2020-09-18 10:46:03 +01:00
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# builds Appimage on Centos 7 using linuxdeployqt from continuous build
# expects to work in $WORKSPACE, uses the contents of dist/{bin,share,lib64} copied into an appdir
# missing qt plugins are copied in manually, as are osgPlugins
# libcurl in SIMGEAR needs a setting to find the tls certificate, and OSG needs LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it can find osgPlugins
# currently not including FGDATA, but this could be done easily once FG is updated to change Nav database checks from path to some kind of checksum
# issues/errors:
# can't find qt translations - missing something in my build?
# errors/comments to enrogue@gmail.com
#clean up any previous build
rm -rf appdir
#create basic structure
mkdir -p appdir/usr/bin
mkdir -p appdir/usr/lib
mkdir -p appdir/usr/share
mkdir -p appdir/usr/qml
mkdir -p appdir/usr/ssl
#copy everything we need in
cp dist/bin/* appdir/usr/bin
cp -d dist/lib64/* appdir/usr/lib
2021-05-20 09:31:45 +01:00
# OSG 3.6 uses lib, not lib64
cp -d dist/lib/* appdir/usr/lib
cp -a dist/lib/osgPlugins-3.6.5 appdir/usr/lib
2020-11-19 21:22:45 +00:00
# adjust the rpath on the copied plugins, so they don't
# require LD_LIBRARY_PATH to be set to load their dependencies
# correctly
patchelf --set-rpath \$ ORIGIN/../ appdir/usr/lib/osgPlugins-3.6.5/*.so
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
cp -r dist/share appdir/usr
2020-09-18 10:46:03 +01:00
# FIXME : only copy the QML plugins we actually need
2021-06-09 10:50:28 +01:00
#cp -a /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQuick* appdir/usr/qml
#cp -a /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/QtQml* appdir/usr/qml
2020-09-18 10:46:03 +01:00
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
cp /usr/lib64/libsoftokn3.* appdir/usr/lib
cp /usr/lib64/libnsspem.so appdir/usr/lib
2020-10-28 15:11:57 +00:00
cp /usr/lib64/libfreebl* appdir/usr/lib
2021-01-10 12:00:07 +00:00
cp -a /usr/lib64/liblzma* appdir/usr/lib
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
cp /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt appdir/usr/ssl/cacert.pem
2021-06-04 10:04:59 +01:00
# HarfBuzz is in /lib64 on CentOS, but still copy it: see
# https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/codetickets/2590/
cp -a /lib64/libharfbuzz.so* appdir/usr/lib
2021-09-10 10:55:00 +01:00
# as we are copying over libharfbuzz we need the older libfontconfig,
# libfreetype & libpng15 as 2.11 breaks compatibility: see
# https://sourceforge.net/p/flightgear/codetickets/2651/
cp -a /usr/lib64/libfontconfig.so* appdir/usr/lib
cp -a /usr/lib64/libfreetype.so* appdir/usr/lib
cp -a /usr/lib64/libpng15.so* appdir/usr/lib
patchelf --set-rpath \$ ORIGIN appdir/usr/lib/libfontconfig.so
patchelf --set-rpath \$ ORIGIN appdir/usr/lib/libfreetype.so
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
#modify the desktop file so that linuxdeployqt doesn't barf (version to 1.0, add semicolon to end of certain line types)
sed -i 's/^Categor.*/&;/ ; s/^Keyword.*/&;/ ; s/1\.1/1\.0/' appdir/usr/share/applications/org.flightgear.FlightGear.desktop
#generate AppRun script
cat << 'EOF' > appdir/AppRun
HERE = " $( dirname " $( readlink -f " ${ 0 } " ) " ) "
2021-08-20 15:35:14 +02:00
BIN_DIR = " ${ HERE } /usr/bin "
EXEC_OPT = "--exec-app"
2020-11-19 21:22:45 +00:00
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
export SIMGEAR_TLS_CERT_PATH = $HERE /usr/ssl/cacert.pem
2020-11-19 21:22:45 +00:00
export OSG_LIBRARY_PATH = ${ HERE } /usr/lib
2021-08-20 15:35:14 +02:00
# Run launcher directly if no parameters are passed
if [ [ " $# " -eq "0" ] ] ; then
2020-11-19 21:22:45 +00:00
echo "Started with no arguments; assuming --launcher"
exec " ${ HERE } /usr/bin/fgfs " --launcher
2021-08-20 15:35:14 +02:00
exit " $? "
# Check for special argument "--exec-app=" and execute selected application
if [ [ " $1 " = = ${ EXEC_OPT } = * ] ] || [ [ " $1 " = = " ${ EXEC_OPT } " ] ] ; then
OPT_VAL = " ${ 1 #*= } "
APP_PATH = " ${ BIN_DIR } / ${ OPT_VAL } "
# Call without arguments
if [ [ " $1 " = = " ${ EXEC_OPT } " ] ] || [ [ -z " ${ OPT_VAL } " ] ] ; then
ERROR = "1"
# Make sure executable name does not contain any "/"
elif [ [ " ${ OPT_VAL } " = = */* ] ] ; then
echo "Error: path separator \"/\" was used in application name!"
ERROR = "1"
# Check if resulting file exists and is executable
elif [ [ -z " $( find " ${ APP_PATH } " -type f \( \( -perm -00005 -a ! -user " $( id -u) " -a ! -group " $( id -g) " \) -o \( -perm -00500 -a -user " $( id -u) " \) -o \( -perm -00050 -a -group " $( id -g) " \) \) 2>/dev/null) " ] ] ; then
echo " Error: \" ${ OPT_VAL } \" is not a valid application name or cannot be executed by current user! "
ERROR = "1"
# In case of error or no arguments show help
if [ [ ! -z " ${ ERROR } " ] ] ; then
# Determine AppImage's filename
IMAGE_FILE_NAME = " $( basename " ${ APPIMAGE } " 2>/dev/null) "
if [ [ -z " ${ IMAGE_FILE_NAME } " ] ] ; then
IMAGE_FILE_NAME = "FlightGear.AppImage"
# Print help
echo " Usage: ./ ${ IMAGE_FILE_NAME } ${ EXEC_OPT } =<application> "
echo " Pass ${ EXEC_OPT } as first positional argument. "
echo "Additional arguments are passed to the called application."
echo "Valid values for <application> are:"
while IFS = read -r -d $'\0' bin_exe; do
echo " $( basename " ${ bin_exe } " ) "
done < <( find " ${ BIN_DIR } / " -maxdepth 1 -type f \( \( -perm -00005 -a ! -user " $( id -u) " -a ! -group " $( id -g) " \) -o \( -perm -00500 -a -user " $( id -u) " \) -o \( -perm -00050 -a -group " $( id -g) " \) \) -exec printf "%s\0" "{}" \; )
# We have to use these odd find conditions since "find -executable" also lists non-executables when AppImage is executed. The reason is most likely the way it is mounted.
exit 1
# Execute selected application and pass remaining parameters
# "pop" the first argument
exec " ${ APP_PATH } " " $@ "
2020-11-19 21:22:45 +00:00
exec " ${ HERE } /usr/bin/fgfs " " $@ "
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
chmod +x appdir/AppRun
#grab continuous linuxdeployqt
2021-05-24 14:18:20 +01:00
wget -c https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/releases/download/7/linuxdeployqt-7-x86_64.AppImage
#wget -c https://github.com/probonopd/linuxdeployqt/releases/download/continuous/linuxdeployqt-continuous-x86_64.AppImage
chmod +x linuxdeployqt-7-x86_64.AppImage
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
#set VERSION for AppImage creation
2020-07-03 09:27:07 +01:00
export VERSION = ` cat flightgear/flightgear-version`
2020-06-30 11:31:44 +01:00
2021-08-20 15:35:14 +02:00
# Add all executable binaries as additional binaries to AppImage and use special quoted array expansion
while IFS = read -r -d $'\0' bin_exe; do
ADDITIONAL_EXES += ( " -executable= ${ bin_exe } " )
done < <( find "appdir/usr/bin/" -maxdepth 1 -type f \( \( -perm -00500 -o -perm -00050 -o -perm -00005 \) -a ! -name "fgfs" \) -exec printf "%s\0" "{}" \; )
# This find statement filters for all files with at least one executability bit set
2021-06-09 10:50:28 +01:00
2021-08-20 15:35:14 +02:00
./linuxdeployqt-7-x86_64.AppImage appdir/usr/share/applications/org.flightgear.FlightGear.desktop -appimage -qmldir= flightgear/src/GUI/qml/ " ${ ADDITIONAL_EXES [@] } "