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* FlightPlan.hxx - defines a full flight-plan object, including
* departure, cruise, arrival information and waypoints
// Written by James Turner, started 2012.
// Copyright (C) 2012 James Turner
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <Navaids/route.hxx>
#include <Airports/airport.hxx>
namespace flightgear
class Transition;
class FlightPlan : public RouteBase
virtual ~FlightPlan();
virtual std::string ident() const;
void setIdent(const std::string& s);
FlightPlan* clone(const std::string& newIdent = std::string()) const;
* flight-plan leg encapsulation
class Leg
FlightPlan* owner() const
{ return _parent; }
Waypt* waypoint() const
{ return _waypt; }
// reutrn the next leg after this one
Leg* nextLeg() const;
unsigned int index() const;
int altitudeFt() const;
int speed() const;
int speedKts() const;
double speedMach() const;
RouteRestriction altitudeRestriction() const;
RouteRestriction speedRestriction() const;
void setSpeed(RouteRestriction ty, double speed);
void setAltitude(RouteRestriction ty, int altFt);
double courseDeg() const;
double distanceNm() const;
double distanceAlongRoute() const;
friend class FlightPlan;
Leg(FlightPlan* owner, WayptRef wpt);
Leg* cloneFor(FlightPlan* owner) const;
FlightPlan* _parent;
RouteRestriction _speedRestrict, _altRestrict;
int _speed;
int _altitudeFt;
WayptRef _waypt;
/// length of this leg following the flown path
mutable double _pathDistance;
mutable double _courseDeg;
/// total distance of this leg from departure point
mutable double _distanceAlongPath;
class Delegate
virtual ~Delegate();
virtual void departureChanged() { }
virtual void arrivalChanged() { }
virtual void waypointsChanged() { }
virtual void cleared() { }
virtual void currentWaypointChanged() { }
void removeInner(Delegate* d);
void runDepartureChanged();
void runArrivalChanged();
void runWaypointsChanged();
void runCurrentWaypointChanged();
void runCleared();
friend class FlightPlan;
bool _deleteWithPlan;
Delegate* _inner;
Leg* insertWayptAtIndex(Waypt* aWpt, int aIndex);
void insertWayptsAtIndex(const WayptVec& wps, int aIndex);
void deleteIndex(int index);
void clear();
int clearWayptsWithFlag(WayptFlag flag);
int currentIndex() const
{ return _currentIndex; }
void setCurrentIndex(int index);
Leg* currentLeg() const;
Leg* nextLeg() const;
Leg* previousLeg() const;
int numLegs() const
{ return _legs.size(); }
Leg* legAtIndex(int index) const;
int findLegIndex(const Leg* l) const;
int findWayptIndex(const SGGeod& aPos) const;
bool load(const SGPath& p);
bool save(const SGPath& p);
FGAirportRef departureAirport() const
{ return _departure; }
FGAirportRef destinationAirport() const
{ return _destination; }
FGRunway* departureRunway() const
{ return _departureRunway; }
FGRunway* destinationRunway() const
{ return _destinationRunway; }
Approach* approach() const
{ return _approach; }
void setDeparture(FGAirport* apt);
void setDeparture(FGRunway* rwy);
SID* sid() const
{ return _sid; }
Transition* sidTransition() const;
void setSID(SID* sid, const std::string& transition = std::string());
void setSID(Transition* sidWithTrans);
void setDestination(FGAirport* apt);
void setDestination(FGRunway* rwy);
* note setting an approach will implicitly update the destination
* airport and runway to match
void setApproach(Approach* app);
STAR* star() const
{ return _star; }
Transition* starTransition() const;
void setSTAR(STAR* star, const std::string& transition = std::string());
void setSTAR(Transition* starWithTrans);
double totalDistanceNm() const
{ return _totalDistance; }
* given a waypoint index, and an offset in NM, find the geodetic
* position on the route path. I.e the point 10nm before or after
* a particular waypoint.
SGGeod pointAlongRoute(int aIndex, double aOffsetNm) const;
* Create a WayPoint from a string in the following format:
* - simple identifier
* - decimal-lon,decimal-lat
* - airport-id/runway-id
* - navaid/radial-deg/offset-nm
WayptRef waypointFromString(const std::string& target);
* abstract interface for creating delegates automatically when a
* flight-plan is created or loaded
class DelegateFactory
virtual Delegate* createFlightPlanDelegate(FlightPlan* fp) = 0;
static void registerDelegateFactory(DelegateFactory* df);
static void unregisterDelegateFactory(DelegateFactory* df);
void addDelegate(Delegate* d);
void removeDelegate(Delegate* d);
void lockDelegate();
void unlockDelegate();
int _delegateLock;
bool _arrivalChanged,
bool loadPlainTextRoute(const SGPath& path);
void loadVersion1XMLRoute(SGPropertyNode_ptr routeData);
void loadVersion2XMLRoute(SGPropertyNode_ptr routeData);
void loadXMLRouteHeader(SGPropertyNode_ptr routeData);
WayptRef parseVersion1XMLWaypt(SGPropertyNode* aWP);
double magvarDegAt(const SGGeod& pos) const;
std::string _ident;
int _currentIndex;
FGAirportRef _departure, _destination;
FGRunway* _departureRunway, *_destinationRunway;
SGSharedPtr<SID> _sid;
SGSharedPtr<STAR> _star;
SGSharedPtr<Approach> _approach;
std::string _sidTransition, _starTransition;
double _totalDistance;
void rebuildLegData();
typedef std::vector<Leg*> LegVec;
LegVec _legs;
Delegate* _delegate;
} // of namespace flightgear
#endif // of FG_FLIGHTPLAN_HXX