Fork 0

WS30: Improved road generation

This commit is contained in:
Stuart Buchanan 2021-12-05 20:38:19 +00:00
parent f46f25dbaf
commit d7abbaa10f
4 changed files with 287 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
A set of trivial python scripts to generate World Scener 3.0 (ws30) scenery
A set of trivial python scripts to generate World Scenery 3.0 (ws30) scenery
features from openstreetmap data, using the overpass API to retrieve data at

ws30/calc_tile.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
shamelessly translated from calc-tile.pl
import logging
from math import floor
import os
from typing import List, Tuple
import unittest
import numpy as np
def bucket_span(lat: float) -> float:
"""Latitude Range -> Tile Width (deg)"""
abs_lat = abs(lat)
if abs_lat >= 89:
return 360
elif abs_lat >= 88:
return 8
elif abs_lat >= 86:
return 4
elif abs_lat >= 83:
return 2
elif abs_lat >= 76:
return 1
elif abs_lat >= 62:
return .5
elif abs_lat >= 22:
return .25
elif abs_lat >= 0:
return .125
return 360
def format_lon(lon):
"""Format longitude as e/w."""
if lon < 0.:
return "w%03d" % int(0. - lon)
return "e%03d" % int(lon)
def format_lat(lat):
"""Format latitude as n/s."""
if lat < 0.:
return "s%02d" % int(0. - lat)
return "n%02d" % int(lat)
def directory_name(lon_lat: Tuple[float, float], separator: str = None) -> str:
"""Generate the directory name for a location."""
(lon, lat) = lon_lat
lon_floor = floor(lon)
lat_floor = floor(lat)
lon_chunk = floor(lon/10.0) * 10
lat_chunk = floor(lat/10.0) * 10
if separator:
return '{}{}{}{}{}'.format(format_lon(lon_chunk), format_lat(lat_chunk), separator,
format_lon(lon_floor), format_lat(lat_floor))
return os.path.join(format_lon(lon_chunk) + format_lat(lat_chunk), format_lon(lon_floor) + format_lat(lat_floor))
def calc_tile_index(lon_lat: Tuple[float, float], x: int = 0, y: int = 0) -> int:
"""See http://wiki.flightgear.org/Tile_Index_Scheme"""
(lon, lat) = lon_lat
if x == 0 and y == 0:
y = calc_y(lat)
x = calc_x(lon, lat)
index = (int(floor(lon)) + 180) << 14
index += (int(floor(lat)) + 90) << 6
index += y << 3
index += x
return index
def calc_tile_location(tile_index: int) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]:
"""The lon/lat as well as x/y tuples for the location of a tile by its index"""
lon = tile_index >> 14
index = tile_index - (lon << 14)
lon = lon - 180
lat = index >> 6
index = index - (lat << 6)
lat = lat - 90
y = index >> 3
index = index - (y << 3)
x = index
return (lon, lat), (x, y)
def log_tile_info(tile_index: int) -> None:
"""logs information about the tile to logging.debug."""
(lon, lat), (x, y) = calc_tile_location(tile_index)
center_lat = lat + y / 8.0 + 0.0625
center_lon = bucket_span(center_lat)
if center_lon >= 1.0:
center_lon = lon + center_lon / 2.0
center_lon = lon + x * center_lon + center_lon / 2.0
tile_info = 'Tile location: {}; lon: {}, lat: {}; x: {}, y: {}; tile span degrees: {}; center lon/lat: {}/{}.'
logging.debug(tile_info.format(tile_index, lon, lat, x, y, bucket_span(lat), center_lon, center_lat))
def construct_path_to_files(base_directory: str, scenery_type: str, center_global: Tuple[float, float]) -> str:
"""Returns the path to the stg-files in a FG scenery directory hierarchy at a given global lat/lon location.
The scenery type is e.g. 'Terrain', 'Object', 'Buildings'."""
return os.path.join(base_directory, scenery_type, directory_name(center_global))
def construct_stg_file_name(center_global: Tuple[float, float]) -> str:
"""Returns the file name of the stg-file at a given global lat/lon location"""
return construct_stg_file_name_from_tile_index(calc_tile_index(center_global))
def construct_stg_file_name_from_tile_index(tile_idx: int) -> str:
return str(tile_idx) + '.stg'
def construct_btg_file_name_from_tile_index(tile_idx: int) -> str:
return str(tile_idx) + '.btg.gz'
def construct_btg_file_name_from_airport_code(airport_code: str) -> str:
return airport_code + '.btg.gz'
def get_north_lat(lat, y):
return float(floor(lat)) + y / 8.0 + .125
def get_south_lat(lat, y):
return float(floor(lat)) + y / 8.0
def get_west_lon(lon, lat, x):
if x == 0:
return float(floor(lon))
return float(floor(lon)) + x * (bucket_span(lat))
def get_east_lon(lon, lat, x):
if x == 0:
return float(floor(lon)) + (bucket_span(lat))
return float(floor(lon)) + x * (bucket_span(lat)) + (bucket_span(lat))
def calc_x(lon: float, lat: float) -> int:
FIXME: is this correct? Also: some returns do not take calculations into account.
epsilon = 0.0000001
span = bucket_span(lat)
if span < epsilon:
lon = 0
return 0
elif span <= 1.0:
return int((lon - floor(lon)) / span)
if lon >= 0:
lon = int(int(lon/span) * span)
lon = int(int((lon+1)/span) * span - span)
if lon < -180:
lon = -180
return 0
def calc_y(lat: float) -> int:
return int((lat - floor(lat)) * 8)
def get_stg_files_in_boundary(boundary_west: float, boundary_south: float, boundary_east: float, boundary_north: float,
path_to_scenery: str, scenery_type: str) -> List[str]:
"""Based on boundary rectangle returns a list of stg-files (incl. full path) to be found within the boundary of
the scenery"""
stg_files = []
for my_lat in np.arange(boundary_south, boundary_north, 0.125): # latitude; 0.125 as there are always 8 tiles
for my_lon in np.arange(boundary_west, boundary_east, bucket_span(my_lat)): # longitude
coords = (my_lon, my_lat)
stg_files.append(os.path.join(construct_path_to_files(path_to_scenery, scenery_type, coords),
return stg_files
# ================ UNITTESTS =======================
class TestCalcTiles(unittest.TestCase):
def test_calc_tiles(self):
self.assertEqual(5760, calc_tile_index((-179.9, 0.1)))
self.assertEqual(5752, calc_tile_index((-179.9, -0.1)))
self.assertEqual(5887623, calc_tile_index((179.9, 0.1)))
self.assertEqual(5887615, calc_tile_index((179.9, -0.1)))
self.assertEqual(2954880, calc_tile_index((0.0, 0.0)))
self.assertEqual(2938495, calc_tile_index((-0.1, -0.1)))
def test_file_name(self):
self.assertEqual("3088961.stg", construct_stg_file_name((8.29, 47.08)))

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Simple generate of line feature - roads, railways, rivers
# You will need Python Overpass API - "pip install overpy"
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
@ -32,11 +32,13 @@ import calc_tile
import overpy
nodes = {}
curr_road_count = 0
curr_river_count = 0
road_count = 0
river_count = 0
if (len(sys.argv) != 6):
print("Simple generation of ROAD_LIST files")
print("Simple generation of LINEAR_FEATURE_LIST files")
print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " <scenery_dir> <lon1> <lat1> <lon2> <lat2>")
print(" <scenery_dir> \tScenery directory to write to")
@ -63,14 +65,14 @@ def add_to_stg(lat, lon, type):
with open(stg, 'a') as f:
f.write("LINE_FEATURE_LIST " + feature_file(lat, lon, type) + " " + type + "\n")
def write_feature(lon, lat, road, type, width):
def write_feature(lon, lat, road, type, width, lit):
index = calc_tile.calc_tile_index((lon,lat))
dirname = os.path.join(scenery_prefix, calc_tile.directory_name((lon, lat)))
os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True)
txt = os.path.join(scenery_prefix, calc_tile.directory_name((lon, lat)), feature_file(lat, lon, type))
#print("Writing " + txt)
with open(txt, 'a') as f:
f.write(str(width) + " 0 1 1 1 1") # Width plus currently unused generic attributes.
f.write(str(width) + " " + str(lit) + " 1 1 1 1") # Width plus currently unused generic attributes.
for pt in road :
f.write(" " + str(pt.lon) + " " + str(pt.lat))
@ -90,34 +92,46 @@ def write_feature(lon, lat, road, type, width):
def parse_way(way) :
global road_count, river_count, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2
global curr_road_count, curr_river_count, lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2
pts = []
width = 6.0
road = 0
lit = 0
road = 0
river = 0
rail = 0
highway = way.tags.get("highway")
waterway = way.tags.get("waterway")
railway = way.tags.get("railway")
feature_type = "None"
if (highway=="motorway_junction") or (highway=="motorway") or (highway=="motorway_link"):
width = 15.0
feature_type = "Road"
road_count = road_count + 1
feature_type = "ws30Freeway"
curr_road_count = curr_road_count + 1
if (highway=="secondary") or (highway=="primary") or (highway=="trunk") or (highway=="trunk_link") or (highway=="primary_link") or (highway=="secondary_link") :
if (highway=="primary") or (highway=="trunk") or (highway=="trunk_link") or (highway=="primary_link") :
width = 12.0
feature_type = "Road"
road_count = road_count + 1
feature_type = "ws30Freeway"
curr_road_count = curr_road_count + 1
if (highway=="secondary") or (highway=="secondary_link") :
width = 12.0
feature_type = "ws30Road"
curr_road_count = curr_road_count + 1
if (highway=="unclassified") or (highway=="tertiary") or (highway=="tertiary_link") or (highway=="service") or (highway=="residential"):
width = 6.0
feature_type = "Road"
road_count = road_count + 1
feature_type = "ws30Road"
curr_road_count = curr_road_count + 1
if (waterway=="river") or (waterway=="canal") :
width = 10.0
feature_type = "Watercourse"
river_count = river_count + 1
feature_type = "ws30River"
curr_river_count = curr_river_count + 1
if (railway=="rail") or (railway=="preserved") or (railway=="disused") :
width = 4.2 # Standard guage ~ 1.4m, with twice the space either side
feature_type = "ws30Railway"
# Use the width if defined and parseable
if (way.tags.get("width") != None) :
@ -130,6 +144,16 @@ def parse_way(way) :
except ValueError :
print("Unable to parse width " + width_str)
# Use the lit tag if defined and parseable
if (way.tags.get("lit") != None) :
lit_str = way.tags.get("lit")
if ((lit_str == "no") or (lit == "disused")) :
# Specific tags for unlit ways
lit = 0
else :
# Everything else indicates some form of lighting
lit = 1
if (feature_type != "None") :
# It's a road or river. Add it to appropriate tile entries.
tileids = set()
@ -140,35 +164,52 @@ def parse_way(way) :
idx = calc_tile.calc_tile_index([lon, lat])
if ((float(lon1) <= lon <= float(lon2)) and (float(lat1) <= lat <= float(lat2)) and (idx not in tileids)) :
# Write the feature to a bucket provided it's within the lat/lon bounds and if we've not already written it there
write_feature(lon, lat, way.nodes, feature_type, width)
write_feature(lon, lat, way.nodes, feature_type, width, lit)
def writeOSM(result):
for child in result.ways:
# Get River data
for lat in range(int(lat1), int(lat2)):
for lon in range(int(lon1), int(lon2)):
curr_road_count = 0
curr_river_count = 0
osm_bbox = ",".join([str(lat), str(lon), str(lat+1), str(lon+1)])
#api = overpy.Overpass(url="https://lz4.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter")
api = overpy.Overpass(url="https://overpass.kumi.systems/api/interpreter")
osm_bbox = ",".join([lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2])
api = overpy.Overpass(url="https://lz4.overpass-api.de/api/interpreter")
# Get River data
river_query = "(way[\"waterway\"=\"river\"](" + osm_bbox + "); way[\"waterway\"=\"canal\"](" + osm_bbox + "););(._;>;);out;"
result = api.query(river_query)
river_query = "(way[\"waterway\"=\"river\"](" + osm_bbox + "); way[\"waterway\"=\"canal\"](" + osm_bbox + "););(._;>;);out;"
result = api.query(river_query)
railway_query = "("
railway_types = ["rail", "preserved", "disused"]
for r in railway_types :
railway_query = railway_query + "way[\"railway\"=\"" + r + "\"](" + osm_bbox + ");"
road_query = "("
#road_types = ["unclassified", "tertiary", "service", "secondary", "primary", "motorway_junction", "motorway"]
#road_types = ["tertiary", "secondary", "primary", "motorway_junction", "motorway"]
road_types = ["motorway", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", "motorway_link", "trunk_link", "primary_link", "secondary_link", "tertiary_link"]
for r in road_types :
road_query = road_query + "way[\"highway\"=\"" + r + "\"](" + osm_bbox + ");"
railway_query = railway_query + ");(._;>;);out;"
result = api.query(railway_query)
road_query = road_query + ");(._;>;);out;"
result = api.query(road_query)
road_query = "("
#road_types = ["unclassified", "tertiary", "service", "secondary", "primary", "motorway_junction", "motorway"]
#road_types = ["tertiary", "secondary", "primary", "motorway_junction", "motorway"]
road_types = ["motorway", "trunk", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "unclassified", "residential", "motorway_link", "trunk_link", "primary_link", "secondary_link", "tertiary_link"]
for r in road_types :
road_query = road_query + "way[\"highway\"=\"" + r + "\"](" + osm_bbox + ");"
print("Wrote total of " + str(road_count) + " roads")
print("Wrote total of " + str(river_count) + " rivers")
road_query = road_query + ");(._;>;);out;"
result = api.query(road_query)
print(str(lat) + "," + str(lon) + ": " + str(curr_road_count) + " roads " + str(curr_river_count) + " rivers")
road_count += curr_road_count
river_count += curr_river_count
print(str(lat1) + "," + str(lon1) + " " + str(lat2) + "," + str(lon2))
print("Wrote total of " + str(road_count) + " roads " + str(river_count) + " rivers")

View file

@ -106,6 +106,12 @@ def parse_way(way) :
write_feature(lon, lat, way.nodes, feature_type)
def get_first_node(way) :
return way.nodes[0]
def get_last_node(way) :
return way.nodes[-1]
def parse_multi(relation):
for way in relation.members:
if (way.tags.get("role") == "outer") :