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Mac release builds tweaks

This commit is contained in:
James Turner 2015-08-31 23:29:35 +01:00
parent 3c0683185f
commit e0504be7cf

View file

@ -7,6 +7,19 @@ include FileUtils
$osgLibs = ['osgFX', 'osgParticle', 'osg', 'osgGA', 'osgText', 'osgUtil', 'osgSim', 'osgViewer', 'osgDB']
$osgPlugins = ['ac', 'osg', 'freetype', 'imageio', 'rgb', 'txf', 'mdl', '3ds']
# from http://drawingablank.me/blog/ruby-boolean-typecasting.html
class String
def to_bool
return true if self == true || self =~ (/^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i)
return false if self == false || self.blank? || self =~ (/^(false|f|no|n|0)$/i)
raise ArgumentError.new("invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\"")
class NilClass
def to_bool; false; end
def runOsgVersion(option)
env = "export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=#{Dir.pwd}/dist/lib"
bin = Dir.pwd + "/dist/bin/osgversion"
@ -21,6 +34,9 @@ $codeSignIdentity = ENV['FG_CODESIGN_IDENTITY']
puts "Code signing identity is #{$codeSignIdentity}"
puts "osgVersion=#{osgVersion}, so-number=#{$osgSoVersion}"
$isRelease = ENV['FG_IS_RELEASE'].to_bool
puts "Is-release? : ##{$isRelease}"
$prefixDir=Dir.pwd + "/dist"
dmgDir=Dir.pwd + "/image"
srcDir=Dir.pwd + "/flightgear"
@ -53,8 +69,13 @@ fgCurrentYear = t.year
fgVersion = File.read("#{srcDir}/version").strip
volName="\"FlightGear #{fgVersion}\""
dmgPath = Dir.pwd + "/output/FlightGear-#{fgVersion}-nightly.dmg"
dmgFullPath = Dir.pwd + "/output/FlightGear-#{fgVersion}-nightly-full.dmg"
if $isRelease
dmgPath = "" # no 'lite' build for release candidates
dmgFullPath = Dir.pwd + "/output/FlightGear-#{fgVersion}.dmg"
dmgPath = Dir.pwd + "/output/FlightGear-#{fgVersion}-nightly.dmg"
dmgFullPath = Dir.pwd + "/output/FlightGear-#{fgVersion}-nightly-full.dmg"
puts "Creating directory structure"
`mkdir -p #{macosDir}`
@ -106,24 +127,25 @@ File.open("#{contents}/Info.plist", 'w') { |f|
`cp #{srcDir}/COPYING #{dmgDir}`
# move documentation to a public place
`mv fgdata/Docs/FGShortRef.pdf "#{dmgDir}/Quick Reference.pdf"`
`mv fgdata/Docs/getstart.pdf "#{dmgDir}/Getting Started.pdf"`
# create the 'lite' DMG without the base files
# code sign the entire bundle once complete - v2 code-signing
puts "Signing #{bundle}"
`codesign --deep -s "#{$codeSignIdentity}" #{bundle}`
puts "Creating DMG"
`cp fgdata/Docs/FGShortRef.pdf "#{dmgDir}/Quick Reference.pdf"`
`cp fgdata/Docs/getstart.pdf "#{dmgDir}/Getting Started.pdf"`
createArgs = "-format UDBZ -imagekey bzip2-level=9 -quiet -volname #{volName}"
`rm #{dmgPath}`
`hdiutil create -srcfolder #{dmgDir} #{createArgs} #{dmgPath}`
if !$isRelease
# create the 'lite' DMG without the base files
puts "Creatign full image with data"
# code sign the entire bundle once complete - v2 code-signing
puts "Signing #{bundle}"
`codesign --deep -s "#{$codeSignIdentity}" #{bundle}`
puts "Creating DMG"
`rm #{dmgPath}`
`hdiutil create -srcfolder #{dmgDir} #{createArgs} #{dmgPath}`
puts "Creating full image with data"
puts "Copying base package files into the image"
`rsync -a fgdata/ #{resourcesDir}/data`