->getDoubleValue() > 0 && spin >= 0.25) {
} else {
// Get the input values
double indicated_roll = 0;
double hdg = _hdg_mag_in_node->getDoubleValue();
double indicated_pitch = 0;
double indicated_hdg = 0;
double indicated_roll_rate = 0;
double indicated_pitch_rate = 0;
double indicated_hdg_rate = 0;
double hdg = 0;
double erect_time_factor = 1;
const double erect_time = 180;
hdg = _hdg_in_node->getDoubleValue();
const double max_g_error = 10.0;
double roll = _roll_in_node->getDoubleValue();
//Get the spin from the gyro
double pitch = _pitch_in_node->getDoubleValue();
_gyro.set_power_norm( _electrical_node->getDoubleValue()/24 );
double roll_rate = _yaw_rate_node->getDoubleValue();
double spin = _gyro.get_spin_norm();
double pitch_rate = _yaw_rate_node->getDoubleValue();
double yaw_rate = _yaw_rate_node->getDoubleValue();
double g = _g_in_node->getDoubleValue();
//modulate the input by the spin rate
// set the "off-flag"
double responsiveness = spin * spin * spin * spin * spin * spin;
if ( _electrical_node->getDoubleValue() > 0 && spin >= 0.25) {
roll = fgGetLowPass( _last_roll, roll, responsiveness );
pitch = fgGetLowPass( _last_pitch , pitch, responsiveness );
} else {
if ((hdg - _last_hdg) > 180)
// Get the input values
_last_hdg += 360;
if ((hdg - _last_hdg) < -180)
hdg = _hdg_in_node->getDoubleValue();
_last_hdg -= 360;
} else {
hdg = _hdg_mag_in_node->getDoubleValue();
hdg = fgGetLowPass( _last_hdg , hdg, responsiveness );
double roll = _roll_in_node->getDoubleValue();
double pitch = _pitch_in_node->getDoubleValue();
double g = _g_in_node->getDoubleValue()/* / gravity*/;
//but we need to filter the hdg and yaw_rate as well - yuk!
double roll_rate = _yaw_rate_node->getDoubleValue();
responsiveness = 0.1 / (spin * spin * spin * spin * spin * spin);
double pitch_rate = _pitch_rate_node->getDoubleValue();
yaw_rate = fgGetLowPass( _last_yaw_rate , yaw_rate, responsiveness );
double yaw_rate = _yaw_rate_node->getDoubleValue();
g = fgGetLowPass( _last_g , g, 0.015 );
//modulate the input by the spin rate
double responsiveness = spin * spin * spin * spin * spin * spin;
roll = fgGetLowPass( _last_roll, roll, responsiveness );
pitch = fgGetLowPass( _last_pitch , pitch, responsiveness );
if ((hdg - _last_hdg) > 180)
_last_hdg += 360;
if ((hdg - _last_hdg) < -180)
_last_hdg -= 360;
hdg = fgGetLowPass( _last_hdg , hdg, responsiveness );
//but we need to filter the hdg and yaw_rate as well - yuk!
responsiveness = 0.1 / (spin * spin * spin * spin * spin * spin);
yaw_rate = fgGetLowPass( _last_yaw_rate , yaw_rate, responsiveness );
g = fgGetLowPass( _last_g , g, 1.5);
// store the new values
// store the new values
_last_roll = roll;
_last_roll = roll;
_last_pitch = pitch;
_last_pitch = pitch;
_last_hdg = hdg;
_last_hdg = hdg;
_last_roll_rate = roll_rate;
_last_roll_rate = roll_rate;
_last_pitch_rate = pitch_rate;
_last_pitch_rate = pitch_rate;
_last_yaw_rate = yaw_rate;
_last_yaw_rate = yaw_rate;
_last_g = g;
_last_g = g;
if (_erect_time > 0){
//the gyro only erects inside limits
if ( fabs ( yaw_rate ) <= 5
&& g <= 1.5 && g >= -0.5){
if ( !_fast_erect_node->getBoolValue() )
if ( !_fast_erect_node->getBoolValue() ){
_erect_time -= dt;
erect_time_factor = 1;
} else {
_erect_time -= 2 * dt;
erect_time_factor = 2;
_g_error -= (max_g_error/(erect_time * 0.33)) * dt * erect_time_factor;
} else {
_g_error += (max_g_error /(erect_time * 0.33)) * dt * 2;
// " g input " << _g_in_node->getDoubleValue() * gravity
// <<" _erect_time " << _erect_time
// << " yaw " << yaw_rate
// << " pitch " << _pitch_rate_node->getDoubleValue()
// << " roll " << _roll_rate_node->getDoubleValue());
//cout << "_g_error "<< _g_error << endl;
// "g input " << g <<" _erect_time " << _erect_time << " spin " << spin);
_g_error = SGMiscd::clip(_g_error, 0, 10);
// cout << "_g_error clip "<< _g_error << endl;
indicated_roll = _last_roll + _g_error;
indicated_pitch = _last_pitch + _g_error;
indicated_hdg = _last_hdg + _g_error;
indicated_roll_rate = _last_roll_rate;
indicated_pitch_rate = _last_pitch_rate;
indicated_hdg_rate = _last_yaw_rate;
// calculate the difference between the indicated heading
// and the selected heading for use with an autopilot
static SGPropertyNode *bnode
= fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", false );
//the gyro only erects inside limits
if ( bnode ) {
if ( fabs ( yaw_rate ) <= 5
double diff = bnode->getDoubleValue() - indicated_hdg;
&& ( g <= 1.5 || g >= -0.5)
if ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
&& _erect_time <=0 ) {
if ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
indicated_roll = _last_roll;
_error_out_node->setDoubleValue( diff );
indicated_pitch = _last_pitch;
indicated_hdg = _last_hdg;
//"autopilot input " << bnode->getDoubleValue()
indicated_roll_rate = _last_roll_rate;
//<< " output " << _error_out_node->getDoubleValue()<<);
indicated_pitch_rate = _last_pitch_rate;
indicated_hdg_rate = _last_yaw_rate;
} else {
indicated_roll_rate = 0;
indicated_pitch_rate = 0;
indicated_hdg_rate = 0;
if (_erect_time <= 0 )
_erect_time = 34;
//smooth the output
double factor = _responsiveness_node->getDoubleValue() * dt;
// calculate the difference between the indicated heading
indicated_roll = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_roll, indicated_roll, factor );
// and the selected heading for use with an autopilot
indicated_pitch = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_pitch , indicated_pitch, factor );
static SGPropertyNode *bnode
//indicated_hdg = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_hdg , indicated_hdg, factor );
= fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", false );
if ( bnode ) {
indicated_roll_rate = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_roll_rate, indicated_roll_rate, factor );
double diff = bnode->getDoubleValue() - indicated_hdg;
indicated_pitch_rate = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_pitch_rate , indicated_pitch_rate, factor );
if ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
indicated_hdg_rate = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_hdg_rate , indicated_hdg_rate, factor );
if ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
_error_out_node->setDoubleValue( diff );
//"autopilot input " << bnode->getDoubleValue()
//<< " output " << _error_out_node->getDoubleValue()<<);
//smooth the output
double factor = _responsiveness_node->getDoubleValue() * dt;
indicated_roll = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_roll, indicated_roll, factor );
// store the new values
indicated_pitch = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_pitch , indicated_pitch, factor );
_indicated_roll = indicated_roll;
//indicated_hdg = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_hdg , indicated_hdg, factor );
_indicated_pitch = indicated_pitch;
_indicated_hdg = indicated_hdg;
indicated_roll_rate = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_roll_rate, indicated_roll_rate, factor );
_indicated_roll_rate = indicated_roll_rate;
indicated_pitch_rate = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_pitch_rate , indicated_pitch_rate, factor );
_indicated_pitch_rate = indicated_pitch_rate;
indicated_hdg_rate = fgGetLowPass( _indicated_hdg_rate , indicated_hdg_rate, factor );
_indicated_hdg_rate = indicated_hdg_rate;
// store the new values
// add in a gyro underspin "error" if gyro is spinning too slowly
_indicated_roll = indicated_roll;
const double spin_thresh = 0.8;
_indicated_pitch = indicated_pitch;
const double max_roll_error = 40.0;
_indicated_hdg = indicated_hdg;
const double max_pitch_error = 12.0;
const double max_hdg_error = 140.0;
double roll_error;
double pitch_error;
double hdg_error;
_indicated_roll_rate = indicated_roll_rate;
if ( spin <= spin_thresh ) {
_indicated_pitch_rate = indicated_pitch_rate;
double roll_error_factor = ( spin_thresh - spin ) / spin_thresh;
_indicated_hdg_rate = indicated_hdg_rate;
double pitch_error_factor = ( spin_thresh - spin ) / spin_thresh;
double hdg_error_factor = ( spin_thresh - spin ) / spin_thresh;
roll_error = roll_error_factor * roll_error_factor * max_roll_error;
pitch_error = pitch_error_factor * pitch_error_factor * max_pitch_error;
hdg_error = hdg_error_factor * hdg_error_factor * max_hdg_error;
} else {
roll_error = 0.0;
pitch_error = 0.0;
hdg_error = 0.0;
// add in a gyro underspin "error" if gyro is spinning too slowly
_roll_out_node->setDoubleValue( _indicated_roll + roll_error );
const double spin_thresh = 0.8;
_pitch_out_node->setDoubleValue( _indicated_pitch + pitch_error );
const double max_roll_error = 40.0;
_hdg_out_node->setDoubleValue( _indicated_hdg + hdg_error );
const double max_pitch_error = 12.0;
_pitch_rate_out_node ->setDoubleValue( _indicated_pitch_rate );
const double max_hdg_error = 140.0;
_roll_rate_out_node ->setDoubleValue( _indicated_roll_rate );
double roll_error;
_hdg_rate_out_node ->setDoubleValue( _indicated_hdg_rate );
double pitch_error;
double hdg_error;
if ( spin <= spin_thresh ) {
double roll_error_factor = ( spin_thresh - spin ) / spin_thresh;
double pitch_error_factor = ( spin_thresh - spin ) / spin_thresh;
double hdg_error_factor = ( spin_thresh - spin ) / spin_thresh;
roll_error = roll_error_factor * roll_error_factor * max_roll_error;
pitch_error = pitch_error_factor * pitch_error_factor * max_pitch_error;
hdg_error = hdg_error_factor * hdg_error_factor * max_hdg_error;
} else {
roll_error = 0.0;
pitch_error = 0.0;
hdg_error = 0.0;
_roll_out_node->setDoubleValue( _indicated_roll + roll_error );
_pitch_out_node->setDoubleValue( _indicated_pitch + pitch_error );
_hdg_out_node->setDoubleValue( _indicated_hdg + hdg_error );
_pitch_rate_out_node ->setDoubleValue( _indicated_pitch_rate );
_roll_rate_out_node ->setDoubleValue( _indicated_roll_rate );
_hdg_rate_out_node ->setDoubleValue( _indicated_hdg_rate );
// end of mrg.cxx
// end of mrg.cxx
@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ public:
static const double gravity; //conversion factor
string _name;
string _name;
int _num;
int _num;
@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ private:
double _last_yaw_rate;
double _last_yaw_rate;
double _last_g;
double _last_g;
double _erect_time;
double _erect_time;
double _g_error;
Gyro _gyro;
Gyro _gyro;
Add table
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