# SAX for parsing from xml.sax import make_parser, handler, expatreader # ElementTree for writing import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET import re, os class Node(object): def __init__(self, name = '', index = 0, parent = None): self._parent = parent self._name = name self._value = None self._index = index self._children = [] @property def value(self): return self._value @value.setter def value(self, v): self._value = v @property def name(self): return self._name @property def index(self): return self._index @property def parent(self): return self._parent def getChild(self, n, i=None, create = False): if i is None: i = 0 # parse name as foo[999] if necessary m = re.match(R"(\w+)\[(\d+)\]", n) if m is not None: n = m.group(1) i = int(m.group(2)) for c in self._children: if (c.name == n) and (c.index == i): return c if create: c = Node(n, i, self) self._children.append(c) return c else: raise IndexError("no such child:" + str(n) + " index=" + str(i)) def addChild(self, n): # adding an existing instance if isinstance(n, Node): n._parent = self n._index = self.firstUnusedIndex(n.name) self._children.append(n) return n i = self.firstUnusedIndex(n) # create it via getChild return self.getChild(n, i, create=True) def firstUnusedIndex(self, n): usedIndices = frozenset(c.index for c in self.getChildren(n)) i = 0 while i < 1000: if i not in usedIndices: return i i += 1 raise RuntimeException("too many children with name:" + n) def hasChild(self, nm): for c in self._children: if (c.name == nm): return True return False def getChildren(self, n = None): if n is None: return self._children return [c for c in self._children if c.name == n] def getNode(self, path, cr = False): axes = path.split('/') nd = self for ax in axes: nd = nd.getChild(ax, create = cr) return nd def getValue(self, path, default = None): try: nd = self.getNode(path) return nd.value except: return default def write(self, path): root = self._createXMLElement('PropertyList') t = ET.ElementTree(root) t.write(path, 'utf-8', xml_declaration = True) def _createXMLElement(self, nm = None): if nm is None: nm = self.name n = ET.Element(nm) # value and type specification try: if self._value is not None: if isinstance(self._value, basestring): # don't call str() on strings, breaks the # encoding n.text = self._value else: # use str() to turn non-string types into text n.text = str(self._value) if isinstance(self._value, int): n.set('type', 'int') elif isinstance(self._value, float): n.set('type', 'double') elif isinstance(self._value, bool): n.set('type', "bool") except UnicodeEncodeError: print "Encoding error with", self._value, type(self._value) # index in parent if (self.index != 0): n.set('n', str(self.index)) # children for c in self._children: n.append(c._createXMLElement()) return n; class ParseState: def __init__(self): self._counters = {} def getNextIndex(self, name): if name in self._counters: self._counters[name] += 1 else: self._counters[name] = 0 return self._counters[name] def recordExplicitIndex(self, name, index): if not name in self._counters: self._counters[name] = index else: self._counters[name] = max(self._counters[name], index) class PropsHandler(handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self, root = None, path = None, includePaths = []): self._root = root self._path = path self._basePath = os.path.dirname(path) self._includes = includePaths self._locator = None self._stateStack = [ParseState()] if root is None: # make a nameless root node self._root = Node("", 0) self._current = self._root def setDocumentLocator(self, loc): self._locator = loc def startElement(self, name, attrs): self._content = None if (name == 'PropertyList'): # still need to handle includes on the root element if 'include' in attrs.keys(): self.handleInclude(attrs['include']) return currentState = self._stateStack[-1] if 'n' in attrs.keys(): try: index = int(attrs['n']) except: raise IndexError("Invalid index at line:", self._locator.getLineNumber(), "of", self._path) currentState.recordExplicitIndex(name, index) self._current = self._current.getChild(name, index, create=True) else: index = currentState.getNextIndex(name) # important we use getChild here, so that includes are resolved # correctly self._current = self._current.getChild(name, index, create=True) self._stateStack.append(ParseState()) if 'include' in attrs.keys(): self.handleInclude(attrs['include']) self._currentTy = None; if 'type' in attrs.keys(): self._currentTy = attrs['type'] def handleInclude(self, includePath): if includePath.startswith('/'): includePath = includePath[1:] p = os.path.join(self._basePath, includePath) if not os.path.exists(p): found = False for i in self._includes: p = os.path.join(i, includePath) if os.path.exists(p): found = True break if not found: raise RuntimeError("include file not found", includePath, "at line", self._locator.getLineNumber()) readProps(p, self._current, self._includes) def endElement(self, name): if (name == 'PropertyList'): return try: # convert and store value self._current.value = self._content if self._currentTy == "int": self._current.value = int(self._content) if self._content is not None else 0 if self._currentTy == "bool": self._current.value = self.parsePropsBool(self._content) if self._currentTy == "double": if self._content is None: self._current.value = 0.0 else: if self._content.endswith('f'): self._content = self._content[:-1] self._current.value = float(self._content) except: print "Parse error for value:", self._content, "at line:", self._locator.getLineNumber(), "of:", self._path self._current = self._current.parent self._content = None self._currentTy = None self._stateStack.pop() def parsePropsBool(self, content): if content == "True" or content == "true": return True if content == "False" or content == "false": return False try: icontent = int(content) if icontent is not None: if icontent == 0: return False else: return True; except: return False def characters(self, content): if self._content is None: self._content = '' self._content += content def endDocument(self): pass @property def root(self): return self._root def readProps(path, root = None, includePaths = []): parser = make_parser() locator = expatreader.ExpatLocator( parser ) h = PropsHandler(root, path, includePaths) h.setDocumentLocator(locator) parser.setContentHandler(h) parser.parse(path) return h.root def copy(src, dest): dest.value = src.value # recurse over children for c in src.getChildren() : dc = dest.getChild(c.name, i = c.index, create = True) copy(c, dc)