Here's a quick update to the yf23 fdm and auto-pilot settings. It flies and takes-off reasonably well - still haven't tried landing it yet;) It can still be a bit wobbly at times though and It's not very good at terrain following either. Taking off on auto-pilot is quite fun. Set full flaps and CTRL-a (assuming you're near sea level), hit F6 to make it go straight and apply power - about 50% until it rotates then apply full power. Retract the gear as soon as it gets off the ground and by the time you#ve done that, retract the flaps. Quite entertaining from a tower view:) It's not really an ideal a/c to model but apart from the aesthetics, which appeal to me, I was curious about not having a rudder. There's a new texture sheet too but it only makes the a/c a paler shade of grey.
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<!-- There weren't many YF23s - just the two prototypes - and I
couldn't find much 'hard' information so a lot of this fdm is
guess work (GW).
<!-- Max take off wieght is 64000lb but I imagine that this
includes some weapons so I'm allocating 8000lb to his and
subtracting it from the max wieght.
I got a figure of 24000lb for the fuel load from a web site.
this seems rather high to me but until I can get a better
figure it'll have to do.
<airplane mass="32000">
<!-- Approach configuration -->
<!-- From GW & photos -->
<approach speed="130" aoa="5">
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="0.15"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="0.15"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="1"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/flight/slats" value="0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="1"/>
<!-- Cruise configuration -->
<cruise speed="900" alt="45000">
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" value="1"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" value="1"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" value="0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" value="0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/flight/flaps" value="0.0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/flight/slats" value="0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" value="0"/>
<cockpit x="5.70" y="0.00" z="1.26"/>
<!-- Fuselage entries for the fuselage proper and the two
engine housings. The YF23 is basically a wing with
these three fuselage/housings, and the elevator. For
this reason I've started the wings from the center-line.
<!-- Fuselage -->
<fuselage ax="10.00" ay="0.00" az="0.00"
bx="-2.00" by="0.00" bz="0.00"
width="1.6" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.5"/>
<!-- Left engine housing -->
<fuselage ax="-2.00" ay="1.80" az="0.00"
bx="-8.00" by="1.20" bz="0.60"
width="1.2" taper="0" midpoint="0.3"/>
<!-- Right engine housing -->
<fuselage ax="-2.00" ay="-1.80" az="0.00"
bx="-8.00" by="-1.20" bz="0.60"
width="1.2" taper="0" midpoint="0.3"/>
<!-- GW stall characteristics -->
<wing x="-2.00" y="0.00" z="0.25" length="6.66" chord="12.00"
taper="0.08" sweep="0" dihedral="0" camber="0" incidence="-0.4">
<stall aoa="35" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
<flap0 start="0.36" end="0.63" lift="1.1" drag="1.8"/>
<flap1 start="0.63" end="0.89" lift="1.1" drag="1.3"/>
<slat start="0.42" end="0.89" aoa="3" drag="1.1"/>
<wing x="-2.00" y="2.40" z="0.25" length="4.2" chord="8.1"
taper="0.19" sweep="0" dihedral="0" camber="0.0" incidence="0.0">
<stall aoa="35" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
<flap0 start="0.0" end="0.42" lift="1.5" drag="1.5"/>
<flap1 start="0.42" end="0.833" lift="1.1" drag="1.3"/>
<slat start="0.14" end="0.833" aoa="3" drag="1.1"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/slats" control="SLAT"/>
<control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
<control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
<control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
<control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="2"/>
<control-speed control="FLAP1" transition-time="0.5"/>
<control-output control="SLAT" prop="/surface-positions/slat-pos-norm"/>
<hstab x="-8.70" y="2.40" z="0.36" length="3.30" chord="5.10"
taper="0.11" sweep="0" dihedral="40" camber="0.0" effectiveness="1">
<stall aoa="24" width="7" peak="1.3"/>
<flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.4" drag="1.5"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
<control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
<control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="0.5"/>
<!-- The only figures I've found for the F119-PW-100L give 35000lb
'class' with afterburner. The difference between the top speed
with and with out afterburner (mach 1.43 vs mach 2) suggests that
the afterburner ratio is << 2:1 so I've used a ratio suggested by
those mach speeds + plus a fudge factor = 0.7. Also, the engine has
thrust vectoring but I've not worked that out yet.
<jet x="-6.26" y="1.20" z="0.60" mass="3000" thrust="24500" afterburner="35000">
<control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
<jet x="-6.26" y="-1.20" z="0.60" mass="3000" thrust="24500" afterburner="35000">
<control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/throttle" control="THROTTLE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[1]/afterburner" control="REHEAT"/>
<!-- Front -->
<gear x="5.25" y="0.00" z="-2.25" compression="0.65" spring="2.0">
<control-input axis="/controls/flight/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
<control-output control="STEER" prop="/gear/gear[0]/steering-norm"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="4"/>
<!-- Left main -->
<gear x="-2.20" y="1.92" z="-2.7" compression="1.2" spring="1.5">
<control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[0]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="4"/>
<!-- Right main -->
<gear x="-2.20" y="-1.92" z="-2.7" compression="1.2" spring="1.5">
<control-input axis="/controls/gear/wheel[1]/brake" control="BRAKE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/gear/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[2]/position-norm"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="4"/>
<!-- Canopy -->
<gear x="4.1" y="0.0" z="1.05" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
<control-input axis="/controls/gear/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
<!-- The locations and capcities are GW. -->
<!-- Fuselage tank -->
<tank x="1.5" y="0" z="0.68" jet="true" capacity="8000"/>
<!-- Left wing tank -->
<tank x="-1.40" y="2" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="8000"/>
<!-- Right wing tank -->
<tank x="-1.40" y="-2" z="0.0" jet="true" capacity="8000"/>
<!-- Avionics -->
<ballast x="4" y="0" z="0.6" mass="3000"/>
<!-- Cockpit and radar -->
<ballast x="7" y="0" z="0.2" mass="1500"/>
<!-- Pilot -->
<ballast x="5.8" y="0" z="0.6" mass="200"/>
<!-- Trim ballast -->
<ballast x="6" y="0" z="0.0" mass="1000"/>