Fork 0

Improving catalog generation

Support multiple primary aircraft in a package, which has several
aircraft developers have requested. This adjusts the handling of
the variant-of and primary-set tags.

Additionally, this adds partial unit-test coverage for -set.xml
scanning and catalog XML generation. 

Run ./test_catalog to run unit-tests of the catalog generation.
This commit is contained in:
James Turner 2017-04-12 10:38:24 +01:00
parent e86954cc7f
commit 7eb3a8886f
13 changed files with 510 additions and 254 deletions

catalog/catalog.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
import argparse
import datetime
import lxml.etree as ET
import os
import re
import sgprops
import sys
import catalogTags
# xml node (robust) get text helper
def get_xml_text(e):
if e != None and e.text != None:
return e.text
return ''
# return all available aircraft information from the set file as a
# dict
def scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, set_file, includes):
base_file = os.path.basename(set_file)
base_id = base_file[:-8]
set_path = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, set_file)
root_node = sgprops.readProps(set_path, includePaths = includes)
if not root_node.hasChild("sim"):
return None
sim_node = root_node.getChild("sim")
if sim_node == None:
return None
variant = {}
variant['name'] = sim_node.getValue("description", None)
variant['status'] = sim_node.getValue("status", None)
variant['author'] = sim_node.getValue("author", None)
variant['description'] = sim_node.getValue("long-description", None)
variant['id'] = base_id
# allow -set.xml files to declare themselves as primary.
# we use this avoid needing a variant-of in every other -set.xml
variant['primary-set'] = sim_node.getValue('primary-set', False)
# extract and record previews for each variant
if sim_node.hasChild('previews'):
variant['previews'] = extract_previews(sim_node.getChild('previews'), aircraft_dir)
if sim_node.hasChild('rating'):
rating_node = sim_node.getChild("rating")
variant['rating_FDM'] = rating_node.getValue("FDM", 0)
variant['rating_systems'] = rating_node.getValue("systems", 0)
variant['rating_cockpit'] = rating_node.getValue("cockpit", 0)
variant['rating_model'] = rating_node.getValue("model", 0)
if sim_node.hasChild('tags'):
variant['tags'] = extract_tags(sim_node.getChild('tags'), set_file)
if sim_node.hasChild('thumbnail'):
variant['thumbnail'] = sim_node.getValue("thumbnail", None)
variant['variant-of'] = sim_node.getValue("variant-of", None)
#print ' ', variant
return variant
def extract_previews(previews_node, aircraft_dir):
result = []
for node in previews_node.getChildren("preview"):
previewType = node.getValue("type", None)
previewPath = node.getValue("path", None)
# check path exists in base-name-dir
fullPath = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, previewPath)
if not os.path.isfile(fullPath):
print "Bad preview path, skipping:" + fullPath
result.append({'type':previewType, 'path':previewPath})
return result
def extract_tags(tags_node, set_path):
result = []
for node in tags_node.getChildren("tag"):
tag = node.value
# check tag is in the allowed list
if not catalogTags.isValidTag(tag):
print "Unknown tag value:", tag, " in ", set_path
return result
# scan all the -set.xml files in an aircraft directory. Returns a
# package dict and a list of variants.
def scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir, includes):
setDicts = []
primaryAircraft = []
package = None
files = os.listdir(aircraft_dir)
for file in sorted(files, key=lambda s: s.lower()):
if file.endswith('-set.xml'):
d = scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, file, includes)
if d == None:
print "Skipping set file since couldn't be parsed:", os.path.join(aircraft_dir, file), sys.exc_info()[0]
if d['primary-set']:
# ensure explicit primary-set aircraft goes first
primaryAircraft.insert(0, d)
elif d['variant-of'] == None:
if len(setDicts) == 0:
return None
# use the first one
if len(primaryAircraft) == 0:
print "Aircraft has no primary aircraft at all:", aircraft_dir
primaryAircraft = [setDicts[0]]
package = primaryAircraft[0]
if not 'thumbnail' in package:
package['thumbnail'] = "thumbnail.jpg"
# variants is just all the set dicts except the first one
variants = setDicts
return (package, variants)
# create an xml node with text content
def make_xml_leaf(name, text):
leaf = ET.Element(name)
if text != None:
if isinstance(text, (int, long)):
leaf.text = str(text)
leaf.text = text
leaf.text = ''
return leaf
def append_preview_nodes(node, variant, download_base, package_name):
if not 'previews' in variant:
for preview in variant['previews']:
preview_node = ET.Element('preview')
preview_url = download_base + 'previews/' + package_name + '_' + preview['path']
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('type', preview['type']) )
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', preview_url) )
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('path', preview['path']) )
def append_tag_nodes(node, variant):
if not 'tags' in variant:
for tag in variant['tags']:
node.append(make_xml_leaf('tag', tag))
def make_aircraft_node(aircraftDirName, package, variants, downloadBase):
#print "package:", package
#print "variants:", variants
package_node = ET.Element('package')
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', package['name']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('status', package['status']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', package['author']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', package['description']) )
if 'rating_FDM' in package or 'rating_systems' in package \
or 'rating_cockpit' in package or 'rating_model' in package:
rating_node = ET.Element('rating')
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('FDM',
package['rating_FDM']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('systems',
package['rating_systems']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('cockpit',
package['rating_cockpit']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('model',
package['rating_model']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', package['id']) )
for variant in variants:
variant_node = ET.Element('variant')
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', variant['id']) )
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', variant['name']) )
if 'description' in variant:
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', variant['description']) )
if 'author' in variant:
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', variant['author']) )
if 'thumbnail' in variant:
# note here we prefix with the package name, since the thumbnail path
# is assumed to be unique within the package
thumbUrl = downloadBase + "thumbnails/" + aircraftDirName + '_' + variant['thumbnail']
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbUrl))
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', variant['thumbnail']))
variantOf = variant['variant-of']
if variantOf is None:
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('variant-of', '_primary_'))
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('variant-of', variantOf))
append_preview_nodes(variant_node, variant, downloadBase, aircraftDirName)
append_tag_nodes(variant_node, variant)
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('dir', aircraftDirName) )
download_url = downloadBase + aircraftDirName + '.zip'
thumbnail_url = downloadBase + 'thumbnails/' + aircraftDirName + '_' + package['thumbnail']
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', download_url) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbnail_url) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', package['thumbnail']))
append_preview_nodes(package_node, package, downloadBase, aircraftDirName)
append_tag_nodes(package_node, package)
return package_node

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<sim include="settings-common.xml">
<author>Wilbur Wright</author>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<PropertyList include="f16-common.xml">
<description>F16 Trainer</description>
<long-description>Twin-seat trainer version of the F16</long-description>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<PropertyList include="f16-common.xml">
<long-description>The F16 is compact, light-weight multi-role fighter used around the world</long-description>
<primary-set type="bool">true</primary-set>
<FDM type="int">3</FDM>
<systems type="int">1</systems>
<cockpit type="int">2</cockpit>
<model type="int">5</model>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">true</splash>
<splash type="bool">false</splash>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<PropertyList include="f16-common.xml">
<long-description>The F16-B is an upgraded version of the F16A.</long-description>
<author>James T Kirk</author>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<PropertyList include="f16-common.xml">
<long-description>The F16-C is an upgraded version of the F16A.</long-description>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- this file exists to test including + overlaying in the set XML -->
<view n="0">

catalog/test_catalog.py Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
import unittest
import sgprops
import os
import catalog
import lxml.etree as ET
class UpdateCatalogTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_scan_set(self):
info = catalog.scan_set_file("testData/Aircraft/f16", "f16a-set.xml", ["testData/OtherDir"])
self.assertEqual(info['id'], 'f16a')
self.assertEqual(info['name'], 'F16-A')
self.assertEqual(info['primary-set'], True)
self.assertEqual(info['variant-of'], None)
self.assertEqual(info['author'], 'Wilbur Wright')
self.assertEqual(info['rating_FDM'], 3)
self.assertEqual(info['rating_model'], 5)
self.assertEqual(len(info['tags']), 3)
def test_scan_dir(self):
(pkg, variants) = catalog.scan_aircraft_dir("testData/Aircraft/f16", ["testData/OtherDir"])
self.assertEqual(pkg['id'], 'f16a')
f16trainer = next(v for v in variants if v['id'] == 'f16-trainer')
self.assertEqual(pkg['author'], 'Wilbur Wright')
self.assertEqual(len(variants), 3)
# test variant relatonship between
self.assertEqual(pkg['variant-of'], None)
self.assertEqual(pkg['primary-set'], True)
self.assertEqual(f16trainer['variant-of'], None)
self.assertEqual(f16trainer['primary-set'], False)
f16b = next(v for v in variants if v['id'] == 'f16b')
self.assertEqual(f16b['variant-of'], 'f16a')
self.assertEqual(f16b['primary-set'], False)
self.assertEqual(f16b['author'], 'James T Kirk')
f16c = next(v for v in variants if v['id'] == 'f16c')
self.assertEqual(f16c['variant-of'], 'f16a')
self.assertEqual(f16c['primary-set'], False)
self.assertEqual(f16c['author'], 'Wilbur Wright')
def test_extract_previews(self):
info = catalog.scan_set_file("testData/Aircraft/f16", "f16a-set.xml", ["testData/OtherDir"])
previews = info['previews']
self.assertEqual(len(previews), 3)
self.assertEqual(2, len([p for p in previews if p['type'] == 'exterior']))
self.assertEqual(1, len([p for p in previews if p['type'] == 'panel']))
self.assertEqual(1, len([p for p in previews if p['path'] == 'Previews/exterior-1.png']))
def test_extract_tags(self):
info = catalog.scan_set_file("testData/Aircraft/f16", "f16a-set.xml", ["testData/OtherDir"])
tags = info['tags']
def test_node_creation(self):
(pkg, variants) = catalog.scan_aircraft_dir("testData/Aircraft/f16", ["testData/OtherDir"])
catalog_node = ET.Element('PropertyList')
catalog_root = ET.ElementTree(catalog_node)
pkgNode = catalog.make_aircraft_node('f16', pkg, variants, "http://foo.com/testOutput/")
# write out so we can parse using sgprops
# yes we are round-tripping via the disk, if you can improve
# then feel free..
if not os.path.isdir("testOutput"):
cat_file = os.path.join("testOutput", 'catalog_fragment.xml')
catalog_root.write(cat_file, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)
parsed = sgprops.readProps(cat_file)
parsedPkgNode = parsed.getChild("package")
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.name, "package");
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('id'), pkg['id']);
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('dir'), 'f16');
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('url'), 'http://foo.com/testOutput/f16.zip');
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('thumbnail'), 'http://foo.com/testOutput/thumbnails/f16_thumbnail.jpg');
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('thumbnail-path'), 'thumbnail.jpg');
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('name'), pkg['name']);
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('description'), pkg['description']);
self.assertEqual(parsedPkgNode.getValue('author'), "Wilbur Wright");
parsedVariants = parsedPkgNode.getChildren("variant")
self.assertEqual(len(parsedVariants), 3)
f16ANode = parsedPkgNode
self.assertEqual(f16ANode.getValue('name'), 'F16-A');
for index, pv in enumerate(parsedVariants):
var = variants[index]
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('name'), var['name']);
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('description'), var['description']);
if (var['id'] == 'f16-trainer'):
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('variant-of'), '_primary_')
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('author'), "Wilbur Wright");
elif (var['id'] == 'f16b'):
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('variant-of'), 'f16a')
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('description'), 'The F16-B is an upgraded version of the F16A.')
self.assertEqual(pv.getValue('author'), "James T Kirk");
if __name__ == '__main__':

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import time
import sgprops import sgprops
import sys import sys
import catalogTags import catalogTags
import catalog
@ -35,138 +36,6 @@ def get_xml_text(e):
else: else:
return '' return ''
# create an xml node with text content
def make_xml_leaf(name, text):
leaf = ET.Element(name)
if text != None:
if isinstance(text, (int, long)):
leaf.text = str(text)
leaf.text = text
leaf.text = ''
return leaf
# return all available aircraft information from the set file as a
# dict
def scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, set_file):
global includes
base_file = os.path.basename(set_file)
base_id = base_file[:-8]
set_path = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, set_file)
local_includes = includes
root_node = sgprops.readProps(set_path, includePaths = local_includes)
if not root_node.hasChild("sim"):
return None
sim_node = root_node.getChild("sim")
if sim_node == None:
return None
variant = {}
variant['name'] = sim_node.getValue("description", None)
variant['status'] = sim_node.getValue("status", None)
variant['author'] = sim_node.getValue("author", None)
variant['description'] = sim_node.getValue("long-description", None)
variant['id'] = base_id
# allow -set.xml files to declare themselves as primary.
# we use this avoid needing a variant-of in every other -set.xml
variant['primary-set'] = sim_node.getValue('primary-set', False)
# extract and record previews for each variant
if sim_node.hasChild('previews'):
print "has previews ..."
variant['previews'] = extract_previews(sim_node.getChild('previews'), aircraft_dir)
if sim_node.hasChild('rating'):
rating_node = sim_node.getChild("rating")
variant['rating_FDM'] = rating_node.getValue("FDM", 0)
variant['rating_systems'] = rating_node.getValue("systems", 0)
variant['rating_cockpit'] = rating_node.getValue("cockpit", 0)
variant['rating_model'] = rating_node.getValue("model", 0)
if sim_node.hasChild('tags'):
variant['tags'] = extract_tags(sim_node.getChild('tags'), set_file)
if sim_node.hasChild('thumbnail'):
variant['thumbnail'] = sim_node.getValue("thumbnail", None)
variant['variant-of'] = sim_node.getValue("variant-of", None)
#print ' ', variant
return variant
def extract_previews(previews_node, aircraft_dir):
result = []
for node in previews_node.getChildren("preview"):
previewType = node.getValue("type", None)
previewPath = node.getValue("path", None)
# check path exists in base-name-dir
fullPath = os.path.join(aircraft_dir, previewPath)
if not os.path.isfile(fullPath):
print "Bad preview path, skipping:" + fullPath
result.append({'type':previewType, 'path':previewPath})
return result
def extract_tags(tags_node, set_path):
result = []
for node in tags_node.getChildren("tag"):
tag = node.value
# check tag is in the allowed list
if not catalogTags.isValidTag(tag):
print "Unknown tag value:", tag, " in ", set_path
return result
# scan all the -set.xml files in an aircraft directory. Returns a
# package dict and a list of variants.
def scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir):
setDicts = []
primaryAircraft = []
package = None
files = os.listdir(aircraft_dir)
for file in sorted(files, key=lambda s: s.lower()):
if file.endswith('-set.xml'):
d = scan_set_file(aircraft_dir, file)
if d == None:
print "Skipping set file since couldn't be parsed:", os.path.join(aircraft_dir, file), sys.exc_info()[0]
if d['primary-set']:
elif d['variant-of'] == None:
if len(setDicts) == 0:
return None
# use the first one
if len(primaryAircraft) == 0:
print "Aircraft has no primary aircraft at all:", aircraft_dir
primaryAircraft = [setDicts[0]]
package = primaryAircraft[0]
if not 'thumbnail' in package:
package['thumbnail'] = "thumbnail.jpg"
# variants is just all the set dicts except the first one
variants = setDicts
return (package, variants)
# use svn commands to report the last change date within dir # use svn commands to report the last change date within dir
def last_change_date_svn(dir): def last_change_date_svn(dir):
command = [ 'svn', 'info', dir ] command = [ 'svn', 'info', dir ]
@ -215,18 +84,6 @@ def get_md5sum(file):
f.close() f.close()
return md5sum return md5sum
def append_preview_nodes(node, variant, download_base, package_name):
if not 'previews' in variant:
for preview in variant['previews']:
preview_node = ET.Element('preview')
preview_url = download_base + 'previews/' + package_name + '_' + preview['path']
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('type', preview['type']) )
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', preview_url) )
preview_node.append( make_xml_leaf('path', preview['path']) )
def copy_previews_for_variant(variant, package_name, package_dir, previews_dir): def copy_previews_for_variant(variant, package_name, package_dir, previews_dir):
if not 'previews' in variant: if not 'previews' in variant:
return return
@ -266,12 +123,74 @@ def copy_thumbnails_for_package(package, variants, package_name, package_dir, th
for v in variants: for v in variants:
copy_thumbnail_for_variant(v, package_name, package_dir, thumbnails_dir) copy_thumbnail_for_variant(v, package_name, package_dir, thumbnails_dir)
def append_tag_nodes(node, variant): def process_aircraft_dir(name, repo_path):
if not 'tags' in variant: global includes
global download_base
global output_dir
global valid_zips
global previews_dir
aircraft_dir = os.path.join(repo_path, name)
if not os.path.isdir(aircraft_dir):
return return
for tag in variant['tags']: (package, variants) = catalog.scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir, includes)
node.append(make_xml_leaf('tag', tag)) if package == None:
print "skipping:", name, "(no -set.xml files)"
print "%s:" % name,
package_node = catalog.make_aircraft_node(name, package, variants, download_base)
download_url = download_base + name + '.zip'
thumbnail_url = download_base + 'thumbnails/' + name + '_' + package['thumbnail']
# get cached md5sum if it exists
md5sum = get_xml_text(md5sum_root.find(str('aircraft_' + name)))
# now do the packaging and rev number stuff
dir_mtime = scan_dir_for_change_date_mtime(aircraft_dir)
if repo_type == 'svn':
rev = last_change_date_svn(aircraft_dir)
d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dir_mtime)
rev = d.strftime("%Y%m%d")
package_node.append( catalog.make_xml_leaf('revision', rev) )
#print "rev:", rev
#print "dir mtime:", dir_mtime
zipfile = os.path.join( output_dir, name + '.zip' )
valid_zips.append(name + '.zip')
if not os.path.exists(zipfile) \
or dir_mtime > os.path.getmtime(zipfile) \
or args.clean:
# rebuild zip file
print "updating:", zipfile
make_aircraft_zip(repo_path, name, zipfile)
md5sum = get_md5sum(zipfile)
print "(no change)"
if md5sum == "":
md5sum = get_md5sum(zipfile)
filesize = os.path.getsize(zipfile)
package_node.append( catalog.make_xml_leaf('md5', md5sum) )
package_node.append( catalog.make_xml_leaf('file-size-bytes', filesize) )
# handle md5sum cache
node = md5sum_root.find('aircraft_' + name)
if node != None:
node.text = md5sum
md5sum_root.append( catalog.make_xml_leaf('aircraft_' + name, md5sum) )
# handle thumbnails
copy_thumbnails_for_package(package, variants, name, aircraft_dir, thumbnail_dir)
# copy previews for the package and variants into the
# output directory
copy_previews_for_package(package, variants, name, aircraft_dir, previews_dir)
#def get_file_stats(file): #def get_file_stats(file):
# f = open(file, 'r') # f = open(file, 'r')
@ -305,6 +224,9 @@ else:
scm_list = config_node.findall('scm') scm_list = config_node.findall('scm')
upload_node = config_node.find('upload') upload_node = config_node.find('upload')
download_base = get_xml_text(config_node.find('download-url')) download_base = get_xml_text(config_node.find('download-url'))
if not download_base.endswith('/'):
download_base += '/'
output_dir = get_xml_text(config_node.find('local-output')) output_dir = get_xml_text(config_node.find('local-output'))
if output_dir == '': if output_dir == '':
output_dir = os.path.join(args.dir, 'output') output_dir = os.path.join(args.dir, 'output')
@ -378,112 +300,8 @@ for scm in scm_list:
print "skipping:", name print "skipping:", name
continue continue
aircraft_dir = os.path.join(repo_path, name) # process each aircraft in turn
if os.path.isdir(aircraft_dir): process_aircraft_dir(name, repo_path)
print "%s:" % name,
(package, variants) = scan_aircraft_dir(aircraft_dir)
if package == None:
print "skipping:", name, "(no -set.xml files)"
#print "package:", package
#print "variants:", variants
package_node = ET.Element('package')
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', package['name']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('status', package['status']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', package['author']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', package['description']) )
if 'rating_FDM' in package or 'rating_systems' in package \
or 'rating_cockpit' in package or 'rating_model' in package:
rating_node = ET.Element('rating')
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('FDM',
package['rating_FDM']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('systems',
package['rating_systems']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('cockpit',
package['rating_cockpit']) )
rating_node.append( make_xml_leaf('model',
package['rating_model']) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', package['id']) )
for variant in variants:
variant_node = ET.Element('variant')
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('id', variant['id']) )
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('name', variant['name']) )
if 'description' in variant:
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('description', variant['description']) )
if 'author' in variant:
variant_node.append( make_xml_leaf('author', variant['author']) )
if 'thumbnail' in variant:
# note here we prefix with the package name, since the thumbnail path
# is assumed to be unique within the package
thumbUrl = download_base + "thumbnails/" + name + '_' + variant['thumbnail']
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbUrl))
variant_node.append(make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', variant['thumbnail']))
append_preview_nodes(variant_node, variant, download_base, name)
append_tag_nodes(variant_node, variant)
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('dir', name) )
if not download_base.endswith('/'):
download_base += '/'
download_url = download_base + name + '.zip'
thumbnail_url = download_base + 'thumbnails/' + name + '_' + package['thumbnail']
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('url', download_url) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail', thumbnail_url) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('thumbnail-path', package['thumbnail']))
append_preview_nodes(package_node, package, download_base, name)
append_tag_nodes(package_node, package)
# get cached md5sum if it exists
md5sum = get_xml_text(md5sum_root.find(str('aircraft_' + name)))
# now do the packaging and rev number stuff
dir_mtime = scan_dir_for_change_date_mtime(aircraft_dir)
if repo_type == 'svn':
rev = last_change_date_svn(aircraft_dir)
d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(dir_mtime)
rev = d.strftime("%Y%m%d")
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('revision', rev) )
#print "rev:", rev
#print "dir mtime:", dir_mtime
zipfile = os.path.join( output_dir, name + '.zip' )
valid_zips.append(name + '.zip')
if not os.path.exists(zipfile) \
or dir_mtime > os.path.getmtime(zipfile) \
or args.clean:
# rebuild zip file
print "updating:", zipfile
make_aircraft_zip(repo_path, name, zipfile)
md5sum = get_md5sum(zipfile)
print "(no change)"
if md5sum == "":
md5sum = get_md5sum(zipfile)
filesize = os.path.getsize(zipfile)
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('md5', md5sum) )
package_node.append( make_xml_leaf('file-size-bytes', filesize) )
# handle md5sum cache
node = md5sum_root.find('aircraft_' + name)
if node != None:
node.text = md5sum
md5sum_root.append( make_xml_leaf('aircraft_' + name, md5sum) )
# handle thumbnails
copy_thumbnails_for_package(package, variants, name, aircraft_dir, thumbnail_dir)
# copy previews for the package and variants into the
# output directory
copy_previews_for_package(package, variants, name, aircraft_dir, previews_dir)
# write out the master catalog file # write out the master catalog file
cat_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'catalog.xml') cat_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'catalog.xml')