Fork 0
ehofman ec8742bd65 Melchior FRANZ:
Implement simple help system with global and aircraft specific dialogs:

The gui.nas changes have been discussed with Andy. All ac have a help dialog,
but some are empty. (This wouldn't have been necessary, as the system falls
back to the "Common Aircraft Keys" if an aircraft has no help defined, but an
empty dialog is less confusing and encourages to be filled with interesting
information.   :-)    I scanned all aircraft files for interesting performance
data and added some to the dialogs (stall speed, etc.) The Concorde and the
p51d have (over?)complete dialogs and can serve as examples. The format is
documented in $FG_ROOT/Nasa/gui.nas.

There is also a couple of other, minor fixes.

The following files have ugly MSDOS line endings:


The Concorde-jsbsim.nas file is a useless copy of the real */nas file, which is
in Nasal/. I'was debugging the Concorde and wondered why changes to this file
had no effect ...
(Fixed Concorde in the help-ac.diff patch: don't use "interpol" keyword as
2005-04-19 13:43:44 +00:00

479 lines
17 KiB

# Pop up a "tip" dialog for a moment, then remove it. The delay in
# seconds can be specified as the second argument. The default is 1
# second. Note that the tip dialog is a shared resource. If
# someone else comes along and wants to pop a tip up before your delay
# is finished, you lose. :)
popupTip = func {
delay = if(size(arg) > 1) {arg[1]} else {DELAY};
tmpl = { name : "PopTip", modal : 0, layout : "hbox",
y: screenHProp.getValue() - 140,
text : { label : arg[0], padding : 6 } };
fgcommand("dialog-new", props.Node.new(tmpl));
fgcommand("dialog-show", tipArg);
currTimer = currTimer + 1;
thisTimer = currTimer;
settimer(func { if(currTimer == thisTimer) { popdown() } }, DELAY);
showDialog = func {
props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : arg[0]}));
# Private Stuff:
# Initialize property nodes via a timer, to insure the props module is
# loaded. See notes in view.nas. Simply cache the screen height
# property and the argument for the "dialog-show" command. This
# probably isn't really needed...
screenHProp = tipArg = nil;
INIT = func {
screenHProp = props.globals.getNode("/sim/startup/ysize");
tipArg = props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : "PopTip" });
props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/debug", 1).setValues(debug_keys);
props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/basic", 1).setValues(basic_keys);
props.globals.getNode("/sim/help/common", 1).setValues(common_aircraft_keys);
settimer(INIT, 0);
# How many seconds do we show the tip?
DELAY = 1.0;
# Pop down the tip dialog, if it is visible.
popdown = func { fgcommand("dialog-close", tipArg); }
# Marker for the "current" timer. This value gets stored in the
# closure of the timer function, and is used to check that there
# hasn't been a more recent timer set that should override.
currTimer = 0;
# Widgets & Layout Management
# A "widget" class that wraps a property node. It provides useful
# helper methods that are difficult or tedious with the raw property
# API. Note especially the slightly tricky addChild() method.
Widget = {
set : func { me.node.getNode(arg[0], 1).setValue(arg[1]); },
prop : func { return me.node; },
new : func { return { parents : [Widget], node : props.Node.new() } },
addChild : func {
type = arg[0];
idx = size(me.node.getChildren(type));
name = type ~ "[" ~ idx ~ "]";
newnode = me.node.getNode(name, 1);
return { parents : [Widget], node : newnode };
# Dialog Boxes
dialog = {};
# Dynamically generates a weight & fuel configuration dialog specific to
# the aircraft.
showWeightDialog = func {
name = "WeightAndFuel";
title = "Weight and Fuel Settings";
# General Dialog Structure
dialog[name] = Widget.new();
dialog[name].set("name", name);
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
header = dialog[name].addChild("text");
header.set("label", title);
contentArea = dialog[name].addChild("group");
contentArea.set("layout", "hbox");
grossWgt = props.globals.getNode("/yasim/gross-weight-lbs");
if(grossWgt != nil) {
gwg = dialog[name].addChild("group");
gwg.set("layout", "hbox");
gwg.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
gwg.addChild("text").set("label", "Gross Weight:");
txt = gwg.addChild("text");
txt.set("label", "0123456789");
txt.set("format", "%.0f lb");
txt.set("property", "/yasim/gross-weight-lbs");
txt.set("live", 1);
gwg.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
buttonBar = dialog[name].addChild("group");
buttonBar.set("layout", "hbox");
buttonBar.set("default-padding", 10);
ok = buttonBar.addChild("button");
ok.set("legend", "OK");
ok.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
ok.prop().getNode("binding[1]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-close");
# Temporary helper function
tcell = func {
cell = arg[0].addChild(arg[1]);
cell.set("row", arg[2]);
cell.set("col", arg[3]);
return cell;
# Fill in the content area
fuelArea = contentArea.addChild("group");
fuelArea.set("layout", "vbox");
fuelArea.addChild("text").set("label", "Fuel Tanks");
fuelTable = fuelArea.addChild("group");
fuelTable.set("layout", "table");
fuelArea.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 0).set("label", "Tank");
tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 3).set("label", "Pounds");
tcell(fuelTable, "text", 0, 4).set("label", "Gallons");
tanks = props.globals.getNode("/consumables/fuel").getChildren("tank");
for(i=0; i<size(tanks); i=i+1) {
t = tanks[i];
tname = i ~ "";
tnode = t.getNode("name");
if(tnode != nil) { tname = tnode.getValue(); }
tankprop = "/consumables/fuel/tank["~i~"]";
cap = t.getNode("capacity-gal_us", 1).getValue();
# Hack, to ignore the "ghost" tanks created by the C++ code.
if(cap < 1) { continue; }
title = tcell(fuelTable, "text", i+1, 0);
title.set("label", tname);
title.set("halign", "right");
sel = tcell(fuelTable, "checkbox", i+1, 1);
sel.set("property", tankprop ~ "/selected");
sel.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
slider = tcell(fuelTable, "slider", i+1, 2);
slider.set("property", tankprop ~ "/level-gal_us");
slider.set("min", 0);
slider.set("max", cap);
slider.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
lbs = tcell(fuelTable, "text", i+1, 3);
lbs.set("property", tankprop ~ "/level-lbs");
lbs.set("label", "0123456");
lbs.set("format", "%.3f");
lbs.set("live", 1);
gals = tcell(fuelTable, "text", i+1, 4);
gals.set("property", tankprop ~ "/level-gal_us");
gals.set("label", "0123456");
gals.set("format", "%.3f");
gals.set("live", 1);
weightArea = contentArea.addChild("group");
weightArea.set("layout", "vbox");
weightArea.addChild("text").set("label", "Payload");
weightTable = weightArea.addChild("group");
weightTable.set("layout", "table");
weightArea.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
tcell(weightTable, "text", 0, 0).set("label", "Location");
tcell(weightTable, "text", 0, 2).set("label", "Pounds");
wgts = props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("weight");
for(i=0; i<size(wgts); i=i+1) {
w = wgts[i];
wname = w.getNode("name", 1).getValue();
max = w.getNode("max-lb", 1).getValue();
wprop = "/sim/weight[" ~ i ~ "]/weight-lb";
title = tcell(weightTable, "text", i+1, 0);
title.set("label", wname);
title.set("halign", "right");
slider = tcell(weightTable, "slider", i+1, 1);
slider.set("property", wprop);
slider.set("min", 0);
slider.set("max", max);
slider.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-apply");
lbs = tcell(weightTable, "text", i+1, 2);
lbs.set("property", wprop);
lbs.set("label", "0123456");
lbs.set("format", "%.0f");
lbs.set("live", 1);
# All done: pop it up
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
# Dynamically generates a dialog from a help node.
# gui.showHelpDialog([<path> [, toggle]])
# path ... path to help node
# toggle ... decides if an already open dialog should be closed
# (useful when calling the dialog from a key binding; default: 0)
# help node
# =========
# each of <title>, <key>, <line>, <text> is optional; uses
# "/sim/description" or "/sim/aircraft" if <title> is omitted;
# only the first <text> is displayed
# <help>
# <title>dialog title<title>
# <key>
# <name>g/G</name>
# <desc>gear up/down</desc>
# </key>
# <line>one line</line>
# <line>another line</line>
# <text>text in
# scrollable widget
# </text>
# </help>
showHelpDialog = func {
node = props.globals.getNode(arg[0]);
if (arg[0] == "/sim/help" and size(node.getChildren()) < 4) {
node = node.getChild("common");
name = node.getNode("title", 1).getValue();
if (name == nil) {
name = getprop("/sim/description");
if (name == nil) {
name = getprop("/sim/aircraft");
toggle = size(arg) > 1 and arg[1] != nil and arg[1] > 0;
if (toggle and contains(dialog, name)) {
fgcommand("dialog-close", props.Node.new({ "dialog-name" : name }));
delete(dialog, name);
dialog[name] = gui.Widget.new();
dialog[name].set("layout", "vbox");
dialog[name].set("default-padding", 0);
dialog[name].set("name", name);
# title bar
titlebar = dialog[name].addChild("group");
titlebar.set("layout", "hbox");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
titlebar.addChild("text").set("label", "____________" ~ name ~ "____________");
titlebar.addChild("empty").set("stretch", 1);
w = titlebar.addChild("button");
w.set("pref-width", 16);
w.set("pref-height", 16);
w.set("legend", "");
w.set("default", 1);
w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/command", 1).setValue("nasal");
w.prop().getNode("binding[0]/script", 1).setValue("delete(gui.dialog, \"" ~ name ~ "\")");
w.prop().getNode("binding[1]/command", 1).setValue("dialog-close");
# key list
keylist = dialog[name].addChild("group");
keylist.set("layout", "table");
keylist.set("default-padding", 2);
keydefs = node.getChildren("key");
n = size(keydefs);
row = col = 0;
foreach (key; keydefs) {
if (n >= 60 and row >= n / 3 or n >= 16 and row >= n / 2) {
col = col + 1;
row = 0;
w = keylist.addChild("text");
w.set("row", row);
w.set("col", 2 * col);
w.set("halign", "right");
w.set("label", " " ~ key.getNode("name").getValue());
w = keylist.addChild("text");
w.set("row", row);
w.set("col", 2 * col + 1);
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("label", "... " ~ key.getNode("desc").getValue() ~ " ");
row = row + 1;
# separate lines
lines = node.getChildren("line");
if (size(lines)) {
if (size(keydefs)) {
dialog[name].addChild("text").set("label", "_________________________");
g = dialog[name].addChild("group");
g.set("layout", "vbox");
g.set("default-padding", 1);
foreach (l; lines) {
w = g.addChild("text");
w.set("halign", "left");
w.set("label", " " ~ l.getValue() ~ " ");
# scrollable text area
if (node.getNode("text") != nil) {
dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 10);
width = [640, 800, 1152][col];
height = screenHProp.getValue() - (100 + (size(keydefs) / (col + 1) + size(lines)) * 28);
if (height < 200) {
height = 200;
w = dialog[name].addChild("textbox");
w.set("halign", "center");
w.set("slider", 20);
w.set("pref-width", width);
w.set("pref-height", height);
w.set("editable", 0);
w.set("property", node.getPath() ~ "/text");
} else {
dialog[name].addChild("empty").set("pref-height", 8);
fgcommand("dialog-new", dialog[name].prop());
debug_keys = {
title : "Development Keys",
key : [
#{ name : "Ctrl-U", desc : "add 1000 ft of emergency altitude" },
#{ name : "W", desc : "toggle fullscreen (3DFX only)" },
{ name : "F2", desc : "force tile cache reload" },
{ name : "F4", desc : "force lighting update" },
{ name : "F8", desc : "cycle fog type" },
{ name : "F9", desc : "toggle textures" },
{ name : "Shift-F3", desc : "load panel" },
{ name : "Shift-F4", desc : "reload global preferences" },
{ name : "Shift-F10", desc : "toggle FDM data logging" },
basic_keys = {
title : "Basic Keys",
key : [
{ name : "?", desc : "show/hide aircraft help dialog" },
#{ name : "Tab", desc : "show/hide aircraft config dialog" },
{ name : "Esc", desc : "quit FlightGear" },
{ name : "Shift-Esc", desc : "reset FlightGear" },
{ name : "a/A", desc : "increase/decrease speed-up" },
{ name : "c", desc : "toggle 3D/2D cockpit" },
{ name : "Ctrl-C", desc : "toggle clickable panel hotspots" },
{ name : "m/M", desc : "increase/decrease warp" },
{ name : "p", desc : "pause/continue sim" },
{ name : "r", desc : "activate instant replay system" },
{ name : "Ctrl-R", desc : "show radio setting dialog" },
{ name : "t/T", desc : "increase/decrease warp delta" },
{ name : "v/V", desc : "cycle views (forward/backward)" },
{ name : "Ctrl-V", desc : "select cockpit view" },
{ name : "x/X", desc : "zoom in/out" },
{ name : "Ctrl-X", desc : "reset zoom to default" },
{ name : "z/Z", desc : "increase/decrease visibility" },
{ name : "'", desc : "display ATC setting dialog" },
{ name : "F1", desc : "load flight" },
{ name : "F3", desc : "capture screen" },
{ name : "F10", desc : "toggle menubar" },
{ name : "Shift-F2", desc : "save flight" },
common_aircraft_keys = {
title : "Common Aircraft Keys",
key : [
{ name : "Enter", desc : "move rudder right" },
{ name : "0/Insert", desc : "move rudder left" },
{ name : "1/End", desc : "decrease elevator trim" },
{ name : "2/Up", desc : "increase elevator or AP altitude" },
{ name : "3/PgDn", desc : "decr. throttle or AP autothrottle" },
{ name : "4/Left", desc : "move aileron left or adj. AP hdg." },
{ name : "5/KP5", desc : "center aileron, elev., and rudder" },
{ name : "6/Right", desc : "move aileron right or adj. AP hdg." },
{ name : "7/Home", desc : "increase elevator trim" },
{ name : "8/Down", desc : "decrease elevator or AP altitude" },
{ name : "9/PgUp", desc : "incr. throttle or AP autothrottle" },
{ name : "Space", desc : "fire starter on selected eng." },
{ name : "!/@/#/$", desc : "select engine 1/2/3/4" },
{ name : "b", desc : "apply all brakes" },
{ name : "B", desc : "toggle parking brake" },
#{ name : "Ctrl-B", desc : "toggle speed brake" },
{ name : "g/G", desc : "gear up/down" },
{ name : "h", desc : "cycle HUD (head up display)" },
{ name : "H", desc : "cycle HUD brightness" },
{ name : "i/Shift-i", desc : "normal/minimal HUD" },
#{ name : "j", desc : "decrease spoilers" },
#{ name : "k", desc : "increase spoilers" },
{ name : "l", desc : "toggle tail-wheel lock" },
{ name : "P", desc : "toggle 2D panel" },
{ name : "s", desc : "swap panels" },
{ name : ", .", desc : "left/right brake (comma, period)" },
{ name : "~", desc : "select all engines (tilde)" },
{ name : "[ ]", desc : "flaps up/down" },
{ name : "{ }", desc : "decr/incr magneto on sel. eng." },
{ name : "Ctrl-A", desc : "AP: toggle altitude lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-G", desc : "AP: toggle glide slope lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-H", desc : "AP: toggle heading lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-N", desc : "AP: toggle NAV1 lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-P", desc : "AP: toggle pitch hold" },
{ name : "Ctrl-S", desc : "AP: toggle auto-throttle" },
{ name : "Ctrl-T", desc : "AP: toggle terrain lock" },
{ name : "Ctrl-W", desc : "AP: toggle wing leveler" },
{ name : "F6", desc : "AP: toggle heading mode" },
{ name : "F11", desc : "pop up autopilot (AP) dialog" },
{ name : "Shift-F5", desc : "scroll 2D panel down" },
{ name : "Shift-F6", desc : "scroll 2D panel up" },
{ name : "Shift-F7", desc : "scroll 2D panel left" },
{ name : "Shift-F8", desc : "scroll 2D panel right" },