#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'ERB' require 'fileutils' #I know, no underscore is not ruby-like include FileUtils $osgLibs = ['osgFX', 'osgParticle', 'osg', 'osgGA', 'osgText', 'osgUtil', 'osgSim', 'osgViewer', 'osgDB'] $osgPlugins = ['ac', 'osg', 'freetype', 'imageio', 'rgb', 'txf', 'mdl', '3ds'] def runOsgVersion(option) env = "export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{Dir.pwd}/dist/lib" bin = Dir.pwd + "/dist/bin/osgversion" return `#{env}; #{bin} --#{option}`.chomp end osgVersion = runOsgVersion('version-number') $osgSoVersion=runOsgVersion('so-number') $openThreadsSoVersion=runOsgVersion('openthreads-soversion-number') $codeSignIdentity = ENV['FG_CODESIGN_IDENTITY'] puts "Code signing identity is #{$codeSignIdentity}" puts "osgVersion=#{osgVersion}, so-number=#{$osgSoVersion}" $svnLibs = ['svn_client', 'svn_wc', 'svn_delta', 'svn_diff', 'svn_ra', 'svn_ra_local', 'svn_repos', 'svn_fs', 'svn_fs_fs', 'svn_fs_util', 'svn_ra_svn', 'svn_subr', 'svn_ra_neon'] def fix_install_names(object) #puts "fixing install names for #{object}" $osgLibs.each do |l| oldName = "lib#{l}.#{$osgSoVersion}.dylib" newName = "@executable_path/../Frameworks/#{oldName}" `install_name_tool -change #{oldName} #{newName} #{object}` end oldName = "libOpenThreads.#{$openThreadsSoVersion}.dylib" newName= "@executable_path/../Frameworks/#{oldName}" `install_name_tool -change #{oldName} #{newName} #{object}` end $prefixDir=Dir.pwd + "/dist" dmgDir=Dir.pwd + "/image" srcDir=Dir.pwd + "/flightgear" def fix_svn_install_names(object) $svnLibs.each do |l| fileName = "lib#{l}-1.0.dylib" newName = "@executable_path/../Frameworks/#{fileName}" `install_name_tool -change #{fileName} #{newName} #{object}` end end def copy_svn_libs() puts "Copying Subversion client libraries" $svnLibs.each do |l| libFile = "lib#{l}-1.0.dylib" path = "#{$frameworksDir}/#{libFile}" `cp #{$prefixDir}/lib/#{libFile} #{$frameworksDir}` fix_svn_install_names(path) # `install_name_tool -id #{libFile} #{path}` end end def code_sign(path) puts "Signing #{path}" `codesign -s "#{$codeSignIdentity}" #{path}` end puts "Erasing previous image dir" `rm -rf #{dmgDir}` bundle=dmgDir + "/FlightGear.app" contents=bundle + "/Contents" macosDir=contents + "/MacOS" $frameworksDir=contents +"/Frameworks" resourcesDir=contents+"/Resources" osgPluginsDir=contents+"/PlugIns/osgPlugins-#{osgVersion}" # for writing copyright year to Info.plist t = Time.new fgCurrentYear = t.year fgVersion = File.read("#{srcDir}/version").strip volName="\"FlightGear #{fgVersion}\"" dmgPath = Dir.pwd + "/output/FlightGear-#{fgVersion}.dmg" puts "Creating directory structure" `mkdir -p #{macosDir}` `mkdir -p #{$frameworksDir}` `mkdir -p #{resourcesDir}` `mkdir -p #{osgPluginsDir}` puts "Copying binaries" `cp #{$prefixDir}/fgfs.app/Contents/MacOS/fgfs #{macosDir}/fgfs` bins = ['fgjs', 'fgcom', 'fgviewer'] bins.each do |b| if !File.exist?("#{$prefixDir}/bin/#{b}") next end outPath = "#{macosDir}/#{b}" `cp #{$prefixDir}/bin/#{b} #{outPath}` fix_install_names(outPath) fix_svn_install_names(outPath) end puts "copying libraries" $osgLibs.each do |l| libFile = "lib#{l}.#{$osgSoVersion}.dylib" `cp #{$prefixDir}/lib/#{libFile} #{$frameworksDir}` fix_install_names("#{$frameworksDir}/#{libFile}") end # and not forgetting OpenThreads libFile = "libOpenThreads.#{$openThreadsSoVersion}.dylib" `cp #{$prefixDir}/lib/#{libFile} #{$frameworksDir}` $osgPlugins.each do |p| pluginFile = "osgdb_#{p}.so" `cp #{$prefixDir}/lib/osgPlugins-#{osgVersion}/#{pluginFile} #{osgPluginsDir}` fix_install_names("#{osgPluginsDir}/#{pluginFile}") end copy_svn_libs() # Macflightgear launcher puts "Copying Macflightgear launcher files" Dir.chdir "maclauncher/FlightGearOSX" do `cp FlightGear #{macosDir}` `rsync -a *.rb *.lproj *.sh *.tiff *.html #{resourcesDir}` end if File.exist?("#{$prefixDir}/bin/fgcom-data") puts "Copying FGCom data files" `ditto #{$prefixDir}/bin/fgcom-data #{resourcesDir}/fgcom-data` end # Info.plist template = File.read("Info.plist.in") output = ERB.new(template).result(binding) File.open("#{contents}/Info.plist", 'w') { |f| f.write(output) } `cp #{srcDir}/package/mac/FlightGear.icns #{resourcesDir}/FlightGear.icns` `cp #{srcDir}/COPYING #{dmgDir}` # move documentation to a public place `mv fgdata/Docs/FGShortRef.pdf "#{dmgDir}/Quick Reference.pdf"` `mv fgdata/Docs/getstart.pdf "#{dmgDir}/Getting Started.pdf"` puts "Copying base package files into the image" `rsync -a fgdata/ #{resourcesDir}/data` # code sign all executables in MacOS dir. Do this last since reource # changes will invalidate the signature! Dir.foreach(macosDir) do |b| if b == '.' or b == '..' then next end code_sign("#{macosDir}/#{b}") end puts "Creating DMG" createArgs = "-format UDBZ -imagekey bzip2-level=9 -quiet -volname #{volName}" `rm #{dmgPath}` `hdiutil create -srcfolder #{dmgDir} #{createArgs} #{dmgPath}`