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// FGEventInput.cxx -- handle event driven input devices
// Written by Torsten Dreyer, started July 2009.
// Copyright (C) 2009 Torsten Dreyer, Torsten (at) t3r _dot_ de
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$
# include <config.h>
#include <cstring>
#include "FGEventInput.hxx"
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <simgear/io/sg_file.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx>
#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
#include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx>
using simgear::PropertyList;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
2012-03-31 18:19:14 +02:00
using std::map;
2013-02-09 15:33:05 +00:00
using std::string;
FGEventSetting::FGEventSetting( SGPropertyNode_ptr base ) :
SGPropertyNode_ptr n;
if( (n = base->getNode( "value" )) != NULL ) {
valueNode = NULL;
value = n->getDoubleValue();
} else {
n = base->getNode( "property" );
if( n == NULL ) {
SG_LOG( SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "Neither <value> nor <property> defined for event setting." );
} else {
valueNode = fgGetNode( n->getStringValue(), true );
if( (n = base->getChild("condition")) != NULL )
condition = sgReadCondition(base, n);
SG_LOG( SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "No condition for event setting." );
double FGEventSetting::GetValue()
return valueNode == NULL ? value : valueNode->getDoubleValue();
bool FGEventSetting::Test()
return condition == NULL ? true : condition->test();
static inline bool StartsWith( string & s, const char * cp )
return s.find( cp ) == 0;
FGInputEvent * FGInputEvent::NewObject( FGInputDevice * device, SGPropertyNode_ptr node )
string name = node->getStringValue( "name", "" );
if( StartsWith( name, "button-" ) )
return new FGButtonEvent( device, node );
if( StartsWith( name, "rel-" ) )
return new FGRelAxisEvent( device, node );
if( StartsWith( name, "abs-" ) )
return new FGAbsAxisEvent( device, node );
return new FGInputEvent( device, node );
FGInputEvent::FGInputEvent( FGInputDevice * aDevice, SGPropertyNode_ptr node ) :
device( aDevice ),
name = node->getStringValue( "name", "" );
desc = node->getStringValue( "desc", "" );
intervalSec = node->getDoubleValue("interval-sec",0.0);
read_bindings( node, bindings, KEYMOD_NONE, device->GetNasalModule() );
PropertyList settingNodes = node->getChildren("setting");
for( PropertyList::iterator it = settingNodes.begin(); it != settingNodes.end(); ++it )
settings.push_back( new FGEventSetting( *it ) );
void FGInputEvent::update( double dt )
for( setting_list_t::iterator it = settings.begin(); it != settings.end(); ++it ) {
if( (*it)->Test() ) {
double value = (*it)->GetValue();
if( value != lastSettingValue ) {
device->Send( GetName(), (*it)->GetValue() );
lastSettingValue = value;
void FGInputEvent::fire( FGEventData & eventData )
lastDt += eventData.dt;
if( lastDt >= intervalSec ) {
for( binding_list_t::iterator it = bindings[eventData.modifiers].begin(); it != bindings[eventData.modifiers].end(); ++it )
fire( *it, eventData );
lastDt -= intervalSec;
void FGInputEvent::fire( SGBinding * binding, FGEventData & eventData )
FGAxisEvent::FGAxisEvent( FGInputDevice * device, SGPropertyNode_ptr node ) :
FGInputEvent( device, node )
tolerance = node->getDoubleValue("tolerance", 0.002);
minRange = node->getDoubleValue("min-range", 0.0 );
maxRange = node->getDoubleValue("max-range", 0.0 );
center = node->getDoubleValue("center", 0.0);
deadband = node->getDoubleValue("dead-band", 0.0);
lowThreshold = node->getDoubleValue("low-threshold", -0.9);
highThreshold = node->getDoubleValue("high-threshold", 0.9);
lastValue = 9999999;
void FGAxisEvent::fire( FGEventData & eventData )
if (fabs( eventData.value - lastValue) < tolerance)
lastValue = eventData.value;
// We need a copy of the FGEventData struct to set the new value and to avoid side effects
FGEventData ed = eventData;
if( fabs(ed.value) < deadband )
ed.value = 0.0;
if( minRange != maxRange )
ed.value = 2.0*(eventData.value-minRange)/(maxRange-minRange)-1.0;
FGInputEvent::fire( ed );
void FGAbsAxisEvent::fire( SGBinding * binding, FGEventData & eventData )
// sets the "setting" node
binding->fire( eventData.value );
FGRelAxisEvent::FGRelAxisEvent( FGInputDevice * device, SGPropertyNode_ptr node ) :
FGAxisEvent( device, node )
// relative axes can't use tolerance
tolerance = 0.0;
void FGRelAxisEvent::fire( SGBinding * binding, FGEventData & eventData )
// sets the "offset" node
binding->fire( eventData.value, 1.0 );
FGButtonEvent::FGButtonEvent( FGInputDevice * device, SGPropertyNode_ptr node ) :
FGInputEvent( device, node ),
2009-08-20 22:06:38 +00:00
repeatable = node->getBoolValue("repeatable", repeatable);
void FGButtonEvent::fire( FGEventData & eventData )
bool pressed = eventData.value > 0.0;
if (pressed) {
// The press event may be repeated.
if (!lastState || repeatable) {
SG_LOG( SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Button has been pressed" );
FGInputEvent::fire( eventData );
} else {
// The release event is never repeated.
if (lastState) {
SG_LOG( SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Button has been released" );
FGInputEvent::fire( eventData );
lastState = pressed;
FGNasalSys *nas = (FGNasalSys *)globals->get_subsystem("nasal");
if (nas && deviceNode ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr nasal = deviceNode->getNode("nasal");
if( nasal ) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr nasalClose = nasal->getNode("close");
if (nasalClose) {
const string s = nasalClose->getStringValue();
nas->createModule(nasalModule.c_str(), nasalModule.c_str(), s.c_str(), s.length(), deviceNode );
void FGInputDevice::Configure( SGPropertyNode_ptr aDeviceNode )
deviceNode = aDeviceNode;
nasalModule = string("__event:") + GetName();
PropertyList eventNodes = deviceNode->getChildren( "event" );
for( PropertyList::iterator it = eventNodes.begin(); it != eventNodes.end(); ++it )
AddHandledEvent( FGInputEvent::NewObject( this, *it ) );
debugEvents = deviceNode->getBoolValue("debug-events", debugEvents );
grab = deviceNode->getBoolValue("grab", grab );
// TODO:
// add nodes for the last event:
// last-event/name [string]
// last-event/value [double]
SGPropertyNode_ptr nasal = deviceNode->getNode("nasal");
if (nasal) {
SGPropertyNode_ptr open = nasal->getNode("open");
if (open) {
const string s = open->getStringValue();
FGNasalSys *nas = (FGNasalSys *)globals->get_subsystem("nasal");
if (nas)
nas->createModule(nasalModule.c_str(), nasalModule.c_str(), s.c_str(), s.length(), deviceNode );
void FGInputDevice::update( double dt )
for( map<string,FGInputEvent_ptr>::iterator it = handledEvents.begin(); it != handledEvents.end(); it++ )
(*it).second->update( dt );
void FGInputDevice::HandleEvent( FGEventData & eventData )
string eventName = TranslateEventName( eventData );
if( debugEvents )
cout << GetName() << " has event " <<
eventName << " modifiers=" << eventData.modifiers << " value=" << eventData.value << endl;
if( handledEvents.count( eventName ) > 0 ) {
handledEvents[ eventName ]->fire( eventData );
void FGInputDevice::SetName( string name )
this->name = name;
const char * FGEventInput::PROPERTY_ROOT = "/input/event";
FGEventInput::FGEventInput() :
configMap( "Input/Event", fgGetNode(PROPERTY_ROOT, true), "device-named")
for( map<int,FGInputDevice*>::iterator it = input_devices.begin(); it != input_devices.end(); ++it )
delete (*it).second;
void FGEventInput::init( )
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Initializing event bindings");
2009-08-20 22:06:38 +00:00
// SGPropertyNode * base = fgGetNode("/input/event", true);
void FGEventInput::postinit ()
void FGEventInput::update( double dt )
// call each associated device's update() method
for( map<int,FGInputDevice*>::iterator it = input_devices.begin(); it != input_devices.end(); ++it )
(*it).second->update( dt );
unsigned FGEventInput::AddDevice( FGInputDevice * inputDevice )
SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode = fgGetNode( PROPERTY_ROOT, true );
SGPropertyNode_ptr deviceNode = NULL;
// look for configuration in the device map
if ( configMap.hasConfiguration( inputDevice->GetName() ) ) {
// found - copy to /input/event/device[n]
// find a free index
unsigned index;
for( index = 0; index < MAX_DEVICES; index++ )
if( (deviceNode = baseNode->getNode( "device", index, false ) ) == NULL )
if( index == MAX_DEVICES ) {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "To many event devices - ignoring " << inputDevice->GetName() );
// create this node
deviceNode = baseNode->getNode( "device", index, true );
// and copy the properties from the configuration tree
copyProperties( configMap.configurationForDeviceName(inputDevice->GetName()), deviceNode );
if( deviceNode == NULL ) {
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "No configuration found for device " << inputDevice->GetName() );
delete inputDevice;
inputDevice->Configure( deviceNode );
try {
input_devices[ deviceNode->getIndex() ] = inputDevice;
catch( ... ) {
delete inputDevice;
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "can't open InputDevice " << inputDevice->GetName() );
SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "using InputDevice " << inputDevice->GetName() );
return deviceNode->getIndex();
void FGEventInput::RemoveDevice( unsigned index )
// not fully implemented yet
SGPropertyNode_ptr baseNode = fgGetNode( PROPERTY_ROOT, true );
SGPropertyNode_ptr deviceNode = NULL;
FGInputDevice *inputDevice = input_devices[index];
if (inputDevice) {
delete inputDevice;
2014-03-06 00:41:41 +01:00
deviceNode = baseNode->removeChild("device", index);