Here're a couple of updates. Well, one's an update - the tsr2 and this now has reasonable wing and hstab values. The roll rate was very high and I figured that as it was going to be a hack anyway, due to the all moving tailplanes, I just made them very ineffective and linked them top the tailplanes in the model file. I think I may have over factored them a bit too much but it's interesting watch them in chase view. If the autopilot roll-out-deg is dropped to about two it'll start oscillating, and from behind it looks like it's paddling:)
133 lines
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133 lines
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Executable file
<!-- TSR2 yasim config. This is a hack and not an authentic
representation of the aircraft. Having said that, the
numbers, where I could find them, roughly match those of
the original aircraft. Lee Elliott.
The ailerons are a hack on this fdm - the real aircraft
use all moving tail planes for roll and this model had a
very high roll rate so they've been made relatively
ineffective and in the model/anim file the aileron surface
positions actually operate on the tailplanes.
<airplane mass="54750">
<!-- Approach configuration -->
<approach speed="130" aoa="10.0">
<control-setting axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.2"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="0.2"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/flaps" value="1.0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/spoiler" value="0.2"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/gear-down" value="1"/>
<!-- Cruise configuration -->
<!-- <cruise speed="500" alt="35000"> -->
<cruise speed="850" alt="35000"> -->
<control-setting axis="/controls/throttle[0]" value="0.95"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/throttle[1]" value="0.95"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/flaps" value="0.0"/>
<control-setting axis="/controls/gear-down" value="0"/>
<cockpit x="8.5" y="0.0" z="1.0"/>
<fuselage ax="13.0" ay="0" az="0" bx="-14.13" by="0" bz=".64"
width="2.0" taper="0.5" midpoint="0.3"/>
<wing x="-3.0" y="1.5" z="1.7" taper="0.25"
length="5.0" chord="6.0" sweep="50" dihedral="-1.0" camber="0.003">
<stall aoa="35.0" width="3" peak="1.3"/>
<flap0 start="0.0" end="0.9" lift="1.4" drag="1.2"/>
<flap1 start="0.0" end="0.4" lift="1.05" drag="1.2"/>
<spoiler start="0.54" end="0.86" lift="0.0" drag="20.0"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/flaps" control="FLAP0"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/aileron" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/aileron-trim" control="FLAP1" split="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/spoilers" control="SPOILER"/>
<control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm"/>
<control-output control="FLAP1" side="left"
<control-output control="FLAP1" side="right"
<control-output control="SPOILER" side="left"
<control-output control="SPOILER" side="right"
<control-speed control="FLAP0" transition-time="5"/>
<control-speed control="SPOILER" transition-time="0.5"/>
<hstab x="-10.0" y="1.0" z="0.5" taper=".2" effectiveness="2.0"
length="3.0" chord="4.0" sweep="55" dihedral="0.0">
<stall aoa="35.0" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
<flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.26" drag="1.3"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/elevator" control="FLAP0"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/elevator-trim" control="FLAP0"/>
<control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm"/>
<vstab x="-10.0" y="0" z="1.38" taper=".176" effectiveness="1.0"
length="4.5" chord="4.0" sweep="50">
<stall aoa="28.0" width="3" peak="1.5"/>
<flap0 start="0" end="1" lift="1.15" drag="1.3"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/rudder" control="FLAP0" invert="true"/>
<control-output control="FLAP0" prop="/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm"/>
<!-- nose -->
<gear x="3.0" y="0" z="-2.0" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
<control-input axis="/controls/rudder" control="STEER" square="true"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear/position-norm"/>
<!-- left main -->
<gear x="-4.0" y="1.19" z="-2.0" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
<control-input axis="/controls/brakes[0]" control="BRAKE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[0]/position-norm"/>
<!-- right main -->
<gear x="-4.0" y="-1.19" z="-2.0" retract-time="7" compression="0.8">
<control-input axis="/controls/brakes[1]" control="BRAKE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/gear-down" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="7"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/gear/gear[1]/position-norm"/>
<!-- Canopy -->
<gear x="3.0" y="0.0" z="0.6" retract-time="7" compression="0.6">
<control-input axis="/controls/parking-brake" control="EXTEND"/>
<control-speed control="EXTEND" transition-time="10"/>
<control-output control="EXTEND" prop="/canopy/position-norm"/>
<jet x="-8.0" y="-1.0" z=".44" mass="4000" thrust="16600" afterburner="30600">
<!-- <jet x="-22.0" y="-1.0" z=".44" mass="4000" thrust="30600"> -->
<control-input axis="/controls/throttle[0]" control="THROTTLE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/afterburner[0]" control="REHEAT"/>
<jet x="-8.0" y="1.0" z=".44" mass="4000" thrust="16600" afterburner="30600">
<!-- <jet x="-22.0" y="1.0" z=".44" mass="4000" thrust="30600"> -->
<control-input axis="/controls/throttle[1]" control="THROTTLE"/>
<control-input axis="/controls/afterburner[1]" control="REHEAT"/>
<tank x="-2.0" y="0.0" z="1.0" jet="true" capacity="13000"/>
<tank x="-3.0" y="2.5" z="1.7" jet="true" capacity="11000"/>
<tank x="-3.0" y="-2.5" z="1.7" jet="true" capacity="11000"/>
<ballast x="8.5" y="0" z="0" mass="3000"/> <!-- Cockpit -->
<ballast x="4.0" y="0" z="0" mass="3000"/> <!-- avionics -->
<ballast x="-6.0" y="0" z="0" mass="100"/> <!-- Trim ballast -->