#!/bin/bash # convert.sh - a script to convert NASA sattelite images into textures # for use with FGearthview (orbital rendering) # Copyright (C) 2016 chris_blues <chris@musicchris.de> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # v0.12: Chris Ringeval (eatdirt): # -add normalmapping output + small improvements VERSION="v0.13" # make sure the script halts on error set -e function showHelp { echo "Nasa2FGearthview converter script $VERSION" echo "https://github.com/chris-blues/Nasa2FGearthview" echo echo "Usage:" echo "./convert.sh [ download no-download world clouds heights" echo " 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k cleanup rebuild ]" echo echo "* Append \"no-download\" to the command to skip the download" echo " process alltogether. Only makes sense if you already got" echo " the necessary data." echo "* Append \"world\" to the command to generate the world tiles" echo "* Append \"clouds\" to the command to generate cloud tiles" echo "* Append \"heights\" to the command to generate height tiles" echo " and the normalmaps needed by EarthView. Notice that you need" echo " the normalmap binary to be installed. You can get it from:" echo " https://github.com/planrich/normalmap" echo "* Append \"all\" to the command to generate all - world, clouds" echo " and heights" echo "* Append the size of the tiles (1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k). If you" echo " don't pass a resolution, then all resolutions will be" echo " generated." echo "* Append \"cleanup\" to delete all temporary files in tmp/" echo " Same as \"./convert.sh world clouds rebuild\"" echo " Useful if the source files have changed." echo "* Append \"rebuild\" to remove the corresponding temp-files" echo " of your requested target." echo " If you have \"world\" as target, that means all files in" echo " tmp/world* and tmp/night* will be deleted, so that the" echo " script will have to rebuild the entire set of files." echo " So, if clouds and world are requested, effectively all temp-" echo " files will be deleted (same as cleanup)" echo " Useful if the source files have changed." echo "* Append \"check\" to let check the results. This will create" echo " mosaics of the existing tiles. If no target is specified," echo " all layers will be built: clouds, heights, world and nightlights." echo echo "If, for some reason, the script aborts, then it will try to" echo "skip the already completed steps, so you don't have to wait" echo "for the first steps to be redone. Those also happen to be the" echo "most heavy loads on the ressources." echo echo "WARNING!" echo "This script uses a _lot_ of disk space! Make sure you choose" echo "a disk, with at least 90GB free space." echo echo "This script will take a very long time, depending on your CPU" echo "and memory. It's propably best, to let it run over night..." echo echo "Examples:" echo "./convert.sh world clouds" echo "Will generate all textures needed for EarthView" echo echo "./convert.sh rebuild clouds no-download" echo "Will skip the download function and will proceed under the" echo "assumption that the download has previously finished" echo "correctly. Furthermore it will only generate the cloud-" echo "textures. Before that all temp-files will be deleted, so that" echo "the textures will be generated from scratch." echo echo "./convert.sh cleanup" echo "Will delete all temp-files, so that on the next run" echo "everything will have to be regenerated from scratch. Useful" echo "if the source images have changed." echo echo "./convert world 4k" echo "Will generate only tiles of the world of 4096x4096 size." exit 1 } if [ -z $1 ] ; then showHelp ; fi if [ $1 == "--help" ] ; then showHelp ; fi if [ $1 == "-h" ] ; then showHelp ; fi ################################ ## Get command line arguments ## ################################ for ARG in "$@" do if [ $ARG == "no-download" ] ; then DOWNLOAD="false" ; echo "Skipping the download process" ; fi if [ $ARG == "world" ] ; then WORLD="true" ; fi if [ $ARG == "clouds" ] ; then CLOUDS="true" ; fi if [ $ARG == "heights" ] ; then HEIGHTS="true" ; fi if [ $ARG == "all" ] ; then WORLD="true" ; CLOUDS="true" ; HEIGHTS="true" ; fi if [ $ARG == "1k" ] ; then RESOLUTION="1024" ; fi if [ $ARG == "2k" ] ; then RESOLUTION="2048" ; fi if [ $ARG == "4k" ] ; then RESOLUTION="4096" ; fi if [ $ARG == "8k" ] ; then RESOLUTION="8192" ; fi if [ $ARG == "16k" ] ; then RESOLUTION="16384" ; fi if [ $ARG == "cleanup" ] ; then CLEANUP="true" ; fi if [ $ARG == "rebuild" ] ; then REBUILD="true" ; fi if [ $ARG == "check" ] ; then BUILDCHECKS="true" ; fi done if [ -z $DOWNLOAD ] ; then DOWNLOAD="true" ; fi if [ -z $WORLD ] ; then WORLD="false" ; fi if [ -z $CLOUDS ] ; then CLOUDS="false" ; fi if [ -z $HEIGHTS ] ; then HEIGHTS="false" ; fi if [ -z $CLEANUP ] ; then CLEANUP="false" ; fi if [ -z $REBUILD ] ; then REBUILD="false" ; fi if [ -z $BUILDCHECKS ] ; then BUILDCHECKS="false" ; fi CHECKWORLD=$WORLD CHECKCLOUDS=$CLOUDS CHECKHEIGHTS=$HEIGHTS ######################## ## Set some variables ## ######################## DL_LOCATION="NASA" mkdir -p tmp export MAGICK_TMPDIR=${PWD}/tmp echo "tmp-dir: $MAGICK_TMPDIR" mkdir -p logs TIME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") LOGFILE_GENERAL="logs/${TIME}.log" LOGFILE_TIME="logs/${TIME}.time.log" #command line gimp plugin from https://github.com/planrich/normalmap #higher filters (5x5) create too sharp features (no rescaling, I #assume earthview do its own normalization) NORMALBIN="normalmap" NORMALOPTS="-s 1 -f FILTER_PREWITT_3x3" URLS_WORLD="https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.A1.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.A2.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.B1.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.B2.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.C1.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.C2.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.D1.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/74000/74117/world.200408.3x21600x21600.D2.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/79000/79765/dnb_land_ocean_ice.2012.54000x27000_geo.tif" URLS_CLOUDS="https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/57000/57747/cloud.E.2001210.21600x21600.png https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/57000/57747/cloud.W.2001210.21600x21600.png" URLS_HEIGHTS="https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_A1_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_A2_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_B1_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_B2_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_C1_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_C2_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_D1_grey_geo.tif https://eoimages.gsfc.nasa.gov/images/imagerecords/73000/73934/gebco_08_rev_elev_D2_grey_geo.tif" if ! [ -x "$(command -v $NORMALBIN)" ] then if ! [ -x "./${NORMALBIN}" ] then echo ">>>>>>>>>>>> Error: $NORMALBIN binary not found! <<<<<<<<<<<<<" echo "You can get it from: https://github.com/planrich/normalmap" HEIGHTS="false" else NORMALBIN="./${NORMALBIN}" fi else echo ">>>>>>>>>>>> Error: $NORMALBIN binary not found! <<<<<<<<<<<<<" echo "You can get it from: https://github.com/planrich/normalmap" HEIGHTS="false" fi if [ -z $RESOLUTION ] then RESOLUTION="1024 2048 4096 8192 16384" NO_RESOLUTION_GIVEN="false" RESOLUTION_MAX="16384" fi if [ -z $RESOLUTION_MAX ] ; then RESOLUTION_MAX=$RESOLUTION ; fi let "BORDER_WIDTH = $RESOLUTION_MAX / 128" let "IMAGE_BORDERLESS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH )" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH - 1" NASA="A1 B1 C1 D1 A2 B2 C2 D2" IM="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" TILES="N1 N2 N3 N4 S1 S2 S3 S4" BORDERS="top right bottom left" ################# ## FUNCTIONS ## ################# function rebuild { ############################################# ## Only remove tmp-files of given target ## ############################################# if [ $WORLD == "true" ] then { echo echo "########################################" echo "## Removing tmp-files of target world ##" echo "########################################" rm tmp/world* rm tmp/night* } fi if [ $CLOUDS == "true" ] then { echo echo "#########################################" echo "## Removing tmp-files of target clouds ##" echo "#########################################" rm tmp/cloud* } fi if [ $HEIGHTS == "true" ] then { echo echo "#########################################" echo "## Removing tmp-files of target heights##" echo "#########################################" rm tmp/height* } fi } function cleanUp { echo echo "############################" echo "## Removing all tmp-files ##" echo "############################" rm -rvf tmp/night* rm -rvf tmp/world* rm -rvf tmp/cloud* rm -rvf tmp/height* } function prettyTime { if [ $SECS -gt 60 ] then let "MINUTES = $SECS / 60" else MINUTES=0 fi if [ $MINUTES -gt 60 ] then let "HOURS = $MINUTES / 60" else HOURS=0 fi if [ $HOURS -gt 24 ] then let "DAYS = $HOURS / 24" else DAYS=0 fi if [ $DAYS -gt 0 ] ; then let "HOURS = $HOURS - ( $DAYS * 24 )" ; fi if [ $HOURS -gt 0 ] ; then let "MINUTES = $MINUTES - ( ( ( $DAYS * 24 ) + $HOURS ) * 60 )" ; fi if [ $MINUTES -gt 0 ] ; then let "SECS = $SECS - ( ( ( ( ( $DAYS * 24 ) + $HOURS ) * 60 ) + $MINUTES ) * 60 )" ; fi } function getProcessingTime { ENDTIME=$(date +%s) if [ $LASTTIME -eq $ENDTIME ] then SECS=0 else let "SECS = $ENDTIME - $LASTTIME" fi prettyTime OUTPUTSTRING="${SECS}s" if [ $MINUTES -gt 0 ] ; then OUTPUTSTRING="${MINUTES}m ${SECS}s" ; fi if [ $HOURS -gt 0 ] ; then OUTPUTSTRING="${HOURS}h ${MINUTES}m ${SECS}s" ; fi if [ $DAYS -gt 0 ] ; then OUTPUTSTRING="${DAYS}d ${HOURS}h ${MINUTES}m ${SECS}s" ; fi echo "Processing time: $OUTPUTSTRING" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME LASTTIME=$ENDTIME } function NASA2FG { if [ $1 == "A1" ] ; then DEST="N1" ; fi if [ $1 == "B1" ] ; then DEST="N2" ; fi if [ $1 == "C1" ] ; then DEST="N3" ; fi if [ $1 == "D1" ] ; then DEST="N4" ; fi if [ $1 == "A2" ] ; then DEST="S1" ; fi if [ $1 == "B2" ] ; then DEST="S2" ; fi if [ $1 == "C2" ] ; then DEST="S3" ; fi if [ $1 == "D2" ] ; then DEST="S4" ; fi } function IM2FG { if [ $1 == "0" ] ; then DEST="N1" ; fi if [ $1 == "1" ] ; then DEST="N2" ; fi if [ $1 == "2" ] ; then DEST="N3" ; fi if [ $1 == "3" ] ; then DEST="N4" ; fi if [ $1 == "4" ] ; then DEST="S1" ; fi if [ $1 == "5" ] ; then DEST="S2" ; fi if [ $1 == "6" ] ; then DEST="S3" ; fi if [ $1 == "7" ] ; then DEST="S4" ; fi } function downloadImages { echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ -z $DL_LOCATION ] then DL_LOCATION="NASA" fi if [ $DL_LOCATION == "NASA" ] then echo "## Downloading images from visibleearth.nasa.gov ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL fi echo "###################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ $WORLD == "true" ] then if [ $DL_LOCATION == "NASA" ] then downloadWorld fi fi if [ $CLOUDS == "true" ] then if [ $DL_LOCATION == "NASA" ] then downloadClouds fi fi if [ $HEIGHTS == "true" ] then if [ $DL_LOCATION == "NASA" ] then downloadHeights fi fi } function downloadWorld { mkdir -p input echo "Downloading world tiles..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for f in $URLS_WORLD do FILENAME=$(echo $f | sed 's@.*/@@') wget --output-document=input/$FILENAME --continue --show-progress $f | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL 2>> $LOGFILE_GENERAL done } function downloadHeights { mkdir -p input echo "Downloading height tiles..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for f in $URLS_HEIGHTS do FILENAME=$(echo $f | sed 's@.*/@@') wget --output-document=input/$FILENAME --continue --show-progress $f | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL 2>> $LOGFILE_GENERAL done } function downloadClouds { mkdir -p input echo "Downloading cloud tiles..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for f in $URLS_CLOUDS do FILENAME=$(echo $f | sed 's@.*/@@') wget --output-document=input/$FILENAME --continue --show-progress $f | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL 2>> $LOGFILE_GENERAL done } function generateWorld { STARTTIME=$(date +%s) echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#### Processing World ####" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL mkdir -p tmp mkdir -p output echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Prepare night lights ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "########################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Convert to a more efficient format ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "########################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ ! -s "tmp/nightlights_54000x27000.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ input/dnb_land_ocean_ice.2012.54000x27000_geo.tif \ tmp/nightlights_54000x27000.mpc set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/nightlights_54000x27000.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi echo "input/dnb_land_ocean_ice.2012.54000x27000_geo.tif -> tmp/nightlights_54000x27000.mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME LASTTIME=$STARTTIME # 1m, 59s getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "########################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Resize nightlights ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "########################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL let "RESIZE_W = ( $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH ) ) * 4" let "RESIZE_H = ( $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH ) ) * 2" if [ ! -s "tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}.mpc" ] then for r in $RESOLUTION do if [ $r -le $RESOLUTION_MAX ] then continue fi let "IMAGE_SIZE = $r - ( 2 * ( $r / 128 ) )" let "I_W = $IMAGE_SIZE * 4" let "I_H = $IMAGE_SIZE * 2" if [ -s tmp/nightlights_${I_W}x${I_H}.mpc ] then if [ $I_W -ge $RESIZE_W ] then echo "--> Found tmp/nightlights_${I_W}x${I_H}.mpc : usable for ${RESOLUTION_MAX}x${RESOLUTION_MAX}" >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL FOUND_BIGGER_PICTURE="true" TIMESAVER_SIZE="$IMAGE_SIZE" fi else echo "--> No." >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL fi done echo if [ -z $FOUND_BIGGER_PICTURE ] then echo "No suitable image found. Using NASA original..." # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/nightlights_54000x27000.mpc \ -resize ${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H} \ tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}.mpc set +x else let "I_W = $TIMESAVER_SIZE * 4" let "I_H = $TIMESAVER_SIZE * 2" echo "==> Timesaver:) Using existing file: tmp/nightlights_${I_W}x${I_H}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/nightlights_${I_W}x${I_H}.mpc \ -resize ${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H} \ tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}.mpc set +x fi else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi # 3h, 47m, 29s echo "-> tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}.mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Filter out low colors (continents, ice) ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ ! -s "tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}_lowColorsCut.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}.mpc \ -channel R -level 7.8%,100%,1.5 \ -channel G -level 13.7%,100%,1.5 \ -channel B -level 33%,100%,1.5 \ +channel \ tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}_lowColorsCut.mpc set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}_lowColorsCut.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi # 1h, 8m, 52s echo "-> tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}_lowColorsCut.mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#####################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## cut nightlight image into tiles ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#####################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ ! -s "tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_7.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/nightlights_${RESIZE_W}x${RESIZE_H}_lowColorsCut.mpc \ -crop ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} +repage \ -alpha Off \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_%d.mpc set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing files: tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[0-7].mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi # 41m, 43s echo "-> tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[0-7].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## invert colors ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for f in $IM do IM2FG $f if [ ! -s "tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}_neg.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${f}.mpc \ -negate \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}_neg.mpc set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}_neg.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 5m, 33s echo "-> tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[NS][1-4]_neg.mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "##############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Prepare world textures ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "##############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Resize the NASA-Originals to ${RESOLUTION_MAX}-(2*${BORDER_WIDTH}) ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for t in $NASA do NASA2FG $t FOUND_BIGGER_WORLD_PICTURE="false" unset TIMESAVER_SIZE if [ ! -s "tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc" ] then { for r in 16384 8192 4096 2048 do if [ $r -le $RESOLUTION_MAX ] then continue fi let "IMAGE_SIZE = $r - ( 2 * ( $r / 128 ) )" let "I_W = $IMAGE_SIZE * 4" let "I_H = $IMAGE_SIZE * 2" if [ -s tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_SIZE}_${DEST}.mpc ] then if [ $IMAGE_SIZE -ge $IMAGE_BORDERLESS ] then FOUND_BIGGER_WORLD_PICTURE="true" TIMESAVER_SIZE="$IMAGE_SIZE" fi fi done if [ $FOUND_BIGGER_WORLD_PICTURE != "true" ] then ## Workaround for tiles N3 and N4 - there's a gray failure area at the top border - let's remove it! if [ $t == "C1" ] then # pick a sample pixel. The polar regions are all equally colored. let "OVERLAY_HEIGHT = ${RESOLUTION_MAX} / 14" # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N2.mpc \ -crop 1x1+1+1 \ -resize ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${OVERLAY_HEIGHT}\! \ tmp/bluebar.mpc set +x fi if [ $t == "C1" -o $t == "D1" ] then { # copy the sample over to the tile: # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ input/world.200408.3x21600x21600.${t}.png \ -resize ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ tmp/bluebar.mpc \ -geometry +0+0 \ -composite \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc set +x echo } else { # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ input/world.200408.3x21600x21600.${t}.png \ -resize ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc set +x } fi else echo "==> Timesaver:) Using existing file: tmp/world_seamless_${TIMESAVER_SIZE}_${DEST}.mpc -> tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/world_seamless_${TIMESAVER_SIZE}_${DEST}.mpc \ -resize ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc set +x fi } else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 3h, 12m, 9s echo "input/world.200408.3x21600x21600.[A-D][12].png -> tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "##################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Merge nightlights into world's alpha channel ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "##################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s "tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}_composite.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}_neg.mpc \ -compose CopyOpacity \ -composite \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}_composite.mpc set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}_composite.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 11m, 26s echo "-> tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[NS][1-4]_composite.mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#####################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Put a ${BORDER_WIDTH}px border to each side ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#####################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s "tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}_composite.mpc \ -bordercolor none \ -border ${BORDER_WIDTH} \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc set +x echo fi if [ ! -s "tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc" ] then # set -x cp tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc cp tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.cache tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.cache set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 11m, 24s echo "-> tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4]_emptyBorder.mpc -> tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "######################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## crop borderline pixels and propagate to the edge ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "######################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL CROP_TOP="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_RIGHT="1x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_BOTTOM="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" CROP_LEFT="1x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_TOPLEFT="1x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_TOPRIGHT="1x1+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_BOTTOMRIGHT="1x1+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" CROP_BOTTOMLEFT="1x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" ## HORIZ meaning a horizontal bar, like the one on top HORIZ_RESIZE="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${BORDER_WIDTH}" VERT_RESIZE="${BORDER_WIDTH}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}" POS_TOP="+${BORDER_WIDTH}+0" POS_RIGHT="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" POS_BOTTOM="+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" POS_LEFT="+0+${BORDER_WIDTH}" for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s "tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc" ] then for b in $BORDERS do { if [ $b == "top" ] then CROP=$CROP_TOP RESIZE=$HORIZ_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_TOP CROPCORNER=$CROP_TOPRIGHT CORNER_POS="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+0" CORNER_NAME="topRight" fi if [ $b == "right" ] then CROP=$CROP_RIGHT RESIZE=$VERT_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_RIGHT CROPCORNER=$CROP_BOTTOMRIGHT CORNER_POS="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" CORNER_NAME="bottomRight" fi if [ $b == "bottom" ] then CROP=$CROP_BOTTOM RESIZE=$HORIZ_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_BOTTOM CROPCORNER=$CROP_BOTTOMLEFT CORNER_POS="+0+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" CORNER_NAME="bottomLeft" fi if [ $b == "left" ] then CROP=$CROP_LEFT RESIZE=$VERT_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_LEFT CROPCORNER=$CROP_TOPLEFT CORNER_POS="+0+0" CORNER_NAME="topLeft" fi echo # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc \ -crop $CROP \ -resize $RESIZE\! \ tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${b}.mpc convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc \ -crop $CROPCORNER \ -resize ${BORDER_WIDTH}x${BORDER_WIDTH}\! \ tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${CORNER_NAME}.mpc convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${b}.mpc \ -geometry $POSITION \ -composite \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc echo convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${CORNER_NAME}.mpc \ -geometry $CORNER_POS \ -composite \ tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc set +x echo } done echo # set -x cp -v tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL cp -v tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.cache tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.cache | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 37m, 6s echo "-> tmp/world_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4].mpc -> tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime for t in $TILES do echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Final output of tile $t ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for r in $RESOLUTION do { mkdir -p output/$r echo echo "--> Writing output/${r}/world_${t}.dds @ ${r}x${r}" # set -x if [ ! -s "output/${r}/world_${t}.dds" ] then convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc \ -resize ${r}x${r} \ -flip \ -define dds:compression=dxt5 \ output/${r}/world_${t}.dds set +x echo else echo "=> Skipping existing file: output/${r}/world_${t}.dds" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi echo "--> Writing output/${r}/world_${t}.png @ ${r}x${r}" if [ ! -s "output/${r}/world_${t}.png" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/world_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc \ -resize ${r}x${r} \ output/${r}/world_${t}.png set +x echo else echo "=> Skipping existing file: output/${r}/world_${t}.png" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi } done echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "World $t [ done ]" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL done echo "###############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#### World: [ done ] ####" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL # 2h, 19m, 7s # Overall processing time: 44089 s # Overall processing time: 0 d, 2 h, 19 m, 7 s echo "-> output/<\$RESOLUTIONS>/world_[NS][1-4].png" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo if [ $STARTTIME -eq $ENDTIME ] then SECS=0 else let "SECS = $ENDTIME - $STARTTIME" fi echo "Overall processing time: $SECS s" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL prettyTime echo "Overall processing time: $DAYS d, $HOURS h, $MINUTES m, $SECS s" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL } function generateClouds { if [ -z $STARTTIME ] ; then STARTTIME=$(date +%s) ; fi # maximum cloud-tile resolution is 8192, since we have no big enough source files... if [[ $NO_RESOLUTION_GIVEN == "true" ]]; then if [ $RESOLUTION_MAX -eq 16384 ] ; then RESOLUTION_MAX=8192 ; fi fi let "BORDER_WIDTH = $RESOLUTION_MAX / 128" let "IMAGE_BORDERLESS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH )" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH - 1" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH" let "SIZE = 2 * $IMAGE_BORDERLESS" echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#### Processing clouds ####" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL mkdir -p tmp mkdir -p output echo "######################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Resize images to ${SIZE} resolution, ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## copy image to alpha-channel and ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## paint the canvas white (#FFFFFF) ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "######################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL CT="E W" for t in $CT do unset FOUND_BIGGER_CLOUD_PICTURE unset TIMESAVER_SIZE if [ ! -s "tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_${t}.mpc" ] then for r in 16384 8192 4096 2048 do if [ $r -le $RESOLUTION_MAX ] then continue fi let "IMAGE_SIZE = ( $r - ( 2 * ( $r / 128 ) ) ) * 2" echo "Does tmp/cloud_T_${IMAGE_SIZE}_${t}.mpc exist?" >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ -s tmp/cloud_T_${IMAGE_SIZE}_${t}.mpc ] then echo "Yes. Is it usable? ( $IMAGE_SIZE >= $SIZE )" >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ $IMAGE_SIZE -ge $SIZE ] then echo "Yes - use it!" >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL FOUND_BIGGER_CLOUD_PICTURE="true" TIMESAVER_SIZE="$IMAGE_SIZE" else echo "No." >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL fi else echo "No." >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL fi done if [ -z $FOUND_BIGGER_CLOUD_PICTURE ] then echo "So we'll have to use the NASA originals." >> $LOGFILE_GENERAL # set -x convert \ -monitor \ input/cloud.${t}.2001210.21600x21600.png \ -resize ${SIZE}x${SIZE} \ -alpha copy \ +level-colors white \ tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_${t}.mpc set +x else echo "==> Timesaver:) Using existing file: tmp/cloud_T_${TIMESAVER_SIZE}_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/cloud_T_${TIMESAVER_SIZE}_${t}.mpc \ -resize ${SIZE}x${SIZE} \ tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_${t}.mpc set +x fi else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done echo # 6m, 4s if [ -z $LASTTIME ] ; then LASTTIME=$STARTTIME ; fi echo "input/cloud.[EW].2001210.21600x21600.png -> tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_[EW].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## cut cloud images into tiles ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [ ! -s "tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S2.mpc" ] then { convert \ -monitor \ tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_E.mpc \ -crop ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ +repage \ tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_%d.mpc N="0 1 2 3" for t in $N do { if [ $t == "0" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N3.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N3.cache fi if [ $t == "1" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N4.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N4.cache fi if [ $t == "2" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S3.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S3.cache fi if [ $t == "3" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S4.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S4.cache fi } done } else echo "=> Skipping existing files: tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[N3-S4].mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi if [ ! -s "tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S2.mpc" ] then { convert \ -monitor \ tmp/cloud_T_${SIZE}_W.mpc \ -crop ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ +repage \ tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_%d.mpc echo for t in $N do { if [ $t == "0" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N1.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N1.cache fi if [ $t == "1" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N2.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_N2.cache fi if [ $t == "2" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S1.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S1.cache fi if [ $t == "3" ] then mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S2.mpc mv tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_S2.cache fi } done } else echo "=> Skipping existing files: tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[N1-S2].mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi # 1m, 30s echo "-> tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[0-7].mpc -> tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## add ${BORDER_WIDTH}px borders to the tiles ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s "tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc" ] then convert \ -monitor \ tmp/clouds_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc \ -bordercolor none \ -border ${BORDER_WIDTH} \ tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc echo cp tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc cp tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.cache tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.cache else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done echo # 1m, 44s echo "-> tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4]_emptyBorder.mpc tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#######################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## propagate last pixels to the edge ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#######################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [[ $NO_RESOLUTION_GIVEN == "true" ]]; then if [ $RESOLUTION_MAX -eq 16384 ] ; then RESOLUTION_MAX=8192 ; fi fi let "BORDER_WIDTH = $RESOLUTION_MAX / 128" let "IMAGE_BORDERLESS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH )" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH - 1" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH" let "SIZE = 2 * $IMAGE_BORDERLESS" CROP_TOP="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_RIGHT="1x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_BOTTOM="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" CROP_LEFT="1x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_TOPLEFT="1x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_TOPRIGHT="1x1+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_BOTTOMRIGHT="1x1+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" CROP_BOTTOMLEFT="1x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" ## HORIZ meaning a horizontal bar, like the one on top HORIZ_RESIZE="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${BORDER_WIDTH}" VERT_RESIZE="${BORDER_WIDTH}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}" POS_TOP="+${BORDER_WIDTH}+0" POS_RIGHT="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" POS_BOTTOM="+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" POS_LEFT="+0+${BORDER_WIDTH}" for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_done.mpc ] then for b in $BORDERS do { if [ $b == "top" ] then CROP=$CROP_TOP RESIZE=$HORIZ_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_TOP CROPCORNER=$CROP_TOPRIGHT CORNER_POS="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+0" CORNER_NAME="topRight" fi if [ $b == "right" ] then CROP=$CROP_RIGHT RESIZE=$VERT_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_RIGHT CROPCORNER=$CROP_BOTTOMRIGHT CORNER_POS="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" CORNER_NAME="bottomRight" fi if [ $b == "bottom" ] then CROP=$CROP_BOTTOM RESIZE=$HORIZ_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_BOTTOM CROPCORNER=$CROP_BOTTOMLEFT CORNER_POS="+0+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" CORNER_NAME="bottomLeft" fi if [ $b == "left" ] then CROP=$CROP_LEFT RESIZE=$VERT_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_LEFT CROPCORNER=$CROP_TOPLEFT CORNER_POS="+0+0" CORNER_NAME="topLeft" fi #set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ -crop $CROP \ -resize $RESIZE\! \ tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${b}.mpc convert \ -monitor \ tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ -crop $CROPCORNER \ -resize ${BORDER_WIDTH}x${BORDER_WIDTH}\! \ tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${CORNER_NAME}.mpc convert \ -monitor \ tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${b}.mpc \ -geometry $POSITION \ -composite \ tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc echo convert \ -monitor \ tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${CORNER_NAME}.mpc \ -geometry $CORNER_POS \ -composite \ tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc set +x echo } done echo cp tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_done.mpc cp tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.cache tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_done.cache else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_done.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 2m, 34s echo "-> tmp/clouds_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4].mpc -> tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4]_done.mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime for t in $TILES do echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Final output of tile $t ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for r in $RESOLUTION do { mkdir -p output/$r if [ ! -s "output/${r}/clouds_${t}.png" ] then echo "--> Writing output/${r}/clouds_${t}.png @ ${r}x${r}" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL convert \ -monitor \ tmp/clouds_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_done.mpc \ -resize ${r}x${r} \ output/${r}/clouds_${t}.png echo else echo "=> Skipping existing file: output/${r}/clouds_${t}.png" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi } done echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "Cloud $t [ done ]" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL done echo "################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#### Clouds: [ done ] ####" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL # 7m, 4s echo "-> output/<\$RESOLUTION>/clouds_[NS][1-4].png" | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo if [ $STARTTIME -eq $ENDTIME ] then SECS=0 else let "SECS = $ENDTIME - $STARTTIME" fi echo "Overall processing time: $SECS s" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL prettyTime echo "Overall processing time: $DAYS d, $HOURS h, $MINUTES m, $SECS s" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME } function generateHeights { if [ -z $STARTTIME ] ; then STARTTIME=$(date +%s) ; fi echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#### Processing Heights ####" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [[ $NO_RESOLUTION_GIVEN == "true" ]]; then if [ $RESOLUTION_MAX -eq 16384 ] ; then RESOLUTION_MAX=8192 ; fi fi let "BORDER_WIDTH = $RESOLUTION_MAX / 128" let "IMAGE_BORDERLESS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH )" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH - 1" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH" let "SIZE = 2 * $IMAGE_BORDERLESS" mkdir -p tmp mkdir -p output echo "################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Resize the NASA-Originals to ${RESOLUTION_MAX}-(2*${BORDER_WIDTH}) ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for t in $NASA do NASA2FG $t FOUND_BIGGER_WORLD_PICTURE="false" unset TIMESAVER_SIZE if [ ! -s "tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc" ] then { for r in $RESOLUTION do if [ $r -le $RESOLUTION_MAX ] then continue fi let "IMAGE_SIZE = $r - ( 2 * ( $r / 128 ) )" let "I_W = $IMAGE_SIZE * 4" let "I_H = $IMAGE_SIZE * 2" if [ -s tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_SIZE}_${DEST}.mpc ] then if [ $IMAGE_SIZE -ge $IMAGE_BORDERLESS ] then FOUND_BIGGER_WORLD_PICTURE="true" TIMESAVER_SIZE="$IMAGE_SIZE" fi fi done if [ $FOUND_BIGGER_WORLD_PICTURE != "true" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ input/gebco_08_rev_elev_${t}_grey_geo.tif \ -resize ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc set +x else echo "==> Timesaver:) Using existing file: tmp/heights_seamless_${TIMESAVER_SIZE}_${DEST}.mpc -> tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL set -x convert \ -monitor \ -limit memory 32 \ -limit map 32 \ tmp/heights_seamless_${TIMESAVER_SIZE}_${DEST}.mpc \ -resize ${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS} \ tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc set +x fi } else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${DEST}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 3h, 12m, 9s if [ -z $LASTTIME ] ; then LASTTIME=$STARTTIME ; fi echo "input/gebco_08_rev_elev_[A-D][12]_grey_geo.tif -> tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#####################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Put a ${BORDER_WIDTH}px border to each side ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#####################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s "tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc" ] then # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/heights_seamless_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${t}.mpc \ -bordercolor none \ -border ${BORDER_WIDTH} \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc set +x echo fi if [ ! -s "tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc" ] then # set -x cp tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc cp tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.cache tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.cache set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 11m, 24s echo "-> tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4]_emptyBorder.mpc -> tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "######################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## crop borderline pixels and propagate to the edge ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "######################################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [[ $NO_RESOLUTION_GIVEN == "true" ]]; then if [ $RESOLUTION_MAX -eq 16384 ] ; then RESOLUTION_MAX=8192 ; fi fi let "BORDER_WIDTH = $RESOLUTION_MAX / 128" let "IMAGE_BORDERLESS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - ( 2 * $BORDER_WIDTH )" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH - 1" let "IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS = $RESOLUTION_MAX - $BORDER_WIDTH" let "SIZE = 2 * $IMAGE_BORDERLESS" CROP_TOP="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_RIGHT="1x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_BOTTOM="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" CROP_LEFT="1x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_TOPLEFT="1x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_TOPRIGHT="1x1+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" CROP_BOTTOMRIGHT="1x1+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" CROP_BOTTOMLEFT="1x1+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER}" ## HORIZ meaning a horizontal bar, like the one on top HORIZ_RESIZE="${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}x${BORDER_WIDTH}" VERT_RESIZE="${BORDER_WIDTH}x${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}" POS_TOP="+${BORDER_WIDTH}+0" POS_RIGHT="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+${BORDER_WIDTH}" POS_BOTTOM="+${BORDER_WIDTH}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" POS_LEFT="+0+${BORDER_WIDTH}" for t in $TILES do if [ ! -s "tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc" ] then for b in $BORDERS do { if [ $b == "top" ] then CROP=$CROP_TOP RESIZE=$HORIZ_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_TOP CROPCORNER=$CROP_TOPRIGHT CORNER_POS="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+0" CORNER_NAME="topRight" fi if [ $b == "right" ] then CROP=$CROP_RIGHT RESIZE=$VERT_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_RIGHT CROPCORNER=$CROP_BOTTOMRIGHT CORNER_POS="+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" CORNER_NAME="bottomRight" fi if [ $b == "bottom" ] then CROP=$CROP_BOTTOM RESIZE=$HORIZ_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_BOTTOM CROPCORNER=$CROP_BOTTOMLEFT CORNER_POS="+0+${IMAGE_WITH_BORDER_POS}" CORNER_NAME="bottomLeft" fi if [ $b == "left" ] then CROP=$CROP_LEFT RESIZE=$VERT_RESIZE POSITION=$POS_LEFT CROPCORNER=$CROP_TOPLEFT CORNER_POS="+0+0" CORNER_NAME="topLeft" fi echo # set -x convert \ -monitor \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc \ -crop $CROP \ -resize $RESIZE\! \ tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${b}.mpc convert \ -monitor \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_emptyBorder.mpc \ -crop $CROPCORNER \ -resize ${BORDER_WIDTH}x${BORDER_WIDTH}\! \ tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${CORNER_NAME}.mpc convert \ -monitor \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${b}.mpc \ -geometry $POSITION \ -composite \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc echo convert \ -monitor \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc \ tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}_seam_${CORNER_NAME}.mpc \ -geometry $CORNER_POS \ -composite \ tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc set +x echo } done echo # set -x cp -v tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.mpc tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL cp -v tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_${t}.cache tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.cache | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL set +x else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi done # 37m, 6s echo "-> tmp/heights_seams_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_[NS][1-4].mpc -> tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_[NS][1-4].mpc" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime for t in $TILES do echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Final output of tile $t ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## and normalmapping ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL for r in $RESOLUTION do { mkdir -p output/$r set +x echo echo "--> Writing output/${r}/heights_${t}.png @ ${r}x${r}" # set -x if [ ! -s "output/${r}/heights_${t}.png" ] then convert \ -monitor \ tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc \ -resize ${r}x${r} \ output/${r}/heights_${t}.png echo else echo "=> Skipping existing file: tmp/heights_${RESOLUTION_MAX}_done_${t}.mpc" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi echo "--> Writing output/${r}/normalmap_earth_${t}.png @ ${r}x${r}" if [ ! -s "output/${r}/normalmap_earth_${t}.png" ] then $NORMALBIN $NORMALOPTS output/${r}/heights_${t}.png output/${r}/normalmap_earth_${t}.png else echo "=> Skipping existing file: output/${r}/normalmap_earth_${t}.png" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME fi set +x echo } done echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "Heights and Normal $t [ done ]" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL done echo "###############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "#### Heights: [ done ] ####" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "###############################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL # 2h, 19m, 7s # Overall processing time: 44089 s # Overall processing time: 0 d, 2 h, 19 m, 7 s echo "-> output/<\$RESOLUTIONS>/heights_[NS][1-4].png" >> $LOGFILE_TIME getProcessingTime echo if [ $STARTTIME -eq $ENDTIME ] then SECS=0 else let "SECS = $ENDTIME - $STARTTIME" fi echo "Overall processing time: $SECS s" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL prettyTime echo "Overall processing time: $DAYS d, $HOURS h, $MINUTES m, $SECS s" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL } function checkResults { echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "##############################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "## Creating a mosaic of the created tiles ##" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "##############################################" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL RES=16384 for r in $RESOLUTION do if [ $r -le $RES ] then RES=$r fi done let "WIDTH = 4 * $RES" let "HEIGHT = 2 * $RES" echo "Lowest available resolution is: $RES" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [[ $CHECKCLOUDS == "true" ]] then { echo "checking clouds..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "Creating canvas ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL convert \ -size ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT} \ xc:Black \ -alpha on \ check_clouds.png POS=0 for t in 1 2 3 4 do convert \ -monitor \ check_clouds.png \ output/${RES}/clouds_N${t}.png \ -geometry +${POS}+0 \ -composite \ check_clouds.png echo convert \ -monitor \ check_clouds.png \ output/${RES}/clouds_S${t}.png \ -geometry +${POS}+${RES} \ -composite \ check_clouds.png echo let "POS += $RES" done mogrify \ -monitor \ -resize 4096x2048 \ check_clouds.png } fi if [[ $CHECKHEIGHTS == "true" ]] then { echo "checking heights..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "Creating canvas ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL convert \ -size ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT} \ xc:Black \ -alpha on \ check_heights.png POS=0 for t in 1 2 3 4 do convert \ -monitor \ check_heights.png \ output/${RES}/heights_N${t}.png \ -geometry +${POS}+0 \ -composite \ check_heights.png echo convert \ -monitor \ check_heights.png \ output/${RES}/heights_S${t}.png \ -geometry +${POS}+${RES} \ -composite \ check_heights.png echo let "POS += $RES" done mogrify \ -monitor \ -resize 4096x2048 \ check_heights.png } fi if [[ $CHECKWORLD == "true" ]] then { echo "checking world..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "Creating canvas ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT}" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL convert \ -size ${WIDTH}x${HEIGHT} \ xc:Black \ -alpha on \ check_world.png POS=0 for t in 1 2 3 4 do convert \ -monitor \ check_world.png \ output/${RES}/world_N${t}.png \ -alpha Off \ -geometry +${POS}+0 \ -composite \ check_world.png echo convert \ -monitor \ check_world.png \ output/${RES}/world_S${t}.png \ -alpha Off \ -geometry +${POS}+${RES} \ -composite \ check_world.png echo let "POS += $RES" done mogrify \ -monitor \ -resize 4096x2048 \ check_world.png for f in $TILES do convert \ -monitor \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${f}_neg.mpc \ -resize 1024x1024 \ -negate \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_${f}_check.mpc done montage \ -monitor \ -mode concatenate \ -tile 4x \ tmp/night_${IMAGE_BORDERLESS}_??_check.mpc \ check_night.png } fi } ############################### #### Actual program: #### ############################### echo | tee $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "Processing starts..." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee $LOGFILE_TIME echo $TIME | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL printf "Target: " | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME if [ $CLOUDS == "true" ] ; then printf "clouds " | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME ; fi if [ $HEIGHTS == "true" ] ; then printf "heights " | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME ; fi if [ $WORLD == "true" ] ; then printf "world " | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME ; fi echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME echo "Will work in ${RESOLUTION_MAX}x${RESOLUTION_MAX} resolution and will output" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL printf "Resolution: " | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME for r in $RESOLUTION ; do printf "%sx%s " $r $r | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME ; done echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL | tee -a $LOGFILE_TIME echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL if [[ $REBUILD == "true" ]] ; then rebuild ; fi if [[ $DOWNLOAD == "true" ]] ; then downloadImages ; fi if [[ $WORLD == "true" ]] ; then generateWorld ; fi if [[ $CLOUDS == "true" ]] ; then generateClouds ; fi if [[ $HEIGHTS == "true" ]]; then generateHeights; fi if [[ $BUILDCHECKS == "true" ]] ; then checkResults ; fi if [[ $CLEANUP == "true" ]] ; then cleanUp ; fi echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "convert.sh has finished." | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo | tee -a $LOGFILE_GENERAL echo "You will find the textures in \"output\" in your requested" echo "resolution. Copy these to \$FGDATA/Models/Astro/*" if [ $CLEANUP == "false" ] then echo "If you're certain, that the generated textures are to your satisfaction" echo "you can delete folder tmp and thus free up disk space." echo "./convert.sh cleanup" echo "or" echo "rm -r tmp/" fi