Previously the Select Airport dialog set the heading preset to 0. A recent change in the reposition code meant that this was now being complied with. This change fixes it by setting the heading to the "uninitialized" special value of 9999.0.
1421 lines
48 KiB
1421 lines
48 KiB
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<label>Select an Airport</label>
<!-- Generalize all this, turn into helpers and load defaults via XML -->
var MAX_RUNWAYS = 28; # number of entries at KEDW
var DIALOG = cmdarg();
var listeners = [];
## "prologue" currently required by the canvas-generic-map
var dialog_name ="airports"; #TODO: use substr() and cmdarg() to get this dynamically
var dialog_property = func(p) return "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/"~p; #TODO: generalize using cmdarg
var DIALOG_CANVAS = gui.findElementByName(DIALOG, "airport-selection");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lat", 0);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon", 0);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy", "");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos", "");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/mode", "search");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-mode", "0");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list", "");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-taxiways") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-taxiways", "1");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-parking") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-parking", "0");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-tower") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/display-tower", "1");
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads") == "") {
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads", "1");
# Start with the closest airport
var airport_id = airportinfo().id;
# Retrieve METAR
fgcommand("request-metar", var n ={ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
"station": airport_id}));
var dlg = props.globals.getNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports", 1);
var avail_runways = dlg.getNode("available-runways", 1);
var avail_parking = {};
if (dlg.getNode("list") == nil)
dlg.getNode("list", 1).setValue("");
var airportlist = dlg.getNode("list");
var mode = {
runway: dlg.getNode("use_runway", 1),
bestrunway: dlg.getNode("use_best_runway", 1),
parkpos: dlg.getNode("use_parkpos", 1)
var set_radio = func(m) {
foreach (k; keys(mode)) {
mode[k].setBoolValue(m == k);
var initialized = 0;
foreach (k; keys(mode)) {
if (mode[k].getType() == "NONE" or initialized) {
} else {
initialized += mode[k].getBoolValue();
if (!initialized) {
var update_info = func {
var info = airportinfo(airport_id);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/id", airport_id);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/location", sprintf("%.3f / %.3f",, info.lon));
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon", info.lon);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/elevation-ft", 3.28 * info.elevation);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy", "");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos", "");
AirportChart.getController().setPosition(, info.lon);
if (info.has_metar) {
# Retrieve an updated METAR, and indicate that we've not got one currently.
fgcommand("request-metar", var n ={ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
"station": airport_id}));
} else {
# This airport has no METAR. Rather than cancelling the retrieve-metar command, simply set the TTL
# to a very long time so it won't over-ride our message.
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar/time-to-live", 9999);
# Display the comms frequencies for this airport
var fcount = 0;
if (size(info.comms()) > 0) {
# Airport has one or more frequencies assigned to it.
var freqs = {};
var comms = info.comms();
foreach (var c; comms) {
var f = sprintf("%.3f", c.frequency);
if (freqs[c.ident] == nil) {
freqs[c.ident] = f;
} else {
freqs[c.ident] = freqs[c.ident] ~ " " ~ f;
foreach (var c; sort(keys(freqs), string.icmp)) {
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/label", c);
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/value", freqs[c]);
fcount += 1;
while (fcount < 13) {
# zero remaining comms channels
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/label", "");
setprop("sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/comms/freq[" ~ fcount ~ "]/value", "");
fcount += 1;
var longest_runway = 0;
var runways = info.runways;
var infoAboutRunways = []; # list of strings for display
var runway_keys = sort(keys(runways), string.icmp);
var i = 0;
foreach(var rwy; runway_keys) {
var r = runways[rwy];
longest_runway = math.max(longest_runway, r.length * 3.28);
avail_runways.getNode("value[" ~ i ~ "]", 1).setValue(rwy);
var rwyInfo = sprintf("%5s %12d' / %03d deg", rwy, r.length * 3.28,
if (r.ils != nil) {
rwyInfo = sprintf("%s %20.3f Mhz", rwyInfo,
r.ils.frequency / 100);
append(infoAboutRunways, rwyInfo);
i += 1;
if (i == MAX_RUNWAYS)
var runwayInfoNode = dlg.getNode("selected-airport/runways-info", 1);
runwayInfoNode.setValue(string.join("\n", infoAboutRunways));
fgcommand("dialog-update",{"object-name": "runways-info", "dialog-name": "airports"}));
# Update the list of available parking positions
avail_parking = {};
foreach (var park; info.parking()) {
avail_parking[] = 1;
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/longest-runway", longest_runway);
var airport_pos =;
airport_pos.set_latlon(, info.lon);
var pos = geo.aircraft_position();
var dst = pos.distance_to(airport_pos) / 1852.0;
var crs = pos.course_to(airport_pos);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/distance-nm", dst);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/course-deg", crs);
gui.dialog_update("airports", "runway-list");
var listbox = func {
airport_id = pop(split(" ", airportlist.getValue()));
airport_id = substr(airport_id, 1, size(airport_id) - 2); # strip parentheses
var apply = func {
setprop("/sim/presets/airport-id", airport_id);
setprop("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", -9999);
setprop("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", -9999);
setprop("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", -9999);
setprop("/sim/presets/airspeed-kt", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/offset-azimuth-deg", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", 0);
setprop("/sim/presets/heading-deg", 9999.0);
if (mode["bestrunway"].getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", "");
setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", "");
setprop("/sim/presets/runway-requested", 0);
} else if (mode["runway"].getBoolValue()) {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/rwy"));
setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", "");
setprop("/sim/presets/runway-requested", 1);
} else {
setprop("/sim/presets/runway", "");
setprop("/sim/presets/parkpos", getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos"));
canvas.register_callback(update_info); # FIXME: this is a workaround to run dialog-specific code in the canvas block
fgcommand("clear-metar", var n ={ "path": "/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/metar",
"station": airport_id}));
#map.cleanup_listeners(); #TODO: We should be setting a signal when closing the dialog, so that cleanup code can be invoked automatically
foreach (var l; listeners)
setsize(listeners, 0);
var apt_type = "airport:";
var heli_type = "heliport:";
var search_term = getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list");
# strip off airport type prefix
if (string.match(search_term,heli_type)) {
search_term = string.substr(search_term,size(heli_type));
else if (string.match(search_term,apt_type)) {
search_term = string.substr(search_term,size(apt_type));
var new_value = "";
# add new airport type prefix based off helipad checkbox
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads")) {
new_value = heli_type ~ search_term;
else {
new_value = apt_type ~ search_term;
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/list", new_value);
# change airport type to heliport if checkbox is set
var apt_type = "airport";
if (getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/show-helipads")) {
apt_type = "heliport";
var airports = findAirportsWithinRange(100,apt_type);
var list = dlg.getNode("close-airports", 1);
forindex (var idx; airports) {
list.getNode("value["~ idx ~ "]", 1).setValue(airports[idx].name ~ " (" ~ airports[idx].id ~ ")");
<label>Aircraft Position</label>
<label>Best runway</label>
<label>(based on wind)</label>
var pos = getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/parkpos");
contains(avail_parking, pos) == 0);
<label>Parking position not found</label>
<legend>Airfield Information</legend>
<legend>Airfield Chart</legend>
<label>Airfield Chart</label>
var myCanvas = canvas.get( cmdarg() );
var mapGrp = myCanvas.createGroup();
var AirportChart = mapGrp.createChild("map");
# Initialize the controller:
AirportChart.setController("Static position", "main");
var controller = AirportChart.getController();
# Initialize a range and screen resolution. Setting a range
# to 4nm means we pick up a good set of surrounding fixes
# We will use the screen range for zooming. If we use range
# then as we zoom in the airport center goes out of range
# and all the runways disappear.
var range_step = 1.5;
# Center the map's origin: FIXME: move to api.nas, i.e. allow maps to have a size/view that differs from the actual canvas ??
# Styling: This is a bit crude at the moment, i.e. no dedicated APIs yet - but it's
# just there to prototype things for now
var Styles = {};
Styles.get = func(type) return Styles[type];
var Options = {};
Options.get = func(type) return Options[type];
## set up a few keys supported by the DME.symbol file to customize appearance:
Styles.DME = {};
Styles.DME.debug = 1; # HACK for benchmarking/debugging purposes
Styles.DME.animation_test = 0; # for prototyping animated symbols
Styles.DME.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
Styles.DME.line_width = 3.0;
Styles.DME.color_tuned = [0,1,0]; #rgb
Styles.DME.color_default = [1,1,0]; #rgb
Styles.APT = {};
Styles.APT.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
Styles.APT.line_width = 3.0;
Styles.APT.color_default = [0,0.6,0.85]; #rgb
Styles.APT.label_font_color = Styles.APT.color_default;
Styles.PARKING = {};
Styles.PARKING.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40% (applied to whole group)
Styles.PARKING.line_width = 3.0;
Styles.PARKING.color_default = [0,0.85,0.6]; #rgb
Styles.PARKING.label_font_color = Styles.APT.color_default;
Styles.FLT = {};
Styles.FLT.line_width = 3;
Styles.FIX = {};
Styles.FIX.color = [1,0,0];
Styles.FIX.scale_factor = 0.4; # 40%
Styles.VOR = {};
Styles.VOR.range_line_width = 2;
Styles.VOR.radial_line_width = 1;
Styles.VOR.scale_factor = 0.6; # 60%
var ToggleLayerVisible = func(name) {
(var l = AirportChart.getLayer(name)).setVisible(l.getVisible());
var SetLayerVisible = func(name,n=1) {
Styles.APS = {};
Styles.APS.scale_factor = 0.25;
var r = func(name,vis=1,zindex=nil) return caller(0)[0];
# TODO: we'll need some z-indexing here, right now it's in the layer order
foreach(var type; [r('TAXI',1,0),r('RWY',1,1),r('TWR',1,2),r('DME',0,3),r('VOR',0,4),r('NDB',0,5),r('FIX',0,6),r('PARKING',0,7)] ) {
AirportChart.addLayer(factory: canvas.SymbolLayer, type_arg:,
visible: type.vis, priority: 4,
style: Styles.get(,
options: Options.get( );
(func {
# Notify MapStructure about layer visibility changes:
var name =;
props.globals.initNode("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-"~name, type.vis, "BOOL");
func(n) SetLayerVisible(name,n.getValue()))
# Add some event listeners to handle mouse interactions
myCanvas.addEventListener("drag", func(e)
(func {
controller.applyOffset(-e.deltaX, -e.deltaY); })();
myCanvas.addEventListener("click", func(e)
(func {
controller.applyOffset(e.localX - myCanvas.get("view[0]")/2,
e.localY - myCanvas.get("view[1]")/2); })();
myCanvas.addEventListener("wheel", func(e)
var range = AirportChart.getScreenRange();
if (e.deltaY >0) {
if (range < 10000)
} else {
if (range > 100)
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/zoom-range", AirportChart.getScreenRange());
if ((getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lat") != nil) and
(getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/selected-airport/lon") != nil) )
# If we've got some values from a previous instantiation of the dialog
# then use them to display the correct position, consistent with the
# rest of the dialog.
<label>Nav data</label>
var visible = ! getprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-DME");
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-DME", visible);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-VOR", visible);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-NDB", visible);
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/map-canvas/draw-FIX", visible);
var range = AirportChart.getScreenRange();
if (range < 10000)
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/zoom-range", AirportChart.getScreenRange());
<format>Zoom %d</format>
var range = AirportChart.getScreenRange();
if (range > 100)
setprop("/sim/gui/dialogs/airports/zoom-range", AirportChart.getScreenRange());
<!-- airport info -->
<!-- airport info table -->
<label>Airfield Information</label>
<label>Athens Intl Airport Elefterios Venizel</label>
<!-- The above airport is the longest name in Airports/apt.dat.gz as of 3 November 2012 -->
<label>Lat / Lon:</label>
<format>%.0f ft</format>
<label>Longest runway:</label>
<format>%.0f ft</format>
<format>%.1f nm</format>
<format>%.0f deg</format>
<!-- comms frequencies table -->
<label>Communications Frequencies</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
<label>ACTIVATE LIGHTS</label>
<label>123.456 123.456</label>
</group> <!-- of comm frequencies table -->
<!-- runways table -->
</group> <!-- of runways table -->
</group> <!-- of airport info outer table -->
<!-- End of RH Pane -->
<legend>Go To Airport</legend>