Fork 0
Fernando García Liñán c4d19877cf HDR: Significant update
- New atmosphering rendering technique based on my own work.
- Attempt to fix some remaining transparency issues.
- Use a luminance histogram for auto exposure.
- Add support for clustered shading.
- Add WS 2.0 shaders.
- Add 3D cloud shaders.
- Add orthoscenery support.
2023-04-06 00:18:29 +02:00

86 lines
3 KiB

#version 330 core
out vec4 fragColor;
in vec3 v_ray_dir;
in vec3 v_ray_dir_view;
uniform bool sun_disk;
uniform sampler2D sky_view_lut;
uniform sampler2D transmittance_lut;
uniform vec3 fg_SunDirection;
uniform float fg_CameraDistanceToEarthCenter;
uniform float fg_EarthRadius;
uniform vec3 fg_CameraViewUp;
const float PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
const float ATMOSPHERE_RADIUS = 6471e3;
const float sun_solid_angle = radians(0.545); // ~half a degree
const float sun_cos_solid_angle = cos(sun_solid_angle);
// Limb darkening constants, sampled for
// 630, 560, 490, 430 nanometers
const vec4 u = vec4(1.0);
const vec4 alpha = vec4(0.429, 0.502, 0.575, 0.643);
//-- BEGIN spectral include
// Extraterrestial Solar Irradiance Spectra, units W * m^-2 * nm^-1
// https://www.nrel.gov/grid/solar-resource/spectra.html
const vec4 sun_spectral_irradiance = vec4(1.679, 1.828, 1.986, 1.307);
const mat4x3 M = mat4x3(
137.672389239975, -8.632904716299537, -1.7181567391931372,
32.549094028629234, 91.29801417199785, -12.005406444382531,
-38.91428392614275, 34.31665471469816, 29.89044807197628,
8.572844237945445, -11.103384660054624, 117.47585277566478);
vec3 linear_srgb_from_spectral_samples(vec4 L)
return M * L;
//-- END spectral include
void main()
vec3 ray_dir = normalize(v_ray_dir);
float azimuth = atan(ray_dir.y, ray_dir.x) / PI * 0.5 + 0.5;
// Undo the non-linear transformation from the sky-view LUT
float l = asin(ray_dir.z);
float elev = sqrt(abs(l) / (PI * 0.5)) * sign(l) * 0.5 + 0.5;
vec4 sky_radiance = texture(sky_view_lut, vec2(azimuth, elev));
// When computing the sky texture we assumed an unitary light source.
// Now multiply by the sun irradiance.
sky_radiance *= sun_spectral_irradiance;
if (sun_disk) {
// Render the Sun disk
vec3 ray_dir_view = normalize(v_ray_dir_view);
float cos_theta = dot(ray_dir_view, fg_SunDirection);
if (cos_theta >= sun_cos_solid_angle) {
float normalized_altitude =
(fg_CameraDistanceToEarthCenter - fg_EarthRadius)
/ (ATMOSPHERE_RADIUS - fg_EarthRadius);
float sun_zenith_cos_theta = dot(-ray_dir_view, fg_CameraViewUp);
vec2 uv = vec2(sun_zenith_cos_theta * 0.5 + 0.5,
clamp(normalized_altitude, 0.0, 1.0));
vec4 transmittance = texture(transmittance_lut, uv);
// Limb darkening
// http://www.physics.hmc.edu/faculty/esin/a101/limbdarkening.pdf
float center_to_edge = 1.0 - (cos_theta - sun_cos_solid_angle)
/ (1.0 - sun_cos_solid_angle);
float mu = sqrt(max(1.0 - center_to_edge*center_to_edge, 0.0));
vec4 factor = vec4(1.0) - u * (vec4(1.0) - pow(vec4(mu), alpha));
vec4 sun_radiance = sun_spectral_irradiance * transmittance * factor;
sky_radiance += sun_radiance;
vec3 sky_color = linear_srgb_from_spectral_samples(sky_radiance);
fragColor = vec4(sky_color, 1.0);