Implement simple help system with global and aircraft specific dialogs: The gui.nas changes have been discussed with Andy. All ac have a help dialog, but some are empty. (This wouldn't have been necessary, as the system falls back to the "Common Aircraft Keys" if an aircraft has no help defined, but an empty dialog is less confusing and encourages to be filled with interesting information. :-) I scanned all aircraft files for interesting performance data and added some to the dialogs (stall speed, etc.) The Concorde and the p51d have (over?)complete dialogs and can serve as examples. The format is documented in $FG_ROOT/Nasa/gui.nas. There is also a couple of other, minor fixes. The following files have ugly MSDOS line endings: $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/Hunter/hunter{-2tanks,}-set.xml $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/A380/A380-set.xml The Concorde-jsbsim.nas file is a useless copy of the real */nas file, which is in Nasal/. I'was debugging the Concorde and wondered why changes to this file had no effect ... (Fixed Concorde in the help-ac.diff patch: don't use "interpol" keyword as variable.)
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178 lines
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# material dialog
# ===============
# Usage: material.showDialog(<path>, [<title>], [<x>], [<y>]);
# the path should point to a property "directory" (usually set in
# the aircraft's *-set.xml file) that contains any of
# (shininess|transparency|texture) and (diffuse|ambient|specular|emission),
# whereby the latter four are directories containing any of
# (red|green|blue|factor|offset).
# If <title> is omitted or nil, then the last path component is used as title.
# If <x> and <y> are undefined, then the dialog is centered.
# Example:
# <foo>
# <diffuse>
# <red>1.0</red>
# <green>0.5</green>
# <blue>0.5</blue>
# </diffuse>
# <transparency>0.5</transparency>
# <texture>bar.rgb</texture>
# </foo>
# material.showDialog("/sim/model/foo/", "FOO");
# Of course, these properties are only used if a "material" animation
# references them via <*-prop> definition.
# Example:
# <animation>
# <type>material</type>
# <object-name>foo</object-name>
# <property-base>/sim/model/foo</property-base>
# <diffuse>
# <red-prop>diffuse/red</red-prop>
# <green-prop>diffuse/green</green-prop>
# <blue-prop>diffuse/blue</blue-prop>
# </diffuse>
# <transparency-prop>transparency</transparency-prop>
# <texture-prop>texture</texture-prop>
# </animation>
dialog = nil;
colorgroup = func {
parent = arg[0]; # pui parent
name = arg[1]; # "diffuse"
base = arg[2];
undef = func { props.globals.getNode(base ~ name ~ "/" ~ arg[0]) == nil };
if (undef("red") and undef("green") and undef("blue")) {
grp = parent.addChild("group");
grp.set("layout", "hbox");
grp.addChild("text").set("label", "_______" ~ name ~ "_______");
foreach (color; ["red", "green", "blue", "factor"]) {
mat(parent, color, base ~ name ~ "/" ~ color, "%.3f");
mat(parent, "offset", base ~ name ~ "/" ~ "offset", "%.3f", -1.0, 1.0);
mat = func {
parent = arg[0];
name = arg[1];
path = arg[2];
format = arg[3];
if (props.globals.getNode(path) != nil) {
grp = parent.addChild("group");
grp.set("layout", "hbox");
grp.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
grp.addChild("text").set("label", name);
slider = grp.addChild("slider");
slider.set("property", path);
slider.set("live", 1);
if (size(arg) == 6) {
slider.set("min", arg[4]);
slider.set("max", arg[5]);
slider.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
number = grp.addChild("text");
number.set("label", "-0.123");
number.set("format", format);
number.set("property", path);
number.set("live", 1);
showDialog = func {
base = arg[0];
while (size(base) and substr(base, size(base) - 1, 1) == "/") {
base = substr(base, 0, size(base) - 1);
parentdir = "";
b = base;
while (size(b)) {
c = substr(b, size(b) - 1, 1);
if (c == "/") { break }
b = substr(b, 0, size(b) - 1);
parentdir = c ~ parentdir;
title = if (size(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != nil) { arg[1] } else { parentdir };
name = "material-" ~ parentdir;
base = base ~ "/";
dialog =;
dialog.set("name", name);
if (size(arg) > 2 and arg[2] != nil) { dialog.set("x", arg[2]) }
if (size(arg) > 3 and arg[3] != nil) { dialog.set("y", arg[3]) }
dialog.set("layout", "vbox");
titlebar = dialog.addChild("group");
titlebar.set("layout", "hbox");
titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", "[" ~ title ~ "]");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
color = dialog.prop().getNode("color", 1);
color.getNode("red", 1).setValue(1.0);
color.getNode("green", 1).setValue(0.95);
color.getNode("blue", 1).setValue(0.7);
color.getNode("alpha", 1).setValue(0.5);
w = titlebar.addChild("button");
w.set("pref-width", 16);
w.set("pref-height", 16);
w.set("legend", "");
w.set("default", 1);
w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-close");
colorgroup(dialog, "diffuse", base);
colorgroup(dialog, "ambient", base);
colorgroup(dialog, "emission", base);
colorgroup(dialog, "specular", base);
undef = func { props.globals.getNode(base ~ arg[0]) == nil };
if (!(undef("shininess") and undef("transparency") and undef("threshold"))) {
w = dialog.addChild("group");
w.set("layout", "hbox");
w.addChild("text").set("label", "_________misc_________");
mat(dialog, "shi", base ~ "shininess", "%.0f", 0.0, 128.0);
mat(dialog, "trans", base ~ "transparency", "%.3f");
mat(dialog, "thresh", base ~ "threshold", "%.3f");
if (!undef("texture")) {
w = dialog.addChild("group");
w.set("layout", "hbox");
w.addChild("text").set("label", "_______texture_______");
w = dialog.addChild("input");
w.set("live", 1);
w.set("pref-width", 200);
w.set("property", base ~ "texture");
w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
dialog.addChild("empty").set("pref-height", "3");
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog.prop());