2017-02-21 11:01:06 +00:00
#include <QWidget>
#include <QDateTime>
class QCheckBox;
class QComboBox;
class QSpinBox;
class QLineEdit;
class QLabel;
class QSettings;
class LaunchConfig;
class QPushButton;
class QAbstractItemModel;
class QDateTimeEdit;
class SettingsControl : public QWidget
Q_PROPERTY(bool advanced READ advanced WRITE setAdvanced NOTIFY advancedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString label READ label WRITE setLabel NOTIFY labelChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ description WRITE setDescription NOTIFY descriptionChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList keywords READ keywords WRITE setKeywords NOTIFY keywordsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString option READ option WRITE setOption NOTIFY optionChanged)
bool advanced() const
return m_advanced;
virtual QString label() const;
virtual QString description() const;
QStringList keywords() const;
QString option() const;
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const = 0;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) = 0;
2017-04-08 11:21:51 +09:00
* @brief setSearchTerm - update the search term and decide if this control
* should e highlighted or not.
* @param search - the text being searched
* @return - if this control matched the search term or not
bool setSearchTerm(QString search);
2017-02-21 11:01:06 +00:00
public slots:
void setAdvanced(bool advanced);
virtual void setDescription(QString desc);
virtual void setLabel(QString label) = 0;
virtual void apply(LaunchConfig* lconfig) const;
void setKeywords(QStringList keywords);
void setOption(QString option);
void advancedChanged(bool advanced);
void labelChanged();
void descriptionChanged();
void keywordsChanged(QStringList keywords);
void optionChanged(QString option);
SettingsControl(QWidget* pr = nullptr);
void createDescription();
QString qmlName() const;
QLabel* m_description = nullptr;
2017-04-08 11:21:51 +09:00
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* pe) override;
2017-02-21 11:01:06 +00:00
bool m_advanced = false;
QStringList m_keywords;
QString m_option;
class SettingsCheckbox : public SettingsControl
Q_PROPERTY(bool checked READ isChecked WRITE setChecked NOTIFY checkedChanged)
bool isChecked() const;
SettingsCheckbox(QWidget* pr = nullptr);
virtual QString label() const override;
virtual void setLabel(QString label) override;
virtual void apply(LaunchConfig* lconfig) const override;
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const override;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) override;
public slots:
void setChecked(bool checked);
void checkedChanged(bool checked);
QCheckBox* m_check;
class SettingsComboBox : public SettingsControl
Q_PROPERTY(int selectedIndex READ selectedIndex WRITE setSelectedIndex NOTIFY selectedIndexChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList choices READ choices WRITE setChoices NOTIFY choicesChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractItemModel* model READ model WRITE setModel NOTIFY modelChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int defaultIndex READ defaultIndex WRITE setDefaultIndex NOTIFY defaultIndexChanged)
SettingsComboBox(QWidget* pr = nullptr);
QStringList choices() const;
int selectedIndex() const;
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const override;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) override;
QAbstractItemModel* model() const;
int defaultIndex() const;
public slots:
void setChoices(QStringList choices);
void setSelectedIndex(int selectedIndex);
void setModel(QAbstractItemModel* model);
void setDefaultIndex(int defaultIndex);
void choicesChanged(QStringList choices);
void selectedIndexChanged(int selectedIndex);
void modelChanged(QAbstractItemModel* model);
void defaultIndexChanged(int defaultIndex);
virtual void setLabel(QString label) override;
QLabel* m_label;
QComboBox* m_combo;
QStringList m_choices;
int m_selectedIndex = 0;
int m_defaultIndex = -1;
class SettingsIntSpinbox : public SettingsControl
Q_PROPERTY(int value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int min READ min WRITE setMin NOTIFY minChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int max READ max WRITE setMax NOTIFY maxChanged)
// suffix / wrap information
SettingsIntSpinbox(QWidget* pr = nullptr);
int value() const;
int min() const;
int max() const;
virtual void apply(LaunchConfig* lconfig) const override;
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const override;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) override;
public slots:
void setValue(int value);
void setMin(int min);
void setMax(int max);
void valueChanged(int value);
void minChanged(int min);
void maxChanged(int max);
virtual void setLabel(QString label) override;
QSpinBox* m_spin;
QLabel* m_label;
int m_value;
int m_min;
int m_max;
class SettingsText : public SettingsControl
Q_PROPERTY(QString value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString placeholder READ placeholder WRITE setPlaceholder NOTIFY placeholderChanged)
SettingsText(QWidget *pr = nullptr);
QString value() const;
virtual void apply(LaunchConfig* lconfig) const override;
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const override;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) override;
virtual void setLabel(QString label) override;
QString placeholder() const;
public slots:
void setValue(QString value);
void setPlaceholder(QString placeholder);
void valueChanged(QString value);
void placeholderChanged(QString placeholder);
QLineEdit* m_edit;
QLabel* m_label;
class SettingsPath : public SettingsControl
Q_PROPERTY(QString path READ path WRITE setPath NOTIFY pathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString defaultPath READ defaultPath WRITE setDefaultPath
NOTIFY defaultPathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool chooseDirectory READ chooseDirectory
WRITE setChooseDirectory NOTIFY chooseDirectoryChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString dialogPrompt READ dialogPrompt
WRITE setDialogPrompt NOTIFY dialogPromptChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString option READ option WRITE setOption NOTIFY optionChanged)
SettingsPath(QWidget *pr = nullptr);
QString path() const;
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const override;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) override;
virtual void setLabel(QString label) override;
virtual void apply(LaunchConfig* lconfig) const override;
QString defaultPath() const
return m_defaultPath;
bool chooseDirectory() const
return m_chooseDirectory;
QString dialogPrompt() const
return m_dialogPrompt;
QString option() const
return m_option;
public slots:
void setPath(QString path);
void setDefaultPath(QString path);
void setChooseDirectory(bool chooseDirectory);
void choosePath();
void restoreDefaultPath();
void setDialogPrompt(QString dialogPrompt);
void setOption(QString option);
void defaultPathChanged(QString defaultPath);
void pathChanged(QString path);
void chooseDirectoryChanged(bool chooseDirectory);
void dialogPromptChanged(QString dialogPrompt);
void optionChanged(QString option);
void updateLabel();
QPushButton* m_changeButton;
QPushButton* m_defaultButton;
QString m_path;
QString m_defaultPath;
QLabel* m_label;
QString m_labelPrefix;
bool m_chooseDirectory = false;
QString m_dialogPrompt;
QString m_option;
class SettingsDateTime : public SettingsControl
Q_PROPERTY(QDateTime value READ value WRITE setValue NOTIFY valueChanged)
SettingsDateTime(QWidget *pr = nullptr);
virtual void saveState(QSettings& settings) const override;
virtual void restoreState(QSettings& settings) override;
virtual void setLabel(QString label) override;
QDateTime value() const;
public slots:
void setValue(QDateTime value);
void valueChanged(QDateTime value);
QDateTimeEdit* m_edit;
QLabel* m_label;
QDateTime m_value;