- ensure createItem returns the item - add an accessor for text() - don't do lazy view creation for now - skip aboutToShow until item iteration works for me
1132 lines
29 KiB
1132 lines
29 KiB
var DefaultStyle = {
new: func(name, name_icon_theme)
return {
parents: [ gui.Style.new(name, name_icon_theme),
DefaultStyle ]
createWidget: func(parent, type, cfg)
var factory = me.widgets[type];
if( factory == nil )
debug.warn("DefaultStyle: unknown widget type (" ~ type ~ ")");
return nil;
var w = {
parents: [factory],
_style: me
call(factory.new, [parent, cfg], w);
return w;
widgets: {}
# A button
DefaultStyle.widgets.button = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "button");
me._bg =
me._border =
me._root.createChild("image", "button")
.set("slice", "10 12"); #"7")
me._label =
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "center-baseline");
setSize: func(model, w, h)
.rect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, {"border-radius": 5});
me._border.setSize(w, h);
setText: func(model, text)
var min_width = math.max(80, me._label.maxWidth() + 16);
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 16]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([min_width, 28]);
return me;
update: func(model)
var backdrop = !model._windowFocus();
var (w, h) = model._size;
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
# TODO unify color names with image names
var bg_color_name = "button_bg_color";
if( backdrop )
bg_color_name = "button_backdrop_bg_color";
else if( !model._enabled )
bg_color_name = "button_bg_color_insensitive";
else if( model._down )
bg_color_name = "button_bg_color_down";
else if( model._hover )
bg_color_name = "button_bg_color_hover";
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor(bg_color_name));
if( backdrop )
file ~= "backdrop-";
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor("backdrop_fg_color"));
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor("fg_color"));
file ~= "button";
if( model._down )
file ~= "-active";
me._label.setTranslation(w / 2 + 1, h / 2 + 6);
me._label.setTranslation(w / 2, h / 2 + 5);
if( model._enabled )
if( model._focused and !backdrop )
file ~= "-focused";
if( model._hover and !model._down )
file ~= "-hover";
file ~= "-disabled";
me._border.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# A checkbox
DefaultStyle.widgets.checkbox = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._label_position = cfg.get("label-position", "right");
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "checkbox");
me._icon =
me._root.createChild("image", "checkbox-icon")
.setSize(18, 18);
me._label =
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-center");
setSize: func(model, w, h)
if (me._label_position == "left") {
me._label.setTranslation(3, int((h / 2) + 1));
me._icon.setTranslation(w - 24, int((h - 18) / 2));
} else {
me._icon.setTranslation(3, int((h - 18) / 2));
me._label.setTranslation(24, int(h / 2) + 1);
return me;
setText: func(model, text)
var min_width = me._label.maxWidth() + 3 + 24;
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 18]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([min_width, 24]);
return me;
update: func(model)
var backdrop = !model._windowFocus();
var (w, h) = model._size;
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
if( backdrop )
file ~= "backdrop-";
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor("backdrop_fg_color"));
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor("fg_color"));
file ~= "check";
if( model._down )
file ~= "-selected";
file ~= "-unselected";
if( model._enabled )
if( model._hover )
file ~= "-hover";
file ~= "-disabled";
me._icon.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# A label
DefaultStyle.widgets.label = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "label");
setSize: func(model, w, h)
if( me['_bg'] != nil )
me._bg.reset().rect(0, 0, w, h);
if( me['_img'] != nil )
me._img.set("size[0]", w)
.set("size[1]", h);
if( me['_text'] != nil )
# TODO different alignment
me._text.setTranslation(2, 2 + h / 2);
model._cfg.get("wordWrap", 0) ? (w - 4) : 0
return me;
setText: func(model, text)
if ( !isstr(text) or size(text) == 0 )
return me._deleteElement('text');
me._createElement("text", "text")
var hfw_func = nil;
var min_width = me._text.maxWidth() + 4;
var width_hint = min_width;
if( model._cfg.get("wordWrap", 0) )
var m = me;
hfw_func = func(w) m.heightForWidth(w);
min_width = math.min(32, min_width);
# prefer approximately quadratic text blocks
if( width_hint > 24 )
width_hint = int(math.sqrt(width_hint * 24));
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 14]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([width_hint, 24]);
return me.update(model);
setImage: func(model, img)
if( img == nil or size(img) == 0 )
return me._deleteElement('img');
me._createElement("img", "image")
.set("src", img)
.set("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid slice");
return me;
# @param bg CSS color or 'none'
setBackground: func(model, bg)
if( bg == nil or bg == "none" )
return me._deleteElement("bg");
me._createElement("bg", "path")
.set("fill", bg);
me.setSize(model, model._size[0], model._size[1]);
return me;
heightForWidth: func(w)
if( me['_text'] == nil )
return -1;
return math.max(14, me._text.heightForWidth(w - 4));
update: func(model)
if( me['_text'] != nil )
var color_name = model._windowFocus() ? "fg_color" : "backdrop_fg_color";
me._text.set("fill", me._style.getColor(color_name));
# protected:
_createElement: func(name, type)
var mem = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ mem ] == nil )
me[ mem ] = me._root.createChild(type, "label-" ~ name);
if( type == "text" )
me[ mem ].set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-center");
return me[ mem ];
_deleteElement: func(name)
name = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ name ] != nil )
me[ name ].del();
me[ name ] = nil;
return me;
# A one line text input field
DefaultStyle.widgets["line-edit"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._hpadding = cfg.get("hpadding", 8);
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "line-edit");
me._border =
me._root.createChild("image", "border")
.set("slice", "10 12"); #"7")
me._text =
me._root.createChild("text", "input")
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-baseline")
.set("clip-frame", Element.PARENT);
me._cursor =
me._root.createChild("path", "cursor")
.set("stroke", "#333")
.set("stroke-width", 1)
.moveTo(me._hpadding, 5)
me._hscroll = 0;
setSize: func(model, w, h)
me._border.setSize(w, h);
"rect(0, " ~ (w - me._hpadding) ~ ", " ~ h ~ ", " ~ me._hpadding ~ ")"
me._cursor.setDouble("coord[2]", h - 10);
return me.update(model);
setText: func(model, text)
update: func(model)
var backdrop = !model._windowFocus();
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
if( backdrop )
file ~= "backdrop-";
file ~= "entry";
if( !model._enabled )
file ~= "-disabled";
else if( model._focused and !backdrop )
file ~= "-focused";
me._border.set("src", file ~ ".png");
var color_name = backdrop ? "backdrop_fg_color" : "fg_color";
me._text.set("fill", me._style.getColor(color_name));
me._cursor.setVisible(model._enabled and model._focused and !backdrop);
var width = model._size[0] - 2 * me._hpadding;
var cursor_pos = me._text.getCursorPos(0, model._cursor)[0];
var text_width = me._text.getCursorPos(0, me._text.lineLength(0))[0];
if( text_width <= width )
# fit -> align left (TODO handle different alignment)
me._hscroll = 0;
else if( me._hscroll + cursor_pos > width )
# does not fit, cursor to the right
me._hscroll = width - cursor_pos;
else if( me._hscroll + cursor_pos < 0 )
# does not fit, cursor to the left
me._hscroll = -cursor_pos;
else if( me._hscroll + text_width < width )
# does not fit, limit scroll to align with right side
me._hscroll = width - text_width;
var text_pos = me._hscroll + me._hpadding;
.setTranslation(text_pos, model._size[1] / 2 + 5)
.setDouble("coord[0]", text_pos + cursor_pos)
# ScrollArea
DefaultStyle.widgets["scroll-area"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "scroll-area");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path", "background")
.set("fill", "#e0e0e0");
me.content = me._root.createChild("group", "scroll-content")
.set("clip-frame", Element.PARENT);
me.vert = me._newScroll(me._root, "vert");
me.horiz = me._newScroll(me._root, "horiz");
setColorBackground: func
if( size(arg) == 1 )
var arg = arg[0];
update: func(model)
if( model._max_scroll[0] > 1 )
# only show scroll bar if horizontally scrollable
me.horiz.moveTo( model._scroller_offset[0] + model._scroller_pos[0],
model._size[1] - 2 )
if( model._max_scroll[1] > 1 )
# only show scroll bar if vertically scrollable
me.vert.moveTo( model._size[0] - 2,
model._scroller_offset[1] + model._scroller_pos[1] )
.rect(0, 0, model._size[0], model._size[1]);
"rect(0, " ~ model._size[0] ~ ", " ~ model._size[1] ~ ", 0)"
# private:
_newScroll: func(el, orient)
return el.createChild("path", "scroll-" ~ orient)
.set("stroke", "#f07845")
.set("stroke-width", 4);
# Calculate size and limits of scroller
# @param model
# @param dir 0 for horizontal, 1 for vertical
# @return [scroller_size, min_pos, max_pos]
_updateScrollMetrics: func(model, dir)
if( model._content_size[dir] <= model._size[dir] )
model._scroller_size[dir] =
model._size[dir] * (model._size[dir] / model._content_size[dir])
model._scroller_offset[dir] = 0;
model._scroller_delta[dir] = model._size[dir] - model._scroller_size[dir];
DefaultStyle.widgets["tab-widget"] = {
tabBarHeight: 30,
new: func(parent, cfg) {
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "tab-widget");
me.bg = me._root.createChild("path", "background")
.set("fill", "#e0e0e0");
me.tabBar = me._root.createChild("group", "tab-widget-tabbar");
me.content = me._root.createChild("group", "tab-widget-content");
update: func(model) {
me.bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor("bg_color"));
setSize: func(model, w, h) {
me.bg.reset().rect(0, w, h, 0);
me.content.setTranslation(0, me.tabBarHeight);
# Tab button for the tab widget
DefaultStyle.widgets["tab-widget-tab-button"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg) {
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "tab-widget-tab-button");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path")
.set("fill", me._style.getColor("tab_widget_tab_button_bg_focused"))
.set("stroke", me._style.getColor("tab_widget_tab_button_border"))
.set("stroke-width", 1);
me._selected_indicator = me._root.createChild("path")
.set("stroke-width", 4);
me._label = me._root.createChild("text")
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "center-baseline");
setSize: func(model, w, h) {
me._bg.reset().rect(3, 0, w - 6, h);
me._selected_indicator.reset().moveTo(3, h - 2).horiz(w - 6);
me._label.setTranslation(w / 2, h / 2 + 5);
setText: func(model, text) {
var min_width = math.max(80, me._label.maxWidth() + 16);
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 30]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([min_width, 30]);
return me;
update: func(model) {
var backdrop = !model._windowFocus();
var (w, h) = model._size;
var bg_color_name = "tab_widget_tab_button_bg_focused";
if (backdrop) {
bg_color_name = "tab_widget_tab_button_bg_unfocused";
} else if (model._selected) {
bg_color_name = "tab_widget_tab_button_bg_selected";
} else if (model._hover) {
bg_color_name = "tab_widget_tab_button_bg_hovered";
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor(bg_color_name));
me._selected_indicator.setVisible(model._selected or model._hover);
var selected_indicator_color_name = "tab_widget_tab_button_selected_indicator_selected";
if (!model._selected and model._hover) {
selected_indicator_color_name = "tab_widget_tab_button_selected_indicator_unselected_hovered";
me._selected_indicator.set("stroke", me._style.getColor(selected_indicator_color_name));
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor((backdrop ? "backdrop_" : "") ~ "fg_color"));
# A horizontal or vertical rule line
# possibly with a text label embedded
DefaultStyle.widgets.rule = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "rule");
var bgColor = me._style.getColor("fg_color");
var shadowColor = me._style.getColor("fg_color_shadow");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path")
.set("fill", bgColor)
.set("stroke", bgColor)
.set("stroke-width", 1);
me._shadow = me._root.createChild("path")
.set("fill", shadowColor)
.set("stroke", shadowColor)
.set("stroke-width", 1);
me._isVertical = cfg.get("isVertical");
setSize: func(model, w, h)
var firstWidth = w;
var firstHeight = h;
var hh = h * 0.5;
if( me['_text'] != nil )
firstHeight = firstWidth = 20; # TODO make this settable in Style.xml
# TODO handle eliding for translations?
me._text.setTranslation(firstWidth + 3, hh);
var maxW = model._cfg.get("maxTextWidth", -1);
if (maxW > 0) {
me._text.set("max-width", maxW);
# assume horizontal for now, with a label
var bg2Left = maxW > 0 ? maxW : me._text.maxWidth() + 22;
var bg2Width = w - bg2Left;
me._bg2.reset().rect(bg2Left, hh - 1, bg2Width, 2);
me._shadow2.reset().moveTo(bg2Left + 1, hh).horiz(bg2Width - 1);
if (me._isVertical ) {
me._bg.reset().rect(0, 0, 2, firstHeight);
me._shadow.reset().moveTo(1, 1).vert(firstHeight - 1);
} else {
me._bg.reset().rect(0, hh - 1, firstWidth, 2);
me._shadow.reset().moveTo(1, hh).horiz(firstWidth - 1);
return me;
setText: func(model, text)
if( text == nil or size(text) == 0 )
# force a resize?
return me._deleteElement('text');
if (me._isVertical) {
logprint(LOG_DEVALERT, "Text label not supported for vertical rules, yet");
me._createElement("text", "text")
var width_hint = me._text.maxWidth() + 40;
var bgColor = me._style.getColor("fg_color");
var shadowColor = me._style.getColor("fg_color_shadow");
me._bg2 = me._root.createChild("path")
.set("fill", bgColor)
.set("stroke", bgColor)
.set("stroke-width", 1);
me._shadow2 = me._root.createChild("path")
.set("fill", shadowColor)
.set("stroke", shadowColor)
.set("stroke-width", 1);
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([40, 14]);
# TODO mark as expanding?
model.setLayoutSizeHint([width_hint, 24]);
return me.update(model);
update: func(model)
# different color if disabled?
if( me['_text'] != nil )
var color_name = model._windowFocus() ? "fg_color" : "backdrop_fg_color";
me._text.set("fill", me._style.getColor(color_name));
# protected:
_createElement: func(name, type)
var mem = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ mem ] == nil )
me[ mem ] = me._root.createChild(type, "rule-" ~ name);
if( type == "text" )
me[ mem ].set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-center");
return me[ mem ];
_deleteElement: func(name)
name = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ name ] != nil )
me[ name ].del();
me[ name ] = nil;
return me;
# a frame (sometimes called a group box), with optional label
# and enable/disable checkbox
DefaultStyle.widgets.frame = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "frame-box");
me._createElement("bg", "image")
.set("slice", "8 8");
me.content = me._root.createChild("group", "frame-content");
# handle label + checkable flag
update: func(model)
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "frame";
# if( !model._enabled )
# file ~= "-disabled";
me._bg.set("src", file ~ ".png");
me._bg.setSize(model._size[0], model._size[1]);
# protected:
_createElement: func(name, type)
var mem = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ mem ] == nil )
me[ mem ] = me._root.createChild(type, "frame-" ~ name);
if( type == "text" )
me[ mem ].set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-center");
return me[ mem ];
_deleteElement: func(name)
name = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ name ] != nil )
me[ name ].del();
me[ name ] = nil;
return me;
# a horizontal or vertical slider, for selecting /
# dragging over a numerical range
DefaultStyle.widgets.slider = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "slider");
me._createElement("bg", "image")
.set("slice", "2 6");
me._createElement("fill", "image")
.set("slice", "2 6");
me._fillHeight = me._fill.imageSize()[1];
me._createElement("thumb", "image");
me._thumbSize = me._thumb.imageSize();
me._ticks = 0;
me._ticksPath = nil;
setNormValue: func(model, normValue)
var (w, h) = model._size;
var halfThumbWidth = me._thumbSize[0] * 0.5;
var availWidthPos = w - me._thumbSize[0];
var thumbX = math.round(availWidthPos * normValue);
var thumbY = (h - me._thumbSize[1]) * 0.5;
me._thumb.setTranslation(thumbX - halfThumbWidth, thumbY);
me._fill.setSize(thumbX, me._fillHeight);
update: func(model)
var direction = "horizontal";
# set background state
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "scale-" ~ direction ~ "-trough";
if( !model._enabled )
file ~= "-disabled";
me._bg.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# fill state
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "scale-" ~ direction ~ "-fill";
if( !model._enabled ) {
file ~= "-disabled";
} else {
me._fill.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# set thumb state
file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
file ~= "slider-" ~ direction;
if( !model._enabled ) {
file ~= "-disabled";
} else {
if (model._down)
file ~= "-focused";
if (model._hover)
file ~= "-hover";
me._thumb.set("src", file ~ ".png");
# update the position as well, since other stuff
# may have changed
me.setNormValue(model, model._normValue());
setSize: func(model, w, h)
var fillTop = (h - me._fillHeight) * 0.5;
me._bg.setTranslation(0, fillTop);
me._fill.setTranslation(0, fillTop);
me._bg.setSize(w, me._fillHeight);
me.setNormValue(model, model._normValue());
updateRanges: func(minValue, maxValue, numTicks = 0)
if (me._ticks != numTicks) {
# update tick marks
if (numTicks == 0) {
me._ticks = 0;
} else {
me._createElement('ticksPath', 'path');
me._ticks = numTicks;
# set style
# loop adding ticks
# protected:
_createElement: func(name, type)
var mem = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ mem ] == nil )
me[ mem ] = me._root.createChild(type, "slider-" ~ name);
if( type == "text" )
me[ mem ].set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-center");
return me[ mem ];
_deleteElement: func(name)
name = '_' ~ name;
if( me[ name ] != nil )
me[ name ].del();
me[ name ] = nil;
return me;
DefaultStyle.widgets["menu-item"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg) {
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "menu-item");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path");
me._icon = me._root.createChild("image")
.set("slice", "18 18");
me._label = me._root.createChild("text")
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-baseline");
me._shortcut = me._root.createChild("text")
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "right-baseline");
me._submenu_indicator = me._root.createChild("path")
.vert(12).line(6, -7).close();
setSize: func(model, w, h) {
me._bg.reset().rect(0, 0, w, h);
var offset = 0;
if (!model._is_menubar_item) {
offset += 5 + 18;
me._icon.setTranslation(5, int((h - 12) / 2));
me._label.setTranslation(offset + 5, int(h / 2) + 4);
me._shortcut.setTranslation(w - 5, int(h / 2) + 4);
me._submenu_indicator.setTranslation(w - 12, int((h - 12) / 2));
return me;
_updateLayoutSizes: func(model) {
var min_width = 5 + me._label.maxWidth() + 5;
if (!model._is_menubar_item) {
# add icon space
min_width += 5 + 18;
# add shortcut space
min_width += me._shortcut.maxWidth() + 10;
if (model._menu != nil) {
# add submenu indicator space
min_width += 12;
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 24]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([min_width, 24]);
return me;
setText: func(model, text) {
return me._updateLayoutSizes(model);
setShortcut: func(model, shortcut) {
if (shortcut != nil) {
return me._updateLayoutSizes(model);
setIcon: func(model, icon) {
if (!icon) {
} else {
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/" ~ icon;
me._icon.set("src", file);
return me;
update: func(model) {
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor("menu_item_bg" ~ (model._hovered ? "_hovered" : "")));
var text_color_name = "menu_item_fg";
if (model._hovered) {
text_color_name ~= "_hovered";
} else if (!model._enabled) {
text_color_name ~= "_disabled";
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor(text_color_name));
me._shortcut.set("fill", me._style.getColor(text_color_name));
me._submenu_indicator.set("fill", me._style.getColor("menu_item_submenu_indicator" ~ (model._hovered ? "_hovered" : "")));
if (model._menu != nil) {
if (!model._is_menubar_item) {
} else {
return me;
DefaultStyle.widgets["menu-bar"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg) {
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "menu-bar");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path");
me._items = me._root.createChild("group", "menu-bar-items");
setSize: func(model, w, h) {
me._bg.reset().rect(0, 0, w, 24);
me._items.setTranslation(0, 0);
return me;
update: func(model) {
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor("bg_color"));
return me;
# A button
DefaultStyle.widgets["combo-box"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg)
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "combo-box");
me._bg =
me._border =
me._root.createChild("image", "border")
.set("slice", "10 6"); #"7")
me._buttonBorder =
me._root.createChild("image", "border-button")
.set("slice", "10 6"); #"7")
me._arrowIcon = me._root.createChild("image", "arrow");
me._label =
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-center");
setSize: func(model, w, h)
var halfWidth = int(w * 0.5);
.rect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, {"border-radius": 5});
# we split the two pieces
me._border.setSize(halfWidth, h);
me._buttonBorder.setTranslation(halfWidth, 0);
me._buttonBorder.setSize(w - halfWidth, h);
var arrowSize = me._arrowIcon.imageSize();
me._arrowIcon.setTranslation(w - (arrowSize[0] + 20), (h - arrowSize[1]) * 0.5);
me._label.setTranslation(20, h * 0.5);
setText: func(model, text)
var min_width = math.max(80, me._label.maxWidth() + 16 + me._arrowIcon.imageSize()[0]);
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 16]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([min_width, 28]);
return me;
update: func(model)
var backdrop = !model._windowFocus();
var (w, h) = model._size;
var file = me._style._dir_widgets ~ "/";
# TODO unify color names with image names
var bg_color_name = "button_bg_color";
if( backdrop )
bg_color_name = "button_backdrop_bg_color";
else if( !model._enabled )
bg_color_name = "button_bg_color_insensitive";
else if( model._down )
bg_color_name = "button_bg_color_down";
else if( model._hover )
bg_color_name = "button_bg_color_hover";
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor(bg_color_name));
var arrowIconFile = file ~ "combobox-arrow";
if( backdrop )
file ~= "backdrop-";
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor("backdrop_fg_color"));
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor("fg_color"));
file ~= "combobox";
var buttonFile = file ~ "-button";
file ~= "-entry";
var suffix = "";
if( model._down )
{ # no pressed image for the left half
buttonFile ~= "-pressed";
if( model._enabled ) {
if( model._focused and !backdrop )
suffix ~= "-focused";
} else {
suffix ~= "-disabled";
arrowIconFile ~= "-disabled";
me._border.set("src", file ~ suffix ~ ".png");
me._buttonBorder.set("src", buttonFile ~ suffix ~ ".png");
me._arrowIcon.set("src", arrowIconFile ~ ".png");
DefaultStyle.widgets["list-item"] = {
new: func(parent, cfg) {
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "list-item");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path");
me._label = me._root.createChild("text")
.set("font", "LiberationFonts/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf")
.set("character-size", 14)
.set("alignment", "left-baseline");
setSize: func(model, w, h) {
me._bg.reset().rect(0, 0, w, 24);
me._label.setTranslation(5, int(h / 2) + 4);
return me;
_updateLayoutSizes: func(model) {
var min_width = 5 + me._label.maxWidth() + 5;
model.setLayoutMinimumSize([min_width, 24]);
model.setLayoutSizeHint([min_width, 24]);
return me;
setText: func(model, text) {
return me._updateLayoutSizes(model);
update: func(model) {
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor("list_item_bg" ~ (model._selected ? "_selected" : "")));
var text_color_name = "list_item_fg";
if (model._selected) {
text_color_name ~= "_selected";
me._label.set("fill", me._style.getColor(text_color_name));
return me;
DefaultStyle.widgets.list = {
new: func(parent, cfg) {
me._root = parent.createChild("group", "list");
me._bg = me._root.createChild("path");
setSize: func(model, w, h) {
me._bg.reset().rect(0, 0, w, h);
return me;
update: func(model) {
me._bg.set("fill", me._style.getColor("bg_color"));
return me;