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36 lines
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namespace yasim {
class PistonEngine {
// Initializes an engine from known "takeoff" parameters.
PistonEngine(float power, float spd);
void setThrottle(float throttle);
void setMixture(float mixture);
// Calculates power output and fuel flow, based on a given
// throttle setting (0-1 corresponding to the fraction of
// "available" manifold pressure), mixture (fuel flux per rpm,
// 0-1, where 1 is "max rich", or a little bit more than needed
// for rated power at sea level)
void calc(float density, float speed,
float* powerOut, float* fuelFlowOut);
float _P0; // reference power setting
float _omega0; // " engine speed
float _rho0; // " manifold air density
float _f0; // "ideal" fuel flow at P0/omega0
float _mixCoeff; // fuel flow per omega at full mixture
// Runtime settables:
float _throttle;
float _mixture;
}; // namespace yasim