2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// ATCutils.cxx - Utility functions for the ATC / AI system
// Written by David Luff, started March 2002.
// Copyright (C) 2002 David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include <config.h>
# endif
# include <sstream>
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
# include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
# include <simgear/constants.h>
# include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
# include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
# include <Airports/runways.hxx>
# include <Main/globals.hxx>
# include "ATCutils.hxx"
# include "ATCProjection.hxx"
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
static const string nums [ 10 ] = { " zero " , " one " , " two " , " three " , " four " ,
" five " , " six " , " seven " , " eight " , " niner " } ;
static const string letters [ LTRS ] = {
" alpha " , " bravo " , " charlie " , " delta " , " echo " ,
" foxtrot " , " golf " , " hotel " , " india " , " juliet " ,
" kilo " , " lima " , " mike " , " november " , " oscar " ,
" papa " , " quebec " , " romeo " , " sierra " , " tango " ,
" uniform " , " victor " , " whiskey " , " xray " , " yankee " , " zulu "
} ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Convert any number to spoken digits
string ConvertNumToSpokenDigits ( const string & n ) {
//cout << "n = " << n << endl;
static const string pt = " decimal " ;
string str = " " ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < n . length ( ) ; + + i ) {
//cout << "n.substr(" << i << ",1 = " << n.substr(i,1) << endl;
if ( n . substr ( i , 1 ) = = " " ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( n . substr ( i , 1 ) = = " . " ) {
str + = pt ;
} else {
str + = nums [ atoi ( ( n . substr ( i , 1 ) ) . c_str ( ) ) ] ;
if ( i ! = ( n . length ( ) - 1 ) ) { // ie. don't add a space at the end.
str + = " " ;
return ( str ) ;
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
// Convert an integer to a decimal numeral string
string decimalNumeral ( const int & n ) {
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
std : : ostringstream buf ;
buf < < n ;
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
return buf . str ( ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
// Convert an integer to spoken digits
string ConvertNumToSpokenDigits ( const int & n ) {
return ConvertNumToSpokenDigits ( decimalNumeral ( n ) ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
// Assumes we get a string of digits optionally appended with L, R or C
// eg 1 7L 29R 36
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Anything else is not guaranteed to be handled correctly!
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
string ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString ( const string & rwy ) {
string rslt ;
for ( int ii = 0 ; ii < rwy . length ( ) ; ii + + ) {
if ( rslt . length ( ) ) rslt + = " " ;
string ch = rwy . substr ( ii , 1 ) ;
if ( isdigit ( ch [ 0 ] ) ) rslt + = ConvertNumToSpokenDigits ( atoi ( ch . c_str ( ) ) ) ;
else if ( ch = = " R " ) rslt + = " right " ;
else if ( ch = = " C " ) rslt + = " center " ;
else if ( ch = = " L " ) rslt + = " left " ;
else {
rslt + = GetPhoneticLetter ( ch [ 0 ] ) ;
SG_LOG ( SG_ATC , SG_WARN , " WARNING: Unknown suffix ' " < < ch
< < " ' in runway " < < rwy < < " in ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(...) " ) ;
return rslt ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Return the phonetic letter of a letter represented as an integer 1->26
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
string GetPhoneticLetter ( const int i ) {
return ( letters [ i % LTRS ] ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Return the phonetic letter of a character in the range a-z or A-Z.
// Currently always returns prefixed by lowercase.
2009-09-18 15:27:19 +00:00
string GetPhoneticLetter ( const char c ) {
return GetPhoneticLetter ( int ( tolower ( c ) - ' a ' ) ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Get the compass direction associated with a heading in degrees
// Currently returns 8 direction resolution (N, NE, E etc...)
// Might be modified in future to return 4, 8 or 16 resolution but defaulting to 8.
string GetCompassDirection ( double h ) {
while ( h < 0.0 ) h + = 360.0 ;
while ( h > 360.0 ) h - = 360.0 ;
if ( h < 22.5 | | h > 337.5 ) {
return ( " North " ) ;
} else if ( h < 67.5 ) {
return ( " North-East " ) ;
} else if ( h < 112.5 ) {
return ( " East " ) ;
} else if ( h < 157.5 ) {
return ( " South-East " ) ;
} else if ( h < 202.5 ) {
return ( " South " ) ;
} else if ( h < 247.5 ) {
return ( " South-West " ) ;
} else if ( h < 292.5 ) {
return ( " West " ) ;
} else {
return ( " North-West " ) ;
// Given two positions (lat & lon in degrees), get the HORIZONTAL separation (in meters)
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
double dclGetHorizontalSeparation ( const SGGeod & pos1 , const SGGeod & pos2 ) {
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
double x ; //East-West separation
double y ; //North-South separation
double z ; //Horizontal separation - z = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
double lat1 = pos1 . getLatitudeRad ( ) ;
double lon1 = pos1 . getLongitudeRad ( ) ;
double lat2 = pos2 . getLatitudeRad ( ) ;
double lon2 = pos2 . getLongitudeRad ( ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
y = sin ( fabs ( lat1 - lat2 ) ) * SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M ;
x = sin ( fabs ( lon1 - lon2 ) ) * SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M * ( cos ( ( lat1 + lat2 ) / 2.0 ) ) ;
z = sqrt ( x * x + y * y ) ;
return ( z ) ;
// Given a point and a line, get the HORIZONTAL shortest distance from the point to a point on the line.
// Expects to be fed orthogonal co-ordinates, NOT lat & lon !
// The units of the separation will be those of the input.
double dclGetLinePointSeparation ( double px , double py , double x1 , double y1 , double x2 , double y2 ) {
double vecx = x2 - x1 ;
double vecy = y2 - y1 ;
double magline = sqrt ( vecx * vecx + vecy * vecy ) ;
double u = ( ( px - x1 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) + ( py - y1 ) * ( y2 - y1 ) ) / ( magline * magline ) ;
double x0 = x1 + u * ( x2 - x1 ) ;
double y0 = y1 + u * ( y2 - y1 ) ;
vecx = px - x0 ;
vecy = py - y0 ;
double d = sqrt ( vecx * vecx + vecy * vecy ) ;
if ( d < 0 ) {
d * = - 1 ;
return ( d ) ;
// Given a position (lat/lon/elev), heading and vertical angle (degrees), and distance (meters), calculate the new position.
// This function assumes the world is spherical. If geodetic accuracy is required use the functions is sg_geodesy instead!
// Assumes that the ground is not hit!!! Expects heading and angle in degrees, distance in meters.
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
SGGeod dclUpdatePosition ( const SGGeod & pos , double heading , double angle , double distance ) {
// FIXME: use SGGeodesy instead ...
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
//cout << setprecision(10) << pos.lon() << ' ' << pos.lat() << '\n';
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
double lat = pos . getLatitudeRad ( ) ;
double lon = pos . getLongitudeRad ( ) ;
double elev = pos . getElevationM ( ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
//cout << setprecision(10) << lon*DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << ' ' << lat*DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << '\n';
double horiz_dist = distance * cos ( angle ) ;
double vert_dist = distance * sin ( angle ) ;
double north_dist = horiz_dist * cos ( heading ) ;
double east_dist = horiz_dist * sin ( heading ) ;
//cout << distance << ' ' << horiz_dist << ' ' << vert_dist << ' ' << north_dist << ' ' << east_dist << '\n';
double delta_lat = asin ( north_dist / ( double ) SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M ) ;
double delta_lon = asin ( east_dist / ( double ) SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M ) * ( 1.0 / cos ( lat ) ) ; // I suppose really we should use the average of the original and new lat but we'll assume that this will be good enough.
//cout << delta_lon*DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << ' ' << delta_lat*DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << '\n';
lat + = delta_lat ;
lon + = delta_lon ;
elev + = vert_dist ;
//cout << setprecision(10) << lon*DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << ' ' << lat*DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << '\n';
//cout << setprecision(15) << DCL_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES << '\n';
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
return SGGeod : : fromRadM ( lon , lat , elev ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
// Get a heading in degrees from one lat/lon to another.
// This function assumes the world is spherical. If geodetic accuracy is required use the functions is sg_geodesy instead!
// Warning - at the moment we are not checking for identical points - currently it returns 0 in this instance.
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
double GetHeadingFromTo ( const SGGeod & A , const SGGeod & B ) {
double latA = A . getLatitudeRad ( ) ;
double lonA = A . getLongitudeRad ( ) ;
double latB = B . getLatitudeRad ( ) ;
double lonB = B . getLongitudeRad ( ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
double xdist = sin ( lonB - lonA ) * ( double ) SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M * cos ( ( latA + latB ) / 2.0 ) ;
double ydist = sin ( latB - latA ) * ( double ) SG_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_M ;
double heading = atan2 ( xdist , ydist ) * DCL_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES ;
return heading < 0.0 ? heading + 360 : heading ;
// Given a heading (in degrees), bound it from 0 -> 360
void dclBoundHeading ( double & hdg ) {
while ( hdg < 0.0 ) {
hdg + = 360.0 ;
while ( hdg > 360.0 ) {
hdg - = 360.0 ;
// smallest difference between two angles in degrees
// difference is negative if a1 > a2 and positive if a2 > a1
double GetAngleDiff_deg ( const double & a1 , const double & a2 ) {
double a3 = a2 - a1 ;
while ( a3 < 180.0 ) a3 + = 360.0 ;
while ( a3 > 180.0 ) a3 - = 360.0 ;
return a3 ;
// Runway stuff
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
// Given (lon/lat/elev) and an FGRunway struct, determine if the point lies on the runway
bool OnRunway ( const SGGeod & pt , const FGRunwayBase * rwy ) {
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
FGATCAlignedProjection ortho ;
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
SGGeod centre = SGGeod : : fromDegM ( rwy - > longitude ( ) , rwy - > latitude ( ) , 0 ) ; // We don't need the elev
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
ortho . Init ( centre , rwy - > headingDeg ( ) ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
2009-03-16 16:37:39 +00:00
SGVec3d xyc = ortho . ConvertToLocal ( centre ) ;
SGVec3d xyp = ortho . ConvertToLocal ( pt ) ;
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
//cout << "Length offset = " << fabs(xyp.y() - xyc.y()) << '\n';
//cout << "Width offset = " << fabs(xyp.x() - xyc.x()) << '\n';
James Turner:
Convert FGRunway to be heap-based, and inherit FGPositioned. This is a large, ugly change, since FGRunway was essentially a plain struct, with no accessors or abstraction. This change adds various helpers and accessors to FGRunway, but doesn't change many places to use them - that will be a follow up series of patches. It's still a large patch, but outside of FGAirport and FGRunway, mostly mechanical search-and-replace.
An interesting part of this change is that reciprocal runways now exist as independent objects, rather than being created on the fly by the search methods. This simplifies some pieces of code that search for and iterate runways. For users who only want one 'end' of a runway, the new 'isReciprocal' predicate allows them to ignore the 'other' end. Current the only user of this is the 'ground-radar' ATC feature. If we had data on which runways are truly 'single-ended', it would now be trivial to use this in the airport loader to *not* create the reciprocal.
2008-09-11 08:38:09 +00:00
if ( ( fabs ( xyp . y ( ) - xyc . y ( ) ) < ( ( rwy - > lengthFt ( ) / 2.0 ) + 5.0 ) )
& & ( fabs ( xyp . x ( ) - xyc . x ( ) ) < ( rwy - > widthFt ( ) / 2.0 ) ) ) {
2008-05-12 10:07:41 +00:00
return ( true ) ;
return ( false ) ;