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This is the interface definition file for the structure that
holds the flapping data.
Written by Theresa Robinson
#ifndef _FLAPDATA_H
#define _FLAPDATA_H
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include "uiuc_warnings_errors.h"
using namespace std;
//#include "uiuc_aircraft.h"
class flapStruct {
double Lift,Thrust,Inertia,Moment;
flapStruct(const flapStruct &rhs);
flapStruct(double newLift, double newThrust, double newMoment, double newInertia);
double getLift() const;
double getThrust() const;
double getInertia() const;
double getMoment() const;
class FlapData {
//class variables
//the following are the arrays of increasing
//data values that were used to generate the lift, thrust
//pitch and inertial values
double* alphaArray; //angle of attack
double* speedArray; //airspeed at the wing
double* freqArray; //flapping frequency
double* phiArray;
//the following four tables are generated (e.g. by FullWing)
//using the data in the previous three arrays
double**** liftTable; //4D array: holds the lift data
double**** thrustTable; //4D array: holds the thrust data
double**** momentTable; //4D array: holds the pitching moment data
double**** inertiaTable; //4D array: holds the inertia data
//The values in the tables and arrays are directly related through
//their indices, in the following way:
//For alpha=alphaArray[i], speed=speedArray[j] and freq=freqArray[k]
//the lift is equal to liftTable[i][j][k][l]
int alphaLength, speedLength, freqLength, phiLength;
int lastAlphaIndex, lastSpeedIndex, lastFreqIndex, lastPhiIndex;
//since we're assuming the angle of attack, velocity, and frequency
//don't change much between calls to flap, we keep the last indices
//as a good guess of where to start searching next time
//public methods
//The default constructor:
//Just sets the arrays to null and the guesses to zero
//A constructor that takes a file name:
//Opens that file and fills all the arrays from it
//sets the guesses to zero for the speed and halfway
//along the array for the alpha and frequency
FlapData(const char* filename);
//The destructor:
//Frees all memory associated with this object
//An initialization function that does the same thing
//as the second constructor
//returns zero if it was successful
int init(const char* filename);
//A function that returns the interpolated values
//for all four associated numbers
//given the angle of attack, speed, and flapping frequency
flapStruct flapper(double alpha, double speed, double frequency, double phi);
//private methods
//A function that returns an index i such that
// array[i] < value < array[i+1]
//The function returns -1 if
// (value < array[0]) OR (value > array[n-1])
//(i.e. the value is not within the bounds of the array)
//It performs a linear search starting at LastIndex
int findIndex(double array[], double n, double value, int LastIndex);
//A function that performs a linear interpolation based on the
//eight points surrounding the value required
double interpolate(double**** table, int alphaIndex, int speedIndex, int freqIndex, int phiIndex, double alpha, double speed, double freq, double phi2);
//A function that performs a linear interpolation based on the two nearest points
double interpolate(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x);
//A function called by init that reads in the file
//of the correct format and stores it in the arrays and tables
int readIn(ifstream* f);