#!/bin/sh if [ "$WORKSPACE" == "" ]; then echo "ERROR: Missing WORKSPACE environment variable." exit 1 fi ############################################################################### # remove old and create fresh build directories rm -rf sgBuild rm -rf fgBuild mkdir -p sgBuild mkdir -p fgBuild mkdir -p output rm -rf output/* rm -rf $WORKSPACE/dist/include/simgear $WORKSPACE/dist/libSim* $WORKSPACE/dist/libsg*.a ############################################################################### echo "Starting on SimGear" pushd sgBuild cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$WORKSPACE/dist -G Xcode ../simgear # compile xcodebuild -configuration Release -target install build if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then echo "make simgear failed" exit 1 fi popd ################################################################################ echo "Starting on FlightGear" pushd fgBuild cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=$WORKSPACE/dist -G Xcode ../flightgear xcodebuild -configuration Release -target install build if [ $? -ne '0' ]; then echo "make flightgear failed" exit 1 fi popd chmod +x $WORKSPACE/dist/bin/osgversion ################################################################################ echo "Building Macflightgear launcher" SDK_PATH="/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.7.sdk" OSX_TARGET="10.7" pushd maclauncher/FlightGearOSX # compile the stub executable gcc -o FlightGear -mmacosx-version-min=$OSX_TARGET -isysroot $SDK_PATH -arch i386 main.m \ -framework Cocoa -framework RubyCocoa -framework Foundation -framework AppKit popd echo "Running package script" ./hudson_mac_package_release.rb