2002-11-30 20:22:25 +00:00
# Link the yasim executable against the individual object files rather
# than libYASim. The library references other stuff in FlightGear,
# and some linkers (Irix) do dependency checks per-library instead of
# per-object.
# I think that it's permissible to list the same source files more
# than once in a Makefile.am. Hopefully this doesn't break anything.
2002-11-30 06:28:18 +00:00
2003-08-29 09:03:49 +00:00
2002-11-30 20:22:25 +00:00
Airplane.cpp Airplane.hpp \
Atmosphere.cpp Atmosphere.hpp \
BodyEnvironment.hpp \
ControlMap.cpp ControlMap.hpp \
FGFDM.cpp FGFDM.hpp \
Gear.cpp Gear.hpp \
Glue.cpp Glue.hpp \
Integrator.cpp Integrator.hpp \
Jet.cpp Jet.hpp \
Math.cpp Math.hpp \
Model.cpp Model.hpp \
PistonEngine.cpp PistonEngine.hpp \
PropEngine.cpp PropEngine.hpp \
Propeller.cpp Propeller.hpp \
RigidBody.cpp RigidBody.hpp \
SimpleJet.cpp SimpleJet.hpp \
Surface.cpp Surface.hpp \
Thruster.cpp Thruster.hpp \
Vector.hpp \
Wing.cpp Wing.hpp
2003-08-29 09:03:49 +00:00
noinst_LIBRARIES = libYASim.a
libYASim_a_SOURCES = YASim.cxx YASim.hxx $(SHARED_SOURCES)
bin_PROGRAMS = yasim
yasim_SOURCES = yasim-test.cpp $(SHARED_SOURCES)
yasim_LDADD = -lsgxml -lsgprops -lsgmisc -lsgdebug $(base_LIBS)
2002-11-30 06:28:18 +00:00
2001-12-28 22:29:59 +00:00
INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/src