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1998-07-31 18:27:36 +00:00
/* STRIPE: converting a polygonal model to triangle strips
Francine Evans, 1996.
SUNY @ Stony Brook
Advisors: Steven Skiena and Amitabh Varshney
/* STRIPE: ties.c
This file will contain all the routines used to determine the next face if there
is a tie
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "polverts.h"
#include "ties.h"
#include "sturctsex.h"
#include "triangulatex.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "util.h"
#define MAX_TIE 60
int ties_array[60];
int last = 0;
void Clear_Ties()
/* Clear the buffer, because we do not have the tie
any more that we had before */
last = 0;
void Add_Ties(int id)
/* We have a tie to add to the buffer */
ties_array[last++] = id;
int Alternate_Tie()
/* Alternate in what we choose to break the tie
We are just alternating between the first and
second thing that we found
static int x = 0;
register int t;
t = ties_array[x];
if (x == 2)
x = 0;
return t;
int Random_Tie()
/* Randomly choose the next face with which
to break the tie
register int num;
num = rand();
while (num >= last)
num = num/20;
return (ties_array[num]);
int Look_Ahead(int id)
/* Look ahead at this face and save the minimum
adjacency of all the faces that are adjacent to
this face.
return Min_Adj(id);
int Random_Look(int id[],int count)
/* We had a tie within a tie in the lookahead,
break it randomly
register int num;
num = rand();
while (num >= count)
num = num/20;
return (id[num]);
int Look_Ahead_Tie()
/* Look ahead and find the face to go to that
will give the least number of adjacencies
int id[60],t,x,f=0,min = 60;
for (x = 0; x < last; x++)
t = Look_Ahead(ties_array[x]);
/* We have a tie */
if (t == min)
id[f++] = ties_array[x];
if (t < min)
f = 0;
min = t;
id[f++] = ties_array[x];
/* No tie within the tie */
if ( f == 1)
return id[0];
/* Or ties, but we are at the end of strips */
if (min == 0)
return id[0];
return (Random_Look(id,f));
int Sequential_Tri(int *index)
/* We have a triangle and need to break the ties at it.
We will choose the edge that is sequential. There
is definitely one since we know we have a triangle
and that there is a tie and there are only 2 edges
for the tie.
int e1,e2,e3,output1,output2,output3,output4;
/* e2 and e3 are the input edge to the triangle */
if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0))
/* Starting the strip, don't need to do this */
return ties_array[0];
/* For the 2 ties find the edge adjacent to face id */
if ((output1 == e3) || (output2 == e3))
return ties_array[0];
if ((output3 == e3) || (output4 == e3))
return ties_array[1];
printf("There is an error trying to break sequential triangle \n");
int Sequential_Quad(int *index, int triangulate)
/* We have a quad that need to break its ties, we will try
and choose a side that is sequential, otherwise use lookahead
int output1,output2,x,e1,e2,e3;
/* e2 and e3 are the input edge to the quad */
/* No input edge */
if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0))
return ties_array[0];
/* Go through the ties and see if there is a sequential one */
for (x = 0; x < last; x++)
/* Partial and whole triangulation will have different requirements */
if (((output1 == e3) || (output2 == e3)) && (triangulate == PARTIAL))
return ties_array[x];
if (((output1 != e3) && (output1 != e2) &&
(output2 != e3) && (output2 != e2)))
return ties_array[x];
/* There was not a tie that was sequential */
return Look_Ahead_Tie();
void Whole_Output(int in1,int in2, int *index, int size, int *out1, int *out2)
/* Used to sequentially break ties in the whole triangulation for polygons
greater than 4 sides. We will find the output edge that is good
for sequential triangulation.
int half;
/* Put the input edge first in the list */
if (!(EVEN(size)))
if (*(index) == in1)
half = size/2 ;
half = size/2 +1;
half = size/2;
*out1 = *(index+half);
*out2 = *(index+half+1);
int Sequential_Poly(int size, int *index, int triangulate)
/* We have a polygon of greater than 4 sides and wish to break the
tie in the most sequential manner.
int x,output1,output2,e1,e2,e3,saved1=-1,saved2=-1,output3,output4;
/* e2 and e3 are the input edge to the quad */
/* If we are using whole, find the output edge that is sequential */
if (triangulate == WHOLE)
/* No input edge */
if ((e2 == 0) && (e3 == 0))
return ties_array[0];
for (x = 0; x < last ; x++)
/* Partial that can be removed in just one triangle */
if (((output1 == e3) || (output2 == e3)) && (triangulate == PARTIAL))
saved1 = ties_array[x];
/* Partial removed in more than one triangle */
if ((output1 != e3) && (output1 != e2) && (output2 != e3) && (output2 != e2) &&
(triangulate == PARTIAL) && (saved2 != -1))
saved2 = ties_array[x];
/* Whole is not so easy, since the whole polygon must be done. Given
an input edge there is only one way to come out, approximately half
way around the polygon.
if (((output1 == output3) && (output2 == output4)) ||
((output1 == output4) && (output2 == output3)) &&
(triangulate == WHOLE))
return ties_array[x];
if (saved1 != -1)
return saved1;
if (saved2 != -1)
return saved2;
/* There was not a tie that was sequential */
return Look_Ahead_Tie();
int Sequential_Tie(int face_id, int triangulate)
/* Break the tie by choosing the face that will
not give us a swap and is sequential. If there
is not one, then do the lookahead to break the
/* Separate into 3 cases for simplicity, if the current
polygon has 3 sides, 4 sides or if the sides were
greater. We can do the smaller cases faster, so that
is why I separated the cases.
ListHead *pListFace;
PF_FACES face;
/* Get the polygon with id face_id */
pListFace = PolFaces[face_id];
face = (PF_FACES) PeekList(pListFace,LISTHEAD,0);
if (face->nPolSize == 3)
if (face->nPolSize == 4)
int Get_Next_Face(int t, int face_id, int triangulate)
/* Get the next face depending on what
the user specified
/* Did not have a tie, don't do anything */
if (last == 1)
if (t == RANDOM)
return Random_Tie();
if (t == ALTERNATE)
return Alternate_Tie();
if (t == LOOK)
return Look_Ahead_Tie();
if (t == SEQUENTIAL)
return Sequential_Tie(face_id,triangulate);
printf("Illegal option specified for ties, using first \n");
return (ties_array[0]);