- get rid of global variables and use instance variables - identified all important drawing routines and move them into *.draw files - changed to dynamic loading of *.draw *.model and *.layer files - implemented poor-man's controller hash to move use-case specific conditionals out of the draw files, and back into the instantiation, i.e. Gijs' EFIS class - started identifying stuff that is not specific to drawing, but to what is to be drawn, i.e. Model stuff - such as positioned queries, moved those out into *.model files - some more work on supporting more than a single ND MFD instance per aircraft - renamed a handful of SVG identifiers to avoid naming conflicts and to simplify usage of SVG IDs as member fields - moved all of the setlistener setup out of the fdm-initialized stub right into the ctor of the Efis class (actually that's controller stuff...) - initial MapStructure framework - aircraft-agnostic NavDisplay class - preparations for deprecating map.nas - additions to canvas.map - preparations for making NDStyles configurable via XML
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34 lines
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# Draw a waypoint symbol and waypoint name (Gijs' 744 ND.nas code)
var drawwp = func (group, lat, lon, name, i, wp) {
var wp_group = group.createChild("group","wp");
wp[i] = wp_group.createChild("path", "wp-" ~ i)
# The commented code leads to a segfault when a route is replaced by a new one
# text_wp[i] = wp_group.createChild("text", "wp-text-" ~ i)
var text_wps = wp_group.createChild("text", "wp-text-" ~ i)
.setDrawMode( canvas.Text.TEXT )
wp_group.setGeoPosition(lat, lon)