Patch goals: 1. Implement instrument and pannel lights controled by the nav-light switch. 2. Use Instruments-3d/vor which includes GS flag and filters for smooth movement of cdi and gs needles to and from parked position. 3. Adjust model and pilot view per the agreed to changes in Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172p pitch at cruise question, 12/06/2008 02:27 PM. These changes were never committed.
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91 lines
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# $Id$
# this are the helper functions for the dme indicator ki266
# Maintainer: Torsten Dreyer (Torsten at t3r dot de)
# $Log$
# Revision 1.1 2009/11/18 20:36:14 jmt
# From Dave Perry:
# Patch goals:
# 1. Implement instrument and pannel lights controled by the nav-light switch.
# 2. Use Instruments-3d/vor which includes GS flag and filters for smooth movement of cdi and gs needles to and from parked position.
# 3. Adjust model and pilot view per the agreed to changes in Re: [Flightgear-devel] c172p pitch at cruise question, 12/06/2008 02:27 PM. These changes were never committed.
# Revision 1.1 2008/12/22 00:25:55 mfranz
# Dave PERRY:
# "This patch adds instrument lights to the radio stack and a repaint of
# the fuselage and tail to look better with osg."
# Revision 1.2 2008/11/21 09:21:03 torsten
# make use of new Node.initNode() method
# Revision 1.1 2008/11/03 16:18:06 torsten
# added ki266 3d-instrument, see ki266.xml for help
# Basically, we check the "time to station", "distance to station" and "speed"
# properties and generate the values to show on the displays, based on the switch-
# setting.
# Usage:
# just create one instance of ki266 class for each dme you have in your aircraft
# like this:
var ki266 = {};
| = func(idx) {
var obj = {};
obj.parents = [ki266];
obj.rootNode = props.globals.getNode( "/instrumentation/dme[" ~ idx ~ "]", 1 );
obj.powerNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "power-btn", 1, "BOOL" );
obj.distNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "indicated-distance-nm", 0.0 );
obj.timeNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "indicated-time-min", 0.0 );
obj.ktsNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "indicated-ground-speed-kt", 0.0 );
obj.minKtsNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "switch-min-kts", 1, "BOOL" );
obj.minKtsDisplayNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "min-kts-display", 0.0 );
obj.milesDisplayNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "miles-display", 0.0 );
obj.leftDotNode = obj.rootNode.initNode( "left-dot", 0, "BOOL" );
| obj.powerNode, obj.minKtsNode );
print( "KI266 dme indicator #" ~ idx ~ " initialized" );
return obj;
ki266.update = func {
var v = 0.0;
if( me.minKtsNode.getValue() ) {
v = me.ktsNode.getValue();
} else {
v = me.timeNode.getValue();
if( v > 999.0 ) {
v = 999.0;
if( v < 0.0 ) {
v = 0.0;
me.minKtsDisplayNode.setIntValue( v );
v = me.distNode.getValue();
if( v > 999.9 ) {
v = 999.9;
if( v < 0.0 ) {
v = 0.0;
if( v < 100.0 ) {
me.milesDisplayNode.setIntValue( v * 10.0 );
me.leftDotNode.setBoolValue( 1 );
} else {
me.milesDisplayNode.setIntValue( v );
me.leftDotNode.setBoolValue( 0 );
settimer( func { me.update() }, 0.2 );