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<title>FlightGear Flight Simulator - Installation and Getting Started</title>
<H1 align=center>FlightGear Flight Simulator - Installation and Getting Started</H1>
<H3 align=center> Michael Basler (<a href="mailto:pmb@knUUt.de">pmb@knUUt.de</a>)<br>
Bernhard Buckel
(<a href="mailto:buckel@wmad95.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de">buckel@wmad95.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de</a>)<br>
<img src="start.gif"><br> </H3>
<H3 align=center>March 7, 1999</H3>
<H1>Contents </H1><A href="#tth_chAp1"
>1 Want to have a free flight? Take <i>FlightGear </i>!</A><br>chapter.1
<A href="#tth_sEc1.1"
>1.1 Yet another Flight Simulator?</A><br>section.1.1
<A href="#tth_sEc1.2"
>1.2 A short history of <i>FlightGear </i></A><br>section.1.2
<A href="#tth_sEc1.3"
>1.3 System requirements</A><br>section.1.3
<A href="#tth_sEc1.4"
>1.4 Whom this guide is addressed to and how it is organized</A><br>section.1.4
<A href="#tth_chAp2"
>2 Getting the engine: Installing OpenGL graphics drivers</A><br>chapter.2
<A href="#tth_sEc2.1"
>2.1 3DFX under Linux</A><br>section.2.1
<A href="#tth_sEc2.2"
>2.2 Rendition Chipset under Windows 98/NT</A><br>section.2.2
<A href="#tth_sEc2.3"
>2.3 RIVA TNT Chipset under Windows 98/NT</A><br>section.2.3
<A href="#tth_sEc2.4"
>2.4 3DFX chip based boards under Windows 98/NT</A><br>section.2.4
<A href="#tth_sEc2.5"
>2.5 OpenGL software rendering under Windows 98/NT</A><br>section.2.5
<A href="#tth_chAp3"
>3 Building the plane: Compiling the program</A><br>chapter.3
<A href="#tth_sEc3.1"
>3.1 Compiling under Linux</A><br>section.3.1
<A href="#tth_sEc3.2"
>3.2 Compiling under Windows 98/NT</A><br>section.3.2
<A href="#tth_chAp4"
>4 Preflight: Installing <i>FlightGear </i></A><br>chapter.4
<A href="#tth_sEc4.1"
>4.1 Installing the Binaries</A><br>section.4.1
<A href="#tth_sEc4.2"
>4.2 Installing Support files</A><br>section.4.2
<A href="#tth_chAp5"
>5 Takeoff: How to start the program</A><br>chapter.5
<A href="#tth_sEc5.1"
>5.1 Starting under Linux</A><br>section.5.1
<A href="#tth_sEc5.2"
>5.2 Starting under Windows 98/NT</A><br>section.5.2
<A href="#tth_sEc5.3"
>5.3 Command line parameters</A><br>section.5.3
<A href="#tth_sEc5.3.1"
>5.3.1 General Options</A><br>subsection.5.3.1
<A href="#tth_sEc5.3.2"
>5.3.2 Features</A><br>subsection.5.3.2
<A href="#tth_sEc5.3.3"
>5.3.3 Initial Position and Orientation</A><br>subsection.5.3.3
<A href="#tth_sEc5.3.4"
>5.3.4 Rendering Options</A><br>subsection.5.3.4
<A href="#tth_chAp6"
>6 Flight: Keystrokes, the HUD and all that</A><br>chapter.6
<A href="#tth_sEc6.1"
>6.1 Keyboard commands</A><br>section.6.1
<A href="#tth_sEc6.2"
>6.2 The head up display</A><br>section.6.2
<A href="#tth_chAp7"
>7 Landing: Some further thoughts before leaving the plane</A><br>chapter.7
<A href="#tth_sEc7.1"
>7.1 Those, who did the work</A><br>section.7.1
<A href="#tth_sEc7.2"
>7.2 What remains to be done</A><br>section.7.2
<A href="#tth_chAp8"
>8 Missed approach: If anything refuses to work</A><br>chapter.8
<A href="#tth_sEc8.1"
>8.1 General problems</A><br>section.8.1
<A href="#tth_sEc8.2"
>8.2 Potential problems under Linux</A><br>section.8.2
<A href="#tth_sEc8.3"
>8.3 Potential problems under Windows95/NT</A><br>section.8.3
<H1><A NAME="tth_chAp1">
Chapter 1 </A><br>Want to have a free flight? Take <i>FlightGear </i>!<A NAME="free">
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc1.1">
1.1</A> Yet another Flight Simulator?</H2>
Did you ever want to fly a plane yourself, but lacked the money or
skills to do so? Do you belong to those real pilots, who want to
improve their skills without having to take off? Do you want to
try some dangerous maneuvers without risking your life? Or do you
just want to have fun with a more serious game not killing any
people? If any of these questions applies, PC flight simulators
are just for you.
If you are reading this you might have got already some experience
either using Microsoft<a NAME="Microsoft11">
</a>'s © FS98<a NAME="FS9811">
Looking Glass<a NAME="Looking Glass11">
</a>' © Flight Unlimited II<a NAME="Flight Unlimited II11">
</a> or any
other of the commercially available PC flight simulators. As the price
tag of those is usually within the 50$ range buying one of it should
not be a serious problem given the fact, that running any serious PC
flight simulator requires a hardware within the 1500$ range, despite
dropping prices, at least.
Why then that effort of spending hundreds or thousands of hours of
programming to build a free simulator? Obviously there must be
good reason to do so:
<li> All of the commercial programs have a serious drawback: They are made
by a small group of developers defining their properties - often
quite inert and not listening too much to the customer.
Anyone ever trying to contact Microsoft<a NAME="Microsoft11">
</a> will
immediately agree.
<li> Commercial PC flight simulators usually try to cover a market
segment as broad as possible. For obvious reason, most of them want
to serve the serious pilot as well as the beginner and the gamer.
The result are compromises. As <i>FlightGear </i>is free, there is no need
for such compromises; it just can be given the properties its users
want. It defines itself via building.
<li> Building a flight simulator is a challenge to the art of
programming. Contributing to that project makes you belong to
those being able to contribute to serious, ambitious and
advanced software projects.
<li> It is fun. Not only is it fun to write the code (... or
documentation...) but also to belong to that - temporarily changing
- club of clever people on the net having discussed, struggled and finally
succeeded in creating that project. Even reading the <i>FlightGear </i>
mailing lists is informative and fun for itself.
The above-mentioned points make <i>FlightGear </i>different from other
competitors in several respect. <i>FlightGear </i>aims to be a
civilian,<a NAME="Flight simulator+civilian11">
multi-platform,<a NAME="Flight simulator+multi-platform11">
open,<a NAME="Flight simulator+open11">
</a> user-supported,<a NAME="Flight
</a> user-extensible<a NAME="Flight
</a> simulator:
<li> <b>Civilian:</b><a NAME="Flight simulator+civilian11">
</a> The <i>FlightGear </i>
project is primarily aimed to civilian flight simulation.
It should be appropriate for simulating
general aviation as well as civilian aircraft. However, according to
the open concept of development, that sure does not exclude someone
taking the code and integrating military components<a NAME="military components11">
<li><b>Multi-platform:</b><a NAME="Flight simulator+multi-platform11">
</a> The
developers are attempting to keep the code as platform-independent
as possible. This is based on their observation that
people interested in flight simulations run quite
a variety of computer hardware and operating systems. The present code
supports the following Operating Systems<a NAME="Operating Systems11">
<li>Linux<a NAME="Linux11">
</a> (any platform),
<li>Windows NT<a NAME="Windows NT11">
</a> (i86 platform),
<li>Windows 95/98<a NAME="Windows 95/9811">
<li>SunOS<a NAME="SunOS11">
There is ongoing effort to support more platforms such as the
MacIntosh<a NAME="MacIntosh11">
</a>. At this time we are not aware of the existence of any other
serious multi-platform flight simulator - neither commercial nor free.
Initial ideas on support for DOS<a NAME="DOS11">
</a> or OS/2<a NAME="OS/211">
</a> were dropped later because of
diminishing interest in these platforms and the non-availability of OpenGL for DOS.
<li><b>Open:</b><a NAME="Flight simulator+open11">
</a> The project is not
restricted to a closed club of developers. Anyone who feels he or she
being able to contribute is highly welcome.
The code (including documentation) is copyrighted under the
terms of the Gnu Public License<a NAME="Gnu Public License11">
The Gnu Public License is often misunderstood. In simple terms it
states that you can copy and freely distribute the program(s) licensed
to it. You can modify them, if you like. You are even allowed to charge
as much money for the distribution of the modified or original program as you want.
However, you must distribute it complete with the entire source code
and it must retain the original copyrights. In short:
<center><i>''You can do anything with the software except
making it non-free''</i>.</center><br>
At present, the Gnu Public License<a NAME="Gnu Public License11">
</a> is not included in this
document, but can be obtained from
<a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html</a>.
<li><b>User-supported, user-extensible:</b><a NAME="Flight simulator+user-supported11">
<a NAME="Flight simulator+user-extensible11">
</a>Contrary to the various
commercial simulators available, scenery and aircraft format,
internal variables, etc. are user accessible and documented
from the beginning. Even without an explicit developmental documentation<a NAME="documentation11">
which sure has to be written at some point, this is guaranteed by supplying the
source code<a NAME="source code11">
</a>. It is the goal of the developers to build a basic
engine to which scenery designers, panel engineers, maybe adventure
or ATC routine writers, sound capturers and others can (and are asked to)
add. It is our hope, that the project will finally gain from the creativeness
and ideas of hundreds of talented simmers across the world.
Without doubt, the success of the Linux<a NAME="Linux11">
</a> project initiated by Linus
Torvalds<a NAME="Torvalds, Linus11">
</a> inspired several of the developers.
Not only has it shown that distributed development of even highly sophisticated
software projects over the Internet is possible. It led to a product which,
in several respect, is better than its commercial competitors.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc1.2">
1.2</A> A short history<a NAME="history12">
</a> of <i>FlightGear </i></H2>
This project goes back to a discussion of a group of net-citizens
in 1996. This resulted in a proposal written by David
Murr<a NAME="Murr, David12">
</a> who, unfortunately, dropped out from the
project (as well as the net) later. His proposal<a NAME="proposal12">
</a> is still
available from the <i>FlightGear </i>web site and can be found under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/proposal-3.0">http://www.flightgear.org/proposal-3.0</a>.
Although the names of the people and several of the details
naturally changed in time, the spirit of that proposal was clearly
retained up to the present status of the project.
Actual coding started in summer 1996 and by the end of that year essential graphics
routines were completed. At that time, programming was mainly done and coordinated by
Eric Korpela<a NAME="Korpela, Eric12">
</a> from Berkeley University
(<a href="mailto:korpela@ssl.Berkeley.EDU">korpela@ssl.Berkeley.EDU</a>). Early code was running under Linux<a NAME="Linux12">
</a> as well as
under DOS<a NAME="DOS12">
</a>, OS/2<a NAME="OS/212">
</a>, Windows 95/NT<a NAME="Windows 95/NT12">
</a>, and Sun-OS<a NAME="Sun-OS12">
</a>. This was
quite an ambitious project, as it involved, among others, writing all the graphics
routines<a NAME="graphics
</a> in a system-independent way just from scratch.
Development slowed down and finally stopped at the beginning of 1997 when Eric had to
complete his thesis. At this point, the project seemed to be dead and traffic on the
mailing list went down to nearly nothing.
It was Curt Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt12">
</a> from the University of Minnesota
(<a href="mailto:curt@flightgear.org">curt@flightgear.org</a>) who re-started the project in the middle of 1997. His idea
was as simple as successful: Why invent the wheel a second time? There have been several
free flight simulators<a NAME="Flight simulator+free12">
</a> available running on
workstation<a NAME="workstation12">
</a>s under several flavors of UNIX<a NAME="UNIX12">
</a>. One of these,
LaRCsim<a NAME="LaRCsim12">
</a>, which was developed by Bruce Jackson<a NAME="Jackson, Bruce12">
</a> from NASA
(<a href="mailto:jackson@larc.nasa.gov">jackson@larc.nasa.gov</a>) seemed to be well-adapted for the present approach. Curt
took this one apart and re-wrote several of the routines in a way making them build-able
as well as run-able on the intended target platforms. The key idea in doing so was
selecting a system-independent graphics platform, i. e. OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL12">
</a>, for the basic
graphics routines<a NAME="graphics routines12">
<center><img src="navion.gif"><br></center><br> Fig. 1: <i>The Navion<a NAME="Navion12">
</a> flight model is one of the
features <i>FlightGear </i>inherited from LaRCsim<a NAME="LaRCsim12">
</a>. Until now it
is the only one plane being realized in <i>FlightGear </i>.</i>
In addition, a clever decision on the selection of the basic
scenery<a NAME="scenery12">
</a> data was already made in this very first version.
<i>FlightGear </i>Scenery is created on the basis of satellite data
published by the U. S. Geological Survey<a NAME="U.\,S. Geological Survey12">
</a>. These terrain
data are available for the whole world over the Internet for free
<a href="http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/ndcdb.html">http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/ndcdb.html</a>
for the US resp.
<a href="http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html">http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html</a>
for other countries. Those freely accessible scenery data in
conjunction with scenery building tools provided with
<i>FlightGear </i>are an important prerequisite enabling anyone to
create his or her own scenery, at least in principle.
This new FlightGear code - still largely being based on original LaRCsim<a NAME="LaRCsim12">
</a> code -
was released in July 1997. From that moment the project gained momentum again. Here are
some milestones from the further history of development:
<li> Sun, moon and stars are a field where PC flight simulators
have been notoriously weak for ages. It is one of the great
achievements of <i>FlightGear </i>that it includes accurate sun (watch, Microsoft!),
moon, and planets being moreover placed on their proper positions.
The corresponding astronomy code<a NAME="astronomy code12">
</a> was implemented in fall 1997 by Durk
Talsma<a NAME="Talsma, Durk12">
(<a href="mailto:pn_talsma@macmail.psy.uva.nl">pn_talsma@macmail.psy.uva.nl</a>.
<li> Texture support<a NAME="textures12">
</a> was added by Curt
Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt12">
(<a href="mailto:curt@flightgear.org">curt@flightgear.org</a>) in spring 1998. This marked a
significant improvement in terms of reality. You may recall: MSFS had
untextured scenery up to version 4.0. For this purpose, some high-quality
textures were submitted by Eric Mitchell<a NAME="Mitchell, Eric12">
(<a href="mailto:mitchell@mars.ark.com">mitchell@mars. ark.com</a>.
<li> A HUD<a NAME="HUD12">
</a> (head up display<a NAME="head up display12">
</a>) was added based on code
provided by Michele America<a NAME="America, Michele12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:nomimarketing@mail.telepac.pt">nomimarketing@mail.telepac.pt</a>)
and Charlie Hotchkiss<a NAME="Hotchkiss, Charlie12">
(<a href="mailto:chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com">chotch kiss@namg.us.anritsu.com</a>)
in fall 1997 and continuously improved later.
While being probably not a substitute for a panel<a NAME="panel12">
</a> and moreover
possibly being a bit odd in that tiny Navion<a NAME="Navion12">
</a>, this HUD<a NAME="HUD12">
</a> has proven
extremely useful in navigation until now.
<li> After improving scenery<a NAME="scenery12">
</a> and
texture<a NAME="textures12">
</a> support and adding some more
features there was a disappointing side-effect in spring 1998: Frame
rates<a NAME="frame rate12">
</a> dropped down to a point where <i>FlightGear </i>became inflyable. There
were two main achievements overcoming this problem. First, with the advent
of hardware OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL12">
</a> support and corresponding drivers for most of
the graphics cards these features could be exploited in
<i>FlightGear </i>as well, leading to a frame rate<a NAME="frame rate12">
</a> boost by a
factor up to 10. Second, Curt Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:curt@flightgear.org">curt@flightgear.org</a>)
implemented so-called view frustrum culling<a NAME="view frustrum culling12">
</a> (a procedure to except part of
the scenery not required from rendering) which gave another 20% or so of
frame rate boost in May 1998.
With these two achievements <i>FlightGear </i>became flyable again even on weaker
machines as long as they included a 3D graphics board with
hardware OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL12">
</a> support. (With respect to this point one should keep in mind that the code
at present is in no way optimized leaving a lot of room for further
improvements of frame rate.)
<li> A rudimentary autopilot<a NAME="autopilot12">
</a> implementing heading hold was
contributed by Jeff Goeke-Smith<a NAME="Goeke-Smith, Jeff12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:jgoeke@voyager.net">jgoeke@voyager.net</a>) in
April 1998. This autopilot was improved to cover altitude hold and a terrain follow
switch in October 1998.
<li> Although detailed menus are still missing there is a first
approach on developing a menu system<a NAME="menu system12">
</a> based on Steve Baker's<a NAME="Baker, Steve12">
(<a href="mailto:sjbaker@hti.com">sjbaker@hti.com</a>) menu library PUI<a NAME="PUI12">
</a>. This first menu
system was added in June 1998.
<li> Friedemann Reinhard <a NAME="Reinhard, Friedemann12">
(<a href="mailto:mpt218@faupt212.physik.uni-erlangen.de">mpt218@faupt212.physik.uni-erlangen.de</a>)
developed early panel code<a NAME="panel code12">
</a> including a working airspeed
indicator<a NAME="airspeed
</a> which was added in June 1998 and has been considerably improved until today.
<li> There was basic audio support<a NAME="audio support12">
i. e. an audio library and some basic background engine sound,
contributed by Steve Baker (<a href="mailto:sjbaker@hti.com">sjbaker@hti.com</a>)<a NAME="Baker,
</a> and Tom Knienieder<a NAME="Knienieder, Tom12">
(<a href="mailto:knienieder@ms.netwing.at">knienieder@ms.netwing.at</a>) in Summer 1998.
<li> Steve Baker<a NAME="Baker, Steve12">
(<a href="mailto:sjbaker@hti.com">sjbaker@hti.com</a>) and Curt Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:curt@flightgear.org">curt@flightgear.org</a>)
got basic joystick/yoke support running in October 1998. While implementation may change
and pedals do not yet work under Windows this marks a huge improvement in terms of
<li> In September 1998 Curt Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt12">
(<a href="mailto:curt@flightgear.org">curt@flightgear.org</a>) succeeded in creating complete terrain Scenery for the USA,
which is available for download from
<a href="ftp://ftp.kingmont.com/pub/kingmont/">ftp://ftp.kingmont.com/pub/kingmont/</a>.
</UL>This is by no way a complete history and a lot of people making even important
contributions were left out here. Besides the named achievements which are more on the
surface, there was a lot of work done concerning the internal structure, by Steve
Baker<a NAME="Baker, Steve12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:sjbaker@hti.com">sjbaker@hti.com</a>)<a NAME="Baker, Steve12">
</a>, Norman
Vine<a NAME="Vine, Norman12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:nhv@laserplot.com">nhv@laserplot.com</a>), Gary R. Van Sickle<a NAME="Van Sickle,
Gary, R.12">
</a> (<a href="mailto:tiberius@braemarinc.com">tiberius@braemarinc.com</a>), and others. A more complete list of
contributors to the project can be found in <i>Landing: Some further thoughts before
leaving the plane</i>, chapter <A href="#landing">7</A> as well as in the file <tt>Thanks</tt> provided
with the code. Moreover, the <i>FlightGear </i>Website<a NAME="\FlightGear Website12">
</a> contains a detailed history of
all of the development under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/News/">http://www.flightgear.org/News/</a>.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc1.3">
1.3</A> System requirements</H2><a NAME="system requirements13">
Compared to other recent flight simulators the system requirements
for <i>FlightGear </i>are rather decent. A P100 is already sufficient,
given you have a proper 3D graphics card, but of course for
getting good performance we recommend a P200 or better, if you run
it on a PC. On the other hand, any not too ancient UNIX<a NAME="UNIX13">
workstation<a NAME="workstation13">
</a> will run <i>FlightGear </i>as well.
While in principle you can run <i>FlightGear </i>on 3D boards without OpenGL support or even on
systems without 3D graphics hardware, missing hardware OpenGL support can force even the
fastest PII to its knees (frame rate<a NAME="frame rate13">
</a>s typically below 1 fps even on fast
machines). Any cheap 3D graphics card will do as long as it features hardware
OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL13">
</a> support. For Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT13">
</a> drivers, you may contact the home page
of the manufacturer. Moreover, you should have in mind that most OpenGL
drivers<a NAME="OpenGL+drivers13">
</a> are still marked as beta and moreover, often these drivers
are provided by the makers of the graphics chip instead of the makers of the board. More
detail on OpenGL drivers can be found under
<a href="http://www.x-plane.com/v4ibm.html">http://www.x-plane.com/v4ibm.html</a>
as well as under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Hardware">http://www.flightgear.org/Hardware</a>.
Moreover, you need around 16MB of free disk space for installing the
executable including most of the scenery. In case you want to compile
the program yourself you need around 50MB for the source code and for
temporary files created during compilation, independent of the
operating system.
If you want to hear the sound effects<a NAME="sound effects13">
</a> any decent sound card<a NAME="sound card13">
</a> should serve.
At present, support for using a joystick<a NAME="joystick13">
</a> or yoke<a NAME="yoke13">
</a> is just in its early
stages, but is expected to work on most systems. At present, Pedals are supported under
UNIX/Linux only.
With respect to operating systems, <i>FlightGear </i>is being primarily developed under
Linux<a NAME="Linux13">
</a>, a free UNIX clone developed cooperatively over the net in much the same
way as the <i>FlightGear </i>project itself. Moreover, <i>FlightGear </i>runs under Windows
95<a NAME="Windows
</a>, Windows 98<a NAME="Windows 9813">
</a> and Windows NT<a NAME="Windows NT13">
</a> and given you have a proper
compiler<a NAME="compiler13">
</a> installed it can be build under all of these platform as well. The
primary compiler for all platforms is GNU C++<a NAME="GNU C++13">
</a> (i. e. the Cygnus<a NAME="Cygnus13">
</a> compiler
under Win32), however there is some support for MSVC<a NAME="MSVC13">
</a>5 as well. Moreover,
<i>FlightGear </i>runs and can be build on several UNIX<a NAME="UNIX13">
</a>/X11 platforms with GNU C++
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc1.4">
1.4</A> Whom this guide is addressed to and how it is organized</H2>
At first: There is not much of the material in this Guide being originally invented by
ourself. You could even say with Montaigne that we ''merely gathered here a big bunch of
other men's flowers, having furnished nothing of my own but the strip to hold them
together''. Most (but fortunately not all) of the information can as well be grabbed from
the <i>FlightGear </i>home page<a NAME="\FlightGear home page14">
</a> being situated at
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/">http://www.flightgear.org/</a>
and its various sub pages. However, there still seem to
be a small group of people preferring neatly printed manuals over
loosely scattered Readmes and those may acknowledge our effort.
This <i>Installation and Getting Started</i> is intended as being a first step towards
a more complete <i>FlightGear </i>documentation<a NAME="\FlightGear documentation14">
</a> (with the other parts, supposedly, to
be written by others). Its main addressee is the end-user who is not interested in the
internal workings of OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL14">
</a> or in building his or her own scenery, for instance.
It is our hope, that sometime there will be an accompanying <i><i>FlightGear </i>
Programmer's Guide<a NAME="\FlightGear
Programmer's Guide14">
</a></i>, which could be based on some of the documentation under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Docs">http://www.flightgear.org/Docs</a>,
a <i><i>FlightGear </i>Scenery Design Guide<a NAME="\FlightGear Scenery Design Guide14">
</a></i>, and a
<i><i>FlightGear </i>Flight School<a NAME="\FlightGear Flight School14">
</a></i>, at least.
This <i>Installation and Getting Started</i> is organized as
The first chapter <A href="#opengl">2</A>, <i>Getting the engine: Installing OpenGL graphics
drivers</i>, describes how to prepare the computer for handling <i>FlightGear </i>'s graphics
routines. <i>FlightGear </i>is based on a graphics library called OpenGL, thus you must install
either hardware or software OpenGL support for your graphics board (except, you did so
before, of course).
Chapter <A href="#building">3</A>, <i>Building the plane: Compiling the program</i>, explains how
to build, i. e. compile the simulator. Depending on your platform this may or may not be
required for you. There will at least be binaries available for those working on a Win32
(i. e. Windows 98 © or Windows NT ©) platform. For those on such
systems, who want to take off immediately without going through the potentially
troublesome process of compiling, we recommend just skipping that chapter and going
directly to the next one.
In chapter <A href="#prefligh">4</A>, <i>Preflight: Installing <i>FlightGear </i></i>, you find
instructions for installing the binaries in case you did not so by building them in the
previous chapter. Moreover, you'll have to install scenery and texture files, which will
be described there, too.
The following chapter <A href="#takeoff">5</A>, <i>Takeoff: How to start the program</i>,
describes how to start the program including an overview on the command line options.
<i>Flight: Keystrokes, HUD, and all that</i>, chapter <A href="#flight">6</A>, describes how to
operate the program, i. e. to actually fly with <i>FlightGear </i>. This includes several lists
of key strokes as well as a detailed description of the HUD (head up display) as the
primary instrument for controlling the plane.
In chapter <A href="#landing">7</A>, <i>Landing: Some further thoughts before leaving the
plane</i>, we would like to give credits to those who did the hard work and give an outlook
on what remains to be done.
Finally: <b>We kindly ask others to help us improving this document by submitting
corrections, improvements, and more. Notably, we invite others to contribute descriptions
referring to alternative setups (graphics cards, operating systems, and compilers etc.).
We will be more than happy to include those into forthcoming versions of this
<i>Installation and Getting Started</i> (of course not without giving credit to the
We hope to continuously maintain this document at least for a foreseeable future, but
probably will not be able to produce a new one for any single release of <i>FlightGear </i>.
While we are both watching the mailing lists, it might help, if developers adding new
functionality could send us a short note.
<H1><A NAME="tth_chAp2">
Chapter 2 </A><br>Getting the engine: Installing OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL20">
</a> graphics drivers<a NAME="graphics drivers20">
</a><A NAME="opengl">
<i>FlightGear </i>'s graphics engine is based on a graphics library<a NAME="graphics library20">
</a> called
OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL20">
</a>. Its primary advantage is it's platform independence, i. e., programs
written with OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL20">
</a> support can be compiled and executed on several platforms,
given the proper drivers having been installed in advance. Thus, independent of if you
want to run the binaries only or if you want to compile the program yourself you must
install some sort of OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL20">
</a> support for your video card<a NAME="video card20">
</a>. Naturally, you
can skip this chapter in case you already did (maybe for Quake or some other game).
Unfortunately, there are so many graphics boards, graphics chips and
drivers that we are unable to provide a complete description for all
systems at present, but we hope to be able to extend that section with
the help of others soon. To give beginners a hand, we just describe
what we did to install drivers on our systems.
By any means, should you try getting hardware OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL20">
</a> drivers for your system,
which is exemplary described in sections <A href="#3dfxlinux">2.1</A> to <A href="#3DFXwin98">2.4</A>, resp. If you
are unable to locate any such drivers you can try software support<a NAME="OpenGL+software
</a> as detailed under <A href="#softrend">2.5</A>.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc2.1">
2.1</A> 3DFX<a NAME="3DFX21">
</a> under Linux<a NAME="Linux21">
</a><A NAME="3dfxlinux">
An excellent place to search for documentation about Linux and 3D
accelerators is the <i>Linux 3Dfx HOWTO</i> at
<a href="http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/xf3D/howto/3Dfx-HOWTO.html">http://www.gamers.org/dEngine/xf3D/howto/3Dfx-HOWTO.html</a>.
It describes all the following steps in an in-depth fashion and
should be your first aid in case something goes wrong with your 3D
The 3DFX<a NAME="3DFX21">
</a> graphics card is a quite popular one (We tested
the Voodoo<a NAME="Voodoo21">
</a>1 to work). At first, you need the GLIDE<a NAME="GLIDE21">
library installed. Grab it at:
<a href="http://www.3dfx.com/software/download_glidel.html">http://www.3dfx.com/software/download_glidel.html</a>
and install it.
Be careful, you need different Glide libraries for the different types of VooDoos (I, II, Banshee).
There is even an install script included that will do things for you. The canonical place
</a> is <tt>/usr/local/glide</tt>, if you prefer another location, you'll
have to edit the Makefile for <i>FlightGear </i>by hand. Be sure to read and understand the
file <tt>/usr/local/glide/README</tt>. Next, you need to install the MESA<a NAME="MESA21">
</a> library
version 3.0 (or later). Grab it at
<a href="ftp://iris.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/Mesa">ftp://iris.ssec.wisc.edu/pub/Mesa</a>,
unpack it and run
<tt>make linux-glide</tt>
in the Mesa directory. Follow the instructions in the <tt>README</tt>
file, take a close look at <tt>README.3DFX</tt> and play with the demo
Besides these, you need the GLUT<a NAME="GLUT21">
</a> library version 3.7 (or
greater, aka GameGLUT) installed. Grab it at:
<a href="http://reality.sgi.com/opengl/glut3/glut3.html">http://reality.sgi.com/opengl/glut3/glut3.html</a>.
Note: Glut-3.7 is included with Mesa 3.0 so if you've already grabbed
the latest version of mesa, you should have everything you need.
Finally, some more notes on the behavior of Voodoo<a NAME="Voodoo21">
</a> boards:
Your card comes packaged with a loop-through-cable<a NAME="loop-through-cable21">
</a>. If you
have only one monitor, then the Voodoo will take it over when
used. This means that all the applications on your desktop will
continue running but you'll only see the <i>FlightGear </i>screen. If
your window manager uses a focus-follows-mouse policy, don't move
the mouse. If you lose the focus, there's no way to shut down
<i>FlightGear </i>graciously! Better solution: Use two monitors, one for
your desktop, connect the other one to your accelerator. You'll
then get a window on your desktop which manages all keyboard
events and you're still able to see your desktop.
Running <i>FlightGear </i>under Linux using a 3DFX accelerator board is
somewhat tricky. Most of the boards behavior is controlled by
environment variables.<a NAME="environment variable21">
</a> The two most
important are:
<li><tt>MESA_GLX_FX</tt>: When set to <tt>f</tt> rendering will be in
fullscreen mode,
<tt>w</tt> will perform rendering in a window at a significant speed penalty.
<li> <tt>FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH</tt>:
When set to <tt>1</tt> the rotating 3DFX logo
won't appear. For a description of all environment
variables<a NAME="environment variable21">
</a> for VooDooI/II have a look at
<a href="http://www.bahnhof.se/~engstrom/e_3dfxvars.htm">http://www.bahnhof.se/~engstrom/e_3dfxvars.htm</a>.
</UL>This completes preparing your 3DFX<a NAME="3DFX21">
</a> equipped Linux PC for
running <i>FlightGear </i> .
Now proceed and install the support files as described later in this document.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc2.2">
2.2</A> Rendition Chipset<a NAME="Rendition chipset22">
</a> under
Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT22">
</a><A NAME="renditionwin">
This section serves as an example for installing OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL22">
drivers under Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT22">
</a>. The Rendition 2100
chipset<a NAME="Rendition 2100
</a> is, for instance, part of the Diamond Stealth II<a NAME="Diamond Stealth II22">
card performing especially well in somewhat weaker machines.
Diamond itself does not provide any OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL22">
</a> driver support for that board.
However, Rendition, who make the graphics chip, do. Go to their Web site and grab the
latest OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL22">
</a> Windows drivers<a NAME="Windows drivers22">
</a> from
<a href="http://www.rendition.com/download.html">http://www.rendition.com/download.html</a>
Follow the description in <tt>readme.txt</tt>. We recommend making
the drivers the default ones by copying them to
<tt>\windows\system</tt> (which avoids the
hassle of not being sure which driver actually runs).
With this step you're already done.
According to our experience, so-called mini-OpenGL<a NAME="mini-OpenGL22">
</a> drivers
provided by some manufacturers for making Quake playable do not
provide the level of OpenGL support required by <i>FlightGear </i>. At
least, Rendition's mini-OpenGL<a NAME="mini-OpenGL22">
</a> driver definitely does not.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc2.3">
2.3</A> RIVA TNT Chipset<a NAME="RIVA TNT chipset23">
</a> under
Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT23">
</a><A NAME="rivatnt">
Because of its high performance, the RIVA TNT is one of the most popular chipsets today.
The Diamond Viper 550<a NAME="Diamond Viper 55023">
</a>, ELSA Erazor-2, Creative Graphics Blaster<a NAME="Creative Graphics Blaster23">
</a>, and
more cards are equipped with this chip. At least the default Viper 550 drivers are known
to us having native built-in OpenGL support making any add-on OpenGL drivers obsolete.
Similar things should apply to the other RIVA TNT based cards. In any case, NVIDIA's
reference drivers being available from
<a href="http://www.nvidia.com/">http://www.nvidia.com/</a>
do the job as well.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc2.4">
2.4</A> 3DFX chip based boards<a NAME="3DFX chip24">
</a> under
Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT24">
</a><A NAME="3DFXwin98">
The 3DXF<a NAME="3DXF24">
</a> based 3D add-on or 2D/3D boards are perhaps the
most popular ones today at all. 3DFX<a NAME="3DFX24">
</a> made Beta OpenGL
Windows 98 drivers available on their Website at
<a href="http://www.3dfx.com">http://www.3dfx.com</a>.
From the main page go to <tt>Develop 3DFX</tt> and further to <tt>SDKs and
Demos</tt> and grab them there.
First, make sure you have the file <tt>glu32.dll</tt> either under
<tt>\Windows\System</tt> or elsewhere in your path. If not, install
the MS OpenGL kit <tt>opengl95</tt> available from Microsoft or elsewhere on the net.
(Which by itself only provides software rendering.)
Next, locate the file <tt>3dfxopengl.dll</tt>. in the 3DFX driver package, rename it to
<tt>opengl32.dll</tt> and copy it into <tt>\Windows\System</tt>
overwriting the file with the same name installed from the MS kit. This should get you
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc2.5">
2.5</A> OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL25">
</a> software rendering<a NAME="OpenGL+software rendering25">
under Windows 98/NT<A NAME="softrend">
If you have an accelerated 3D card, it is highly recommended you
install hardware OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL25">
</a> drivers for your specific card.
However, in case you are really unable to find such drivers and
want to try <i>FlightGear </i>despite this you can install SGI software
OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL25">
</a> rendering. For this purpose, get the file
<tt>sgi-opengl2.exe</tt> from
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/</a>.
This is a Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT25">
</a> self extracting installation
program. Install it by double-clicking in Windows explorer. The
package includes some demo games you may wish to try by invoking
them from the Start menu.
<H1><A NAME="tth_chAp3">
Chapter 3 </A><br>Building the plane: Compiling<a NAME="compiling30">
</a> the program<A NAME="building">
This major chapter describes how to build <i>FlightGear </i>on several systems. In case you are
on a Win32 (i. e. Windows 98 or Windows NT) platform you may not want to go though that
potentially troublesome process but instead skip that chapter and straightly go to the
next one. (Not everyone wants to build his or her plane himself or herself, right?)
However, there may be good reason at least to try building the simulator:
<li> In case you are on a UNIX<a NAME="UNIX30">
</a>/Linux<a NAME="Linux30">
</a> platform there may be no
pre-compiled binaries<a NAME="binaries, pre-compiled30">
</a> available for your system. We do not
see any reason why the distribution of pre-compiled binaries (with statically linked
libraries) should not be possible for UNIX<a NAME="UNIX30">
</a> systems in principle as well, but in
practice it is common to install programs like this one on UNIX<a NAME="UNIX30">
</a> systems by
recompiling them.
<li> There are several options you can set only during
compile time. One such option is the decision to compile with
hardware or software OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL30">
</a> rendering enabled. A more
complete list goes beyond this <i>Installation and Getting
Started</i> and should be included in a future
<i><i>FlightGear </i>Programmer's Guide<a NAME="\FlightGear Programmer's Guide30">
<li> You may be proud you did.
As you will note, this chapter is far from being complete. Basically, we describe
compiling for two operating systems only, Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT30">
</a> and Linux<a NAME="Linux30">
</a>. There
is a simple explanation for this: These are just the systems we are working on. We hope
to be able to provide descriptions for more systems based on contributions written by
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc3.1">
3.1</A> Compiling<a NAME="compiling+Linux31">
</a> under Linux<a NAME="Linux31">
If you are running Linux you probably have to build your own
binaries<a NAME="binaries31">
</a>. The following is one way to do so.
<OL type="1">
<li> Get the file <tt>FlightGear-x.xx.tar.gz</tt> from the
<tt>source</tt> subdirectory under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/</a>
<li> Unpack it using :
<tt>tar xvfz FlightGear-x.xx.tar.gz</tt>.
<li> <tt>cd</tt> into <tt>FlightGear-x.xx</tt>. Run:
and wait a few minutes. configure<a NAME="configure31">
</a> knows about a lot of
options. Have a look at the file <tt>INSTALL</tt> in the
<i>FlightGear </i>source directory to learn about them. If run without
options, configure assumes that you will install the data files
under <tt>/usr/local/lib/FlightGear</tt>.
<li> Assuming configure finished successfully, simply run
and wait for the make process to finish.
<li> Now become root (for example by using the su command) and
<tt>make install</tt>.
This will install the binaries<a NAME="binaries31">
</a> in <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt>.
There is a problem concerning permissions under Linux/Glide. All
programs accessing the accelerator board need root permissions.
The solution is either to play as root or make the
<tt>/usr/local/bin/fgfs</tt> binary <tt>setuid root</tt>, i.e.
when this binary is run root privileges are given. Do this by
issuing (as root)
<tt>chmod +s /usr/local/bin/fgfs</tt>.
A solution for this problem is upcoming, keep an eye on the 3Dfx
website if you run a 3Dfx board.
</OL> <H2><A NAME="tth_sEc3.2">
3.2</A> Compiling<a NAME="compiling+Windows 98/NT32">
</a> under Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT32">
<OL type="1">
<li> Contrary to Linux which brings its own compiler Windows comes
not equipped with developmental tools. Several compilers have been shown to work for
compiling <i>FlightGear </i>, including the Cygnus Win32 port of GNU C<a NAME="Cygnus Win32 port of GNU C32">
</a>++ and the
MS Visual C5<a NAME="MS Visual C532">
</a> compiler. Given that the project will be a free one we prefer the
Cygnus Compiler as it provides a free development environment. However, we will be happy
to include a proper description in case those who worked out how to compile with MSVC or
other Compilers provide one to us.
<li> Install and configure the Cygnus<a NAME="Cygnus32">
</a> Gnu-Win32 development
environment. The latest version is Beta 20. The main
Cygnus Gnu-Win32 page is at:
<a href="http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/">http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/</a>.
You can download the Cygnus Gnu-Win32 compiler from:
<a href="ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/latest/cdk.exe">ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/latest/cdk.exe</a>.
To install it, just run the file <tt>cdk.exe</tt> by double-clicking in
Windows explorer. Be sure to read this package's README :
<a href="http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/readme\_toc.html">http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/readme_toc.html</a>.
Next, you need several UNIX developmental tools, being compiled for
Windows 98/NT. These are bundled in the package <tt>usertools</tt>. Get it
<a href="ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/latest/usertools.exe">ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/latest/usertools.exe</a>
and install it by double-clicking as well. After doing so you should
find a program group called <tt>Cygnus Solutions</tt> in your start menu.
<li> Compiling <i>FlightGear </i>requires you to install the EGCS<a NAME="EGCS32">
upgrade to the Cygnus<a NAME="Cygnus32">
</a> environment being available from:
<a href="http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/egcs.html">http://www.xraylith.wisc.edu/~khan/software/gnu-win32/egcs.html</a>
Again, make sure you follow the directions. It is recommended that you unroll the
</a> stuff over top of your Cygwin32 installation. It will replace many of
the files.
<li> Open the Cygnus bash via its entry in the Start menu.
Mount the drive as follows (assuming your <i>FlightGear </i>drive is <tt>d:</tt>):
<tt>mkdir /mnt</tt><br>
<tt>mount d: /mnt</tt>
You only have to do this once. The drive stays mounted (until you
umount it) even through reboots and switching off the machine.
<li> Fetch the Flight Gear code and special Win32 libraries<a NAME="Win32 libraries32">
</a>. These
can be found at:
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/Source">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/Source</a>
Grab the latest <tt>FlightGear-X.XX.zip</tt> and
<tt>win32-libs-X.XX.zip</tt> files.
<li> Unpack the <i>FlightGear </i>source code via
<tt>pkunzip -d FlightGear-X.XX.zip</tt>.
(Be sure to use the -d option. This will create all the needed
subdirectories. Otherwise you will have one big mess!)
<li> Change to the newly created <tt>FlightGear-X.XX directory</tt> with e. g.
<tt>cd //D/FlightGear-X.XX</tt>
and unpack the Win32 libraries:
<tt>pkunzip -d win32-libs-X.XX.zip</tt>.
<li> You will find a file called <tt>install.exe</tt> in the Win32
directory after unzipping <tt>win32-libs-X.XX.zip</tt>. This
version of <tt>install.exe</tt> should replace the one in your
\<tt>H-i386-cygwin32\bin</tt> directory -
it's sole claim to fame is that it understands that when many
calls to it say <tt>install foo</tt> they mean <tt>install
foo.exe</tt>. If you skip this step and attempt an install with the
older version present <tt>make install</tt> will fail.
Side Note: We need to make a distinction between the
<tt>build tree<a NAME="build tree32">
</a></tt> and the <tt>install tree<a NAME="install tree32">
The <tt>build tree</tt> is what we've been talking about up until
this point. This is where the source code lives and all the
compiling takes place. Once the executables are built, they need
to be installed someplace. We shall call this install location
the <tt>install tree</tt>. This is where the executables, the
scenery, the textures, and any other run-time files will be
<li> Configure the make system for your environment and your
<tt>install tree</tt>. Tell the configure script where you would like to install the
binaries<a NAME="binaries32">
</a> and all the scenery<a NAME="scenery32">
</a> and textures<a NAME="textures32">
</a> by using the
<tt>--prefix</tt> option. In the following example the base of the <tt>install
tree</tt> is <tt>FlightGear</tt>. Make your you are within <i>FlightGear </i>'s root directory or
change to it.
<li> Run:<a NAME="configure32">
<tt>./configure --prefix=/mnt/FlightGear</tt>.
Side note: The make procedure is designed to link against opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, and
glut32.dll which most accelerated boards require. If this does not apply to yours or if
you installed SGI's software rendering<a NAME="software rendering32">
</a> as mentioned in subsection <A href="#softrend">2.5</A>
you may have to change these to opengl.dll, glu.dll, and glut.dll. (In case you're in
doubt check your <tt>\windows\system</tt> directory what you've
If this is the case for your video card<a NAME="video card32">
</a>, you can edit
<tt>.../Simulator/Main/ Makefile</tt> and rename these three libraries to
their "non-32" counterparts. There is only one place in this
<tt>Makefile</tt> where these files are listed.
<li> Build the executable. Run:
<li> Assuming you have installed the updated version of
<tt>install.exe</tt> (see earlier instructions) you can now create
and populate the install tree. Run:
<tt>make install</tt>.
You can save a significant amount of space by stripping all the
debugging symbols off of the executable. To do this, change to the
directory in the <tt>install tree</tt> where your binary lives and run:
<tt>strip fgfs.exe</tt> resp. <tt>strip fgfs-sgi.exe</tt>.
</OL> <H1><A NAME="tth_chAp4">
Chapter 4 </A><br>Preflight: Installing <i>FlightGear </i><A NAME="prefligh">
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc4.1">
4.1</A> Installing the Binaries</H2><a NAME="binaries+installation41">
You can skip this section and go to the installation of scenery in
case you built <i>FlightGear </i>along the lines describes during the
previous chapter. If you did not and you're jumping in here your
first step consists in installing the binaries. At present, there
are only pre-compiled binaries<a NAME="binaries41">
</a> available for
Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT41">
</a> while in principle it might be possible to
create (statically linked) binaries for Linux<a NAME="Linux41">
</a> as well.
The following supposes you are on a Windows 98 or Windows
NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT41">
</a> system. Installing the binaries is quite
simple. Go to the <i>FlightGear </i>downloads page
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/</a>
and get the latest binaries from the binaries subdirectory named
and unpack them via double clicking. This will create a directory <tt>FlightGear</tt>
with several subdirectories. You are done.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc4.2">
4.2</A> Installing Support files<a NAME="Support files42">
Independent on your operating system and independent on if you
built the binaries yourself or installed the precompiled ones as
described above you will need scenery<a NAME="scenery42">
</a>, texture<a NAME="texture42">
and sound<a NAME="sound42">
</a> files. A basic package of all these is contained
in the binaries directory mentioned above as
Preferably, you may want to download the <tt>.tar.gz</tt> version
if you are working under Linux<a NAME="Linux42">
</a>/UNIX<a NAME="UNIX42">
</a> and the <tt>.exe</tt> version if you
are under Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT42">
</a>. Make sure you get the <b>most recent</b> version.
If you're working under Linux<a NAME="Linux42">
</a> or UNIX<a NAME="UNIX42">
</a>, unpack the
previously downloaded file with
<tt>tar xvfz fgfs-base-X.XX.tar.gz</tt>,
while under Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT42">
</a> just double click on the file (being situated in the
root of your <i>FlightGear </i>drive.).
This already completes installing <i>FlightGear </i>and should enable
you to invoke the program.
Some more scenery which, however, is not a substitute for the
package mentioned above but rather is based on it can be found in
the scenery subdirectory under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/</a>
These may be older versions which may or may not work with the
most recent binaries.
In addition, there is a complete set of USA Scenery files<a NAME="USA Scenery files42">
available created by Curt Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt42">
</a> which can be
downloaded from
<a href="ftp://ftp.kingmont.com/pub/kingmont/index.html">ftp://ftp.kingmont.com/pub/kingmont/index.html</a>.
The complete set covers several 100's of MBytes. Thus, Curt
provides the complete set on CD-ROM for those who really would
like to fly over all of the USA. For more detail, check the
remarks in the downloads page above.
Finally, the binaries directory mentioned contain the complete
<i>FlightGear </i>documentation including a .pdf version of this
<i>Installation and Getting Started</i> guide intended for
pretty printing using Adobe's Acrobat reader being available from
<a href="http://www.adobe.com/acrobat">http://www.adobe.com/acrobat</a>.
on any printer.
<H1><A NAME="tth_chAp5">
Chapter 5 </A><br>Takeoff: How to start the program<A NAME="takeoff">
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc5.1">
5.1</A> Starting under Linux</H2>
Under Linux, <i>FlightGear </i>is invoked by
<tt>fgfs --option1 --option2...</tt>,
where the options are described in section <A href="#options">5.3</A> below.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc5.2">
5.2</A> Starting under Windows 98/NT<a NAME="Windows 98/NT52">
In Windows explorer, change to <tt>\FlightGear\</tt>. Call
<tt>runfgfs.bat</tt> by double-clicking if you want to invoke the hardware accelerated
version of <i>FlightGear </i><tt>fgfs.exe</tt>, or <tt>runfgfs-sgi.bat</tt> if you installed
SGI's software OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL52">
</a> support.
Alternatively, if for one or the other reason the batch does not work, you can open an
MS-DOS shell, change to the directory where your binary resides (typically something like
<tt>d:\FlightGear\bin</tt> where you might have to substitute
<tt>d:</tt> in favor of your <i>FlightGear </i>directory), set the environment variable with
<tt>SET FG_ROOT=d:\FlightGear\bin</tt>
and invoke <i>FlightGear </i>(within the same shell - Windows environment
settings are only valid locally within the same shell) via
<tt>fgfs --option1 --option2...</tt>.
For getting maximum performance it is highly recommended to
minimize (iconize) the non-graphics window while running
<i>FlightGear </i>.
<center><img src="arizona.gif"><br></center><br> Fig. 2: <i>Ready for takeoff. We are at the default startup
position in Arizona.</i>
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc5.3">
5.3</A> Command line parameters<A NAME="options">
<a NAME="command line options53">
Following is a list and short description of the command line options available. In case
of Windows 98/NT it is recommended to include these in <tt>runfgfs.bat</tt>.
<H3><A NAME="tth_sEc5.3.1">
5.3.1</A> General Options</H3>
<li><tt>--help</tt>: gives a small help text, kind of a short version of this section.
<li><tt>--fg-root=<i>path</i></tt>: tells <i>FlightGear </i>where to look for its data
files if you didn't compile it with the default settings.
<li><tt>--disable-game-mode</tt>: Disables fullscreen display<a NAME="fullscreen display53">
<li><tt>--enable-game-mode</tt>: Enables fullscreen rendering.
<li><tt>--disable-splash-screen</tt>: Turns off the rotating 3DFX
logo<a NAME="3DFX
</a> when the accelerator board gets initialized.
<li><tt>--enable-splash-screen</tt>: If you like advertising, set this!
<li><tt>--disable-intro-music</tt>: No MP3-sample is being played when
<i>FlightGear </i>starts up.
<li><tt>--enable-intro-music</tt>: If your machine is powerful enough, enjoy
this setting.
<li><tt>--disable-mouse-pointer</tt>: In the future, <i>FlightGear </i>will
feature a mouse interface so that options can be set at runtime. As
this feature is not implemented yet it seems wise to disable the
mouse interface.
<li><tt>--enable-mouse-pointer</tt>: Enables another mouse pointer in the
<i>FlightGear </i>window. This is useful when running <i>FlightGear </i>in full
screen mode and will allow access to the - yet to be implemented -
mouse interface of <i>FlightGear </i> .
<li><tt>--disable-pause</tt>: This will put you into <i>FlightGear </i>with the
engine running, ready for Take-Off.
<li><tt>--enable-pause</tt>: Starts <i>FlightGear </i>in pause mode.
</UL> <H3><A NAME="tth_sEc5.3.2">
5.3.2</A> Features</H3>
<li><tt>--disable-hud</tt>: Switches off the HUD<a NAME="HUD53">
</a> (<b>H</b>ead <b>U</b>p
<li><tt>--enable-hud</tt>: Turns the HUD<a NAME="HUD53">
</a> on. This is the default.
<li><tt>--disable-panel</tt>: Turns off the instrument panel<a NAME="instrument panel53">
</a>. This is the
default, as the instrument panel is still in its early beginnings - but in our opinion
you should give it a try.
<li><tt>--enable-panel</tt>: This will give you the look of a real cockpit<a NAME="cockpit53">
<li><tt>--disable-sound</tt>: Pretty self explaining, isn't it?
</UL> <H3><A NAME="tth_sEc5.3.3">
5.3.3</A> Initial Position and Orientation<a NAME="orientation53">
<li><tt>--airport-id=ABCD</tt>: If you want to start directly at an airport,
enter its international code, i.e. KJFK for JFK airport in New York.
A long/short list of the IDs of the airports being implemented can
be found in <tt>/Flight Gear/Airports</tt>. You only have to unpack
one of the files with gnuzip. Keep in mind, you need the
terrain data for the relevant region!<a NAME="airport code53">
<li><tt>--lon=degrees</tt>: This is the starting longitude in degrees (west = -)
<li><tt>--lat=degrees</tt>: This is the starting latitude in degrees (south = -)
<li><tt>--altitude=meters</tt>: You may start in free flight at the given
altitude. Watch for the next options to insert the plane with a
given heading etc.
<li><tt>--heading=degrees</tt>: Sets the initial heading<a NAME="initial heading53">
<li><tt>--roll=degrees</tt>: Initial roll angle.<a NAME="initial roll angle53">
<li><tt>--pitch=degrees</tt>: Initial pitch angle.<a NAME="initial pitch angle53">
</UL> <H3><A NAME="tth_sEc5.3.4">
5.3.4</A> Rendering Options<a NAME="rendering options53">
<li><tt>--fog-disable</tt>: To cut down the rendering efforts, distant
regions are vanishing in fog<a NAME="fog53">
</a> by default. If you disable fogging,
you'll see farther but your frame rates will drop.
<li><tt>--fog-fastest</tt>: The scenery will not look very nice but
frame rates will increase.
<li><tt>--fog-nicest</tt>: This option will give you a fairly realistic
view of flying on a hazy day.
<li><tt>--fov=xx.x</tt>: Sets the field of view<a NAME="field of view53">
</a> in degrees.
The value is displayed on the HUD. Default is 55.0.
<li><tt>--disable-fullscreen</tt>: Self explaining, isn't it?
<li><tt>--shading-flat</tt>: This is the fastest mode but the terrain will look ugly! This option might help if your video accelerator is really slow.
<li><tt>--shading-smooth</tt>: This is the recommended (and default) setting - things will look really nice.
<li><tt>--disable-skyblend</tt>: No fogging or haze<a NAME="haze53">
</a>, sky will be displayed
using just one color. Fast but ugly!
<li><tt>--enable-skyblend</tt>: Fogging/haze is enabled, sky and terrain<a NAME="terrain53">
</a> look realistic. This is the default and recommended setting.
<li><tt>--disable-textures</tt>: Terrain details will be disabled. Looks ugly, but might help if your video board is slow.
<li><tt>--enable-textures</tt>: Default and recommended.
<li><tt>--enable-wireframe</tt>: If you want to know how the world of <i>FlightGear </i>internally looks like, try this!
</UL> <H1><A NAME="tth_chAp6">
Chapter 6 </A><br>Flight: Keystrokes,<a NAME="keystrokes60">
</a> the HUD<a NAME="HUD60">
</a> and all that<A NAME="flight">
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc6.1">
6.1</A> Keyboard commands</H2>
At present, support for using a joystick<a NAME="joystick61">
</a> or yoke<a NAME="yoke61">
is just in its early stages. It may or may not work - just try
it! In any case, you can use keyboard commands<a NAME="keyboard commands61">
</a> instead.
For proper controlling via keyboard (i) the
<tt>NumLock<a NAME="NumLock61">
</a></tt> key must be switched on (ii) the
<i>FlightGear </i>window must have focus (if not, click with the mouse
on the graphics window).
After activating <tt>NumLock</tt> the following keyboard
commands<a NAME="keyboard
</a> should work:
Tab. 1: <i>Main keyboard commands<a NAME="keyboard commands61">
</a> for <i>FlightGear </i></i>.
<table border><tr><td>
<tr><td>Key </td><td>Action
<tr><td>Pg Up/Pg Dn </td><td>Throttle
<tr><td>Left Arrow/Right Arrow </td><td>Aileron
<tr><td>Up Arrow/Down Arrow </td><td>Elevator
<tr><td>Ins/Enter </td><td>Rudder
<tr><td>5 </td><td>Center aileron/elevator/rudder
<tr><td>Home/End </td><td>Elevator trim</table>
For changing views you have to de-activate <tt>NumLock</tt>. Now
<tt>Shift</tt> + <font face=symbol> < </font
><tt>Numeric Keypad Key</tt><font face=symbol> > </font
> changes the
view as follows:
Tab. 2: <i>View directions<a NAME="view directions61">
accessible after de-activating <tt>NumLock</tt>.</i>
<table border><tr><td>
<tr><td>Numeric Key </td><td>View direction
<tr><td>Shift-8 </td><td>forward
<tr><td>Shift-7 </td><td>left/forward
<tr><td>Shift-4 </td><td>left
<tr><td>Shift-1 </td><td>left/back
<tr><td>Shift-2 </td><td>back
<tr><td>Shift-3 </td><td>right/back
<tr><td>Shift-6 </td><td>right
<tr><td>Shift-9 </td><td>right/forward</table>
Moreover, the autopilot<a NAME="autopilot61">
</a> is controlled via the following
Tab. 3: <i>Autopilot controls.<a NAME="autopilot controls61">
<table border><tr><td>
<tr><td>Key </td><td>Action
<tr><td>Ctrl + A </td><td>Altitude hold toggle on/off
<tr><td>Ctrl + H </td><td>Heading hold toggle on/off
<tr><td>Ctrl + S </td><td>Autothrottle toggle on/off
<tr><td>Ctrl + T </td><td>Terrain follow toggle on/off</table>
<p><br>The last one is especially interesting as it makes your
Navion<a NAME="Navion61">
</a> behave like a cruise missile.
Besides these basic keys there are some more special ones; most of
these you'll probably not want to try during your first flight:
Tab. 4: <i>More control commands.</i>
<table border><tr><td>
<tr><td>Key </td><td>Action
<tr><td>H/h </td><td>Change color of HUD/toggle HUD off forward/backward
<tr><td>i/I </td><td>Minimize/maximize HUD
<tr><td>m/M </td><td>Change time offset (warp) used by t/T forward/backward
<tr><td>t/T </td><td>Time speed up/slow down forward/backward
<tr><td>x/X </td><td>Zoom in/out
<tr><td>z/Z </td><td>Change visibility (fog) forward/backward
<tr><td>b </td><td>Toggle brakes on/off
<tr><td>p </td><td>Toggle pause on/off
<tr><td>W </td><td>Toggle fullscreen mode on/off (Mesa/3dfx/Glide only)
<tr><td>F8 </td><td>Toggle fog on/off
<tr><td>F9 </td><td>Toggle texturing on/off
<tr><td>F10 </td><td>Toggle menu on/off
<tr><td>ESC </td><td>Exit program</table>
<p><br> <H2><A NAME="tth_sEc6.2">
6.2</A> The head up display</H2>
At present, the main instrument for controlling the plane is the
</a> (<b>H</b>ead <b>U</b>p <b>D</b>isplay
<a NAME="head up display62">
</a>, see Fig. 1). Neither are HUD<a NAME="HUD62">
used in usual general aviation planes nor in civilian ones. Rather
they belong to the equipment of modern military jets. However, in
view of the fact that the panel<a NAME="panel62">
</a> is still in the early
stages of development the HUD<a NAME="HUD62">
</a> is the main instrument for
controlling the plane for now. Besides, it might be easier to fly
using this one than exploiting a panel<a NAME="panel62">
</a> and several of the
real pilots might prefer it because of combining the readouts of
critical parameters with an outside view onto the real world.
(Several Cessna<a NAME="Cessna62">
</a> pilots might love to have one, but
technology is simply too expensive for implementing HUDs in
general aviation aircrafts.)
<center><img src="hud.gif"><br></center><br> Fig. 3: <i>The HUD, or head up display, as the present main
<i>FlightGear </i>instrument.</i>
The most important information for navigating, i. e.
throttle<a NAME="throttle62">
</a>, elevation<a NAME="elevation62">
</a>, aileron<a NAME="aileron62">
</a> can be found
on the r.h.s of the HUD<a NAME="HUD62">
</a>. These are just given on a scale
between 0 and 1. Above these you find the AOA<a NAME="AOA62">
(angle of attack<a NAME="angle of attack62">
</a>; the angle between the wings and the
relative wind i. e. the direction of airflow), the
heading<a NAME="heading62">
</a> given in degrees, and the sideslip<a NAME="sideslip62">
On the left hand side you find the speed<a NAME="speed62">
</a> in kts and the
roll<a NAME="roll62">
</a> given in degrees. You may recall the Navion<a NAME="Navion62">
taking off at a speed of 100 kts. Still further left you find the
</a> (= field of view<a NAME="field of view62">
</a>) in degrees.
Zooming<a NAME="zoom62">
</a> in and out with the x/X keys changes this one.
The value below that, the number of triangles<a NAME="number of triangles62">
</a> rendered is
usually not of importance for you as a pilot (and can be switched
off via a corresponding startup option). Below you find the
frame rate<a NAME="frame rate62">
</a>, displaying the frames per second.
Besides these figures, most of the flight parameters and flight
characteristics are displayed graphically in the upper half of the
screen. In the center you find the pitch indicator<a NAME="pitch indicator62">
</a> (in
degrees) with the aileron indicator<a NAME="aileron indicator62">
</a> above and the
rudder indicator<a NAME="rudder indicator62">
</a> below. A corresponding readoff for the
elevation<a NAME="elevation indicator62">
</a> can be found to the left of
the pitch scale. Below the pitch indicator<a NAME="pitch indicator62">
</a> you will find a
simple turn indicator<a NAME="turn indicator62">
There are two scales further left: The inner one displays the
speed<a NAME="speed62">
</a> (in kts) while the outer one gives the
vertical speed<a NAME="vertical speed62">
</a> (climb/sink rate<a NAME="climb/sink rate62">
</a>). The two scales
on the r.h.s display your height<a NAME="height62">
</a>, i. e. the left of it
shows the height above ground while the right of it gives that
above zero, both being displayed in feet.
Based on these keystrokes and the HUD you should be able to
properly control the plane. Try it! The functions already
implemented are completely sufficient for even doing complicated
In addition, <i>FlightGear </i>has a rudimentary menu which, however, is
not yet working. If you're done and are about to leave the plane,
just hit the ESC key to exit the program.
If you are looking for some interesting places to discover with
<i>FlightGear </i>(which may or may not require downloading additional
scenery) you may want to check
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/Places">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/Places</a>.
<H1><A NAME="tth_chAp7">
Chapter 7 </A><br>Landing: Some further thoughts before leaving the plane<A NAME="landing">
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc7.1">
7.1</A> Those, who did the work</H2>
Did you enjoy the flight? In case you did, don't forget those who devoted hundreds of
hours to that project. All of this work is done on a voluntary basis within spare time,
thus bare with the programmers<a NAME="programmers71">
</a> in case something does not work the way you want
it to. Instead, sit down and write them a kind (!) letter proposing what to change.
Alternatively, you can subscribe to the <i>FlightGear </i>mailing lists<a NAME="mailing lists71">
</a> and contribute
your thoughts there. Instructions to do so can be found under
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html">http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html</a>.
Essentially there are two lists, one of which being mainly for the developers and the
other one for users.
These are the people who did the job (This information was
essentially taken from the file <tt>Thanks</tt> accompanying the
Raul Alonzo<a NAME="Alonzo, Raul71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:amil@las.es">amil@las.es</a>)<br> Author of Ssystem and
moon texture.
Michele America<a NAME="America, Michele71">
(<a href="mailto:nomimarketing@mail.telepac.pt">nomimarketing@mail.telepac.pt</a>)<br>
Contributed to the HUD<a NAME="HUD71">
</a> code.
Steve Baker<a NAME="Baker, Steve71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:sjbaker@hti.com">sjbaker@hti.com</a>)<br>
Author of PUI<a NAME="PUI71">
</a> (a graphical interface written entirely on top of
OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL71">
</a>/GLUT<a NAME="GLUT71">
</a>). Author of the basic
audio library<a NAME="audio library71">
</a> used in <i>FlightGear </i>. An immense amount of coaching and tutelage,
both on the subjects of flight simulation and OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL71">
</a>. It has been
his comments and thoughts that have prompted the implementation of
most of the more sophisticated features of <i>FlightGear </i> .
Michael Basler<a NAME="Basler, Michael71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:pmb@knUUt.de">pmb@knUUt.de</a>)<br>
Coauthor of Installation and Getting Started (together with Bernhard
John S. Berndt<a NAME="Berndt, John, S.71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:jsb@hal-pc.org">jsb@hal-pc.org</a>)<br>
Working on a complete C++rewrite/reimplimentation of the core FDM.
Initially he is using X15 data to test his code, but once things are
all in place we should be able to simulator arbitrary aircraft.
Paul Bleisch<a NAME="Bleisch, Paul71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:pbleisch@acm.org">pbleisch@acm.org</a>)<br>
Paul redid the debug system so that it would be much more
flexible, so it could be easily disabled for production system, and
so that messages for certain subsystems could be selectively
Also contributed a first stab at a config file/command line parsing
Jim Brennan<a NAME="Brennan, Jim71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:jjb@foothill.net">jjb@foothill.net</a>)<br>
Provided a big chunk of online space to store USA scenery for Flight Gear.
Bernie Bright<a NAME="Bright, Bernie71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:bbright@c031.aone.net.au">bbright@c031.aone.net.au</a>)<br>
Many C++ style, usage, and implementation improvements, STL
portability and much, much more.
Bernhard H. Buckel<a NAME="Buckel, Bernhard H.71">
(<a href="mailto:buckel@wmad95.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de">buckel@wmad95.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de</a>)<br>
Contributed the README.Linux. Coauthor of Installation
and Getting Started (together with Michael Basler).
Gene Buckle<a NAME="Buckle, Gene71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:geneb@nwlink.com">geneb@nwlink.com</a>)<br>
Gene has done a lot of work getting <i>FlightGear </i>to compile with the MSVC<a NAME="MSVC71">
compiler. Numerous hints on detailed improvements.
Didier Chauveau<a NAME="Chauveau, Didier71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:chauveau@math.univ-mlv.fr">chauveau@math.univ-mlv.fr</a>)<br>
Provided some initial code to parse the 30 arcsec DEM files found at:
<a href="http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html">http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/landdaac/gtopo30/gtopo30.html</a>.
Jean-Francois Doue<a NAME="Doue, Jean-Francois71">
Vector 2D, 3D, 4D and Matrix 3D and 4D inlined C++ classes. (Based on
Graphics Gems IV ed. Paul S. Heckbert)
<a href="http://www.animats.com/simpleppp/ftp/public_html/topics/developers.html">http://www.animats.com/simpleppp/ftp/public_html/topics/developers.html</a>.
Francine Evans<a NAME="Evans, Francine71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:evans@cs.sunysb.edu">evans@cs.sunysb.edu</a>)
<a href="http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~evans/stripe.html">http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~evans/stripe.html</a>
Wrote the GPL'd tri-striper.
Oscar Everitt<a NAME="Everitt, Oscar71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:bigoc@premier.net">bigoc@premier.net</a>)<br>
Created single engine piston engine sounds as part of an F4U package
for FS98<a NAME="FS9871">
</a>. They are pretty cool and Oscar was happy to contribute
them to our little project.
Jean-loup Gailly<a NAME="Gailly, Jean-loup71">
</a> and Mark Adler<a NAME="Adler, Mark71">
(<a href="mailto:zlib@quest.jpl.nasa.gov">zlib@quest.jpl.nasa.gov</a>)<br>
Authors of the zlib library<a NAME="zlib library71">
</a>. Used for on-the-fly compression and
decompression routines,
<a href="http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/zlib/">http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/zlib/</a>.
Thomas Gellekum<a NAME="Gellekum, Thomas71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:tg@ihf.rwth-aachen.de">tg@ihf.rwth-aachen.de</a>)<br>
Changes and updates for compiling on FreeBSD<a NAME="FreeBSD71">
Jeff Goeke-Smith<a NAME="Goeke-Smith, Jeff71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:jgoeke@voyager.net">jgoeke@voyager.net</a>)<br>
Contributed our first autopilot<a NAME="autopilot71">
</a> (Heading Hold).
Better autoconf check for external timezone/daylight variables.
Michael I. Gold<a NAME="Gold, Michael, I.71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:gold@puck.asd.sgi.com">gold@puck.asd.sgi.com</a>)<br>
Patiently answered questions on OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL71">
Charlie Hotchkiss<a NAME="Hotchkiss, Charlie71">
(<a href="mailto:chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com">chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com</a>)<br> Worked on improving and enhancing the
</a> code. Lots of code style tips and code tweaks...
Bruce Jackson<a NAME="Jackson, Bruce71">
</a> (NASA) (<a href="mailto:e.b.jackson@larc.nasa.gov">e.b.jackson@larc.nasa.gov</a>)
<a href="http://agcbwww.larc.nasa.gov/People/ebj.html">http://agcbwww.larc.nasa.gov/People/ebj.html</a>
Developed the LaRCsim<a NAME="LaRCsim71">
</a> code under funding by NASA which we use to provide the
flight model. Bruce has patiently answered many, many questions.
Tom Knienieder<a NAME="Knienieder, Tom71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:knienieder@ms.netwing.at">knienieder@ms.netwing.at</a>)<br>
Ported Steve Bakers's audio library<a NAME="audio library71">
</a> to Win32.
Reto Koradi<a NAME="Koradi, Reto71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:kor@mol.biol.ethz.ch">kor@mol.biol.ethz.ch</a>)
<a href="\web{http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/~kor}"><a href="http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/\~{}kor">http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/~kor</a></a>
Helped with setting up fog effects<a NAME="fog effects71">
Bob Kuehne<a NAME="Kuehne, Bob71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:rpk@sgi.com">rpk@sgi.com</a>)<br>
Redid the Makefile system so it is simpler and more robust.
Vasily Lewis<a NAME="Lewis, Vasily71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:vlewis@woodsoup.org">vlewis@woodsoup.org</a>)
<a href="http://www.woodsoup.org">http://www.woodsoup.org</a>
Provided computing resources and services so that the Flight Gear
project could have real home. This includes web services, ftp
services, shell accounts, email lists, dns services, etc.
Eric Mitchell<a NAME="Mitchell, Eric71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:mitchell@mars.ark.com">mitchell@mars.ark.com</a>)<br>
Contributed some topnotch scenery textures<a NAME="textures71">
Anders Morken<a NAME="Morken, Anders71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:amrken@online.no">amrken@online.no</a>)<br>
Maintains the European mirror of the <i>FlightGear </i>web pages.
Alan Murta<a NAME="Murta, Alan71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:amurta@cs.man.ac.uk">amurta@cs.man.ac.uk</a>)
<a href="http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/aig/staff/alan/software/">http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/aig/staff/alan/software/</a>
Created the Generic Polygon Clipping library.
Curt Olson<a NAME="Olson, Curt71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:curt@flightgear.org">curt@flightgear.org</a>)<br>
Primary organization of the project. First implementation
and modifications based on LaRCsim<a NAME="LaRCsim71">
</a>. Besides putting together all
the pieces provided by others mainly concentrating on the scenery
engine<a NAME="scenery
</a> as well as the graphics stuff.
Friedemann Reinhard<a NAME="Reinhard, Friedemann71">
(<a href="mailto:mpt218@faupt212.physik.uni-erlangen.de">mpt218@faupt212.physik.uni-erlangen.de</a>)<br>
Development of textured instrument panel<a NAME="panel71">
Petter Reinholdtsen<a NAME="Reinholdtsen, Petter71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:pere@games.no">pere@games.no</a>)<br>
Incorporated the Gnu automake/autoconf system (with libtool).
This should streamline and standardize the build process for all
UNIX-like platforms. It should have little effect on IDE type
environments since they don't use the UNIX make system.
William Riley<a NAME="Riley, William71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:riley@technologist.com">riley@technologist.com</a>)<br>
Contributed code to add ''brakes''.
Paul Schlyter<a NAME="Schlyter, Paul71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:pausch@saaf.se">pausch@saaf.se</a>)<br>
Provided Durk Talsma with all the information he needed to write the astro code.
Chris Schoeneman<a NAME="Schoenemann, Chris71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:crs@millpond.engr.sgi.com">crs@millpond.engr.sgi.com</a>)<br>
Contributed ideas on audio support.
Jonathan R Shewchuk<a NAME="Shewchuk, Jonathan71">
(<a href="mailto:Jonathan\_R\_Shewchuk@ux4.sp.cs.cmu.edu">Jonathan_R_Shewchuk@ux4.sp.cs.cmu.edu</a>)<br>
Author of the Triangle<a NAME="triangle program71">
</a> program. Triangle
is used to calculate the Delauney triangulation of our irregular terrain.
Gordan Sikic<a NAME="Sikic, Gordan71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:gsikic@public.srce.hr">gsikic@public.srce.hr</a>)<br>
Contributed a Cherokee flight model<a NAME="Cherokee flight model71">
</a> for LaRCsim<a NAME="LaRCsim71">
</a>. Currently is not
working and needs to be debugged. Use configure
to build the cherokee instead of the Navion<a NAME="Navion71">
Michael Smith<a NAME="Smith, Michael71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:msmith99@flash.net">msmith99@flash.net</a>)<br>
Contributed cockpit graphics, 3d models, logos, and other images.
Project Bonanza
<a href="http://members.xoom.com/ConceptSim/index.html">http://members.xoom.com/ConceptSim/index.html</a>.
U. S. Geological Survey<a NAME="U.\,S. Geological Survey71">
<a href="http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/ndcdb.html">http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/doc/edchome/ndcdb/ndcdb.html</a>
Provided geographic data used by this project.
Durk Talsma<a NAME="Talsma, Durk71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:pn\_talsma@macmail.psy.uva.nl">pn_talsma@macmail.psy.uva.nl</a>)<br>
Accurate Sun, Moon, and Planets. Sun changes color based on
position in sky. Moon has correct phase and blends well into the
sky. Planets are correctly positioned and have proper magnitude.
Gary R. Van Sickle<a NAME="van Sickle, Gary R.71">
(<a href="mailto:tiberius@braemarinc.com">tiberius@braemarinc.com</a>)<br>
Contributed some initial GameGLUT<a NAME="GameGLUT71">
</a> support and other fixes.
Norman Vine<a NAME="Vine, Norman71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:nhv@laserplot.com">nhv@laserplot.com</a>)<br>
Many performance optimizations throughout the code. Many contributions
and much advice for the scenery generation section. Lots of Windows
related contributions.
Carmelo Volpe<a NAME="Volpe, Carmelo71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:carmelo.volpe@csb.ki.se">carmelo.volpe@csb.ki.se</a>)<br>
Porting <i>FlightGear </i>to the Metro Works<a NAME="Metro Works71">
</a> development environment
Robert Allan Zeh<a NAME="Zeh, Allan71">
</a> (<a href="mailto:raz@cmg.FCNBD.COM">raz@cmg.FCNBD.COM</a>)<br>
Helped tremendously in figuring out the Cygnus<a NAME="Cygnus71">
</a> Win32 compiler and
how to link with .dll's. Without him the first run-able Win32
version of <i>FlightGear </i>would have been impossible.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc7.2">
7.2</A> What remains to be done</H2>
At first: If you read (and, maybe, followed) this guide until this
point you may probably agree that <i>FlightGear </i> , even
in its present state, is not at all for the birds. It is already a
flight simulator which has a flight model, a plane, terrain
scenery, texturing and simple controls.
Despite, <i>FlightGear </i>needs - and gets - further development. Except internal tweakings,
there are several fields where <i>FlightGear </i>needs basics improvement and development.
A first direction is adding airports<a NAME="airports72">
</a>, streets, rivers and
all that bringing the Scenery to real life.
Second, the panel<a NAME="panel72">
</a> (being disabled by default at present)
needs further improvement including more working gauges.
Besides, there should be support for adding more planes<a NAME="planes72">
and for implementing corresponding flight models differing from
the basic Navion<a NAME="Navion72">
Another major task is further implementation of the menu
system<a NAME="menu
</a>, which at its present state basically does nothing.
Another direction concerns audio support<a NAME="audio support72">
</a>. While the audio
library itself is essentially complete there is a need for more
sounds to play and for code to drive it.
There are already people working in all of these directions. But if you're a programmer
and think you can contribute, you are invited to do so.
Obviously this document could not have been written without all
those contributors mentioned above making <i>FlightGear </i>a reality.
Beyond this we would like to say special thanks to Curt
Olson,<a NAME="Olson, Curt72">
</a> whose numerous scattered Readmes,
Thanks, Webpages, and personal eMails were of special help to us
and were freely exploited in the making of this booklet.
Further, we would like to thank Kai Troester<a NAME="Troester, Kai72">
</a> for donating the
solution of some of his compile problems to our Chapter <A href="#missed">8</A>.
In addition, we would like to thank Steve Baker<a NAME="Baker,
</a> for a careful reading and for numerous hints on the first
draft of this guide.
In addition we gained from hints given to Newcomers on the Mailing lists, notably from
those given by Norman Vine <a NAME="Vine, Norman72">
</a>, to name only one.
<H1><A NAME="tth_chAp8">
Chapter 8 </A><br>Missed approach: If anything refuses to work<A NAME="missed">
We tried to sort problems<a NAME="problems80">
</a> according to operating system to
a certain extent , but if you encounter a problem it may be a wise
idea to look beyond ''your'' operating system - just in case.
<H2><A NAME="tth_sEc8.1">
8.1</A> General problems</H2>
<li><i>FlightGear </i>runs SOOO slow<br>
If the HUD<a NAME="HUD81">
</a> indicates you are getting something like 1 fps
(frame per second) or below you typically don't have working hardware
OpenGL<a NAME="OpenGL81">
</a> support. There may be several reasons for this. First,
there may be no OpenGL hardware drivers available for older
cards. In this case it is highly recommended to get a new board.
Second, check if your drivers are properly installed. Several
cards need additional OpenGL support drivers besides the
''native'' windows ones. For more detail check chapter
<A href="#opengl">2</A>.
Third, check if your hardware driver is called <tt>opengl32.dll</tt>
or just merely <tt>opengl.dll</tt>. By the default compilation, binaries are linked against
<tt>open</tt> <tt>gl32.dll</tt>. If you require the non-32 version,
consider rebuilding <i>FlightGear </i>with the libraries <tt>opengl32.dll</tt>,
<tt>glut32.dll</tt>, and <tt>glu32.dll</tt> replaced by their
non-32 counterparts. For more details check chapter
<A href="#building">3</A>.
If you installed the pre-compiled binaries <tt>runfgfs.bat</tt> invokes
<tt>fgfs.exe</tt> while <tt>runfgfs.sgi.bat</tt> invokes
<tt>fgfs.sgi.exe</tt> with the first ones being linked against the 32-versions.
Usually, hardware accelerated drivers use the 32-libraries.
<li>The menu items do not work<br>
No wonder - they are not implemented yet.
</UL> <H2><A NAME="tth_sEc8.2">
8.2</A> Potential problems under Linux</H2>
Since we don't have access to all possible flavors of Linux distributions, here are some
thoughts on possible causes of problems. (This section includes contributions by Kai
Troester <a href="mailto:Kai.Troester@rz.tu-ilmenau.de">Kai.Troester@rz.tu-ilmenau.de</a>.)
<li>Wrong library versions<br>
This is a rather common cause of grief especially when you prefer to
install the libraries needed by <i>FlightGear </i>by hand. Be sure that
especially the Mesa library contains support for the 3DFX board<a NAME="3DFX board82">
</a> and
that Glide<a NAME="Glide82">
</a> libraries are installed and can be found. If a
<tt>ldd `which fgfs`</tt> complains about missing libraries you are in trouble.
<li>Missing permissions<a NAME="permissions82">
<i>FlightGear </i>needs to be setuid root in order to be capable of
accessing the accelerator board. Be sure to issue a
<tt>chown root.root /usr/local/bin/fgfs ;</tt><br>
<tt>chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/fgfs</tt>
to give the <i>FlightGear </i>binary the proper rights. There is development
of a device named <tt>/dev/3dfx</tt> underway, so this probably
being remedied in the near future.
<li>Non-default install options<br>
<i>FlightGear </i>will display a lot of diagnostics when being started up.
If it complains about bad looking or missing files, check that you
installed them in the way they are supposed to be, i.e. latest
version and proper location. The canonical location <i>FlightGear </i>
wants its data files under <tt>/usr/local/lib</tt>. Be sure to
grab the latest versions of everything that might be needed!
<li>Compile problems<br>
Check as far as you can, as a last resort (and a great information
source, too) there are mailing lists for which information can be
gotten at
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html">http://www.flightgear.org/mail.html</a>.
This will give you direct contact to the developers.
<li>Configure could not find Mesa and Glut though they are
If the configure script could not find your Mesa and Glut libraries you should add the
Mesa library-path (i.e. <tt>/usr/local/Mesa</tt>) to the EXTRA_DIRS variable in the file
configure.in (i.e. <tt>EXTRA_DIRS=''/usr/local/usr/</tt>
<tt>X11R6/usr/local/Mesa''</tt>). After this you have to run autoconf. (Please read
README.autoconf for running autoconf )
<li>SuSE Distribution
<li> If you have a SuSE distribution use the egcs compiler instead
of the compiler delivered with SuSE. Grab it at
<a href="http://egcs.cygnus.com">http://egcs.cygnus.com</a>
<li> SuSE 6.0 users should also use the Glide,
Mesa and Glut Libraries delivered with the distribution
<li> A known problem of Flight Gear until version Version 0.57 with SuSE concerns
<tt>acconfig.h</tt>. If 'make' stops and reports an error in relation with acconfig.h
insert the following lines to <tt>/usr/share/autoconf/</tt> <tt>acconfig.h</tt>:
<tt>/* needed to compile fgfs properly*/</tt><br>
<tt>#undef FG_NDEBUG</tt><br>
<tt>#undef PACKAGE</tt><br>
<tt>#undef VERSION</tt><br>
<tt>#undef WIN32a</tt>
(a solution for this problem is coming soon )
Additionally there are two versions of the GNU C compiler around:
egcs and gcc (the classic one). gcc seems to have its own notion of
some C++ constructs, so updating to egcs won't hurt and maybe help
to compile the program.
</UL> <H2><A NAME="tth_sEc8.3">
8.3</A> Potential problems under Windows95/NT</H2>
<li>The executable refuses to run.<br>
You may have tried to start the executable directly either by
double-clicking <tt>fgfs.exe</tt> in Windows explorer or by invoking it
in a MS-DOS shell. Double-clicking via explorer does never work
(except you set the environment variable <tt>FG_ROOT</tt>
in the autoexec.bat or otherwise). Rather double-click <tt>runfgfs.bat</tt> or
<tt>runfgfs-sgi.bat</tt> For more detail, check chapter <A href="#takeoff">5</A>.
Another potential problem might be you did not download the
most recent versions of scenery and textures required by <i>FlightGear </i>, or
you did not load any scenery or texture at all. Have a close look
at this, as the scenery/texture format is still under development and may
change frequently. For more detail, check chapter <A href="#prefligh">4</A>.
A further potential source of trouble are so-called
mini-OpenGL<a NAME="mini-OpenGL83">
</a> drivers provided by some manufacturers. In this case,
<i>FlightGear </i>'s typically hangs while opening the graphics window.
In this case, either replace the mini-OpenGL<a NAME="mini-OpenGL83">
</a> driver by a
full OpenGL driver or or in case such is not available install
software OpenGL support (see section <A href="#softrend">2.5</A>).
<li><i>FlightGear </i>ignores the command line parameters.<br>
There is a problem with passing command line options containing a
''='' to windows batch files. Instead, include the options into
<li>While compiling with the Cygnus Compiler <tt>Configure</tt>
complains not to find <tt>glu32.dll</tt>.
Make sure you change to the Main FlightGear directory, e. g. with
<tt>cd //D/FlightGear-X.XX</tt>
before running <tt>Configure</tt> and <tt>Make</tt>.
<li>I am unable to build <i>FlightGear </i>under MSVC<a NAME="MSVC83">
</a>/MS DevStudio<a NAME="MS DevStudio83">
By default, <i>FlightGear </i>is bild with GNU C++, i. e. the
Cygnus<a NAME="Cygnus83">
</a> compiler for Win32. For hints or Makefiles
required for MSVC for MSC DevStudio have a look into
<a href="http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/Source">http://www.flightgear.org/Downloads/Source</a>.
<font size="-2"> <a name="tth_sEcindex"></a>
<H2> Index (showing section)</H2>
<DL compact> <dt></dt><dd> <i>FlightGear </i>Flight School,
<a href="#\FlightGear Flight School14">1-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <i>FlightGear </i>Programmer's Guide,
<a href="#\FlightGear Programmer's Guide30">3-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <i>FlightGear </i>Scenery Design Guide,
<a href="#\FlightGear Scenery Design Guide14">1-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <i>FlightGear </i>Website, <a href="#\FlightGear Website12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <i>FlightGear </i>documentation,
<a href="#\FlightGear documentation14">1-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <i>FlightGear </i>home page, <a href="#\FlightGear home page14">1-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> 3DFX, <a href="#3DFX21">2-1</a>, <a href="#3DFX24">2-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> 3DFX board, <a href="#3DFX board82">8-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> 3DFX chip, <a href="#3DFX chip24">2-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> 3DXF, <a href="#3DXF24">2-4</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Adler, Mark, <a href="#Adler, Mark71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> aileron, <a href="#aileron62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> aileron indicator, <a href="#aileron indicator62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> airport code, <a href="#airport code53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> airports, <a href="#airports72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Alonzo, Raul, <a href="#Alonzo, Raul71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> America, Michele, <a href="#America, Michele12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#America, Michele71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> angle of attack, <a href="#angle of attack62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> AOA, <a href="#AOA62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> astronomy code, <a href="#astronomy code12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> audio library, <a href="#audio library71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> audio support, <a href="#audio support12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#audio support72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> autopilot, <a href="#autopilot12">1-2</a>, <a href="#autopilot61">6-1</a>,
<a href="#autopilot71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> autopilot controls, <a href="#autopilot controls61">6-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Baker, Steve, <a href="#Baker, Steve12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Baker, Steve71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Basler, Michael, <a href="#Basler, Michael71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Berndt, John, S., <a href="#Berndt, John, S.71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> binaries, <a href="#binaries31">3-1</a>, <a href="#binaries32">3-2</a>,
<a href="#binaries41">4-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> installation, <a href="#binaries+installation41">4-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> binaries, pre-compiled, <a href="#binaries, pre-compiled30">3-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Bleisch, Paul, <a href="#Bleisch, Paul71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Brennan, Jim, <a href="#Brennan, Jim71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Bright, Bernie, <a href="#Bright, Bernie71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> BSD UNIX, <a href="#BSD UNIX11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Buckel, Bernhard H., <a href="#Buckel, Bernhard H.71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Buckle, Gene, <a href="#Buckle, Gene71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> build tree, <a href="#build tree32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Cessna, <a href="#Cessna62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Chauveau, Didier, <a href="#Chauveau, Didier71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Cherokee flight model, <a href="#Cherokee flight model71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> climb/sink rate, <a href="#climb/sink rate62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> cockpit, <a href="#cockpit53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> command line options, <a href="#command line options53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> compiler, <a href="#compiler13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> compiling, <a href="#compiling30">3-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Linux, <a href="#compiling+Linux31">3-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows 98/NT, <a href="#compiling+Windows 98/NT32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> configure, <a href="#configure31">3-1</a>, <a href="#configure32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Creative Graphics Blaster,
<a href="#Creative Graphics Blaster23">2-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Cygnus, <a href="#Cygnus13">1-3</a>, <a href="#Cygnus32">3-2</a>,
<a href="#Cygnus71">7-1</a>, <a href="#Cygnus83">8-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Cygnus Win32 port of GNU C,
<a href="#Cygnus Win32 port of GNU C32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Diamond Stealth II, <a href="#Diamond Stealth II22">2-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Diamond Viper 550, <a href="#Diamond Viper 55023">2-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> documentation, <a href="#documentation11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> DOS, <a href="#DOS11">1-1</a>, <a href="#DOS12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Doue, Jean-Francois, <a href="#Doue, Jean-Francois71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> EGCS, <a href="#EGCS32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> elevation, <a href="#elevation62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> elevation indicator, <a href="#elevation indicator62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> environment variable, <a href="#environment variable21">2-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Evans, Francine, <a href="#Evans, Francine71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Everitt, Oscar, <a href="#Everitt, Oscar71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> field of view, <a href="#field of view53">5-3</a>,
<a href="#field of view62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Flight simulator
<dt></dt><dd> civilian, <a href="#Flight simulator+civilian11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> free, <a href="#Flight simulator+free12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> multi-platform,
<a href="#Flight simulator+multi-platform11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> open, <a href="#Flight simulator+open11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> user-extensible,
<a href="#Flight simulator+user-extensible11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> user-supported,
<a href="#Flight simulator+user-supported11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Flight Unlimited II, <a href="#Flight Unlimited II11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> fog, <a href="#fog53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> fog effects, <a href="#fog effects71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> FOV, <a href="#FOV62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> frame rate, <a href="#frame rate12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#frame rate13">1-3</a>, <a href="#frame rate62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> FreeBSD, <a href="#FreeBSD71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> FS98, <a href="#FS9811">1-1</a>, <a href="#FS9871">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> fullscreen display, <a href="#fullscreen display53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Gailly, Jean-loup, <a href="#Gailly, Jean-loup71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> GameGLUT, <a href="#GameGLUT71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Gellekum, Thomas, <a href="#Gellekum, Thomas71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> GLIDE, <a href="#GLIDE21">2-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Glide, <a href="#Glide82">8-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> GLUT, <a href="#GLUT21">2-1</a>, <a href="#GLUT71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> GNU C++, <a href="#GNU C++13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Gnu Public License, <a href="#Gnu Public License11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Goeke-Smith, Jeff, <a href="#Goeke-Smith, Jeff12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Goeke-Smith, Jeff71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Gold, Michael, I., <a href="#Gold, Michael, I.71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> graphics drivers, <a href="#graphics drivers20">2-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> graphics library, <a href="#graphics library20">2-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> graphics routines, <a href="#graphics routines12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> haze, <a href="#haze53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> head up display, <a href="#head up display12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#head up display62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> heading, <a href="#heading62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> height, <a href="#height62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> history, <a href="#history12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Hotchkiss, Charlie, <a href="#Hotchkiss, Charlie12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Hotchkiss, Charlie71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> HUD, <a href="#HUD12">1-2</a>, <a href="#HUD53">5-3</a>, <a href="#HUD60">6-0</a>,
<a href="#HUD62">6-2</a>, <a href="#HUD71">7-1</a>,
<a href="#HUD81">8-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> initial heading, <a href="#initial heading53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> initial pitch angle, <a href="#initial pitch angle53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> initial roll angle, <a href="#initial roll angle53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> install tree, <a href="#install tree32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> instrument panel, <a href="#instrument panel53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Jackson, Bruce, <a href="#Jackson, Bruce12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Jackson, Bruce71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> joystick, <a href="#joystick13">1-3</a>, <a href="#joystick61">6-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> keyboard commands, <a href="#keyboard commands61">6-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> keystrokes, <a href="#keystrokes60">6-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Knienieder, Tom, <a href="#Knienieder, Tom12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Knienieder, Tom71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Koradi, Reto, <a href="#Koradi, Reto71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Korpela, Eric, <a href="#Korpela, Eric12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Kuehne, Bob, <a href="#Kuehne, Bob71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> LaRCsim, <a href="#LaRCsim12">1-2</a>, <a href="#LaRCsim71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Lewis, Vasily, <a href="#Lewis, Vasily71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Linux, <a href="#Linux11">1-1</a>, <a href="#Linux12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Linux13">1-3</a>, <a href="#Linux21">2-1</a>,
<a href="#Linux30">3-0</a>, <a href="#Linux31">3-1</a>,
<a href="#Linux41">4-1</a>, <a href="#Linux42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Looking Glass, <a href="#Looking Glass11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> loop-through-cable, <a href="#loop-through-cable21">2-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> MacIntosh, <a href="#MacIntosh11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> mailing lists, <a href="#mailing lists71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> menu system, <a href="#menu system12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> MESA, <a href="#MESA21">2-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Metro Works, <a href="#Metro Works71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Microsoft, <a href="#Microsoft11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> military components, <a href="#military components11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> mini-OpenGL, <a href="#mini-OpenGL22">2-2</a>,
<a href="#mini-OpenGL83">8-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Mitchell, Eric, <a href="#Mitchell, Eric12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Mitchell, Eric71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Morken, Anders, <a href="#Morken, Anders71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> MS DevStudio, <a href="#MS DevStudio83">8-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> MS Visual C5, <a href="#MS Visual C532">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> MSVC, <a href="#MSVC13">1-3</a>, <a href="#MSVC71">7-1</a>,
<a href="#MSVC83">8-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Murr, David, <a href="#Murr, David12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Murta, Alan, <a href="#Murta, Alan71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Navion, <a href="#Navion12">1-2</a>, <a href="#Navion61">6-1</a>,
<a href="#Navion62">6-2</a>, <a href="#Navion71">7-1</a>,
<a href="#Navion72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> number of triangles, <a href="#number of triangles62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> NumLock, <a href="#NumLock61">6-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Olson, Curt, <a href="#Olson, Curt12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Olson, Curt42">4-2</a>, <a href="#Olson, Curt71">7-1</a>,
<a href="#Olson, Curt72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> OpenGL, <a href="#OpenGL12">1-2</a>, <a href="#OpenGL13">1-3</a>,
<a href="#OpenGL14">1-4</a>, <a href="#OpenGL20">2-0</a>,
<a href="#OpenGL22">2-2</a>, <a href="#OpenGL25">2-5</a>,
<a href="#OpenGL30">3-0</a>, <a href="#OpenGL52">5-2</a>,
<a href="#OpenGL71">7-1</a>, <a href="#OpenGL81">8-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> drivers, <a href="#OpenGL+drivers13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> software rendering,
<a href="#OpenGL+software rendering25">2-5</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Operating Systems, <a href="#Operating Systems11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> orientation, <a href="#orientation53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> OS/2, <a href="#OS/211">1-1</a>, <a href="#OS/212">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> panel, <a href="#panel12">1-2</a>, <a href="#panel62">6-2</a>,
<a href="#panel71">7-1</a>, <a href="#panel72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> panel code, <a href="#panel code12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> permissions, <a href="#permissions82">8-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> pitch indicator, <a href="#pitch indicator62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> planes, <a href="#planes72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> problems, <a href="#problems80">8-0</a>
<dt></dt><dd> programmers, <a href="#programmers71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> proposal, <a href="#proposal12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> PUI, <a href="#PUI12">1-2</a>, <a href="#PUI71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Reinhard, Friedemann, <a href="#Reinhard, Friedemann12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Reinhard, Friedemann71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Reinholdtsen, Petter, <a href="#Reinholdtsen, Petter71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> rendering options, <a href="#rendering options53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Rendition chipset, <a href="#Rendition chipset22">2-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Riley, William, <a href="#Riley, William71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> RIVA TNT chipset, <a href="#RIVA TNT chipset23">2-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> roll, <a href="#roll62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> rudder indicator, <a href="#rudder indicator62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> scenery, <a href="#scenery12">1-2</a>, <a href="#scenery32">3-2</a>,
<a href="#scenery42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Schlyter, Paul, <a href="#Schlyter, Paul71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Schoenemann, Chris, <a href="#Schoenemann, Chris71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> SGI IRIX, <a href="#SGI IRIX11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Shewchuk, Jonathan, <a href="#Shewchuk, Jonathan71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> sideslip, <a href="#sideslip62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Sikic, Gordan, <a href="#Sikic, Gordan71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Smith, Michael, <a href="#Smith, Michael71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> software rendering, <a href="#software rendering32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> sound, <a href="#sound42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> sound card, <a href="#sound card13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> sound effects, <a href="#sound effects13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> source code, <a href="#source code11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> speed, <a href="#speed62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Sun-OS, <a href="#Sun-OS12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> SunOS, <a href="#SunOS11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Support files, <a href="#Support files42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> system requirements, <a href="#system requirements13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Talsma, Durk, <a href="#Talsma, Durk12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Talsma, Durk71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> terrain, <a href="#terrain53">5-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> texture, <a href="#texture42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> textures, <a href="#textures12">1-2</a>, <a href="#textures32">3-2</a>,
<a href="#textures71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> throttle, <a href="#throttle62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Torvalds, Linus, <a href="#Torvalds, Linus11">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> triangle program, <a href="#triangle program71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Troester, Kai, <a href="#Troester, Kai72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> turn indicator, <a href="#turn indicator62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> U. S. Geological Survey,
<a href="#U.\,S. Geological Survey12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#U.\,S. Geological Survey71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> UNIX, <a href="#UNIX12">1-2</a>, <a href="#UNIX13">1-3</a>,
<a href="#UNIX30">3-0</a>, <a href="#UNIX42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> USA Scenery files, <a href="#USA Scenery files42">4-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> van Sickle, Gary R., <a href="#van Sickle, Gary R.71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> vertical speed, <a href="#vertical speed62">6-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> video card, <a href="#video card20">2-0</a>,
<a href="#video card32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> view directions, <a href="#view directions61">6-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> view frustrum culling, <a href="#view frustrum culling12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Vine, Norman, <a href="#Vine, Norman12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#Vine, Norman71">7-1</a>,
<a href="#Vine, Norman72">7-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Volpe, Carmelo, <a href="#Volpe, Carmelo71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Voodoo, <a href="#Voodoo21">2-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Win32 libraries, <a href="#Win32 libraries32">3-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows 95/98, <a href="#Windows 95/9811">1-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows 95/NT, <a href="#Windows 95/NT12">1-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows 98, <a href="#Windows 9813">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows 98/NT, <a href="#Windows 98/NT13">1-3</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT22">2-2</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT23">2-3</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT24">2-4</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT25">2-5</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT30">3-0</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT32">3-2</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT41">4-1</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT42">4-2</a>,
<a href="#Windows 98/NT52">5-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows drivers, <a href="#Windows drivers22">2-2</a>
<dt></dt><dd> Windows NT, <a href="#Windows NT11">1-1</a>,
<a href="#Windows NT13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> workstation, <a href="#workstation12">1-2</a>,
<a href="#workstation13">1-3</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> yoke, <a href="#yoke13">1-3</a>, <a href="#yoke61">6-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> <dt></dt><dd> Zeh, Allan, <a href="#Zeh, Allan71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> zlib library, <a href="#zlib library71">7-1</a>
<dt></dt><dd> zoom, <a href="#zoom62">6-2</a>
</DL> </font>
<p><hr><small>File translated from T<sub><font size="-1">E</font></sub>X by <a href="http://hutchinson.belmont.ma.us/tth/">T<sub><font size="-1">T</font></sub>H</a>, version 1.57.</small>