Merge /u/jsb1685/flightgear/ branch next into next
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 180 additions and 84 deletions
@ -10,42 +10,44 @@ namespace yasim {
// pretty hot for a "standard" atmosphere.
// Numbers above 19000 meters calculated from src/Environment/environment.cxx
// meters kelvin Pa kg/m^3
float Atmosphere::data[][Atmosphere::numColumns] = {{ -900.0f, 293.91f, 111679.0f, 1.32353f },
{ 0.0f, 288.11f, 101325.0f, 1.22500f },
{ 900.0f, 282.31f, 90971.0f, 1.12260f },
{ 1800.0f, 276.46f, 81494.0f, 1.02690f },
{ 2700.0f, 270.62f, 72835.0f, 0.93765f },
{ 3600.0f, 264.77f, 64939.0f, 0.85445f },
{ 4500.0f, 258.93f, 57752.0f, 0.77704f },
{ 5400.0f, 253.09f, 51226.0f, 0.70513f },
{ 6300.0f, 247.25f, 45311.0f, 0.63845f },
{ 7200.0f, 241.41f, 39963.0f, 0.57671f },
{ 8100.0f, 235.58f, 35140.0f, 0.51967f },
{ 9000.0f, 229.74f, 30800.0f, 0.46706f },
{ 9900.0f, 223.91f, 26906.0f, 0.41864f },
{ 10800.0f, 218.08f, 23422.0f, 0.37417f },
{ 11700.0f, 216.66f, 20335.0f, 0.32699f },
{ 12600.0f, 216.66f, 17654.0f, 0.28388f },
{ 13500.0f, 216.66f, 15327.0f, 0.24646f },
{ 14400.0f, 216.66f, 13308.0f, 0.21399f },
{ 15300.0f, 216.66f, 11555.0f, 0.18580f },
{ 16200.0f, 216.66f, 10033.0f, 0.16133f },
{ 17100.0f, 216.66f, 8712.0f, 0.14009f },
{ 18000.0f, 216.66f, 7565.0f, 0.12165f },
{18900.0f, 216.66f, 6570.0f, 0.10564f },
{19812.0f, 216.66f, 5644.0f, 0.09073f },
{20726.0f, 217.23f, 4884.0f, 0.07831f },
{21641.0f, 218.39f, 4235.0f, 0.06755f },
{22555.0f, 219.25f, 3668.0f, 0.05827f },
{23470.0f, 220.12f, 3182.0f, 0.05035f },
{24384.0f, 220.98f, 2766.0f, 0.04360f },
{25298.0f, 221.84f, 2401.0f, 0.03770f },
{26213.0f, 222.71f, 2087.0f, 0.03265f },
{27127.0f, 223.86f, 1814.0f, 0.02822f },
{28042.0f, 224.73f, 1581.0f, 0.02450f },
{28956.0f, 225.59f, 1368.0f, 0.02112f },
{29870.0f, 226.45f, 1196.0f, 0.01839f },
{30785.0f, 227.32f, 1044.0f, 0.01599f }};
float Atmosphere::data[][Atmosphere::numColumns] = {
{ -900.0f, 293.91f, 111679.0f, 1.32353f },
{ 0.0f, 288.11f, 101325.0f, 1.22500f },
{ 900.0f, 282.31f, 90971.0f, 1.12260f },
{ 1800.0f, 276.46f, 81494.0f, 1.02690f },
{ 2700.0f, 270.62f, 72835.0f, 0.93765f },
{ 3600.0f, 264.77f, 64939.0f, 0.85445f },
{ 4500.0f, 258.93f, 57752.0f, 0.77704f },
{ 5400.0f, 253.09f, 51226.0f, 0.70513f },
{ 6300.0f, 247.25f, 45311.0f, 0.63845f },
{ 7200.0f, 241.41f, 39963.0f, 0.57671f },
{ 8100.0f, 235.58f, 35140.0f, 0.51967f },
{ 9000.0f, 229.74f, 30800.0f, 0.46706f },
{ 9900.0f, 223.91f, 26906.0f, 0.41864f },
{ 10800.0f, 218.08f, 23422.0f, 0.37417f },
{ 11700.0f, 216.66f, 20335.0f, 0.32699f },
{ 12600.0f, 216.66f, 17654.0f, 0.28388f },
{ 13500.0f, 216.66f, 15327.0f, 0.24646f },
{ 14400.0f, 216.66f, 13308.0f, 0.21399f },
{ 15300.0f, 216.66f, 11555.0f, 0.18580f },
{ 16200.0f, 216.66f, 10033.0f, 0.16133f },
{ 17100.0f, 216.66f, 8712.0f, 0.14009f },
{ 18000.0f, 216.66f, 7565.0f, 0.12165f },
{18900.0f, 216.66f, 6570.0f, 0.10564f },
{19812.0f, 216.66f, 5644.0f, 0.09073f },
{20726.0f, 217.23f, 4884.0f, 0.07831f },
{21641.0f, 218.39f, 4235.0f, 0.06755f },
{22555.0f, 219.25f, 3668.0f, 0.05827f },
{23470.0f, 220.12f, 3182.0f, 0.05035f },
{24384.0f, 220.98f, 2766.0f, 0.04360f },
{25298.0f, 221.84f, 2401.0f, 0.03770f },
{26213.0f, 222.71f, 2087.0f, 0.03265f },
{27127.0f, 223.86f, 1814.0f, 0.02822f },
{28042.0f, 224.73f, 1581.0f, 0.02450f },
{28956.0f, 225.59f, 1368.0f, 0.02112f },
{29870.0f, 226.45f, 1196.0f, 0.01839f },
{30785.0f, 227.32f, 1044.0f, 0.01599f }
// Universal gas constant for air, in SI units. P = R * rho * T.
// P in pascals (N/m^2), rho is kg/m^3, T in kelvin.
@ -124,17 +126,22 @@ float Atmosphere::calcMach(float spd, float temp)
return spd / Math::sqrt(GAMMA * R * temp);
float Atmosphere::spdFromMach(float mach, float temp)
float Atmosphere::machFromSpeed(float spd)
return spd / Math::sqrt(GAMMA * R * _temperature);
float Atmosphere::speedFromMach(float mach, float temp)
return mach * Math::sqrt(GAMMA * R * temp);
float Atmosphere::spdFromMach(float mach)
float Atmosphere::speedFromMach(float mach)
return spdFromMach(mach, _temperature);
return speedFromMach(mach, _temperature);
float Atmosphere::spdFromVCAS(float vcas, float pressure, float temp)
float Atmosphere::speedFromVCAS(float vcas, float pressure, float temp)
// FIXME: does not account for supersonic
float p0 = getStdPressure(0);
@ -144,13 +151,13 @@ float Atmosphere::spdFromVCAS(float vcas, float pressure, float temp)
float cp = ((Math::pow(tmp,(7/2.))-1)/(pressure/p0)) + 1;
float m2 = (Math::pow(cp,(1/3.5))-1)/0.2;
float vtas= spdFromMach(Math::sqrt(m2), temp);
float vtas= speedFromMach(Math::sqrt(m2), temp);
return vtas;
float Atmosphere::spdFromVCAS(float vcas)
float Atmosphere::speedFromVCAS(float vcas)
return spdFromVCAS(vcas, _pressure, _temperature);
return speedFromVCAS(vcas, _pressure, _temperature);
void Atmosphere::calcStaticAir(float p0, float t0, float d0, float v,
@ -29,7 +29,11 @@ public:
float getTemperature() const { return _temperature; }
float getPressure() const { return _pressure; }
float getDensity() const { return _density; }
float speedFromMach(float mach);
float speedFromVCAS(float vcas);
float machFromSpeed(float spd);
// static methods
static float getStdTemperature(float alt);
static float getStdPressure(float alt);
static float getStdDensity(float alt);
@ -39,10 +43,8 @@ public:
static float calcMach(float spd, float temp);
static float calcStdDensity(float pressure, float temp);
static float spdFromMach(float mach, float temp);
static float spdFromVCAS(float vcas, float pressure, float temp);
float spdFromMach(float mach);
float spdFromVCAS(float vcas);
static float speedFromMach(float mach, float temp);
static float speedFromVCAS(float vcas, float pressure, float temp);
// Given ambient ("0") pressure/density/temperature values,
// calculate the properties of static air (air accelerated to the
@ -597,6 +597,15 @@ void FGFDM::parseWing(const XMLAttributes* a, const char* type, Airplane* airpla
dragFactor = attrf(a, "effectiveness", 1);
w->setSectionDrag(_wingSection, dragFactor);
if (a->hasAttribute("flow")) {
const char* flowregime = a->getValue("flow");
if (!strcmp(flowregime,"TRANSONIC")) {
w->setCriticalMachNumber(attrf(a, "mcrit", 0.6f));
} else {
_currObj = w;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#define _MATH_HPP
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
namespace yasim {
@ -17,6 +18,18 @@ public:
static float weightedMean(float x1, float w1, float x2, float w2) {
return (x1*w1 + x2*w2)/(w1+w2);
// calc polynomial
static float polynomial(const std::vector<float>& coefficients, float x) {
float powX {1}; // init = x^0 = 1
float result {0};
for (auto &coeff : coefficients) {
result += coeff * powX;
powX *= x;
return result;
// Simple wrappers around library routines
static inline float abs(float f) { return (float)::fabs(f); }
static inline float sqrt(float f) { return (float)::sqrt(f); }
@ -298,23 +298,26 @@ void Model::calcForces(State* s)
// Do each surface, remembering that the local velocity at each
// point is different due to rotation.
float faero[3] {0,0,0};
for(i=0; i<_surfaces.size(); i++) {
Surface* sf = (Surface*)_surfaces.get(i);
float faero[3] {0,0,0};
if (!_surfaces.empty()) {
// approx mach number for aircraft (instead of per surface)
float vs[3] {0,0,0}, pos[3] {0,0,0};
localWind(pos, s, vs, alt);
float mach = _atmo.machFromSpeed(Math::mag3(vs));
for (i=0; i<_surfaces.size(); i++) {
Surface* sf = (Surface*)_surfaces.get(i);
// Vsurf = wind - velocity + (rot cross (cg - pos))
localWind(pos, s, vs, alt);
// Vsurf = wind - velocity + (rot cross (cg - pos))
float vs[3], pos[3];
localWind(pos, s, vs, alt);
float force[3], torque[3];
sf->calcForce(vs, _atmo.getDensity(), mach, force, torque);
Math::add3(faero, force, faero);
float force[3], torque[3];
sf->calcForce(vs, _atmo.getDensity(), force, torque);
Math::add3(faero, force, faero);
_body.addForce(pos, force);
_body.addForce(pos, force);
for (j=0; j<_rotorgear.getRotors()->size();j++)
Rotor* r = (Rotor *)_rotorgear.getRotors()->get(j);
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ Surface::Surface(Version* version, const float* pos, float c0 = 1 ) :
_twistN = _surfN->getNode("twist-deg", true);
_pgCorrectionN = _surfN->getNode("pg-correction", true);
_dcdwaveN = _surfN->getNode("wavedrag", true);
_surfN->getNode("pos-x", true)->setFloatValue(pos[0]);
_surfN->getNode("pos-y", true)->setFloatValue(pos[1]);
_surfN->getNode("pos-z", true)->setFloatValue(pos[2]);
@ -123,10 +127,12 @@ void Surface::setSpoilerPos(float pos)
// Calculate the aerodynamic force given a wind vector v (in the
// aircraft's "local" coordinates) and an air density rho. Returns a
// torque about the Y axis ("pitch"), too.
void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torque)
// aircraft's "local" coordinates), an air density rho and the freestream
// mach number (for compressibility correction). Returns a torque about
// the Y axis ("pitch"), too.
void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float mach, float* out, float* torque)
// initialize outputs to zero
@ -172,6 +178,21 @@ void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torq
out[2] += stallLift;
out[2] += flaplift;
//compute Prandtl/Glauert compressibility factor
float pg_correction {1};
float wavedrag {0};
if (_flow == FLOW_TRANSONIC) {
pg_correction = Math::polynomial(pg_coefficients, mach);
out[2] *= pg_correction;
// Add mach dependent wave drag (Perkins and Hage)
if (mach > _Mcrit) {
wavedrag = 9.5f * Math::pow(mach-_Mcrit, 2.8f) + 0.00193f;
out[0] += wavedrag;
// Airfoil lift (pre-stall and zero-alpha) torques "up" (negative
// torque) around the Y axis, while flap lift pushes down. Both
// forces are considered to act at one third chord from the
@ -191,6 +212,9 @@ void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torq
// Diddle the induced drag
Math::mul3(-1*_inducedDrag*out[2]*lwind[2], lwind, lwind);
Math::add3(lwind, out, out);
// Add mach dependent wave drag
// Reverse the incidence rotation to get back to surface
// coordinates. Since out[] is now the force vector and is
@ -217,6 +241,8 @@ void Surface::calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torq
@ -265,11 +291,11 @@ float Surface::stallFunc(float* v)
// consider slat position, moves the stall aoa some degrees
if(i == 0) {
if( _version->isVersionOrNewer( Version::YASIM_VERSION_32 )) {
_stallAlpha += _slatPos * _slatAlpha;
} else {
_stallAlpha += _slatAlpha;
if( _version->isVersionOrNewer( Version::YASIM_VERSION_32 )) {
_stallAlpha += _slatPos * _slatAlpha;
} else {
_stallAlpha += _slatAlpha;
// Beyond the stall
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include "Version.hpp"
#include "Math.hpp"
#include "Wing.hpp"
namespace yasim {
@ -83,11 +84,17 @@ public:
// Induced drag multiplier
void setInducedDrag(float mul) { _inducedDrag = mul; }
void calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float* out, float* torque);
void calcForce(const float* v, const float rho, float mach, float* out, float* torque);
float getAlpha() const { return _alpha; };
float getStallAlpha() const { return _stallAlpha; };
void setFlowRegime(FlowRegime flow) { _flow = flow; };
FlowRegime getFlowRegime() { return _flow; };
void setCriticalMachNumber(float mach) { _Mcrit = mach; };
float getCriticalMachNumber() const { return _Mcrit; };
SGPropertyNode_ptr _surfN;
Version * _version;
@ -127,6 +134,12 @@ private:
float _stallAlpha {0};
float _alpha {0};
FlowRegime _flow{FLOW_SUBSONIC};
float _Mcrit {1.0f};
std::vector<float> pg_coefficients {1, -0.163f, 5.877f, -39.157f, 104.694f,
-111.838f, 46.749f, -5.313f};
SGPropertyNode* _fxN;
SGPropertyNode* _fyN;
SGPropertyNode* _fzN;
@ -138,6 +151,8 @@ private:
SGPropertyNode* _fabsN;
SGPropertyNode* _incidenceN;
SGPropertyNode* _twistN;
SGPropertyNode* _pgCorrectionN;
SGPropertyNode* _dcdwaveN;
}; // namespace yasim
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ int Wing::addWingSection(float* base, float chord, float wingLength, float taper
_chord2float(ws->_tipChord, _tip);
_wingSpan = 2 * _tip[1];
if (_area > 0.0f) {
_aspectRatio = _wingSpan*_wingSpan/_area;
_taper = ws->_tipChord.length / ((WingSection*)_sections.get(0))->_rootChord.length;
return ws->_id;
@ -205,12 +208,12 @@ void Wing::setSectionStallParams(int section, StallParams sp)
void Wing::setFlapPos(WingFlaps type,float lval, float rval)
float min {-1};
float min {-1.0f};
if (type == WING_SPOILER || type == WING_SLAT) {
min = 0;
min = 0.0f;
lval = Math::clamp(lval, min, 1);
rval = Math::clamp(rval, min, 1);
lval = Math::clamp(lval, min, 1.0f);
rval = Math::clamp(rval, min, 1.0f);
WingSection* ws;
for (int section=0; section < _sections.size(); section++)
@ -340,12 +343,12 @@ void Wing::compile()
float twist = ws->_twist * frac;
ws->newSurface(_version, pos, ws->_orient, chord,
hasFlap0, hasFlap1, hasSlat, hasSpoiler, weight, twist);
hasFlap0, hasFlap1, hasSlat, hasSpoiler, weight, twist, _flow, _Mcrit);
if(_mirror) {
pos[1] = -pos[1];
ws->newSurface(_version, pos, ws->_rightOrient, chord,
hasFlap0, hasFlap1, hasSlat, hasSpoiler, weight, twist);
hasFlap0, hasFlap1, hasSlat, hasSpoiler, weight, twist, _flow, _Mcrit);
@ -428,12 +431,13 @@ void Wing::WingSection::multiplyLiftRatio(float factor)
setLiftRatio(_liftRatio * factor);
void Wing::WingSection::newSurface(Version* _version, float* pos, float* orient, float chord, bool hasFlap0, bool hasFlap1, bool hasSlat, bool hasSpoiler, float weight, float twist)
void Wing::WingSection::newSurface(Version* _version, float* pos, float* orient, float chord, bool hasFlap0, bool hasFlap1, bool hasSlat, bool hasSpoiler, float weight, float twist, FlowRegime flow, float mcrit)
Surface* s = new Surface(_version, pos, weight);
// Camber is expressed as a fraction of stall peak, so convert.
@ -480,7 +484,10 @@ void Wing::WingSection::newSurface(Version* _version, float* pos, float* orient,
if(hasSpoiler) _flapSurfs[WING_SPOILER].add(s);
if(flow == FLOW_TRANSONIC) {
SurfRec *sr = new SurfRec();
sr->surface = s;
sr->weight = weight;
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ enum WingFlaps {
enum FlowRegime {
class Wing {
SGPropertyNode_ptr _wingN {nullptr};
@ -110,10 +115,11 @@ class Wing {
// segment to that along the X (drag) direction.
void setLiftRatio(float ratio);
void multiplyLiftRatio(float factor);
float getLiftRatio() const { return _liftRatio; };
void newSurface(Version* _version, float* pos, float* orient, float chord,
bool hasFlap0, bool hasFlap1, bool hasSlat, bool hasSpoiler,
float weight, float twist);
float weight, float twist, FlowRegime flow, float mcrit);
int numSurfaces() const { return _surfs.size(); }
Surface* getSurface(int n) { return ((SurfRec*)_surfs.get(n))->surface; }
float getSurfaceWeight(int n) const { return ((SurfRec*)_surfs.get(n))->weight; }
@ -133,13 +139,16 @@ class Wing {
float _aspectRatio {0};
float _meanChord {0};
Chord _mac;
float _taper {1};
float _taper {1.0f};
float _incidence {0};
float _incidenceMin {INCIDENCE_MIN};
float _incidenceMax {INCIDENCE_MAX};
float _weight {0};
float _sweepLEMin {0};
float _sweepLEMax {0};
FlowRegime _flow {FLOW_SUBSONIC};
float _Mcrit {1.0f};
//-- private methods
//copy float[3] to chord x,y,z
@ -155,7 +164,8 @@ public:
int addWingSection(float* base, float chord, float wingLength,
float taper = 1, float sweep = 0, float dihedral = 0, float twist = 0, float camber = 0, float idrag = 1, float incidence = 0);
float taper = 1, float sweep = 0, float dihedral = 0, float twist = 0,
float camber = 0, float idrag = 1, float incidence = 0);
void setFlapParams(int section, WingFlaps type, FlapParams fp);
void setSectionDrag(int section, float pdrag);
@ -172,6 +182,8 @@ public:
void setIncidenceMax(float max) { _incidenceMax = max; };
float getIncidenceMin() const { return _incidenceMin; };
float getIncidenceMax() const { return _incidenceMax; };
void setFlowRegime(FlowRegime flow) { _flow = flow; };
void setCriticalMachNumber(float m) { _Mcrit = m; };
// write mass (= _weight * scale) to property tree
void weight2mass(float scale);
@ -189,7 +201,9 @@ public:
float getMACz() const { return _mac.z; }; // get z-coord of MAC leading edge
float getSweepLEMin() const { return _sweepLEMin; }; //min sweep angle of leading edge
float getSweepLEMax() const { return _sweepLEMax; }; //max sweep angle of leading edge
FlowRegime getFlowRegime() const { return _flow; };
float getCriticalMachNumber() const { return _Mcrit; };
// propergate the control axes value for the sub-surfaces
void setFlapPos(WingFlaps type, float lval, float rval = 0);
@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ void YASim::copyToYASim(bool copyState)
Math::tmul33(s.orient, v, v);
case KNOTS:
v[0] = atmo.spdFromVCAS(get_V_calibrated_kts()/MPS2KTS);
v[0] = atmo.speedFromVCAS(get_V_calibrated_kts()/MPS2KTS);
v[1] = 0;
v[2] = 0;
Math::tmul33(s.orient, v, v);
needCopy = true;
case MACH:
v[0] = atmo.spdFromMach(get_Mach_number());
v[0] = atmo.speedFromMach(get_Mach_number());
v[1] = 0;
v[2] = 0;
Math::tmul33(s.orient, v, v);
Add table
Reference in a new issue