#!/usr/bin/python import argparse import datetime import hashlib # md5 import lxml.etree as ET import os import re import shutil import subprocess import time import sgprops import sys CATALOG_VERSION = 4 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--update", help="Update/pull SCM source", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--no-update", help="Disable updating from SCM source", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--clean", help="Force regeneration of all zip files", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("dir", help="Catalog directory") args = parser.parse_args() includes = [] # xml node (robust) get text helper def get_xml_text(e): if e != None and e.text != None: return e.text else: return '' # create an xml node with text content def make_xml_leaf(name, text): leaf = ET.Element(name) if text != None: if isinstance(text, (int, long)): leaf.text = str(text) else: leaf.text = text else: leaf.text = '' return leaf # return all available aircraft information from the set file as a # dict def scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, set_file): global includes base_file = os.path.basename(set_file) base_id = base_file[:-8] set_path = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, set_file) local_includes = includes local_includes.append(aircraft_dir) root_node = sgprops.readProps(set_path, includePaths = local_includes) if not root_node.hasChild("sim"): return None sim_node = root_node.getChild("sim") if sim_node == None: return None variant = {} variant['name'] = sim_node.getValue("description", None) variant['status'] = sim_node.getValue("status", None) variant['author'] = sim_node.getValue("author", None) variant['description'] = sim_node.getValue("long-description", None) variant['id'] = base_id # allow -set.xml files to declare themselves as primary. # we use this avoid needing a variant-of in every other -set.xml variant['primary-set'] = sim_node.getValue('primary-set', False) # extract and record previews for each variant if sim_node.hasChild('previews'): variant['previews'] = extract_previews(sim_node.getChild('previews'), aircraft_dir) if sim_node.hasChild('rating'): rating_node = sim_node.getChild("rating") variant['rating_FDM'] = rating_node.getValue("FDM", 0) variant['rating_systems'] = rating_node.getValue("systems", 0) variant['rating_cockpit'] = rating_node.getValue("cockpit", 0) variant['rating_model'] = rating_node.getValue("model", 0) variant['variant-of'] = sim_node.getValue("variant-of", None) #print ' ', variant return variant def extract_previews(previews_node, aircraft_dir): result = [] for node in previews_node.getChildren("preview"): previewType = node.getValue("type", None) previewPath = node.getValue("path", None) # check path exists in base-name-dir fullPath = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, previewPath) if not os.path.isfile(fullPath): print "Bad preview path, skipping:" + fullPath continue result.append({'type':previewType, 'path':previewPath}) return result # scan all the -set.xml files in an aircraft directory. Returns a # package dict and a list of variants. def scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir): # old way of finding the master aircraft: it's the only one whose # variant-of is empty. All the others have an actual value # newer alternative is to specify one -set.xml as the primary. All the # others are therefore variants. setDicts = [] found_master = False package = None files = os.listdir(aircraft_dir) for file in sorted(files, key=lambda s: s.lower()): if file.endswith('-set.xml'): try: d = scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, file) if d == None: continue except: print "Skipping set file since couldn't be parsed:", os.path.join(aircraft_dir, file), sys.exc_info()[0] continue setDicts.append(d) if d['primary-set']: found_master = True package = d # didn't find a dict identified explicitly as the primary, look for one # with an undefined variant-of if not found_master: for d in setDicts: if d['variant-of'] == '': found_master = True package = d break if not found_master: if len(setDicts) > 1: print "Warning, no explicit primary set.xml in " + aircraft_dir # use the first one package = setDicts[0] # variants is just all the set dicts except the master variants = setDicts variants.remove(package) return (package, variants) # use svn commands to report the last change date within dir def last_change_date_svn(dir): command = [ 'svn', 'info', dir ] result = subprocess.check_output( command ) match = re.search('Last Changed Date: (\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)', result) if match: rev_str = match.group(1) + match.group(2) + match.group(3) return int(rev_str) # find the most recent mtime within a directory subtree def scan_dir_for_change_date_mtime(path): maxsec = 0 names = os.listdir(path) for name in names: fullname = os.path.join(path, name) if name == '.' or name == '..': pass elif os.path.isdir( fullname ): mtime = scan_dir_for_change_date_mtime( fullname ) if mtime > maxsec: maxsec = mtime else: mtime = os.path.getmtime( fullname ) if mtime > maxsec: maxsec = mtime return maxsec def make_aircraft_zip(repo_path, name, zip_file): print "Updating:", name + '.zip' savedir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(repo_path) if os.path.exists(zip_file): os.remove(zip_file) command = ['zip', '-rq', '-9'] if os.path.exists(zip_excludes): command += ['-x@' + zip_excludes] else: print "warning: no zip-excludes.lst file provided", zip_excludes command += [zip_file, name] subprocess.call(command) os.chdir(savedir) def get_md5sum(file): f = open(file, 'r') md5sum = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() f.close() return md5sum def append_preview_nodes(node, variant, download_base, package_name): if not 'previews' in variant: return for preview in variant['previews']: preview_node = ET.Element('preview') preview_url = download_base + 'previews/' + package_name + '_' + preview['path'] preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('type', preview['type']) ) preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', preview_url) ) preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('path', preview['path']) ) node.append(preview_node) def copy_previews_for_variant(variant, package_name, package_dir, previews_dir): if not 'previews' in variant: return for preview in variant['previews']: preview_src = os.path.join(package_dir, preview['path']) preview_dst = os.path.join(previews_dir, package_name + '_' + preview['path']) if os.path.exists(preview_src): shutil.copy2(preview_src, preview_dst) def copy_previews_for_package(package, variants, package_name, package_dir, previews_dir): copy_previews_for_variant(package, package_name, package_dir, previews_dir) for v in variants: copy_previews_for_variant(v, package_name, package_dir, previews_dir) #def get_file_stats(file): # f = open(file, 'r') # md5 = hashlib.md5(f.read()).hexdigest() # file_size = os.path.getsize(file) # return (md5, file_size) if not os.path.isdir(args.dir): print "A valid catalog directory must be provided" exit(0) parser = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) config_file = os.path.join(args.dir, 'catalog.config.xml') config = ET.parse(config_file, parser) config_node = config.getroot() template_file = os.path.join(args.dir, 'template.xml') template = ET.parse(template_file, parser) template_root = template.getroot() template_node = template_root.find('template') md5sum_file = os.path.join(args.dir, 'md5sum.xml') if os.path.exists(md5sum_file): md5sum_tree = ET.parse(md5sum_file, parser) md5sum_root = md5sum_tree.getroot() else: md5sum_root = ET.Element('PropertyList') md5sum_tree = ET.ElementTree(md5sum_root) scm_list = config_node.findall('scm') upload_node = config_node.find('upload') download_base = get_xml_text(config_node.find('download-url')) output_dir = get_xml_text(config_node.find('local-output')) if output_dir == '': output_dir = os.path.join(args.dir, 'output') if not os.path.isdir(output_dir): os.mkdir(output_dir) thumbnail_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'thumbnails') if not os.path.isdir(thumbnail_dir): os.mkdir(thumbnail_dir) previews_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'previews') if not os.path.isdir(previews_dir): os.mkdir(previews_dir) tmp = os.path.join(args.dir, 'zip-excludes.lst') zip_excludes = os.path.realpath(tmp) for i in config_node.findall("include-dir"): path = get_xml_text(i) if not os.path.exists(path): print "Skipping missing include path:", path continue includes.append(path) # freshen repositories if args.no_update: print 'Skipping repository updates.' else: cwd = os.getcwd() for scm in scm_list: repo_type = get_xml_text(scm.find('type')) repo_path = get_xml_text(scm.find('path')) includes.append(repo_path) if repo_type == 'svn': print 'SVN update:', repo_path subprocess.call(['svn', 'update', repo_path]) elif repo_type == 'git': print 'GIT pull:', repo_path os.chdir(repo_path) subprocess.call(['git','pull']) elif repo_type == 'no-scm': print "No update of unmannaged files:", repo_path else: print "Unknown scm type:", scm, repo_path os.chdir(cwd) # names of zip files we want (so we can identify/remove orphans) valid_zips = [] # create the catalog tree catalog_node = ET.Element('PropertyList') catalog_root = ET.ElementTree(catalog_node) # include the template configuration for child in template_node: catalog_node.append(child) # scan repositories for catalog information for scm in scm_list: repo_type = get_xml_text(scm.find('type')) repo_path = get_xml_text(scm.find('path')) skip_nodes = scm.findall('skip') skip_list = [] for s in skip_nodes: skip_list.append(get_xml_text(s)) print 'skip list:', skip_list names = os.listdir(repo_path) for name in sorted(names, key=lambda s: s.lower()): if name in skip_list: print "skipping:", name continue aircraft_dir = os.path.join(repo_path, name) if os.path.isdir(aircraft_dir): print "%s:" % name, (package, variants) = scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir) if package == None: print "skipping:", name, "(no -set.xml files)" continue #print "package:", package #print "variants:", variants package_node = ET.Element('package') package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', package['name']) ) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('status', package['status']) ) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', package['author']) ) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', package['description']) ) if 'rating_FDM' in package or 'rating_systems' in package \ or 'rating_cockpit' in package or 'rating_model' in package: rating_node = ET.Element('rating') package_node.append(rating_node) rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('FDM', package['rating_FDM']) ) rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('systems', package['rating_systems']) ) rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('cockpit', package['rating_cockpit']) ) rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('model', package['rating_model']) ) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', package['id']) ) for variant in variants: variant_node = ET.Element('variant') package_node.append(variant_node) variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', variant['id']) ) variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', variant['name']) ) if 'description' in variant: variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', variant['description']) ) if 'author' in variant: variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', variant['author']) ) append_preview_nodes(variant_node, variant, download_base, name) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('dir', name) ) if not download_base.endswith('/'): download_base += '/' download_url = download_base + name + '.zip' thumbnail_url = download_base + 'thumbnails/' + name + '_thumbnail.jpg' package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', download_url) ) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbnail_url) ) append_preview_nodes(package_node, package, download_base, name) # todo: url (download), thumbnail (download url) # get cached md5sum if it exists md5sum = get_xml_text(md5sum_root.find(str('aircraft_' + name))) # now do the packaging and rev number stuff dir_mtime = scan_dir_for_change_date_mtime(aircraft_dir) if repo_type == 'svn': rev = last_change_date_svn(aircraft_dir) else: d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dir_mtime) rev = d.strftime("%Y%m%d") package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('revision', rev) ) #print "rev:", rev #print "dir mtime:", dir_mtime zipfile = os.path.join( output_dir, name + '.zip' ) valid_zips.append(name + '.zip') if not os.path.exists(zipfile) \ or dir_mtime > os.path.getmtime(zipfile) \ or args.clean: # rebuild zip file print "updating:", zipfile make_aircraft_zip(repo_path, name, zipfile) md5sum = get_md5sum(zipfile) else: print "(no change)" if md5sum == "": md5sum = get_md5sum(zipfile) filesize = os.path.getsize(zipfile) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('md5', md5sum) ) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('file-size-bytes', filesize) ) # handle md5sum cache node = md5sum_root.find('aircraft_' + name) if node != None: node.text = md5sum else: md5sum_root.append( make_xml_leaf('aircraft_' + name, md5sum) ) # handle thumbnails thumbnail_src = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, 'thumbnail.jpg') thumbnail_dst = os.path.join(thumbnail_dir, name + '_thumbnail.jpg') if os.path.exists(thumbnail_src): shutil.copy2(thumbnail_src, thumbnail_dst) catalog_node.append(package_node) package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', 'thumbnail.jpg') ) # copy previews for the package and variants into the # output directory copy_previews_for_package(package, variants, name, aircraft_dir, previews_dir) # write out the master catalog file cat_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'catalog.xml') catalog_root.write(cat_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) # write out the md5sum cache file print md5sum_file md5sum_tree.write(md5sum_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True) # look for orphaned zip files files = os.listdir(output_dir) for file in files: if file.endswith('.zip')and not file in valid_zips: print "orphaned zip:", file