Fork 0
Stuart Buchanan fc8342887a WS30: Coastline beaches and cliffs
Landclass information is typically not high enough resolution
to render small beaches and coastline features.

This commit uses the steepness of the elevation mesh
to procedurally generate:
a) sea-cliffs (poorly - just a texture at present)
b) beaches, which mix into translucent shallow water
c) breaking waves (poorly - uses the wind direction rather than the
slope normal)
2022-04-09 16:26:00 +01:00

364 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: (C) 2022 Stuart Buchanan stuart13@gmail.com
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
// Helper functions for WS30 water implementation, heavily based on the
// water-ALS-base.frag and waterr_ALS-high.frag
#version 130
#extension GL_EXT_texture_array : enable
// Hardcoded indexes into the texture atlas
const int ATLAS_INDEX_WATER = 0;
const int ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM = 2;
const int ATLAS_INDEX_SEA_FOAM = 5;
// WS30 uniforms
uniform sampler2DArray textureArray;
uniform float ground_scattering;
uniform float overcast;
uniform float fg_tileWidth;
uniform float fg_tileHeight;
// Water.eff uniforms
uniform float sea_r;
uniform float sea_g;
uniform float sea_b;
uniform float osg_SimulationTime;
uniform float WindN;
uniform float WindE;
uniform float WaveFreq;
uniform float WaveAmp;
uniform float WaveSharp;
uniform float WaveAngle;
uniform float WaveFactor;
uniform float WaveDAngle;
uniform float saturation;
// WS30 varying
varying vec3 relPos;
// Water.eff varying
varying float earthShade;
varying vec3 lightdir;
varying vec4 waterTex1;
varying vec4 waterTex2;
varying vec4 waterTex4;
varying vec3 specular_light;
//WS3.0 varying
varying float steepness;
/////// functions /////////
float getShadowing();
vec3 getClusteredLightsContribution(vec3 p, vec3 n, vec3 texel);
void rotationmatrix(in float angle, out mat4 rotmat)
rotmat = mat4( cos( angle ), -sin( angle ), 0.0, 0.0,
sin( angle ), cos( angle ), 0.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0, 0.0,
0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, 1.0 );
// wave functions ///////////////////////
struct Wave {
float freq; // 2*PI / wavelength
float amp; // amplitude
float phase; // speed * 2*PI / wavelength
vec2 dir;
Wave wave0 = Wave(1.0, 1.0, 0.5, vec2(0.97, 0.25));
Wave wave1 = Wave(2.0, 0.5, 1.3, vec2(0.97, -0.25));
Wave wave2 = Wave(1.0, 1.0, 0.6, vec2(0.95, -0.3));
Wave wave3 = Wave(2.0, 0.5, 1.4, vec2(0.99, 0.1));
float evaluateWave(in Wave w, in vec2 pos, in float t) {
return w.amp * sin( dot(w.dir, pos) * w.freq + t * w.phase);
// derivative of wave function
float evaluateWaveDeriv(in Wave w, in vec2 pos, in float t) {
return w.freq * w.amp * cos( dot(w.dir, pos)*w.freq + t*w.phase);
// sharp wave functions
float evaluateWaveSharp(in Wave w, in vec2 pos, in float t, in float k) {
return w.amp * pow(sin( dot(w.dir, pos)*w.freq + t*w.phase)* 0.5 + 0.5 , k);
float evaluateWaveDerivSharp(in Wave w, in vec2 pos, in float t, in float k) {
return k*w.freq*w.amp * pow(sin( dot(w.dir, pos)*w.freq + t*w.phase)* 0.5 + 0.5 , k - 1) * cos( dot(w.dir, pos)*w.freq + t*w.phase);
void sumWaves(in float angle, in float dangle, in float windScale, in float factor, out float ddx, float ddy) {
mat4 RotationMatrix;
float deriv;
vec4 P = waterTex1 * 1024;
rotationmatrix(radians(angle + dangle * windScale + 0.6 * sin(P.x * factor)), RotationMatrix);
P *= RotationMatrix;
P.y += evaluateWave(wave0, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime);
deriv = evaluateWaveDeriv(wave0, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime );
ddx = deriv * wave0.dir.x;
ddy = deriv * wave0.dir.y;
//P.y += evaluateWave(wave1, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime);
//deriv = evaluateWaveDeriv(wave1, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime);
//ddx += deriv * wave1.dir.x;
//ddy += deriv * wave1.dir.y;
P.y += evaluateWaveSharp(wave2, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime, WaveSharp);
deriv = evaluateWaveDerivSharp(wave2, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime, WaveSharp);
ddx += deriv * wave2.dir.x;
ddy += deriv * wave2.dir.y;
//P.y += evaluateWaveSharp(wave3, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime, WaveSharp);
//deriv = evaluateWaveDerivSharp(wave3, P.xz, osg_SimulationTime, WaveSharp);
//ddx += deriv * wave3.dir.x;
//ddy += deriv * wave3.dir.y;
vec4 generateWaterTexel()
vec4 texel;
float dist = length(relPos);
float tileScale = 1 / (fg_tileHeight + fg_tileWidth) / 2.0;
vec4 sca = vec4(0.005, 0.005, 0.005, 0.005) * tileScale;
vec4 sca2 = vec4(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) * tileScale;
vec4 tscale = vec4(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) / 10000.0 * tileScale;
mat4 RotationMatrix;
// compute direction to viewer
vec3 E = normalize(-relPos);
// compute direction to light source
vec3 L = normalize(lightdir);
// half vector
vec3 Hv = normalize(L + E);
vec3 Normal = vec3 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const float water_shininess = 240.0;
float windEffect = sqrt( WindE*WindE + WindN*WindN ) * 0.6; //wind speed in kt
float windScale = 15.0/(3.0 + windEffect); //wave scale
float windEffect_low = 0.3 + 0.7 * smoothstep(0.0, 5.0, windEffect); //low windspeed wave filter
float waveRoughness = 0.01 + smoothstep(0.0, 40.0, windEffect); //wave roughness filter
float mixFactor = 0.2 + 0.02 * smoothstep(0.0, 50.0, windEffect);
mixFactor = clamp(mixFactor, 0.3, 0.8);
// there's no need to do wave patterns or foam for pixels which are so far away that we can't actually see them
// we only need detail in the near zone or where the sun reflection is
int detail_flag;
if ((dist > 15000.0) && (dot(normalize(vec3 (lightdir.x, lightdir.y, 0.0) ), normalize(relPos)) < 0.7 )) {detail_flag = 0;}
else {detail_flag = 1;}
// sine waves
float ddx, ddx1, ddx2, ddx3, ddy, ddy1, ddy2, ddy3;
float angle;
ddx = 0.0, ddy = 0.0;
ddx1 = 0.0, ddy1 = 0.0;
ddx2 = 0.0, ddy2 = 0.0;
ddx3 = 0.0, ddy3 = 0.0;
if (detail_flag == 1)
angle = 0.0;
wave0.freq = WaveFreq ;
wave0.amp = WaveAmp;
wave0.dir = vec2 (0.0, 1.0); //vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
angle -= 45;
wave1.freq = WaveFreq * 2.0 ;
wave1.amp = WaveAmp * 1.25;
wave1.dir = vec2(0.70710, -0.7071); //vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
angle += 30;
wave2.freq = WaveFreq * 3.5;
wave2.amp = WaveAmp * 0.75;
wave2.dir = vec2(0.96592, -0.2588);// vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
angle -= 50;
wave3.freq = WaveFreq * 3.0 ;
wave3.amp = WaveAmp * 0.75;
wave3.dir = vec2(0.42261, -0.9063); //vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
// sum waves
sumWaves(WaveAngle, -1.5, windScale, WaveFactor, ddx, ddy);
sumWaves(WaveAngle, 1.5, windScale, WaveFactor, ddx1, ddy1);
//reset the waves
angle = 0.0;
float waveamp = WaveAmp * 0.75;
wave0.freq = WaveFreq ;
wave0.amp = waveamp;
wave0.dir = vec2 (0.0, 1.0); //vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
angle -= 20;
wave1.freq = WaveFreq * 2.0 ;
wave1.amp = waveamp * 1.25;
wave1.dir = vec2(0.93969, -0.34202);// vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
angle += 35;
wave2.freq = WaveFreq * 3.5;
wave2.amp = waveamp * 0.75;
wave2.dir = vec2(0.965925, 0.25881); //vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
angle -= 45;
wave3.freq = WaveFreq * 3.0 ;
wave3.amp = waveamp * 0.75;
wave3.dir = vec2(0.866025, -0.5); //vec2(cos(radians(angle)), sin(radians(angle)));
//sumWaves(WaveAngle + WaveDAngle, -1.5, windScale, WaveFactor, ddx2, ddy2);
//sumWaves(WaveAngle + WaveDAngle, 1.5, windScale, WaveFactor, ddx3, ddy3);
// end sine stuff
//cover = 5.0 * smoothstep(0.6, 1.0, scattering);
//cover = 5.0 * ground_scattering;
vec4 viewt = normalize(waterTex4);
vec2 st = vec2(waterTex2 * tscale * windScale);
vec4 disdis = texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WATER_SINE_NMAP)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 vNorm;
st = vec2(waterTex1 + disdis * sca2) * windScale;
vec4 nmap = texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec4 nmap1 = texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_PERLIN_NOISE_NM)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
rotationmatrix(radians(3.0 * sin(osg_SimulationTime * 0.0075)), RotationMatrix);
st = vec2(waterTex2 * RotationMatrix * tscale) * windScale;
nmap += texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM)) * 2.0 - 1.0;
nmap *= windEffect_low;
nmap1 *= windEffect_low;
// mix water and noise, modulated by factor
vNorm = normalize(mix(nmap, nmap1, mixFactor) * waveRoughness);
vNorm.r += ddx + ddx1 + ddx2 + ddx3;
//if (normalmap_dds > 0) {vNorm = -vNorm;} //dds fix
//load reflection
vec4 refl ;
refl.r = sea_r;
refl.g = sea_g;
refl.b = sea_b;
refl.a = 1.0;
float intensity;
// de-saturate for reduced light
refl.rgb = mix(refl.rgb, vec3 (0.248, 0.248, 0.248), 1.0 - smoothstep(0.1, 0.8, ground_scattering));
// de-saturate light for overcast haze
intensity = length(refl.rgb);
refl.rgb = mix(refl.rgb, intensity * vec3 (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.5 * smoothstep(0.1, 0.9, overcast));
vec3 N;
st = vec2(waterTex1 + disdis * sca2) * windScale;
vec3 N0 = vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
st = vec2(waterTex1 + disdis * sca) * windScale;
vec3 N1 = vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_PERLIN_NOISE_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
st = vec2(waterTex1 * tscale) * windScale;
N0 += vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
N1 += vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_PERLIN_NOISE_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
rotationmatrix(radians(2.0 * sin(osg_SimulationTime * 0.005)), RotationMatrix);
st = vec2(waterTex2 * RotationMatrix * (tscale + sca2)) * windScale;
N0 += vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
N1 += vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_PERLIN_NOISE_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
rotationmatrix(radians(-4.0 * sin(osg_SimulationTime * 0.003)), RotationMatrix);
st = vec2(waterTex1 * RotationMatrix + disdis * sca2) * windScale;
N0 += vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_WAVES_VERT10_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
st = vec2(waterTex1 * RotationMatrix + disdis * sca) * windScale;
N1 += vec3(texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_PERLIN_NOISE_NM))) * 2.0 - 1.0;
N0 *= windEffect_low;
N1 *= windEffect_low;
N0.r += (ddx + ddx1 + ddx2 + ddx3);
N0.g += (ddy + ddy1 + ddy2 + ddy3);
N = normalize(mix(Normal + N0, Normal + N1, mixFactor) * waveRoughness);
vec3 specular_color = vec3(specular_light * earthShade) * pow(max(0.0, dot(N, Hv)), water_shininess) * 6.0;
// secondary reflection of sky irradiance
vec3 ER = E - 2.0 * N * dot(E,N);
float ctrefl = dot(vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0), -normalize(ER));
//float fresnel = -0.5 + 8.0 * (1.0-smoothstep(0.0,0.4, dot(E,N)));
float fresnel = 8.0 * (1.0-smoothstep(0.0,0.4, dot(E,N)));
//specular_color += (ctrefl*ctrefl) * fresnel* specular_light.rgb;
specular_color += ((0.15*(1.0-ctrefl* ctrefl) * fresnel) - 0.3) * specular_light.rgb * earthShade;
vec4 specular = vec4(specular_color, 0.5);
specular = specular * saturation * 0.3 * earthShade ;
//calculate fresnel
vec4 invfres = vec4( dot(vNorm, viewt) );
vec4 fres = vec4(1.0) + invfres;
refl *= fres;
vec4 ambient_light;
//intensity = length(specular_light.rgb);
ambient_light.rgb = max(specular_light.rgb * earthShade, vec3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05));
//ambient_light.rgb = max(intensity * normalize(vec3 (0.33, 0.4, 0.5)), vec3 (0.1,0.1,0.1));
ambient_light.a = 1.0;
// compute object shadow effect
float shadowValue = getShadowing();
specular = specular * shadowValue;
refl = refl * (0.7 + 0.3 *shadowValue);
texel = refl + specular * smoothstep(0.3, 0.6, ground_scattering);
// For the clustered lighting function we use the simple up direction (Normal) to get an
// approximate lighting contribution, as the procedural normal map is done afterwards.
//texel += vec4(getClusteredLightsContribution(ecPosition.xyz, Normal, vec3(1.0)), 0.0) * light_distance_fading(dist) * 2.0 * pow(max(0.0,dot(E,N)), water_shininess);
if (dist < 10000.0)
float foamSlope = 0.10 + 0.1 * windScale;
float waveSlope = N.g + min(50.0*(1.0 - steepness), 0.1);
if ((steepness < 0.9999) || (windEffect >= 8.0) && (waveSlope >= foamSlope)) {
//add foam
st = vec2(waterTex2 * tscale) * 25.0;
vec4 foam_texel = texture(textureArray, vec3(st, ATLAS_INDEX_SEA_FOAM) );
texel = mix(texel, max(texel, texel + foam_texel), smoothstep(0.01, 0.50, waveSlope));
texel *= ambient_light;
return texel;