109 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
109 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
import os, sys, re
import urllib2
import hashlib # for MD5
import catalogFilenames
import sgprops
fgRoot = sys.argv[1]
aircraftDir = os.path.join(fgRoot, 'Aircraft')
catalogProps = sgprops.Node()
catalogProps.addChild('version').value = '3.1.0'
catalogProps.addChild('id').value = 'org.flightgear.default'
catalogProps.addChild('license').value = 'GPL'
catalogProps.addChild('url').value = "http://fgfs.goneabitbursar.com/pkg/3.1.0/default-catalog.xml"
catalogProps.addChild('description').value = "Aircraft developed and maintained by the FlightGear project"
de = catalogProps.addChild('de')
# de.addChild('description').value = "<German translation of catalog description>"
fr = catalogProps.addChild('fr')
urls = [
thumbs = [
for d in os.listdir(aircraftDir):
acftDirPath = os.path.join(aircraftDir, d)
if not os.path.isdir(acftDirPath):
setFilePath = None
# find the first set file
# FIXME - way to designate the primary file
for f in os.listdir(acftDirPath):
if f.endswith("-set.xml"):
setFilePath = os.path.join(acftDirPath, f)
if setFilePath is None:
print "No -set.xml file found in",acftDirPath,"will be skipped"
props = sgprops.readProps(setFilePath, dataDirPath = fgRoot)
sim = props.getNode("sim")
pkgNode = catalogProps.addChild('package')
# basic / mandatory values
pkgNode.addChild('id').value = d
pkgNode.addChild('name').value = sim.getValue('description')
longDesc = sim.getValue('long-description')
if longDesc is not None:
pkgNode.addChild('description').value = longDesc
# copy all the standard values
for p in ['status', 'author', 'license']:
v = sim.getValue(p)
if v is not None:
pkgNode.addChild(p).value = v
# ratings
if sim.hasChild('rating'):
pkgRatings = pkgNode.addChild('rating')
for r in ['FDM', 'systems', 'cockpit', 'model']:
pkgRatings.addChild(r).value = sim.getValue('rating/' + r, 0)
# copy tags
if sim.hasChild('tags'):
for c in sim.getChild('tags').getChildren('tag'):
pkgNode.addChild('tag').value = c.value
# create download and thumbnail URLs
s = "{url}Aircraft-3.0/"
if d not in catalogFilenames.aircraft:
print "filename not found for:",d
raise RuntimeError("filename not found for:" + d)
s += catalogFilenames.aircraft[d]
for u in urls:
pkgNode.addChild("url").value = s.format(url=u,filename=f)
for t in thumbs:
pkgNode.addChild("thumbnail").value = t.format(acft=d)
# download and compute MD5 sum
dl = urllib2.urlopen(s.format(url=urls[0],filename=f))
digest = hashlib.md5(dl.read()).hexdigest()
pkgNode.addChild("md5").value = digest
print "Failure processing:", setFilePath
catalogProps.write("catalog.xml") |