357 lines
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357 lines
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## view.nas
## Nasal code for implementing view-specific functionality. Right
## now, it does intelligent FOV scaling in the view.increase() and
## view.decrease() handlers.
# This is a neat trick. We want these globals to be initialized at
# startup, but there is no guarantee that the props.nas module will be
# loaded yet when we are run. So set the values to nil at startup (so
# that there is a value in the lexical environment -- otherwise
# assigning them in INIT() will only make local variables),
# and then assign them from inside a timer that we set to run
# immediately *after* startup.
# Nifty hacks notwithstanding, this really isn't the right way to do
# this. There ought to be an "import" mechanism we can use to resolve
# dependencies between modules.
fovProp = nil;
INIT = func {
fovProp = props.globals.getNode("/sim/current-view/field-of-view");
settimer(INIT, 0);
# Dynamically calculate limits so that it takes STEPS iterations to
# traverse the whole range, the maximum FOV is fixed at 120 degrees,
# and the minimum corresponds to normal maximum human visual acuity
# (~1 arc minute of resolution, although apparently people vary widely
# in this ability). Quick derivation of the math:
# mul^steps = max/min
# steps * ln(mul) = ln(max/min)
# mul = exp(ln(max/min) / steps)
STEPS = 40;
ACUITY = 1/60; # Maximum angle subtended by one pixel (== 1 arc minute)
max = min = mul = 0;
calcMul = func {
max = 120; # Fixed at 120 degrees
min = getprop("/sim/startup/xsize") * ACUITY;
mul = math.exp(math.ln(max/min) / STEPS);
# Handler. Increase FOV by one step
increase = func {
val = fovProp.getValue() * mul;
if(val == max) { return; }
if(val > max) { val = max }
gui.popupTip(sprintf("FOV: %.1f", val));
# Handler. Decrease FOV by one step
decrease = func {
val = fovProp.getValue() / mul;
gui.popupTip(sprintf("FOV: %.1f%s", val, val < min ? " (overzoom)" : ""));
# Handler. Reset FOV to default.
resetFOV = func {
# Handler. Reset view to default.
resetView = func {
# Handler. Step to the next view.
var stepView = func(n) {
var i = getprop("/sim/current-view/view-number") + n;
if (i < 0)
i = size(views) - 1;
elsif (i >= size(views))
i = 0;
setprop("/sim/current-view/view-number", i);
# And pop up a nice reminder
# Standard view "slew" rate, in degrees/sec.
# Pans the view horizontally. The argument specifies a relative rate
# (or number of "steps" -- same thing) to the standard rate.
panViewDir = func(step) {
if (getprop("/sim/freeze/master"))
prop = "/sim/current-view/heading-offset-deg";
prop = "/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg";
controls.slewProp(prop, step * VIEW_PAN_RATE);
# Pans the view vertically. The argument specifies a relative rate
# (or number of "steps" -- same thing) to the standard rate.
panViewPitch = func(step) {
if (getprop("/sim/freeze/master"))
prop = "/sim/current-view/pitch-offset-deg";
prop = "/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg";
controls.slewProp(prop, step * VIEW_PAN_RATE);
var flyby = {
init : func {
me.lonN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/viewer/longitude-deg", 1);
me.latN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/viewer/latitude-deg", 1);
me.altN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/viewer/altitude-ft", 1);
me.hdgN = props.globals.getNode("/orientation/heading-deg", 1);
me.loopid = 0;
me.number = nil;
me.currview = nil;
forindex (var i; views)
if (views[i].getNode("name").getValue() == "Fly-By View")
me.number = i;
if (me.number == nil)
die("can't find 'Fly-By View'");
setlistener("/sim/signals/reinit", func { cmdarg().getValue() or me.reset() });
setlistener("/sim/crashed", func { cmdarg().getValue() and me.reset() });
setlistener("/sim/freeze/replay-state", func {
settimer(func { me.reset() }, 1); # time for replay to catch up
setlistener("/sim/current-view/view-number", func {
me.currview = cmdarg().getValue();
}, 1);
reset: func {
me.loopid += 1;
me.currview == me.number or return;
me.chase = -getprop("/sim/chase-distance-m");
me.course = me.hdgN.getValue();
me.coord = geo.Coord.new().set(geo.aircraft_position());
me.dist = 20;
setpos : func(force = 0) {
var pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var dist = me.coord.distance_to(pos);
if (dist < 1.7 * me.chase and !force)
var side = (rand() - 0.5 < 0) ? -90 : 90;
var course = me.hdgN.getValue();
pos.apply_course_distance(course, dist * 0.8);
pos.apply_course_distance(course + side, me.chase);
var lon = pos.lon();
var lat = pos.lat();
var elev = geo.elevation(lon, lat);
var alt = pos.alt();
alt += (alt - me.coord.alt()) * 0.5;
if (elev != nil and alt < elev + 5)
alt = elev + 5;
me.altN.setValue(alt * geo.M2FT);
me.coord.set_lonlat(lon, lat, alt);
loop : func(id) {
id == me.loopid or return;
settimer(func { me.loop(id) }, 6.3);
#-- view manager --------------------------------------------------------------
# Saves/restores/moves the view point (position, orientation, field-of-view).
# Moves are interpolated with sinusoidal characteristic. There's only one
# instance of this class, available as "view.point".
# Usage:
# view.point.save(); ... save current view and return reference to
# saved values in the form of a props.Node
# view.point.restore(); ... restore saved view parameters
# view.point.move(<prop> [, <time>]);
# ... set view parameters from a props.Node with
# optional move time in seconds. <prop> may be
# nil, in which case nothing happens.
# A parameter set as expected by set() and returned by save() is a props.Node
# object containing any (or none) of these children:
# <heading-offset-deg>
# <pitch-offset-deg>
# <roll-offset-deg>
# <x-offset-m>
# <y-offset-m>
# <z-offset-m>
# <field-of-view>
# <move-time-sec>
# The <move-time> isn't really a property of the view, but is available
# for convenience. The time argument in the move() method overrides it.
# Normalize angle to -180 <= angle < 180
var normdeg = func(a) {
while (a >= 180) {
a -= 360;
while (a < -180) {
a += 360;
return a;
# Manages one translation/rotation axis. (For simplicity reasons the
# field-of-view parameter is also managed by this class.)
var ViewAxis = {
new : func(prop) {
var m = { parents : [ViewAxis] };
m.prop = props.globals.getNode(prop, 1);
if (m.prop.getType() == "NONE") {
m.from = m.to = m.prop.getValue();
return m;
reset : func {
me.from = me.to = normdeg(me.prop.getValue());
target : func(v) {
me.to = normdeg(v);
move : func(blend) {
me.prop.setValue(me.from + blend * (me.to - me.from));
# view.point: handles smooth view movements
var point = {
init : func {
me.axes = {
"heading-offset-deg" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/goal-heading-offset-deg"),
"pitch-offset-deg" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/goal-pitch-offset-deg"),
"roll-offset-deg" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/goal-roll-offset-deg"),
"x-offset-m" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/x-offset-m"),
"y-offset-m" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/y-offset-m"),
"z-offset-m" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/z-offset-m"),
"field-of-view" : ViewAxis.new("/sim/current-view/field-of-view"),
me.storeN = props.Node.new();
me.dtN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/time/delta-realtime-sec", 1);
me.currviewN = props.globals.getNode("/sim/current-view", 1);
me.blend = 0;
me.loop_id = 0;
props.copy(props.globals.getNode("/sim/view/config"), me.storeN);
save : func {
me.storeN = props.Node.new();
props.copy(me.currviewN, me.storeN);
return me.storeN;
restore : func {
move : func(prop, time = nil) {
prop != nil or return;
foreach (var a; keys(me.axes)) {
var n = prop.getNode(a);
if (n != nil) {
var m = prop.getNode("move-time-sec");
if (m != nil) {
time = m.getValue();
if (time == nil) {
time = 1;
me.blend = -1; # range -1 .. 1
me._loop_(me.loop_id += 1, time);
_loop_ : func(id, time) {
me.loop_id == id or return;
me.blend += me.dtN.getValue() / time;
if (me.blend > 1) {
me.blend = 1;
var b = (math.sin(me.blend * math.pi / 2) + 1) / 2; # range 0 .. 1
foreach (var a; keys(me.axes)) {
if (me.blend < 1) {
settimer(func { me._loop_(id, time) }, 0);
var views = nil;
_setlistener("/sim/signals/nasal-dir-initialized", func {
views = props.globals.getNode("/sim").getChildren("view");
_setlistener("/sim/signals/fdm-initialized", func {