Remove object 'outletCover' as it is not animated over MP. Remove animation for missing object gearFrontDoorsClosed. Remove strobe animation (no strobe on real aircraft). Update gear steer and spin animation to match FGAddon aircraft. Update MP property for canopy jettison to match FGAddon aircraft.
1561 lines
43 KiB
1561 lines
43 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Fuselage animations -->
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<!-- fdm/jsbsim/fcs/canopy/hinges/serviceable -->
<ind> 0.00 </ind>
<dep> 0.00 </dep>
<ind> 0.01 </ind>
<dep> 1.00 </dep>
<x-m> 0 </x-m>
<y-m> 0 </y-m>
<z-m> 0 </z-m>
<!-- engines/engine/reverser-position -->
<x1-m> 6.15 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -0.41069 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.41069 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 6.15 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -0.15032 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.56101 </z2-m>
<!-- engines/engine/reverser-position -->
<x1-m> 6.15 </x1-m>
<y1-m> 0.56101 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.15033 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 6.15 </x2-m>
<y2-m> 0.56101 </y2-m>
<z2-m> 0.15033 </z2-m>
<!-- engines/engine/reverser-position -->
<x1-m> 6.15 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -0.15033 </y1-m>
<z1-m> 0.56101 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 6.15 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -0.41069 </y2-m>
<z2-m> 0.41069 </z2-m>
<ind> 0.99 </ind>
<dep> 1.00 </dep>
<ind> 1.00 </ind>
<dep> 0.01 </dep>
<x-m> 6.5 </x-m>
<y-m> 0 </y-m>
<z-m> 0 </z-m>
<!-- Control surfaces -->
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<x2-m> 5.70491</x2-m>
<y1-m> 0</y1-m>
<z2-m> 3.04123</z2-m>
<x1-m> 5.70220</x1-m>
<y2-m> 0 </y2-m>
<z1-m> 1.09636</z1-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<x1-m> 5.84096 </x1-m>
<y1-m> 0.99576 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.31533 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 5.84928 </x2-m>
<y2-m> 5.10587 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.39563 </z2-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<x2-m> 5.84096 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -0.99576 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.31533 </z2-m>
<x1-m> 5.84928 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -5.10587 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.39563 </z1-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<x1-m> 5.84096 </x1-m>
<y1-m> 0.99576 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.31533 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 5.84928 </x2-m>
<y2-m> 5.10587 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.39563 </z2-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<x2-m> 5.84096 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -0.99576 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.31533 </z2-m>
<x1-m> 5.84928 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -5.10587 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.39563 </z1-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<x1-m> -0.25811 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -2.59427 </y1-m>
<z1-m> 0.12740 </z1-m>
<x2-m> -0.25811 </x2-m>
<y2-m> 2.59427 </y2-m>
<z2-m> 0.12740 </z2-m>
<!-- *****************************************
***************************************** -->
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.00 </ind>
<dep> 0.00 </dep>
<ind> 0.001 </ind>
<dep> 1.00 </dep>
<x-m> 0 </x-m>
<y-m> 0 </y-m>
<z-m> 0 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 90.0</dep>
<ind> 0.20</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<x1-m> -4.98851 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -0.20881 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.78645 </z1-m>
<x2-m> -3.05037 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -0.22542 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.80660 </z2-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 90.0</dep>
<ind> 0.20</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<x1-m> -3.05041</x1-m>
<y1-m> 0.22836</y1-m>
<x2-m> -4.98856</x2-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 110.0</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<!-- gear/gear[0]/steering-norm -->
<!-- compress front gear-->
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> -3.35424 </x-m>
<y-m> 0.03597 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.3040 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation.xml"/>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> -3.35424 </x-m>
<y-m> 0.03597 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.5988 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation.xml"/>
<!-- spinning wheel calc
radius = -1.59622 + 1.84812 = 0.2519
circum = 2*pi*radius = 1.5827
factor = 1/circum * 60 = 0.6318 * 60 = 37.9091
<!-- gear/gear[0]/rollspeed-ms -->
<!-- left -->
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.00 </ind>
<dep> 0.10 </dep>
<ind> 0.001 </ind>
<dep> 1.00 </dep>
<x-m> 2.31352 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.13284 </y-m>
<z-m> -0.31244 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 90.0</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<x-m> 2.31352 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.13284 </y-m>
<z-m> -0.31244 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<ind> 0.75</ind>
<dep> 92.5</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<x1-m> 3.15291 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -2.26718 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.37753 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 2.24979 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -2.26655 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.37756 </z2-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<ind> 0.20</ind>
<dep> -130</dep>
<ind> 0.75</ind>
<dep> -130</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0</dep>
<x1-m> 3.05949 </x1-m>
<y1-m> -0.62357 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.66289 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 1.55473 </x2-m>
<y2-m> -0.62357 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.77957 </z2-m>
<!-- compress left gear-->
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.33204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.11446 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.2140 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation.xml"/>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.11446 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.5088 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation.xml"/>
<!-- compress left gear when retracting (experimental) -->
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.33204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.11446 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.2140 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation-retract.xml"/>
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.11446 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.5088 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation-retract.xml"/>
<!-- spinning left wheel calc
radius = -1.76576 - -2.07213 = 0.30637
circum = 2*pi*radius = 1.9250
factor = 1/circum * 60 = 0.6318 * 60 = 31.1692
1.91138 -2.36257 -1.76576
2.7215 -2.36257 -1.7642
<!-- gear/gear[1]/rollspeed-ms -->
<x-m> 1.91138 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.18257 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.76576 </z-m>
<!-- gear/gear[1]/rollspeed-ms -->
<x-m> 2.72150 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.18257 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.76420 </z-m>
<!-- right -->
<ind> 0.00 </ind>
<dep> 0.10 </dep>
<ind> 0.05 </ind>
<dep> 1.00 </dep>
<x-m> 2.31352 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.13284 </y-m>
<z-m> -0.31244 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 90.0</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<x-m> 2.31352 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.13285 </y-m>
<z-m> -0.31244 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<ind> 0.75</ind>
<dep> -92.5</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<x1-m> 3.15291 </x1-m>
<y1-m> 2.26718 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.37753 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 2.24979 </x2-m>
<y2-m> 2.26655 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.37756 </z2-m>
<!-- auto MP transmit -->
<ind> 0.0</ind>
<dep> 0.0</dep>
<ind> 0.2</ind>
<dep> 130</dep>
<ind> 0.75</ind>
<dep> 130</dep>
<ind> 1.0</ind>
<dep> 0</dep>
<x1-m> 3.05949 </x1-m>
<y1-m> 0.62357 </y1-m>
<z1-m> -0.66289 </z1-m>
<x2-m> 1.55473 </x2-m>
<y2-m> 0.62357 </y2-m>
<z2-m> -0.77957 </z2-m>
<!-- compress right gear-->
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.15204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.21946 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.2140 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation.xml"/>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.21946 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.5088 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation.xml"/>
<!-- compress right gear when retracting-->
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.15204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.21946 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.2140 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation-retract.xml"/>
<!-- auto MP trasmit -->
<x-m> 2.27377 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.21946 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.5088 </z-m>
<interpolation include="scissor-interpolation-retract.xml"/>
<!-- spinning right wheel calc
radius = -1.76576 - -2.07213 = 0.30637
circum = 2*pi*radius = 1.9250
factor = 1/circum * 60 = 0.6318 * 60 = 31.1692
1.91138 2.36257 -1.76576
2.7215 2.36257 -1.7642
<!-- gear/gear[2]/rollspeed-ms -->
<x-m> 1.91138 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.18257 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.76576 </z-m>
<!-- gear/gear[2]/rollspeed-ms -->
<x-m> 2.72150 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.18257 </y-m>
<z-m> -1.76420 </z-m>
<!-- ==================================== Start effects ======================= -->
<!-- Air Outlet -->
<!-- engines/engine/flame -->
<!-- I do not like this workaround -->
<!-- engines/engine/flame -->
<!-- engines/engine/flame -->
<!-- engines/engine/flame -->
<!-- Outlet Nozzles -->
<x-m> -3.65342 </x-m>
<y-m> 0 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.15204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.15204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<x-m> -3.65342 </x-m>
<y-m> 0 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> -2.15204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<x-m> 2.64670 </x-m>
<y-m> 2.15204 </y-m>
<z-m> -2.1 </z-m>
<!-- end effects -->