import sys import re import json from time import sleep from telnetlib import Telnet from adapt.intent import IntentBuilder from mycroft import MycroftSkill, intent_handler from mycroft.skills.core import MycroftSkill from mycroft.util.log import getLogger LOGGER = getLogger(__name__) class FlightGearCopilotSkill(MycroftSkill): def __init__(self): super(FlightGearCopilotSkill, self).__init__() self.settings['host'] = "localhost" self.settings['port'] = 8081 # TODO add self.settings['profiles'] with default profiles (A32X and c172p) # DEFINITION of the settings['profiles'] structure # [ # { # "name": "", # "acid": # [ # " can be found in /???", # ... # ], # flaps: # [ # { # "id": " can be up|down|full|number", # "min-spd": "", # "max-spd": "", # "value": "" # }, # ... # ] # "flaps-path": "" # "gear-retractable": "" # }, # ... # ] # might be useful # make_active() # TODO make it possible, to play a .mp3 file instead of tts ################################################################# # # # Actions # # # ################################################################# ######################### # # # Flaps # # # ######################### @intent_handler(IntentBuilder('FlapsIntent').require('flaps')) def handle_flaps_intent(self, message): flaps_request =['utterance'] if flaps_request == "flaps": self.speak_dialog("no.setting") sys.exit(0) # extracting the flaps setting from the utterance match = re.match(r'.*flaps.* (up|full|down|\d{1,2}).*', flaps_request, re.I) if match == None: self.speak_dialog("no.valid.flaps") sys.exit(0) flaps_request = tn = self.connect() # get acid acid = self.get_prop(tn, "/sim/aircraft") # read acid to know which profile to use profile = None for i_profiles in self.settings['profiles']: for i_acid in i_profiles['acid']: if i_acid == acid: profile = i_profiles break if profile != None: break # check if the profile was found if profile == None: # TODO when creation of profiles via voice is possible, add dialog how to self.speak("Profile not found") self.exit(tn) # get kias kias = int(float(self.get_prop(tn, "/velocities/airspeed-kt"))) # find the flaps settings for the flaps id o_flaps = None for i_flaps in profile['flaps']: if str(i_flaps['id']) == str(flaps_request): o_flaps = i_flaps break # check if flaps setting is known if o_flaps == None: self.speak_dialog("flaps.setting.unknown") self.exit(tn) flaps = int(self.get_prop(tn, str(profile['flaps-path']))) # check if extend or retract flaps if str(flaps_request) == "down" or str(flaps_request) == "full": if flaps == o_flaps['value']: self.speak_dialog("keep.flaps") self.exit(tn) else: flaps_mov = "extend" flaps_name = flaps_request flaps_request = o_flaps['value'] elif str(flaps_request) == "up": if flaps == o_flaps['value']: self.speak_dialog("keep.flaps") self.exit(tn) else: flaps_mov = "retract" flaps_name = flaps_request flaps_request = o_flaps['value'] else: flaps_name = str(flaps_request) if int(flaps_request) > flaps: flaps_mov = "extend" elif int(flaps_request) < flaps: flaps_mov = "retract" else: self.speak_dialog("keep.flaps") self.exit(tn) # get ground speed gs = int(float(self.get_prop(tn, "/velocities/groundspeed-kt"))) # skip speed check is speed is <= 30 if gs > 30: # check if speed is high/low enough for retraction/extention if flaps_mov == "extend": if o_flaps['max-spd'] < kias: self.speak_dialog("spd.high") self.exit(tn) else: self.speak("Speed checked.") else: if o_flaps['min-spd'] > kias: self.speak_dialog("spd.low") self.exit(tn) else: self.speak("Speed checked.") flaps_request = int(flaps_request) if flaps_mov == "extend": pos_reached = 0 while pos_reached == 0: self.nasal_exec(tn, "controls.flapsDown(1);") flaps = int(self.get_prop(tn, str(profile['flaps-path']))) if flaps == flaps_request: pos_reached = 1 else: pos_reached = 0 while pos_reached == 0: self.nasal_exec(tn, "controls.flapsDown(-1);") flaps = int(self.get_prop(tn, str(profile['flaps-path']))) if flaps == flaps_request: pos_reached = 1 self.speak("Flaps " + flaps_name) tn.close ######################### # # # Gear # # # ######################### @intent_handler(IntentBuilder('GearUpIntent').require('gearup')) def handle_gear_up_intent(self, message): tn = self.connect() # get acid acid = self.get_prop(tn, "/sim/aircraft") # read acid to know which profile to use profile = None for i_profiles in self.settings['profiles']: for i_acid in i_profiles['acid']: if i_acid == acid: profile = i_profiles break if profile != None: break if profile == None: # TODO when creation of profiles via voice is possible, add dialog how to self.speak("Profile not found") self.exit(tn) if profile['gear-retractable'] == "true": self.speak("Gear up") self.nasal_exec(tn, "controls.gearDown(-1)") else: self.speak_dialog("gear.not.retractable") @intent_handler(IntentBuilder('GearDownIntent').require('geardown')) def handle_gear_down_intent(self, message): tn = self.connect() # get acid acid = self.get_prop(tn, "/sim/aircraft") # read acid to know which profile to use profile = None for i_profiles in self.settings['profiles']: for i_acid in i_profiles['acid']: if i_acid == acid: profile = i_profiles break if profile != None: break if profile == None: # TODO when creation of profiles via voice is possible, add dialog how to self.speak("Profile not found") self.exit(tn) if profile['gear-retractable'] == "true": self.speak("Gear down") self.nasal_exec(tn, "controls.gearDown(1)") else: self.speak_dialog("gear.not.retractable") ################################################################# # # # Checklists # # # ################################################################# @intent_handler(IntentBuilder('CheckListIntent').require('check.list')) def handle_check_list_intent(self, message): tn = self.connect() cl_request =['utterance'] checklist_count = self.get_item_count(tn, "/sim/checklists") if checklist_count == 0: self.speak("No checklists has been found") self.exit(tn) for i in range(0, checklist_count): checklist = i checklist_title = self.get_prop(tn, "/sim/checklists/checklist[" + str(checklist) + "]/title") checklist_title = checklist_title.replace('/', '|') checklist_title = "^" + checklist_title match =, cl_request, re.I) if match != None: self.speak(checklist_title + " checklist") break if match == None: self.speak("Required checklist wasn't found") self.exit(tn) # TODO make the programm use all pages, not only the first page = "" if self.prop_exist(tn, "page", "/sim/checklists/checklist[" + str(checklist) + "]") == 1: page = "page/" item_count = self.get_item_count(tn, "/sim/checklists/checklist[" + str(checklist) + "]/" + page) if item_count == 0: self.speak("The required checklist has no entrys") self.exit(tn) for i in range(0, item_count): item = i item_name = self.get_prop(tn, "/sim/checklists/checklist[" + str(checklist) + "]/" + page + "item[" + str(item) + "]/name") item_value = self.get_prop(tn, "/sim/checklists/checklist[" + str(checklist) + "]/" + page + "item[" + str(item) + "]/value") item_name = self.expand_adverbations(item_name) item_name = item_name.replace('/', ' ') # maybe make the replace '/' -> ' and ' to be spoken out better self.speak(item_name) response = self.get_response("dummy") if response == None: self.speak("Checklist not completed") sys.exit(0) # check if F/O has to confirm as well item_value_check = re.sub("\(BOTH\)", "", item_value, flags=re.I) # Add more indication of this case, that are used in other A/C fo_conf = 0 if item_value_check != item_value: fo_conf = 1 item_value = item_value_check item_value = self.expand_adverbations(item_value) item_value = re.sub('/', '|', item_value) item_value = re.sub('_', '', item_value) item_value = re.sub('\(', ' ', item_value) item_value = re.sub('\)', ' ', item_value) response = self.expand_adverbations(response) match =, response, re.I) if match == None: self.speak("Checklist not completed") sys.exit(0) if fo_conf == 1: self.speak(item_value) self.speak(checklist_title + " checklist completed") @intent_handler(IntentBuilder('FlightControlCheckIntent').require('flight.control.check')) def handle_securing_check_intent(self, message): self.speak("Full up") sleep(2) self.speak("Full down") sleep(2) self.speak("Neutral") sleep(2) self.speak("Full left") sleep(2) self.speak("Full right") sleep(2) self.speak("Neutral") sleep(2) self.speak("Full left") sleep(4) self.speak("Full right") sleep(4) self.speak("Neutral") sleep(2) self.speak("Flight controls checked") ################################################################# # # # Help functions # # # ################################################################# # connect to fg def connect(self): try: tn = Telnet(self.settings['host'], self.settings['port']) except: self.speak_dialog("no.telnet.con") sys.exit(0) # switch to data mode tn.write("data\r\n") return tn # running a nasal command def nasal_exec(self, tn, call): tn.write("nasal\r\n") tn.write(call + "\r\n") tn.write("##EOF##\r\n") # get a prop from the property tree def get_prop(self, tn, prop): tn.write("get " + prop + "\r\n") ret = tn.read_until("\r") tn.read_until("\n") return ret[:-1] # count number of items in a prop tree dir def get_item_count(self, tn, directory): tn.write("ls " + directory + "\r\n") ret = 0 result = " " while result != "": result = tn.read_until("\n", 1) ret = ret + 1 ret = ret - 1 return ret # checks if a property exists at a given path def prop_exist(self, tn, prop, path): tn.write("ls " + path + "\r\n") found = 0 result = " " while result != "": result = tn.read_until("\n", 1) match =, result, re.I) if match != None: found = 1 break return found # expands adverbations to full words def expand_adverbations(self, text): # TODO reduce collisions when used with other a/c # TODO add more adverbations text = re.sub("\sALT\s?", "altitude", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("L/G", "landing gear", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("SPLRS", "spoilers", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("PREP", "preperation", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("^TO ", "take off ", text) text = re.sub(" TO$", " take off", text) # have it twice to prevent collisions with words containing 'to' text = re.sub("REF", "reference", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("A/SKID", "anti skid", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("N/W", "nose weel", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("A/THR", "auto thrust", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub(" THR ", "thrust", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("Eng ", "engine", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("Mstr", "master", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("PB", "push button", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("man", "manual", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("FLT", "flight", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("INST", "instruments", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("TEMP", "temperature", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub(" LT", "light", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("SEL", "selector", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("LDG", "landing", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("MDA", "minimum decent altitude", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("DH", "decision height", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("EXT", "external", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("FLX", "flex", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("EMER", "emergency", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("BRK", "break", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("KG", "kilogram", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("LB", "pounds", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("LBS", "pounds", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("AS RQRD", "on|set|off|normal", text, flags=re.I) # since we don't know, what is needed in the current situation text = re.sub("CONF", "config", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub(" OR ", "|", text, flags=re.I) text = re.sub("0", "zero", text, flags=re.I) return text # exit routine to properly close the tn con def exit(self, tn): tn.close sys.exit(0) def stop(self): pass def create_skill(): return FlightGearCopilotSkill()