This will enable richer author meta-data in aircraft, and hence nicer GUI presentation of author information. Client-side support still to be added before this can be used
306 lines
11 KiB
306 lines
11 KiB
import argparse
import datetime
import lxml.etree as ET
import os
import re
import sgprops
import sys
import catalogTags
quiet = False
verbose = False
def warning(msg):
if not quiet:
def log(msg):
if verbose:
# xml node (robust) get text helper
def get_xml_text(e):
if e != None and e.text != None:
return e.text
return ''
# return all available aircraft information from the set file as a
# dict
def scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, set_file, includes):
base_file = os.path.basename(set_file)
base_id = base_file[:-8]
set_path = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, set_file)
root_node = sgprops.readProps(set_path, includePaths = includes)
if not root_node.hasChild("sim"):
return None
sim_node = root_node.getChild("sim")
if sim_node == None:
return None
# allow -set.xml files to specifcially exclude themselves from
# the creation process, by setting <exclude-from-catalog>true</>
if (sim_node.getValue("exclude-from-catalog", False) == True):
return None
variant = {}
name = sim_node.getValue("description", None)
if (name == None or len(name) == 0):
warning("Set file " + set_file + " is missing a <description>, skipping")
return None
variant['name'] = name
variant['status'] = sim_node.getValue("status", None)
if sim_node.hasChild('authors'):
# aircraft has structured authors data, handle that
variant['authors'] = extract_authors(sim_node.getChild('authors'))
elif sim_node.hasChild('author'):
variant['author'] = sim_node.getValue("author", None)
if sim_node.hasChild('long-description'):
variant['description'] = sim_node.getValue("long-description", None)
variant['id'] = base_id
# allow -set.xml files to declare themselves as primary.
# we use this avoid needing a variant-of in every other -set.xml
variant['primary-set'] = sim_node.getValue('primary-set', False)
# extract and record previews for each variant
if sim_node.hasChild('previews'):
variant['previews'] = extract_previews(sim_node.getChild('previews'), aircraft_dir)
if sim_node.hasChild('rating'):
rating_node = sim_node.getChild("rating")
variant['rating_FDM'] = rating_node.getValue("FDM", 0)
variant['rating_systems'] = rating_node.getValue("systems", 0)
variant['rating_cockpit'] = rating_node.getValue("cockpit", 0)
variant['rating_model'] = rating_node.getValue("model", 0)
if sim_node.hasChild('tags'):
variant['tags'] = extract_tags(sim_node.getChild('tags'), set_file)
if sim_node.hasChild('thumbnail'):
variant['thumbnail'] = sim_node.getValue("thumbnail", None)
variant['variant-of'] = sim_node.getValue("variant-of", None)
if sim_node.hasChild('minimum-fg-version'):
variant['minimum-fg-version'] = sim_node.getValue('minimum-fg-version', None)
#print ' ', variant
return variant
def extract_previews(previews_node, aircraft_dir):
result = []
for node in previews_node.getChildren("preview"):
previewType = node.getValue("type", None)
previewPath = node.getValue("path", None)
# check path exists in base-name-dir
fullPath = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, previewPath)
if not os.path.isfile(fullPath):
warning("Bad preview path, skipping:" + fullPath)
result.append({'type':previewType, 'path':previewPath})
return result
def extract_tags(tags_node, set_path):
result = []
for node in tags_node.getChildren("tag"):
tag = node.value
# check tag is in the allowed list
if not catalogTags.isValidTag(tag):
warning("Unknown tag value:" + tag + " in " + set_path)
return result
def extract_authors(authors_node):
result = []
for author in authors_node.getChildren("author"):
authorName = author.getValue("name", None)
if (authorName == None):
authorNick = author.getValue("nick", None)
authorEmail = author.getValue("email", None)
authorDesc = author.getValue("description", None)
result.append({'name':authorName, 'nick':authorNick, 'email':authorEmail, 'description':authorDesc})
return result
# scan all the -set.xml files in an aircraft directory. Returns a
# package dict and a list of variants.
def scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir, includes):
setDicts = []
primaryAircraft = []
package = None
files = os.listdir(aircraft_dir)
for file in sorted(files, key=lambda s: s.lower()):
if file.endswith('-set.xml'):
# print 'trying:', file
d = scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, file, includes)
if d == None:
print "Skipping set file since couldn't be parsed:", os.path.join(aircraft_dir, file), sys.exc_info()[0]
if d['primary-set']:
# ensure explicit primary-set aircraft goes first
primaryAircraft.insert(0, d)
elif d['variant-of'] == None:
# print setDicts
if len(setDicts) == 0:
return None, None
# use the first one
if len(primaryAircraft) == 0:
print "Aircraft has no primary aircraft at all:", aircraft_dir
primaryAircraft = [setDicts[0]]
package = primaryAircraft[0]
if not 'thumbnail' in package:
if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(aircraft_dir, "thumbnail.jpg"))):
package['thumbnail'] = "thumbnail.jpg"
# variants is just all the set dicts except the first one
variants = setDicts
return (package, variants)
# create an xml node with text content
def make_xml_leaf(name, text):
leaf = ET.Element(name)
if text != None:
if isinstance(text, (int, long)):
leaf.text = str(text)
leaf.text = text
leaf.text = ''
return leaf
def append_preview_nodes(node, variant, download_base, package_name):
if not 'previews' in variant:
for preview in variant['previews']:
preview_node = ET.Element('preview')
preview_url = download_base + 'previews/' + package_name + '_' + preview['path']
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('type', preview['type']) )
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', preview_url) )
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('path', preview['path']) )
def append_tag_nodes(node, variant):
if not 'tags' in variant:
for tag in variant['tags']:
node.append(make_xml_leaf('tag', tag))
def append_author_nodes(node, info):
if 'authors' in info:
authors_node = ET.Element('authors')
for a in info['authors']:
a_node = ET.Element('author')
a_node.append(make_xml_leaf('name', a['name']))
if (a['email'] != None):
a_node.append(make_xml_leaf('email', a['email']))
if (a['nick'] != None):
a_node.append(make_xml_leaf('nick', a['nick']))
if (a['description'] != None):
a_node.append(make_xml_leaf('description', a['description']))
elif 'author' in info:
# traditional single author string
node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', info['author']) )
def make_aircraft_node(aircraftDirName, package, variants, downloadBase):
#print "package:", package
#print "variants:", variants
package_node = ET.Element('package')
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', package['name']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('status', package['status']) )
append_author_nodes(package_node, package)
if 'description' in package:
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', package['description']) )
if 'minimum-fg-version' in package:
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('minimum-fg-version', package['minimum-fg-version']) )
if 'rating_FDM' in package or 'rating_systems' in package \
or 'rating_cockpit' in package or 'rating_model' in package:
rating_node = ET.Element('rating')
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('FDM',
package['rating_FDM']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('systems',
package['rating_systems']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('cockpit',
package['rating_cockpit']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('model',
package['rating_model']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', package['id']) )
for variant in variants:
variant_node = ET.Element('variant')
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', variant['id']) )
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', variant['name']) )
if 'description' in variant:
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', variant['description']) )
if 'author' in variant:
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', variant['author']) )
if 'thumbnail' in variant:
# note here we prefix with the package name, since the thumbnail path
# is assumed to be unique within the package
thumbUrl = downloadBase + "thumbnails/" + aircraftDirName + '_' + variant['thumbnail']
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbUrl))
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', variant['thumbnail']))
variantOf = variant['variant-of']
if variantOf is None:
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('variant-of', '_primary_'))
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('variant-of', variantOf))
append_preview_nodes(variant_node, variant, downloadBase, aircraftDirName)
append_tag_nodes(variant_node, variant)
append_author_nodes(variant_node, variant)
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('dir', aircraftDirName) )
download_url = downloadBase + aircraftDirName + '.zip'
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', download_url) )
if 'thumbnail' in package:
thumbnail_url = downloadBase + 'thumbnails/' + aircraftDirName + '_' + package['thumbnail']
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbnail_url) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', package['thumbnail']))
append_preview_nodes(package_node, package, downloadBase, aircraftDirName)
append_tag_nodes(package_node, package)
return package_node