#!/usr/bin/python # genroads.py - create appropriate ROAD_LIST STG files for ws30 from openstreetmap # Copyright (C) 2021 Stuart Buchanan # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # You will need Python Overpass API - "pip install overpy" import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import os import shutil import re import sys import collections from math import floor import calc_tile import overpy nodes = {} road_count = 0 river_count = 0 if (len(sys.argv) != 6): print("Simple generation of ROAD_LIST files") print("") print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <scenery_dir> <lon1> <lat1> <lon2> <lat2>") print(" <scenery_dir> \tScenery directory to write to") print(" <lon1> <lat1> \tBottom left lon/lat of bounding box") print(" <lon2> <lat2> \tTop right lon/lat of bounding box") exit(1) scenery_prefix = sys.argv[1] lon1 = sys.argv[2] lat1 = sys.argv[3] lon2 = sys.argv[4] lat2 = sys.argv[5] os.makedirs(scenery_prefix, exist_ok=True) def feature_file(lat, lon, type): index = calc_tile.calc_tile_index((lon,lat)) return str(index) + "_" + type + ".txt" def add_to_stg(lat, lon, type): index = calc_tile.calc_tile_index((lon, lat)) stg = os.path.join(scenery_prefix, calc_tile.directory_name((lon, lat)), str(index) + ".stg") #print("Writing " + stg) with open(stg, 'a') as f: f.write("LINE_FEATURE_LIST " + feature_file(lat, lon, type) + " " + type + "\n") def write_feature(lon, lat, road, type, width): index = calc_tile.calc_tile_index((lon,lat)) dirname = os.path.join(scenery_prefix, calc_tile.directory_name((lon, lat))) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) txt = os.path.join(scenery_prefix, calc_tile.directory_name((lon, lat)), feature_file(lat, lon, type)) #print("Writing " + txt) with open(txt, 'a') as f: f.write(str(width) + " 0 1 1 1 1") # Width plus currently unused generic attributes. for pt in road : f.write(" " + str(pt.lon) + " " + str(pt.lat)) f.write("\n") stg = os.path.join(scenery_prefix, calc_tile.directory_name((lon, lat)), str(index) + ".stg") if not os.path.isfile(stg) : # No STG - generate add_to_stg(lat, lon, type) else : road_exists = 0 with open(stg, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("LINE_FEATURE_LIST " + feature_file(lat, lon, type)) : road_exists = 1 if road_exists == 0 : add_to_stg(lat, lon, type) def parse_way(way) : global road_count, river_count, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 pts = [] width = 6.0 road = 0 river = 0 highway = way.tags.get("highway") waterway = way.tags.get("waterway") feature_type = "None" if (highway=="motorway_junction") or (highway=="motorway") or (highway=="motorway_link"): width = 15.0 feature_type = "Road" road_count = road_count + 1 if (highway=="secondary") or (highway=="primary") or (highway=="trunk") or (highway=="trunk_link") or (highway=="primary_link") or (highway=="secondary_link") : width = 12.0 feature_type = "Road" road_count = road_count + 1 if (highway=="unclassified") or (highway=="tertiary") or (highway=="tertiary_link") or (highway=="service") or (highway=="residential"): width = 6.0 feature_type = "Road" road_count = road_count + 1 if (waterway=="river") or (waterway=="canal") : width = 10.0 feature_type = "Watercourse" river_count = river_count + 1 # Use the width if defined and parseable if (way.tags.get("width") != None) : width_str = way.tags.get("width") try: if (' m' in width_str) : width = float(width_str[0:width_str.find(" m")]) if (' ft' in width_str) : width = 0.3 * float(width_str[0:width_str.find(" ft")]) except ValueError : print("Unable to parse width " + width_str) if (feature_type != "None") : # It's a road or river. Add it to appropriate tile entries. tileids = set() for pt in way.nodes: lon = float(pt.lon) lat = float(pt.lat) idx = calc_tile.calc_tile_index([lon, lat]) if ((float(lon1) <= lon <= float(lon2)) and (float(lat1) <= lat <= float(lat2)) and (idx not in tileids)) : # Write the feature to a bucket provided it's within the lat/lon bounds and if we've not already written it there write_feature(lon, lat, way.nodes, feature_type, width) tileids.add(idx) def writeOSM(result): for child in result.ways: parse_way(child) # Get River data osm_bbox = ",".join([lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2]) api = overpy.Overpass(url="https://lz4.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter") river_query = "(way[\"waterway\"=\"river\"](" + osm_bbox + "); way[\"waterway\"=\"canal\"](" + osm_bbox + "););(._;>;);out;" result = api.query(river_query) writeOSM(result) road_query = "(" #road_types = ["unclassified", "tertiary", "service", "secondary", "primary", "motorway_junction", "motorway"] #road_types = ["tertiary", "secondary", "primary", "motorway_junction", "motorway"] road_types = ["motorway", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", "motorway_link", "trunk_link", "primary_link", "secondary_link", "tertiary_link"] for r in road_types : road_query = road_query + "way[\"highway\"=\"" + r + "\"](" + osm_bbox + ");" road_query = road_query + ");(._;>;);out;" result = api.query(road_query) writeOSM(result) print("Wrote total of " + str(road_count) + " roads") print("Wrote total of " + str(river_count) + " rivers") # # # # #time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -3.5 55.0 -2.5 56.0 #2005 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -12 59.0 -10 61.0 # 2006 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -10 59.0 -8 61.0 # 2007 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -8 59.0 -4 61.0 # 2008 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -4 59.0 0 61.0 # 2009 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ 0 59.0 4 61.0 # 2010 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -12 57.0 -10 59.0 # 2011 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -10 57.0 -6 59.0 # 2012 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -6 57.0 -2 59.0 # 2013 time ./genroads.py /tmp/OSMTEST/Terrain/ -2 57.0 4 59.0