Fork 0

Hacking on catalog-creation script.

Only appropriate for official FlightGear aircraft right now, needs
additional work to be useful for other hangars.
This commit is contained in:
James Turner 2014-06-01 15:44:52 +01:00
parent c25db033d6
commit 1ab162d4d6
2 changed files with 278 additions and 153 deletions

View file

@ -1,171 +1,82 @@
#!/usr/bin/python #!/usr/bin/python
import os import os, sys, re
import sys
import fnmatch
import tarfile
import hashlib
import shutil
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET import sgprops
rootPath = sys.argv[1] fgRoot = sys.argv[1]
outputDir = sys.argv[2] aircraftDir = os.path.join(fgRoot, 'Aircraft')
existingCatalogPath = os.path.join(outputDir, 'catalog.xml') catalogProps = sgprops.Node()
existingCatalog = None catalogProps.addChild('version').value = '3.1.0'
print 'existing ctalog path:' + existingCatalogPath catalogProps.addChild('id').value = 'org.flightgear.default'
if os.path.exists(existingCatalogPath): catalogProps.addChild('license').value = 'GPL'
existingCatalog = ET.parse(existingCatalogPath) catalogProps.addChild('url').value = "http://fgfs.goneabitbursar.com/pkg/3.1.0/default-catalog.xml"
for file in os.listdir(outputDir): catalogProps.addChild('description').value = "Aircraft developed and maintained by the FlightGear project"
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.tar.gz'):
os.remove(os.path.join(outputDir, file));
de = catalogProps.addChild('de')
# de.addChild('description').value = "<German translation of catalog description>"
thumbsDir = os.path.join(outputDir, 'thumbs') fr = catalogProps.addChild('fr')
def setProperty(node, id, value): urls = [
s = node.find(id) # check for existing "http://flightgear.wo0t.de/Aircraft-3.0/{acft}_20140116.zip",
if s is None: "http://ftp.icm.edu.pl/packages/flightgear/Aircraft-3.0/{acft}_20140216.zip",
s = ET.SubElement(node, id) "http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/pub/mirrors/flightgear/ftp/Aircraft-3.0/{acft}_20140216.zip",
s.text = value "http://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/flightgear/ftp/Aircraft-3.0/{acft}_20140116.zip",
def clearChildren(node, tag): thumbs = [
for c in node.findall(tag): "http://www.flightgear.org/thumbs/v3.0/{acft}.jpg"
node.remove(c) ]
def parse_setXml(path): for d in os.listdir(aircraftDir):
tree = ET.parse(path) acftDirPath = os.path.join(aircraftDir, d)
if not os.path.isdir(acftDirPath):
desc = tree.find('sim/description')
ratings = tree.find('sim/rating')
if (ratings is not None):
for rating in list(ratings):
if rating.tag == 'status':
continue continue
rvalue = int(rating.text) setFilePath = None
if rvalue < 2:
return None
return None
d = {} # find the first set file
# FIXME - way to designate the primary file
for f in os.listdir(acftDirPath):
if f.endswith("-set.xml"):
setFilePath = os.path.join(acftDirPath, f)
d['desc'] = desc if setFilePath is None:
d['ratings'] = ratings; print "No -set.xml file found in",acftDirPath,"will be skipped"
d['status'] = tree.find('sim/status')
d['authors'] = tree.findall('sim/author')
return d
def process_aircraft(acft, path):
print '===' + acft + '==='
setFiles = []
thumbs = []
for file in os.listdir(path):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*-set.xml'):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, 'thumbnail*'):
aircraft = []
for s in setFiles:
d = parse_setXml(os.path.join(path, s))
if d is None:
continue continue
d['set'] = s[0:-8] try:
aircraft.append(d) props = sgprops.readProps(setFilePath, dataDirPath = fgRoot)
sim = props.getNode("sim")
pkgNode = catalogProps.addChild('package')
pkgNode.addChild('id').value = d
pkgNode.addChild('name').value = sim.getValue('description')
longDesc = sim.getValue('long-description')
if longDesc is not None:
pkgNode.addChild('description').value = longDesc
# copy tags
if sim.hasChild('tags'):
for c in sim.getChild('tags').getChildren('tag'):
pkgNode.addChild('tag').value = c.value
# create download and thumbnail URLs
for u in urls:
pkgNode.addChild("url").value = u.format(acft=d)
thumbnailNames = []
# copy thumbnails
for t in thumbs: for t in thumbs:
outThumb = os.path.join(thumbsDir, acft + "-" + t) pkgNode.addChild("thumbnail").value = t.format(acft=d)
thumbnailNames.append(acft + "-" + t)
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(path, t), outThumb)
if len(aircraft) == 0: except:
print "no aircraft profiles for " + acft print "Failure processing:", setFilePath
# tarball creation
outTar = os.path.join(outputDir, acft + ".tar.gz")
tar = tarfile.open(outTar, "w:gz")
tar.add(path, acft)
digest = hashlib.md5(open(outTar, 'r').read()).hexdigest()
revision = 1
# revision check
if acft in existingPackages:
previousMd5 = existingPackages[acft].find('md5').text
previousRevsion = int(existingPackages[acft].find('revision').text)
if digest != previousMd5:
print acft + ": MD5 has changed"
revision = previousRevsion + 1
print acft + ": MD5 is unchanged"
existingPackages[acft] = ET.Element('package')
setProperty(existingPackages[acft], 'id', acft)
setProperty(existingPackages[acft], 'revision', str(revision))
setProperty(existingPackages[acft], 'md5', digest)
setProperty(existingPackages[acft], 'description', aircraft[0]['desc'])
clearChildren(existingPackages[acft], 'thumbnail')
for t in thumbnailNames:
tn = ET.SubElement(existingPackages[acft], 'thumbnail')
tn.text = 'thumbs/' + t
clearChildren(existingPackages[acft], 'rating')
print "wrote tarfile, digest is " + digest
root = ET.Element('PropertyList')
catalogTree = ET.ElementTree(root)
existingPackages = dict()
if (existingCatalog is not None):
print 'have existing catalog data'
# existing data (for revision incrementing)
for n in existingCatalog.findall('package'):
idNode = n.find('id')
if idNode is None:
print 'Missing <id> tag on package'
existingPackages[idNode.text] = n;
#licenseElement = ET.SubElement(root, 'license')
#licenseElement.text = 'gpl'
#urlElement = ET.SubElement(root, 'url')
#urlElement.text = 'http://catalog.xml'
for acft in os.listdir(rootPath):
path = os.path.join(rootPath, acft);
if (os.path.isdir(path)):
process_aircraft(acft, path)
for ep in existingPackages: catalogProps.write("catalog.xml")
catalogTree.write(os.path.join(outputDir, 'catalog.xml'), 'UTF-8')

sgprops.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
# SAX for parsing
from xml.sax import make_parser, handler, expatreader
# ElementTree for writing
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import re, os
class Node(object):
def __init__(self, name = '', index = 0, parent = None):
self._parent = parent
self._name = name
self._value = None
self._index = 0
self._children = []
def value(self):
return self._value
def value(self, v):
self._value = v
def name(self):
return self._name
def index(self):
return self._index
def parent(self):
return self._parent
def getChild(self, n, i=None, create = False):
if i is None:
i = 0
# parse name as foo[999] if necessary
m = re.match(R"(\w+)\[(\d+)\]", n)
if m is not None:
n = m.group(1)
i = int(m.group(2))
for c in self._children:
if (c.name == n) and (c.index == i):
return c
if create:
c = Node(n, i, self)
return c
raise IndexError("no such child:" + str(n) + " index=" + str(i))
def addChild(self, n):
i = 0
# find first free index
usedIndices = frozenset(c.index for c in self.getChildren(n))
while i < 1000:
if i not in usedIndices:
i += 1
# create it via getChild
return self.getChild(n, i, create=True)
def hasChild(self, nm):
for c in self._children:
if (c.name == nm):
return True
return False
def getChildren(self, n = None):
if n is None:
return self._children
return [c for c in self._children if c.name == n]
def getNode(self, path, cr = False):
axes = path.split('/')
nd = self
for ax in axes:
nd = nd.getChild(ax, create = cr)
return nd
def getValue(self, path, default = None):
nd = self.getNode(path)
return nd.value
return default
def write(self, path):
root = self._createXMLElement('PropertyList')
t = ET.ElementTree(root)
t.write(path, 'UTF-8')
def _createXMLElement(self, nm = None):
if nm is None:
nm = self.name
n = ET.Element(nm)
# value and type specification
if self._value is not None:
n.text = str(self._value)
if isinstance(self._value, int):
n.set('type', 'int')
elif isinstance(self._value, float):
n.set('type', 'double')
elif isinstance(self._value, bool):
n.set('type', "bool")
# index in parent
if (self.index != 0):
n.set('n', self.index)
# children
for c in self._children:
return n;
class PropsHandler(handler.ContentHandler):
def __init__(self, root = None, path = None, dataDirPath = None):
self._root = root
self._path = path
self._basePath = os.path.dirname(path)
self._dataDirPath = dataDirPath
self._locator = None
if root is None:
# make a nameless root node
self._root = Node("", 0)
self._current = self._root
def setDocumentLocator(self, loc):
self._locator = loc
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
self._content = ''
if (name == 'PropertyList'):
index = 0
if 'n' in attrs.keys():
index = int(attrs['n'])
self._current = self._current.getChild(name, index, create=True)
if 'include' in attrs.keys():
self._currentTy = None;
if 'type' in attrs.keys():
self._currentTy = attrs['type']
def handleInclude(self, includePath):
if includePath.startswith('/'):
includePath = includePath[1:]
p = os.path.join(self._basePath, includePath)
if not os.path.exists(p):
p = os.path.join(self._dataDirPath, includePath)
if not os.path.exists(p):
raise RuntimeError("include file not found", includePath, "at line", self._locator.getLineNumber())
readProps(p, self._current, self._dataDirPath)
def endElement(self, name):
if (name == 'PropertyList'):
# convert and store value
self._current.value = self._content
if self._currentTy == "int":
self._current.value = int(self._content)
if self._currentTy is "bool":
self._current.value = bool(self._content)
if self._currentTy is "double":
self._current.value = float(self._content)
print "Parse error for value:", self._content, "at line:", self._locator.getLineNumber(), "of:", self._path
self._current = self._current.parent
def characters(self, content):
self._content += content
def endDocument(self):
def root(self):
return self._root
def readProps(path, root = None, dataDirPath = None):
parser = make_parser()
locator = expatreader.ExpatLocator( parser )
h = PropsHandler(root, path, dataDirPath)
return h.root